Python: the pythonModule attribute
Python libraries or modules now have an attribute `pythonModule = interpreter;` to indicate they provide Python modules for the specified `interpreter`. The package set provides the following helper functions: - hasPythonModule: Check whether a derivation provides a Python module. - requiredPythonModules: Recurse into a list of Python modules, returning all Python modules that are required. - makePythonPath: Create a PYTHONPATH from a list of Python modules. Also included in this commit is: - disabledIf: Helper function for disabling non-buildPythonPackage functions.
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,7 +5,12 @@
{ lib
, python
, mkPythonDerivation
, wrapPython
, setuptools
, unzip
, ensureNewerSourcesHook
, pythonModule
, namePrefix
, bootstrapped-pip
, flit
@ -15,6 +20,9 @@ let
flit-specific = import ./build-python-package-flit.nix { inherit python flit; };
wheel-specific = import ./build-python-package-wheel.nix { };
common = import ./build-python-package-common.nix { inherit python bootstrapped-pip; };
mkPythonDerivation = import ./mk-python-derivation.nix {
inherit lib python wrapPython setuptools unzip ensureNewerSourcesHook pythonModule namePrefix;
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation {
in rec {
inherit libPrefix sitePackages x11Support hasDistutilsCxxPatch;
executable = libPrefix;
buildEnv = callPackage ../../wrapper.nix { python = self; };
buildEnv = callPackage ../../wrapper.nix { python = self; inherit (pythonPackages) requiredPythonModules; };
withPackages = import ../../with-packages.nix { inherit buildEnv pythonPackages;};
pkgs = pythonPackages;
isPy2 = true;
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation {
in rec {
inherit libPrefix sitePackages x11Support;
executable = "${libPrefix}m";
buildEnv = callPackage ../../wrapper.nix { python = self; };
buildEnv = callPackage ../../wrapper.nix { python = self; inherit (pythonPackages) requiredPythonModules; };
withPackages = import ../../with-packages.nix { inherit buildEnv pythonPackages;};
pkgs = pythonPackages;
isPy3 = true;
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation {
in rec {
inherit libPrefix sitePackages x11Support;
executable = "${libPrefix}m";
buildEnv = callPackage ../../wrapper.nix { python = self; };
buildEnv = callPackage ../../wrapper.nix { python = self; inherit (pythonPackages) requiredPythonModules; };
withPackages = import ../../with-packages.nix { inherit buildEnv pythonPackages;};
pkgs = pythonPackages;
isPy3 = true;
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation {
in rec {
inherit libPrefix sitePackages x11Support;
executable = "${libPrefix}m";
buildEnv = callPackage ../../wrapper.nix { python = self; };
buildEnv = callPackage ../../wrapper.nix { python = self; inherit (pythonPackages) requiredPythonModules; };
withPackages = import ../../with-packages.nix { inherit buildEnv pythonPackages;};
pkgs = pythonPackages;
isPy3 = true;
@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
, setuptools
, unzip
, ensureNewerSourcesHook
# Whether the derivation provides a Python module or not.
, pythonModule
, namePrefix
{ name ? "${attrs.pname}-${attrs.version}"
# by default prefix `name` e.g. "python3.3-${name}"
, namePrefix ? python.libPrefix + "-"
# Dependencies for building the package
, buildInputs ? []
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ if disabled
then throw "${name} not supported for interpreter ${python.executable}"
python.stdenv.mkDerivation (builtins.removeAttrs attrs ["disabled" "checkInputs"] // {
python.stdenv.mkDerivation (builtins.removeAttrs attrs ["disabled" "checkInputs" "pythonModule"] // {
name = namePrefix + name;
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ python.stdenv.mkDerivation (builtins.removeAttrs attrs ["disabled" "checkInputs"
passthru = {
inherit python; # The python interpreter
inherit pythonModule;
} // passthru;
meta = with lib.maintainers; {
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
inherit zlibSupport libPrefix sitePackages;
executable = "pypy";
isPypy = true;
buildEnv = callPackage ../../wrapper.nix { python = self; };
buildEnv = callPackage ../../wrapper.nix { python = self; inherit (pythonPackages) requiredPythonModules; };
interpreter = "${self}/bin/${executable}";
withPackages = import ../../with-packages.nix { inherit buildEnv pythonPackages;};
pkgs = pythonPackages;
@ -2,13 +2,14 @@
, extraLibs ? []
, extraOutputsToInstall ? []
, postBuild ? ""
, ignoreCollisions ? false }:
, ignoreCollisions ? false
, requiredPythonModules
, }:
# Create a python executable that knows about additional packages.
recursivePthLoader = import ../../python-modules/recursive-pth-loader/default.nix { stdenv = stdenv; python = python; };
env = let
paths = stdenv.lib.closePropagation (extraLibs ++ [ python recursivePthLoader ] ) ;
paths = requiredPythonModules (extraLibs ++ [ python ] ) ;
in buildEnv {
name = "${}-env";
@ -31,10 +31,9 @@ let
callPackage = pkgs.newScope self;
bootstrapped-pip = callPackage ../development/python-modules/bootstrapped-pip { };
namePrefix = python.libPrefix + "-";
mkPythonDerivation = makeOverridable( callPackage ../development/interpreters/python/mk-python-derivation.nix {
bootstrapped-pip = callPackage ../development/python-modules/bootstrapped-pip { };
# Derivations built with `buildPythonPackage` can already be overriden with `override`, `overrideAttrs`, and `overrideDerivation`.
# This function introduces `overridePythonAttrs` and it overrides the call to `buildPythonPackage`.
@ -52,13 +51,20 @@ let
else ff;
buildPythonPackage = makeOverridablePythonPackage (callPackage ../development/interpreters/python/build-python-package.nix {
inherit mkPythonDerivation;
buildPythonPackage = makeOverridablePythonPackage ( makeOverridable (callPackage ../development/interpreters/python/build-python-package.nix {
inherit bootstrapped-pip;
flit = self.flit;
# We want Python libraries to be named like e.g. "python3.6-${name}"
inherit namePrefix;
pythonModule = python;
buildPythonApplication = args: buildPythonPackage ({namePrefix="";} // args );
buildPythonApplication = makeOverridablePythonPackage ( makeOverridable (callPackage ../development/interpreters/python/build-python-package.nix {
inherit bootstrapped-pip;
flit = self.flit;
namePrefix = "";
pythonModule = false;
graphiteVersion = "1.0.2";
@ -80,10 +86,40 @@ let
else throw "Unsupported kind ${kind}");
in fetcher (builtins.removeAttrs attrs ["format"]) );
# Check whether a derivation provides a Python module.
hasPythonModule = drv: (hasAttr "pythonModule" drv) && ( (getAttr "pythonModule" drv) == python);
# Get list of required Python modules given a list of derivations.
requiredPythonModules = drvs: let
filterNull = list: filter (x: !isNull x) list;
conditionalGetRecurse = attr: condition: drv: let f = conditionalGetRecurse attr condition; in
(if (condition drv) then unique [drv]++(concatMap f (filterNull(getAttr attr drv))) else []);
_required = drv: conditionalGetRecurse "propagatedBuildInputs" hasPythonModule drv;
in [python] ++ (unique (concatMap _required (filterNull drvs)));
# Create a PYTHONPATH from a list of derivations. This function recurses into the items to find derivations
# providing Python modules.
makePythonPath = drvs: stdenv.lib.makeSearchPath python.sitePackages (requiredPythonModules drvs);
# Convert derivation to a Python module.
toPythonModule = drv:
drv.overrideAttrs( oldAttrs: {
# Use passthru in order to prevent rebuilds when possible.
passthru = (oldAttrs.passthru or {})// {
name = namePrefix +;
pythonModule = python;
pythonPath = [ ]; # Deprecated, for compatibility.
disabledIf = x: drv:
if x then throw "${removePrefix namePrefix (drv.pname or} not supported for interpreter ${python.executable}" else drv;
in {
inherit python bootstrapped-pip pythonAtLeast pythonOlder isPy26 isPy27 isPy33 isPy34 isPy35 isPy36 isPyPy isPy3k mkPythonDerivation buildPythonPackage buildPythonApplication;
inherit python bootstrapped-pip pythonAtLeast pythonOlder isPy26 isPy27 isPy33 isPy34 isPy35 isPy36 isPyPy isPy3k buildPythonPackage buildPythonApplication;
inherit fetchPypi callPackage;
inherit hasPythonModule requiredPythonModules makePythonPath disabledIf;
# helpers
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