Elm: automate packaging with elm2nix
- rewrite documentation - automate whole process into update.sh - remove all legacy snippets
This commit is contained in:
@ -307,23 +307,19 @@ packageOverrides = pkgs: {
<section xml:id="sec-elm">
<section xml:id="sec-elm">
The Nix expressions for Elm reside in
To update Elm compiler, see <filename>nixpkgs/pkgs/development/compilers/elm/README.md</filename>.
<filename>pkgs/development/compilers/elm</filename>. They are generated
automatically by <command>update-elm.rb</command> script. One should specify
versions of Elm packages inside the script, clear the
<filename>packages</filename> directory and run the script from inside it.
To package Elm applications, <link xlink:href="https://github.com/hercules-ci/elm2nix#elm2nix">read about elm2nix</link>.
<literal>elm-reactor</literal> is special because it also has Elm package
dependencies. The process is not automated very much for now -- you should
get the <literal>elm-reactor</literal> source tree (e.g. with
<command>nix-shell</command>) and run <command>elm2nix.rb</command> inside
it. Place the resulting <filename>package.nix</filename> file into
<section xml:id="sec-shell-helpers">
<section xml:id="sec-shell-helpers">
<title>Interactive shell helpers</title>
<title>Interactive shell helpers</title>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# To update Elm:
Modify revision in ./update.sh and run it
# Notes about the build process:
The elm binary embeds a piece of pre-compiled elm code, used by 'elm
reactor'. This means that the build process for 'elm' effectively
executes 'elm make'. that in turn expects to retrieve the elm
dependencies of that code (elm/core, etc.) from
package.elm-lang.org, as well as a cached bit of metadata
The makeDotElm function lets us retrieve these dependencies in the
standard nix way. we have to copy them in (rather than symlink) and
make them writable because the elm compiler writes other .dat files
alongside the source code. versions.dat was produced during an
impure build of this same code; the build complains that it can't
update this cache, but continues past that warning.
Finally, we set ELM_HOME to point to these pre-fetched artifacts so
that the default of ~/.elm isn't used.
More: https://blog.hercules-ci.com/elm/2019/01/03/elm2nix-0.1/
@ -2,54 +2,6 @@
, haskell, nodejs
, haskell, nodejs
, fetchurl, fetchpatch, makeWrapper, git }:
, fetchurl, fetchpatch, makeWrapper, git }:
# To update:
# 1) Modify ./update.sh and run it
# 2) to generate versions.dat:
# 2.1) git clone https://github.com/elm/compiler.git
# 2.2) cd compiler
# 2.3) cabal2nix --shell . | sed 's/"default",/"ghc822",/' > shell.nix
# 2.4) nix-shell
# 2.5) mkdir .elm
# 2.6) export ELM_HOME=$(pwd)/.elm
# 2.7) cabal build
# 2.8) cp .elm/0.19.0/package/versions.dat ...
# 3) generate a template for elm-elm.nix with:
# (
# echo "{";
# jq '.dependencies | .direct, .indirect | to_entries | .[] | { (.key) : { version : .value, sha256: "" } } ' \
# < ui/browser/elm.json \
# | sed 's/:/ =/' \
# | sed 's/^[{}]//' \
# | sed -E 's/(["}]),?$/\1;/' \
# | sed -E 's/"(version|sha256)"/\1/' \
# | grep -v '^$';
# echo "}"
# )
# ... then fill in the sha256s
# Notes:
# the elm binary embeds a piece of pre-compiled elm code, used by 'elm
# reactor'. this means that the build process for 'elm' effectively
# executes 'elm make'. that in turn expects to retrieve the elm
# dependencies of that code (elm/core, etc.) from
# package.elm-lang.org, as well as a cached bit of metadata
# (versions.dat).
# the makeDotElm function lets us retrieve these dependencies in the
# standard nix way. we have to copy them in (rather than symlink) and
# make them writable because the elm compiler writes other .dat files
# alongside the source code. versions.dat was produced during an
# impure build of this same code; the build complains that it can't
# update this cache, but continues past that warning.
# finally, we set ELM_HOME to point to these pre-fetched artifacts so
# that the default of ~/.elm isn't used.
fetchElmDeps = import ./fetchElmDeps.nix { inherit stdenv lib fetchurl; };
fetchElmDeps = import ./fetchElmDeps.nix { inherit stdenv lib fetchurl; };
hsPkgs = haskell.packages.ghc822.override {
hsPkgs = haskell.packages.ghc822.override {
@ -58,8 +10,8 @@ let
elm = overrideCabal (self.callPackage ./packages/elm.nix { }) (drv: {
elm = overrideCabal (self.callPackage ./packages/elm.nix { }) (drv: {
# sadly with parallelism most of the time breaks compilation
# sadly with parallelism most of the time breaks compilation
enableParallelBuilding = false;
enableParallelBuilding = false;
preConfigure = fetchElmDeps {
preConfigure = self.fetchElmDeps {
elmPackages = (import ./packages/elm-elm.nix);
elmPackages = (import ./packages/elm-srcs.nix);
versionsDat = ./versions.dat;
versionsDat = ./versions.dat;
buildTools = drv.buildTools or [] ++ [ makeWrapper ];
buildTools = drv.buildTools or [] ++ [ makeWrapper ];
@ -75,8 +27,6 @@ let
The elm-format expression is updated via a script in the https://github.com/avh4/elm-format repo:
The elm-format expression is updated via a script in the https://github.com/avh4/elm-format repo:
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'json'
system("elm-package install -y")
depsSrc = JSON.parse(File.read("elm-stuff/exact-dependencies.json"))
deps = Hash[ depsSrc.map { |pkg, ver|
url = "https://github.com/#{pkg}/archive/#{ver}.tar.gz"
sha256 = `nix-prefetch-url #{url}`
[ pkg, { version: ver,
sha256: sha256.strip
} ]
File.open("package.nix", 'w') do |file|
file.puts "{"
for pkg, info in deps
file.puts " \"#{pkg}\" = {"
file.puts " version = \"#{info[:version]}\";"
file.puts " sha256 = \"#{info[:sha256]}\";"
file.puts " };"
file.puts "}"
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
"elm/browser" = {
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "1apmvyax93nvmagwj00y16zx10kfv640cxpi64xgqbgy7d2wphy4";
"elm/core" = {
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "10kr86h4v5h4p0586q406a5wbl8xvr1jyrf6097zp2wb8sv21ylw";
"elm/html" = {
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "1n3gpzmpqqdsldys4ipgyl1zacn0kbpc3g4v3hdpiyfjlgh8bf3k";
"elm/http" = {
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "1igmm89ialzrjib1j8xagkxalq1x2gj4l0hfxcd66mpwmvg7psl8";
"elm/json" = {
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "1g0hafkqf2q633r7ir9wxpb1lnlzskhpsyi0h5bkzj0gl072zfnb";
"elm/project-metadata-utils" = {
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "1d4rd4grrnbdvj9gf00h7dr6hbkjzawgkzpizfrkp1z1pyr3mvq9";
"elm/svg" = {
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "08x0v8p9wm699jjmsnbq69pxv3jh60j4f6fg7y6hyr7xxj85y390";
"elm-explorations/markdown" = {
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "0k3110ixa4wwf3vkkdplagwah9ypr965qxr1y147rnsc1xsxmr6y";
"elm/parser" = {
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "0k4zlq30lrvawqvzwbvsl0hrmwf9s832mb41z7fdspm4549dj7wc";
"elm/time" = {
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "0vch7i86vn0x8b850w1p69vplll1bnbkp8s383z7pinyg94cm2z1";
"elm/url" = {
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "0av8x5syid40sgpl5vd7pry2rq0q4pga28b4yykn9gd9v12rs3l4";
"elm/virtual-dom" = {
version = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "0hm8g92h7z39km325dlnhk8n00nlyjkqp3r3jppr37k2k13md6aq";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
"elm-explorations/markdown" = {
sha256 = "0k3110ixa4wwf3vkkdplagwah9ypr965qxr1y147rnsc1xsxmr6y";
version = "1.0.0";
"elm/json" = {
sha256 = "1g0hafkqf2q633r7ir9wxpb1lnlzskhpsyi0h5bkzj0gl072zfnb";
version = "1.0.0";
"elm/html" = {
sha256 = "1n3gpzmpqqdsldys4ipgyl1zacn0kbpc3g4v3hdpiyfjlgh8bf3k";
version = "1.0.0";
"elm/svg" = {
sha256 = "08x0v8p9wm699jjmsnbq69pxv3jh60j4f6fg7y6hyr7xxj85y390";
version = "1.0.0";
"elm/project-metadata-utils" = {
sha256 = "1d4rd4grrnbdvj9gf00h7dr6hbkjzawgkzpizfrkp1z1pyr3mvq9";
version = "1.0.0";
"elm/browser" = {
sha256 = "1apmvyax93nvmagwj00y16zx10kfv640cxpi64xgqbgy7d2wphy4";
version = "1.0.0";
"elm/core" = {
sha256 = "10kr86h4v5h4p0586q406a5wbl8xvr1jyrf6097zp2wb8sv21ylw";
version = "1.0.0";
"elm/http" = {
sha256 = "1igmm89ialzrjib1j8xagkxalq1x2gj4l0hfxcd66mpwmvg7psl8";
version = "1.0.0";
"elm/parser" = {
sha256 = "0k4zlq30lrvawqvzwbvsl0hrmwf9s832mb41z7fdspm4549dj7wc";
version = "1.0.0";
"elm/url" = {
sha256 = "0av8x5syid40sgpl5vd7pry2rq0q4pga28b4yykn9gd9v12rs3l4";
version = "1.0.0";
"elm/time" = {
sha256 = "0vch7i86vn0x8b850w1p69vplll1bnbkp8s383z7pinyg94cm2z1";
version = "1.0.0";
"elm/virtual-dom" = {
sha256 = "0hm8g92h7z39km325dlnhk8n00nlyjkqp3r3jppr37k2k13md6aq";
version = "1.0.0";
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ mkDerivation {
url = "https://github.com/elm/compiler";
url = "https://github.com/elm/compiler";
sha256 = "13jks6c6i80z71mjjfg46ri570g5ini0k3xw3857v6z66zcl56x4";
sha256 = "13jks6c6i80z71mjjfg46ri570g5ini0k3xw3857v6z66zcl56x4";
rev = "d5cbc41aac23da463236bbc250933d037da4055a";
rev = "d5cbc41aac23da463236bbc250933d037da4055a";
fetchSubmodules = true;
isLibrary = false;
isLibrary = false;
isExecutable = true;
isExecutable = true;
@ -1 +1,8 @@
cabal2nix https://github.com/elm/compiler --revision 32059a289d27e303fa1665e9ada0a52eb688f302 > packages/elm.nix
#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -p cabal2nix elm2nix -i bash ../../..
cabal2nix https://github.com/elm/compiler --revision d5cbc41aac23da463236bbc250933d037da4055a > packages/elm.nix
elm2nix snapshot > versions.dat
pushd "$(nix-build -A elmPackages.elm.src --no-out-link ../../../..)/ui/browser"
elm2nix convert > $OLDPWD/packages/elm-srcs.nix
Binary file not shown.
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