nixos/mailman: refactor
- Add serve.enable option, which configures uwsgi and nginx to serve the mailman-web application; - Configure services to log to the journal, where possible. Mailman Core does not provide any options for this, but will now log to /var/log/mailman; - Use a unified python environment for all components, with an extraPackages option to allow use of postgres support and similar; - Configure mailman's postfix module such that it can generate the domain and lmtp maps; - Fix formatting for option examples; - Provide a mailman-web user to run the uwsgi service by default - Refactor Hyperkitty's periodic jobs to reduce repetition in the expressions; - Remove service dependencies not related to functionality included in the module, such as httpd -- these should be configured in user config when used; - Move static files root to /var/lib/mailman-web-static by default. This avoids permission issues when a static file web server attempts to access /var/lib/mailman which is private to mailman. The location can still be changed by setting services.mailman.webSettings.STATIC_ROOT; - Remove the webRoot option, which seems to have been included by accident, being an unsuitable directory for serving via HTTP. - Rename mailman-web.service to mailman-web-setup.service, since it doesn't actually serve mailman-web. There is now a mailman-uwsgi.service if serve.enable is set to true.
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ let
cfg =;
pythonEnv = pkgs.python3.withPackages (ps:
[ps.mailman ps.mailman-web]
++ lib.optional cfg.hyperkitty.enable ps.mailman-hyperkitty
++ cfg.extraPythonPackages);
# This deliberately doesn't use recursiveUpdate so users can
# override the defaults.
settings = {
@ -13,12 +18,28 @@ let
SERVER_EMAIL = cfg.siteOwner;
ALLOWED_HOSTS = [ "localhost" "" ] ++ cfg.webHosts;
STATIC_ROOT = "/var/lib/mailman-web/static";
STATIC_ROOT = "/var/lib/mailman-web-static";
MEDIA_ROOT = "/var/lib/mailman-web/media";
version = 1;
disable_existing_loggers = true;
handlers.console.class = "logging.StreamHandler";
loggers.django = {
handlers = [ "console" ];
level = "INFO";
} // cfg.webSettings;
settingsJSON = pkgs.writeText "settings.json" (builtins.toJSON settings);
# TODO: Should this be RFC42-ised so that users can set additional options without modifying the module?
mtaConfig = pkgs.writeText "mailman-postfix.cfg" ''
postmap_command: ${pkgs.postfix}/bin/postmap
transport_file_type: hash
mailmanCfg = ''
site_owner: ${cfg.siteOwner}
@ -29,11 +50,14 @@ let
var_dir: /var/lib/mailman
queue_dir: $var_dir/queue
template_dir: $var_dir/templates
log_dir: $var_dir/log
log_dir: /var/log/mailman
lock_dir: $var_dir/lock
etc_dir: /etc
ext_dir: $etc_dir/mailman.d
pid_file: /run/mailman/
configuration: ${mtaConfig}
'' + optionalString cfg.hyperkitty.enable ''
@ -84,7 +108,7 @@ in {
type = types.package;
default = pkgs.mailman;
defaultText = "pkgs.mailman";
example = "pkgs.mailman.override { archivers = []; }";
example = literalExample "pkgs.mailman.override { archivers = []; }";
description = "Mailman package to use";
@ -98,18 +122,6 @@ in {
webRoot = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = "${pkgs.mailman-web}/${pkgs.python3.sitePackages}";
defaultText = "\${pkgs.mailman-web}/\${pkgs.python3.sitePackages}";
description = ''
The web root for the Hyperkity + Postorius apps provided by Mailman.
