From 2ce433c26cda21581e94443a71430cd402327dfb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Llu=C3=ADs=20Batlle=20i=20Rossell?=
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 22:19:48 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Removing go-oo. It neither builds neither upstream continues

svn path=/nixpkgs/trunk/; revision=33314
 .../office/openoffice/gcc46.patch             |  11 --
 .../office/openoffice/get-go-src.nix          |  54 -------
 pkgs/applications/office/openoffice/go-oo.nix | 151 ------------------
 .../office/openoffice/go-srcs.nix             |  66 --------
 pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix               |  10 --
 5 files changed, 292 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 pkgs/applications/office/openoffice/gcc46.patch
 delete mode 100644 pkgs/applications/office/openoffice/get-go-src.nix
 delete mode 100644 pkgs/applications/office/openoffice/go-oo.nix
 delete mode 100644 pkgs/applications/office/openoffice/go-srcs.nix

diff --git a/pkgs/applications/office/openoffice/gcc46.patch b/pkgs/applications/office/openoffice/gcc46.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a301e078d53..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/office/openoffice/gcc46.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- a/build/OOO320_m19/cppu/inc/uno/lbnames.h
-+++ b/build/OOO320_m19/cppu/inc/uno/lbnames.h
-@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ provoking error here, because PP ignores #error
- #error "Tested gcc 2 versions are 2.91 and 2.95.  Patch uno/lbnames.h to try your gcc 2 version."
- #elif (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ <= 4)
- #define __CPPU_ENV gcc3
--#elif (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ <= 5)
-+#elif (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ <= 6)
- #define __CPPU_ENV gcc3
- #elif (__GNUC__ == 3)
- #error "Tested gcc 3 version is <= 3.4.  Patch uno/lbnames.h to try your gcc 3 version."
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/office/openoffice/get-go-src.nix b/pkgs/applications/office/openoffice/get-go-src.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 439da366381..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/office/openoffice/get-go-src.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# nix derivation that will create a bash script that will create the go-srcs.nix file.
-# it can be slightly improved so it downloads properly also the upstream package,
-# instead of only those 'additional' to the upstream code. By now the upstream code I wrote
-# manually in the go-oo.nix.
-# I think this looks quite ugly, but the only way I've found to know what files the program will need,
-# and from what URLs, is running their './configure' with proper parameters and executing their
-# './download' script.
-  pkgsFun = import /etc/nixos/nixpkgs;
-  pkgs = pkgsFun {};
-  downloadRoot = "";
-with pkgs;
-lib.overrideDerivation go_oo (attrs: {
-  name = + "-make-src";
-  src = attrs.src;
-  buildInputs = attrs.buildInputs ++ [ gawk ];
-  # Avoid downloading what is defined in go_oo
-  srcs_download = null;
-  phases = [ "unpackPhase" "configurePhase" "makesh" ];
-  makesh = ''
-    sed -i -e '/-x $WG/d' -e "s/WGET='''/WGET='echo XXX'/" download
-    mkdir -p $out
-    set +e
-    ./download --all | grep XXX | 
-      sed '/bouncer/s,\(.*\)http.*version=\([0-9.]\+\).*lang=\([a-z0-9]\+\).*\( .*\),\1${downloadRoot}\2/OOo_\2_src_\3.tar.bz2\4,' |
-      awk '
-      BEGIN {
-        print "#!/bin/sh"
-        print "echo \"{fetchurl} : [\" > go-srcs.nix"
-      }
-      {
-         print "echo \"(fetchurl {\" >> go-srcs.nix"
-         print "echo \"  url = \\\"" $2 "\\\";\" >> go-srcs.nix"
-         print "echo \"  sha256 = \\\"`nix-prefetch-url " $2 "`\\\";\" >> go-srcs.nix"
-         if (NF > 3)
-           print "echo \"  name = \\\"" $4 "\\\";\" >> go-srcs.nix"
-        print "echo \"})\" >> go-srcs.nix"
-      }
-      END {
-        print "echo ] >> go-srcs.nix"
-      }' > $out/
-    exit 0
-  '';
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/office/openoffice/go-oo.nix b/pkgs/applications/office/openoffice/go-oo.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index c0eaf0deb9b..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/office/openoffice/go-oo.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchurl, pam, python, tcsh, libxslt, perl, ArchiveZip
-, CompressZlib, zlib, libjpeg, expat, pkgconfig, freetype, libwpd
-, libxml2, db4, sablotron, curl, libXaw, fontconfig, libsndfile, neon
-, bison, flex, zip, unzip, gtk, libmspack, getopt, file, cairo, which
-, icu, boost, jdk, ant, libXext, libX11, libXtst, libXi, cups
-, libXinerama, openssl, gperf, cppunit, GConf, ORBit2
-, autoconf, openldap, postgresql, bash
-, langs ? [ "en-US" "ca" "ru" "eo" "fr" "nl" "de" "en-GB" ]
-  langsSpaces = stdenv.lib.concatStringsSep " " langs;
-  tag = "OOO320_m19";
-  version = "";
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-  name = "go-oo-${version}";
-  # builder = ./;
-  src = fetchurl {
-      url = "${version}.tar.gz";
-      sha256 = "1l9kpg61wyqjsig5n6a7c7zyygbg09zsmn4q267c12zzpl5qpmxy";
-    };
-  srcs_download = import ./go-srcs.nix { inherit fetchurl; };
-  # Multi-CPU: --with-num-cpus=4 
-  # The '--with-tag=XXXX' string I took from their 'configure' script. I write it so it matches the
-  # logic in the script for "upstream version for X.X.X". Look for that string in the script.
