diff --git a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/coq/8.3.nix b/pkgs/applications/science/logic/coq/8.3.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 341267b2ceb..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/coq/8.3.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# - coqide compilation can be disabled by setting lablgtk to null;
-# - The csdp program used for the Micromega tactic is statically referenced.
-# However, coq can build without csdp by setting it to null.
-# In this case some Micromega tactics will search the user's path for the csdp program and will fail if it is not found.
-{ stdenv, lib, make, fetchurl
-, ocaml, findlib, camlp5, ncurses, lablgtk ? null, csdp ? null }:
-assert lib.versionOlder ocaml.version "4";
- version = "8.3pl4";
- buildIde = lablgtk != null;
- ideFlags = if buildIde then "-lablgtkdir ${lablgtk}/lib/ocaml/*/site-lib/lablgtk2 -coqide opt" else "";
- idePatch = if buildIde then ''
- substituteInPlace scripts/coqmktop.ml --replace \
- "\"-I\"; \"+lablgtk2\"" \
- "\"-I\"; \"$(echo "${lablgtk}"/lib/ocaml/*/site-lib/lablgtk2)\"; \"-I\"; \"$(echo "${lablgtk}"/lib/ocaml/*/site-lib/stublibs)\""
- '' else "";
- csdpPatch = if csdp != null then ''
- substituteInPlace plugins/micromega/sos.ml --replace "; csdp" "; ${csdp}/bin/csdp"
- substituteInPlace plugins/micromega/coq_micromega.ml --replace "System.search_exe_in_path \"csdp\"" "Some \"${csdp}/bin/csdp\""
- '' else "";
-stdenv.mkDerivation {
- name = "coq-${version}";
- src = fetchurl {
- url = "https://coq.inria.fr/V${version}/files/coq-${version}.tar.gz";
- sha256 = "17d3lmchmqir1rawnr52g78srg4wkd7clzpzfsivxc4y1zp6rwkr";
- };
- buildInputs = [ make ocaml findlib camlp5 ncurses lablgtk ];
- prefixKey = "-prefix ";
- preConfigure = ''
- configureFlagsArray=(
- -opt
- -camldir ${ocaml}/bin
- -camlp5dir $(ocamlfind query camlp5)
- ${ideFlags}
- )
- '';
- buildFlags = "world"; # Debug with "world VERBOSE=1";
- patches = [ ./configure.8.3.patch ];
- postPatch = ''
- UNAME=$(type -tp uname)
- RM=$(type -tp rm)
- substituteInPlace configure --replace "/bin/uname" "$UNAME"
- substituteInPlace tools/beautify-archive --replace "/bin/rm" "$RM"
- ${idePatch}
- ${csdpPatch}
- '';
- # This post install step is needed to build ssrcoqide from the ssreflect package
- # It could be made optional, but I see little harm in including it in the default
- # distribution -- roconnor
- # This will likely no longer be necessary for coq >= 8.4. -- roconnor
- postInstall = if buildIde then ''
- cp ide/*.cmi ide/ide.*a $out/lib/coq/ide/
- '' else "";
- meta = with stdenv.lib; {
- description = "Coq proof assistant";
- longDescription = ''
- Coq is a formal proof management system. It provides a formal language
- to write mathematical definitions, executable algorithms and theorems
- together with an environment for semi-interactive development of
- machine-checked proofs.
- '';
- homepage = http://coq.inria.fr;
- license = licenses.lgpl21;
- branch = "8.3";
- maintainers = with maintainers; [ roconnor vbgl ];
- platforms = with platforms; linux;
- };
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/coq/configure.8.3.patch b/pkgs/applications/science/logic/coq/configure.8.3.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 431cccac4b0..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/coq/configure.8.3.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1112 +0,0 @@
-diff -Nuar coq-8.3pl3-orig/configure coq-8.3pl3/configure
---- coq-8.3pl3-orig/configure 2011-12-19 22:57:30.000000000 +0100
-+++ coq-8.3pl3/configure 2012-03-17 16:38:16.000000000 +0100
-@@ -395,7 +395,6 @@
- ocamlyaccexec=$CAMLBIN/ocamlyacc
- ocamlmktopexec=$CAMLBIN/ocamlmktop
- ocamlmklibexec=$CAMLBIN/ocamlmklib
-- camlp4oexec=$CAMLBIN/camlp4o
- esac
- if test ! -f "$CAMLC" ; then
-@@ -628,7 +627,7 @@
- no) LABLGTKLIB=+lablgtk2 # Pour le message
- LABLGTKINCLUDES="-I $LABLGTKLIB";; # Pour le makefile
- yes) LABLGTKLIB="$lablgtkdir" # Pour le message
-- LABLGTKINCLUDES="-I \"$LABLGTKLIB\"";; # Pour le makefile
-+ LABLGTKINCLUDES="-I $LABLGTKLIB";; # Pour le makefile
- esac;;
- esac
-diff -Nuar coq-8.3pl3-orig/configure~ coq-8.3pl3/configure~
---- coq-8.3pl3-orig/configure~ 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ coq-8.3pl3/configure~ 2011-12-19 22:57:30.000000000 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,1088 @@
-+# Configuration script for Coq
-+DATE=`LANG=C date +"%B %Y"`
-+# Create the bin/ directory if non-existent
-+test -d bin || mkdir bin
-+# a local which command for sh
-+which () {
-+IFS=":" # set words separator in PATH to be ':' (it allows spaces in dirnames)
-+for i in $PATH; do
-+ if test -z "$i"; then i=.; fi
-+ if [ -f "$i/$1" ] ; then
-+ IFS=" "
-+ echo "$i/$1"
-+ break
-+ fi
-+usage () {
-+ printf "Available options for configure are:\n"
-+ echo "-help"
-+ printf "\tDisplays this help page\n"
-+ echo "-prefix
-+ printf "\tSet installation directory to \n"
-+ echo "-local"
-+ printf "\tSet installation directory to the current source tree\n"
-+ echo "-coqrunbyteflags"
-+ printf "\tSet link flags for VM-dependent bytecode (coqtop)\n"
-+ echo "-coqtoolsbyteflags"
-+ printf "\tSet link flags for VM-independant bytecode (coqdep, coqdoc, ...)\n"
-+ echo "-custom"
-+ printf "\tGenerate all bytecode executables with -custom (not recommended)\n"
-+ echo "-src"
-+ printf "\tSpecifies the source directory\n"
-+ echo "-bindir"
-+ echo "-libdir"
-+ echo "-mandir"
-+ echo "-docdir"
-+ printf "\tSpecifies where to install bin/lib/man/doc files resp.\n"
-+ echo "-emacslib"
-+ echo "-emacs"
-+ printf "\tSpecifies where emacs files are to be installed\n"
-+ echo "-coqdocdir"
-+ printf "\tSpecifies where Coqdoc style files are to be installed\n"