This variable can be set, of course, but it mainly exists so that site
admins can refer to it in their own hand-written web server
configuration files.
webHosts = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.str;
default = [];
@ -124,7 +136,7 @@ in {
webUser = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default =;
default = "mailman-web";
description = ''
User to run mailman-web as
@ -138,6 +150,16 @@ in {
serve = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Automatic nginx and uwsgi setup for mailman-web";
extraPythonPackages = mkOption {
description = "Packages to add to the python environment used by mailman and mailman-web";
type = types.listOf types.package;
default = [];
hyperkitty = {
enable = mkEnableOption "the Hyperkitty archiver for Mailman";
@ -183,7 +205,17 @@ in {
(requirePostfixHash [ "config" "local_recipient_maps" ] "postfix_lmtp")
users.users.mailman = { description = "GNU Mailman"; isSystemUser = true; };
users.users.mailman = {
description = "GNU Mailman";
isSystemUser = true;
group = "mailman";
users.users.mailman-web = lib.mkIf (cfg.webUser == "mailman-web") {
description = "GNU Mailman web interface";
isSystemUser = true;
group = "mailman";
users.groups.mailman = {};
environment.etc."mailman.cfg".text = mailmanCfg;
@ -205,7 +237,28 @@ in {
environment.systemPackages = [ cfg.package ] ++ (with pkgs; [ mailman-web ]);
services.nginx = mkIf cfg.serve.enable {
enable = mkDefault true;
virtualHosts."${lib.head cfg.webHosts}" = {
serverAliases = cfg.webHosts;
locations = {
"/".extraConfig = "uwsgi_pass unix:/run/mailman-web.socket;";
"/static/".alias = settings.STATIC_ROOT + "/";
environment.systemPackages = [ (pkgs.buildEnv {
name = "mailman-tools";
# We don't want to pollute the system PATH with a python
# interpreter etc. so let's pick only the stuff we actually
# want from pythonEnv
pathsToLink = ["/bin"];
paths = [pythonEnv];
postBuild = ''
find $out/bin/ -mindepth 1 -not -name "mailman*" -delete
}) ];
services.postfix = {
recipientDelimiter = "+"; # bake recipient addresses in mail envelopes via VERP
@ -214,181 +267,151 @@ in {
|||| = {
description = "GNU Mailman Master Process";
after = [ "" ];
restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."mailman.cfg".source ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/mailman start";
ExecStop = "${cfg.package}/bin/mailman stop";
User = "mailman";
Type = "forking";
RuntimeDirectory = "mailman";
PIDFile = "/run/mailman/";
systemd.sockets.mailman-uwsgi = lib.mkIf cfg.serve.enable {
wantedBy = [""];
before = ["nginx.service"];
socketConfig.ListenStream = "/run/mailman-web.socket";
|||| = {
description = "Generate settings files (including secrets) for Mailman";
before = [ "mailman.service" "mailman-web.service" "hyperkitty.service" "httpd.service" "uwsgi.service" ];
requiredBy = [ "mailman.service" "mailman-web.service" "hyperkitty.service" "httpd.service" "uwsgi.service" ];
path = with pkgs; [ jq ];
script = ''
install -m 0700 -o mailman -g nogroup -d $mailmanDir
install -m 0700 -o ${cfg.webUser} -g nogroup -d $mailmanWebDir
if [ ! -e $mailmanWebCfg ]; then
hyperkittyApiKey=$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c 64)
secretKey=$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c 64)
jq -n '.MAILMAN_ARCHIVER_KEY=$archiver_key | .SECRET_KEY=$secret_key' \
--arg archiver_key "$hyperkittyApiKey" \
--arg secret_key "$secretKey" \
chown ${cfg.webUser} "$mailmanWebCfgTmp"
mv -n "$mailmanWebCfgTmp" $mailmanWebCfg
hyperkittyApiKey="$(jq -r .MAILMAN_ARCHIVER_KEY $mailmanWebCfg)"
sed "s/@API_KEY@/$hyperkittyApiKey/g" ${mailmanHyperkittyCfg} >"$mailmanCfgTmp"
chown mailman "$mailmanCfgTmp"
mv "$mailmanCfgTmp" $mailmanCfg
serviceConfig = {
Type = "oneshot";
