Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into hardened-stdenv
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,9 +12,15 @@ rec {
inherit (builtins) attrNames listToAttrs hasAttr isAttrs getAttr;
/* Return an attribute from nested attribute sets. For instance
["x" "y"] applied to some set e returns e.x.y, if it exists. The
default value is returned otherwise. */
/* Return an attribute from nested attribute sets.
x = { a = { b = 3; }; }
attrByPath ["a" "b"] 6 x
=> 3
attrByPath ["z" "z"] 6 x
=> 6
attrByPath = attrPath: default: e:
let attr = head attrPath;
@ -24,8 +30,15 @@ rec {
else default;
/* Return if an attribute from nested attribute set exists.
For instance ["x" "y"] applied to some set e returns true, if e.x.y exists. False
is returned otherwise. */
x = { a = { b = 3; }; }
hasAttrByPath ["a" "b"] x
=> true
hasAttrByPath ["z" "z"] x
=> false
hasAttrByPath = attrPath: e:
let attr = head attrPath;
@ -35,14 +48,28 @@ rec {
else false;
/* Return nested attribute set in which an attribute is set. For instance
["x" "y"] applied with some value v returns `x.y = v;' */
/* Return nested attribute set in which an attribute is set.
setAttrByPath ["a" "b"] 3
=> { a = { b = 3; }; }
setAttrByPath = attrPath: value:
if attrPath == [] then value
else listToAttrs
[ { name = head attrPath; value = setAttrByPath (tail attrPath) value; } ];
/* Like `getAttrPath' without a default value. If it doesn't find the
path it will throw.
x = { a = { b = 3; }; }
getAttrFromPath ["a" "b"] x
=> 3
getAttrFromPath ["z" "z"] x
=> error: cannot find attribute `z.z'
getAttrFromPath = attrPath: set:
let errorMsg = "cannot find attribute `" + concatStringsSep "." attrPath + "'";
in attrByPath attrPath (abort errorMsg) set;
@ -109,9 +136,11 @@ rec {
) (attrNames set)
/* foldAttrs: apply fold functions to values grouped by key. Eg accumulate values as list:
foldAttrs (n: a: [n] ++ a) [] [{ a = 2; } { a = 3; }]
=> { a = [ 2 3 ]; }
/* Apply fold functions to values grouped by key.
foldAttrs (n: a: [n] ++ a) [] [{ a = 2; } { a = 3; }]
=> { a = [ 2 3 ]; }
foldAttrs = op: nul: list_of_attrs:
fold (n: a:
@ -147,7 +176,12 @@ rec {
/* Utility function that creates a {name, value} pair as expected by
builtins.listToAttrs. */
nameValuePair "some" 6
=> { name = "some"; value = 6; }
nameValuePair = name: value: { inherit name value; };
@ -248,11 +282,19 @@ rec {
listToAttrs (map (n: nameValuePair n (f n)) names);
/* Check whether the argument is a derivation. */
/* Check whether the argument is a derivation. Any set with
{ type = "derivation"; } counts as a derivation.
nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}
isDerivation nixpkgs.ruby
=> true
isDerivation "foobar"
=> false
isDerivation = x: isAttrs x && x ? type && x.type == "derivation";
/* Convert a store path to a fake derivation. */
/* Converts a store path to a fake derivation. */
toDerivation = path:
let path' = builtins.storePath path; in
{ type = "derivation";
@ -262,32 +304,49 @@ rec {
/* If the Boolean `cond' is true, return the attribute set `as',
otherwise an empty attribute set. */
/* If `cond' is true, return the attribute set `as',
otherwise an empty attribute set.
optionalAttrs (true) { my = "set"; }
=> { my = "set"; }
optionalAttrs (false) { my = "set"; }
=> { }
optionalAttrs = cond: as: if cond then as else {};
/* Merge sets of attributes and use the function f to merge attributes
values. */
zipAttrsWithNames ["a"] (name: vs: vs) [{a = "x";} {a = "y"; b = "z";}]
=> { a = ["x" "y"]; }
zipAttrsWithNames = names: f: sets:
listToAttrs (map (name: {
inherit name;
value = f name (catAttrs name sets);
}) names);
# implentation note: Common names appear multiple times in the list of
# names, hopefully this does not affect the system because the maximal
# laziness avoid computing twice the same expression and listToAttrs does
# not care about duplicated attribute names.
/* Implentation note: Common names appear multiple times in the list of
names, hopefully this does not affect the system because the maximal
laziness avoid computing twice the same expression and listToAttrs does
not care about duplicated attribute names.
zipAttrsWith (name: values: values) [{a = "x";} {a = "y"; b = "z";}]
=> { a = ["x" "y"]; b = ["z"] }
zipAttrsWith = f: sets: zipAttrsWithNames (concatMap attrNames sets) f sets;
/* Like `zipAttrsWith' with `(name: values: value)' as the function.
zipAttrs [{a = "x";} {a = "y"; b = "z";}]
=> { a = ["x" "y"]; b = ["z"] }
zipAttrs = zipAttrsWith (name: values: values);
/* backward compatibility */
zipWithNames = zipAttrsWithNames;
zip = builtins.trace " is deprecated, use lib.zipAttrsWith instead" zipAttrsWith;
/* Does the same as the update operator '//' except that attributes are
merged until the given pedicate is verified. The predicate should
accept 3 arguments which are the path to reach the attribute, a part of
@ -351,6 +410,15 @@ rec {
!(isAttrs lhs && isAttrs rhs)
) lhs rhs;
/* Returns true if the pattern is contained in the set. False otherwise.
FIXME(zimbatm): this example doesn't work !!!
sys = mkSystem { }
matchAttrs { cpu = { bits = 64; }; } sys
=> true
matchAttrs = pattern: attrs:
fold or false (attrValues (zipAttrsWithNames (attrNames pattern) (n: values:
let pat = head values; val = head (tail values); in
@ -359,10 +427,23 @@ rec {
else pat == val
) [pattern attrs]));
# override only the attributes that are already present in the old set
# useful for deep-overriding
/* Override only the attributes that are already present in the old set
useful for deep-overriding.
x = { a = { b = 4; c = 3; }; }
overrideExisting x { a = { b = 6; d = 2; }; }
=> { a = { b = 6; d = 2; }; }
overrideExisting = old: new:
old // listToAttrs (map (attr: nameValuePair attr (attrByPath [attr] old.${attr} new)) (attrNames old));
deepSeqAttrs = x: y: deepSeqList (attrValues x) y;
/*** deprecated stuff ***/
deepSeqAttrs = throw "removed 2016-02-29 because unused and broken";
zipWithNames = zipAttrsWithNames;
zip = builtins.trace
" is deprecated, use lib.zipAttrsWith instead" zipAttrsWith;
@ -175,6 +175,12 @@ lib.mapAttrs (n: v: v // { shortName = n; }) rec {
fullName = "Eclipse Public License 1.0";
epson = {
fullName = "Seiko Epson Corporation Software License Agreement for Linux";
url =;
free = false;
fdl12 = spdx {
spdxId = "GFDL-1.2";
fullName = "GNU Free Documentation License v1.2";
@ -6,17 +6,26 @@ rec {
inherit (builtins) head tail length isList elemAt concatLists filter elem genList;
/* Create a list consisting of a single element. `singleton x' is
sometimes more convenient with respect to indentation than `[x]'
when x spans multiple lines.
# Create a list consisting of a single element. `singleton x' is
# sometimes more convenient with respect to indentation than `[x]'
# when x spans multiple lines.
singleton "foo"
=> [ "foo" ]
singleton = x: [x];
/* "Fold" a binary function `op' between successive elements of
`list' with `nul' as the starting value, i.e., `fold op nul [x_1
x_2 ... x_n] == op x_1 (op x_2 ... (op x_n nul))'. (This is
Haskell's foldr).
# "Fold" a binary function `op' between successive elements of
# `list' with `nul' as the starting value, i.e., `fold op nul [x_1
# x_2 ... x_n] == op x_1 (op x_2 ... (op x_n nul))'. (This is
# Haskell's foldr).
concat = fold (a: b: a + b) "z"
concat [ "a" "b" "c" ]
=> "abcnul"
fold = op: nul: list:
len = length list;
@ -26,8 +35,14 @@ rec {
else op (elemAt list n) (fold' (n + 1));
in fold' 0;
# Left fold: `fold op nul [x_1 x_2 ... x_n] == op (... (op (op nul
# x_1) x_2) ... x_n)'.
/* Left fold: `fold op nul [x_1 x_2 ... x_n] == op (... (op (op nul
x_1) x_2) ... x_n)'.
lconcat = foldl (a: b: a + b) "z"
lconcat [ "a" "b" "c" ]
=> "zabc"
foldl = op: nul: list:
len = length list;
@ -37,13 +52,22 @@ rec {
else op (foldl' (n - 1)) (elemAt list n);
in foldl' (length list - 1);
/* Strict version of foldl.
# Strict version of foldl.
The difference is that evaluation is forced upon access. Usually used
with small whole results (in contract with lazily-generated list or large
lists where only a part is consumed.)
foldl' = builtins.foldl' or foldl;
/* Map with index
# Map with index: `imap (i: v: "${v}-${toString i}") ["a" "b"] ==
# ["a-1" "b-2"]'. FIXME: why does this start to count at 1?
FIXME(zimbatm): why does this start to count at 1?
imap (i: v: "${v}-${toString i}") ["a" "b"]
=> [ "a-1" "b-2" ]
imap =
if builtins ? genList then
f: list: genList (n: f (n + 1) (elemAt list n)) (length list)
@ -57,73 +81,141 @@ rec {
else [ (f (n + 1) (elemAt list n)) ] ++ imap' (n + 1);
in imap' 0;
/* Map and concatenate the result.
# Map and concatenate the result.
concatMap (x: [x] ++ ["z"]) ["a" "b"]
=> [ "a" "z" "b" "z" ]
concatMap = f: list: concatLists (map f list);
/* Flatten the argument into a single list; that is, nested lists are
spliced into the top-level lists.
# Flatten the argument into a single list; that is, nested lists are
# spliced into the top-level lists. E.g., `flatten [1 [2 [3] 4] 5]
# == [1 2 3 4 5]' and `flatten 1 == [1]'.
flatten [1 [2 [3] 4] 5]
=> [1 2 3 4 5]
flatten 1
=> [1]
flatten = x:
if isList x
then foldl' (x: y: x ++ (flatten y)) [] x
else [x];
/* Remove elements equal to 'e' from a list. Useful for buildInputs.
# Remove elements equal to 'e' from a list. Useful for buildInputs.
remove 3 [ 1 3 4 3 ]
=> [ 1 4 ]
remove = e: filter (x: x != e);
/* Find the sole element in the list matching the specified
predicate, returns `default' if no such element exists, or
`multiple' if there are multiple matching elements.
# Find the sole element in the list matching the specified
# predicate, returns `default' if no such element exists, or
# `multiple' if there are multiple matching elements.
findSingle (x: x == 3) "none" "multiple" [ 1 3 3 ]
=> "multiple"
findSingle (x: x == 3) "none" "multiple" [ 1 3 ]
=> 3
findSingle (x: x == 3) "none" "multiple" [ 1 9 ]
=> "none"
findSingle = pred: default: multiple: list:
let found = filter pred list; len = length found;
in if len == 0 then default
else if len != 1 then multiple
else head found;
/* Find the first element in the list matching the specified
predicate or returns `default' if no such element exists.
# Find the first element in the list matching the specified
# predicate or returns `default' if no such element exists.
findFirst (x: x > 3) 7 [ 1 6 4 ]
=> 6
findFirst (x: x > 9) 7 [ 1 6 4 ]
=> 7
findFirst = pred: default: list:
let found = filter pred list;
in if found == [] then default else head found;
/* Return true iff function `pred' returns true for at least element
of `list'.
# Return true iff function `pred' returns true for at least element
# of `list'.
any isString [ 1 "a" { } ]
=> true
any isString [ 1 { } ]
=> false
any = builtins.any or (pred: fold (x: y: if pred x then true else y) false);
/* Return true iff function `pred' returns true for all elements of
# Return true iff function `pred' returns true for all elements of
# `list'.
all (x: x < 3) [ 1 2 ]
=> true
all (x: x < 3) [ 1 2 3 ]
=> false
all = builtins.all or (pred: fold (x: y: if pred x then y else false) true);
/* Count how many times function `pred' returns true for the elements
of `list'.
# Count how many times function `pred' returns true for the elements
# of `list'.
count (x: x == 3) [ 3 2 3 4 6 ]
=> 2
count = pred: foldl' (c: x: if pred x then c + 1 else c) 0;
/* Return a singleton list or an empty list, depending on a boolean
value. Useful when building lists with optional elements
(e.g. `++ optional (system == "i686-linux") flashplayer').
# Return a singleton list or an empty list, depending on a boolean
# value. Useful when building lists with optional elements
# (e.g. `++ optional (system == "i686-linux") flashplayer').
optional true "foo"
=> [ "foo" ]
optional false "foo"
=> [ ]
optional = cond: elem: if cond then [elem] else [];
/* Return a list or an empty list, dependening on a boolean value.
# Return a list or an empty list, dependening on a boolean value.
optionals true [ 2 3 ]
=> [ 2 3 ]
optionals false [ 2 3 ]
=> [ ]
optionals = cond: elems: if cond then elems else [];
# If argument is a list, return it; else, wrap it in a singleton
# list. If you're using this, you should almost certainly
# reconsider if there isn't a more "well-typed" approach.
/* If argument is a list, return it; else, wrap it in a singleton
list. If you're using this, you should almost certainly
reconsider if there isn't a more "well-typed" approach.
toList [ 1 2 ]
=> [ 1 2 ]
toList "hi"
=> [ "hi "]
toList = x: if isList x then x else [x];
/* Return a list of integers from `first' up to and including `last'.
# Return a list of integers from `first' up to and including `last'.
range 2 4
=> [ 2 3 4 ]
range 3 2
=> [ ]
range =
if builtins ? genList then
first: last:
@ -136,9 +228,13 @@ rec {
then []
else [first] ++ range (first + 1) last;
/* Splits the elements of a list in two lists, `right' and
`wrong', depending on the evaluation of a predicate.
# Partition the elements of a list in two lists, `right' and
# `wrong', depending on the evaluation of a predicate.
partition (x: x > 2) [ 5 1 2 3 4 ]
=> { right = [ 5 3 4 ]; wrong = [ 1 2 ]; }
partition = pred:
fold (h: t:
if pred h
@ -146,7 +242,14 @@ rec {
else { right = t.right; wrong = [h] ++ t.wrong; }
) { right = []; wrong = []; };
/* Merges two lists of the same size together. If the sizes aren't the same
the merging stops at the shortest. How both lists are merged is defined
by the first argument.
zipListsWith (a: b: a + b) ["h" "l"] ["e" "o"]
=> ["he" "lo"]
zipListsWith =
if builtins ? genList then
f: fst: snd: genList (n: f (elemAt fst n) (elemAt snd n)) (min (length fst) (length snd))
@ -161,21 +264,37 @@ rec {
else [];
in zipListsWith' 0;
/* Merges two lists of the same size together. If the sizes aren't the same
the merging stops at the shortest.
zipLists [ 1 2 ] [ "a" "b" ]
=> [ { fst = 1; snd = "a"; } { fst = 2; snd = "b"; } ]
zipLists = zipListsWith (fst: snd: { inherit fst snd; });
/* Reverse the order of the elements of a list.
# Reverse the order of the elements of a list.
reverseList [ "b" "o" "j" ]
=> [ "j" "o" "b" ]
reverseList =
if builtins ? genList then
xs: let l = length xs; in genList (n: elemAt xs (l - n - 1)) l
fold (e: acc: acc ++ [ e ]) [];
/* Sort a list based on a comparator function which compares two
elements and returns true if the first argument is strictly below
the second argument. The returned list is sorted in an increasing
order. The implementation does a quick-sort.
