Merge pull request #25980 from nyarly/bundlerenv_usecases
BundlerEnv, now with groups and paths
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,7 +41,29 @@ bundlerEnv rec {
<para>Please check in the <filename>Gemfile</filename>, <filename>Gemfile.lock</filename> and the <filename>gemset.nix</filename> so future updates can be run easily.
<para>Resulting derivations also have two helpful items, <literal>env</literal> and <literal>wrapper</literal>. The first one allows one to quickly drop into
<para>For tools written in Ruby - i.e. where the desire is to install a package and then execute e.g. <command>rake</command> at the command line, there is an alternative builder called <literal>bundlerApp</literal>. Set up the <filename>gemset.nix</filename> the same way, and then, for example:
<![CDATA[{ lib, bundlerApp }:
bundlerApp {
pname = "corundum";
gemdir = ./.;
exes = [ "corundum-skel" ];
meta = with lib; {
description = "Tool and libraries for maintaining Ruby gems.";
homepage =;
license =;
maintainers = [ maintainers.nyarly ];
platforms = platforms.unix;
<para>The chief advantage of <literal>bundlerApp</literal> over <literal>bundlerEnv</literal> is the executables introduced in the environment are precisely those selected in the <literal>exes</literal> list, as opposed to <literal>bundlerEnv</literal> which adds all the executables made available by gems in the gemset, which can mean e.g. <command>rspec</command> or <command>rake</command> in unpredictable versions available from various packages.
<para>Resulting derivations for both builders also have two helpful attributes, <literal>env</literal> and <literal>wrapper</literal>. The first one allows one to quickly drop into
<command>nix-shell</command> with the specified environment present. E.g. <command>nix-shell -A sensu.env</command> would give you an environment with Ruby preset
so it has all the libraries necessary for <literal>sensu</literal> in its paths. The second one can be used to make derivations from custom Ruby scripts which have
<filename>Gemfile</filename>s with their dependencies specified. It is a derivation with <command>ruby</command> wrapped so it can find all the needed dependencies.
@ -74,4 +96,3 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation {
@ -407,6 +407,7 @@
np = "Nicolas Pouillard <>";
nslqqq = "Nikita Mikhailov <>";
nthorne = "Niklas Thörne <>";
nyarly = "Judson Lester <>";
obadz = "obadz <>";
ocharles = "Oliver Charles <>";
odi = "Oliver Dunkl <>";
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
{ stdenv, runCommand, ruby, lib
, defaultGemConfig, buildRubyGem, buildEnv
, makeWrapper
, bundler
name ? null
, pname ? null
, mainGemName ? null
, gemdir ? null
, gemfile ? null
, lockfile ? null
, gemset ? null
, ruby ? defs.ruby
, gemConfig ? defaultGemConfig
, postBuild ? null
, document ? []
, meta ? {}
, groups ? ["default"]
, ignoreCollisions ? false
, ...
assert name == null -> pname != null;
with import ./functions.nix { inherit lib gemConfig; };
gemFiles = bundlerFiles args;
importedGemset = import gemFiles.gemset;
filteredGemset = filterGemset { inherit ruby groups; } importedGemset;
configuredGemset = lib.flip lib.mapAttrs filteredGemset (name: attrs:
applyGemConfigs (attrs // { inherit ruby; gemName = name; })
hasBundler = builtins.hasAttr "bundler" filteredGemset;
bundler =
if hasBundler then gems.bundler
else defs.bundler.override (attrs: { inherit ruby; });
gems = lib.flip lib.mapAttrs configuredGemset (name: attrs: buildGem name attrs);
name' = if name != null then
gem = gems."${pname}";
version = gem.version;
pname' = if pname != null then
copyIfBundledByPath = { bundledByPath ? false, ...}@main:
(if bundledByPath then
assert gemFiles.gemdir != null; "cp -a ${gemFiles.gemdir}/* $out/"
else ""
maybeCopyAll = pkgname: if pkgname == null then "" else
mainGem = gems."${pkgname}" or (throw "bundlerEnv: gem ${pkgname} not found");
copyIfBundledByPath mainGem;
