moved all the haskell packages within it's own file to keep all-packages smaller (suggested by niksnut)
svn path=/nixpkgs/trunk/; revision=11050
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
# contains libraries and maybe applications in the future. That's why I'm putting it into misc. Feel free to move it somewhere else
args : ghc: with args;
rec {
# name (using lowercase letters everywhere because using installing packages having different capitalization is discouraged) - this way there is not that much to remember?
cabal_darcs_name = "cabal-darcs";
# introducing p here to speed things up.
# It merges derivations (defined below) and additional inputs. I hope that using as few nix functions as possible results in greates speed?
# unfortunately with x; won't work because it forces nix to evaluate all attributes of x which would lead to infinite recursion
pkgs = let x = ghc.core_libs // derivations;
inherit (bleedingEdgeRepos) sourceByName;
in {
# ghc extra packages
mtl = { name="mtl-"; srcDir="libraries/mtl"; p_deps=[ x.base ]; src = ghc.extra_src; };
parsec = { name="parsec-"; srcDir="libraries/parsec"; p_deps=[ x.base ]; src = ghc.extra_src; };
network = { name="network-"; srcDir="libraries/network"; p_deps=[ x.base x.parsec x.haskell98 ]; src = ghc.extra_src; };
regex_base = { name="regex-base-"; srcDir="libraries/regex-base"; p_deps=[ x.base x.array x.bytestring x.haskell98 ]; src = ghc.extra_src; };
regex_posix = { name="regex-posix-"; srcDir="libraries/regex-posix"; p_deps=[ x.regex_base x.haskell98 ]; src = ghc.extra_src; };
regex_compat = { name="regex-compat-"; srcDir="libraries/regex-compat"; p_deps=[ x.base x.regex_posix x.regex_base x.haskell98 ]; src = ghc.extra_src; };
stm = { name="stm-"; srcDir="libraries/stm"; p_deps=[ x.base x.array ]; src = ghc.extra_src; };
hunit = { name="HUnit-"; srcDir="libraries/HUnit"; p_deps=[ x.base ]; src = ghc.extra_src; };
quickcheck = { name="QuickCheck-"; srcDir="libraries/QuickCheck"; p_deps=[x.base x.random]; src = ghc.extra_src; };
# other pacakges (hackage etc)
binary = rec { name = "binary-0.4.1"; p_deps = [ x.base x.bytestring x.containers x.array ];
src = fetchurl { url = "";
sha256 = "0jg5i1k5fz0xp1piaaf5bzhagqvfl3i73hlpdmgs4gc40r1q4x5v"; };
# using different name to not clash with postgresql
postgresql_bindings = rec { name = "PostgreSQL-0.2"; p_deps = [x.base x.mtl postgresql x.haskell98];
src = fetchurl { url = "";
sha256 = "0p5q3yc8ymgzzlc600h4mb9w86ncrgjdbpqfi49b2jqvkcx5bwrr"; };
pass = {
inherit postgresql;
patchPhase = "echo 'extensions: MultiParamTypeClasses ForeignFunctionInterface EmptyDataDecls GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving FlexibleInstances UndecidableInstances' >> PostgreSQL.cabal
echo \"extra-lib-dirs: \$postgresql/lib\" >> PostgreSQL.cabal
echo \"extra-libraries: pq\" >> PostgreSQL.cabal
#wash = rec { name = "WashNGo-2.12"; p_deps = [x.base x.mtl x.haskell98 ];
# src = fetchurl { url = "";
# sha256 = "1dyc2062jpl3xdlm0n7xkz620h060g2i5ghnb32cn95brcj9fgrz"; };
# patches = ../misc/WASHNGo_Patch_ghc682;
# };
#hsql = rec { name = "hsql-1.7"; p_deps = [x.base x.mtl x.haskell98 x.old_time ];
# src = fetchurl { url = "";
# sha256 = "0j2lkvg5c0x5gf2sy7zmmgrda0c3l73i9d6hyka2f15d5n1rfjc9"; };
# patchPhase = "echo \"extra-lib-dirs: \$postgresql/lib\" >> *.cabal
# echo 'build-depends: old-locale, old-time' >> *.cabal";
# };
# 1.13 is stable. There are more recent non stable versions
haxml = rec { name = "HaXml-1.13.3"; p_deps = [ x.base x.rts x.process x.pretty x.containers x.filepath x.haskell98 ];