-+ echo "-camldir"
-+ printf "\tSpecifies the path to the OCaml library\n"
-+ echo "-lablgtkdir"
-+ printf "\tSpecifies the path to the Lablgtk library\n"
-+ echo "-camlp5dir"
-+ printf "\tSpecifies where to look for the Camlp5 library and tells to use it\n"
-+ echo "-arch"
-+ printf "\tSpecifies the architecture\n"
-+ echo "-opt"
-+ printf "\tSpecifies whether or not to use OCaml *.opt optimized compilers\n"
-+ echo "-natdynlink (yes|no)"
-+ printf "\tSpecifies whether or not to use dynamic loading of native code\n"
-+ echo "-coqide (opt|byte|no)"
-+ printf "\tSpecifies whether or not to compile Coqide\n"
-+ echo "-browser "
-+ printf "\tUse to open URL %%s\n"
-+ echo "-with-doc (yes|no)"
-+ printf "\tSpecifies whether or not to compile the documentation\n"
-+ echo "-with-geoproof (yes|no)"
-+ printf "\tSpecifies whether or not to use Geoproof binding\n"
-+ echo "-with-cc "
-+ echo "-with-ar "
-+ echo "-with-ranlib "
-+ printf "\tTells configure where to find gcc/ar/ranlib executables\n"
-+ echo "-byte-only"
-+ printf "\tCompiles only bytecode version of Coq\n"
-+ echo "-debug"
-+ printf "\tAdd debugging information in the Coq executables\n"
-+ echo "-profile"
-+ printf "\tAdd profiling information in the Coq executables\n"
-+ echo "-annotate"
-+ printf "\tCompiles Coq with -dtypes option\n"
-+# Default OCaml binaries
-+cflags="-fno-defer-pop -Wall -Wno-unused"
-+# Parse command-line arguments
-+while : ; do
-+ case "$1" in
-+ "") break;;
-+ -help|--help) usage
-+ exit;;
-+ -prefix|--prefix) prefix_spec=yes
-+ prefix="$2"
-+ shift;;
-+ -local|--local) local=true;;
-+ -coqrunbyteflags|--coqrunbyteflags) coqrunbyteflags_spec=yes
-+ coqrunbyteflags="$2"
-+ shift;;
-+ -coqtoolsbyteflags|--coqtoolsbyteflags) coqtoolsbyteflags_spec=yes
-+ coqtoolsbyteflags="$2"
-+ shift;;
-+ -custom|--custom) custom_spec=yes
-+ shift;;
-+ -src|--src) src_spec=yes
-+ COQSRC="$2"
-+ shift;;
-+ -bindir|--bindir) bindir_spec=yes
-+ bindir="$2"
-+ shift;;
-+ -libdir|--libdir) libdir_spec=yes
-+ libdir="$2"
-+ shift;;
-+ -mandir|--mandir) mandir_spec=yes
-+ mandir="$2"
-+ shift;;
-+ -docdir|--docdir) docdir_spec=yes
-+ docdir="$2"
-+ shift;;
-+ -emacslib|--emacslib) emacslib_spec=yes
-+ emacslib="$2"
-+ shift;;
-+ -emacs |--emacs) emacs_spec=yes
-+ emacs="$2"
-+ shift;;
-+ -coqdocdir|--coqdocdir) coqdocdir_spec=yes
-+ coqdocdir="$2"
-+ shift;;
-+ -camldir|--camldir) camldir_spec=yes
-+ camldir="$2"
-+ shift;;
-+ -lablgtkdir|--lablgtkdir) lablgtkdir_spec=yes
-+ lablgtkdir="$2"
-+ shift;;
-+ -camlp5dir|--camlp5dir)
-+ camlp5dir="$2"
-+ shift;;
-+ -arch|--arch) arch_spec=yes
-+ arch=$2
-+ shift;;
-+ -opt|--opt) bytecamlc=ocamlc.opt
-+ camlp4oexec=camlp4o # can't add .opt since dyn load'll be required
-+ nativecamlc=ocamlopt.opt;;
-+ -natdynlink|--natdynlink) case "$2" in
-+ yes) natdynlink=yes;;
-+ *) natdynlink=no
-+ esac
-+ shift;;
-+ -coqide|--coqide) coqide_spec=yes
-+ case "$2" in
-+ byte|opt) COQIDE=$2;;
-+ *) COQIDE=no
-+ esac
-+ shift;;
-+ -browser|--browser) browser_spec=yes
-+ shift;;
-+ -coqwebsite|--coqwebsite) wwwcoq_spec=yes
-+ WWWCOQ=$2
-+ shift;;
-+ -with-doc|--with-doc) with_doc_spec=yes
-+ case "$2" in
-+ yes|all) with_doc=all;;
-+ *) with_doc=no
-+ esac
-+ shift;;
-+ -with-geoproof|--with-geoproof)
-+ case "$2" in
-+ yes) with_geoproof=true;;
-+ no) with_geoproof=false;;
-+ esac
-+ shift;;
-+ -with-cc|-with-gcc|--with-cc|--with-gcc)
-+ gcc_spec=yes
-+ gcc_exec=$2
-+ shift;;
-+ -with-ar|--with-ar)
-+ ar_spec=yes
-+ ar_exec=$2
-+ shift;;
-+ -with-ranlib|--with-ranlib)
-+ ranlib_spec=yes
-+ ranlib_exec=$2
-+ shift;;
-+ -byte-only|-byteonly|--byteonly|--byte-only) best_compiler=byte;;
-+ -debug|--debug) coq_debug_flag=-g;;
-+ -profile|--profile) coq_profile_flag=-p;;
-+ -annotate|--annotate) coq_annotate_flag=-dtypes;;
-+ -force-caml-version|--force-caml-version|-force-ocaml-version|--force-ocaml-version)
-+ force_caml_version_spec=yes
-+ force_caml_version=yes;;
-+ *) echo "Unknown option \"$1\"." 1>&2; usage; exit 2;;
-+ esac
-+ shift
-+if [ $prefix_spec = yes -a $local = true ] ; then
-+ echo "Options -prefix and -local are incompatible."
-+ echo "Configure script failed!"
-+ exit 1
-+# compile date
-+DATEPGM=`which date`
-+case $DATEPGM in
-+ "") echo "I can't find the program \"date\" in your path."
-+ echo "Please give me the current date"
-+ *) COMPILEDATE=`date +"%h %d %Y %H:%M:%S"`;;
-+# Architecture
-+case $arch_spec in
-+ no)
-+ # First we test if we are running a Cygwin system
-+ if [ `uname -s | cut -c -6` = "CYGWIN" ] ; then
-+ ARCH="win32"
-+ else
-+ # If not, we determine the architecture
-+ if test -x /bin/arch ; then
-+ ARCH=`/bin/arch`
-+ elif test -x /usr/bin/arch ; then
-+ ARCH=`/usr/bin/arch`
-+ elif test -x /usr/ucb/arch ; then
-+ ARCH=`/usr/ucb/arch`
-+ elif test -x /bin/uname ; then
-+ ARCH=`/bin/uname -s`
-+ elif test -x /usr/bin/uname ; then
-+ ARCH=`/usr/bin/uname -s`
-+ else
-+ echo "I can not automatically find the name of your architecture."
-+ printf "%s"\
-+ "Give me a name, please [win32 for Win95, Win98 or WinNT]: "
-+ read ARCH
-+ fi
-+ fi;;
-+ yes) ARCH=$arch
-+# executable extension
-+case $ARCH in
-+ win32)
-+ EXE=".exe"
-+ DLLEXT=".dll";;
-+ *) EXE=""
-+ DLLEXT=".so"
-+# Is the source tree checked out from a recognised
-+# version control system ?
-+if test -e .svn/entries ; then
-+ checkedout=svn
-+elif [ -d '{arch}' ]; then
-+ checkedout=gnuarch
-+elif [ -z "${GIT_DIR}" ] && [ -d .git ] || [ -d "${GIT_DIR}" ]; then
-+ checkedout=git
-+ checkedout=0
-+# make command
-+MAKE=`which make`
-+if [ "$MAKE" != "" ]; then
-+ MAKEVERSION=`$MAKE -v | head -1 | cut -d" " -f3`
-+ if [ "$MAKEVERSIONMAJOR" -eq 3 -a "$MAKEVERSIONMINOR" -ge 81 ]; then
-+ echo "You have GNU Make $MAKEVERSION. Good!"