# Sort a list based on a comparator function which compares two
# elements and returns true if the first argument is strictly below
# the second argument. The returned list is sorted in an increasing
# order. The implementation does a quick-sort.
sort (a: b: a < b) [ 5 3 7 ]
=> [ 3 5 7 ]
sort = builtins.sort or (
strictLess: list:
@ -193,8 +312,14 @@ rec {
if len < 2 then list
else (sort strictLess pivot.left) ++ [ first ] ++ (sort strictLess pivot.right));
/* Return the first (at most) N elements of a list.
# Return the first (at most) N elements of a list.
take 2 [ "a" "b" "c" "d" ]
=> [ "a" "b" ]
take 2 [ ]
=> [ ]
take =
if builtins ? genList then
count: sublist 0 count
@ -209,8 +334,14 @@ rec {
[ (elemAt list n) ] ++ take' (n + 1);
in take' 0;
/* Remove the first (at most) N elements of a list.
# Remove the first (at most) N elements of a list.
drop 2 [ "a" "b" "c" "d" ]
=> [ "c" "d" ]
drop 2 [ ]
=> [ ]
drop =
if builtins ? genList then
count: list: sublist count (length list) list
@ -225,9 +356,15 @@ rec {
drop' (n - 1) ++ [ (elemAt list n) ];
in drop' (len - 1);
/* Return a list consisting of at most ‘count’ elements of ‘list’,
starting at index ‘start’.
# Return a list consisting of at most ‘count’ elements of ‘list’,
# starting at index ‘start’.
sublist 1 3 [ "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" ]
=> [ "b" "c" "d" ]
sublist 1 3 [ ]
=> [ ]
sublist = start: count: list:
let len = length list; in
@ -236,23 +373,36 @@ rec {
else if start + count > len then len - start
else count);
/* Return the last element of a list.
# Return the last element of a list.
last [ 1 2 3 ]
=> 3
last = list:
assert list != []; elemAt list (length list - 1);
/* Return all elements but the last
# Return all elements but the last
init [ 1 2 3 ]
=> [ 1 2 ]
init = list: assert list != []; take (length list - 1) list;
deepSeqList = xs: y: if any (x: deepSeq x false) xs then y else y;
/* FIXME(zimbatm) Not used anywhere
crossLists = f: foldl (fs: args: concatMap (f: map f args) fs) [f];
# Remove duplicate elements from the list. O(n^2) complexity.
/* Remove duplicate elements from the list. O(n^2) complexity.
unique [ 3 2 3 4 ]
=> [ 3 2 4 ]
unique = list:
if list == [] then
@ -262,12 +412,24 @@ rec {
xs = unique (drop 1 list);
in [x] ++ remove x xs;
/* Intersects list 'e' and another list. O(nm) complexity.
# Intersects list 'e' and another list. O(nm) complexity.
intersectLists [ 1 2 3 ] [ 6 3 2 ]
=> [ 3 2 ]
intersectLists = e: filter (x: elem x e);
/* Subtracts list 'e' from another list. O(nm) complexity.
# Subtracts list 'e' from another list. O(nm) complexity.
subtractLists [ 3 2 ] [ 1 2 3 4 5 3 ]
=> [ 1 4 5 ]
subtractLists = e: filter (x: !(elem x e));
/*** deprecated stuff ***/
deepSeqList = throw "removed 2016-02-29 because unused and broken";
@ -123,6 +123,7 @@
fpletz = "Franz Pletz <>";
fps = "Florian Paul Schmidt <>";
fridh = "Frederik Rietdijk <>";
frlan = "Frank Lanitz <>";
fro_ozen = "fro_ozen <>";
ftrvxmtrx = "Siarhei Zirukin <>";
funfunctor = "Edward O'Callaghan <>";
@ -152,7 +153,6 @@
iElectric = "Domen Kozar <>";
igsha = "Igor Sharonov <>";
ikervagyok = "Balázs Lengyel <>";
iyzsong = "Song Wenwu <>";
j-keck = "Jürgen Keck <>";
jagajaga = "Arseniy Seroka <>";
javaguirre = "Javier Aguirre <>";
@ -208,10 +208,12 @@
malyn = "Michael Alyn Miller <>";
manveru = "Michael Fellinger <>";
marcweber = "Marc Weber <>";
markus1189 = "Markus Hauck <>";
markWot = "Markus Wotringer <>";
matejc = "Matej Cotman <>";
mathnerd314 = "Mathnerd314 <>";
matthiasbeyer = "Matthias Beyer <>";
mbauer = "Matthew Bauer <>";
maurer = "Matthew Maurer <>";
mbakke = "Marius Bakke <>";
mbe = "Brandon Edens <>";
@ -299,7 +301,9 @@
sander = "Sander van der Burg <>";
schmitthenner = "Fabian Schmitthenner <>";
schristo = "Scott Christopher <>";
scolobb = "Sergiu Ivanov <>";
sepi = "Raffael Mancini <>";
sheenobu = "Sheena Artrip <>";
sheganinans = "Aistis Raulinaitis <>";
shell = "Shell Turner <>";
shlevy = "Shea Levy <>";
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Usage:
pkgs = (import /etc/nixos/nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix) {};
pkgs = (import <nixpkgs>) {};
in let
inherit (pkgs.stringsWithDeps) fullDepEntry packEntry noDepEntry textClosureMap;
inherit (pkgs.lib) id;
@ -10,65 +10,147 @@ rec {
inherit (builtins) stringLength substring head tail isString replaceStrings;
/* Concatenate a list of strings.
# Concatenate a list of strings.
concatStrings ["foo" "bar"]
=> "foobar"
concatStrings =
if builtins ? concatStringsSep then
builtins.concatStringsSep ""
lib.foldl' (x: y: x + y) "";
/* Map a function over a list and concatenate the resulting strings.
# Map a function over a list and concatenate the resulting strings.
concatMapStrings (x: "a" + x) ["foo" "bar"]
=> "afooabar"
concatMapStrings = f: list: concatStrings (map f list);
/* Like `concatMapStrings' except that the f functions also gets the
position as a parameter.
concatImapStrings (pos: x: "${toString pos}-${x}") ["foo" "bar"]
=> "1-foo2-bar"
concatImapStrings = f: list: concatStrings (lib.imap f list);
/* Place an element between each element of a list
# Place an element between each element of a list, e.g.,
# `intersperse "," ["a" "b" "c"]' returns ["a" "," "b" "," "c"].
intersperse "/" ["usr" "local" "bin"]
=> ["usr" "/" "local" "/" "bin"].
intersperse = separator: list:
if list == [] || length list == 1
then list
else tail (lib.concatMap (x: [separator x]) list);
/* Concatenate a list of strings with a separator between each element
# Concatenate a list of strings with a separator between each element, e.g.
# concatStringsSep " " ["foo" "bar" "xyzzy"] == "foo bar xyzzy"
concatStringsSep "/" ["usr" "local" "bin"]
=> "usr/local/bin"
concatStringsSep = builtins.concatStringsSep or (separator: list:
concatStrings (intersperse separator list));
/* First maps over the list and then concatenates it.
concatMapStringsSep "-" (x: toUpper x) ["foo" "bar" "baz"]
concatMapStringsSep = sep: f: list: concatStringsSep sep (map f list);
/* First imaps over the list and then concatenates it.
concatImapStringsSep "-" (pos: x: toString (x / pos)) [ 6 6 6 ]
=> "6-3-2"
concatImapStringsSep = sep: f: list: concatStringsSep sep (lib.imap f list);
/* Construct a Unix-style search path consisting of each `subDir"
directory of the given list of packages.
# Construct a Unix-style search path consisting of each `subDir"
# directory of the given list of packages. For example,
# `makeSearchPath "bin" ["x" "y" "z"]' returns "x/bin:y/bin:z/bin".
makeSearchPath "bin" ["/root" "/usr" "/usr/local"]
=> "/root/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin"
makeSearchPath "bin" ["/"]
=> "//bin"
makeSearchPath = subDir: packages:
concatStringsSep ":" (map (path: path + "/" + subDir) packages);
/* Construct a library search path (such as RPATH) containing the
libraries for a set of packages
# Construct a library search path (such as RPATH) containing the
# libraries for a set of packages, e.g. "${pkg1}/lib:${pkg2}/lib:...".
makeLibraryPath [ "/usr" "/usr/local" ]
=> "/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib"
pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { }
makeLibraryPath [ pkgs.openssl pkgs.zlib ]
=> "/nix/store/9rz8gxhzf8sw4kf2j2f1grr49w8zx5vj-openssl-1.0.1r/lib:/nix/store/wwh7mhwh269sfjkm6k5665b5kgp7jrk2-zlib-1.2.8/lib"
makeLibraryPath = makeSearchPath "lib";
# Construct a binary search path (such as $PATH) containing the
# binaries for a set of packages, e.g. "${pkg1}/bin:${pkg2}/bin:...".
/* Construct a binary search path (such as $PATH) containing the
binaries for a set of packages.
makeBinPath ["/root" "/usr" "/usr/local"]
=> "/root/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin"
makeBinPath = makeSearchPath "bin";
# Idem for Perl search paths.
/* Construct a perl search path (such as $PERL5LIB)
FIXME(zimbatm): this should be moved in perl-specific code
pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { }
makePerlPath [ pkgs.perlPackages.NetSMTP ]
=> "/nix/store/n0m1fk9c960d8wlrs62sncnadygqqc6y-perl-Net-SMTP-1.25/lib/perl5/site_perl"
makePerlPath = makeSearchPath "lib/perl5/site_perl";
/* Dependening on the boolean `cond', return either the given string
or the empty string. Useful to contatenate against a bigger string.
# Dependening on the boolean `cond', return either the given string
# or the empty string.
optionalString true "some-string"
=> "some-string"
optionalString false "some-string"
=> ""
optionalString = cond: string: if cond then string else "";
/* Determine whether a string has given prefix.
# Determine whether a string has given prefix/suffix.
hasPrefix "foo" "foobar"
=> true
hasPrefix "foo" "barfoo"
=> false
hasPrefix = pref: str:
substring 0 (stringLength pref) str == pref;
/* Determine whether a string has given suffix.
hasSuffix "foo" "foobar"
=> false
hasSuffix "foo" "barfoo"
=> true
hasSuffix = suff: str:
lenStr = stringLength str;
@ -76,36 +158,55 @@ rec {
in lenStr >= lenSuff &&
substring (lenStr - lenSuff) lenStr str == suff;
/* Convert a string to a list of characters (i.e. singleton strings).
This allows you to, e.g., map a function over each character. However,
note that this will likely be horribly inefficient; Nix is not a
general purpose programming language. Complex string manipulations
should, if appropriate, be done in a derivation.
Also note that Nix treats strings as a list of bytes and thus doesn't
handle unicode.
# Convert a string to a list of characters (i.e. singleton strings).
# For instance, "abc" becomes ["a" "b" "c"]. This allows you to,
# e.g., map a function over each character. However, note that this
# will likely be horribly inefficient; Nix is not a general purpose
# programming language. Complex string manipulations should, if
# appropriate, be done in a derivation.
stringToCharacters ""
=> [ ]
stringToCharacters "abc"
=> [ "a" "b" "c" ]
stringToCharacters "💩"
=> [ "<EFBFBD>" "<EFBFBD>" "<EFBFBD>" "<EFBFBD>" ]
stringToCharacters = s:
map (p: substring p 1 s) (lib.range 0 (stringLength s - 1));
/* Manipulate a string character by character and replace them by
strings before concatenating the results.
# Manipulate a string charactter by character and replace them by
# strings before concatenating the results.
stringAsChars (x: if x == "a" then "i" else x) "nax"
=> "nix"
stringAsChars = f: s:
concatStrings (
map f (stringToCharacters s)
/* Escape occurrence of the elements of ‘list’ in ‘string’ by
prefixing it with a backslash.
# Escape occurrence of the elements of ‘list’ in ‘string’ by
# prefixing it with a backslash. For example, ‘escape ["(" ")"]
# "(foo)"’ returns the string ‘\(foo\)’.
escape ["(" ")"] "(foo)"
=> "\\(foo\\)"
escape = list: replaceChars list (map (c: "\\${c}") list);
/* Escape all characters that have special meaning in the Bourne shell.
# Escape all characters that have special meaning in the Bourne shell.
escapeShellArg "so([<>])me"
=> "so\\(\\[\\<\\>\\]\\)me"
escapeShellArg = lib.escape (stringToCharacters "\\ ';$`()|<>\t*[]");
# Obsolete - use replaceStrings instead.
/* Obsolete - use replaceStrings instead. */
replaceChars = builtins.replaceStrings or (
del: new: s:
@ -119,21 +220,52 @@ rec {
stringAsChars subst s);
# Case conversion utilities.
lowerChars = stringToCharacters "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
upperChars = stringToCharacters "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
/* Converts an ASCII string to lower-case.
toLower "HOME"
=> "home"
toLower = replaceChars upperChars lowerChars;
/* Converts an ASCII string to upper-case.
toLower "home"
=> "HOME"
toUpper = replaceChars lowerChars upperChars;
/* Appends string context from another string. This is an implementation
detail of Nix.
# Appends string context from another string.
Strings in Nix carry an invisible `context' which is a list of strings
representing store paths. If the string is later used in a derivation
attribute, the derivation will properly populate the inputDrvs and
pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { };
addContextFrom pkgs.coreutils "bar"
=> "bar"
addContextFrom = a: b: substring 0 0 a + b;
/* Cut a string with a separator and produces a list of strings which
were separated by this separator.
# Cut a string with a separator and produces a list of strings which
# were separated by this separator; e.g., `splitString "."
# ""' returns ["foo" "bar" "baz"].
NOTE: this function is not performant and should be avoided
splitString "." ""
=> [ "foo" "bar" "baz" ]
splitString "/" "/usr/local/bin"
=> [ "" "usr" "local" "bin" ]
splitString = _sep: _s:
sep = addContextFrom _s _sep;
@ -157,10 +289,15 @@ rec {
recurse 0 0;
/* Return the suffix of the second argument if the first argument matches
its prefix.
# return the suffix of the second argument if the first argument match its
# prefix. e.g.,
# `removePrefix "foo." ""' returns "bar.baz".
removePrefix "foo." ""
=> "bar.baz"
removePrefix "xxx" ""
=> ""
removePrefix = pre: s:
preLen = stringLength pre;
@ -171,6 +308,15 @@ rec {
/* Return the prefix of the second argument if the first argument matches
its suffix.
removeSuffix "front" "homefront"
=> "home"
removeSuffix "xxx" "homefront"
=> "homefront"
removeSuffix = suf: s:
sufLen = stringLength suf;
@ -181,25 +327,49 @@ rec {
# Return true iff string v1 denotes a version older than v2.
/* Return true iff string v1 denotes a version older than v2.
versionOlder "1.1" "1.2"
=> true
versionOlder "1.1" "1.1"
=> false
versionOlder = v1: v2: builtins.compareVersions v2 v1 == 1;
/* Return true iff string v1 denotes a version equal to or newer than v2.
# Return true iff string v1 denotes a version equal to or newer than v2.
versionAtLeast "1.1" "1.0"
=> true
versionAtLeast "1.1" "1.1"
=> true
versionAtLeast "1.1" "1.2"
=> false
versionAtLeast = v1: v2: !versionOlder v1 v2;
/* This function takes an argument that's either a derivation or a
derivation's "name" attribute and extracts the version part from that
# This function takes an argument that's either a derivation or a
# derivation's "name" attribute and extracts the version part from that
# argument. For example:
# lib.getVersion "youtube-dl-2016.01.01" ==> "2016.01.01"
# lib.getVersion ==> "2016.01.01"
getVersion "youtube-dl-2016.01.01"
=> "2016.01.01"
=> "2016.01.01"
getVersion = x: (builtins.parseDrvName ( or x)).version;
/* Extract name with version from URL. Ask for separator which is
supposed to start extension.