src = fetchurl { url = "${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "08d9wy0rg9m66dd10x0zvkl74l25vxdakz7xp3j88s2gd31jp1v0"; };
xhtml = rec { name = "xhtml-3000.0.2.2"; p_deps = [ x.base ];
src = fetchurl { url = "";
sha256 = "112mbq26ksh7r22y09h0xvm347kba3p4ns12vj5498fqqj333878"; };
html = rec { name = "html-"; p_deps = [ x.base ];
src = fetchurl { url = "";
sha256 = "10fayfm18p83zlkr9ikxlqgnzxg1ckdqaqvz6wp1xj95fy3p6yl1"; };
crypto = rec { name = "crypto-4.1.0"; p_deps = [ x.base x.array x.pretty x.quickcheck x.random x.hunit ];
src = fetchurl { url = "";
sha256 = "13rbpbn6p1da6qa9m6f7dmkzdkmpnx6jiyyndzaz99nzqlrwi109"; };
hslogger = rec { name = "hslogger-1.0.4"; p_deps = [ x.containers x.mtl x.process];
src = fetchurl { url = "";
sha256 = "0kmz8xs1q41rg2xwk22fadyhxdg5mizhw0r4d74y43akkjwj96ar"; };
parsep = { name = "parsep-0.1"; p_deps = [ x.base x.mtl x.bytestring ];
src = fetchurl { url = "";
sha256 = "1y5pbs5mzaa21127cixsamahlbvmqzyhzpwh6x0nznsgmg2dpc9q"; };
pass = { patchPhase = "pwd; sed -i 's/fps/bytestring/' *.cabal"; };
time = { name = "time-"; p_deps = [ x.base x.old_locale ];
src = fetchurl { url = "";
sha256 = "0zm4qqczwbqzy2pk7wz5p1virgylwyzd9zxp0406s5zvp35gvl89"; };
# HAPPS - Libraries
http_darcs = { name="http-darcs"; p_deps = [ x.parsec];
src = sourceByName "http";
#src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "4475f858cf94f4551b77963d08d7257c"; };
syb_with_class_darcs = { name="syb-with-class-darcs"; p_deps = [x.template_haskell x.bytestring ];
src =
# fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "b42336907f7bfef8bea73bc36282d6ac"; };
sourceByName "syb_with_class"; # { url = ""; md5 = "b42336907f7bfef8bea73bc36282d6ac"; };
happs_data_darcs = { name="HAppS-Data-darcs"; p_deps=[ x.base x.mtl x.template_haskell x.syb_with_class_darcs x.haxml x.happs_util_darcs x.regex_compat x.bytestring x.pretty x.binary ];
src = sourceByName "happs_data"; # fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "10c505dd687e9dc999cb187090af9ba7"; };
happs_util_darcs = { name="HAppS-Util-darcs"; p_deps=[ x.base x.mtl x.hslogger x.template_haskell x.array x.bytestring x.old_time x.process ];
src = sourceByName "happs_util"; # fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "693cb79017e522031c307ee5e59fc250"; };
happs_state_darcs = { name="HAppS-State-darcs"; p_deps=[ x.base x.haxml
x.mtl x.stm x.template_haskell x.hslogger
x.happs_util_darcs x.happs_data_darcs x.bytestring x.containers
x.random x.old_time x.old_locale x.unix x.binary ];
src = sourceByName "happs_state";
#src = fetchdarcs { url = "";
# md5 = "956e5c293b60f4a98148fedc5fa38acc";
# };
# there is no .cabal yet
#happs_smtp_darcs = { name="HAppS-smtp-darcs"; p_deps=[];
#src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "5316917e271ea1ed8ad261080bcb47db"; };
happs_ixset_darcs = { name="HAppS-IxSet-darcs"; p_deps=[ x.base x.mtl
x.hslogger x.happs_util_darcs x.happs_state_darcs x.happs_data_darcs
x.template_haskell x.syb_with_class_darcs x.containers ];
src = sourceByName "happs_ixset";
#src = fetchdarcs { url = "";
#md5 = "fa6b24517f09aa16e972f087430967fd";
#tag = "0.9.2";
# no tag
#md5 = "fa6b24517f09aa16e972f087430967fd";
