haskell-leksah-server: update to version

This commit is contained in:
Peter Simons 2014-05-15 16:08:59 +02:00
parent 8da91d47a1
commit a5cc3d2391
1 changed files with 10 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
{ cabal, attoparsec, attoparsecEnumerator, binary, binaryShared
, Cabal, deepseq, enumerator, filepath, haddock, hslogger, HUnit
, ltk, network, parsec, processLeksah, strict, time, transformers
{ cabal, attoparsec, attoparsecConduit, binary, binaryShared, Cabal
, conduit, deepseq, executablePath, filepath, haddock, hslogger
, HUnit, ltk, network, parsec, processLeksah, strict, text, time
, transformers
cabal.mkDerivation (self: {
pname = "leksah-server";
version = "";
sha256 = "0fzfyq1g1jrfl40nklgvkahlcv32m4gjbcyw52dky2qzc05b0g6m";
version = "";
sha256 = "11dggg9zaf7fhh8s6bc3dwr4b1qk7k5bj429i1vvqhrxc6968yjb";
isLibrary = true;
isExecutable = true;
buildDepends = [
attoparsec attoparsecEnumerator binary binaryShared Cabal deepseq
enumerator filepath haddock hslogger ltk network parsec
processLeksah strict time transformers
attoparsec attoparsecConduit binary binaryShared Cabal conduit
deepseq executablePath filepath haddock hslogger ltk network parsec
processLeksah strict text time transformers
testDepends = [ enumerator hslogger HUnit transformers ];
testDepends = [ conduit hslogger HUnit transformers ];
meta = {
homepage = "http://leksah.org";
description = "Metadata collection for leksah";