# Extract name with version from URL. Ask for separator which is
# supposed to start extension.
nameFromURL "" "-"
=> "nix"
nameFromURL "" "_"
=> "nix-1.7-x86"
nameFromURL = url: sep:
components = splitString "/" url;
@ -207,14 +377,24 @@ rec {
name = builtins.head (splitString sep filename);
in assert name != filename; name;
/* Create an --{enable,disable}-<feat> string that can be passed to
standard GNU Autoconf scripts.
# Create an --{enable,disable}-<feat> string that can be passed to
# standard GNU Autoconf scripts.
enableFeature true "shared"
=> "--enable-shared"
enableFeature false "shared"
=> "--disable-shared"
enableFeature = enable: feat: "--${if enable then "enable" else "disable"}-${feat}";
/* Create a fixed width string with additional prefix to match
required width.
# Create a fixed width string with additional prefix to match
# required width.
fixedWidthString 5 "0" (toString 15)
=> "00015"
fixedWidthString = width: filler: str:
strw = lib.stringLength str;
@ -223,25 +403,58 @@ rec {
assert strw <= width;
if strw == width then str else filler + fixedWidthString reqWidth filler str;
/* Format a number adding leading zeroes up to fixed width.
# Format a number adding leading zeroes up to fixed width.
fixedWidthNumber 5 15
=> "00015"
fixedWidthNumber = width: n: fixedWidthString width "0" (toString n);
/* Check whether a value is a store path.
# Check whether a value is a store path.
isStorePath "/nix/store/d945ibfx9x185xf04b890y4f9g3cbb63-python-2.7.11/bin/python"
=> false
isStorePath "/nix/store/d945ibfx9x185xf04b890y4f9g3cbb63-python-2.7.11/"
=> true
isStorePath pkgs.python
=> true
isStorePath = x: builtins.substring 0 1 (toString x) == "/" && dirOf (builtins.toPath x) == builtins.storeDir;
# Convert string to int
# Obviously, it is a bit hacky to use fromJSON that way.
/* Convert string to int
Obviously, it is a bit hacky to use fromJSON that way.
toInt "1337"
=> 1337
toInt "-4"
=> -4
toInt "3.14"
=> error: floating point JSON numbers are not supported
toInt = str:
let may_be_int = builtins.fromJSON str; in
if builtins.isInt may_be_int
then may_be_int
else throw "Could not convert ${str} to int.";
# Read a list of paths from `file', relative to the `rootPath'. Lines
# beginning with `#' are treated as comments and ignored. Whitespace
# is significant.
/* Read a list of paths from `file', relative to the `rootPath'. Lines
beginning with `#' are treated as comments and ignored. Whitespace
is significant.
NOTE: this function is not performant and should be avoided
readPathsFromFile /prefix
=> [ "/prefix/dlopen-resolv.patch" "/prefix/tzdir.patch"
"/prefix/dlopen-libXcursor.patch" "/prefix/dlopen-openssl.patch"
"/prefix/dlopen-dbus.patch" "/prefix/xdg-config-dirs.patch"
"/prefix/compose-search-path.patch" ]
readPathsFromFile = rootPath: file:
root = toString rootPath;
@ -253,5 +466,4 @@ rec {
absolutePaths = (path: builtins.toPath (root + "/" + path)) relativePaths;
@ -247,6 +247,21 @@ $TTL 1800
<literal>service.syncthing.dataDir</literal> options now has to point
to exact folder where syncthing is writing to. Example configuration should
loook something like:
services.syncthing = {
enable = true;
dataDir = "/home/somebody/.syncthing";
user = "somebody";
@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
#! /bin/sh -e
export NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=../../../..
export NIXOS_CONFIG=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))/../../../modules/virtualisation/azure-image.nix
export TIMESTAMP=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)
nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' \
-A --argstr system x86_64-linux -o azure --option extra-binary-caches -j 10
azure vm image create nixos-test --location "West Europe" --md5-skip -v --os Linux azure/disk.vhd
-A --argstr system x86_64-linux -o azure --option extra-binary-caches -j 10
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#! /bin/sh -e
export STORAGE=${STORAGE:-nixos}
export THREADS=${THREADS:-8}
azure-vhd-utils-for-go upload --localvhdpath azure/disk.vhd --stgaccountname "$STORAGE" --stgaccountkey "$KEY" \
--containername images --blobname nixos-unstable-nixops-updated.vhd --parallelism "$THREADS" --overwrite
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ let
nvidiaForKernel = kernelPackages:
if elem "nvidia" drivers then
else if elem "nvidiaBeta" drivers then
else if elem "nvidiaLegacy173" drivers then
else if elem "nvidiaLegacy304" drivers then
@ -254,6 +254,7 @@
octoprint = 230;
avahi-autoipd = 231;
nntp-proxy = 232;
mjpg-streamer = 233;
# When adding a uid, make sure it doesn't match an existing gid. And don't use uids above 399!
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ in
nixosVersion = mkDefault (maybeEnv "NIXOS_VERSION" (cfg.nixosRelease + cfg.nixosVersionSuffix));
# Note: code names must only increase in alphabetical order.
nixosCodeName = "Emu";
nixosCodeName = "Flounder";
# Generate /etc/os-release. See
@ -176,6 +176,7 @@
@ -219,6 +220,7 @@
@ -329,6 +331,7 @@
@ -438,6 +441,7 @@
@ -98,6 +98,9 @@ with lib;
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "hostapd" "extraCfg" ] [ "services" "hostapd" "extraConfig" ])
# Enlightenment
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "xserver" "desktopManager" "e19" "enable" ] [ "services" "xserver" "desktopManager" "enlightenment" "enable" ])
# Options that are obsolete and have no replacement.
(mkRemovedOptionModule [ "boot" "initrd" "luks" "enable" ])
(mkRemovedOptionModule [ "programs" "bash" "enable" ])
@ -26,19 +26,11 @@ in
stable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
kernelPatch = mkOption {
type = types.attrs;
example = lib.literalExample "pkgs.kernelPatches.grsecurity_4_1";
description = ''
Enable the stable grsecurity patch, based on Linux 3.14.
testing = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Enable the testing grsecurity patch, based on Linux 4.0.
Grsecurity patch to use.
@ -219,16 +211,7 @@ in
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
assertions =
[ { assertion = cfg.stable || cfg.testing;
message = ''
If grsecurity is enabled, you must select either the
stable patch (with kernel 3.14), or the testing patch (with
kernel 4.0) to continue.
{ assertion = !(cfg.stable && cfg.testing);
message = "Select either one of the stable or testing patch";
{ assertion = (cfg.config.restrictProc -> !cfg.config.restrictProcWithGroup) ||
(cfg.config.restrictProcWithGroup -> !cfg.config.restrictProc);
message = "You cannot enable both restrictProc and restrictProcWithGroup";
@ -247,6 +230,8 @@ in
security.grsecurity.kernelPatch = lib.mkDefault pkgs.kernelPatches.grsecurity_latest;
|||| = mkIf cfg.config.sysctl {
description = "grsecurity sysctl-lock Service";
requires = [ "systemd-sysctl.service" ];
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ in
# make sure that the tarsnap server is reachable after systemd starts up
# the service - therefore we sleep in a loop until we can ping the
# endpoint.
preStart = "while ! ping -q -c 1 &> /dev/null; do sleep 3; done";
preStart = "while ! ping -q -c 1 &> /dev/null; do sleep 3; done";
scriptArgs = "%i";
script = ''
mkdir -p -m 0755 ${dirOf cfg.cachedir}
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg =;
package = pkgs.awstats;
|||| = {
enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = cfg.service.enable;
description = ''
Enable the awstats program (but not service).
Currently only simple httpd (Apache) configs are supported,
and awstats plugins may not work correctly.
vardir = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = "/var/lib/awstats";
description = "The directory where variable awstats data will be stored.";
extraConfig = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
description = "Extra configuration to be appendend to awstats.conf.";
updateAt = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.string;
default = null;
example = "hourly";
description = ''
Specification of the time at which awstats will get updated.
(in the format described by <citerefentry>
service = {
enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''Enable the awstats web service. This switches on httpd.'';
urlPrefix = mkOption {
type = types.string;
default = "/awstats";
description = "The URL prefix under which the awstats service appears.";
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
environment.systemPackages = [ package.bin ];
/* TODO:
- heed, etc.
- Can't AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser, as CGI scripts don't have permission
to read the logs, and our httpd config apparently doesn't an option for that.
environment.etc."awstats/awstats.conf".source = pkgs.runCommand "awstats.conf"
{ preferLocalBuild = true; }
( let
cfg-httpd =;
logFormat =
if cfg-httpd.logFormat == "combined" then "1" else
if cfg-httpd.logFormat == "common" then "4" else
throw "awstats service doesn't support Apache log format `${cfg-httpd.logFormat}`";
sed \
-e 's|^\(DirData\)=.*$|\1="${cfg.vardir}"|' \
-e 's|^\(DirIcons\)=.*$|\1="icons"|' \
-e 's|^\(CreateDirDataIfNotExists\)=.*$|\1=1|' \
-e 's|^\(SiteDomain\)=.*$|\1="${cfg-httpd.hostName}"|' \
-e 's|^\(LogFile\)=.*$|\1="${cfg-httpd.logDir}/access_log"|' \
-e 's|^\(LogFormat\)=.*$|\1=${logFormat}|' \
< '${package.out}/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.model.conf' > "$out"
echo '${cfg.extraConfig}' >> "$out"
# The httpd sub-service showing awstats.
services.httpd.enable = mkIf cfg.service.enable true;
services.httpd.extraSubservices = mkIf cfg.service.enable [ { function = { serverInfo, ... }: {
extraConfig =
Alias ${cfg.service.urlPrefix}/classes "${package.out}/wwwroot/classes/"
Alias ${cfg.service.urlPrefix}/css "${package.out}/wwwroot/css/"
Alias ${cfg.service.urlPrefix}/icons "${package.out}/wwwroot/icon/"
ScriptAlias ${cfg.service.urlPrefix}/ "${package.out}/wwwroot/cgi-bin/"
<Directory "${package.out}/wwwroot">
Options None
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
startupScript =
inherit (serverInfo.serverConfig) user group;
in pkgs.writeScript ""
mkdir -p '${cfg.vardir}'
chown '${user}:${group}' '${cfg.vardir}'
|||| = mkIf (cfg.updateAt != null) {
description = "awstats log collector";
script = "exec '${package.bin}/bin/awstats' -update -config=awstats.conf";
startAt = cfg.updateAt;
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ let
mainCf =
compatibility_level = 2
compatibility_level = 9999
mail_owner = ${user}
default_privs = nobody
@ -79,6 +79,11 @@ in
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "" ];
preStart = ''
# There should be only one autofs service managed by systemd, so this should be safe.
rm -f /tmp/autofs-running
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${pkgs.autofs5}/sbin/automount ${if cfg.debug then "-d" else ""} -f -t ${builtins.toString cfg.timeout} ${autoMaster} ${if cfg.debug then "-l7" else ""}";
ExecReload = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID";
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ in {
Group =;
TimeoutSec = "300";
WorkingDirectory = "${cfg.packages.gitlab}/share/gitlab";
ExecStart="${bundler}/bin/bundle exec \"sidekiq -q post_receive -q mailer -q system_hook -q project_web_hook -q gitlab_shell -q common -q default -e production -P ${cfg.statePath}/tmp/\"";
ExecStart="${bundler}/bin/bundle exec \"sidekiq -q post_receive -q mailers -q system_hook -q project_web_hook -q gitlab_shell -q common -q default -e production -P ${cfg.statePath}/tmp/\"";
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg =;
freshInstall = cfg.extraConfig == "";
# combined code+config directory
mantisbt = let
config_inc = pkgs.writeText "config_inc.php" ("<?php\n" + cfg.extraConfig);
src = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "mirror://sourceforge/mantisbt/${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1pl6xn793p3mxc6ibpr2bhg85vkdlcf57yk7pfc399g47l8x4508";
name = "mantisbt-1.2.19";
# We have to copy every time; otherwise config won't be found.
pkgs.runCommand name
{ preferLocalBuild = true; allowSubstitutes = false; }
mkdir -p "$out"
cd "$out"
tar -xf '${src}' --strip-components=1
ln -s '${config_inc}' config_inc.php
+ lib.optionalString (!freshInstall) "rm -r admin/"
|||| = {
enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Enable the mantisbt web service.
This switches on httpd with PHP and database.
urlPrefix = mkOption {
type = types.string;
default = "/mantisbt";
description = "The URL prefix under which the mantisbt service appears.";
extraConfig = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
description = ''
The contents of config_inc.php, without leading <?php.
If left empty, the admin directory will be accessible.
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
services.mysql.enable = true;
services.httpd.enable = true;
services.httpd.enablePHP = true;
# The httpd sub-service showing mantisbt.
services.httpd.extraSubservices = [ { function = { ... }: {
extraConfig =
Alias ${cfg.urlPrefix} "${mantisbt}"
@ -6,12 +6,16 @@ let
cfg =;
cfgUpdate = pkgs.writeText "octoprint-config.yaml" (builtins.toJSON {
baseConfig = {
plugins.cura.cura_engine = "${pkgs.curaengine}/bin/CuraEngine";
|||| =;
server.port = cfg.port;
webcam.ffmpeg = "${pkgs.ffmpeg}/bin/ffmpeg";
fullConfig = recursiveUpdate cfg.extraConfig baseConfig;
cfgUpdate = pkgs.writeText "octoprint-config.yaml" (builtins.toJSON fullConfig);
pluginsEnv = pkgs.python.buildEnv.override {
extraLibs = cfg.plugins pkgs.octoprint-plugins;
@ -62,13 +66,18 @@ in
plugins = mkOption {
#type = types.functionTo (types.listOf types.package);
default = plugins: [];
defaultText = "plugins: []";
example = literalExample "plugins: [ m3d-fio ]";
description = "Additional plugins.";
extraConfig = mkOption {
type = types.attrs;
default = {};
description = "Extra options which are added to OctoPrint's YAML configuration file.";
@ -51,7 +51,13 @@ let
carbonEnv = {
PYTHONPATH = "${pkgs.python27Packages.carbon}/lib/python2.7/site-packages";
cenv = pkgs.python.buildEnv.override {
extraLibs = [ pkgs.python27Packages.carbon ];
cenvPack = "${cenv}/${pkgs.python.sitePackages}";
# opt/graphite/lib contains twisted.plugins.carbon-cache
in "${cenvPack}/opt/graphite/lib:${cenvPack}";
@ -445,10 +451,21 @@ in {
after = [ "" ];
path = [ pkgs.perl ];
environment = {
PYTHONPATH = "${pkgs.python27Packages.graphite_web}/lib/python2.7/site-packages";
penv = pkgs.python.buildEnv.override {
extraLibs = [
penvPack = "${penv}/${pkgs.python.sitePackages}";
# opt/graphite/webapp contains graphite/
# explicitly adding pycairo in path because it cannot be imported via buildEnv
in "${penvPack}/opt/graphite/webapp:${penvPack}:${pkgs.pycairo}/${pkgs.python.sitePackages}";
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = "graphite.settings";
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "${pkgs.cairo}/lib";
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = ''
@ -486,9 +503,11 @@ in {
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "" ];
environment = {
"${cfg.api.package}/lib/python2.7/site-packages:" +
concatMapStringsSep ":" (f: f + "/lib/python2.7/site-packages") cfg.api.finders;
aenv = pkgs.python.buildEnv.override {
extraLibs = [ cfg.api.package pkgs.cairo ] ++ cfg.api.finders;
in "${aenv}/${pkgs.python.sitePackages}";
GRAPHITE_API_CONFIG = graphiteApiConfig;
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "${pkgs.cairo}/lib";
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ in
resolverName = mkOption {
default = "opendns";
default = "cisco";
type = types.nullOr types.string;
description = ''
The name of the upstream DNSCrypt resolver to use. See
@ -130,6 +130,9 @@ in
${pkgs.xz}/lib/* mr,
${pkgs.libgcrypt}/lib/* mr,
${pkgs.libgpgerror}/lib/* mr,
${pkgs.libcap}/lib/* mr,
${pkgs.lz4}/lib/* mr,
${pkgs.attr}/lib/* mr,
${resolverListFile} r,
@ -10,9 +10,10 @@ let
extip = "EXTIP=\$(${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -sf \"\" | ${pkgs.gawk}/bin/awk -F'\"' '{print $4}')";
toOneZero = b: if b then "1" else "0";
toYesNo = b: if b then "yes" else "no";
mkEndpointOpt = name: addr: port: {
enable = mkEnableOption name;
name = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = name;
@ -63,9 +64,9 @@ let
} // mkEndpointOpt name "" 0;
i2pdConf = pkgs.writeText "i2pd.conf" ''
ipv6 = ${toOneZero cfg.enableIPv6}
notransit = ${toOneZero cfg.notransit}
floodfill = ${toOneZero cfg.floodfill}
ipv6 = ${toYesNo cfg.enableIPv6}
notransit = ${toYesNo cfg.notransit}
floodfill = ${toYesNo cfg.floodfill}
${if isNull cfg.port then "" else "port = ${toString cfg.port}"}
${flip concatMapStrings
(collect (proto: proto ? port && proto ? address && proto ? name) cfg.proto)
@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ let
address = ${proto.address}
port = ${toString proto.port}
enabled = ${toYesNo proto.enable}
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg =;
in {
options = {
services.mjpg-streamer = {
enable = mkEnableOption "mjpg-streamer webcam streamer";
inputPlugin = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "";
description = ''
Input plugin. See plugins documentation for more information.
outputPlugin = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = " -w @www@ -n -p 5050";
description = ''
Output plugin. <literal>@www@</literal> is substituted for default mjpg-streamer www directory.
