security: adding setcap-wrapper functionality
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <linux/capability.h>
#include <sys/capability.h>
#include <linux/prctl.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <cap-ng.h>
// Make sure assertions are not compiled out, we use them to codify
// invariants about this program and we want it to fail fast and
// loudly if they are violated.
#undef NDEBUG
extern char **environ;
// The SOURCE_PROG and WRAPPER_DIR macros are supplied at compile time
// for a security reason: So they cannot be changed at runtime.
static char * sourceProg = SOURCE_PROG;
static char * wrapperDir = WRAPPER_DIR;
// Update the capabilities of the running process to include the given
// capability in the Ambient set.
static void set_ambient_cap(cap_value_t cap)
if (capng_update(CAPNG_ADD, CAPNG_INHERITABLE, (unsigned long) cap))
printf("cannot raise the capability into the Inheritable set\n");
if (prctl(PR_CAP_AMBIENT, PR_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE, (unsigned long) cap, 0, 0))
perror("cannot raise the capability into the Ambient set\n");
// Given the path to this program, fetch its configured capability set
// (as set by `setcap ... /path/to/file`) and raise those capabilities
// into the Ambient set.
static int make_caps_ambient(const char *selfPath)
cap_t caps = cap_get_file(selfPath);
fprintf(stderr, "could not retreive the capability set for this file\n");
return 1;
// We use `cap_to_text` and iteration over the tokenized result
// string because, as of libcap's current release, there is no
// facility for retrieving an array of `cap_value_t`'s that can be
// given to `prctl` in order to lift that capability into the
// Ambient set.
// Some discussion was had around shot-gunning all of the
// capabilities we know about into the Ambient set but that has a
// security smell and I deemed the risk of the current
// implementation crashing the program to be lower than the risk
// of a privilege escalation security hole being introduced by
// raising all capabilities, even ones we didn't intend for the
// program, into the Ambient set.
// `cap_t` which is returned by `cap_get_*` is an opaque type and
// even if we could retrieve the bitmasks (which, as far as I can
// tell we cannot) in order to get the `cap_value_t`
// representation for each capability we would have to take the
// total number of capabilities supported and iterate over the
// sequence of integers up-to that maximum total, testing each one
// against the bitmask ((bitmask >> n) & 1) to see if it's set and
// aggregating each "capability integer n" that is set in the
// bitmask.
// That, combined with the fact that we can't easily get the
// bitmask anyway seemed much more brittle than fetching the
// `cap_t`, transforming it into a textual representation,
// tokenizing the string, and using `cap_from_name` on the token
// to get the `cap_value_t` that we need for `prctl`. There is
// indeed risk involved if the output string format of
// `cap_to_text` ever changes but at this time the combination of
// factors involving the below list have led me to the conclusion
// that the best implementation at this time is reading then
// parsing with *lots of documentation* about why we're doing it
// this way.
// 1. No explicit API for fetching an array of `cap_value_t`'s or
// for transforming a `cap_t` into such a representation
// 2. The risk of a crash is lower than lifting all capabilities
// into the Ambient set
// 3. libcap is depended on heavily in the Linux ecosystem so
// there is a high chance that the output representation of
// `cap_to_text` will not change which reduces our risk that
// this parsing step will cause a crash
// The preferred method, should it ever be available in the
// future, would be to use libcap API's to transform the result
// from a `cap_get_*` into an array of `cap_value_t`'s that can
// then be given to prctl.
// - Parnell
ssize_t capLen;
char* capstr = cap_to_text(caps, &capLen);
// TODO: For now, we assume that cap_to_text always starts its
// result string with " =" and that the first capability is listed
// immediately after that. We should verify this.
assert(capLen >= 2);
capstr += 2;
char* saveptr = NULL;
for(char* tok = strtok_r(capstr, ",", &saveptr); tok; tok = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &saveptr))
cap_value_t capnum;
if (cap_from_name(tok, &capnum))
fprintf(stderr, "cap_from_name failed, skipping: %s\n", tok);
else if (capnum == CAP_SETPCAP)
// Check for the cap_setpcap capability, we set this on the
// wrapper so it can elevate the capabilities to the Ambient
// set but we do not want to propagate it down into the
// wrapped program.
// TODO: what happens if that's the behavior you want
// though???? I'm preferring a strict vs. loose policy here.
fprintf(stderr, "cap_setpcap in set, skipping it\n");
printf("raised %s into the Ambient capability set\n", tok);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char * * argv)
// I *think* it's safe to assume that a path from a symbolic link
// should safely fit within the PATH_MAX system limit. Though I'm
// not positive it's safe...
char selfPath[PATH_MAX];
int selfPathSize = readlink("/proc/self/exe", selfPath, sizeof(selfPath) - 1);
assert(selfPathSize > 0);
selfPath[selfPathSize] = '\0';
// Make sure that we are being executed from the right location,
// i.e., `safeWrapperDir'. This is to prevent someone from creating
// hard link `X' from some other location, along with a false
// `X.real' file, to allow arbitrary programs from being executed
// with elevated capabilities.
