diff --git a/nixos/modules/module-list.nix b/nixos/modules/module-list.nix
index 121696b17b8..83c18a38482 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/module-list.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/module-list.nix
@@ -689,6 +689,7 @@
+ ./services/networking/ghostunnel.nix
diff --git a/nixos/modules/services/networking/ghostunnel.nix b/nixos/modules/services/networking/ghostunnel.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..58a51df6cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/services/networking/ghostunnel.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+ inherit (lib)
+ attrValues
+ concatMap
+ concatStringsSep
+ escapeShellArg
+ literalExample
+ mapAttrs'
+ mkDefault
+ mkEnableOption
+ mkIf
+ mkOption
+ nameValuePair
+ optional
+ types
+ ;
+ mainCfg = config.services.ghostunnel;
+ module = { config, name, ... }:
+ {
+ options = {
+ listen = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ Address and port to listen on (can be HOST:PORT, unix:PATH).
+ '';
+ type = types.str;
+ };
+ target = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ Address to forward connections to (can be HOST:PORT or unix:PATH).
+ '';
+ type = types.str;
+ };
+ keystore = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ Path to keystore (combined PEM with cert/key, or PKCS12 keystore).
+ NB: storepass is not supported because it would expose credentials via /proc/*/cmdline
+ Specify this or cert
and key
+ '';
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ };
+ cert = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ Path to certificate (PEM with certificate chain).
+ Not required if keystore
is set.
+ '';
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ };
+ key = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ Path to certificate private key (PEM with private key).
+ Not required if keystore
is set.
+ '';
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ };
+ cacert = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ Path to CA bundle file (PEM/X509). Uses system trust store if null
+ '';
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ };
+ disableAuthentication = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ Disable client authentication, no client certificate will be required.
+ '';
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ };
+ allowAll = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ If true, allow all clients, do not check client cert subject.
+ '';
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ };
+ allowCN = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ Allow client if common name appears in the list.
+ '';
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [];
+ };
+ allowOU = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ Allow client if organizational unit name appears in the list.
+ '';
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [];
+ };
+ allowDNS = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ Allow client if DNS subject alternative name appears in the list.
+ '';
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [];
+ };
+ allowURI = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ Allow client if URI subject alternative name appears in the list.
+ '';
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [];
+ };
+ extraArguments = mkOption {
+ description = "Extra arguments to pass to ghostunnel server
+ type = types.separatedString " ";
+ default = "";
+ };
+ unsafeTarget = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ If set, does not limit target to localhost,, [::1], or UNIX sockets.
+ This is meant to protect against accidental unencrypted traffic on
+ untrusted networks.
+ '';
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ };
+ # Definitions to apply at the root of the NixOS configuration.
+ atRoot = mkOption {
+ internal = true;
+ };
+ };
+ # Clients should not be authenticated with the public root certificates
+ # (afaict, it doesn't make sense), so we only provide that default when
+ # client cert auth is disabled.
+ config.cacert = mkIf config.disableAuthentication (mkDefault null);
+ config.atRoot = {
+ assertions = [
+ { message = ''
+ services.ghostunnel.servers.${name}: At least one access control flag is required.