See plugins documentation for more information.
user = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "mjpg-streamer";
description = "mjpg-streamer user name.";
group = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "video";
description = "mjpg-streamer group name.";
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
users.extraUsers = optional (cfg.user == "mjpg-streamer") {
name = "mjpg-streamer";
uid = config.ids.uids.mjpg-streamer;
group =;
|||| = {
description = "mjpg-streamer webcam streamer";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
serviceConfig.User = cfg.user;
serviceConfig.Group =;
script = ''
exec ${pkgs.mjpg-streamer}/bin/mjpg_streamer -i "$IPLUGIN" -o "$OPLUGIN"
@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ let
${optionalString (cfg.rsaKeyFile != null) ''
${optionalString (cfg.userlistFile != null) ''
@ -147,6 +150,12 @@ in
description = "RSA certificate file.";
rsaKeyFile = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.path;
default = null;
description = "RSA private key file.";
anonymousUmask = mkOption {
type = types.string;
default = "077";
@ -238,7 +238,8 @@ in
example = literalExample "[ pkgs.splix ]";
description = ''
CUPS drivers to use. Drivers provided by CUPS, cups-filters, Ghostscript
and Samba are added unconditionally.
and Samba are added unconditionally. For adding Gutenprint, see
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
{ config, pkgs, lib, serverInfo, ... }:
inherit (pkgs) foswiki;
inherit (serverInfo.serverConfig) user group;
inherit (config) vardir;
options.vardir = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.path;
default = "/var/www/foswiki";
description = "The directory where variable foswiki data will be stored and served from.";
# TODO: this will probably need to be better customizable
extraConfig =
let httpd-conf = pkgs.runCommand "foswiki-httpd.conf"
{ preferLocalBuild = true; }
substitute '${foswiki}/foswiki_httpd_conf.txt' "$out" \
--replace /var/www/foswiki/ "${vardir}/"
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule /foswiki/(.*) ${vardir}/$1
<Directory "${vardir}">
Require all granted
Include ${httpd-conf}
<Directory "${vardir}/pub">
Options FollowSymlinks
/** This handles initial setup and updates.
It will probably need some tweaking, maybe per-site. */
startupScript = pkgs.writeScript "" (
let storeLink = "${vardir}/package"; in
[ -e '${storeLink}' ] || needs_setup=1
mkdir -p '${vardir}'
cd '${vardir}'
ln -sf -T '${foswiki}' '${storeLink}'
if [ -n "$needs_setup" ]; then # do initial setup
mkdir -p bin lib
# setup most of data/ as copies only
cp -r '${foswiki}'/data '${vardir}/'
rm -r '${vardir}'/data/{System,mime.types}
ln -sr -t '${vardir}/data/' '${storeLink}'/data/{System,mime.types}
ln -sr '${storeLink}/locale' .
mkdir pub
ln -sr '${storeLink}/pub/System' pub/
mkdir templates
ln -sr '${storeLink}'/templates/* templates/
ln -sr '${storeLink}/tools' .
mkdir -p '${vardir}'/working/{logs,tmp}
ln -sr '${storeLink}/working/README' working/ # used to check dir validity
chown -R '${user}:${group}' .
chmod +w -R .
# bin/* and lib/* shall always be overwritten, in case files are added
ln -srf '${storeLink}'/bin/* '${vardir}/bin/'
ln -srf '${storeLink}'/lib/* '${vardir}/lib/'
/* Symlinking bin/ one-by-one ensures that ${vardir}/lib/LocalSite.cfg
is used instead of ${foswiki}/... */
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg =;
in {
options = {
services.colord = {
enable = mkEnableOption "colord, the color management daemon";
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
services.dbus.packages = [ pkgs.colord ];
services.udev.packages = [ pkgs.colord ];
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.colord ];
|||| = {
description = "Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles";
serviceConfig = {
Type = "dbus";
BusName = "org.freedesktop.ColorManager";
ExecStart = "${pkgs.colord}/libexec/colord";
PrivateTmp = true;
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ in
# E.g., if KDE is enabled, it supersedes xterm.
imports = [
./none.nix ./xterm.nix ./xfce.nix ./kde4.nix ./kde5.nix
./e19.nix ./gnome3.nix ./kodi.nix
./enlightenment.nix ./gnome3.nix ./kodi.nix
options = {
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ with lib;
e = pkgs.enlightenment;
xcfg =;
cfg = xcfg.desktopManager.e19;
e19_enlightenment = pkgs.e19.enlightenment.override { set_freqset_setuid = true; };
cfg = xcfg.desktopManager.enlightenment;
GST_PLUGIN_PATH = lib.makeSearchPath "lib/gstreamer-1.0" [
@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ in
options = {
services.xserver.desktopManager.e19.enable = mkOption {
services.xserver.desktopManager.enlightenment.enable = mkOption {
default = false;
example = true;
description = "Enable the E19 desktop environment.";
description = "Enable the Enlightenment desktop environment.";
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ in
config = mkIf (xcfg.enable && cfg.enable) {
environment.systemPackages = [
pkgs.e19.efl pkgs.e19.evas pkgs.e19.emotion pkgs.e19.elementary e19_enlightenment
pkgs.e19.terminology pkgs.e19.econnman
e.efl e.evas e.emotion e.elementary e.enlightenment
e.terminology e.econnman
pkgs.xorg.xauth # used by kdesu
pkgs.gtk # To get GTK+'s themes.
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ in
environment.pathsToLink = [ "/etc/enlightenment" "/etc/xdg" "/share/enlightenment" "/share/elementary" "/share/applications" "/share/locale" "/share/icons" "/share/themes" "/share/mime" "/share/desktop-directories" ];
services.xserver.desktopManager.session = [
{ name = "E19";
{ name = "Enlightenment";
start = ''
# Set GTK_DATA_PREFIX so that GTK+ can find the themes
export GTK_DATA_PREFIX=${config.system.path}
@ -53,17 +53,16 @@ in
# make available for D-BUS user services
#export XDG_DATA_DIRS=$XDG_DATA_DIRS''${XDG_DATA_DIRS:+:}:${config.system.path}/share:${pkgs.e19.efl}/share
#export XDG_DATA_DIRS=$XDG_DATA_DIRS''${XDG_DATA_DIRS:+:}:${config.system.path}/share:${e.efl}/share
# Update user dirs as described in
exec ${e.enlightenment}/bin/enlightenment_start
security.setuidPrograms = [ "e19_freqset" ];
security.setuidPrograms = [ "e_freqset" ];
environment.etc = singleton
{ source = "${pkgs.xkeyboard_config}/etc/X11/xkb";
@ -75,13 +74,13 @@ in
services.udisks2.enable = true;
services.upower.enable = config.powerManagement.enable;
#services.dbus.packages = [ pkgs.efl ]; # dbus-1 folder is not in /etc but in /share, so needs fixing first
services.dbus.packages = [ e.efl ];
|||| =
{ enable = true;
description = "org.enlightenment.Efreet";
serviceConfig =
{ ExecStart = "${pkgs.e19.efl}/bin/efreetd";
{ ExecStart = "${e.efl}/bin/efreetd";
StandardOutput = "null";
@ -90,7 +89,7 @@ in
{ enable = true;
description = "org.enlightenment.Ethumb";
serviceConfig =
{ ExecStart = "${pkgs.e19.efl}/bin/ethumbd";
{ ExecStart = "${e.efl}/bin/ethumbd";
StandardOutput = "null";
@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ in
++ lib.optional config.networking.networkmanager.enable kde5.plasma-nm
++ lib.optional config.hardware.pulseaudio.enable kde5.plasma-pa
++ lib.optional config.powerManagement.enable kde5.powerdevil
++ lib.optional kde5.colord-kde
++ lib.optionals [ kde5.kdenetwork-filesharing pkgs.samba ]
++ lib.optionals cfg.phonon.gstreamer.enable
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ in
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg =;
###### interface
options = {
services.xserver.windowManager.jwm.enable = mkEnableOption "jwm";
###### implementation
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
services.xserver.windowManager.session = singleton {
name = "jwm";
start = ''
${pkgs.jwm}/bin/jwm &
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.jwm ];
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ let
# Add RAID mdadm tool.
copy_bin_and_libs ${pkgs.mdadm}/sbin/mdadm
copy_bin_and_libs ${pkgs.mdadm}/sbin/mdmon
# Copy udev.
copy_bin_and_libs ${udev}/lib/systemd/systemd-udevd
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ let
config = {
mountPoint = mkDefault name;
device = mkIf (config.fsType == "tmpfs") (mkDefault config.fsType);
options = mkIf config.autoResize "x-nixos.autoresize";
options = mkIf config.autoResize [ "x-nixos.autoresize" ];
# -F needed to allow bare block device without partitions
formatOptions = mkIf ((builtins.substring 0 3 config.fsType) == "ext") (mkDefault "-F");
@ -12,4 +12,45 @@
cp -v ${pkgs.mdadm}/lib/udev/rules.d/*.rules $out/
|||| = {
wantedBy = [ ""];
after = [ "" ];
unitConfig = {
DefaultDependencies = false;
serviceConfig = {
Type = "oneshot";
ExecStart = ''${pkgs.mdadm}/bin/mdadm --wait-clean --scan'';
||||"mdmon@" = {
description = "MD Metadata Monitor on /dev/%I";
unitConfig.DefaultDependencies = false;
serviceConfig = {
Type = "forking";
Environment = "IMSM_NO_PLATFORM=1";
ExecStart = ''${pkgs.mdadm}/bin/mdmon --offroot --takeover %I'';
KillMode = "none";
||||"mdadm-grow-continue@" = {
description = "Manage MD Reshape on /dev/%I";
unitConfig.DefaultDependencies = false;
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = ''${pkgs.mdadm}/bin/mdadm --grow --continue /dev/%I'';
StandardInput = "null";
StandardOutput = "null";
StandardError = "null";
KillMode = "none";
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ let cfg = config.ec2; in
# Force udev to exit to prevent random "Device or resource busy
# while trying to open /dev/xvda" errors from fsck.
udevadm control --exit || true
kill -9 -1
|||| = true;
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
--- a/waagent 2016-03-12 09:58:15.728088851 +0200
+++ a/waagent 2016-03-12 09:58:43.572680025 +0200
@@ -6173,10 +6173,10 @@
Log("MAC address: " + ":".join(["%02X" % Ord(a) for a in mac]))
# Consume Entropy in ACPI table provided by Hyper-V
- try:
- SetFileContents("/dev/random", GetFileContents("/sys/firmware/acpi/tables/OEM0"))
- except:
- pass
+ #try:
+ # SetFileContents("/dev/random", GetFileContents("/sys/firmware/acpi/tables/OEM0"))
+ #except:
+ # pass
Log("Probing for Azure environment.")
self.Endpoint = self.DoDhcpWork()
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ let
rev = "1b3a8407a95344d9d12a2a377f64140975f1e8e4";
sha256 = "10byzvmpgrmr4d5mdn2kq04aapqb3sgr1admk13wjmy5cd6bwd2x";
patches = [ ./azure-agent-entropy.patch ];
buildInputs = [ makeWrapper python pythonPackages.wrapPython ];
runtimeDeps = [ findutils gnugrep gawk coreutils openssl openssh
nettools # for hostname
@ -54,9 +57,15 @@ in
###### interface
|||| = mkOption {
default = false;
description = "Whether to enable the Windows Azure Linux Agent.";
|||| = {
enable = mkOption {
default = false;
description = "Whether to enable the Windows Azure Linux Agent.";
verboseLogging = mkOption {
default = false;
description = "Whether to enable verbose logging.";
###### implementation
@ -88,7 +97,7 @@ in
# Generate fresh host key pair.
# Supported values are "rsa", "dsa" and "ecdsa".
@ -121,7 +130,7 @@ in
# Enable verbose logging (y|n)
Logs.Verbose=${if cfg.verboseLogging then "y" else "n"}
# Root device timeout in seconds.
@ -146,16 +155,30 @@ in
systemd.targets.provisioned = {
description = "Services Requiring Azure VM provisioning to have finished";
wantedBy = [ "sshd.service" ];
before = [ "sshd.service" ];
|||| =
{ description = "Consume entropy in ACPI table provided by Hyper-V";
wantedBy = [ "sshd.service" "waagent.service" ];
before = [ "sshd.service" "waagent.service" ];
after = [ "" ];
path = [ pkgs.coreutils ];
script =
echo "Fetching entropy..."