int len = strlen(wrapperDir);
if (len > 0 && '/' == wrapperDir[len - 1])
assert(!strncmp(selfPath, wrapperDir, len));
assert('/' == wrapperDir[0]);
assert('/' == selfPath[len]);
// Make *really* *really* sure that we were executed as
// `selfPath', and not, say, as some other setuid program. That
// is, our effective uid/gid should match the uid/gid of
// `selfPath'.
struct stat st;
assert(lstat(selfPath, &st) != -1);
assert(!(st.st_mode & S_ISUID) || (st.st_uid == geteuid()));
assert(!(st.st_mode & S_ISGID) || (st.st_gid == getegid()));
// And, of course, we shouldn't be writable.
assert(!(st.st_mode & (S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH)));
struct stat stR;
stat(sourceProg, &stR);
// Make sure the program we're wrapping is non-zero
assert(stR.st_size > 0);
// Read the capabilities set on the file and raise them in to the
// Ambient set so the program we're wrapping receives the
// capabilities too!
execve(sourceProg, argv, environ);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot run `%s': %s\n",
argv[0], sourceProg, strerror(errno));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib; with pkgs;
inherit ( setcapWrapperDir;
cfg =;
# Produce a shell-code splice intended to be stitched into one of
# the build or install phases within the `setcapWrapper` derivation.
mkSetcapWrapper = { program, source ? null, ...}:
if ! source=${if source != null then source else "$(readlink -f $(PATH=$SETCAP_PATH type -tP ${program}))"}; then
# If we can't find the program, fall back to the
# system profile.
gcc -Wall -O2 -DSOURCE_PROG=\"$source\" -DWRAPPER_DIR=\"${setcapWrapperDir}\" \
-lcap-ng -lcap ${./setcap-wrapper.c} -o $out/bin/${program}.wrapper
setcapWrappers =
# This is only useful for Linux platforms and a kernel version of
# 4.3 or greater
assert pkgs.stdenv.isLinux;
assert versionAtLeast (getVersion config.boot.kernelPackages.kernel) "4.3";
pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "setcap-wrapper";
unpackPhase = "true";
buildInputs = [ linuxHeaders_4_4 libcap libcap_ng ];
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
# Concat together all of our shell splices to compile
# binary wrapper programs for all configured setcap programs.
${concatMapStrings mkSetcapWrapper cfg}
options = {
security.setcapCapabilities = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.attrs;
default = [];
example =
[ { program = "sendmail";
source = "${pkgs.sendmail.bin}/bin/sendmail";
owner = "nobody";
group = "postdrop";
setcap = true;
capabilities = "cap_net_raw+ep";
description = ''
This option sets capabilities on a wrapper program that
propagates those capabilities down to the wrapped, real
The `program` attribute is the name of the program to be
wrapped. If no `source` attribute is provided, specifying the
absolute path to the program, then the program will be
searched for in the path environment variable.
NOTE: cap_setpcap, which is required for the wrapper program
to be able to raise caps into the Ambient set is NOT raised to
the Ambient set so that the real program cannot modify its own
capabilities!! This may be too restrictive for cases in which
the real program needs cap_setpcap but it at least leans on
the side security paranoid vs. too relaxed.
The attribute `setcap` defaults to false and it will create a
wrapper program but never set the capability set on it. This
is done so that you can remove a capability sent entirely from
a wrapper program without also needing to go change any
absolute paths that may be directly referencing the wrapper
security.setcapWrapperDir = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = "/nix/var/setcap-wrappers";
internal = true;
description = ''
This option defines the path to the setcap wrappers. It
should generally not be overriden.
config = {
# Make sure our setcap-wrapper dir exports to the PATH env
# variable when initializing the shell
environment.extraInit = ''
# The setcap wrappers override other bin directories.
export PATH="${}:$PATH"
system.activationScripts.setcap =
setcapPrograms = cfg;
configureSetcapWrapper =
{ program
, capabilities
, source ? null
, owner ? "nobody"
, group ? "nogroup"
, setcap ? false
mkdir -p ${setcapWrapperDir}
cp ${setcapWrappers}/bin/${program}.wrapper ${setcapWrapperDir}/${program}
# Prevent races
chmod 0000 ${setcapWrapperDir}/${program}
chown ${owner}.${group} ${setcapWrapperDir}/${program}
# Set desired capabilities on the file plus cap_setpcap so
# the wrapper program can elevate the capabilities set on
# its file into the Ambient set.
# Only set the capabilities though if we're being told to
# do so.
if setcap then
${libcap.out}/bin/setcap "cap_setpcap,${capabilities}" ${setcapWrapperDir}/${program}
else ""
# Set the executable bit
chmod u+rx,g+x,o+x ${setcapWrapperDir}/${program}
in stringAfter [ "users" ]
# Look in the system path and in the default profile for
# programs to be wrapped.
# When a program is removed from the security.setcapCapabilities
# list we have to remove all of the previous program wrappers
# and re-build them minus the wrapper for the program removed,
# hence the rm here in the activation script.
rm -f ${setcapWrapperDir}/*
# Concatenate the generated shell slices to configure
# wrappers for each program needing specialized capabilities.
${concatMapStrings configureSetcapWrapper setcapPrograms}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user