diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/perl-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/perl-packages.nix index 625aea9046e..ab01e9b1f48 100644 --- a/pkgs/top-level/perl-packages.nix +++ b/pkgs/top-level/perl-packages.nix @@ -219,6 +219,31 @@ let self = _self // overrides; _self = with self; { }; }; + AppSqitch = buildPerlModule { + name = "App-Sqitch-0.999"; + src = fetchurl { + url = mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DW/DWHEELER/App-Sqitch-0.999.tar.gz; + sha256 = "e7e02194a7b0c42fb4df046cd834d5eb99ff9a2c169f5c60a52c362e89351da6"; + }; + buildInputs = [ + CaptureTiny PathClass TestDeep TestDir TestException + TestFile TestFileContents TestMockModule TestNoWarnings + ]; + propagatedBuildInputs = [ + Clone ConfigGitLike DBI DateTime + DevelStackTrace EncodeLocale FileHomeDir HashMerge IOPager IPCRun3 + IPCSystemSimple ListMoreUtils Moo PathClass PerlIOutf8_strict StringFormatter + StringShellQuote SubExporter TemplateTiny Throwable TryTiny TypeTiny URI + URIdb libintlperl namespaceautoclean + ]; + doCheck = false; # Can't find home directory. + meta = { + homepage = http://sqitch.org/; + description = "Sane database change management"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit; + }; + }; + ArrayCompare = buildPerlPackage { name = "Array-Compare-1.18"; src = fetchurl { @@ -1559,6 +1584,20 @@ let self = _self // overrides; _self = with self; { }; }; + ConfigGitLike = buildPerlPackage { + name = "Config-GitLike-1.16"; + src = fetchurl { + url = mirror://cpan/authors/id/A/AL/ALEXMV/Config-GitLike-1.16.tar.gz; + sha256 = "48c7f7e71405219582a96e5266cbec51c0ff3ec4bf0bb6db1fd12725ee23fe8f"; + }; + buildInputs = [ TestException ]; + propagatedBuildInputs = [ Moo MooXTypesMooseLike ]; + meta = { + description = "Git-compatible config file parsing"; + license = "perl"; + }; + }; + ConfigINI = buildPerlPackage { name = "Config-INI-0.020"; src = fetchurl { @@ -3444,6 +3483,19 @@ let self = _self // overrides; _self = with self; { }; }; + ExporterTiny = buildPerlPackage { + name = "Exporter-Tiny-0.042"; + src = fetchurl { + url = mirror://cpan/authors/id/T/TO/TOBYINK/Exporter-Tiny-0.042.tar.gz; + sha256 = "8f1622c5ebbfbcd519ead81df7917e48cb16cc527b1c46737b0459c3908a023f"; + }; + meta = { + homepage = https://metacpan.org/release/Exporter-Tiny; + description = "An exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter but only core dependencies"; + license = "perl"; + }; + }; + ExtUtilsCBuilder = buildPerlPackage rec { name = "ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.280216"; src = fetchurl { @@ -3748,6 +3800,7 @@ let self = _self // overrides; _self = with self; { license = with stdenv.lib.licenses; [ artistic1 gpl1Plus ]; }; preCheck = "export HOME=$TMPDIR"; + doCheck = !stdenv.isDarwin; }; FileKeePass = buildPerlPackage rec { @@ -4773,6 +4826,18 @@ let self = _self // overrides; _self = with self; { }; }; + IPCSystemSimple = buildPerlPackage { + name = "IPC-System-Simple-1.25"; + src = fetchurl { + url = mirror://cpan/authors/id/P/PJ/PJF/IPC-System-Simple-1.25.tar.gz; + sha256 = "f1b6aa1dfab886e8e4ea825f46a1cbb26038ef3e727fef5d84444aa8035a4d3b"; + }; + meta = { + description = "Run commands simply, with detailed diagnostics"; + license = "perl"; + }; + }; + ImageExifTool = buildPerlPackage rec { name = "Image-ExifTool-9.27"; @@ -7334,6 +7399,19 @@ let self = _self // overrides; _self = with self; { }; }; + PerlIOutf8_strict = buildPerlModule { + name = "PerlIO-utf8_strict-0.005"; + src = fetchurl { + url = mirror://cpan/authors/id/L/LE/LEONT/PerlIO-utf8_strict-0.005.tar.gz; + sha256 = "8956064ac2bf1f79bac868a9db93a44aade77df4d3e8b07ce31a40f987ef2e0e"; + }; + buildInputs = [ TestException ]; + meta = { + description = "Fast and correct UTF-8 IO"; + license = "perl"; + }; + }; + PerlIOviadynamic = buildPerlPackage { name = "PerlIO-via-dynamic-0.14"; src = fetchurl { @@ -8766,6 +8844,18 @@ let self = _self // overrides; _self = with self; { }; }; + TemplateTiny = buildPerlPackage { + name = "Template-Tiny-1.12"; + src = fetchurl { + url = mirror://cpan/authors/id/A/AD/ADAMK/Template-Tiny-1.12.tar.gz; + sha256 = "073e062c630b51dfb725cd6485a329155cb72d5c596e8cb698eb67c4566f0a4a"; + }; + meta = { + description = "Template Toolkit reimplemented in as little code as possible"; + license = "perl"; + }; + }; + TemplateToolkit = buildPerlPackage rec { name = "Template-Toolkit-2.25"; src = fetchurl { @@ -8999,6 +9089,18 @@ let self = _self // overrides; _self = with self; { }; }; + TestDir = buildPerlPackage { + name = "Test-Dir-1.014"; + src = fetchurl { + url = mirror://cpan/authors/id/M/MT/MTHURN/Test-Dir-1.014.tar.gz; + sha256 = "b36efc286f8127b04fd7bb0dfdf4bd0a090b175872e35b5ce6d4d80c772c28bf"; + }; + meta = { + description = "Test directory attributes"; + license = "perl"; + }; + }; + TestDifferences = buildPerlPackage { name = "Test-Differences-0.4801"; src = fetchurl { @@ -9081,6 +9183,33 @@ let self = _self // overrides; _self = with self; { }; }; + TestFile = buildPerlPackage { + name = "Test-File-1.41"; + src = fetchurl { + url = mirror://cpan/authors/id/B/BD/BDFOY/Test-File-1.41.tar.gz; + sha256 = "45ec1b714f64d05e34205c40b08c49549f257910e4966fa28e2ac170d5516316"; + }; + buildInputs = [ Testutf8 ]; + meta = { + description = "Check file attributes"; + license = "perl"; + }; + }; + + TestFileContents = buildPerlModule { + name = "Test-File-Contents-0.21"; + src = fetchurl { + url = mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DW/DWHEELER/Test-File-Contents-0.21.tar.gz; + sha256 = "1b5a13f86f5df625ffd30361f628d34b0ceda80b9f39ca74bf0a4c1105828317"; + }; + propagatedBuildInputs = [ TextDiff ]; + meta = { + homepage = http://search.cpan.org/dist/Test-File-Contents/; + description = "Test routines for examining the contents of files"; + license = "perl"; + }; + }; + TestFileShareDir = buildPerlModule { name = "Test-File-ShareDir-0.3.3"; src = fetchurl { @@ -9863,6 +9992,19 @@ let self = _self // overrides; _self = with self; { }; }; + Testutf8 = buildPerlPackage { + name = "Test-utf8-1.01"; + src = fetchurl { + url = mirror://cpan/authors/id/M/MA/MARKF/Test-utf8-1.01.tar.gz; + sha256 = "ef371b1769cd8d36d2d657e8321723d94c8f8d89e7fd7437c6648c5dc6711b7a"; + }; + meta = { + homepage = https://github.com/2shortplanks/Test-utf8/tree; + description = "Handy utf8 tests"; + license = "perl"; + }; + }; + TextWikiFormat = buildPerlPackage { name = "Text-WikiFormat-0.81"; src = fetchurl { @@ -10042,6 +10184,20 @@ let self = _self // overrides; _self = with self; { }; }; + TypeTiny = buildPerlPackage { + name = "Type-Tiny-1.000005"; + src = fetchurl { + url = mirror://cpan/authors/id/T/TO/TOBYINK/Type-Tiny-1.000005.tar.gz; + sha256 = "42ed36c011825aa1e6995a4e8638621a1b2103a0970b15764ca3919368042365"; + }; + propagatedBuildInputs = [ ExporterTiny ]; + meta = { + homepage = https://metacpan.org/release/Type-Tiny; + description = "Tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type constraint"; + license = "perl"; + }; + }; + UNIVERSALcan = buildPerlPackage { name = "UNIVERSAL-can-1.20140328"; src = fetchurl { @@ -10151,6 +10307,20 @@ let self = _self // overrides; _self = with self; { }; }; + URIdb = buildPerlModule { + name = "URI-db-0.15"; + src = fetchurl { + url = mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DW/DWHEELER/URI-db-0.15.tar.gz; + sha256 = "ac3dc3eeb8ca58dc4f7e1dfed6bca5bb8ebbc5dfacee63161490b09a4bfac982"; + }; + propagatedBuildInputs = [ URI URINested ]; + meta = { + homepage = https://search.cpan.org/dist/URI-db/; + description = "Database URIs"; + license = "perl"; + }; + }; + URIFind = buildPerlModule { name = "URI-Find-20111103"; src = fetchurl { @@ -10189,6 +10359,20 @@ let self = _self // overrides; _self = with self; { buildInputs = [URI TestMore]; }; + URINested = buildPerlModule { + name = "URI-Nested-0.10"; + src = fetchurl { + url = mirror://cpan/authors/id/D/DW/DWHEELER/URI-Nested-0.10.tar.gz; + sha256 = "e1971339a65fbac63ab87142d4b59d3d259d51417753c77cb58ea31a8233efaf"; + }; + propagatedBuildInputs = [ URI ]; + meta = { + homepage = https://metacpan.org/release/URI-Nested/; + description = "Nested URIs"; + license = "perl"; + }; + }; + VariableMagic = buildPerlPackage rec { name = "Variable-Magic-0.53"; src = fetchurl {