cat /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/OEM0 > /dev/random
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
serviceConfig.RemainAfterExit = true;
serviceConfig.StandardError = "journal+console";
serviceConfig.StandardOutput = "journal+console";
|||| = {
wantedBy = [ "sshd.service" ];
before = [ "sshd.service" ];
after = [ "" ];
wants = [ "" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "" "sshd.service" ];
path = [ pkgs.e2fsprogs ];
description = "Windows Azure Agent Service";
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
with lib;
diskSize = "4096";
diskSize = "30720";
|||| =
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ in
postVM =
mkdir -p $out
${pkgs.vmTools.qemu-220}/bin/qemu-img convert -f raw -O vpc -o subformat=fixed $diskImage $out/disk.vhd
${pkgs.vmTools.qemu-220}/bin/qemu-img convert -f raw -O vpc $diskImage $out/disk.vhd
rm $diskImage
diskImageBase = "nixos-image-${config.system.nixosLabel}-${pkgs.stdenv.system}.raw";
@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ in rec {
tests.containers = callTest tests/containers.nix {};
tests.docker = hydraJob (import tests/docker.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; });
tests.dockerRegistry = hydraJob (import tests/docker-registry.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; });
tests.dnscrypt-proxy = callTest tests/dnscrypt-proxy.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; };
tests.etcd = hydraJob (import tests/etcd.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; });
tests.ec2-nixops = hydraJob (import tests/ec2.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; }).boot-ec2-nixops;
tests.ec2-config = hydraJob (import tests/ec2.nix { system = "x86_64-linux"; }).boot-ec2-config;
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import ./make-test.nix ({ pkgs, ... }: {
name = "dnscrypt-proxy";
meta = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; {
maintainers = [ joachifm ];
nodes = {
# A client running the recommended setup: DNSCrypt proxy as a forwarder
# for a caching DNS client.
client =
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
let localProxyPort = 43; in
security.apparmor.enable = true;
services.dnscrypt-proxy.enable = true;
services.dnscrypt-proxy.localPort = localProxyPort;
services.dnsmasq.enable = true;
services.dnsmasq.servers = [ "${toString localProxyPort}" ];
testScript = ''
# The daemon is socket activated; sending a single ping should activate it.
$client->execute("${pkgs.iputils}/bin/ping -c1");
$client->succeed("systemctl is-active dnscrypt-proxy.service");
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
{ pkgs, stdenv, lib, fetchurl, intltool, pkgconfig, gstreamer, gst_plugins_base
, gst_plugins_good, gst_plugins_bad, gst_plugins_ugly, gst_ffmpeg, glib
, mono, mono-addins, dbus-sharp-1_0, dbus-sharp-glib-1_0, notify-sharp, gtk-sharp-2_0
, boo, gdata-sharp, taglib-sharp, sqlite, gnome-sharp, gconf, gtk-sharp-beans, gio-sharp
, libmtp, libgpod, mono-zeroconf }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "banshee-${version}";
version = "2.6.2";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "1y30p8wxx5li39i5gpq2wib0ympy8llz0gyi6ri9bp730ndhhz7p";
dontStrip = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig intltool ];
buildInputs = [
gtk-sharp-2_0.gtk gstreamer gst_plugins_base gst_plugins_good
gst_plugins_bad gst_plugins_ugly gst_ffmpeg
mono dbus-sharp-1_0 dbus-sharp-glib-1_0 mono-addins notify-sharp
gtk-sharp-2_0 boo gdata-sharp taglib-sharp sqlite gnome-sharp gconf gtk-sharp-beans
gio-sharp libmtp libgpod mono-zeroconf
makeFlags = [ "PREFIX=$(out)" ];
postPatch = ''
patchShebangs data/desktop-files/
patchShebangs build/private-icon-theme-installer
sed -i "s,DOCDIR=.*,DOCDIR=$out/lib/monodoc," configure
postInstall = let
ldLibraryPath = lib.makeLibraryPath [ gtk-sharp-2_0.gtk gtk-sharp-2_0 sqlite gconf glib gstreamer ];
monoGACPrefix = lib.concatStringsSep ":" [
mono dbus-sharp-1_0 dbus-sharp-glib-1_0 mono-addins notify-sharp gtk-sharp-2_0
boo gdata-sharp taglib-sharp sqlite gnome-sharp gconf gtk-sharp-beans
gio-sharp libmtp libgpod mono-zeroconf
in ''
sed -e '2a export MONO_GAC_PREFIX=${monoGACPrefix}' \
-e 's|LD_LIBRARY_PATH=|LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ldLibraryPath}:|' \
-e 's| mono | ${mono}/bin/mono |' \
-i $out/bin/banshee
meta = with lib; {
description = "A music player written in C# using GNOME technologies";
platforms = platforms.linux;
maintainers = [ maintainers.zohl ];
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
license = licenses.gpl2Plus;
platforms = platforms.linux;
hydraPlatforms = [];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ iyzsong ];
src = fetchurl {
@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ let
inherit src;
buildInputs = [ makeWrapper llvm emscripten openssl libsndfile pkgconfig libmicrohttpd vim ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper pkgconfig vim ];
buildInputs = [ llvm emscripten openssl libsndfile libmicrohttpd ];
passthru = {
@ -53,6 +54,20 @@ let
# correct system.
unset system
sed -e "232s/LLVM_STATIC_LIBS/LLVMLIBS/" -i compiler/Makefile.unix
# The makefile sets LLVM_<version> depending on the current llvm
# version, but the detection code is quite brittle.
# Failing to properly detect the llvm version means that the macro
# LLVM_VERSION ends up being the raw output of `llvm-config --version`, while
# the code assumes that it's set to a symbol like `LLVM_35`. Two problems result:
# * <command-line>:0:1: error: macro names must be identifiers.; and
# * a bunch of undefined reference errors due to conditional definitions relying on
# LLVM_XY being defined.
# For now, fix this by 1) pinning the llvm version; 2) manually setting LLVM_VERSION
# to something the makefile will recognize.
sed '52iLLVM_VERSION=3.7.0' -i compiler/Makefile.unix
# Remove most faust2appl scripts since they won't run properly
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
assert stdenv.system == "x86_64-linux";
version = "";
version = "";
deps = [
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
src =
fetchurl {
url = "${version}_amd64.deb";
sha256 = "0n6vz51jv6s20dp4zlqkk52bpmpyfm1qn5bfm4lfq09x1g6ir5lr";
sha256 = "1fxps0ls0g4idw10la3qrpmp2jn85lkm3xj4nam4ycx0jj8g1v2p";
buildInputs = [ dpkg makeWrapper ];
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
homepage = "";
license = licenses.gpl3Plus;
platforms = platforms.linux;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ iyzsong ];
src = fetchurl {
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
homepage = "";
license = licenses.gpl2Plus;
platforms = platforms.linux;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ iyzsong ];
src = fetchurl {
@ -43,6 +43,5 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
homepage = "";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2Plus;
platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.linux;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [iyzsong];
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
configureFlags = [
postInstall = ''
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, gtk2, which, pkgconfig, intltool, file }:
version = "1.26";
version = "1.27";
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
src = fetchurl {
url = "${name}.tar.bz2";
sha256 = "e38530e87c577e1e9806be3b40e08fb9ee321eb1abc6361ddacdad89c825f90d";
sha256 = "846ff699a5944c5c3c068ae0199d4c13946a668bfc6d03f8c79765667c20cadf";
buildInputs = [ gtk2 which pkgconfig intltool file ];
@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "${pname}-${version}";
version = "4.7.1";
version = "4.7.3";
pname = "kdevelop";
src = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://kde/stable/${pname}/${version}/src/${name}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "e3ad5377f53739a67216d37cda3f88c03f8fbb0c96e2a9ef4056df3c124e95c1";
url = "mirror://kde/stable/${pname}/${version}/src/${name}.tar.bz2";
sha256 = "9db388d1c8274da7d168c13db612c7e94ece7815757b945b0aa0371620a06b35";
buildInputs = [ kdevplatform kdebase_workspace okteta qjson ];
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
propagatedUserEnvPkgs = [ kdevplatform kate konsole kde_runtime oxygen_icons ];
patches = [ ./gettext.patch ];
NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-I${okteta}/include/KDE";
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
@ -31,6 +33,6 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
programing languages. It is based on KDevPlatform, KDE and Qt
libraries and is under development since 1998.
homepage =;
homepage =;
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff -urN kdevelop-4.7.3.orig/po/CMakeLists.txt kdevelop-4.7.3/po/CMakeLists.txt
--- kdevelop-4.7.3.orig/po/CMakeLists.txt 2016-03-04 23:29:09.411886565 +0100
+++ kdevelop-4.7.3/po/CMakeLists.txt 2016-03-04 23:28:35.108451713 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+cmake_policy(SET CMP0002 OLD)
find_package(Gettext REQUIRED)
MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Please install msgmerge binary")
@ -12,12 +12,13 @@ with stdenv.lib;
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "nano-${version}";
version = "2.5.0";
version = "2.5.3";
src = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://gnu/nano/${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1vl9bim56k1b4zwc3icxp46w6pn6gb042j1h4jlz1jklxxpkwcpz";
sha256 = "1vhjrcydcfxqq1719vcsvqqnbjbq2523m00dhzag5vwzkc961c5j";
buildInputs = [ ncurses texinfo ] ++ optional enableNls gettext;
nativeBuildInputs = [ texinfo ] ++ optional enableNls gettext;
buildInputs = [ ncurses ];
outputs = [ "out" "info" ];
configureFlags = ''
@ -24,6 +24,5 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
# The rest is GPL2 or later.
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2Plus;
platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.linux;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ iyzsong ];
@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
postInstall = ''
mkdir -p $out/Applications
cp -r src/MacVim/build/Release/ $out/Applications
rm -rf $out/
rm $out/bin/{Vimdiff,Vimtutor,Vim,ex,rVim,rview,view}
@ -16,6 +16,15 @@ in
patches = [ ./paths-fix.patch ];
# fix build with glibc-2.23
postPatch = ''
sed 's/\<isinf(/std::isinf(/g' -i \
src/export/export_heightmap.cpp \
src/fab/types/bounds.cpp \
src/graph/hooks/meta.cpp \
src/ui/dialogs/resolution_dialog.cpp \
buildInputs = [
libpng python3 (boost.override { python = python3; })
@ -32,6 +41,8 @@ in
qmake PREFIX=$out
enableParallelBuilding = true;
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "A computer-aided design (CAD) tool from a parallel universe";
homepage = "";
@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
assert stdenv ? glibc;
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "2.0.0";
version = "2.0.2";
name = "darktable-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}/darktable-${version}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "1cbwvzqn3158cy7r499rdwipx7fpb30lrrvh6jy5a4xvpcjzbwnl";
sha256 = "0014j73sy956xqdhd4jrxvbamildqqadx8hmagrbiah8xda67skm";
buildInputs =
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers";
homepage =;
homepage =;
license = licenses.gpl3Plus;
platforms = platforms.linux;
maintainers = [ maintainers.goibhniu maintainers.rickynils maintainers.flosse ];
@ -3,42 +3,222 @@
, libgphoto2, libjpeg, libkdcraw, libkexiv2, libkipi, libpgf, libtiff
, libusb1, liblqr1, marble, mysql, opencv, perl, phonon, pkgconfig
, qca2, qimageblitz, qjson, qt4, soprano
# Optional build time dependencies
, baloo, doxygen, kfilemetadata
, lcms2
, kfaceSupport ? true, libkface ? null
, kgeomapSupport ? true, libkgeomap ? null
, libxslt
# Plugins optional build time dependencies
, gdk_pixbuf, imagemagick
, libgpod, libksane, libkvkontakte
, qt_gstreamer1 /*qt_soap, <> herqq <> -> is missing its av part.*/
/*qt_koauth <>*/
# Supplementary packages required only by the wrapper.
, bash, kde_runtime, kde_baseapps, makeWrapper, oxygen_icons
, phonon_backend_vlc /*phonon_backend_gstreamer,*/
, ffmpegthumbs /*mplayerthumbs*/
, runCommand, shared_mime_info, writeScriptBin
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "digikam-4.12.0";
version = "4.12.0";
pName = "digikam-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${name}.tar.bz2";
sha256 = "081ldsaf3frf5khznjd3sxkjmi4dyp6w6nqnc2a0agkk0kxkl10m";
build = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "digikam-build-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${pName}.tar.bz2";
sha256 = "081ldsaf3frf5khznjd3sxkjmi4dyp6w6nqnc2a0agkk0kxkl10m";
nativeBuildInputs = [
automoc4 cmake gettext perl pkgconfig
] ++ [
# Optional
buildInputs = [
boost eigen jasper kdelibs kdepimlibs lcms lensfun
libgphoto2 libjpeg libkdcraw libkexiv2 libkipi liblqr1 libpgf
libtiff marble mysql.lib opencv phonon qca2 qimageblitz qjson qt4
shared_desktop_ontologies soprano ]
# Optional build time dependencies
++ [
lcms2 ]
++ stdenv.lib.optional (kfaceSupport && null != libkface) [ libkface ]
++ stdenv.lib.optional (kgeomapSupport && null != libkgeomap) [ libkgeomap ] ++
[ libxslt ]
# Plugins optional build time dependencies
++ [
gdk_pixbuf imagemagick libgpod libksane
qt_gstreamer1 ];
# Make digikam find some FindXXXX.cmake
# Find kdepimlibs's upper case headers under `include/KDE`.
NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-I${kdepimlibs}/include/KDE";
# Help digiKam find libusb, otherwise gphoto2 support is disabled
cmakeFlags = [
++ stdenv.lib.optional (kfaceSupport && null == libkface) [ "-DDIGIKAMSC_COMPILE_LIBKFACE=ON" ]
++ stdenv.lib.optional (kgeomapSupport && null == libkgeomap) [ "-DDIGIKAMSC_COMPILE_LIBKGEOMAP=ON" ];
enableParallelBuilding = true;
meta = {
description = "Photo Management Program";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2;
homepage =;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ goibhniu viric urkud ];
inherit (kdelibs.meta) platforms;
nativeBuildInputs = [ automoc4 cmake gettext perl pkgconfig ];
buildInputs = [
boost eigen jasper kdelibs kdepimlibs lcms lensfun libgphoto2
libjpeg libkdcraw libkexiv2 libkipi liblqr1 libpgf libtiff marble
mysql.lib opencv phonon qca2 qimageblitz qjson qt4
shared_desktop_ontologies soprano
kdePkgs = [
build # digikam's own build
kdelibs kdepimlibs kde_runtime kde_baseapps libkdcraw oxygen_icons
/*phonon_backend_gstreamer*/ phonon_backend_vlc
ffmpegthumbs /*mplayerthumbs*/ shared_mime_info ]
# Optional build time dependencies
++ [
baloo kfilemetadata ]
++ stdenv.lib.optional (kfaceSupport && null != libkface) [ libkface ]
++ stdenv.lib.optional (kgeomapSupport && null != libkgeomap) [ libkgeomap ]
++ [
libkipi ]
# Plugins optional build time dependencies
++ [
libksane libkvkontakte
# Make digikam find some FindXXXX.cmake
# Help digiKam find libusb, otherwise gphoto2 support is disabled
cmakeFlags = [
# TODO: It should be the responsability of these packages to add themselves to `KDEDIRS`. See
# <> for
# a practical example.
# IMPORTANT: Note that using `XDG_DATA_DIRS` here instead of `KDEDIRS` won't work properly.
KDEDIRS = with stdenv.lib; concatStrings (intersperse ":" (map (x: "${x}") kdePkgs));
enableParallelBuilding = true;
sycocaDirRelPath = "var/lib/kdesycoca";
sycocaFileRelPath = "${sycocaDirRelPath}/${pName}.sycoca";
sycoca = runCommand "${pName}" {
name = "digikam-sycoca-${version}";
nativeBuildInputs = [ kdelibs ];
dontPatchELF = true;
dontStrip = true;
} ''
# Make sure kbuildsycoca4 does not attempt to write to user home directory.
export HOME=$PWD
export KDESYCOCA="$out/${sycocaFileRelPath}"
mkdir -p $out/${sycocaDirRelPath}
export XDG_DATA_DIRS=""
kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental --nosignal
replaceExeListWithWrapped =
let f = exeName: ''
rm -f "$out/bin/${exeName}"
makeWrapper "${build}/bin/${exeName}" "$out/bin/${exeName}" \
--set XDG_DATA_DIRS "" \
--set KDEDIRS "${KDEDIRS}" \
--set KDESYCOCA "${sycoca}/${sycocaFileRelPath}"
with stdenv.lib; exeNameList: concatStrings (intersperse "\n" (map f exeNameList));
with stdenv.lib;
Final derivation
- Create symlinks to our original build derivation items.
- Wrap specific executables so that they know of the appropriate
sycoca database, `KDEDIRS` to use and block any interference
from `XDG_DATA_DIRS` (only `dnginfo` is not wrapped).
runCommand "${pName}" {
inherit build;
inherit sycoca;
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
buildInputs = kdePkgs;
dontPatchELF = true;
dontStrip = true;
meta = {
description = "Photo Management Program";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2;
homepage =;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ goibhniu viric urkud ];
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ /*jraygauthier*/ ];
inherit (kdelibs.meta) platforms;
} ''
pushd $build > /dev/null
for d in `find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*" -printf "%f\n" | tail -n+2`; do
mkdir -p $out/$d
for f in `find $d -maxdepth 1 -name "*" -printf "%f\n" | tail -n+2`; do
ln -s "$build/$d/$f" "$out/$d/$f"
popd > /dev/null
${replaceExeListWithWrapped [ "cleanup_digikamdb" "digitaglinktree" "digikam" "dngconverter"
"expoblending" "photolayoutseditor" "scangui" "showfoto" ]}
### Useful ###
- Per lib `KDELIBS` environment variable export. See above in-code TODO comment.
