@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
so it's easy to ping a package @maintainer.
aaronschif = "Aaron Schif <>";
a1russell = "Adam Russell <>";
aaronschif = "Aaron Schif <>";
abaldeau = "Andreas Baldeau <>";
abbradar = "Nikolay Amiantov <>";
adev = "Adrien Devresse <>";
adev = "Adrien Devresse <>";
aespinosa = "Allan Espinosa <>";
aforemny = "Alexander Foremny <>";
aflatter = "Alexander Flatter <>";
aforemny = "Alexander Foremny <>";
aherrmann = "Andreas Herrmann <>";
ak = "Alexander Kjeldaas <>";
akaWolf = "Artjom Vejsel <>";
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
bcarrell = "Brandon Carrell <>";
bcdarwin = "Ben Darwin <>";
bdimcheff = "Brandon Dimcheff <>";
bennofs = "Benno Fünfstück <>";
benley = "Benjamin Staffin <>";
bennofs = "Benno Fünfstück <>";
berdario = "Dario Bertini <>";
bergey = "Daniel Bergey <>";
bjg = "Brian Gough <>";
@ -82,9 +82,9 @@
davidak = "David Kleuker <>";
davidrusu = "David Rusu <>";
dbohdan = "Danyil Bohdan <>";
DerGuteMoritz = "Moritz Heidkamp <>";
deepfire = "Kosyrev Serge <>";
demin-dmitriy = "Dmitriy Demin <>";
DerGuteMoritz = "Moritz Heidkamp <>";
desiderius = "Didier J. Devroye <>";
devhell = "devhell <\"^\">";
dezgeg = "Tuomas Tynkkynen <>";
@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
gleber = "Gleb Peregud <>";
globin = "Robin Gloster <>";
goibhniu = "Cillian de Róiste <>";
Gonzih = "Max Gonzih <>";
gridaphobe = "Eric Seidel <>";
guibert = "David Guibert <>";
havvy = "Ryan Scheel <>";
@ -191,9 +192,9 @@
lowfatcomputing = "Andreas Wagner <>";
lsix = "Lancelot SIX <>";
ludo = "Ludovic Courtès <>";
luispedro = "Luis Pedro Coelho <>";
lukasepple = "Lukas Epple <>";
lukego = "Luke Gorrie <>";
luispedro = "Luis Pedro Coelho <>";
lw = "Sergey Sofeychuk <>";
madjar = "Georges Dubus <>";
magnetophon = "Bart Brouns <>";
@ -203,25 +204,25 @@
manveru = "Michael Fellinger <>";
marcweber = "Marc Weber <>";
markWot = "Markus Wotringer <>";
maurer = "Matthew Maurer <>";
matejc = "Matej Cotman <>";
mathnerd314 = "Mathnerd314 <>";
matthiasbeyer = "Matthias Beyer <>";
maurer = "Matthew Maurer <>";
mbakke = "Marius Bakke <>";
mbe = "Brandon Edens <>";
mcmtroffaes = "Matthias C. M. Troffaes <>";
meditans = "Carlo Nucera <>";
meisternu = "Matt Miemiec <>";
michelk = "Michel Kuhlmann <>";
michaelpj = "Michael Peyton Jones <>";
michelk = "Michel Kuhlmann <>";
mingchuan = "Ming Chuan <>";
mirdhyn = "Merlin Gaillard <>";
mschristiansen = "Mikkel Christiansen <>";
modulistic = "Pablo Costa <>";
mog = "Matthew O'Gorman <>";
mornfall = "Petr Ročkai <>";
MP2E = "Cray Elliott <>";
msackman = "Matthew Sackman <>";
mschristiansen = "Mikkel Christiansen <>";
msteen = "Matthijs Steen <>";
mtreskin = "Max Treskin <>";
mudri = "James Wood <>";
@ -248,8 +249,9 @@
palo = "Ingolf Wanger <>";
pashev = "Igor Pashev <>";
pesterhazy = "Paulus Esterhazy <>";
phile314 = "Philipp Hausmann <>";
philandstuff = "Philip Potter <>";
phile314 = "Philipp Hausmann <>";
Phlogistique = "Noé Rubinstein <>";
phreedom = "Evgeny Egorochkin <>";
phunehehe = "Hoang Xuan Phu <>";
pierron = "Nicolas B. Pierron <>";
@ -258,7 +260,6 @@
pjones = "Peter Jones <>";
pkmx = "Chih-Mao Chen <>";
plcplc = "Philip Lykke Carlsen <>";
Phlogistique = "Noé Rubinstein <>";
pmahoney = "Patrick Mahoney <>";
pmiddend = "Philipp Middendorf <>";
prikhi = "Pavan Rikhi <>";
@ -350,9 +351,9 @@
winden = "Antonio Vargas Gonzalez <>";
wizeman = "Ricardo M. Correia <>";
wjlroe = "William Roe <>";
womfoo = "Kranium Gikos Mendoza <>";
wkennington = "William A. Kennington III <>";
wmertens = "Wout Mertens <>";
womfoo = "Kranium Gikos Mendoza <>";
wscott = "Wayne Scott <>";