-+ else
-+ OK="no"
-+ if [ -x ./make ]; then
-+ MAKEVERSION=`./make -v | head -1`
-+ if [ "$MAKEVERSION" = "GNU Make 3.81" ]; then OK="yes"; fi
-+ fi
-+ if [ $OK = "no" ]; then
-+ echo "GNU Make >= 3.81 is needed."
-+ echo "Make 3.81 can be downloaded from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/make/make-3.81.tar.gz"
-+ echo "then locally installed on a Unix-style system by issuing:"
-+ echo " tar xzvf make-3.81.tar.gz"
-+ echo " cd make-3.81"
-+ echo " ./configure"
-+ echo " make"
-+ echo " mv make .."
-+ echo " cd .."
-+ echo "Restart then the configure script and later use ./make instead of make."
-+ exit 1
-+ else
-+ echo "You have locally installed GNU Make 3.81. Good!"
-+ fi
-+ fi
-+ echo "Cannot find GNU Make >= 3.81."
-+# Browser command
-+if [ "$browser_spec" = "no" ]; then
-+ case $ARCH in
-+ *) BROWSER='firefox -remote "OpenURL(%s,new-tab)" || firefox %s &' ;;
-+ esac
-+if [ "$wwwcoq_spec" = "no" ]; then
-+ WWWCOQ="http://coq.inria.fr/"
-+# Objective Caml programs
-+case $camldir_spec in
-+ no) CAMLC=`which $bytecamlc`
-+ case "$CAMLC" in
-+ "") echo "$bytecamlc is not present in your path!"
-+ echo "Give me manually the path to the $bytecamlc executable [/usr/local/bin by default]: "
-+ read CAMLC
-+ case "$CAMLC" in
-+ "") CAMLC=/usr/local/bin/$bytecamlc;;
-+ */ocamlc|*/ocamlc.opt) true;;
-+ */) CAMLC="${CAMLC}"$bytecamlc;;
-+ *) CAMLC="${CAMLC}"/$bytecamlc;;
-+ esac
-+ esac
-+ CAMLBIN=`dirname "$CAMLC"`;;
-+ yes) CAMLC=$camldir/$bytecamlc
-+ CAMLBIN=`dirname "$CAMLC"`
-+ bytecamlc="$CAMLC"
-+ nativecamlc=$CAMLBIN/$nativecamlc
-+ ocamlexec=$CAMLBIN/ocaml
-+ ocamldepexec=$CAMLBIN/ocamldep
-+ ocamldocexec=$CAMLBIN/ocamldoc
-+ ocamllexexec=$CAMLBIN/ocamllex
-+ ocamlyaccexec=$CAMLBIN/ocamlyacc
-+ ocamlmktopexec=$CAMLBIN/ocamlmktop
-+ ocamlmklibexec=$CAMLBIN/ocamlmklib
-+ camlp4oexec=$CAMLBIN/camlp4o
-+if test ! -f "$CAMLC" ; then
-+ echo "I can not find the executable '$CAMLC'. Have you installed it?"
-+ echo "Configuration script failed!"
-+ exit 1
-+# Under Windows, OCaml only understands Windows filenames (C:\...)
-+case $ARCH in
-+ win32) CAMLBIN=`cygpath -m ${CAMLBIN}`;;
-+CAMLVERSION=`"$bytecamlc" -version`
-+case $CAMLVERSION in
-+ 1.*|2.*|3.00|3.01|3.02|3.03|3.03alpha|3.04|3.05beta|3.05|3.06|3.07*|3.08*|3.09*)
-+ echo "Your version of Objective-Caml is $CAMLVERSION."
-+ if [ "$force_caml_version" = "yes" ]; then
-+ echo "*Warning* You are compiling Coq with an outdated version of Objective-Caml."
-+ else
-+ echo " You need Objective-Caml 3.10.2 or later."
-+ echo " Configuration script failed!"
-+ exit 1
-+ fi;;
-+ ?*)
-+ CAMLP4COMPAT="-loc loc"
-+ echo "You have Objective-Caml $CAMLVERSION. Good!";;
-+ *)
-+ echo "I found the Objective-Caml compiler but cannot find its version number!"
-+ echo "Is it installed properly?"
-+ echo "Configuration script failed!"
-+ exit 1;;
-+CAMLTAG=OCAML`echo $CAMLVERSION | sed -e "s/\([1-9]\)\.\([0-9]*\).*/\1\2/g"`
-+# For coqmktop & bytecode compiler
-+case $ARCH in
-+ win32) # Awfull trick to get around a ^M problem at the end of CAMLLIB
-+ CAMLLIB=`"$CAMLC" -where | sed -e 's/^\(.*\)$/\1/'` ;;
-+ *)
-+ CAMLLIB=`"$CAMLC" -where`
-+if [ "$coq_debug_flag" = "-g" ]; then
-+ case $CAMLTAG in
-+ OCAML31*)
-+ # Compilation debug flag
-+ coq_debug_flag_opt="-g"
-+ ;;
-+ esac
-+# Native dynlink
-+if [ "$natdynlink" = "yes" -a -f `"$CAMLC" -where`/dynlink.cmxa ]; then
-+case $HASNATDYNLINK,`uname -s`,`uname -r`,$CAMLVERSION in
-+ true,Darwin,9.*,3.11.*) # ocaml 3.11.0 dynlink on MacOS 10.5 is buggy
-+ NATDYNLINKFLAG=os5fixme;;
-+ #Possibly a problem on 10.6.0/10.6.1/10.6.2
-+ #May just be a 32 vs 64 problem for all 10.6.*
-+ true,Darwin,10.0.*,3.11.*) # Possibly a problem on 10.6.0
-+ NATDYNLINKFLAG=os5fixme;;
-+ true,Darwin,10.1.*,3.11.*) # Possibly a problem on 10.6.1
-+ NATDYNLINKFLAG=os5fixme;;
-+ true,Darwin,10.2.*,3.11.*) # Possibly a problem on 10.6.2
-+ NATDYNLINKFLAG=os5fixme;;
-+ true,Darwin,10.*,3.11.*)
-+ if [ `getconf LONG_BIT` = "32" ]; then
-+ # Still a problem for x86_32
-+ else
-+ # Not a problem for x86_64
-+ fi;;
-+ *)
-+# Camlp4 / Camlp5 configuration
-+if [ "$camlp5dir" != "" ]; then
-+ CAMLP4=camlp5
-+ CAMLP4LIB=$camlp5dir
-+ if [ ! -f $camlp5dir/camlp5.cma ]; then
-+ echo "Cannot find camlp5 libraries in $camlp5dir (camlp5.cma not found)."
-+ echo "Configuration script failed!"
-+ exit 1
-+ fi
-+ camlp4oexec=`echo $camlp4oexec | sed -e 's/4/5/'`
-+ case $CAMLTAG in
-+ OCAML31*)
-+ if [ -x "${CAMLLIB}/camlp5" ]; then
-+ CAMLP4LIB=+camlp5
-+ elif [ -x "${CAMLLIB}/site-lib/camlp5" ]; then
-+ CAMLP4LIB=+site-lib/camlp5
-+ else
-+ echo "Objective Caml $CAMLVERSION found but no Camlp5 installed."
-+ echo "Configuration script failed!"