- Missing optional `qt_soap` or `herqq` (av + normal package) dependencies. Those are not
yet (or not fully) packaged in nix. Mainly required for upnp export.
- Possibility to use the `phonon_backend_gstreamer` with its own user specified set of backend.
- Allow user to disable optional features or dependencies reacting properly.
- Compile `kipiplugins` as a separate package (so that it can be used by other kde packages
and so that this package's build time is reduced).
### Not so useful ###
- Missing optional `qt_koauth` (not packaged in nix).
- Missing optional `libmediawiki` (not packaged in nix)..
- For some reason the cmake build does not detect `libkvkontakte`. Fix this.
- Possibility to use `mplayerthumbs` thumbnail creator backend. In digikam dev docs,
it is however suggested to use `ffmpegthumbs`. Maybe we should stick to it.
@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "simple-scan-${version}";
version = "3.19.91";
version = "3.19.92";
src = fetchurl {
sha256 = "1c5glf5vxgld41w4jxfqcv17q76qnh43fawpv33hncgh8d283xkf";
sha256 = "1zz6y4cih1v0npxjfxvnqz3bz7i5aripdsfy0hg9mhr1f4r0ig19";
url = "${version}/+download/${name}.tar.xz";
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit boost;
src = fetchurl {
url =;
url =;
sha256 = "1i1jj02bxynisqapv31481sz9jpfp3f023ky47spz1v1wlwbs13m";
@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ in
pythonPackages.buildPythonApplication rec {
name = "electrum-${version}";
version = "2.6.1";
version = "2.6.2";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}/Electrum-${version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "14q6y1hwzki56nfhd3nfbxid07d5fv0pgmklvcf7yxjmpdxrg0iq";
sha256 = "1wvzlx9aj88z01vljhyg3v67zsk2iz18r58727pdq7h94vwwjc86";
propagatedBuildInputs = with pythonPackages; [
@ -55,6 +55,11 @@ pythonPackages.buildPythonApplication rec {
pyrcc4 icons.qrc -o gui/qt/
doCheck = true;
checkPhase = ''
$out/bin/electrum help >/dev/null
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Bitcoin thin-client";
longDescription = ''
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ python3Packages.buildPythonApplication rec {
buildInputs = with python3Packages; [ setuptools_scm ];
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
homepage =;
@ -1,28 +1,29 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, automake, autoconf, libtool, pkgconfig, libzen, libmediainfo, wxGTK, desktop_file_utils, libSM, imagemagick }:
{ stdenv, fetchurl, autoreconfHook, pkgconfig, libzen, libmediainfo, wxGTK
, desktop_file_utils, libSM, imagemagick }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "0.7.82";
version = "0.7.83";
name = "mediainfo-gui-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}/mediainfo_${version}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "0ivvmxx93aldfbms6wg46x9npghg304j2zxl5i70m710gybjr232";
sha256 = "0d8mph9lbg2lw0ccg1la0kqhbisra8q9rzn195lncch5cia5zyg7";
buildInputs = [ automake autoconf libtool pkgconfig libzen libmediainfo wxGTK desktop_file_utils libSM imagemagick ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook pkgconfig ];
buildInputs = [ libzen libmediainfo wxGTK desktop_file_utils libSM
imagemagick ];
sourceRoot = "./MediaInfo/Project/GNU/GUI/";
preConfigure = "sh";
meta = {
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file (GUI version)";
longDescription = ''
MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical
and tag data for video and audio files.
homepage =;
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2;
platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.linux;
maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.devhell ];
license = licenses.bsd2;
platforms = platforms.linux;
maintainers = [ maintainers.devhell ];
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, automake, autoconf, libtool, pkgconfig, libzen, libmediainfo, zlib }:
{ stdenv, fetchurl, autoreconfHook, pkgconfig, libzen, libmediainfo, zlib }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "0.7.82";
version = "0.7.83";
name = "mediainfo-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}/mediainfo_${version}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "0ivvmxx93aldfbms6wg46x9npghg304j2zxl5i70m710gybjr232";
sha256 = "0d8mph9lbg2lw0ccg1la0kqhbisra8q9rzn195lncch5cia5zyg7";
buildInputs = [ automake autoconf libtool pkgconfig libzen libmediainfo zlib ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook pkgconfig ];
buildInputs = [ libzen libmediainfo zlib ];
sourceRoot = "./MediaInfo/Project/GNU/CLI/";
configureFlags = [ "--with-libmediainfo=${libmediainfo}" ];
preConfigure = "sh";
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file";
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
From 73ff28c3ee5b737303871268a5487db0fcffc0f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From 0be3198cccf753226758684955f49a32d8d920c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nikolay Amiantov <>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 14:37:31 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Don't use static library
Subject: [PATCH] Don't use static library
octoprint_m3dfio/ | 67 +-----------------------------------------
@ -9,23 +9,23 @@ Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Don't use static library
2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)
diff --git a/octoprint_m3dfio/ b/octoprint_m3dfio/
index 5e5369b..9f59768 100644
index a2ca533..43f178a 100644
--- a/octoprint_m3dfio/
+++ b/octoprint_m3dfio/
@@ -764,72 +764,7 @@ class M3DFioPlugin(
@@ -793,72 +793,7 @@ class M3DFioPlugin(
# Set file locations
- # Check if running on Linux
- if platform.uname()[0].startswith("Linux") :
- # Check if running on a Raspberry Pi
- # Check if running on a Raspberry Pi 1
- if platform.uname()[4].startswith("armv6l") and self.getCpuHardware() == "BCM2708" :
- # Set shared library
- self.sharedLibrary = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(self._basefolder.replace('\\', '/') + "/static/libraries/")
- # Otherwise check if running on a Raspberry Pi 2
- # Otherwise check if running on a Raspberry Pi 2 or Raspberry Pi 3
- elif platform.uname()[4].startswith("armv7l") and self.getCpuHardware() == "BCM2709" :
- # Set shared library
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ index 5e5369b..9f59768 100644
if self.sharedLibrary :
diff --git a/shared library source/Makefile b/shared library source/Makefile
index 4062a91..89dab71 100644
index 9d015a1..a24f134 100644
--- a/shared library source/Makefile
+++ b/shared library source/Makefile
@@ -58,13 +58,15 @@ ifeq ($(TARGET_PLATFORM), OSX64)
@ -109,5 +109,5 @@ index 4062a91..89dab71 100644
rm -f ../octoprint_m3dfio/static/libraries/$(PROG)
@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ in {
m3d-fio = buildPlugin rec {
name = "M3D-Fio-${version}";
version = "0.28.2";
version = "0.29";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "donovan6000";
repo = "M3D-Fio";
rev = "V${version}";
sha256 = "1fwy6xmbid89rn7w7v779wb34gmfzc1fkggv3im1r7a7jrzph6nx";
sha256 = "17jyr7qf9psq3xcckk1zjhaw0h8a0mh3v8lcv9vgqzni27kq9pnb";
patches = [
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ buildPythonApplication rec {
homepage = "";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3;
platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.unix;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ iyzsong ];
src = fetchurl {
@ -40,5 +40,6 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
description = "An international dictionary supporting fuzzy and glob style matching";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl3;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [qknight];
broken = true;
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ let
configurePhase = ''
# Precompile .pyc files to prevent race conditions during build
python -m compileall -q -f . || : # ignore errors
python -m compileall -q -f . > /dev/null 2>&1 || : # ignore errors
# This is to ensure expansion of $out.
@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
# This file is autogenerated from in the parent directory.
beta = {
sha256 = "1xc2npbc829nxria1j37kxyy95jkalkkphxgv24if0ibn62lrzd4";
sha256bin64 = "1arm15g3vmm3zlvcql3qylw1fhrn5ddzl2v8mkpb3a251m425dsi";
version = "49.0.2623.75";
sha256 = "1lgpjnjhy3idha5b6wp31kdk6knic96dmajyrgn1701q3mq81g1i";
sha256bin64 = "1yb3rk38zfgjzka0aim1xc4r0qaz2qkwaq06mjifpkszmfffhyd0";
version = "50.0.2661.26";
dev = {
sha256 = "04j0nyz20gi7vf1javbw06wrqpkfw6vg024i3wkgx42hzd6hjgw4";
sha256bin64 = "12ff4q615rwakgpr9v84p55maasqb4vg61s89vgxrlsgqrmkahg4";
version = "50.0.2661.11";
sha256 = "0z9m1mv6pv43y3ccd0nzqg5f9q8qxc8mlmy9y3dc9kqpvmqggnvp";
sha256bin64 = "0khsxci970vclfg24b7m8w1jqfkv5rzswgwa62b4r7jzrglx1azj";
version = "50.0.2661.18";
stable = {
sha256 = "1xc2npbc829nxria1j37kxyy95jkalkkphxgv24if0ibn62lrzd4";
sha256bin64 = "01qi5jmlmdpy6icc4y51bn5a063mxrnkncg3pbmbl4r02vqca5jh";
version = "49.0.2623.75";
sha256 = "0kbph3l964bh7cb9yf8nydjaxa20yf8ls5a2vzsj8phz7n20z3f9";
sha256bin64 = "1k6nhccdqzzzicwi07nldqfsdlic65i2xfyb7dbasbbg9zl3s9yw";
version = "49.0.2623.87";
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
#!/bin/sh -e
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
sp="$(nix-build -Q --no-out-link source/update.nix -A update)"
cat "$sp" > source/sources.nix
@ -4,185 +4,187 @@
# ruby generate_sources.rb > sources.nix
version = "44.0.2";
version = "45.0";
sources = [
{ locale = "ach"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "2d0ab9fba584576d67ccb600339efeb5ad7aac1629b2d7865e121825b1a5a6d5"; }
{ locale = "ach"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "188b9aab64ab1beda84dbe7b36d899210472a3e445dd827b64ca7083ae3c0b32"; }
{ locale = "af"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "e6b5fb28e5ad03240f0e156c81db1df16bfaf99a946ffab9672c06d8561de9c3"; }
{ locale = "af"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "c2856308c9e87bf82f621c5d4c96e9c5a70e5ebb86a8e4ba8ecb4d08c1ae98ec"; }
{ locale = "an"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "f138b17a230e9b42b334d3900bebf23156fe1dec1f4ec75f9a3b94348523e241"; }
{ locale = "an"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "82d24b07dc8d887837e8fbd610c2feb1ff4975917d8a19836ec0d0db56522de8"; }
{ locale = "ar"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "b530e58161331bff3222083298ddc5af0055c6b3337b58b1a4eb1d5d4e348d62"; }
{ locale = "ar"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "67c0e4ce7dfe54d0e4fedb168342ea86a82458e2d3ce6aca78b4497f4e813bfd"; }
{ locale = "as"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "f17e991e97e85b981c3191a0becad6df457a29b7042d31a667fd227dadc24e80"; }
{ locale = "as"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "2d955443b785a65d2f9f914232d521aeb9082b4dead8fedc89cfa29329ab8e2a"; }
{ locale = "ast"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "c9e2784047b58eddfd72c1e56964eea8ac098240436d029665bc940c7b8d8f8d"; }
{ locale = "ast"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "4bd5cc7c34f0a1fc1e2e899942c4ebec6bdab2fbd9e3d331ecc0c67a6f8c16e4"; }
{ locale = "az"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "1789f6c5524314df239e4b4beb677adf48ce926a097128e053b352067d13016f"; }
{ locale = "az"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "4881ccb7521512b4275faa2598efda6bbcc3d7838b6200e79c8fcae358d32c23"; }
{ locale = "be"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "e9e31e92e0732188f6c4494023de260e5b64e97c56ff07857b290355c50e25f4"; }
{ locale = "be"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "00ef0cea013cdb8606d8786bb5a21e502a6054ab57b2fad4d24161c47768f418"; }
{ locale = "bg"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "6428fa1d4f2bd0b703f207a1571e425f8076438954f955f60c0e8c1525743823"; }
{ locale = "bg"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "fc156d3d76582c95eb6a0a7ee88dbdbd6c99d46ca42b011e1d789b0552bb5885"; }
{ locale = "bn-BD"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "d0b69158e5ce85eec29dc70c4942bfc76eaf2d8e3359c45de5783d39fe1ccaf0"; }
{ locale = "bn-BD"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "928575b759e4ae89d3e5ee475ffa18c69e945846981102d540de01c9bd87582e"; }
{ locale = "bn-IN"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "a92a902e4380ddda37b8e70922e91ee029d47f866adea53220dd76182c52b596"; }
{ locale = "bn-IN"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "022b9ff7141cd89df35477d357df74556bc4a24639141d21111eccfbf8e2f98c"; }
{ locale = "br"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "c398c00b98edcaa2618363637075ccf749a4d3567dfdae070b4b0cbe23832f56"; }
{ locale = "br"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "60f471fdf1b71072751396049f12a198c73d11892ec69fc142f925a12c6515f4"; }
{ locale = "bs"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "d9e3c1b5c94ad207071cea86295ef3f98d4bd9201e896f6b9d67a2e475ea2898"; }
{ locale = "bs"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "2ea3bb1c14a849b5039b633963687629839174ea886d3f8314f67eddafa2b16b"; }
{ locale = "ca"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "bf1c1c3aaa900d66c4684cf48623bb0c9e0313cd919ad0e67e8a2e3ca5987aa6"; }
{ locale = "ca"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "30c0217722c599ed8fc0e713e0b763a01dc0da37dc2f290a2a4d02cb2a86b6a3"; }
{ locale = "cs"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "5ebd809827cdc85da0e6c973855c60426ab98e2cb898c030acd403577d3bb78a"; }
{ locale = "cs"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "a1d55b7c54fd7eb89bcf5dbdadcaea0f5d2da7110a090c424c52a55ae23150f2"; }
{ locale = "cy"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "55df045619bbe01af6f33c6cd563d6097b9c9023ab9133fa7def0800cc9aec83"; }
{ locale = "cy"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "2ddb8bcd515aad4ddb029cf4e5c49e771aa1da14394924c4ec532c5125b7ca7b"; }
{ locale = "da"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "b322bef3e95b24337f294b2786fc5a819d954adb43f98dee69674d41fd234b5c"; }
{ locale = "da"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "3e5164351808ef2f8f4e9cea6bb1121c4d3394de56536d17869a56df3b783d3b"; }
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{ locale = "de"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "3590e100bf84f2734d1b3c81508d8fa137fd100bdd1e764ae5da1f88602d5b9d"; }
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{ locale = "ml"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "d534c4a30eacff662fb387f1753be7e95fcfc1b0702ba3c98b88f121f1109859"; }
{ locale = "mr"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "48d8cec7812fa7989a79f4560be33898c83525f383710d60f6dc8a2292851764"; }
{ locale = "mr"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "5df095d48eedcfd1d102ced7b2928585ac1c7fc3e4fa84878b5a34914aec7c9a"; }
{ locale = "ms"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "d377e167c3154143cceabc931dca1b031f45e9e8bb39dae923bca3842edb661e"; }
{ locale = "ms"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "af023d2ccae69120958a0a5c4613e205972789603b43f11a32b24566fdee2d0c"; }
{ locale = "nb-NO"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "8e50da27fc1ac9f2707afe7e964473e065de55ef726c03159029e89fa092b520"; }
{ locale = "nb-NO"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "38c214d32b85bf1a55a66605614c72eeab693d39df9e95ec6971b6ba46a0d854"; }
{ locale = "nl"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "9732ac83b4636b84e9084c0bcefe2ad8e0399e67aa5e9e22aaa40a2bb43c3274"; }
{ locale = "nl"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "d4e424f62748bd9f35a98fe6a01300b13615ff6dba914eb69f4f343ef7630515"; }
{ locale = "nn-NO"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "a0acef371c32189f78d13e9a7f24601559a5292642330a609267cda8929291ed"; }
{ locale = "nn-NO"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "90fd2eeebebc9c2ca6413cd527697d1566312e099828035ce24204136b568466"; }