wyvie = "Elijah Rum <>";
yarr = "Dmitry V. <>";
@ -362,5 +363,4 @@
zimbatm = "zimbatm <>";
zohl = "Al Zohali <>";
zoomulator = "Kim Simmons <>";
Gonzih = "Max Gonzih <>";
@ -1,21 +1,24 @@
let lists = import ./lists.nix; in
rec {
gnu = linux; /* ++ hurd ++ kfreebsd ++ ... */
linux = ["i686-linux" "x86_64-linux" "armv5tel-linux" "armv6l-linux" "armv7l-linux" "mips64el-linux"];
all = linux ++ darwin ++ cygwin ++ freebsd ++ openbsd ++ netbsd ++ illumos;
allBut = platforms: lists.filter (x: !(builtins.elem x platforms)) all;
none = [];
arm = ["armv5tel-linux" "armv6l-linux" "armv7l-linux" ];
i686 = ["i686-linux" "i686-freebsd" "i686-netbsd" "i686-cygwin"];
mips = [ "mips64el-linux" ];
x86_64 = ["x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "x86_64-freebsd" "x86_64-openbsd" "x86_64-netbsd" "x86_64-cygwin"];
cygwin = ["i686-cygwin" "x86_64-cygwin"];
darwin = ["x86_64-darwin"];
freebsd = ["i686-freebsd" "x86_64-freebsd"];
openbsd = ["i686-openbsd" "x86_64-openbsd"];
netbsd = ["i686-netbsd" "x86_64-netbsd"];
cygwin = ["i686-cygwin" "x86_64-cygwin"];
gnu = linux; /* ++ hurd ++ kfreebsd ++ ... */
illumos = ["x86_64-solaris"];
linux = ["i686-linux" "x86_64-linux" "armv5tel-linux" "armv6l-linux" "armv7l-linux" "mips64el-linux"];
netbsd = ["i686-netbsd" "x86_64-netbsd"];
openbsd = ["i686-openbsd" "x86_64-openbsd"];
unix = linux ++ darwin ++ freebsd ++ openbsd ++ netbsd ++ illumos;
all = linux ++ darwin ++ cygwin ++ freebsd ++ openbsd ++ netbsd ++ illumos;
none = [];
allBut = platforms: lists.filter (x: !(builtins.elem x platforms)) all;
mesaPlatforms = ["i686-linux" "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "armv5tel-linux" "armv6l-linux" "armv7l-linux"];
x86_64 = ["x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "x86_64-freebsd" "x86_64-openbsd" "x86_64-netbsd" "x86_64-cygwin"];
i686 = ["i686-linux" "i686-freebsd" "i686-netbsd" "i686-cygwin"];
arm = ["armv5tel-linux" "armv6l-linux" "armv7l-linux" ];
mips = [ "mips64el-linux" ];
@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ rec {
isDarwin = matchAttrs { kernel = kernels.darwin; };
isLinux = matchAttrs { kernel = kernels.linux; };
isi686 = matchAttrs { cpu = cpuTypes.i686; };
is64Bit = matchAttrs { cpu = { bits = 64; }; };
isDarwin = matchAttrs { kernel = kernels.darwin; };
isi686 = matchAttrs { cpu = cpuTypes.i686; };
isLinux = matchAttrs { kernel = kernels.linux; };
# This should revert the job done by config.guess from the gcc compiler.
@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
buildCommand = ''
export TEST_ROOT=$(pwd)/test-tmp
export NIX_LOG_DIR=$TEST_ROOT/var/log/nix
export NIX_STATE_DIR=$TEST_ROOT/var/nix
export NIX_MANIFESTS_DIR=$TEST_ROOT/var/nix/manifests
export NIX_STATE_DIR=$TEST_ROOT/var/nix
export PAGER=cat
nix-store --init
@ -16182,11 +16182,13 @@ let
aliases = with pkgs; {
accounts-qt = qt5.accounts-qt; # added 2015-12-19
adobeReader = adobe-reader;
aircrackng = aircrack-ng; # added 2016-01-14
arduino_core = arduino-core; # added 2015-02-04
asciidocFull = asciidoc-full; # added 2014-06-22
bar = lemonbar; # added 2015-01-16
bar-xft = lemonbar-xft; # added 2015-01-16
bridge_utils = bridge-utils; # added 2015-02-20
btrfsProgs = btrfs-progs; # added 2016-01-03
buildbotSlave = buildbot-slave; # added 2014-12-09
cheetahTemplate = pythonPackages.cheetah; # 2015-06-15
clangAnalyzer = clang-analyzer; # added 2015-02-20
@ -16194,12 +16196,13 @@ aliases = with pkgs; {
cool-old-term = cool-retro-term; # added 2015-01-31
cupsBjnp = cups-bjnp; # added 2016-01-02
cv = progress; # added 2015-09-06
dwarf_fortress = dwarf-fortress; # added 2016-01-23
dwbWrapper = dwb; # added 2015-01