-  # We need '--without-split' when downloading directly usptream openoffice src tarballs.
-  configurePhase = ''
-    sed -i -e '1s,/bin/bash,${bash}/bin/bash,' $(find bin -type f)
-    sed -i -e '1s,/usr/bin/perl,${perl}/bin/perl,' $(find bin -type f)
-    sed -i -e '1s,/usr/bin/python,${python}/bin/python,' bin/*.py
-    echo "$distroFlags" > distro-configs/
-    ./configure --with-distro=SUSE-11.1 --with-system-libwpd --without-git --with-system-cairo \
-      --with-lang="${langsSpaces}" --with-tag=${tag} --without-split
-  '';
-  buildPhase = ''
-    for a in $srcs_download; do
-      FILE=$(basename $a)
-      # take out the hash
-      cp -v $a src/$(echo $FILE | sed 's/[^-]*-//')
-    done
-    sed '/-x $WGET/d' -i download
-    ./download
-    # Needed to find genccode
-    PATH=$PATH:${icu}/sbin
-    make build.prepare
-    set -x
-    pushd build/${tag}
-    patch -p1 < ${./xlib.patch}
-    patch -p3 < ${./gcc46.patch}
-    # Fix svtools: hardcoded jpeg path
-    sed -i -e 's,^JPEG3RDLIB=.*,JPEG3RDLIB=${libjpeg}/lib/,' solenv/inc/
-    # Fix sysui: wants to create a tar for root
-    sed -i -e 's,--own.*root,,' sysui/desktop/slackware/
-    # Fix libtextcat: wants to set rpath to /usr/local/lib
-    sed -i -e 's,^CONFIGURE_FLAGS.*,& --prefix='$TMPDIR, libtextcat/
-    # Fix hunspell: the checks fail due to /bin/bash missing, and I find this fix easier
-    sed -i -e 's,make && make check,make,' hunspell/
-    # Fix redland: wants to set rpath to /usr/local/lib
-    sed -i -e 's,^CONFIGURE_FLAGS.*,& --prefix='$TMPDIR, redland/redland/ \
-      redland/raptor/ redland/rasqal/
-    popd
-    set +x
-    make
-  '';
-  installPhase = ''
-    bin/ooinstall $out
-    mkdir -p $out/bin
-    for a in $out/program/{sbase,scalc,sdraw,simpress,smath,soffice,swriter,soffice.bin}; do
-      ln -s $a $out/bin
-    done
-  '';
-  distroFlags = ''
-    --with-vendor=NixPkgs
-    --with-package-format=native
-    --disable-epm
-    --disable-fontooo
-    --disable-gnome-vfs
-    --disable-gnome-vfs
-    --disable-mathmldtd
-    --disable-mozilla
-    --disable-odk
-    --disable-pasf
-    --disable-dbus
-    --disable-kde
-    --disable-kde4
-    --disable-mono
-    --disable-gstreamer
-    --with-cairo
-    --with-system-libs
-    --with-system-python
-    --with-system-boost
-    --with-system-db
-    --with-jdk-home=${jdk}
-    --with-ant-home=${ant}
-    --without-afms
-    --without-dict
-    --without-fonts
-    --without-myspell-dicts
-    --without-nas
-    --without-ppds
-    --without-system-agg
-    --without-system-beanshell
-    --without-system-hsqldb
-    --without-system-xalan
-    --without-system-xerces
-    --without-system-xml-apis
-    --without-system-xt
-    --without-system-jars
-    --without-system-hunspell
-    --without-system-altlinuxhyph
-    --without-system-lpsolve
-    --without-system-graphite
-    --without-system-mozilla
-    --without-system-libwps
-    --without-system-libwpg
-    --without-system-redland
-  '';
-  buildInputs = [
-    pam python tcsh libxslt perl ArchiveZip CompressZlib zlib 
