ffmpeg: improve cross platform support & fix licensing issues, resolves #7013
+ Removed asserts for (l)gpl & (l)gpl3 making it easier to enable and disable all (l)gpl & (l)gpl3 portions + Fix build inputs so that nonfree software isn't pulled in when building ffmpeg + Fix compiler on systems with clang + Disable libraries that fail on darwin until they can be fixed + Fix linux only build inputs so that they aren't pulled in on other platforms + Fix optional build inputs + Opencv causes circular dependency issues so it is disabled until it can be resolved
This commit is contained in:
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
, openal ? null # OpenAL 1.1 capture support
#, opencl ? null # OpenCL code
#, opencore-amr ? null # AMR-NB de/encoder & AMR-WB decoder
, opencv ? null # Video filtering
#, opencv ? null # Video filtering
, openglExtlib ? false, mesa ? null # OpenGL rendering
#, openh264 ? null # H.264/AVC encoder
, openjpeg_1 ? null # JPEG 2000 de/encoder
@ -156,14 +156,19 @@
* Packages with errors:
* flite ilbc schroedinger
* opencv - circular dependency issue
* Not packaged:
* aacplus avisynth cdio-paranoia crystalhd libavc1394 libiec61883
* libmxf libnut libquvi nvenc opencl opencore-amr openh264 oss shine twolame
* utvideo vo-aacenc vo-amrwbenc xvmc zvbi blackmagic-design-desktop-video
* Need fixes to support Darwin:
* frei0r, game-music-emu, gsm, jack2, libssh, libvpx(stable 1.3.0), openal, openjpeg_1,
* pulseaudio, rtmpdump, samba, vit-stab, wavpack, x265. xavs
* Not supported:
* stagehright-h264(android only)
* stagefright-h264(android only)
* Known issues:
* 0.5 - libgsm: configure fails to find library (fix: disable for 0.5)
@ -203,7 +208,12 @@ let
# Flag change between versions (e.g. "--enable-armvfp" -> "--enable-vfp" changed in v1.1)
chgFlg = chgVer: oldFlag: newFlag: if reqMin chgVer then newFlag else oldFlag;
# Disable dependency that needs fixes before it will work on Darwin
disDarwinFix = origArg: if stdenv.isDarwin then false else origArg;
isCygwin = stdenv.isCygwin;
isDarwin = stdenv.isDarwin;
isLinux = stdenv.isLinux;
@ -239,38 +249,26 @@ assert avdeviceLibrary && reqMin "0.6" -> avformatLibrary
&& avutilLibrary; # configure flag since 0.6
assert avformatLibrary && reqMin "0.6" -> avcodecLibrary && avutilLibrary; # configure flag since 0.6
assert avresampleLibrary && reqMin "0.11" -> avutilLibrary;
assert postprocLibrary && reqMin "0.5" -> gplLicensing && avutilLibrary;
assert postprocLibrary && reqMin "0.5" -> avutilLibrary;
assert swresampleLibrary && reqMin "0.9" -> soxr != null;
assert swscaleLibrary && reqMin "0.5" -> avutilLibrary;
* External libraries
#assert aacplusExtlib && reqMin "0.7" -> nonfreeLicensing;
#assert cdio-paranoia != null && reqMin "0.9" -> gplLicensing;
#assert decklinkExtlib && reqMin "2.2" -> blackmagic-design-desktop-video != null
# && !isCygwin && multithreadBuild # POSIX threads required
# && nonfreeLicensing;
assert faacExtlib && reqMin "0.5" -> faac != null && nonfreeLicensing;
assert fdk-aacExtlib && reqMin "1.0" -> fdk_aac != null && gplLicensing && nonfreeLicensing;
assert frei0r != null && reqMin "0.7" -> gplLicensing;
