new patch. now specifying settings if flags are not set is also possible.
svn path=/nixpkgs/trunk/; revision=9281
This commit is contained in:
@ -187,6 +187,10 @@ rec {
# to be used with listToAttrs (_a_ttribute _v_alue)
av = attr : value : { inherit attr value; };
# attribute set containing one attribute
avs = attr : value : listToAttrs [ (av attr value) ];
# adds / replaces an attribute of an attribute set
setAttr = set : attr : v : set // (avs attr v);
id = x : x;
# true if all/ at least one element(s) satisfy f
@ -196,43 +200,51 @@ rec {
# iterates over a list of attributes collecting the attribute attr if it exists
catAttrs = attr : l : fold ( s : l : if (__hasAttr attr s) then [(__getAttr attr s)] ++ l else l) [] l;
flattenSet = set : map ( attr : __getAttr attr set) (__attrNames set);
mergeAttrs = fold ( x : y : x // y) {};
flattenAttrs = set : map ( attr : __getAttr attr set) (__attrNames set);
mapIf = cond : f : fold ( x : l : if (cond x) then [(f x)] ++ l else l) [];
# Marc 2nd proposal: (not everything has been tested in detail yet..)
# One example showing how to use mandatory dependencies [1], default flags [2], ..
# One example showing how to use mandatory dependencies [1], default flags [2], settings if a flag is not set [3] ..
# note that you should be able to use either ["value1"] or just "value" .. (if I haven't forgotten a flatten)
# linuxthreads
# args: with args.lib; with args;
# let
# co = chooseOptionsByFlags {
# inherit args;
# flagDescr = {
# defaults = { implies = [ "addOns" "addOns2"]; }; [> [2] defaults and mandatory should be the first listed ? Would you like it different?
# mandatory ={ cfgOption = [ "--with-headers=${args.kernelHeaders}/include" [> [1]
# defaults = { implies = [ "addOns" "addOns2"]; }; # [2] defaults and mandatory should be the first listed ? Would you like it different?
# mandatory ={ cfgOption = [ "--with-headers=${args.kernelHeaders}/include" # [1]
# "--with-tls" "--without-__thread" "--disable-sanity-checks" ];
# assertion = [ args.glibc.nptl ];
# };
# defaultFeature = {};
# no_defaultFeature = { cfgOption = "--disable-defaultFeature"; }; [3]
# addOns = { cfgOption = "--enable-add-ons"; };
# addOns2 = { cfgOption = "--enable-add-ons2"; implies = "addOns"; };
# alternativeAddOn = { cfgOption = "--enable-add-ons-alt"; blocks = ["addOns", "addOns2"]; };
# justAOption = { };
# };
# co = chooseOptionsByFlags flagDescr ["libpng", "libjpg"] args;
#in args.stdenv.mkDerivation {
# optionals = ["option1" "option2"]; # are equal to a given flag description like option1 = { buildInputs = "option1"; };
