From 287e92ad47be3946bb8ab6888fed54f61b36e3ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sander van der Burg <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2019 23:15:01 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] androidenv: Remove unused patch

 .../make_standalone_toolchain.py_18b.patch    | 98 -------------------
 1 file changed, 98 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 pkgs/development/mobile/androidenv/make_standalone_toolchain.py_18b.patch

diff --git a/pkgs/development/mobile/androidenv/make_standalone_toolchain.py_18b.patch b/pkgs/development/mobile/androidenv/make_standalone_toolchain.py_18b.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f6bfac5b80..00000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/mobile/androidenv/make_standalone_toolchain.py_18b.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/build/tools/ b/build/tools/
-index b8172b28..95daa6a6 100755
---- a/build/tools/
-+++ b/build/tools/
-@@ -353,7 +353,9 @@ def create_toolchain(install_path, arch, api, gcc_path, clang_path,
-                      platforms_path, host_tag):
-     """Create a standalone toolchain."""
-     copy_directory_contents(gcc_path, install_path)
-+    os.system('chmod -R +w "{}"'.format(install_path))
-     copy_directory_contents(clang_path, install_path)
-+    os.system('chmod -R +w "{}"'.format(install_path))
-     triple = get_triple(arch)
-     make_clang_scripts(
-         install_path, triple, api, host_tag.startswith('windows'))
-@@ -365,9 +367,11 @@ def create_toolchain(install_path, arch, api, gcc_path, clang_path,
-     install_headers = os.path.join(install_sysroot, 'usr/include')
-     os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(install_headers))
-     shutil.copytree(headers, install_headers)
-+    os.system('chmod -R +w "{}"'.format(install_path))
-     arch_headers = os.path.join(sysroot, 'usr/include', triple)
-     copy_directory_contents(arch_headers, os.path.join(install_headers))
-+    os.system('chmod -R +w "{}"'.format(install_path))
-     for lib_suffix in ('', '64'):
-         lib_path = os.path.join(platforms_path, 'usr/lib{}'.format(lib_suffix))
-@@ -375,20 +379,24 @@ def create_toolchain(install_path, arch, api, gcc_path, clang_path,
-             install_sysroot, 'usr/lib{}'.format(lib_suffix))
-         if os.path.exists(lib_path):
-             shutil.copytree(lib_path, lib_install)
-+            os.system('chmod -R +w "{}"'.format(install_path))
-     static_lib_path = os.path.join(sysroot, 'usr/lib', triple)
-     static_lib_install = os.path.join(install_sysroot, 'usr/lib')
-     if arch == 'x86_64':
-         static_lib_install += '64'
-     copy_directory_contents(static_lib_path, static_lib_install)
-+    os.system('chmod -R +w "{}"'.format(install_path))
-     prebuilt_path = os.path.join(NDK_DIR, 'prebuilt', host_tag)
-     copy_directory_contents(prebuilt_path, install_path)
-+    os.system('chmod -R +w "{}"'.format(install_path))
-     gdbserver_path = os.path.join(
-         NDK_DIR, 'prebuilt', 'android-' + arch, 'gdbserver')
-     gdbserver_install = os.path.join(install_path, 'share', 'gdbserver')
-     shutil.copytree(gdbserver_path, gdbserver_install)
-+    os.system('chmod -R +w "{}"'.format(install_path))
-     toolchain_lib_dir = os.path.join(gcc_path, 'lib/gcc', triple)
-     dirs = os.listdir(toolchain_lib_dir)
-@@ -401,6 +409,7 @@ def create_toolchain(install_path, arch, api, gcc_path, clang_path,
-     libcxxabi_dir = os.path.join(NDK_DIR, 'sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++abi')
-     support_dir = os.path.join(NDK_DIR, 'sources/android/support')
-     copy_directory_contents(os.path.join(libcxx_dir, 'include'), cxx_headers)
-+    os.system('chmod -R +w "{}"'.format(install_path))
-     if api < 21:
-         # For any libc header that is in libandroid_support, we actually have
-@@ -412,11 +421,13 @@ def create_toolchain(install_path, arch, api, gcc_path, clang_path,
-         copy_directory_contents(
-             os.path.join(support_dir, 'include'),
-             os.path.join(install_path, 'sysroot/usr/local/include'))
-+        os.system('chmod -R +w "{}"'.format(install_path))
-     # I have no idea why we need this, but the old one does it too.
-     copy_directory_contents(
-         os.path.join(libcxxabi_dir, 'include'),
-         os.path.join(install_path, 'include/llvm-libc++abi/include'))
-+    os.system('chmod -R +w "{}"'.format(install_path))
-     headers = [
-         'cxxabi.h',
-@@ -426,20 +437,24 @@ def create_toolchain(install_path, arch, api, gcc_path, clang_path,
-         shutil.copy2(
-             os.path.join(libcxxabi_dir, 'include', header),
-             os.path.join(cxx_headers, header))
-+        os.system('chmod -R +w "{}"'.format(install_path))
-     for abi in get_abis(arch):
-         src_libdir = get_src_libdir(libcxx_dir, abi)
-         dest_libdir = get_dest_libdir(install_path, triple, abi)
-         copy_libcxx_libs(src_libdir, dest_libdir, abi, api)
-+        os.system('chmod -R +w "{}"'.format(install_path))
-         if arch == 'arm':
-             thumb_libdir = os.path.join(dest_libdir, 'thumb')
-             copy_libcxx_libs(src_libdir, thumb_libdir, abi, api)
-+            os.system('chmod -R +w "{}"'.format(install_path))
-     # Not needed for every STL, but the old one does this. Keep it for the sake
-     # of diff. Done at the end so copytree works.
-     cxx_target_headers = os.path.join(cxx_headers, triple)
-     if not os.path.exists(cxx_target_headers):
-         os.makedirs(cxx_target_headers)
-+        os.system('chmod -R +w "{}"'.format(install_path))
- def parse_args():