# RemainAfterExit makes restartIfChanged work for this service, so
# downstream services will get updated automatically when things like
# services.mailman.hyperkitty.baseUrl change. Otherwise users have to
# restart things manually, which is confusing.
RemainAfterExit = "yes";
|||| = {
mailman = {
description = "GNU Mailman Master Process";
after = [ "" ];
restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."mailman.cfg".source ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${pythonEnv}/bin/mailman start";
ExecStop = "${pythonEnv}/bin/mailman stop";
User = "mailman";
Group = "mailman";
Type = "forking";
RuntimeDirectory = "mailman";
LogsDirectory = "mailman";
PIDFile = "/run/mailman/";
|||| = {
description = "Init Postorius DB";
before = [ "httpd.service" "uwsgi.service" ];
requiredBy = [ "httpd.service" "uwsgi.service" ];
restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."mailman3/".source ];
script = ''
${pkgs.mailman-web}/bin/mailman-web migrate
rm -rf static
${pkgs.mailman-web}/bin/mailman-web collectstatic
${pkgs.mailman-web}/bin/mailman-web compress
serviceConfig = {
User = cfg.webUser;
Type = "oneshot";
# Similar to mailman-settings.service, this makes restartTriggers work
# properly for this service.
RemainAfterExit = "yes";
WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/mailman-web";
mailman-settings = {
description = "Generate settings files (including secrets) for Mailman";
before = [ "mailman.service" "mailman-web-setup.service" "mailman-uwsgi.service" "hyperkitty.service" ];
requiredBy = [ "mailman.service" "mailman-web-setup.service" "mailman-uwsgi.service" "hyperkitty.service" ];
path = with pkgs; [ jq ];
script = ''
install -m 0775 -o mailman -g mailman -d /var/lib/mailman-web-static
install -m 0770 -o mailman -g mailman -d $mailmanDir
install -m 0770 -o ${cfg.webUser} -g mailman -d $mailmanWebDir
if [ ! -e $mailmanWebCfg ]; then
hyperkittyApiKey=$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c 64)
secretKey=$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c 64)
jq -n '.MAILMAN_ARCHIVER_KEY=$archiver_key | .SECRET_KEY=$secret_key' \
--arg archiver_key "$hyperkittyApiKey" \
--arg secret_key "$secretKey" \
chown root:mailman "$mailmanWebCfgTmp"
chmod 440 "$mailmanWebCfgTmp"
mv -n "$mailmanWebCfgTmp" "$mailmanWebCfg"
hyperkittyApiKey="$(jq -r .MAILMAN_ARCHIVER_KEY "$mailmanWebCfg")"
sed "s/@API_KEY@/$hyperkittyApiKey/g" ${mailmanHyperkittyCfg} >"$mailmanCfgTmp"
chown mailman:mailman "$mailmanCfgTmp"
mv "$mailmanCfgTmp" "$mailmanCfg"
|||| = {
description = "Trigger daily Mailman events";
startAt = "daily";
restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."mailman.cfg".source ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/mailman digests --send";
User = "mailman";
mailman-web-setup = {
description = "Prepare mailman-web files and database";
before = [ "uwsgi.service" "mailman-uwsgi.service" ];
requiredBy = [ "mailman-uwsgi.service" ];
restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."mailman3/".source ];
script = ''
find "${settings.STATIC_ROOT}/" -mindepth 1 -delete
${pythonEnv}/bin/mailman-web migrate
${pythonEnv}/bin/mailman-web collectstatic
${pythonEnv}/bin/mailman-web compress
serviceConfig = {
User = cfg.webUser;
Group = "mailman";
Type = "oneshot";
WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/mailman-web";
|||| = {
inherit (cfg.hyperkitty) enable;
description = "GNU Hyperkitty QCluster Process";
after = [ "" ];
restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."mailman3/".source ];
wantedBy = [ "mailman.service" "" ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${pkgs.mailman-web}/bin/mailman-web qcluster";
User = cfg.webUser;
WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/mailman-web";
mailman-uwsgi = mkIf cfg.serve.enable (let
uwsgiConfig.uwsgi = {
type = "normal";
plugins = ["python3"];
home = pythonEnv;
module = "mailman_web.wsgi";
uwsgiConfigFile = pkgs.writeText "uwsgi-mailman.json" (builtins.toJSON uwsgiConfig);
in {
wantedBy = [""];
requires = ["mailman-uwsgi.socket" "mailman-web-setup.service"];
restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."mailman3/".source ];