assert fdk-aacExtlib && reqMin "1.0" -> fdk_aac != null && nonfreeLicensing;
assert gnutls != null && reqMin "0.9" -> !opensslExtlib;
assert libxcb-shmExtlib && reqMin "2.5" -> libxcb != null;
assert libxcb-xfixesExtlib && reqMin "2.5" -> libxcb != null;
assert libxcb-shapeExtlib && reqMin "2.5" -> libxcb != null;
#assert opencore-amr != null && reqMin "0.5" -> version3Licensing;
assert openglExtlib && reqMin "2.2" -> mesa != null;
assert opensslExtlib && reqMin "0.9" -> gnutls == null && openssl != null && gplLicensing && nonfreeLicensing;
assert sambaExtlib && reqMin "2.3" -> samba != null && gplLicensing && version3Licensing;
#assert utvideo != null && reqMin "0.9" -> gplLicensing;
assert vid-stab != null && reqMin "2.0" -> gplLicensing;
#assert vo-aacenc != null && reqMin "0.6" -> version3Licensing;
#assert vo-amrwbenc != null && reqMin "0.7" -> version3Licensing;
assert x11grabExtlib && reqMin "0.5" -> libX11 != null && libXv != null && gplLicensing;
assert x264 != null && reqMin "0.5" -> gplLicensing;
assert x265 != null && reqMin "2.2" -> gplLicensing;
assert xavs != null && reqMin "0.7" -> gplLicensing;
assert xvidcore != null && reqMin "0.5" -> gplLicensing;
#assert zvbi != null && reqMin "2.1" -> gplLicensing;
assert opensslExtlib && reqMin "0.9" -> gnutls == null && openssl != null && nonfreeLicensing;
assert sambaExtlib && reqMin "2.3" -> samba != null && !isDarwin;
assert x11grabExtlib && reqMin "0.5" -> libX11 != null && libXv != null;
with stdenv.lib;
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
@ -295,9 +293,10 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
* Build flags
# One some ARM platforms --enable-thumb
# On some ARM platforms --enable-thumb
"--enable-shared --disable-static"
(mkFlag true "0.6" "pic")
(if (stdenv.cc.cc.isClang or false) then "--cc=clang" else null)
(mkFlag smallBuild "0.5" "small")
(mkFlag runtime-cpudetectBuild "0.5" "runtime-cpudetect")
(mkFlag grayBuild "0.5" "gray")
@ -334,7 +333,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
(mkFlag avformatLibrary "0.6" "avformat")
(mkFlag avresampleLibrary "1.0" "avresample")
(mkFlag avutilLibrary "1.1" "avutil")
(mkFlag postprocLibrary "0.5" "postproc")
(mkFlag (postprocLibrary && gplLicensing) "0.5" "postproc")
(mkFlag swresampleLibrary "0.9" "swresample")
(mkFlag swscaleLibrary "0.5" "swscale")
@ -359,18 +358,18 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
#(mkFlag decklinkExtlib "2.2" "decklink")
(mkFlag faacExtlib "0.5" "libfaac")
(depFlag faad2Extlib "0.5" "0.6" "libfaad")
(mkFlag fdk-aacExtlib "1.0" "libfdk-aac")
(mkFlag (fdk-aacExtlib && gplLicensing) "1.0" "libfdk-aac")
#(mkFlag (flite != null) "1.0" "libflite")
(if reqMin "1.0" then # Force disable until a solution is found
else null)
(mkFlag (fontconfig != null) "1.0" "fontconfig")
(mkFlag (freetype != null) "0.7" "libfreetype")
(mkFlag (frei0r != null) "0.7" "frei0r")
(mkFlag (disDarwinFix (frei0r != null && gplLicensing)) "0.7" "frei0r")
(mkFlag (fribidi != null) "2.3" "libfribidi")
(mkFlag (game-music-emu != null) "2.2" "libgme")
(mkFlag (disDarwinFix (game-music-emu != null)) "2.2" "libgme")
(mkFlag (gnutls != null) "0.9" "gnutls")
(verFix (mkFlag (gsm != null) "0.5" "libgsm") "0.5" "--disable-libgsm")