+ Set at least one of:
+ - services.ghostunnel.servers.${name}.disableAuthentication
+ - services.ghostunnel.servers.${name}.allowAll
+ - services.ghostunnel.servers.${name}.allowCN
+ - services.ghostunnel.servers.${name}.allowOU
+ - services.ghostunnel.servers.${name}.allowDNS
+ - services.ghostunnel.servers.${name}.allowURI
+ '';
+ assertion = config.disableAuthentication
+ || config.allowAll
+ || config.allowCN != []
+ || config.allowOU != []
+ || config.allowDNS != []
+ || config.allowURI != []
+ ;
+ }
+ ];
+ systemd.services."ghostunnel-server-${name}" = {
+ after = [ "network.target" ];
+ wants = [ "network.target" ];
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ Restart = "always";
+ AmbientCapabilities = ["CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE"];
+ DynamicUser = true;
+ LoadCredential = optional (config.keystore != null) "keystore:${config.keystore}"
+ ++ optional (config.cert != null) "cert:${config.cert}"
+ ++ optional (config.key != null) "key:${config.key}"
+ ++ optional (config.cacert != null) "cacert:${config.cacert}";
+ };
+ script = concatStringsSep " " (
+ [ "${mainCfg.package}/bin/ghostunnel" ]
+ ++ optional (config.keystore != null) "--keystore=$CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/keystore"
+ ++ optional (config.cert != null) "--cert=$CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/cert"
+ ++ optional (config.key != null) "--key=$CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/key"
+ ++ optional (config.cacert != null) "--cacert=$CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/cacert"
+ ++ [
+ "server"
+ "--listen ${config.listen}"
+ "--target ${config.target}"
+ ] ++ optional config.allowAll "--allow-all"
+ ++ map (v: "--allow-cn=${escapeShellArg v}") config.allowCN
+ ++ map (v: "--allow-ou=${escapeShellArg v}") config.allowOU
+ ++ map (v: "--allow-dns=${escapeShellArg v}") config.allowDNS
+ ++ map (v: "--allow-uri=${escapeShellArg v}") config.allowURI
+ ++ optional config.disableAuthentication "--disable-authentication"
+ ++ optional config.unsafeTarget "--unsafe-target"
+ ++ [ config.extraArguments ]
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ options = {
+ services.ghostunnel.enable = mkEnableOption "ghostunnel";
+ services.ghostunnel.package = mkOption {
+ description = "The ghostunnel package to use.";
+ type = types.package;
+ default = pkgs.ghostunnel;
+ defaultText = literalExample ''pkgs.ghostunnel'';
+ };
+ services.ghostunnel.servers = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ Server mode ghostunnels (TLS listener -> plain TCP/UNIX target)
+ '';
+ type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule module);
+ default = {};
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf mainCfg.enable {
+ assertions = lib.mkMerge (map (v: v.atRoot.assertions) (attrValues mainCfg.servers));
+ systemd = lib.mkMerge (map (v: v.atRoot.systemd) (attrValues mainCfg.servers));
+ };
+ meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [
+ roberth
+ ];
diff --git a/nixos/tests/all-tests.nix b/nixos/tests/all-tests.nix
index 2d96eeacf22..420e6eaf2e8 100644
--- a/nixos/tests/all-tests.nix
+++ b/nixos/tests/all-tests.nix
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ in
fsck = handleTest ./fsck.nix {};
ft2-clone = handleTest ./ft2-clone.nix {};
gerrit = handleTest ./gerrit.nix {};
+ ghostunnel = handleTest ./ghostunnel.nix {};
gitdaemon = handleTest ./gitdaemon.nix {};
gitea = handleTest ./gitea.nix {};
gitlab = handleTest ./gitlab.nix {};
diff --git a/nixos/tests/ghostunnel.nix b/nixos/tests/ghostunnel.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a82cff8082b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/tests/ghostunnel.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+{ pkgs, ... }: import ./make-test-python.nix {
+ nodes = {
+ backend = { pkgs, ... }: {
+ services.nginx.enable = true;
+ services.nginx.virtualHosts."backend".root = pkgs.runCommand "webroot" {} ''
+ mkdir $out
+ echo hi >$out/hi.txt
+ '';
+ networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 ];
+ };
+ service = { ... }: {
+ services.ghostunnel.enable = true;
+ services.ghostunnel.servers."plain-old" = {
+ listen = "";
+ cert = "/root/service-cert.pem";
+ key = "/root/service-key.pem";
+ disableAuthentication = true;
+ target = "backend:80";
+ unsafeTarget = true;
+ };
+ services.ghostunnel.servers."client-cert" = {
+ listen = "";
+ cert = "/root/service-cert.pem";
+ key = "/root/service-key.pem";
+ cacert = "/root/ca.pem";
+ target = "backend:80";
+ allowCN = ["client"];
+ unsafeTarget = true;
+ };
+ networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 443 1443 ];
+ };
+ client = { pkgs, ... }: {
+ environment.systemPackages = [