serviceConfig = {
# Since the mailman-web obstinately creates a logs
# dir in the cwd, change to the (writable) runtime directory before
# starting uwsgi.
ExecStart = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/env -C $RUNTIME_DIRECTORY ${pkgs.uwsgi.override { plugins = ["python3"]; }}/bin/uwsgi --json ${uwsgiConfigFile}";
User = cfg.webUser;
Group = "mailman";
RuntimeDirectory = "mailman-uwsgi";
mailman-daily = {
description = "Trigger daily Mailman events";
startAt = "daily";
restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."mailman.cfg".source ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${pythonEnv}/bin/mailman digests --send";
User = "mailman";
Group = "mailman";
|||| = {
inherit (cfg.hyperkitty) enable;
description = "Trigger minutely Hyperkitty events";
startAt = "minutely";
restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."mailman3/".source ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${pkgs.mailman-web}/bin/mailman-web runjobs minutely";
User = cfg.webUser;
WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/mailman-web";
hyperkitty = lib.mkIf cfg.hyperkitty.enable {
description = "GNU Hyperkitty QCluster Process";
after = [ "" ];
restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."mailman3/".source ];
wantedBy = [ "mailman.service" "" ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${pythonEnv}/bin/mailman-web qcluster";
User = cfg.webUser;
Group = "mailman";
WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/mailman-web";
|||| = {
inherit (cfg.hyperkitty) enable;
description = "Trigger quarter-hourly Hyperkitty events";
startAt = "*:00/15";
restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."mailman3/".source ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${pkgs.mailman-web}/bin/mailman-web runjobs quarter_hourly";
User = cfg.webUser;
WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/mailman-web";
|||| = {
inherit (cfg.hyperkitty) enable;
description = "Trigger hourly Hyperkitty events";
startAt = "hourly";
restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."mailman3/".source ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${pkgs.mailman-web}/bin/mailman-web runjobs hourly";
User = cfg.webUser;
WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/mailman-web";
|||| = {
inherit (cfg.hyperkitty) enable;
description = "Trigger daily Hyperkitty events";
startAt = "daily";
restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."mailman3/".source ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${pkgs.mailman-web}/bin/mailman-web runjobs daily";
User = cfg.webUser;
WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/mailman-web";
|||| = {
inherit (cfg.hyperkitty) enable;
description = "Trigger weekly Hyperkitty events";
startAt = "weekly";
restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."mailman3/".source ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${pkgs.mailman-web}/bin/mailman-web runjobs weekly";
User = cfg.webUser;
WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/mailman-web";
|||| = {
inherit (cfg.hyperkitty) enable;
description = "Trigger yearly Hyperkitty events";
startAt = "yearly";
restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."mailman3/".source ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${pkgs.mailman-web}/bin/mailman-web runjobs yearly";
User = cfg.webUser;
WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/mailman-web";
} // flip lib.mapAttrs' {
"minutely" = "minutely";
"quarter_hourly" = "*:00/15";
"hourly" = "hourly";
"daily" = "daily";
"weekly" = "weekly";
"yearly" = "yearly";
} (name: startAt:
lib.nameValuePair "hyperkitty-${name}" (lib.mkIf cfg.hyperkitty.enable {
description = "Trigger ${name} Hyperkitty events";
inherit startAt;
restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."mailman3/".source ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${pythonEnv}/bin/mailman-web runjobs minutely";
User = cfg.webUser;
Group = "mailman";
WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/mailman-web";
Reference in New Issue