{ locale = "or"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "bb628039e4d3e8e6cba0efb5754d4e61cae6b6a50f88aaf9b034570c5d25ba06"; }
{ locale = "or"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "e1af53035829620db80c0e75ff28738a480ff0c946edd3f5c821dcb8683ef800"; }
{ locale = "pa-IN"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "20665cc6f3d073530f459d8a14712e59cb5db82957042dc498e112db69957f5d"; }
{ locale = "pa-IN"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "8a912aa7900012512a93e740f078a47340d724a936f4949467e028e2d44adac5"; }
{ locale = "pl"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "a51c8e58ba89dbf53411b1d61229c1a515c1af53a28b7d39d654d1dd46c3f7bb"; }
{ locale = "pl"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "e060bd9b72ce6feb151ebcb8630598f53c0ab5069a2cbc88c80b369ef5b4e924"; }
{ locale = "pt-BR"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "d9391656b4e5959dba3eeb3537fe06ec67e56248259af723d09f0dc0d451d5c2"; }
{ locale = "pt-BR"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "35cd35737abdf04ee714177a62b59bb2ecf819b508728ba5ce1ea4b85cbc9db6"; }
{ locale = "pt-PT"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "22a90cc9e3da6abfc21d2ed039ab1877738b2f2d7aeb4fbfcbf1c3763b6516da"; }
{ locale = "pt-PT"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "b4bca72d7b866de19b18d60a7278c124af9d00f44ff3b635eb80b042077634c5"; }
{ locale = "rm"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "7d94fe2c2abbe8f27c10e27540cb415f61a338a121f87f4c4e93b923e544c923"; }
{ locale = "rm"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "b55153028773d452c696eab97aff90393caf19d9ed8977c0b0d147284040d075"; }
{ locale = "ro"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "80ccb9bb187f3b9597f6112ccd13b7274f4a7d9eed82567180a7ac99e0748323"; }
{ locale = "ro"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "3a393002af7c9d6a90f15707e0a6c960f01a4335d647e8dd2ee237d02271a74a"; }
{ locale = "ru"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "5c4456bc1711203b68467122c1bec0b7a323cd944cd2a2daa7cea3fe9d8bf79d"; }
{ locale = "ru"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "82fe5ab5ffccfa4ae600e084b20ea9d60fe5d1d2f22fb836c6d05eec398239af"; }
{ locale = "si"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "5cef376fb82f8d952d467f5c5db88282c6a812065a2c64beaae663e2a8c8ff86"; }
{ locale = "si"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "b905f7ece85de9b13e055b93811d3b21bc07b95279b2f89a6837863821db546f"; }
{ locale = "sk"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "5b671c85ae04e379ee7426f1a7e92c2295edb04362addd612812f39d4d90cac8"; }
{ locale = "sk"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "3bb734435111310df7b8e7e3e52c36378fcbfe388420b3e144c008ee3e142044"; }
{ locale = "sl"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "8c6af8ab571d42492b8d2aeb6ccbb29a261c1401293cef76b2158ad6e7841eac"; }
{ locale = "sl"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "3cc7b211f88458d1b261ea92ce20fd4f72ba39fe9ec86dd4f0410874c227874d"; }
{ locale = "son"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "b38286ece3dae0f9998e37ba7494d394daa8ac390ba60f6f75960adc87d0f7a1"; }
{ locale = "son"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "b99b4334c2ca7731db895972d55ecad7420c4a4da825a496aed2fccb81cd6ff4"; }
{ locale = "sq"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "bdd66c3d22c66c908bf275ee1ad1b7827b4439cf3fb75a537625a39e7acca3c9"; }
{ locale = "sq"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "d7ce54fb3cce04bad41ba5491834e6cbf8daa93e983b7f66d4bc2f6b52c4c41e"; }
{ locale = "sr"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "20cba6a11d976c036243dd3e55c2a7ad586006b5355bb8b742db4fd71d0bb7eb"; }
{ locale = "sr"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "a9c8be3942abe8d14b89316f32402fae1abadacf5ddb844d0e50a69c7173bf22"; }
{ locale = "sv-SE"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "f692fbb6fd82d1fdac23cde63687490c1ccebac715003b6212238f6a78289fd6"; }
{ locale = "sv-SE"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "cdd7d6f9ea77f209c1ce3b2c405757ce44a0bdbe1803d32e8bf8e683b7f1894f"; }
{ locale = "ta"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "064ecf6db5cc65f281e03763acb3512e0e2c54237c6a7a0be3c8828804e2b433"; }
{ locale = "ta"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "33187d93b82edbfd01debc0956c1194539339b3949ef9f65a2aed7791b5a253a"; }
{ locale = "te"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "ffa689f1111d373300785a5e62b501ac53300e02b520345d8a31de5122302e25"; }
{ locale = "te"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "4d7504b72456d68aec2f73daeaf89112fb8372c00f117a436a5feb7ad5c255b7"; }
{ locale = "th"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "d22c3e017c1897c6b4f4da0d43647289f35854d43b0dcc18d3e5898d70e163fd"; }
{ locale = "th"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "4f3b91bef8c6d778e33ff17fe97535ddb7bc6d8ecf050d09ee722f065dada050"; }
{ locale = "tr"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "d8effc19f4f9991c3e0cc8f34aef9040a1e36e0e0c7a4f541a8bc4c5e837a1ea"; }
{ locale = "tr"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "9a6db03d21904d9b5e335137c866c61037d9a0074cdae77bb436ffd6fffe7595"; }
{ locale = "uk"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "f5053f5d3237ab26971b678ce53d052fc3d87282127577b2590f3a911feef140"; }
{ locale = "uk"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "2a9f26d892db02c97ebeb9486ab582a20b08b73ebd8cc71a4f4f3596bcf875af"; }
{ locale = "uz"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "b2cca9b4e5a15d80cecee587c7b7738c22fe41f7ea106b3a336d15940cca1f39"; }
{ locale = "uz"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "efd24f9c7ec712ba72b9305f30232b6129af8d75e9bbac7133c9dd3e056d6f0d"; }
{ locale = "vi"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "3d1ba2ed2615a0543bf6484a130922e3176b07fd91f2c5294ecfb65978fe454c"; }
{ locale = "vi"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "15807c890efbc934385766fa04ced69c9cf125da52a01ac685689a2873b689dd"; }
{ locale = "xh"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "c9ed7d523d2fe5fe9b60972d48148ca95f56ea801c49dd962e832c7485d368d1"; }
{ locale = "xh"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "f7d1314255490fae9ab31fe36adb7ea8a657a11539a7d2f95fb7d34d18a83322"; }
{ locale = "zh-CN"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "6fe6f89f22cd9752ad5d91cb0cf7da8b362090aab9e0576483dd14df509732e8"; }
{ locale = "zh-CN"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "1443bc4a7b07d2393d5914df42d3fefe8736e927590d8373f9f7db8d6c903c43"; }
{ locale = "zh-TW"; arch = "linux-i686"; sha256 = "12a793f7033926dcd760c428ae015983e1c5175adc1768609a8859c653ce2272"; }
{ locale = "zh-TW"; arch = "linux-x86_64"; sha256 = "eca47abc014870a7799aedb3f7e5603297dffd1ffd54ce2536c3399881127605"; }
@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ in {
firefox-unwrapped = common {
pname = "firefox";
version = "44.0.2";
sha256 = "17id7ala1slb2mjqkikryqjadcsmdzqmkxrrnb5m1316m50qichb";
version = "45.0";
sha256 = "1wbrygxj285vs5qbpv3cq26w36bd533779mgi8d0gpxin44hzarn";
firefox-esr-unwrapped = common {
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
homepage = "";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21Plus;
platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.linux;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ raskin iyzsong ];
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ raskin ];
src = fetchurl {
@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ let
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "flashplayer-${version}";
version = "";
version = "";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}";
sha256 = "1vb01pd1jhhh86r01nwdzcf66d72jksiyiyp92hs4khy6n5qfsl3";
sha256 = "1k02d6c9y8z9lxyqyq04zsc5735cvm30mkwli71mh87fr1va2q4j";
buildInputs = [ unzip ];
@ -41,25 +41,43 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
preConfigure = ''
substituteInPlace src/ --subst-var-by mavenRepo ${mavenRepo}
substituteInPlace 3rdparty/libprocess/include/process/subprocess.hpp \
--replace '"sh"' '"${bash}/bin/bash"'
substituteInPlace 3rdparty/libprocess/3rdparty/stout/include/stout/posix/os.hpp \
--replace '"sh"' '"${bash}/bin/bash"'
substituteInPlace 3rdparty/libprocess/3rdparty/stout/include/stout/os/posix/fork.hpp \
--replace '"sh"' '"${bash}/bin/bash"'
substituteInPlace src/cli/mesos-scp \
--replace "'scp " "'${openssh}/bin/scp "
substituteInPlace src/launcher/executor.cpp \
--replace '"sh"' '"${bash}/bin/bash"'
substituteInPlace src/launcher/fetcher.cpp \
--replace '"gzip' '"${gzip}/bin/gzip' \
--replace '"tar' '"${gnutar}/bin/tar' \
--replace '"unzip' '"${unzip}/bin/unzip'
substituteInPlace src/cli/mesos-scp \
--replace "'scp " "'${openssh}/bin/scp "
substituteInPlace src/python/cli/src/mesos/ \
--replace "['mesos-resolve'" "['$out/bin/mesos-resolve'"
substituteInPlace src/slave/containerizer/mesos/launch.cpp \
--replace '"sh"' '"${bash}/bin/bash"'
'' + lib.optionalString (stdenv.isLinux) ''
'' + lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux ''
substituteInPlace \
--replace /usr/include/libnl3 ${libnl}/include/libnl3
substituteInPlace src/linux/perf.cpp \
--replace '"perf ' '"${perf}/bin/perf '
substituteInPlace src/linux/systemd.cpp \
--replace 'os::realpath("/sbin/init")' '"${systemd}/lib/systemd/systemd"'
substituteInPlace src/slave/containerizer/mesos/isolators/filesystem/shared.cpp \
--replace '"mount ' '"${utillinux}/bin/mount ' \
@ -72,15 +90,6 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
--replace '"ip ' '"${iproute}/bin/ip ' \
--replace '"mount ' '"${utillinux}/bin/mount ' \
--replace '/bin/sh' "${}"
substituteInPlace src/launcher/executor.cpp \
--replace '"sh"' '"${bash}/bin/bash"'
substituteInPlace src/slave/containerizer/mesos/launch.cpp \
--replace '"sh"' '"${bash}/bin/bash"'
substituteInPlace src/linux/systemd.cpp \
--replace 'os::realpath("/sbin/init")' '"${systemd}/lib/systemd/systemd"'
configureFlags = [
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
{stdenv, fetchurl, sqlite, ruby }:
# Package builds rq with all dependencies into one blob. This to ascertain
# the combination of packages works.
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "rq-3.4.0";
src = fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "1g8wiv83dcn4vzk9wjjzs9vjnwzwpy4h84h34cj32wfz793wfb8b";
buildInputs = [ ruby ];
# patch checks for existing stdin file - sent it upstream
patches = [ ./rq.patch ];
buildPhase = ''
cd all
./ $out
cd ..
installPhase = ''
meta = {
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.ruby;
homepage = "";
description = "Simple cluster queue runner";
longDescription = "rq creates instant linux clusters by managing priority work queues, even on a multi-core single machine. This cluster runner is easy to install and easy to manage, contrasting with the common complicated solutions.";
pkgMaintainer = "Pjotr Prins";
# rq installs a separate Ruby interpreter, which has lower priority
priority = "10";
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
diff -r b58e759f84db lib/rq/jobrunner.rb
--- a/lib/rq/jobrunner.rb Sun Sep 28 13:33:06 2008 +0200
+++ b/lib/rq/jobrunner.rb Sun Sep 28 13:35:09 2008 +0200
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ unless defined? $__rq_jobrunner__
command =
if @sh_like
- sin = "0<#{ @stdin }" if @stdin
+ sin = "0<#{ @stdin }" if @stdin and File.exist?(@stdin)
sout = "1>#{ @stdout }" if @stdout
serr = "2>#{ @stderr }" if @stderr
"( PATH=#{ path }:$PATH #{ command } ;) #{ sin } #{ sout } #{ serr }"
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, libotr, pidgin, intltool } :
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "pidgin-otr-4.0.1";
name = "pidgin-otr-4.0.2";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "02pkkf86fh5jvzsdn9y78impsgzj1n0p81kc2girvk3vq941yy0v";
sha256 = "1i5s9rrgbyss9rszq6c6y53hwqyw1k86s40cpsfx5ccl9bprxdgl";
postInstall = "ln -s \$out/lib/pidgin \$out/share/pidgin-otr";
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
qtbase, qtsvg, qttools, qttranslations, sqlcipher }:
version = "1.2.4";
version = "1.3.0";
revision = "v${version}";
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
owner = "tux3";
repo = "qTox";
rev = revision;
sha256 = "0iqnl00kmbpf3pn6z38n3cjzzsqpw2793j60c24kkrydapihknz9";
sha256 = "0z2rxsa23vpl4q0h63mybw7kv8n1sm6nwb93l0cc046a3n9axid8";
buildInputs =
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{ fetchgit, libcommuni, qt5, stdenv
{ fetchgit, libcommuni, makeQtWrapper, qt5, stdenv }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "communi-${version}";
@ -11,20 +10,32 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
sha256 = "0gk6gck09zb44qfsal7bs4ln2vl9s9x3vfxh7jvfc7mmf7l3sspd";
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeQtWrapper ];
buildInputs = [ libcommuni qt5.qtbase ];
enableParallelBuild = true;
configurePhase = ''
export QMAKEFEATURES=${libcommuni}/features
qmake -r \
COMMUNI_INSTALL_PLUGINS=$out/lib/communi/plugins \
COMMUNI_INSTALL_ICONS=$out/share/icons/hicolor \
COMMUNI_INSTALL_DESKTOP=$out/share/applications \
postInstall = ''
wrapQtProgram "$out/bin/communi"
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "A simple and elegant cross-platform IRC client";
homepage =;
license = licenses.bsd3;
platforms = platforms.all;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ hrdinka ];
platforms = platforms.all;
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
, tag ? "" # tag added to the package name
, withKDE ? stdenv.isLinux # enable KDE integration
, kdelibs ? null
, static ? false # link statically
, stdenv, fetchurl, cmake, makeWrapper, qt, automoc4, phonon, dconf, qca2 }:
@ -42,8 +43,8 @@ in with stdenv; mkDerivation rec {
cmakeFlags = [
++ edf static "STATIC"
++ edf monolithic "WANT_MONO"
++ edf daemon "WANT_CORE"
++ edf client "WANT_QTCLIENT"
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
, client ? false # build Quassel client
, previews ? false # enable webpage previews on hovering over URLs
, tag ? "" # tag added to the package name
, static ? false # link statically
, stdenv, fetchurl, cmake, makeWrapper, dconf
, qtbase, qtscript, qtwebkit
@ -66,9 +67,9 @@ in with stdenv; mkDerivation rec {
cmakeFlags = [
++ edf static "STATIC"
++ edf monolithic "WANT_MONO"
++ edf daemon "WANT_CORE"
++ edf client "WANT_QTCLIENT"
@ -21,9 +21,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
src = fetchurl {
url = "${verName}/source/thunderbird-${verName}.source.tar.bz2";
sha1 = "7c8ef066d6b6516fddbb654b38353f894f85d469";
sha256 = "0sssw45sf4vfy63y0x1lj05zl9g3gjdcvgw232k6zfm44l9p25q4";
buildInputs = # from firefox30Pkgs.xulrunner, but without gstreamer and libvpx
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
version = "2.90";
version = "2.92";
with { inherit (stdenv.lib) optional optionals optionalString; };
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "1lig7y9fhmv2ajgq1isj9wqgpcgignzlczs3dy95ahb8h6pqrzv9";
sha256 = "0pykmhi7pdmzq47glbj8i2im6iarp4wnj4l1pyvsrnba61f0939s";
buildInputs = [ pkgconfig intltool file openssl curl libevent inotify-tools zlib ]
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
configureFlags = [ "--with-systemd-daemon" ]
++ [ "--enable-cli" ]
++ optional enableGTK3 "--with-gtk";
preFixup = optionalString enableGTK3 /* gsettings schemas for file dialogues */ ''
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "calligra-2.9.8";
name = "calligra-2.9.11";
src = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://kde/stable/${name}/${name}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "08a5k8gjmzp9yzq46xy0p1sw7dpvxmxh8zz6dyj8q1dq29719kkc";
sha256 = "02gaahp7a7m53n0hvrp3868s8w37b457isxir0z7b4mwhw7jv3di";
nativeBuildInputs = [ automoc4 cmake perl pkgconfig makeWrapper ];
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
vector graphics.
