Merge pull request #18397 from LnL7/haskell-ghc710x-texmath
haskellPackages.texmath: fix ghc710x build inputs
This commit is contained in:
@ -63,10 +63,6 @@ self: super: {
nats = dontHaddock super.nats;
bytestring-builder = dontHaddock super.bytestring-builder;
hoauth2 = overrideCabal super.hoauth2 (drv: { testDepends = (drv.testDepends or []) ++ [ self.wai self.warp ]; });
yesod-auth-oauth2 = overrideCabal super.yesod-auth-oauth2 (drv: { testDepends = (drv.testDepends or []) ++ [ self.load-env self.yesod ]; });
# Setup: At least the following dependencies are missing: base <4.8
hspec-expectations = overrideCabal super.hspec-expectations (drv: {
postPatch = "sed -i -e 's|base < 4.8|base|' hspec-expectations.cabal";
@ -205,21 +201,24 @@ self: super: {
hackage-security = dontHaddock (dontCheck super.hackage-security);
# GHC versions prior to 8.x require additional build inputs.
aeson_0_11_2_0 = disableCabalFlag (addBuildDepend super.aeson_0_11_2_0 self.semigroups) "old-locale";
aeson = disableCabalFlag (addBuildDepend super.aeson self.semigroups) "old-locale";
case-insensitive = addBuildDepend self.semigroups;
bytes = addBuildDepend super.bytes self.doctest;
hslogger = addBuildDepend super.hslogger self.HUnit;
semigroups_0_18_1 = addBuildDepends super.semigroups (with self; [hashable tagged text unordered-containers]);
semigroups = addBuildDepends super.semigroups (with self; [hashable tagged text unordered-containers]);
intervals = addBuildDepends super.intervals (with self; [doctest QuickCheck]);
Glob_0_7_10 = addBuildDepends super.Glob_0_7_10 (with self; [semigroups]);
Glob = addBuildDepends super.Glob (with self; [semigroups]);
Glob_0_7_10 = addBuildDepends super.Glob_0_7_10 (with self; [semigroups]);
aeson = disableCabalFlag (addBuildDepend super.aeson self.semigroups) "old-locale";
aeson_0_11_2_0 = disableCabalFlag (addBuildDepend super.aeson_0_11_2_0 self.semigroups) "old-locale";
bytes = addBuildDepend super.bytes self.doctest;
case-insensitive = addBuildDepend self.semigroups;
hoauth2 = overrideCabal super.hoauth2 (drv: { testDepends = (drv.testDepends or []) ++ [ self.wai self.warp ]; });
hslogger = addBuildDepend super.hslogger self.HUnit;
intervals = addBuildDepends super.intervals (with self; [doctest QuickCheck]);
lens = addBuildDepends super.lens (with self; [doctest generic-deriving nats simple-reflect]);
semigroups = addBuildDepends super.semigroups (with self; [hashable tagged text unordered-containers]);
semigroups_0_18_1 = addBuildDepends super.semigroups (with self; [hashable tagged text unordered-containers]);
texmath = addBuildDepend super.texmath;
yesod-auth-oauth2 = overrideCabal super.yesod-auth-oauth2 (drv: { testDepends = (drv.testDepends or []) ++ [ self.load-env self.yesod ]; });
# cereal must have `fail` in pre-ghc-8.0.x versions
# also tests require bytestring>=
cereal = dontCheck (addBuildDepend super.cereal;
cereal_0_5_2_0 = dontCheck (addBuildDepend super.cereal_0_5_2_0;
lens = addBuildDepends super.lens (with self; [doctest generic-deriving nats simple-reflect]);
# Moved out from common as no longer the case for GHC8
ghc-mod = super.ghc-mod.override { cabal-helper = self.cabal-helper_0_6_3_1; };
Reference in New Issue