-+ exit 1
-+ fi
-+ CAMLP4=camlp5
-+ camlp4oexec=`echo $camlp4oexec | sed -e 's/4/5/'`
-+ ;;
-+ *)
-+ CAMLP4=camlp4
-+ CAMLP4LIB=+camlp4
-+ ;;
-+ esac
-+if [ "$CAMLP4" = "camlp5" ] && `$camlp4oexec -v 2>&1 | grep -q 5.00`; then
-+ echo "Camlp5 version 5.00 not supported: versions 4.0x or >= 5.01 are OK"
-+ echo "(depending also on your ocaml version)."
-+ echo "Configuration script failed!"
-+ exit 1
-+case $CAMLP4LIB in
-+ +*) FULLCAMLP4LIB=$CAMLLIB/`echo $CAMLP4LIB | cut -b 2-`;;
-+# Assume that camlp(4|5) binaries are at the same place as ocaml ones
-+# (this should become configurable some day)
-+# do we have a native compiler: test of ocamlopt and its version
-+if [ "$best_compiler" = "opt" ] ; then
-+ if test -e "$nativecamlc" || test -e "`which $nativecamlc`"; then
-+ CAMLOPTVERSION=`"$nativecamlc" -v | sed -n -e 's|.*version* *\(.*\)$|\1|p' `
-+ if [ "`uname -s`" = "Darwin" -a "$ARCH" = "i386" ]; then
-+ 3.09.3|3.1?*) ;;
-+ *) echo "Native compilation on MacOS X Pentium requires Objective-Caml >= 3.09.3,"
-+ best_compiler=byte
-+ echo "only the bytecode version of Coq will be available."
-+ esac
-+ elif [ ! -f $FULLCAMLP4LIB/gramlib.cmxa ]; then
-+ best_compiler=byte
-+ echo "Cannot find native-code $CAMLP4,"
-+ echo "only the bytecode version of Coq will be available."
-+ else
-+ if [ "$CAMLOPTVERSION" != "$CAMLVERSION" ] ; then
-+ echo "Native and bytecode compilers do not have the same version!"
-+ fi
-+ echo "You have native-code compilation. Good!"
-+ fi
-+ else
-+ best_compiler=byte
-+ echo "You have only bytecode compilation."
-+ fi
-+# OS dependent libraries
-+case $ARCH in
-+ sun4*) OS=`uname -r`
-+ case $OS in
-+ 5*) OS="Sun Solaris $OS"
-+ OSDEPLIBS="-cclib -lunix -cclib -lnsl -cclib -lsocket";;
-+ *) OS="Sun OS $OS"
-+ OSDEPLIBS="-cclib -lunix"
-+ esac;;
-+ alpha) OSDEPLIBS="-cclib -lunix";;
-+ win32) OS="Win32"
-+ OSDEPLIBS="-cclib -lunix"
-+ cflags="-mno-cygwin $cflags";;
-+ *) OSDEPLIBS="-cclib -lunix"
-+# lablgtk2 and CoqIDE
-+# -byte-only should imply -coqide byte, unless the user decides otherwise
-+if [ "$best_compiler" = "byte" -a "$coqide_spec" = "no" ]; then
-+ coqide_spec=yes
-+ COQIDE=byte
-+# Which coqide is asked ? which one is possible ?
-+if [ "$coqide_spec" = "yes" -a "$COQIDE" = "no" ]; then
-+ echo "CoqIde disabled as requested."
-+ case $lablgtkdir_spec in
-+ no)
-+ if [ -f "${CAMLLIB}/lablgtk2/glib.mli" ]; then
-+ lablgtkdir=${CAMLLIB}/lablgtk2
-+ elif [ -f "${CAMLLIB}/site-lib/lablgtk2/glib.mli" ]; then
-+ lablgtkdir=${CAMLLIB}/site-lib/lablgtk2
-+ fi;;
-+ yes)
-+ if [ ! -f "$lablgtkdir/glib.mli" ]; then
-+ echo "Incorrect LablGtk2 library (glib.mli not found)."
-+ echo "Configuration script failed!"
-+ exit 1
-+ fi;;
-+ esac
-+ if [ "$lablgtkdir" = "" ]; then
-+ echo "LablGtk2 not found: CoqIde will not be available."
-+ COQIDE=no
-+ elif [ -z "`grep -w convert_with_fallback "$lablgtkdir/glib.mli"`" ]; then
-+ echo "LablGtk2 found but too old: CoqIde will not be available."
-+ COQIDE=no;
-+ elif [ "$coqide_spec" = "yes" -a "$COQIDE" = "byte" ]; then
-+ echo "LablGtk2 found, bytecode CoqIde will be used as requested."
-+ COQIDE=byte
-+ elif [ ! -f "${CAMLLIB}/threads/threads.cmxa" ]; then
-+ echo "LablGtk2 found, no native threads: bytecode CoqIde will be available."
-+ COQIDE=byte
-+ else
-+ echo "LablGtk2 found, native threads: native CoqIde will be available."
-+ COQIDE=opt
-+ fi
-+case $COQIDE in
-+ byte|opt)
-+ case $lablgtkdir_spec in
-+ no) LABLGTKLIB=+lablgtk2 # Pour le message
-+ LABLGTKINCLUDES="-I $LABLGTKLIB";; # Pour le makefile
-+ yes) LABLGTKLIB="$lablgtkdir" # Pour le message
-+ LABLGTKINCLUDES="-I \"$LABLGTKLIB\"";; # Pour le makefile
-+ esac;;
-+# strip command
-+case $ARCH in
-+ win32)
-+ # true -> strip : it exists under cygwin !
-+ STRIPCOMMAND="strip";;
-+ *)
-+ if [ "$coq_profile_flag" = "-p" ] || [ "$coq_debug_flag" = "-g" ] ||
-+ [ "`uname -s`" = "Darwin" -a "$HASNATDYNLINK" = "true" ]
-+ then
-+ else
-+ fi
-+# mktexlsr
-+#MKTEXLSR=`which mktexlsr`
-+#case $MKTEXLSR in
-+# "") MKTEXLSR=true;;
-+# "
-+### Test if documentation can be compiled (latex, hevea)
-+if test "$with_doc" = "all"
-+ for cmd in "latex" "hevea" ; do
-+ if test ! -x "`which $cmd`"
-+ then
-+ echo "$cmd was not found; documentation will not be available"
-+ with_doc=no
-+ break
-+ fi
-+ done
-+# bindir, libdir, mandir, docdir, etc.
-+case $src_spec in
-+# OCaml only understand Windows filenames (C:\...)