enblendenfuse = enblend-enfuse; # 2015-09-30
exfat-utils = exfat; # 2015-09-11
firefoxWrapper = firefox; # 2015-09
firefox-wrapper = firefox; # 2016-01
firefox-esr-wrapper = firefox-esr; # 2016-01
firefox-wrapper = firefox; # 2016-01
firefoxWrapper = firefox; # 2015-09
fuse_exfat = exfat; # 2015-09-11
grantlee5 = qt5.grantlee; # added 2015-12-19
gupnptools = gupnp-tools; # added 2015-12-19
@ -16212,53 +16215,50 @@ aliases = with pkgs; {
links = links2; # added 2016-01-31
lttngTools = lttng-tools; # added 2014-07-31
lttngUst = lttng-ust; # added 2014-07-31
manpages = man-pages; # added 2015-12-06
midoriWrapper = midori; # added 2015-01
mlt-qt5 = qt5.mlt; # added 2015-12-19
mssys = ms-sys; # added 2015-12-13
multipath_tools = multipath-tools; # added 2016-01-21
mupen64plus1_5 = mupen64plus; # added 2016-02-12
ncat = nmap; # added 2016-01-26
nfsUtils = nfs-utils; # added 2014-12-06
phonon_qt5 = qt5.phonon; # added 2015-12-19
phonon_qt5_backend_gstreamer = qt5.phonon-backend-gstreamer; # added 2015-12-19
pidginlatexSF = pidginlatex; # added 2014-11-02
poppler_qt5 = qt5.poppler; # added 2015-12-19
qca-qt5 = qt5.qca-qt5; # added 2015-12-19
qtcreator = qt5.qtcreator; # added 2015-12-19
quake3game = ioquake3; # added 2016-01-14
quassel_kf5 = kde5.quassel; # added 2015-09-30
quassel_qt5 = kde5.quassel_qt5; # added 2015-09-30
quasselClient_kf5 = kde5.quasselClient; # added 2015-09-30
quasselClient_qt5 = kde5.quasselClient_qt5; # added 2015-09-30
quasselDaemon_qt5 = kde5.quasselDaemon; # added 2015-09-30
quassel_kf5 = kde5.quassel; # added 2015-09-30
quasselClient_kf5 = kde5.quasselClient; # added 2015-09-30
qwt6 = qt5.qwt; # added 2015-12-19
rdiff_backup = rdiff-backup; # added 2014-11-23
rekonqWrapper = rekonq; # added 2015-01
rssglx = rss-glx; #added 2015-03-25
rxvt_unicode_with-plugins = rxvt_unicode-with-plugins; # added 2015-04-02
samsungUnifiedLinuxDriver = samsung-unified-linux-driver; # added 2016-01-25
saneBackends = sane-backends; # added 2016-01-02
saneBackendsGit = sane-backends-git; # added 2016-01-02
saneFrontends = sane-frontends; # added 2016-01-02
scim = sc-im; # added 2016-01-22
signon = qt5.signon; # added 2015-12-19
speedtest_cli = speedtest-cli; # added 2015-02-17
sqliteInteractive = sqlite-interactive; # added 2014-12-06
system_config_printer = system-config-printer; # added 2016-01-03
telepathy_qt5 = qt5.telepathy; # added 2015-12-19
tftp_hpa = tftp-hpa; # added 2015-04-03
vimbWrapper = vimb; # added 2015-01
vimprobable2Wrapper = vimprobable2; # added 2015-01
virtviewer = virt-viewer; # added 2015-12-24
vorbisTools = vorbis-tools; # added 2016-01-26
x11 = xlibsWrapper; # added 2015-09
xf86_video_nouveau = xorg.xf86videonouveau; # added 2015-09
xlibs = xorg; # added 2015-09
youtubeDL = youtube-dl; # added 2014-10-26
vimbWrapper = vimb; # added 2015-01
vimprobable2Wrapper = vimprobable2; # added 2015-01
pidginlatexSF = pidginlatex; # added 2014-11-02
tftp_hpa = tftp-hpa; # added 2015-04-03
manpages = man-pages; # added 2015-12-06
mssys = ms-sys; # added 2015-12-13
virtviewer = virt-viewer; # added 2015-12-24
saneBackends = sane-backends; # added 2016-01-02
saneBackendsGit = sane-backends-git; # added 2016-01-02
saneFrontends = sane-frontends; # added 2016-01-02
btrfsProgs = btrfs-progs; # added 2016-01-03
aircrackng = aircrack-ng; # added 2016-01-14
quake3game = ioquake3; # added 2016-01-14
scim = sc-im; # added 2016-01-22
dwarf_fortress = dwarf-fortress; # added 2016-01-23
samsungUnifiedLinuxDriver = samsung-unified-linux-driver; # added 2016-01-25
vorbisTools = vorbis-tools; # added 2016-01-26
tweakAlias = _n: alias: with lib;
Reference in New Issue