@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ let
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.openssl ];
in import ./make-test.nix {
in import ./make-test-python.nix {
name = "dhparams";
nodes.generation1 = { pkgs, config, ... }: {
@ -66,79 +66,77 @@ in import ./make-test.nix {
node = "generation${toString gen}";
in nodes.${node}${name}.path;
assertParamBits = gen: name: bits: let
path = getParamPath gen name;
in ''
$machine->nest('check bit size of ${path}', sub {
my $out = $machine->succeed('openssl dhparam -in ${path} -text');
$out =~ /^\s*DH Parameters:\s+\((\d+)\s+bit\)\s*$/m;
die "bit size should be ${toString bits} but it is $1 instead."
if $1 != ${toString bits};
switchToGeneration = gen: let
node = "generation${toString gen}";
inherit (nodes.${node} toplevel;
switchCmd = "${toplevel}/bin/switch-to-configuration test";
in ''
$machine->nest('switch to generation ${toString gen}', sub {
$main::machine = ''$${node};
with machine.nested("switch to generation ${toString gen}"):
machine = ${node}
in ''
my $machine = $generation1;
import re
subtest "verify startup order", sub {
$machine->succeed('systemctl is-active foo.service');
def assert_param_bits(path, bits):
with machine.nested(f"check bit size of {path}"):
output = machine.succeed(f"openssl dhparam -in {path} -text")
pattern = re.compile(r"^\s*DH Parameters:\s+\((\d+)\s+bit\)\s*$", re.M)
match = pattern.match(output)
if match is None:
raise Exception("bla")
if match[1] != str(bits):
raise Exception(f"bit size should be {bits} but it is {match[1]} instead.")
subtest "check bit sizes of dhparam files", sub {
${assertParamBits 1 "foo" 16}
${assertParamBits 1 "bar" 17}
machine = generation1
with subtest("verify startup order"):
machine.succeed("systemctl is-active foo.service")
with subtest("check bit sizes of dhparam files"):
assert_param_bits("${getParamPath 1 "foo"}", 16)
assert_param_bits("${getParamPath 1 "bar"}", 17)
${switchToGeneration 2}
subtest "check whether bit size has changed", sub {
${assertParamBits 2 "foo" 18}
with subtest("check whether bit size has changed"):
assert_param_bits("${getParamPath 2 "foo"}", 18)
subtest "ensure that dhparams file for 'bar' was deleted", sub {
$machine->fail('test -e ${getParamPath 1 "bar"}');
with subtest("ensure that dhparams file for 'bar' was deleted"):
||||"test -e ${getParamPath 1 "bar"}")
${switchToGeneration 3}
subtest "ensure that 'security.dhparams.path' has been deleted", sub {
'test -e ${}'
with subtest("ensure that 'security.dhparams.path' has been deleted"):
||||"test -e ${}")
${switchToGeneration 4}
subtest "check bit sizes dhparam files", sub {
${assertParamBits 4 "foo2" 18}
${assertParamBits 4 "bar2" 19}
with subtest("check bit sizes dhparam files"):
"${getParamPath 4 "foo2"}", 18
"${getParamPath 4 "bar2"}", 19
subtest "check whether dhparam files are in the Nix store", sub {
'expr match ${getParamPath 4 "foo2"} ${builtins.storeDir}',
'expr match ${getParamPath 4 "bar2"} ${builtins.storeDir}',
with subtest("check whether dhparam files are in the Nix store"):
"expr match ${getParamPath 4 "foo2"} ${builtins.storeDir}",
"expr match ${getParamPath 4 "bar2"} ${builtins.storeDir}",
${switchToGeneration 5}
subtest "check whether defaultBitSize works as intended", sub {
${assertParamBits 5 "foo3" 30}
${assertParamBits 5 "bar3" 30}
with subtest("check whether defaultBitSize works as intended"):
assert_param_bits("${getParamPath 5 "foo3"}", 30)
assert_param_bits("${getParamPath 5 "bar3"}", 30)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# this test creates a simple GNU image with docker tools and sees if it executes
import ./make-test.nix ({ pkgs, ... }:
import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ... }:
name = "docker-tools-overlay";
meta = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; {
@ -16,17 +16,18 @@ import ./make-test.nix ({ pkgs, ... }:
testScript =
testScript = ''
$docker->succeed("docker load --input='${pkgs.dockerTools.examples.bash}'");
$docker->succeed("docker run --rm ${pkgs.dockerTools.examples.bash.imageName} bash --version");