-+case $ARCH in
-+ win32) COQTOP=`cygpath -m ${COQTOP}`
-+case $ARCH in
-+ win32)
-+ bindir_def='C:\coq\bin'
-+ libdir_def='C:\coq\lib'
-+ mandir_def='C:\coq\man'
-+ docdir_def='C:\coq\doc'
-+ emacslib_def='C:\coq\emacs'
-+ coqdocdir_def='C:\coq\latex';;
-+ *)
-+ bindir_def=/usr/local/bin
-+ libdir_def=/usr/local/lib/coq
-+ mandir_def=/usr/local/man
-+ docdir_def=/usr/local/share/doc/coq
-+ emacslib_def=/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp
-+ coqdocdir_def=/usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/misc;;
-+case $bindir_spec/$prefix_spec/$local in
-+ yes/*/*) BINDIR=$bindir ;;
-+ */yes/*) BINDIR=$prefix/bin ;;
-+ */*/true) BINDIR=$COQTOP/bin ;;
-+ *) printf "Where should I install the Coq binaries [$bindir_def]? "
-+ read BINDIR
-+ case $BINDIR in
-+ "") BINDIR=$bindir_def;;
-+ *) true;;
-+ esac;;
-+case $libdir_spec/$prefix_spec/$local in
-+ yes/*/*) LIBDIR=$libdir;;
-+ */yes/*)
-+ case $ARCH in
-+ win32) LIBDIR=$prefix ;;
-+ *) LIBDIR=$prefix/lib/coq ;;
-+ esac ;;
-+ */*/true) LIBDIR=$COQTOP ;;
-+ *) printf "Where should I install the Coq library [$libdir_def]? "
-+ read LIBDIR
-+ case $LIBDIR in
-+ "") LIBDIR=$libdir_def;;
-+ *) true;;
-+ esac;;
-+case $mandir_spec/$prefix_spec/$local in
-+ yes/*/*) MANDIR=$mandir;;
-+ */yes/*) MANDIR=$prefix/man ;;
-+ */*/true) MANDIR=$COQTOP/man ;;
-+ *) printf "Where should I install the Coq man pages [$mandir_def]? "
-+ read MANDIR
-+ case $MANDIR in
-+ "") MANDIR=$mandir_def;;
-+ *) true;;
-+ esac;;
-+case $docdir_spec/$prefix_spec/$local in
-+ yes/*/*) DOCDIR=$docdir; HTMLREFMANDIR=$DOCDIR/html/refman;;
-+ */yes/*) DOCDIR=$prefix/share/doc/coq; HTMLREFMANDIR=$DOCDIR/html/refman;;
-+ */*/true) DOCDIR=$COQTOP/doc; HTMLREFMANDIR=$DOCDIR/refman/html;;
-+ *) printf "Where should I install the Coq documentation [$docdir_def]? "
-+ read DOCDIR
-+ case $DOCDIR in
-+ "") DOCDIR=$docdir_def; HTMLREFMANDIR=$DOCDIR/html/refman;;
-+ *) true;;
-+ esac;;
-+case $emacslib_spec/$prefix_spec/$local in
-+ yes/*/*) EMACSLIB=$emacslib;;
-+ */yes/*)
-+ case $ARCH in
-+ win32) EMACSLIB=$prefix/emacs ;;
-+ *) EMACSLIB=$prefix/share/emacs/site-lisp ;;
-+ esac ;;
-+ */*/true) EMACSLIB=$COQTOP/tools/emacs ;;
-+ *) printf "Where should I install the Coq Emacs mode [$emacslib_def]? "
-+ read EMACSLIB
-+ case $EMACSLIB in
-+ "") EMACSLIB=$emacslib_def;;
-+ *) true;;
-+ esac;;
-+case $coqdocdir_spec/$prefix_spec/$local in
-+ yes/*/*) COQDOCDIR=$coqdocdir;;
-+ */yes/*)
-+ case $ARCH in
-+ win32) COQDOCDIR=$prefix/latex ;;
-+ *) COQDOCDIR=$prefix/share/emacs/site-lisp ;;
-+ esac ;;
-+ */*/true) COQDOCDIR=$COQTOP/tools/coqdoc ;;
-+ *) printf "Where should I install Coqdoc TeX/LaTeX files [$coqdocdir_def]? "
-+ case $COQDOCDIR in
-+ "") COQDOCDIR=$coqdocdir_def;;
-+ *) true;;
-+ esac;;
-+# Determine if we enable -custom by default (Windows and MacOS)
-+if [ "$ARCH" = "win32" ] || [ "`uname -s`" = "Darwin" ]; then
-+ CUSTOM_OS=yes
-+BUILDLDPATH="# you might want to set CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH by hand!"
-+case $coqrunbyteflags_spec/$local/$custom_spec/$CUSTOM_OS in
-+ yes/*/*/*) COQRUNBYTEFLAGS="$coqrunbyteflags";;
-+ */*/yes/*|*/*/*/yes) COQRUNBYTEFLAGS="-custom";;
-+ */true/*/*) COQRUNBYTEFLAGS="-dllib -lcoqrun -dllpath '$COQTOP'/kernel/byterun";;
-+ *)
-+ COQRUNBYTEFLAGS="-dllib -lcoqrun -dllpath '$LIBDIR'"
-+ BUILDLDPATH="export CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH='$COQTOP'/kernel/byterun";;
-+case $coqtoolsbyteflags_spec/$custom_spec/$CUSTOM_OS in
-+ yes/*/*) COQTOOLSBYTEFLAGS="$coqtoolsbyteflags";;
-+ */yes/*|*/*/yes) COQTOOLSBYTEFLAGS="-custom";;
-+# case $emacs_spec in
-+# no) printf "Which Emacs command should I use to compile coq.el [$emacs_def]? "
-+# read EMACS
-+# case $EMACS in
-+# "") EMACS=$emacs_def;;
-+# *) true;;
-+# esac;;
-+# yes) EMACS=$emacs;;
-+# esac
-+# Summary of the configuration
-+echo ""
-+echo " Coq top directory : $COQTOP"
-+echo " Architecture : $ARCH"
-+if test ! -z "$OS" ; then
-+ echo " Operating system : $OS"
-+echo " Coq VM bytecode link flags : $COQRUNBYTEFLAGS"
-+echo " Coq tools bytecode link flags : $COQTOOLSBYTEFLAGS"
-+echo " OS dependent libraries : $OSDEPLIBS"
-+echo " Objective-Caml/Camlp4 version : $CAMLVERSION"
-+echo " Objective-Caml/Camlp4 binaries in : $CAMLBIN"
-+echo " Objective-Caml library in : $CAMLLIB"
-+echo " Camlp4 library in : $CAMLP4LIB"
-+if test "$best_compiler" = opt ; then
-+echo " Native dynamic link support : $HASNATDYNLINK"
-+if test "$COQIDE" != "no"; then
-+echo " Lablgtk2 library in : $LABLGTKLIB"
-+if test "$with_doc" = "all"; then
-+echo " Documentation : All"
-+echo " Documentation : None"
-+echo " CoqIde : $COQIDE"
-+echo " Web browser : $BROWSER"
-+echo " Coq web site : $WWWCOQ"
-+echo ""
-+echo " Paths for true installation:"
-+echo " binaries will be copied in $BINDIR"
-+echo " library will be copied in $LIBDIR"
-+echo " man pages will be copied in $MANDIR"
-+echo " documentation will be copied in $DOCDIR"
-+echo " emacs mode will be copied in $EMACSLIB"
-+echo ""
-+# Building the $COQTOP/dev/ocamldebug-coq file
-+if test "$coq_debug_flag" = "-g" ; then
-+ chmod a-w,a+x $OCAMLDEBUGCOQ
-+# Fixing lablgtk types (before/after 2.6.0)
-+if [ ! "$COQIDE" = "no" ]; then
-+ if grep "class view " "$lablgtkdir/gText.mli" | grep -q "\[>" ; then
-+ if grep -q "?accepts_tab:bool" "$lablgtkdir/gText.mli" ; then
-+ cp -f ide/undo_lablgtk_ge212.mli ide/undo.mli
-+ else
-+ cp -f ide/undo_lablgtk_ge26.mli ide/undo.mli
-+ fi
-+ else
-+ cp -f ide/undo_lablgtk_lt26.mli ide/undo.mli
-+ fi
-+# Creation of configuration files
-+### Warning !!