# We have to normalize the Gemfile.lock, otherwise bundler tries to be
# helpful by doing so at run time, causing executables to immediately bail
# out. Yes, I'm serious.
confFiles = runCommand "gemfile-and-lockfile" {} ''
mkdir -p $out
${maybeCopyAll mainGemName}
cp ${gemFiles.gemfile} $out/Gemfile || ls -l $out/Gemfile
cp ${gemFiles.lockfile} $out/Gemfile.lock || ls -l $out/Gemfile.lock
buildGem = name: attrs: (
gemAttrs = composeGemAttrs ruby gems name attrs;
if gemAttrs.type == "path" then
pathDerivation gemAttrs
buildRubyGem gemAttrs
envPaths = lib.attrValues gems ++ lib.optional (!hasBundler) bundler;
basicEnv = buildEnv {
inherit ignoreCollisions;
name = name';
paths = envPaths;
pathsToLink = [ "/lib" ];
postBuild = genStubsScript (defs // args // {
inherit confFiles bundler groups;
binPaths = envPaths;
}) + lib.optionalString (postBuild != null) postBuild;
meta = { platforms = ruby.meta.platforms; } // meta;
passthru = rec {
inherit ruby bundler gems mainGem confFiles envPaths;
wrappedRuby =
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "wrapped-ruby-${pname}";
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
buildCommand = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
for i in ${ruby}/bin/*; do
makeWrapper "$i" $out/bin/$(basename "$i") \
--set BUNDLE_GEMFILE ${confFiles}/Gemfile \
--set BUNDLE_PATH ${basicEnv}/${ruby.gemPath} \
--set GEM_HOME ${basicEnv}/${ruby.gemPath} \
--set GEM_PATH ${basicEnv}/${ruby.gemPath}
env = let
irbrc = builtins.toFile "irbrc" ''
if !(ENV["OLD_IRBRC"].nil? || ENV["OLD_IRBRC"].empty?)
require ENV["OLD_IRBRC"]
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
in stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "${pname}-interactive-environment";
nativeBuildInputs = [ wrappedRuby basicEnv ];
shellHook = ''
export IRBRC=${irbrc}
buildCommand = ''
echo >&2 ""
echo >&2 "*** Ruby 'env' attributes are intended for interactive nix-shell sessions, not for building! ***"
echo >&2 ""
exit 1
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
{ lib, gemConfig, ... }:
rec {
bundlerFiles = {
gemfile ? null
, lockfile ? null
, gemset ? null
, gemdir ? null
, ...
}: {
inherit gemdir;
gemfile =
if gemfile == null then assert gemdir != null; gemdir + "/Gemfile"
else gemfile;
lockfile =
if lockfile == null then assert gemdir != null; gemdir + "/Gemfile.lock"
else lockfile;
gemset =
if gemset == null then assert gemdir != null; gemdir + "/gemset.nix"
else gemset;
filterGemset = {ruby, groups,...}@env: gemset: lib.filterAttrs (name: attrs: platformMatches ruby attrs && groupMatches groups attrs) gemset;
platformMatches = {rubyEngine, version, ...}@ruby: attrs: (
!(attrs ? "platforms") ||
builtins.length attrs.platforms == 0 ||
builtins.any (platform:
platform.engine == rubyEngine &&
(!(platform ? "version") || platform.version == version.majMin)
) attrs.platforms
groupMatches = groups: attrs: (
!(attrs ? "groups") ||
builtins.any (gemGroup: builtins.any (group: group == gemGroup) groups) attrs.groups
applyGemConfigs = attrs:
(if gemConfig ? "${attrs.gemName}"
then attrs // gemConfig."${attrs.gemName}" attrs
else attrs);
genStubsScript = { lib, ruby, confFiles, bundler, groups, binPaths, ... }: ''
${ruby}/bin/ruby ${./gen-bin-stubs.rb} \
"${ruby}/bin/ruby" \
"${confFiles}/Gemfile" \
"$out/${ruby.gemPath}" \
"${bundler}/${ruby.gemPath}" \
${lib.escapeShellArg binPaths} \
${lib.escapeShellArg groups}
pathDerivation = { gemName, version, path, ... }:
res = {
type = "derivation";
bundledByPath = true;
name = gemName;
version = version;
outPath = path;
outputs = [ "out" ];
out = res;
outputName = "out";
in res;
composeGemAttrs = ruby: gems: name: attrs: ((removeAttrs attrs ["source" "platforms"]) // attrs.source // {
inherit ruby;
gemName = name;
gemPath = map (gemName: gems."${gemName}") (attrs.dependencies or []);
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