happs_server_darcs = { name="HAppS-Server-darcs"; p_deps=[x.haxml x.parsec x.mtl
| x.regex_compat x.hslogger x.happs_data_darcs
x.happs_util_darcs x.happs_state_darcs x.happs_ixset_darcs x.http_darcs
x.template_haskell x.xhtml x.html x.bytestring x.random
x.containers x.old_time x.old_locale x.unix];
#src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "e1bb17eb30a39d30b8c34dffbf80edc2"; };
src = sourceByName "happs_server";
# we need recent version of cabal (because only this supports --pkg-config properly) Thu Feb 7 14:54:07 CET 2008
# cabal_darcs is added to propagatedBuildInputs automatically below
cabal_darcs =
{ name=cabal_darcs_name; p_deps = with ghc.core_libs; [base rts directory process pretty containers filepath];
src = sourceByName "cabal";
#fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "8b0bc3c7f2676ce642f98b1568794cd6"; };
toDerivation = attrs : with attrs;
# result is { mtl = <deriv>;
addHasktagsTaggingInfo (ghcCabalDerivation {
inherit (attrs) name src;
propagatedBuildInputs = p_deps ++ (lib.optional ( != cabal_darcs_name) derivations.cabal_darcs );
srcDir = if attrs ? srcDir then attrs.srcDir else ".";
patches = if attrs ? patches then attrs.patches else [];
# add cabal, take deps either from this list or from ghc.core_libs
pass = if attrs ? pass then attrs.pass else {};
derivations = with lib; builtins.listToAttrs (lib.concatLists ( lib.mapRecordFlatten
( n : attrs : let d = (toDerivation attrs); in [ (nv n d) (nv d) ] ) pkgs ) );
@ -1328,168 +1328,14 @@ rec {
# this will change in the future
# this may change in the future
# TODO enhance speed ! ?
ghc68_extra_libs = (import ../misc/ghc68_extra_libs ) {
ghc68_extra_libs = ghc: rec {
# lib like stuff
# name (using lowercase letters everywhere because using installing packages having different capitalization is discouraged) - this way there is not that much to remember?
inherit bleedingEdgeRepos fetchurl lib addHasktagsTaggingInfo ghcCabalDerivation;
cabal_darcs_name = "cabal-darcs";
# used (non haskell) libraries (ffi etc)
# introducing p here to speed things up.
# It merges derivations (defined below) and additional inputs. I hope that using as few nix functions as possible results in greates speed?
# unfortunately with x; won't work because it forces nix to evaluate all attributes of x which would lead to infinite recursion
pkgs = let x = ghc.core_libs // derivations;
inherit (bleedingEdgeRepos) sourceByName;
in {
# ghc extra packages
mtl = { name="mtl-"; srcDir="libraries/mtl"; p_deps=[ x.base ]; src = ghc.extra_src; };
parsec = { name="parsec-"; srcDir="libraries/parsec"; p_deps=[ x.base ]; src = ghc.extra_src; };
network = { name="network-"; srcDir="libraries/network"; p_deps=[ x.base x.parsec x.haskell98 ]; src = ghc.extra_src; };
regex_base = { name="regex-base-"; srcDir="libraries/regex-base"; p_deps=[ x.base x.array x.bytestring x.haskell98 ]; src = ghc.extra_src; };
regex_posix = { name="regex-posix-"; srcDir="libraries/regex-posix"; p_deps=[ x.regex_base x.haskell98 ]; src = ghc.extra_src; };
regex_compat = { name="regex-compat-"; srcDir="libraries/regex-compat"; p_deps=[ x.base x.regex_posix x.regex_base x.haskell98 ]; src = ghc.extra_src; };
stm = { name="stm-"; srcDir="libraries/stm"; p_deps=[ x.base x.array ]; src = ghc.extra_src; };
hunit = { name="HUnit-"; srcDir="libraries/HUnit"; p_deps=[ x.base ]; src = ghc.extra_src; };