(verFix (mkFlag (disDarwinFix (gsm != null)) "0.5" "libgsm") "0.5" "--disable-libgsm")
#(mkFlag (ilbc != null) "1.0" "libilbc")
(mkFlag (ladspaH !=null) "2.1" "ladspa")
(mkFlag (lame != null) "0.5" "libmp3lame")
@ -379,20 +378,20 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
(mkFlag (libbluray != null) "1.0" "libbluray")
(mkFlag (libbs2b != null) "2.3" "libbs2b")
(mkFlag (libcaca != null) "1.0" "libcaca")
#(mkFlag (cdio-paranoia != null) "0.9" "libcdio")
(mkFlag (libdc1394 != null && libraw1394 != null) "0.5" "libdc1394")
#(mkFlag (cdio-paranoia != null && gplLicensing) "0.9" "libcdio")
(mkFlag (if !isLinux then false else libdc1394 != null && libraw1394 != null && isLinux) "0.5" "libdc1394")
(mkFlag (libiconv != null) "1.2" "iconv")
#(mkFlag (libiec61883 != null && libavc1394 != null && libraw1394 != null) "1.0" "libiec61883")
#(mkFlag (if !isLinux then false else libiec61883 != null && libavc1394 != null && libraw1394 != null) "1.0" "libiec61883")
#(mkFlag (libmfx != null) "2.6" "libmfx")
(mkFlag (libmodplug != null) "0.9" "libmodplug")
(mkFlag (disDarwinFix (libmodplug != null)) "0.9" "libmodplug")
#(mkFlag (libnut != null) "0.5" "libnut")
(mkFlag (libopus != null) "1.0" "libopus")
(mkFlag (libssh != null) "2.1" "libssh")
(mkFlag (disDarwinFix (libssh != null)) "2.1" "libssh")
(mkFlag (libtheora != null) "0.5" "libtheora")
(mkFlag (libva != null) "0.6" "vaapi")
(mkFlag (if isDarwin then false else libva != null) "0.6" "vaapi")
(mkFlag (libvdpau != null) "0.5" "vdpau")
(mkFlag (libvorbis != null) "0.5" "libvorbis")
(mkFlag (libvpx != null) "0.6" "libvpx")
(mkFlag (disDarwinFix (libvpx != null)) "0.6" "libvpx")
(mkFlag (libwebp != null) "2.2" "libwebp")
(mkFlag (libX11 != null && libXv != null) "2.3" "xlib")
(mkFlag (libxcb != null) "2.5" "libxcb")
@ -401,39 +400,38 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
(mkFlag libxcb-shapeExtlib "2.5" "libxcb-shape")
(mkFlag (lzma != null) "2.4" "lzma")
#(mkFlag nvenc "2.6" "nvenc")
(mkFlag (openal != null) "0.9" "openal")
(mkFlag (disDarwinFix (openal != null)) "0.9" "openal")
#(mkFlag opencl "2.2" "opencl")
#(mkFlag (opencore-amr != null) "0.5" "libopencore-amrnb")
#(mkFlag (opencore-amr != null) "0.5" "libopencore-amrwb")
(mkFlag (opencv != null) "1.1" "libopencv") # Actual min. version 0.7
#(mkFlag (opencore-amr != null && version3Licensing) "0.5" "libopencore-amrnb")
#(mkFlag (opencv != null) "1.1" "libopencv") # Actual min. version 0.7
(mkFlag openglExtlib "2.2" "opengl")
#(mkFlag (openh264 != null) "2.6" "openh264")
(mkFlag (openjpeg_1 != null) "0.5" "libopenjpeg")
(mkFlag opensslExtlib "0.9" "openssl")
(mkFlag (pulseaudio != null) "0.9" "libpulse")
(mkFlag (disDarwinFix (openjpeg_1 != null)) "0.5" "libopenjpeg")
(mkFlag (opensslExtlib && gplLicensing) "0.9" "openssl")
(mkFlag (disDarwinFix (pulseaudio != null)) "0.9" "libpulse")
#(mkFlag quvi "2.0" "libquvi")
(mkFlag (rtmpdump != null) "0.6" "librtmp")
(mkFlag (disDarwinFix (rtmpdump != null)) "0.6" "librtmp")
#(mkFlag (schroedinger != null) "0.5" "libschroedinger")
#(mkFlag (shine != null) "2.0" "libshine")
(mkFlag sambaExtlib "2.3" "libsmbclient")