{ stdenv, writeText, lib, ruby, defaultGemConfig, callPackage, test, stubs, should }@defs:
testConfigs = {
inherit lib;
gemConfig = defaultGemConfig;
functions = (import ./functions.nix testConfigs);
builtins.concatLists [
( "All set, no gemdir" (functions.bundlerFiles {
gemfile = test/Gemfile;
lockfile = test/Gemfile.lock;
gemset = test/gemset.nix;
}) {
gemfile = should.equal test/Gemfile;
lockfile = should.equal test/Gemfile.lock;
gemset = should.equal test/gemset.nix;
( "Just gemdir" (functions.bundlerFiles {
gemdir = test/.;
}) {
gemfile = should.equal test/Gemfile;
lockfile = should.equal test/Gemfile.lock;
gemset = should.equal test/gemset.nix;
( "Gemset and dir" (functions.bundlerFiles {
gemdir = test/.;
gemset = test/extraGemset.nix;
}) {
gemfile = should.equal test/Gemfile;
lockfile = should.equal test/Gemfile.lock;
gemset = should.equal test/extraGemset.nix;
( "Filter empty gemset" {} (set: functions.filterGemset {inherit ruby; groups = ["default"]; } set == {}))
( let gemSet = { test = { groups = ["x" "y"]; }; };
|||| "Filter matches a group" gemSet (set: functions.filterGemset {inherit ruby; groups = ["y" "z"];} set == gemSet))
( let gemSet = { test = { platforms = []; }; };
|||| "Filter matches empty platforms list" gemSet (set: functions.filterGemset {inherit ruby; groups = [];} set == gemSet))
( let gemSet = { test = { platforms = [{engine = ruby.rubyEngine; version = ruby.version.majMin;}]; }; };
|||| "Filter matches on platform" gemSet (set: functions.filterGemset {inherit ruby; groups = [];} set == gemSet))
( let gemSet = { test = { groups = ["x" "y"]; }; };
|||| "Filter excludes based on groups" gemSet (set: functions.filterGemset {inherit ruby; groups = ["a" "b"];} set == {}))
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
{ lib, stdenv, callPackage, runCommand, ruby }@defs:
# Use for simple installation of Ruby tools shipped in a Gem.
# Start with a Gemfile that includes `gem <toolgem>`
# > nix-shell -p bundler bundix
# (shell)> bundle lock
# (shell)> bundix
# Then use rubyTool in the default.nix:
# rubyTool { pname = "gemifiedTool"; gemdir = ./.; exes = ["gemified-tool"]; }
# The 'exes' parameter ensures that a copy of e.g. rake doesn't polute the system.
# use the name of the name in question; its version will be picked up from the gemset
# gemdir is the location of the Gemfile{,.lock} and gemset.nix; usually ./.
, gemdir
# Exes is the list of executables provided by the gems in the Gemfile
, exes ? []
# Scripts are ruby programs depend on gems in the Gemfile (e.g. scripts/rails)
, scripts ? []
, ruby ? defs.ruby
, gemfile ? null
, lockfile ? null
, gemset ? null
, preferLocalBuild ? false
, allowSubstitutes ? false
, meta ? {}
, postBuild ? ""
basicEnv = (callPackage ../bundled-common {}) args;
cmdArgs = removeAttrs args [ "pname" "postBuild" ]
// { inherit preferLocalBuild allowSubstitutes; }; # pass the defaults
runCommand cmdArgs ''
mkdir -p $out/bin;
${(lib.concatMapStrings (x: "ln -s '${basicEnv}/bin/${x}' $out/bin/${x};\n") exes)}
${(lib.concatMapStrings (s: "makeWrapper $out/bin/$(basename ${s}) $srcdir/${s} " +
"--set BUNDLE_GEMFILE ${basicEnv.confFiles}/Gemfile "+
"--set BUNDLE_PATH ${basicEnv}/${ruby.gemPath} "+
"--set BUNDLE_FROZEN 1 "+
"--set GEM_HOME ${basicEnv}/${ruby.gemPath} "+
"--set GEM_PATH ${basicEnv}/${ruby.gemPath} "+
"--run \"cd $srcdir\";\n") scripts)}
@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
{ stdenv, runCommand, writeText, writeScript, writeScriptBin, ruby, lib
, callPackage, defaultGemConfig, fetchurl, fetchgit, buildRubyGem, buildEnv
, git
, makeWrapper
, bundler
, tree
, linkFarm, git, makeWrapper, bundler, tree
{ name ? null
@ -12,143 +9,54 @@
, gemfile ? null
, lockfile ? null
, gemset ? null
, groups ? ["default"]
, ruby ? defs.ruby
, gemConfig ? defaultGemConfig
, postBuild ? null
, document ? []
, meta ? {}
, groups ? ["default"]
, ignoreCollisions ? false
, ...