-+### After this line, be careful when using variables,
-+### since some of them (e.g. $COQSRC) will be escaped
-+# An escaped version of a variable
-+escape_var () {
-+"$ocamlexec" 2>&1 1>/dev/null < $mlconfig_file
-+(* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE: automatically generated by ../configure *)
-+let local = $local
-+let coqrunbyteflags = "$COQRUNBYTEFLAGS"
-+let coqlib = "$LIBDIR"
-+let coqsrc = "$COQSRC"
-+let ocaml = "$ocamlexec"
-+let ocamlc = "$bytecamlc"
-+let ocamlopt = "$nativecamlc"
-+let ocamlmklib = "$ocamlmklibexec"
-+let ocamldep = "$ocamldepexec"
-+let ocamldoc = "$ocamldocexec"
-+let ocamlyacc = "$ocamlyaccexec"
-+let ocamllex = "$ocamllexexec"
-+let camlbin = "$CAMLBIN"
-+let camllib = "$CAMLLIB"
-+let camlp4 = "$CAMLP4"
-+let camlp4o = "$camlp4oexec"
-+let camlp4bin = "$CAMLP4BIN"
-+let camlp4lib = "$CAMLP4LIB"
-+let camlp4compat = "$CAMLP4COMPAT"
-+let coqideincl = "$LABLGTKINCLUDES"
-+let cflags = "$cflags"
-+let best = "$best_compiler"
-+let arch = "$ARCH"
-+let has_coqide = "$COQIDE"
-+let has_natdynlink = $HASNATDYNLINK
-+let natdynlinkflag = "$NATDYNLINKFLAG"
-+let osdeplibs = "$OSDEPLIBS"
-+let version = "$VERSION"
-+let caml_version = "$CAMLVERSION"
-+let date = "$DATE"
-+let compile_date = "$COMPILEDATE"
-+let vo_magic_number = $VOMAGIC
-+let state_magic_number = $STATEMAGIC
-+let exec_extension = "$EXE"
-+let with_geoproof = ref $with_geoproof
-+let browser = "$BROWSER"
-+let wwwcoq = "$WWWCOQ"
-+let wwwrefman = wwwcoq ^ "distrib/" ^ version ^ "/refman/"
-+let wwwstdlib = wwwcoq ^ "distrib/" ^ version ^ "/stdlib/"
-+let localwwwrefman = "file://$HTMLREFMANDIR/"
-+# to be sure printf is found on windows when spaces occur in PATH variable
-+PRINTF=`which printf`
-+# Subdirectories of theories/ added in coq_config.ml
-+subdirs () {
-+ (cd $1; find * \( -name .svn -prune \) -o \( -type d -exec $PRINTF "\"%s\";\n" {} \; \) >> "$mlconfig_file")
-+echo "let theories_dirs = [" >> "$mlconfig_file"
-+subdirs theories
-+echo "]" >> "$mlconfig_file"
-+echo "let plugins_dirs = [" >> "$mlconfig_file"
-+subdirs plugins
-+echo "]" >> "$mlconfig_file"
-+chmod a-w "$mlconfig_file"
-+# Building the $COQTOP/config/Makefile file
-+rm -f "$config_file"
-+sed -e "s|LOCALINSTALLATION|$local|" \
-+ -e "s|CAMLTAG|$CAMLTAG|" \
-+ -e "s|CAMLP4TOOL|$camlp4oexec|" \
-+ -e "s|COQDEBUGFLAGOPT|$coq_debug_flag_opt|" \
-+ -e "s|COQDEBUGFLAG|$coq_debug_flag|" \
-+ -e "s|COQPROFILEFLAG|$coq_profile_flag|" \
-+ -e "s|CAMLANNOTATEFLAG|$coq_annotate_flag|" \
-+ -e "s|CCOMPILEFLAGS|$cflags|" \
-+ -e "s|BESTCOMPILER|$best_compiler|" \
-+ -e "s|BYTECAMLC|$bytecamlc|" \
-+ -e "s|OCAMLMKLIBEXEC|$ocamlmklibexec|" \
-+ -e "s|NATIVECAMLC|$nativecamlc|" \
-+ -e "s|OCAMLEXEC|$ocamlexec|" \
-+ -e "s|OCAMLDEPEXEC|$ocamldepexec|" \
-+ -e "s|OCAMLDOCEXEC|$ocamldocexec|" \
-+ -e "s|OCAMLLEXEXEC|$ocamllexexec|" \
-+ -e "s|OCAMLYACCEXEC|$ocamlyaccexec|" \
-+ -e "s|CAMLMKTOPEXEC|$ocamlmktopexec|" \
-+ -e "s|CCEXEC|$gcc_exec|" \
-+ -e "s|AREXEC|$ar_exec|" \
-+ -e "s|RANLIBEXEC|$ranlib_exec|" \
-+ -e "s|COQIDEOPT|$COQIDE|" \
-+ -e "s|CHECKEDOUTSOURCETREE|$checkedout|" \
-+ -e "s|WITHDOCOPT|$with_doc|" \
-+ "$config_template" > "$config_file"
-+chmod a-w "$config_file"
-+# The end
-+echo "If anything in the above is wrong, please restart './configure'."
-+echo "*Warning* To compile the system for a new architecture"
-+echo " don't forget to do a 'make archclean' before './configure'."
-+# $Id: configure 14833 2011-12-19 21:57:30Z notin $
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/coq/no-codesign.patch b/pkgs/applications/science/logic/coq/no-codesign.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f917fbf56d..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/coq/no-codesign.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/Makefile.build b/Makefile.build
-index 2963a3d..876479c 100644
---- a/Makefile.build
-+++ b/Makefile.build
-@@ -101,13 +101,8 @@ BYTEFLAGS=$(CAMLDEBUG) $(USERFLAGS)
- DEPFLAGS= $(LOCALINCLUDES) -I ide -I ide/utils
--ifeq ($(ARCH),Darwin)
--LINKMETADATA=-ccopt "-sectcreate __TEXT __info_plist config/Info-$(notdir $@).plist"
--CODESIGN=codesign -s -
- define bestocaml
- $(if $(OPT),\
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/matita/130312.nix b/pkgs/applications/science/logic/matita/130312.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 573b0ad7e4b..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/matita/130312.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-{stdenv, fetchurl, ocaml, findlib, gdome2, ocaml_expat, gmetadom, ocaml_http, lablgtk, ocaml_mysql, ocamlnet, ulex08, camlzip, ocaml_pcre, automake, autoconf }:
- version = "0.99.1pre130312";
- pname = "matita";
-stdenv.mkDerivation {
- name = "${pname}-${version}";
- src = fetchurl {
- url = "http://matita.cs.unibo.it/sources/${pname}_130312.tar.gz";
- sha256 = "13mjvvldv53dcdid6wmc6g8yn98xca26xq2rgq2jg700lqsni59s";
- };
- sourceRoot="${pname}-${version}";
- unpackPhase = ''
- mkdir $sourceRoot
- tar -xvzf $src -C $sourceRoot
- echo "source root is $sourceRoot"
- '';
- prePatch = ''
- autoreconf -fvi
- '';
- buildInputs = [ocaml findlib gdome2 ocaml_expat gmetadom ocaml_http lablgtk ocaml_mysql ocamlnet ulex08 camlzip ocaml_pcre automake autoconf];
- postPatch = ''
- BASH=$(type -tp bash)
- substituteInPlace components/Makefile --replace "SHELL=/bin/bash" "SHELL=$BASH"
- substituteInPlace matita/Makefile --replace "SHELL=/bin/bash" "SHELL=$BASH"
- substituteInPlace configure --replace "ulex08" "ulex"
- substituteInPlace components/METAS/meta.helm-content_pres.src --replace "ulex08" "ulex"
- substituteInPlace components/content_pres/Makefile --replace "ulex08" "ulex"
- substituteInPlace components/METAS/meta.helm-grafite_parser.src --replace "ulex08" "ulex"
- substituteInPlace components/grafite_parser/Makefile --replace "ulex08" "ulex"
- substituteInPlace configure --replace "zip" "camlzip"
- substituteInPlace components/METAS/meta.helm-getter.src --replace "zip" "camlzip"
- substituteInPlace components/METAS/meta.helm-xml.src --replace "zip" "camlzip"
- '';
- patches = [ ./configure_130312.patch ];
- preConfigure = ''
- # Setup for findlib.