# defaultFlags = [ "demos" "doc" ]; # are used if flags is not set by args
# };
# in args.stdenv.mkDerivation ( {
# # passing the flags in case a library using this want's to check them (*) ..
# inherit (co) /* flags */ buildInputs configureFlags;
# inherit (co) flags buildInputs configureFlags;
# inherit (co.flags) justAOption;
# extraSrc = (if co.flags.justAOption then null else src = .. );
# src = fetchurl {
# url =;
# md5 = "1fb29764a6a650a4d5b409dda227ac9f";
# };
# } // co.pass)
# (*) does'nt work because nix is seeing this set as derivation and complains about missing outpath.. :-(
# using mkDerivation { ... } // oc.flags would work but would also force evaluation.. ( would be slower )
@ -241,7 +253,7 @@ rec {
# resolves chosen flags based on flagDescr passed dependencies in args
# flagDescr : { name = { cfgOption = "..."; buildInputs = "..."; blocks = "..."; implies = "...";
# assert = "bool";
# assert = "bool"; pass = { inherit (args) name }
# any other options you need which you can get by catAttrs };
# ...
# args = { inherit lib stdenv;
@ -258,61 +270,68 @@ rec {
# optionals is a list of dependency names. If passed as attribute in args they'll be automatically added
# to flags and flagDescr ( optionalName = { buildInputs = optionalName } )
chooseOptionsByFlags = flagDescr : optionals : args :
chooseOptionsByFlags = { flagDescr, args, optionals ? [], defaultFlags ? [],
collectExtraPhaseActions ? [] } :
let givenOptionals = listToAttrs
(mapIf ( a : (__hasAttr a args) )
( x: av x { buildInputs = x; } )
optionals );
fd = flagDescr // givenOptionals;
in chooseOptionsByFlags2 fd args ( getAttr ["flags"] [] args ++ (__attrNames givenOptionals ) );
in chooseOptionsByFlags2 fd collectExtraPhaseActions args ( getAttr ["flags"] defaultFlags args ++ (__attrNames givenOptionals ) );
chooseOptionsByFlags2 = flagDescr : args : flags :
chooseOptionsByFlags2 = flagDescr : collectExtraPhaseActions : args : flags :
# helper function
collectFlags = state : flags :
fold ( flag : s :
collectFlags = # state : flags :
fold ( flag : s : (
if (__hasAttr flag s.result) then s # this state has already been visited
else if (__hasAttr flag s.blockedFlagsBy) # flag blocked by priviously visited flags?
then throw "flag ${flag} is blocked by ${__getAttr flag s.blockedFlagsBy}"
else if (! __hasAttr flag flagDescr) then throw "unkown flag `${flag}' specified"
else let fDesc = (__getAttr flag flagDescr);
implied = flatten ( getAttr ["implies"] [] fDesc );
blocked = flatten ( getAttr ["blocks"] [] fDesc );
s2 = s //
{ blockedFlagsBy =
// listToAttrs ( map (b: av b flag)
blocked );
result = s.result
// (collectFlags s implied)
// listToAttrs [ { attr = flag; value = (__getAttr flag flagDescr); } ]; };
# add the whole flag to the result set
in assert (fold ( b : t : __trace (__attrNames s.result) (
if ( __hasAttr b s.result )
then throw "flag ${b} is blocked by ${flag}"
else if ( b == flag) then throw "flag ${b} blocks itself"
else t)) true blocked);
s2) state flags;
# chosen contains flagDescr but only having those attributes elected by flags (or by implies attributes of elected attributes)
chosen = (collectFlags { blockedFlagsBy = {}; result = {}; } (flags ++ ["mandatory"])).result;
chosenFlat = flattenSet chosen;
# add this flag
s2 = setAttr s "result" ( setAttr s.result flag (__getAttr flag flagDescr) ) ;
# add implied flags
in collectFlags s2 implied
# chosen contains flagDescr but only having those attributes elected by flags
# (or by implies attributes of elected attributes)
options = let stateOpts = collectFlags { blockedFlagsBy = {}; result = {}; } (flags ++ ["mandatory"]);
# these options have not been chosen (neither by flags nor by implies)
unsetOptions = filter ( x : __hasAttr x stateOpts ) ( __attrNames flagDescr );
# no add the corresponding no_ attributes as well ..
state = collectFlags stateOpts (map ( x : "no_" + x ) unsetOptions);
in # check for blockings:
assert ( mapIf ( b: __hasAttr b state.result )
( b: throw "flag ${b} is blocked by ${__getAttr b state.blockedFlagsBy}" )
(__attrNames state.blockedFlagsBy) == [] );
flatOptions = flattenAttrs options;
# helper functions :
collectAttrs = attr : catAttrs attr flatOptions;
optsConcatStrs = delimiter : attrs : concatStrings
( intersperse delimiter (collectAttrs attrs) );
in assert ( all id ( mapRecordFlatten ( attr : r : if ( all id ( flatten (getAttr ["assertion"] [] r ) ) )
then true else throw "assertion failed flag ${attr}" )
chosen) );
options) );
rec {
#foldOptions = attr: f : start: fold f start (catAttrs attr flatOptions);
# compared to flags flagsSet does also contain the implied flags.. This makes it easy to write assertions. ( assert args.
inherit chosen chosenFlat;
inherit options flatOptions;
buildInputs = map ( attr: if (! __hasAttr attr args) then throw "argument ${attr} is missing!" else (__getAttr attr args) )
(flatten (catAttrs "buildInputs" chosenFlat));
(flatten (catAttrs "buildInputs" flatOptions));
#buildInputNames = catAttrs "name" buildInputs;
configureFlags = optsConcatStrs " " "cfgOption";
configureFlags = concatStrings (intersperse " " ( flatten ( catAttrs "cfgOption" chosenFlat) ))
+ (if (__hasAttr "profilingLibraries" chosen) then "" else " --disable-profiling");
flags = listToAttrs (map ( flag: av flag (__hasAttr flag chosen) ) (__attrNames flagDescr));
flags = listToAttrs (map ( flag: av flag (__hasAttr flag options) ) (__attrNames flagDescr) );
pass = mergeAttrs (flatten (collectAttrs "pass") );
} # now add additional phase actions (see examples)
// listToAttrs ( map ( x : av x (optsConcatStrs "\n" x) ) collectExtraPhaseActions );
Reference in New Issue