+ pkgs.curl
+ ];
+ };
+ };
+ testScript = ''
+ # prepare certificates
+ def cmd(command):
+ print(f"+{command}")
+ r = os.system(command)
+ if r != 0:
+ raise Exception(f"Command {command} failed with exit code {r}")
+ # Create CA
+ cmd("${pkgs.openssl}/bin/openssl genrsa -out ca-key.pem 4096")
+ cmd("${pkgs.openssl}/bin/openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key ca-key.pem -sha256 -subj '/C=NL/ST=Zuid-Holland/L=The Hague/O=Stevige Balken en Planken B.V./OU=OpSec/CN=Certificate Authority' -out ca.pem")
+ # Create service
+ cmd("${pkgs.openssl}/bin/openssl genrsa -out service-key.pem 4096")
+ cmd("${pkgs.openssl}/bin/openssl req -subj '/CN=service' -sha256 -new -key service-key.pem -out service.csr")
+ cmd("echo subjectAltName = DNS:service,IP: >> extfile.cnf")
+ cmd("echo extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth >> extfile.cnf")
+ cmd("${pkgs.openssl}/bin/openssl x509 -req -days 365 -sha256 -in service.csr -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca-key.pem -CAcreateserial -out service-cert.pem -extfile extfile.cnf")
+ # Create client
+ cmd("${pkgs.openssl}/bin/openssl genrsa -out client-key.pem 4096")
+ cmd("${pkgs.openssl}/bin/openssl req -subj '/CN=client' -new -key client-key.pem -out client.csr")
+ cmd("echo extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth > extfile-client.cnf")
+ cmd("${pkgs.openssl}/bin/openssl x509 -req -days 365 -sha256 -in client.csr -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca-key.pem -CAcreateserial -out client-cert.pem -extfile extfile-client.cnf")
+ cmd("ls -al")
+ start_all()
+ # Configuration
+ service.copy_from_host("ca.pem", "/root/ca.pem")
+ service.copy_from_host("service-cert.pem", "/root/service-cert.pem")
+ service.copy_from_host("service-key.pem", "/root/service-key.pem")
+ client.copy_from_host("ca.pem", "/root/ca.pem")
+ client.copy_from_host("service-cert.pem", "/root/service-cert.pem")
+ client.copy_from_host("client-cert.pem", "/root/client-cert.pem")
+ client.copy_from_host("client-key.pem", "/root/client-key.pem")
+ backend.wait_for_unit("nginx.service")
+ service.wait_for_unit("multi-user.target")
+ service.wait_for_unit("multi-user.target")
+ client.wait_for_unit("multi-user.target")
+ # Check assumptions before the real test
+ client.succeed("bash -c 'diff <(curl -v --no-progress-meter http://backend/hi.txt) <(echo hi)'")
+ # Plain old simple TLS can connect, ignoring cert
+ client.succeed("bash -c 'diff <(curl -v --no-progress-meter --insecure https://service/hi.txt) <(echo hi)'")
+ # Plain old simple TLS provides correct signature with its cert
+ client.succeed("bash -c 'diff <(curl -v --no-progress-meter --cacert /root/ca.pem https://service/hi.txt) <(echo hi)'")
+ # Client can authenticate with certificate
+ client.succeed("bash -c 'diff <(curl -v --no-progress-meter --cert /root/client-cert.pem --key /root/client-key.pem --cacert /root/ca.pem https://service:1443/hi.txt) <(echo hi)'")
+ # Client must authenticate with certificate
+ client.fail("bash -c 'diff <(curl -v --no-progress-meter --cacert /root/ca.pem https://service:1443/hi.txt) <(echo hi)'")
+ '';
+ meta.maintainers = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; [
+ roberth
+ ];
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/networking/ghostunnel/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/networking/ghostunnel/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5d00b493bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/tools/networking/ghostunnel/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ buildGoModule,
+ fetchFromGitHub,
+ lib,
+ nixosTests,
+buildGoModule rec {
+ pname = "ghostunnel";
+ version = "1.5.3";
+ src = fetchFromGitHub {
+ owner = "ghostunnel";
+ repo = "ghostunnel";
+ rev = "v${version}";
+ sha256 = "15rmd89j7sfpznzznss899smizbyshprsrvsdmrbhb617myd9fpy";
+ };
+ vendorSha256 = "1i95fx4a0fh6id6iy6afbva4pazr7ym6sbwi9r7la6gxzyncd023";
+ meta = with lib; {
+ description = "A simple TLS proxy with mutual authentication support for securing non-TLS backend applications";
+ homepage = "https://github.com/ghostunnel/ghostunnel#readme";
+ license = licenses.asl20;
+ maintainers = with maintainers; [ roberth ];
+ };
+ passthru.tests.nixos = nixosTests.ghostunnel;
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
index 6543160963d..8ec187776b2 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
@@ -4855,6 +4855,8 @@ in
ghorg = callPackage ../applications/version-management/git-and-tools/ghorg { };
+ ghostunnel = callPackage ../tools/networking/ghostunnel { };
ghq = callPackage ../applications/version-management/git-and-tools/ghq { };
ghr = callPackage ../applications/version-management/git-and-tools/ghr { };