- OCAMLPATH=$(pwd)/components/METAS:$OCAMLPATH
- RTDIR=$out/share/matita
- export configureFlags="--with-runtime-dir=$RTDIR"
- '';
- postInstall = ''
- mkdir -p $out/bin
- ln -vs $RTDIR/matita $RTDIR/matitac $RTDIR/matitaclean $RTDIR/matitadep $RTDIR/matitawiki $out/bin
- '';
- meta = {
- homepage = http://matita.cs.unibo.it/;
- description = "Matita is an experimental, interactive theorem prover";
- license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2Plus;
- maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.roconnor ];
- broken = true;
- };
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/matita/Makefile.patch b/pkgs/applications/science/logic/matita/Makefile.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 64c9a13f2d0..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/matita/Makefile.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- matita-0.5.8/Makefile 2009-12-01 18:21:00.000000000 -0500
-+++ matita-0.5.8/Makefile 2010-09-16 10:33:59.665461260 -0400
-@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
- uninstall: $(foreach d,$(SUBDIRS),rec@uninstall@$(d))
- rec@%:
-- $(MAKE) -C $(word 2, $(subst @, ,$*)) $(word 1, $(subst @, ,$*)) DESTDIR=$(shell pwd)/$(DESTDIR)
-+ $(MAKE) -C $(word 2, $(subst @, ,$*)) $(word 1, $(subst @, ,$*))
- # {{{ Distribution stuff
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/matita/configure.patch b/pkgs/applications/science/logic/matita/configure.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a3bbbb13f5..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/matita/configure.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
---- zzz/matita-0.5.8/configure 2009-12-01 18:21:00.000000000 -0500
-+++ matita-0.5.8/configure 2010-09-07 19:57:29.732139550 -0400
-@@ -1895,6 +1895,7 @@
- # look for METAS dir
- LIBSPATH="`pwd`/components"
- # creating META.*
-@@ -1917,7 +1918,7 @@
- gdome2 \
- http \
- lablgtk2 \
--lablgtksourceview2.gtksourceview2 \
-+lablgtk2.gtksourceview \
- lablgtkmathview \
- mysql \
- netstring \
-@@ -1951,14 +1952,14 @@
- lablgtk2.glade \
- lablgtkmathview \
--lablgtksourceview2.gtksourceview2 \
-+lablgtk2.gtksourceview \
- helm-xmldiff \
- "
- do
- { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $r ocaml library" >&5
- $as_echo_n "checking for $r ocaml library... " >&6; }
-- if OCAMLPATH=$OCAMLPATH $OCAMLFIND query $r &> /dev/null; then
-+ if OCAMLPATH=$OCAMLPATH:$OLDCAMLPATH $OCAMLFIND query $r &> /dev/null; then
- { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
- $as_echo "yes" >&6; }
- else
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/matita/configure_130312.patch b/pkgs/applications/science/logic/matita/configure_130312.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 255feec566b..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/matita/configure_130312.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
---- matita/configure 2011-11-22 06:04:17.000000000 -0500
-+++ matita/configure 2011-11-24 11:43:11.584847938 -0500
-@@ -1905,6 +1905,7 @@
- # look for METAS dir
- LIBSPATH="`pwd`/components"
- # creating META.*
-@@ -1927,7 +1928,7 @@
- gdome2 \
- http \
- lablgtk2 \
--lablgtksourceview2.gtksourceview2 \
-+lablgtk2.gtksourceview \
- mysql \
- netstring \
- ulex08 \
-@@ -1953,13 +1954,13 @@
- lablgtk2.glade \
--lablgtksourceview2.gtksourceview2 \
-+lablgtk2.gtksourceview \
- "
- do
- { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $r ocaml library" >&5
- $as_echo_n "checking for $r ocaml library... " >&6; }
-- if OCAMLPATH=$OCAMLPATH $OCAMLFIND query $r &> /dev/null; then
-+ if OCAMLPATH=$OCAMLPATH:$OLDCAMLPATH $OCAMLFIND query $r &> /dev/null; then
- { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5
- $as_echo "yes" >&6; }
- else
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/matita/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/science/logic/matita/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 5495f61bfd8..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/science/logic/matita/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-{stdenv, fetchurl, ocaml, findlib, gdome2, ocaml_expat, gmetadom, ocaml_http, lablgtk, lablgtkmathview, ocaml_mysql, ocaml_sqlite3, ocamlnet, ulex08, camlzip, ocaml_pcre }:
- version = "0.5.8";
- pname = "matita";
-stdenv.mkDerivation {
- name = "${pname}-${version}";
- src = fetchurl {
- url = "http://matita.cs.unibo.it/FILES/${pname}-${version}.orig.tar.gz";
- sha256 = "04sxklfak71khy1f07ks5c6163jbpxv6fmaw03fx8gwwlvpmzglh";
- };
- buildInputs = [ocaml findlib gdome2 ocaml_expat gmetadom ocaml_http lablgtk lablgtkmathview ocaml_mysql ocaml_sqlite3 ocamlnet ulex08 camlzip ocaml_pcre ];
- postPatch = ''
- BASH=$(type -tp bash)
- substituteInPlace components/Makefile --replace "SHELL=/bin/bash" "SHELL=$BASH"
- substituteInPlace matita/Makefile --replace "SHELL=/bin/bash" "SHELL=$BASH"
- substituteInPlace configure --replace "ulex08" "ulex"
- substituteInPlace components/METAS/meta.helm-content_pres.src --replace "ulex08" "ulex"
- substituteInPlace components/content_pres/Makefile --replace "ulex08" "ulex"
- substituteInPlace components/METAS/meta.helm-grafite_parser.src --replace "ulex08" "ulex"
- substituteInPlace components/grafite_parser/Makefile --replace "ulex08" "ulex"
- substituteInPlace configure --replace "zip" "camlzip"
- substituteInPlace components/METAS/meta.helm-getter.src --replace "zip" "camlzip"
- substituteInPlace components/METAS/meta.helm-xml.src --replace "zip" "camlzip"
- '';
- patches = [ ./configure.patch ./Makefile.patch ];
- preConfigure = ''
- # Setup for findlib.