drvName =
if name != null then name
else if pname != null then "${toString pname}-${mainGem.version}"
else throw "bundlerEnv: either pname or name must be set";
inherit (import ../bundled-common/functions.nix {inherit lib ruby gemConfig groups; }) genStubsScript;
mainGem =
if pname == null then null
else gems."${pname}" or (throw "bundlerEnv: gem ${pname} not found");
basicEnv = (callPackage ../bundled-common {}) (args // { inherit pname name; mainGemName = pname; });
gemfile' =
if gemfile == null then gemdir + "/Gemfile"
else gemfile;
inherit (basicEnv) envPaths;
# Idea here is a mkDerivation that gen-bin-stubs new stubs "as specified" -
# either specific executables or the bin/ for certain gem(s), but
# incorporates the basicEnv as a requirement so that its $out is in our path.
lockfile' =
if lockfile == null then gemdir + "/Gemfile.lock"
else lockfile;
# When stubbing the bins for a gem, we should use the gem expression
# directly, which means that basicEnv should somehow make it available.
gemset' =
if gemset == null then gemdir + "/gemset.nix"
else gemset;
# Different use cases should use different variations on this file, rather
# than the expression trying to deduce a use case.
importedGemset = import gemset';
filteredGemset = (lib.filterAttrs (name: attrs:
if (builtins.hasAttr "groups" attrs)
then (builtins.any (gemGroup: builtins.any (group: group == gemGroup) groups) attrs.groups)
else true
) importedGemset);
applyGemConfigs = attrs:
(if gemConfig ? "${attrs.gemName}"
then attrs // gemConfig."${attrs.gemName}" attrs
else attrs);
configuredGemset = lib.flip lib.mapAttrs filteredGemset (name: attrs:
applyGemConfigs (attrs // { inherit ruby; gemName = name; })
hasBundler = builtins.hasAttr "bundler" filteredGemset;
bundler =
if hasBundler then gems.bundler
else defs.bundler.override (attrs: { inherit ruby; });
gems = lib.flip lib.mapAttrs configuredGemset (name: attrs:
buildRubyGem ((removeAttrs attrs ["source"]) // attrs.source // {
inherit ruby;
gemName = name;
gemPath = map (gemName: gems."${gemName}") (attrs.dependencies or []);
# We have to normalize the Gemfile.lock, otherwise bundler tries to be
# helpful by doing so at run time, causing executables to immediately bail
# out. Yes, I'm serious.
confFiles = runCommand "gemfile-and-lockfile" {} ''
mkdir -p $out
cp ${gemfile'} $out/Gemfile
cp ${lockfile'} $out/Gemfile.lock
envPaths = lib.attrValues gems ++ lib.optional (!hasBundler) bundler;
binPaths = if mainGem != null then [ mainGem ] else envPaths;
bundlerEnv = buildEnv {
inherit ignoreCollisions;
name = drvName;
paths = envPaths;
pathsToLink = [ "/lib" ];
postBuild = ''
${ruby}/bin/ruby ${./gen-bin-stubs.rb} \
"${ruby}/bin/ruby" \
"${confFiles}/Gemfile" \
"$out/${ruby.gemPath}" \
"${bundler}/${ruby.gemPath}" \
${lib.escapeShellArg binPaths} \
${lib.escapeShellArg groups}
'' + lib.optionalString (postBuild != null) postBuild;
meta = { platforms = ruby.meta.platforms; } // meta;
passthru = rec {
inherit ruby bundler gems;
wrappedRuby = stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "wrapped-ruby-${drvName}";
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
buildCommand = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
for i in ${ruby}/bin/*; do
makeWrapper "$i" $out/bin/$(basename "$i") \
--set BUNDLE_GEMFILE ${confFiles}/Gemfile \
--set BUNDLE_PATH ${bundlerEnv}/${ruby.gemPath} \
--set GEM_HOME ${bundlerEnv}/${ruby.gemPath} \
--set GEM_PATH ${bundlerEnv}/${ruby.gemPath}
env = let
irbrc = builtins.toFile "irbrc" ''
if !(ENV["OLD_IRBRC"].nil? || ENV["OLD_IRBRC"].empty?)