quickcheck = { name="QuickCheck-"; srcDir="libraries/QuickCheck"; p_deps=[x.base x.random]; src = ghc.extra_src; };
# other pacakges (hackage etc)
binary = rec { name = "binary-0.4.1"; p_deps = [ x.base x.bytestring x.containers x.array ];
src = fetchurl { url = "";
sha256 = "0jg5i1k5fz0xp1piaaf5bzhagqvfl3i73hlpdmgs4gc40r1q4x5v"; };
# using different name to not clash with postgresql
postgresql_bindings = rec { name = "PostgreSQL-0.2"; p_deps = [x.base x.mtl postgresql x.haskell98];
src = fetchurl { url = "";
sha256 = "0p5q3yc8ymgzzlc600h4mb9w86ncrgjdbpqfi49b2jqvkcx5bwrr"; };
pass = {
inherit postgresql;
inherit postgresql;
patchPhase = "echo 'extensions: MultiParamTypeClasses ForeignFunctionInterface EmptyDataDecls GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving FlexibleInstances UndecidableInstances' >> PostgreSQL.cabal
echo \"extra-lib-dirs: \$postgresql/lib\" >> PostgreSQL.cabal
echo \"extra-libraries: pq\" >> PostgreSQL.cabal
#wash = rec { name = "WashNGo-2.12"; p_deps = [x.base x.mtl x.haskell98 ];
# src = fetchurl { url = "";
# sha256 = "1dyc2062jpl3xdlm0n7xkz620h060g2i5ghnb32cn95brcj9fgrz"; };
# patches = ../misc/WASHNGo_Patch_ghc682;
# };
#hsql = rec { name = "hsql-1.7"; p_deps = [x.base x.mtl x.haskell98 x.old_time ];
# src = fetchurl { url = "";
# sha256 = "0j2lkvg5c0x5gf2sy7zmmgrda0c3l73i9d6hyka2f15d5n1rfjc9"; };
# patchPhase = "echo \"extra-lib-dirs: \$postgresql/lib\" >> *.cabal
# echo 'build-depends: old-locale, old-time' >> *.cabal";
# };
# 1.13 is stable. There are more recent non stable versions
haxml = rec { name = "HaXml-1.13.3"; p_deps = [ x.base x.rts x.process x.pretty x.containers x.filepath x.haskell98 ];
src = fetchurl { url = "${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "08d9wy0rg9m66dd10x0zvkl74l25vxdakz7xp3j88s2gd31jp1v0"; };
xhtml = rec { name = "xhtml-3000.0.2.2"; p_deps = [ x.base ];
src = fetchurl { url = "";
sha256 = "112mbq26ksh7r22y09h0xvm347kba3p4ns12vj5498fqqj333878"; };
html = rec { name = "html-"; p_deps = [ x.base ];
src = fetchurl { url = "";
sha256 = "10fayfm18p83zlkr9ikxlqgnzxg1ckdqaqvz6wp1xj95fy3p6yl1"; };
crypto = rec { name = "crypto-4.1.0"; p_deps = [ x.base x.array x.pretty x.quickcheck x.random x.hunit ];
src = fetchurl { url = "";
sha256 = "13rbpbn6p1da6qa9m6f7dmkzdkmpnx6jiyyndzaz99nzqlrwi109"; };
hslogger = rec { name = "hslogger-1.0.4"; p_deps = [ x.containers x.mtl x.process];
src = fetchurl { url = "";
sha256 = "0kmz8xs1q41rg2xwk22fadyhxdg5mizhw0r4d74y43akkjwj96ar"; };
parsep = { name = "parsep-0.1"; p_deps = [ x.base x.mtl x.bytestring ];
src = fetchurl { url = "";
sha256 = "1y5pbs5mzaa21127cixsamahlbvmqzyhzpwh6x0nznsgmg2dpc9q"; };
pass = { patchPhase = "pwd; sed -i 's/fps/bytestring/' *.cabal"; };
time = { name = "time-"; p_deps = [ x.base x.old_locale ];
src = fetchurl { url = "";
sha256 = "0zm4qqczwbqzy2pk7wz5p1virgylwyzd9zxp0406s5zvp35gvl89"; };
# HAPPS - Libraries
http_darcs = { name="http-darcs"; p_deps = [ x.parsec];
src = sourceByName "http";
#src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "4475f858cf94f4551b77963d08d7257c"; };
syb_with_class_darcs = { name="syb-with-class-darcs"; p_deps = [x.template_haskell x.bytestring ];
src =
# fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "b42336907f7bfef8bea73bc36282d6ac"; };
sourceByName "syb_with_class"; # { url = ""; md5 = "b42336907f7bfef8bea73bc36282d6ac"; };
