Manual: Document user management
This commit is contained in:
@ -305,6 +305,93 @@ manpage or the Nix manual.</para>
<section><title>User management</title>
<para>NixOS supports both declarative and imperative styles of user
management. In the declarative style, users are specified in
<filename>configuration.nix</filename>. For instance, the following
states that a user accound named <literal>alice</literal> shall exist:
users.extraUsers.alice =
{ createHome = true;
home = "/home/alice";
description = "Alice Foobar";
extraGroups = [ "wheel" ];
isSystemUser = false;
useDefaultShell = true;
openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "ssh-dss AAAAB3Nza... alice@foobar" ];
Note that <literal>alice</literal> is a member of the
<literal>wheel</literal> group, which allows her to use
<command>sudo</command> to execute commands as
<literal>root</literal>. Also note the SSH public key that allows
remote logins with the corresponding private key. Users created in
this way do not have a password by default, so they cannot log in via
mechanisms that require a password. However, you can use the
<command>passwd</command> program to set a password, which is retained
across invocations of <command>nixos-rebuild</command>.</para>
<para>A user ID (uid) is assigned automatically. You can also specify
a uid manually by adding
uid = 1000;
to the user specification.</para>
<para>Groups can be specified similarly. The following states that a
group named <literal>students</literal> shall exist:
users.extraGroups.students.gid = 1000;
As with users, the group ID (gid) is optional and will be assigned
automatically if it’s missing.</para>
<warning><para>Currently declarative user management is not perfect:
<command>nixos-rebuild</command> does not know how to realise certain
configuration changes. This includes removing a user or group, and
removing group membership from a user.</para></warning>
<para>In the imperative style, users and groups are managed by
commands such as <command>useradd</command>,
<command>groupmod</command> and so on. For instance, to create a user
account named <literal>alice</literal>:
$ useradd -m alice</screen>
The flag <option>-m</option> causes the creation of a home directory
for the new user, which is generally what you want. The user does not
have an initial password and therefore cannot log in. A password can
be set using the <command>passwd</command> utility:
$ passwd alice
Enter new UNIX password: ***
Retype new UNIX password: ***
A user can be deleted using <command>userdel</command>:
$ userdel -r alice</screen>
The flag <option>-r</option> deletes the user’s home directory.
Accounts can be modified using <command>usermod</command>. Unix
groups can be managed using <command>groupadd</command>,
<command>groupmod</command> and <command>groupdel</command>.</para>
@ -282,6 +282,11 @@ Dec 29 01:30:22 mandark kernel[6131]: [1053513.909444] CPU6: Core temperature ab
<para>The system journal is readable by root and by users in the
<literal>wheel</literal> and <literal>systemd-journal</literal>
groups. All users have a private journal that can be read using
Reference in New Issue