-    libjpeg expat pkgconfig freetype libwpd libxml2 db4 sablotron curl 
-    libXaw fontconfig libsndfile neon bison flex zip unzip gtk libmspack 
-    getopt file jdk cairo which icu boost libXext libX11 libXtst libXi
-    cups libXinerama openssl gperf GConf ORBit2
-    ant autoconf openldap postgresql
-  ];
-  meta = {
-    description = "Go-oo - Novell variant of";
-    homepage =;
-    license = "LGPL";
-    maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.viric ];
-    platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.linux;
-  };
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/office/openoffice/go-srcs.nix b/pkgs/applications/office/openoffice/go-srcs.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ac2cff58f8..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/applications/office/openoffice/go-srcs.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-{fetchurl} : [
-(fetchurl {
-  url = "";
-  sha256 = "0giy3sza64ij19w7b06rxcrkrb5kq2fvkz486vh3mv08s8xa8zfc";
-(fetchurl {
-  url = "";
-  sha256 = "0fb0pv2w8583q65ja5x8wh6ah6i3kwwq99s4v8cn99g91v8xn9hr";
-(fetchurl {
-  url = "";
-  sha256 = "0wfq6xsiqdzmkq3zxhd0q4k7db9bhl027wy5z28pcnmv4li5h40b";
-(fetchurl {
-  url = "";
-  sha256 = "1dnwzk1k8d5iinxsal3qskjagljx5ywwmwb4i6bymfmyr64qppn1";
-(fetchurl {
-  url = "";
-  sha256 = "1lz33lmqifjszad7rl1r7rpxbziprrm5rkb27wmswyl5v98dqsbi";
-(fetchurl {
-  url = "";
-  sha256 = "0gj2hinhnzkazh44k1an05x5cj7n6721f2grqrkjh31cm38r9p6i";
-(fetchurl {
-  url = "";
-  sha256 = "0d5byyg0ac0xsi22cw4d857rpd1r3mm2j13ajfydgsn2d2ka7nrj";
-(fetchurl {
-  url = "";
-  sha256 = "1s6cz92b2amfn135l6a2hras4qrd04kw5yyqli7xmb8xqa0m3y3c";
-(fetchurl {
-  url = "";
-  sha256 = "02v2xbq771zi09qw3k4zih95m1rjns4pwwpl51n0m34c0a00lhf0";
-(fetchurl {
-  url = "";
-  sha256 = "1zqxs2a1ah0vq2a5dypqclig2c85z0a8rz7b63vfsqxvd2258a2d";
-(fetchurl {
-  url = "";
-  sha256 = "0nxh1rdw566i7nr5vjfxbankwy5lsd2maggcqz3m0chp7jgvsb6p";
-(fetchurl {
-  url = "";
-  sha256 = "0g3529nr0nfhn3cygn8x931pqxnqq88nfc5h829xncr1j8ifaqzm";
-(fetchurl {
-  url = "";
-  sha256 = "0m3i3czwqcyc2mibldp1zx34wxw7ls7akb3jak75nc6i3h7ykmsm";
-(fetchurl {
-  url = "";
-  sha256 = "1cdjmgpy0igrwlb5i1sm4s2yxvzbmqz6j7xnmmv3kpbx7z43zw78";
-(fetchurl {
-  url = "";
-  sha256 = "1qv5qqycaqrm8arprwf3vyk76fm6v7qabpx5qq58knp1xm72z98r";
-(fetchurl {
-  url = "";
-  sha256 = "0jhgjhm63cmjr59nhvdln1szgm36v6kkazy2388l7z6xjjrhxk1z";
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
index fb88ba19bbc..a487df71ef4 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
@@ -7121,16 +7121,6 @@ let
     zip = zip.override { enableNLS = false; };
-  go_oo = callPackage ../applications/office/openoffice/go-oo.nix {
-    inherit (perl510Packages) ArchiveZip CompressZlib;
-    inherit (gnome) GConf ORBit2;
-    neon = neon029;
-    libwpd = libwpd_08;
-    /* It uses, deprecated in perl 5.14 */
-    perl = perl510;
-    zip = zip.override { enableNLS = false; };
-  };
   openscad = callPackage ../applications/graphics/openscad {};
   opera = callPackage ../applications/networking/browsers/opera {