happs_data_darcs = { name="HAppS-Data-darcs"; p_deps=[ x.base x.mtl x.template_haskell x.syb_with_class_darcs x.haxml x.happs_util_darcs x.regex_compat x.bytestring x.pretty x.binary ];
src = sourceByName "happs_data"; # fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "10c505dd687e9dc999cb187090af9ba7"; };
happs_util_darcs = { name="HAppS-Util-darcs"; p_deps=[ x.base x.mtl x.hslogger x.template_haskell x.array x.bytestring x.old_time x.process ];
src = sourceByName "happs_util"; # fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "693cb79017e522031c307ee5e59fc250"; };
happs_state_darcs = { name="HAppS-State-darcs"; p_deps=[ x.base x.haxml
x.mtl x.stm x.template_haskell x.hslogger
x.happs_util_darcs x.happs_data_darcs x.bytestring x.containers
x.random x.old_time x.old_locale x.unix x.binary ];
src = sourceByName "happs_state";
#src = fetchdarcs { url = "";
# md5 = "956e5c293b60f4a98148fedc5fa38acc";
# };
# there is no .cabal yet
#happs_smtp_darcs = { name="HAppS-smtp-darcs"; p_deps=[];
#src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "5316917e271ea1ed8ad261080bcb47db"; };
happs_ixset_darcs = { name="HAppS-IxSet-darcs"; p_deps=[ x.base x.mtl
x.hslogger x.happs_util_darcs x.happs_state_darcs x.happs_data_darcs
x.template_haskell x.syb_with_class_darcs x.containers ];
src = sourceByName "happs_ixset";
#src = fetchdarcs { url = "";
#md5 = "fa6b24517f09aa16e972f087430967fd";
#tag = "0.9.2";
# no tag
#md5 = "fa6b24517f09aa16e972f087430967fd";
happs_server_darcs = { name="HAppS-Server-darcs"; p_deps=[x.haxml x.parsec x.mtl
|||||| x.regex_compat x.hslogger x.happs_data_darcs
x.happs_util_darcs x.happs_state_darcs x.happs_ixset_darcs x.http_darcs
x.template_haskell x.xhtml x.html x.bytestring x.random
x.containers x.old_time x.old_locale x.unix];
#src = fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "e1bb17eb30a39d30b8c34dffbf80edc2"; };
src = sourceByName "happs_server";
# we need recent version of cabal (because only this supports --pkg-config properly) Thu Feb 7 14:54:07 CET 2008
# cabal_darcs is added to propagatedBuildInputs automatically below
cabal_darcs =
{ name=cabal_darcs_name; p_deps = with ghc.core_libs; [base rts directory process pretty containers filepath];
src = sourceByName "cabal";
#fetchdarcs { url = ""; md5 = "8b0bc3c7f2676ce642f98b1568794cd6"; };
toDerivation = attrs : with attrs;
# result is { mtl = <deriv>;
addHasktagsTaggingInfo (ghcCabalDerivation {
inherit (attrs) name src;
propagatedBuildInputs = p_deps ++ (lib.optional ( != cabal_darcs_name) derivations.cabal_darcs );
srcDir = if attrs ? srcDir then attrs.srcDir else ".";
patches = if attrs ? patches then attrs.patches else [];
# add cabal, take deps either from this list or from ghc.core_libs
pass = if attrs ? pass then attrs.pass else {};
derivations = with lib; builtins.listToAttrs (lib.concatLists ( lib.mapRecordFlatten
( n : attrs : let d = (toDerivation attrs); in [ (nv n d) (nv d) ] ) pkgs ) );
# the wrappers basically does one thing: It defines GHC_PACKAGE_PATH before calling ghc{i,-pkg}
# the wrappers basically does one thing: It defines GHC_PACKAGE_PATH before calling ghc{i,-pkg}
# So you can have different wrappers with different library combinations
# So you can have different wrappers with different library combinations
Reference in New Issue
Block a user