homepage =;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ urkud phreedom ];
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ urkud phreedom ebzzry ];
inherit (kdelibs.meta) platforms;
@ -9,19 +9,18 @@
buildPythonApplication rec {
name = "zim-${version}";
version = "0.63";
version = "0.65";
namePrefix = "";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "077vf4h0hjmbk8bxj9l0z9rxcb3dw642n32lvfn6vjdna1qm910m";
sha256 = "15pdq4fxag85qjsrdmmssiq85qsk5vnbp8mrqnpvx8lm8crz6hjl";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ pythonPackages.sqlite3 pygtk pythonPackages.pyxdg pygobject ];
preBuild = ''
mkdir -p /tmp/home
export HOME="/tmp/home"
export HOME=$TMP
sed -i '/zim_install_class,/d'
@ -30,8 +29,14 @@ buildPythonApplication rec {
preFixup = ''
export makeWrapperArgs="--prefix XDG_DATA_DIRS : $out/share --argv0 $out/bin/.zim-wrapped"
# Testing fails.
doCheck = false;
postFixup = ''
substituteInPlace $out/bin/.zim-wrapped \
--replace "sys.argv[0] = 'zim'" "sys.argv[0] = '$out/bin/zim'"
doCheck = true;
meta = {
description = "A desktop wiki";
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
homepage = "";
description = "A toolkit for developing ACG signatures and lexicon";
license = licenses.cecill20;
platforms = ocaml.meta.platforms;
platforms = ocaml.meta.platforms or [];
maintainers = [ maintainers.jirkamarsik ];
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ in
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gitlab-${version}";
version = "8.5.1";
version = "8.5.5";
buildInputs = [ ruby bundler tzdata git nodejs procps ];
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
owner = "gitlabhq";
repo = "gitlabhq";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "1pn5r4axzjkgdjr59y3wgxsd2n83zfd5bry1g2w4c2qw0wcw7zqb";
sha256 = "05cjqjcmwxlc67xr34ki83q8pn6bsvxvywmiys20bksq3maxdyih";
patches = [
@ -975,10 +975,10 @@
dependencies = ["actionpack" "activesupport" "rake" "thor"];
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "07vmyrppa1x80whdjxhjij93qh9wvnmnxpsgn6fr9x2lqmzdyq5l";
sha256 = "cfff64cbc0e409341003c35fa2e576e6a8cd8259a9894d09f15c6123be73f146";
type = "gem";
version = "";
version = "";
rails-html-sanitizer = {
dependencies = ["loofah"];
@ -1011,10 +1011,10 @@
dependencies = ["actionmailer" "actionpack" "actionview" "activejob" "activemodel" "activerecord" "activesupport" "railties" "sprockets-rails"];
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "03j6hfsqdl0bay59m4qjj2081s4vnhqagpl14qpm4wfrqrgpkcqb";
sha256 = "aa93c1b9eb8b535eee58280504e30237f88217699fe9bb016e458e5122eefa2e";
type = "gem";
version = "";
version = "";
rack-test = {
dependencies = ["rack"];
@ -2906,10 +2906,10 @@
dependencies = ["i18n" "json" "minitest" "thread_safe" "tzinfo"];
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "16zgsvzwwf4hx3ywi2lz0dcm6d1ljsy6zr5k2q41amd7g62d886d";
sha256 = "80ad345adf7e2b72c5d90753c0df91eacc34f4de02b34cfbf60bcf6c83483031";
type = "gem";
version = "";
version = "";
activerecord-session_store = {
dependencies = ["actionpack" "activerecord" "railties"];
@ -2940,55 +2940,55 @@
dependencies = ["activemodel" "activesupport" "arel"];
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "1qj5ii36yn9kb0ljnl05xgpgvs7j9l20yg2phsssy0j31g1ymmc5";
sha256 = "c2b1b6a4c6b8542c2464b457dce4cac4915efcbd3d5acfba57102e58474c33f2";
type = "gem";
version = "";
version = "";
activemodel = {
dependencies = ["activesupport" "builder"];
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "1zr83avw82infmzdzpilk6xpv5r9fr8pxgf5ql16b3vysp6va57p";
sha256 = "09ce967be3086b34ae9fcbd919e714b2bdf72b8ab6e89b64aa74627267d93962";
type = "gem";
version = "";
version = "";
activejob = {
dependencies = ["activesupport" "globalid"];
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "1xfj7lwp1v3k9zscavzq87wbbn6y825angz4zpx4xsvlwf3dn7jc";
sha256 = "cecb9bbc55292dee064ca479990c6e50fa3e2273aac6722ce058d18c22383026";
type = "gem";
version = "";
version = "";
actionview = {
dependencies = ["activesupport" "builder" "erubis" "rails-dom-testing" "rails-html-sanitizer"];
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "1dp1gqh0yxpyydza1ada0jjbpww97qhnkj9c9pm9rg5jbmpzg12m";
sha256 = "e8ce01cf6cc822ec023a15a856a0fae0e078ebb232b95b722c23af4117d2d635";
type = "gem";
version = "";
version = "";
actionpack = {
dependencies = ["actionview" "activesupport" "rack" "rack-test" "rails-dom-testing" "rails-html-sanitizer"];
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "13shdiwjfyqvfb11k0wqhcd7p7ix168fxd5l8m2pnn0bzskpswxv";
sha256 = "a22e1818f06b707433c9a76867932929751b5d57edbeacc258635a7b23da12cf";
type = "gem";
version = "";
version = "";
actionmailer = {
dependencies = ["actionpack" "actionview" "activejob" "mail" "rails-dom-testing"];
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "1fxn8f53nnpgan5xl9i5lszl1m8yk4q6ayc33d9xfzsnvhavpl4n";
sha256 = "8cee5f2f1e58c8ada17cca696377443c0cbc9675df2b7eef97a04318876484b5";
type = "gem";
version = "";
version = "";
ace-rails-ap = {
source = {
@ -3014,4 +3014,4 @@
version = "2.3.2";
@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "smartgithg-${version}";
version = "7_1_0";
version = "7_1_2";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0nlv2ipmv3z1j4642gfsrpsgc2y4mxngiz6mz3nidrbrkz0ylsvy";
url = "${version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "18jw4g2akhj6h9w8378kacv7ws35ndcnc3kkhci9iypwy432ak8d";
buildInputs = [
@ -58,5 +58,6 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
homepage =;
license = licenses.unfree;
platforms = platforms.linux;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ jraygauthier ];
@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ assert javahlBindings -> jdk != null && perl != null;
common = { version, sha1 }: stdenv.mkDerivation (rec {
common = { version, sha256 }: stdenv.mkDerivation (rec {
inherit version;
name = "subversion-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://apache/subversion/${name}.tar.bz2";
inherit sha1;
inherit sha256;
buildInputs = [ zlib apr aprutil sqlite ]
@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ in {
subversion18 = common {
version = "1.8.15";
sha1 = "680acf88f0db978fbbeac89ed63776d805b918ef";
sha256 = "8bbf6bb125003d88ee1c22935a36b7b1ab7d957e0c8b5fbfe5cb6310b6e86ae0";
subversion19 = common {
version = "1.9.3";
sha1 = "27e8df191c92095f48314a415194ec37c682cbcf";
sha256 = "8bbf6bb125003d88ee1c22935a36b7b1ab7d957e0c8b5fbfe5cb6310b6e86ae0";
@ -1,34 +1,31 @@
{stdenv, fetchsvn, pkgconfig, libjpeg, imagemagick, libv4l}:
{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, cmake, libjpeg }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
rev = "182";
name = "mjpg-streamer-${rev}";
name = "mjpg-streamer-${version}";
version = "2016-03-08";
src = fetchsvn {
url =;
inherit rev;
sha256 = "008k2wk6xagprbiwk8fvzbz4dd6i8kzrr9n62gj5i1zdv7zcb16q";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "jacksonliam";
repo = "mjpg-streamer";
rev = "4060cb64e3557037fd404d10e1c1d076b672e9e8";
sha256 = "0g7y832jsz4ylmq9qp2l4fq6bm8l6dhsbi60fr5jfqpx4l0pia8m";
patchPhase = ''
substituteInPlace Makefile "make -C plugins\/input_gspcav1" "# make -C plugins\/input_gspcav1"
substituteInPlace Makefile "cp plugins\/input_gspcav1\/" "# cp plugins\/input_gspcav1\/"
prePatch = ''
cd mjpg-streamer-experimental
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ];
buildInputs = [ libjpeg ];
postFixup = ''
patchelf --set-rpath "$(patchelf --print-rpath $out/bin/mjpg_streamer):$out/lib:$out/lib/plugins" $out/bin/mjpg_streamer
patchelf --set-rpath "$(patchelf --print-rpath $out/bin/mjpg_streamer):$out/lib/mjpg-streamer" $out/bin/mjpg_streamer
makeFlags = "DESTDIR=$(out)";
preInstall = ''
mkdir -p $out/{bin,lib}
buildInputs = [ pkgconfig libjpeg imagemagick libv4l ];
meta = {
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
homepage =;
description = "MJPG-streamer takes JPGs from Linux-UVC compatible webcams, filesystem or other input plugins and streams them as M-JPEG via HTTP to webbrowsers, VLC and other software";
platforms = platforms.linux;
licenses = licenses.gpl2;
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
(optional withGUI qt5.qtbase)
preConfigure = "./";
preConfigure = "./; patchShebangs .";
buildPhase = "./drake -j $NIX_BUILD_CORES";
installPhase = "./drake install -j $NIX_BUILD_CORES";
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
license = licenses.lgpl21Plus;
platforms = platforms.linux;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ iyzsong ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig intltool itstool makeWrapper ];
@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, python, zlib, pkgconfig, glib, ncurses, perl, pixman
, attr, libcap, vde2, alsaLib, texinfo, libuuid, flex, bison, lzo, snappy
, libseccomp, libaio, libcap_ng, gnutls, nettle, numactl
, vde2, alsaLib, texinfo, libuuid, flex, bison, lzo, snappy
, libaio, gnutls, nettle
, makeWrapper
, pulseSupport ? true, libpulseaudio
, sdlSupport ? true, SDL
, attr, libcap, libcap_ng
, CoreServices, Cocoa, rez, setfile
, numaSupport ? stdenv.isLinux, numactl
, seccompSupport ? stdenv.isLinux, libseccomp
, pulseSupport ? !stdenv.isDarwin, libpulseaudio
, sdlSupport ? !stdenv.isDarwin, SDL
, vncSupport ? true, libjpeg, libpng
, spiceSupport ? true, spice, spice_protocol, usbredir
, spiceSupport ? !stdenv.isDarwin, spice, spice_protocol, usbredir
, x86Only ? false
@ -26,31 +30,35 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
buildInputs =
[ python zlib pkgconfig glib ncurses perl pixman attr libcap
vde2 texinfo libuuid flex bison makeWrapper lzo snappy libseccomp
libcap_ng gnutls nettle numactl
[ python zlib pkgconfig glib ncurses perl pixman
vde2 texinfo libuuid flex bison makeWrapper lzo snappy
gnutls nettle
++ optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ CoreServices Cocoa rez setfile ]
++ optionals seccompSupport [ libseccomp ]
++ optionals numaSupport [ numactl ]
++ optionals pulseSupport [ libpulseaudio ]
++ optionals sdlSupport [ SDL ]
++ optionals vncSupport [ libjpeg libpng ]
++ optionals spiceSupport [ spice_protocol spice usbredir ]
++ optionals (hasSuffix "linux" stdenv.system) [ alsaLib libaio ];
++ optionals stdenv.isLinux [ alsaLib libaio libcap_ng libcap attr ];
enableParallelBuilding = true;
patches = [ ./no-etc-install.patch ];
configureFlags =
[ "--enable-seccomp"
"--smbd=smbd" # use `smbd' from $PATH
[ "--smbd=smbd" # use `smbd' from $PATH
++ optional numaSupport "--enable-numa"
++ optional seccompSupport "--enable-seccomp"
++ optional spiceSupport "--enable-spice"
++ optional x86Only "--target-list=i386-softmmu,x86_64-softmmu"
++ optional (hasSuffix "linux" stdenv.system) "--enable-linux-aio";
++ optional stdenv.isDarwin "--enable-cocoa"
++ optional stdenv.isLinux "--enable-linux-aio";
postInstall =
@ -66,6 +74,6 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
description = "A generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer";
license = licenses.gpl2Plus;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ viric eelco ];
platforms = platforms.linux;
platforms = platforms.linux ++ platforms.darwin;
@ -15,39 +15,12 @@ let
libDir = if stdenv.is64bit then "lib64" else "lib";
# Sources needed to build the stubdoms and tools
# Sources needed to build the tools
# These sources are already rather old and probably do not change frequently
xenExtfiles = [
{ url =;
sha256 = "13wlr85s1hnvia6a698qpryyy12lvmqw0a05xmjnd0h71ralsbkp";
{ url =;
sha256 = "0pmh8kifb6sfkqfxc23wqp3f2wzk69sl80yz7w8p8cd4cz8cg58p";
{ url =;
sha256 = "01rxk9js833mwadq92jx0flvk9jyjrnwrq93j39c2j2wjsa66hnv";
{ url =;
sha256 = "02r6b52r0nsp6ryqfiqchnl7r1d9smm80sqx24494gmx5p8ia7af";
{ url =;
sha256 = "092v4q478i1gc7f3s2wz6p4xlf1wb4gs5shbkn21vnnmzcffc2pn";
{ url =;
sha256 = "0nd4vs48j0zfzv1g5jymakxbjqf9ss6b2jph3b64356xhc6ylj2f";
{ url =;
sha256 = "0rl1b53g019w2c268pyxhjqsj9ls37i4p74bdv1hdi2yvs0r1y81";
{ url =;
sha256 = "0p206zaxlhda60ci33h9gipi5gm46fvvsm6k5c0w7b6cjg0yhb33";
{ url =;
sha256 = "1dl4fprpwagv9akwqpb62qwqvh24i50znadxwvd2kfnhl02gsa9d";
{ url =;
sha256 = "0x8prpqi9amfcmi7r4zrza609ai9529pjaq0h4aw51i867064qck";
scriptEnvPath = stdenv.lib.concatStrings (stdenv.lib.intersperse ":" (map (x: "${x}/bin")
@ -116,6 +89,9 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
export EXTRA_QEMUU_CONFIGURE_ARGS="--enable-spice --enable-usb-redir --enable-linux-aio"
configureFlags = ["--disable-stubdom"];
postConfigure =
substituteInPlace tools/libfsimage/common/fsimage_plugin.c \
@ -171,7 +147,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
#makeFlags = "XSM_ENABLE=y FLASK_ENABLE=y PREFIX=$(out) CONFIG_DIR=/etc XEN_EXTFILES_URL=\\$(XEN_ROOT)/xen_ext_files ";
makeFlags = "PREFIX=$(out) CONFIG_DIR=/etc XEN_EXTFILES_URL=\\$(XEN_ROOT)/xen_ext_files ";
buildFlags = "xen tools stubdom";
buildFlags = "xen tools";
postBuild =
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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