require ENV["OLD_IRBRC"]
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
in stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "interactive-${drvName}-environment";
nativeBuildInputs = [ wrappedRuby bundlerEnv ];
shellHook = ''
export IRBRC=${irbrc}
buildCommand = ''
echo >&2 ""
echo >&2 "*** Ruby 'env' attributes are intended for interactive nix-shell sessions, not for building! ***"
echo >&2 ""
exit 1
# The basicEnv should be put into passthru so that e.g. nix-shell can use it.
if pname == null then
basicEnv // { inherit name basicEnv; }
(buildEnv {
inherit ignoreCollisions;
name =;
paths = envPaths;
pathsToLink = [ "/lib" ];
postBuild = genStubsScript {
inherit lib ruby bundler groups;
confFiles = basicEnv.confFiles;
binPaths = [ basicEnv.gems."${pname}" ];
} + lib.optionalString (postBuild != null) postBuild;
meta = { platforms = ruby.meta.platforms; } // meta;
passthru = basicEnv.passthru // {
inherit basicEnv;
inherit (basicEnv) env;
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
{ stdenv, writeText, lib, ruby, defaultGemConfig, callPackage, test, stubs, should}@defs:
bundlerEnv = callPackage ./default.nix stubs // {
basicEnv = callPackage ../bundled-common stubs;
justName = bundlerEnv {
name = "test-0.1.2";
gemset = ./test/gemset.nix;
pnamed = bundlerEnv {
pname = "test";
gemdir = ./test;
gemset = ./test/gemset.nix;
gemfile = ./test/Gemfile;
lockfile = ./test/Gemfile.lock;
builtins.concatLists [
( "bundlerEnv { name }" justName {
name = should.equal "test-0.1.2";
( "bundlerEnv { pname }" pnamed
(should.haveKeys [ "name" "env" "postBuild" ])
name = should.equal "test-0.1.2";
env = should.beASet;
postBuild = should.havePrefix "/nix/store";
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
test = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "1j5r0anj8m4qlf2psnldip4b8ha2bsscv11lpdgnfh4nnchzjnxw";
type = "gem";
version = "0.1.2";
@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation (attrs // {
++ lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin darwin.libobjc
++ buildInputs;
#name = builtins.trace ( or "no" ) "${namePrefix}${gemName}-${version}";
name = or "${namePrefix}${gemName}-${version}";
inherit src;
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o xtrace
cd $(dirname $0)
find . -name text.nix
testfiles=$(find . -name test.nix)
nix-build -E "with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage testing/driver.nix { testFiles = [ $testfiles ]; }" --show-trace && cat result
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
{ test, lib, ...}:
equal = expected: actual:
if actual == expected then
(test.passed "= ${toString expected}") else
(test.failed (
"expected '${toString expected}'(${builtins.typeOf expected})"
+ " != "+
"actual '${toString actual}'(${builtins.typeOf actual})"
beASet = actual:
if builtins.isAttrs actual then
(test.passed "is a set") else
(test.failed "is not a set, was ${builtins.typeOf actual}: ${toString actual}");
haveKeys = expected: actual:
if builtins.all
(ex: builtins.any (ac: ex == ac) (builtins.attrNames actual))
expected then
(test.passed "has expected keys") else
(test.failed "keys differ: expected: [${lib.concatStringsSep ";" expected}] actual: [${lib.concatStringsSep ";" (builtins.attrNames actual)}]");
havePrefix = expected: actual:
if lib.hasPrefix expected actual then
(test.passed "has prefix '${expected}'") else
(test.failed "prefix '${expected}' not found in '${actual}'");
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Run with:
nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> { }; callPackage ./test.nix {}' --show-trace; and cat result
Confusingly, the ideal result ends with something like:
error: build of ‘/nix/store/3245f3dcl2wxjs4rci7n069zjlz8qg85-test-results.tap.drv’ failed
{ writeText, lib, callPackage, testFiles, stdenv, ruby }@defs:
testTools = rec {
test = import ./testing.nix;
stubs = import ./stubs.nix defs;
should = import ./assertions.nix { inherit test lib; };
tap = import ./tap-support.nix;
results = builtins.concatLists (map (file: callPackage file testTools) testFiles);
writeText "test-results.tap" (tap.output results)
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
{ stdenv, lib, ruby, callPackage, ... }:
real = {
inherit (stdenv) mkDerivation;
mkDerivation = {name, ...}@argSet:
derivation {
inherit name;
text = (builtins.toJSON (lib.filterAttrs ( n: v: builtins.any (x: x == n) ["name" "system"]) argSet));
builder =;
args = [ "-c" "echo $(<$textPath) > $out"];
system = stdenv.system;
passAsFile = ["text"];
fetchurl = {url?"", urls ? [],...}: "fetchurl:${if urls == [] then url else builtins.head urls}";
stdenv' = stdenv // {
inherit mkDerivation;
stubbed = true;
ruby' = ruby // {
stdenv = stdenv';
stubbed = true;
ruby = ruby';
buildRubyGem = callPackage ../gem {
inherit fetchurl;
ruby = ruby';
stdenv = stdenv';
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
with builtins;
withIndexes = list: genList (idx: (elemAt list idx) // {index = idx;}) (length list);
testLine = report: "${okStr report} ${toString (report.index + 1)} ${report.description}" + testDirective report + testYaml report;
# These are part of the TAP spec, not yet implemented.
testDirective = report: "";
testYaml = report: "";
okStr = { result, ...}: if result == "pass" then "ok" else "not ok";
output = reports: ''
TAP version 13
1..${toString (length reports)}'' + (foldl' (l: r: l + "\n" + r) "" (map testLine (withIndexes reports))) + ''
# Finished at ${toString currentTime}
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
with builtins;
underTest = {
x = {
a = 1;
b = "2";
tests = [
(root: false)
x = [
(set: true)
a = (a: a > 1);
b = (b: b == "3");
results = run "Examples" underTest tests;
passed = desc: {
result = "pass";
description = desc;
failed = desc: {
result = "failed";
description = desc;
prefixName = name: res: {
inherit (res) result;
description = "${name}: ${res.description}";
run = name: under: tests: if isList tests then
(concatLists (map (run name under) tests))
else if isAttrs tests then
(concatLists (map (
subName: run (name + "." + subName) (if hasAttr subName under then getAttr subName under else "<MISSING!>") (getAttr subName tests)
) (attrNames tests)))
else if isFunction tests then
res = tests under;
if isBool res then
(prefixName name (if tests under then passed "passed" else failed "failed"))
[ (prefixName name res) ]
else [
failed (name ": not a function, list or set")
{ inherit run passed failed; }
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
source ""
gem "corundum", "=0.6.2"
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
calibrate (0.0.1)
caliph (0.3.1)
corundum (0.6.2)
bundler (~> 1.10)
caliph (~> 0.3)
mattock (~> 0.9)
paint (~> 0.8)
rspec (>= 2.0, < 4)
simplecov (>= 0.5)
simplecov-json (~> 0.2)
diff-lcs (1.3)
docile (1.1.5)
json (2.1.0)
mattock (0.10.1)
calibrate (~> 0.0.1)
caliph (~> 0.3)
rake (~> 10.0)
tilt (> 0)
valise (~> 1.1)
paint (0.9.0)
rake (10.5.0)
rspec (3.6.0)
rspec-core (~> 3.6.0)
rspec-expectations (~> 3.6.0)
rspec-mocks (~> 3.6.0)
rspec-core (3.6.0)
rspec-support (~> 3.6.0)
rspec-expectations (3.6.0)
diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
rspec-support (~> 3.6.0)
rspec-mocks (3.6.0)
diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
rspec-support (~> 3.6.0)
rspec-support (3.6.0)
simplecov (0.14.1)
docile (~> 1.1.0)
json (>= 1.8, < 3)
simplecov-html (~> 0.10.0)
simplecov-html (0.10.1)
simplecov-json (0.2)
tilt (2.0.7)
valise (1.2.1)
corundum (= 0.6.2)
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
{ lib, bundlerApp }:
bundlerApp {
pname = "corundum";