"docker load --input='${pkgs.dockerTools.examples.bash}'",
"docker run --rm ${pkgs.dockerTools.examples.bash.imageName} bash --version",
# Check if the nix store has correct user permissions depending on what
# storage driver is used, incorrectly built images can show up as readonly.
# drw------- 3 0 0 3 Apr 14 11:36 /nix
# drw------- 99 0 0 100 Apr 14 11:36 /nix/store
$docker->succeed("docker run --rm -u 1000:1000 ${pkgs.dockerTools.examples.bash.imageName} bash --version");
docker.succeed("docker run --rm -u 1000:1000 ${pkgs.dockerTools.examples.bash.imageName} bash --version")
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import ./make-test.nix ({ ... }:
import ./make-test-python.nix ({ ... }:
name = "ecryptfs";
@ -10,75 +10,76 @@ import ./make-test.nix ({ ... }:
testScript = ''
def login_as_alice():
machine.wait_until_tty_matches(1, "login: ")
machine.wait_until_tty_matches(1, "Password: ")
machine.wait_until_tty_matches(1, "alice\@machine")
# Set alice up with a password and a home
$machine->succeed("(echo foobar; echo foobar) | passwd alice");
$machine->succeed("chown -R alice.users ~alice");
# Migrate alice's home
my $out = $machine->succeed("echo foobar | ecryptfs-migrate-home -u alice");
$machine->log("ecryptfs-migrate-home said: $out");
def logout():
machine.wait_until_tty_matches(1, "login: ")
# Log alice in (ecryptfs passwhrase is wrapped during first login)
$machine->waitUntilTTYMatches(1, "login: ");
$machine->waitUntilTTYMatches(1, "Password: ");
$machine->waitUntilTTYMatches(1, "alice\@machine");
$machine->waitUntilTTYMatches(1, "login: ");
with subtest("Set alice up with a password and a home"):
machine.succeed("(echo foobar; echo foobar) | passwd alice")
machine.succeed("chown -R alice.users ~alice")
with subtest("Migrate alice's home"):
out = machine.succeed("echo foobar | ecryptfs-migrate-home -u alice")
machine.log(f"ecryptfs-migrate-home said: {out}")
with subtest("Log alice in (ecryptfs passwhrase is wrapped during first login)"):
machine.wait_until_tty_matches(1, "login: ")
# Why do I need to do this??
$machine->succeed("su alice -c ecryptfs-umount-private || true");
$machine->fail("mount | grep ecryptfs"); # check that encrypted home is not mounted
machine.succeed("su alice -c ecryptfs-umount-private || true")
# Show contents of the user keyring
my $out = $machine->succeed("su - alice -c 'keyctl list \@u'");
$machine->log("keyctl unlink said: " . $out);
with subtest("check that encrypted home is not mounted"):
||||"mount | grep ecryptfs")
# Log alice again
$machine->waitUntilTTYMatches(1, "login: ");
$machine->waitUntilTTYMatches(1, "Password: ");
$machine->waitUntilTTYMatches(1, "alice\@machine");
with subtest("Show contents of the user keyring"):
out = machine.succeed("su - alice -c 'keyctl list \@u'")
machine.log(f"keyctl unlink said: {out}")
# Create some files in encrypted home
$machine->succeed("su alice -c 'touch ~alice/a'");
$machine->succeed("su alice -c 'echo c > ~alice/b'");
with subtest("Log alice again"):
# Logout
$machine->waitUntilTTYMatches(1, "login: ");
with subtest("Create some files in encrypted home"):
machine.succeed("su alice -c 'touch ~alice/a'")
machine.succeed("su alice -c 'echo c > ~alice/b'")
with subtest("Logout"):
# Why do I need to do this??
$machine->succeed("su alice -c ecryptfs-umount-private || true");
machine.succeed("su alice -c ecryptfs-umount-private || true")
# Check that the filesystem is not accessible
$machine->fail("mount | grep ecryptfs");
$machine->succeed("su alice -c 'test \! -f ~alice/a'");
$machine->succeed("su alice -c 'test \! -f ~alice/b'");
with subtest("Check that the filesystem is not accessible"):
||||"mount | grep ecryptfs")
machine.succeed("su alice -c 'test \! -f ~alice/a'")
machine.succeed("su alice -c 'test \! -f ~alice/b'")
# Log alice once more
$machine->waitUntilTTYMatches(1, "login: ");
$machine->waitUntilTTYMatches(1, "Password: ");
$machine->waitUntilTTYMatches(1, "alice\@machine");
with subtest("Log alice once more"):
# Check that the files are there
$machine->succeed("su alice -c 'test -f ~alice/a'");
$machine->succeed("su alice -c 'test -f ~alice/b'");
$machine->succeed(qq%test "\$(cat ~alice/b)" = "c"%);
with subtest("Check that the files are there"):
machine.succeed("su alice -c 'test -f ~alice/a'")
machine.succeed("su alice -c 'test -f ~alice/b'")
machine.succeed('test "$(cat ~alice/b)" = "c"')
# Catch
$machine->succeed("su alice -c 'ls -lh ~alice/'");
with subtest("Catch"):
machine.succeed("su alice -c 'ls -lh ~alice/'")
$machine->waitUntilTTYMatches(1, "login: ");
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import ./make-test.nix ({ pkgs, ...} : {
import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ...} : {
name = "environment";
meta = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; {
maintainers = [ nequissimus ];
@ -20,16 +20,17 @@ import ./make-test.nix ({ pkgs, ...} : {
testScript =
$machine->succeed('[ -L "/etc/plainFile" ]');
$machine->succeed('cat "/etc/plainFile" | grep "Hello World"');
$machine->succeed('[ -d "/etc/folder" ]');
$machine->succeed('[ -d "/etc/folder/with" ]');
$machine->succeed('[ -L "/etc/folder/with/file" ]');
$machine->succeed('cat "/etc/plainFile" | grep "Hello World"');
testScript = ''
machine.succeed('[ -L "/etc/plainFile" ]')
assert "Hello World" in machine.succeed('cat "/etc/plainFile"')
machine.succeed('[ -d "/etc/folder" ]')
machine.succeed('[ -d "/etc/folder/with" ]')
machine.succeed('[ -L "/etc/folder/with/file" ]')
assert "Hello World" in machine.succeed('cat "/etc/plainFile"')
$machine->succeed('echo ''${TERMINFO_DIRS} | grep "/run/current-system/sw/share/terminfo"');
$machine->succeed('echo ''${NIXCON} | grep "awesome"');
assert "/run/current-system/sw/share/terminfo" in machine.succeed(
"echo ''${TERMINFO_DIRS}"
assert "awesome" in machine.succeed("echo ''${NIXCON}")
Reference in New Issue