- OCAMLPATH=$(pwd)/components/METAS:$OCAMLPATH
- RTDIR=$out/share/matita
- export configureFlags="--with-runtime-dir=$RTDIR"
- '';
- postInstall = ''
- mkdir -p $out/bin
- ln -vs $RTDIR/matita $RTDIR/matitac $RTDIR/matitaclean $RTDIR/matitadep $RTDIR/matitawiki $out/bin
- '';
- meta = {
- homepage = http://matita.cs.unibo.it/;
- description = "Experimental, interactive theorem prover";
- license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2Plus;
- maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.roconnor ];
- };
diff --git a/pkgs/development/tools/ocaml/camlp5/5.15.nix b/pkgs/development/tools/ocaml/camlp5/5.15.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e03bb8025e..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/tools/ocaml/camlp5/5.15.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-{stdenv, fetchurl, ocaml, transitional ? false}:
- pname = "camlp5";
- webpage = http://pauillac.inria.fr/~ddr/camlp5/;
- metafile = ./META;
-assert !stdenv.lib.versionOlder "4.00" ocaml.version;
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
- name = "${pname}${if transitional then "_transitional" else ""}-${version}";
- version = "5.15";
- src = fetchurl {
- url = "${webpage}/distrib/src/${pname}-${version}.tgz";
- sha256 = "1sx5wlfpydqskm97gp7887p3avbl3vanlmrwj35wx5mbzj6kn9nq";
- };
- buildInputs = [ ocaml ];
- prefixKey = "-prefix ";
- preConfigure = "configureFlagsArray=(" + (if transitional then "--transitional" else "--strict") +
- " --libdir $out/lib/ocaml/${ocaml.version}/site-lib)";
- buildFlags = "world.opt";
- postInstall = "cp ${metafile} $out/lib/ocaml/${ocaml.version}/site-lib/camlp5/META";
- meta = {
- description = "Preprocessor-pretty-printer for OCaml";
- longDescription = ''
- Camlp5 is a preprocessor and pretty-printer for OCaml programs.
- It also provides parsing and printing tools.
- '';
- homepage = "${webpage}";
- license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
- branch = "5";
- platforms = ocaml.meta.platforms or [];
- maintainers = [
- stdenv.lib.maintainers.z77z
- ];
- };
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/aliases.nix b/pkgs/top-level/aliases.nix
index 92a0f2b4570..fe0d3816413 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/aliases.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/aliases.nix
@@ -329,7 +329,6 @@ mapAliases ({
callPackage_i686 = pkgsi686Linux.callPackage;
inherit (ocaml-ng) # added 2016-09-14
- ocamlPackages_3_10_0 ocamlPackages_3_11_2 ocamlPackages_3_12_1
ocamlPackages_4_00_1 ocamlPackages_4_01_0 ocamlPackages_4_02
@@ -348,10 +347,6 @@ mapAliases ({
gst-ffmpeg = pkgs.gst-ffmpeg;
} // (with ocaml-ng; { # added 2016-09-14
- ocaml_3_08_0 = ocamlPackages_3_08_0.ocaml;
- ocaml_3_10_0 = ocamlPackages_3_10_0.ocaml;
- ocaml_3_11_2 = ocamlPackages_3_11_2.ocaml;
- ocaml_3_12_1 = ocamlPackages_3_12_1.ocaml;
ocaml_4_00_1 = ocamlPackages_4_00_1.ocaml;
ocaml_4_01_0 = ocamlPackages_4_01_0.ocaml;
ocaml_4_02 = ocamlPackages_4_02.ocaml;
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
index f1e2930a83c..cf92b5eb1c2 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
@@ -21164,12 +21164,11 @@ with pkgs;
boogie = dotnetPackages.Boogie;
inherit (callPackage ./coq-packages.nix {
- inherit (ocaml-ng) ocamlPackages_3_12_1
- ocamlPackages_4_02
+ inherit (ocaml-ng) ocamlPackages_4_02
}) mkCoqPackages
- coq_8_3 coq_8_4 coq_8_5 coq_8_6 coq_8_7 coq_8_8
+ coq_8_4 coq_8_5 coq_8_6 coq_8_7 coq_8_8
coqPackages_8_5 coqPackages_8_6 coqPackages_8_7 coqPackages_8_8
coqPackages coq
@@ -21248,10 +21247,6 @@ with pkgs;
ltl2ba = callPackage ../applications/science/logic/ltl2ba {};
- inherit (ocaml-ng.ocamlPackages_3_11_2) matita;
- matita_130312 = lowPrio ocamlPackages.matita_130312;
metis-prover = callPackage ../applications/science/logic/metis-prover { };
mcrl2 = callPackage ../applications/science/logic/mcrl2 { };
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/coq-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/coq-packages.nix
index bc21137903a..305d9ba351b 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/coq-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/coq-packages.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
{ lib, callPackage, newScope, recurseIntoAttrs
, gnumake3
-, ocamlPackages_3_12_1
, ocamlPackages_4_02
, ocamlPackages_4_05
@@ -56,12 +55,6 @@ in rec {
let self = mkCoqPackages' self coq; in
filterCoqPackages coq self;
- coq_8_3 = callPackage ../applications/science/logic/coq/8.3.nix {
- make = gnumake3;
- inherit (ocamlPackages_3_12_1) ocaml findlib;
- camlp5 = ocamlPackages_3_12_1.camlp5_transitional;
- lablgtk = ocamlPackages_3_12_1.lablgtk_2_14;
- };
coq_8_4 = callPackage ../applications/science/logic/coq/8.4.nix {
inherit (ocamlPackages_4_02) ocaml findlib lablgtk;
camlp5 = ocamlPackages_4_02.camlp5_transitional;
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/ocaml-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/ocaml-packages.nix
index 7de4bf3fad4..5f6d6fc9bc1 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/ocaml-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/ocaml-packages.nix
@@ -88,18 +88,6 @@ let
then callPackage ../development/tools/ocaml/camlp4 { }
else null;
- camlp5_old_strict =
- if lib.versionOlder "4.00" ocaml.version
- then camlp5_6_strict
- else callPackage ../development/tools/ocaml/camlp5/5.15.nix { };
- camlp5_old_transitional =
- if lib.versionOlder "4.00" ocaml.version
- then camlp5_6_transitional
- else callPackage ../development/tools/ocaml/camlp5/5.15.nix {
- transitional = true;
- };
camlp5_6_strict = callPackage ../development/tools/ocaml/camlp5 { };
camlp5_6_transitional = callPackage ../development/tools/ocaml/camlp5 {
@@ -1063,12 +1051,6 @@ let
camlp5 = camlp5_strict;
- matita = callPackage ../applications/science/logic/matita {
- ulex08 = ulex08.override { camlp5 = camlp5_old_transitional; };
- };
- matita_130312 = callPackage ../applications/science/logic/matita/130312.nix { };
in (ocamlPackages.janeStreet // ocamlPackages);
in lib.fix' (lib.extends overrides packageSet);
@@ -1077,14 +1059,6 @@ in rec
inherit mkOcamlPackages;
- ocamlPackages_3_08_0 = mkOcamlPackages (callPackage ../development/compilers/ocaml/3.08.0.nix { }) (self: super: { lablgtk = self.lablgtk_2_14; });
- ocamlPackages_3_10_0 = mkOcamlPackages (callPackage ../development/compilers/ocaml/3.10.0.nix { }) (self: super: { lablgtk = self.lablgtk_2_14; });
- ocamlPackages_3_11_2 = mkOcamlPackages (callPackage ../development/compilers/ocaml/3.11.2.nix { }) (self: super: { lablgtk = self.lablgtk_2_14; });
- ocamlPackages_3_12_1 = mkOcamlPackages (callPackage ../development/compilers/ocaml/3.12.1.nix { }) (self: super: { camlimages = self.camlimages_4_0; });
ocamlPackages_4_00_1 = mkOcamlPackages (callPackage ../development/compilers/ocaml/4.00.1.nix { }) (self: super: { });
ocamlPackages_4_01_0 = mkOcamlPackages (callPackage ../development/compilers/ocaml/4.01.0.nix { }) (self: super: { });