(mkFlag (disDarwinFix (sambaExtlib && gplLicensing && version3Licensing)) "2.3" "libsmbclient")
(mkFlag (SDL != null) "2.5" "sdl") # Only configurable since 2.5, auto detected before then
(mkFlag (soxr != null) "1.2" "libsoxr")
(mkFlag (speex != null) "0.5" "libspeex")
#(mkFlag (twolame != null) "1.0" "libtwolame")
#(mkFlag (utvideo != null) "0.9" "libutvideo")
(mkFlag (v4l_utils != null) "0.9" "libv4l2")
(mkFlag (vid-stab != null) "2.2" "libvidstab") # Actual min. version 2.0
#(mkFlag (vo-aacenc != null) "0.6" "libvo-aacenc")
#(mkFlag (vo-amrwbenc) "0.7" "libvo-amrwbenc")
(mkFlag (wavpack != null) "2.0" "libwavpack")
(mkFlag (x11grabExtlib) "0.5" "x11grab")
(mkFlag (x264 != null) "0.5" "libx264")
(mkFlag (x265 != null) "2.2" "libx265")
(mkFlag (xavs != null) "0.7" "libxavs")
(mkFlag (xvidcore != null) "0.5" "libxvid")
#(mkFlag (utvideo != null && gplLicensing) "0.9" "libutvideo")
(mkFlag (if !isLinux then false else v4l_utils != null && isLinux) "0.9" "libv4l2")
(mkFlag (disDarwinFix (vid-stab != null && gplLicensing)) "2.2" "libvidstab") # Actual min. version 2.0
#(mkFlag (vo-aacenc != null && version3Licensing) "0.6" "libvo-aacenc")
#(mkFlag (vo-amrwbenc != null && version3Licensing) "0.7" "libvo-amrwbenc")
(mkFlag (disDarwinFix (wavpack != null)) "2.0" "libwavpack")
(mkFlag (x11grabExtlib && gplLicensing) "0.5" "x11grab")
(mkFlag (x264 != null && gplLicensing) "0.5" "libx264")
(mkFlag (disDarwinFix (x265 != null && gplLicensing)) "2.2" "libx265")
(mkFlag (disDarwinFix (xavs != null && gplLicensing)) "0.7" "libxavs")
(mkFlag (xvidcore != null && gplLicensing) "0.5" "libxvid")
(mkFlag (zeromq4 != null) "2.0" "libzmq")
(mkFlag (zlib != null) "0.5" "zlib")
#(mkFlag (zvbi != null) "2.1" "libzvbi")
#(mkFlag (zvbi != null && gplLicensing) "2.1" "libzvbi")
* Developer flags
@ -449,14 +447,19 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
nativeBuildInputs = [ perl pkgconfig texinfo yasm ];
buildInputs = [
alsaLib bzip2 celt faad2 fdk_aac fontconfig freetype frei0r fribidi
game-music-emu gnutls gsm jack2 ladspaH lame libass libbluray libbs2b
libcaca libdc1394 libmodplug libogg libopus libraw1394 libssh libtheora
libva libvdpau libvpx libvorbis libwebp libX11 libxcb libXext libXfixes
libXv lzma mesa openal opencv openjpeg_1 openssl pulseaudio rtmpdump
samba SDL soxr speex v4l_utils vid-stab wavpack x264 x265 xavs xvidcore
zeromq4 zlib
] ++ optional faacExtlib faac;
bzip2 celt fontconfig freetype fribidi gnutls ladspaH lame libass libbluray
libbs2b libcaca libdc1394 libogg libopus libtheora libvdpau libvorbis
libwebp libX11 libxcb libXext libXfixes libXv lzma SDL soxr speex x264
xvidcore zeromq4 zlib
] ++ optional (disDarwinFix sambaExtlib) samba
++ optional openglExtlib mesa
++ optionals x11grabExtlib [ libXext libXfixes ]
++ optionals nonfreeLicensing [ faac faad2 fdk_aac openssl ]
++ optionals (!isDarwin) [
frei0r game-music-emu gsm jack2 libmodplug libssh libvpx openal
openjpeg_1 pulseaudio rtmpdump vid-stab wavpack x265 xavs
] ++ optional (!isDarwin && !isCygwin) libva
++ optionals isLinux [ alsaLib libraw1394 v4l_utils ];
# Build qt-faststart executable
buildPhase = optional (qt-faststartProgram && (reqMin "0.9")) ''make tools/qt-faststart'';
Reference in New Issue