gemdir = ./.;
exes = [ "corundum-skel" ];
meta = with lib; {
description = "Tool and libraries for maintaining Ruby gems.";
homepage =;
license =;
maintainers = [ maintainers.nyarly ];
platforms = platforms.unix;
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
calibrate = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "17kmlss7db70pjwdbbhag7mnixh8wasdq6n1v8663x50z9c7n2ng";
type = "gem";
version = "0.0.1";
caliph = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "08d07n4m4yh1h9icq6n9dkw4jwgdmgd638f15mxr2pvqp4wycsnr";
type = "gem";
version = "0.3.1";
corundum = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "1y6shjrqaqyh14a1r4ic660g6jnq4abdrx9imglyalzyrlrwbsxq";
type = "gem";
version = "0.6.2";
diff-lcs = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "18w22bjz424gzafv6nzv98h0aqkwz3d9xhm7cbr1wfbyas8zayza";
type = "gem";
version = "1.3";
docile = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "0m8j31whq7bm5ljgmsrlfkiqvacrw6iz9wq10r3gwrv5785y8gjx";
type = "gem";
version = "1.1.5";
json = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "01v6jjpvh3gnq6sgllpfqahlgxzj50ailwhj9b3cd20hi2dx0vxp";
type = "gem";
version = "2.1.0";
mattock = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "02d6igwr4sfj4jnky8d5h0rm2cc665k1bqz7sj4khzvr18nk3ai6";
type = "gem";
version = "0.10.1";
paint = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "1fcn7cfrhbl4nl95fmcd67q33h7bl3iafsafs6w9yj4nqzagz1yc";
type = "gem";
version = "0.9.0";
rake = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "0jcabbgnjc788chx31sihc5pgbqnlc1c75wakmqlbjdm8jns2m9b";
type = "gem";
version = "10.5.0";
rspec = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "1nd50hycab2a2vdah9lxi585g8f63jxjvmzmxqyln51grxwx9hzb";
type = "gem";
version = "3.6.0";
rspec-core = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "18np8wyw2g79waclpaacba6nd7x60ixg07ncya0j0qj1z9b37grd";
type = "gem";
version = "3.6.0";
rspec-expectations = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "028ifzf9mqp3kxx40q1nbwj40g72g9zk0wr78l146phblkv96w0a";
type = "gem";
version = "3.6.0";
rspec-mocks = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "0nv6jkxy24sag1i9w9wi3850k6skk2fm6yhcrgnmlz6vmwxvizp8";
type = "gem";
version = "3.6.0";
rspec-support = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "050paqqpsml8w88nf4a15zbbj3vvm471zpv73sjfdnz7w21wnypb";
type = "gem";
version = "3.6.0";
simplecov = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "1r9fnsnsqj432cmrpafryn8nif3x0qg9mdnvrcf0wr01prkdlnww";
type = "gem";
version = "0.14.1";
simplecov-html = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "0f3psphismgp6jp1fxxz09zbswh7m2xxxr6gqlzdh7sgv415clvm";
type = "gem";
version = "0.10.1";
simplecov-json = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "0x9hr08pkj5d14nfzsn5h8b7ayl6q0xir45dcx5rv2a7g10kzlpp";
type = "gem";
version = "0.2";
tilt = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "1is1ayw5049z8pd7slsk870bddyy5g2imp4z78lnvl8qsl8l0s7b";
type = "gem";
version = "2.0.7";
valise = {
source = {
remotes = [""];
sha256 = "1arsbmk2gifrhv244qrld7s3202xrnxy6vlc5gqklg70dpsinbn5";
type = "gem";
version = "1.2.1";
@ -6412,6 +6412,7 @@ with pkgs;
bundix = callPackage ../development/ruby-modules/bundix { };
bundler = callPackage ../development/ruby-modules/bundler { };
bundlerEnv = callPackage ../development/ruby-modules/bundler-env { };
bundlerApp = callPackage ../development/ruby-modules/bundler-app { };
inherit (callPackage ../development/interpreters/ruby {})
@ -6727,6 +6728,8 @@ with pkgs;
cookiecutter = pythonPackages.cookiecutter;
corundum = callPackage ../development/tools/corundum { };
ctags = callPackage ../development/tools/misc/ctags { };
ctagsWrapped = callPackage ../development/tools/misc/ctags/wrapped.nix {};
Reference in New Issue