Merge pull request #39878 from knedlsepp/fix-ncurses-darwin-extensions
ncurses: Fix shared library extension on darwin
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ charset = utf-8
# see
# Match nix/ruby files, set indent to spaces with width of two
# Match nix/ruby/docbook files, set indent to spaces with width of two
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
@ -26,7 +26,3 @@ indent_size = 4
# Match diffs, avoid to trim trailing whitespace
trim_trailing_whitespace = false
insert_final_newline = false
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
/lib @edolstra @nbp
/lib/systems @nbp @ericson2314
/lib/generators.nix @edolstra @nbp @Profpatsch
/lib/debug.nix @edolstra @nbp @Profpatsch
# Nixpkgs Internals
/default.nix @nbp
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ manual-full.xml: ${MD_TARGETS} .version *.xml
nix-instantiate --eval \
-E '(import ../lib).nixpkgsVersion' > .version
-E '(import ../lib).version' > .version
pandoc $^ -w docbook+smart \
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
An example of such a tool is LLVM.
Although the existance of a "target platfom" is arguably a historical mistake, it is a common one: examples of tools that suffer from it are GCC, Binutils, GHC and Autoconf.
Although the existence of a "target platfom" is arguably a historical mistake, it is a common one: examples of tools that suffer from it are GCC, Binutils, GHC and Autoconf.
Nixpkgs tries to avoid sharing in the mistake where possible.
Still, because the concept of a target platform is so ingrained, it is best to support it as is.
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
postPatch = ''
echo ${lib.nixpkgsVersion} > .version
echo ${lib.version} > .version
installPhase = ''
@ -294,6 +294,22 @@ merge:"diff3"
<section xml:id="sec-debug">
<title>Debugging Nix Expressions</title>
<para>Nix is a unityped, dynamic language, this means every value can
potentially appear anywhere. Since it is also non-strict, evaluation order
and what ultimately is evaluated might surprise you. Therefore it is important
to be able to debug nix expressions.</para>
<para>In the <literal>lib/debug.nix</literal> file you will find a number of
functions that help (pretty-)printing values while evaluation is runnnig. You
can even specify how deep these values should be printed recursively, and
transform them on the fly. Please consult the docstrings in
<literal>lib/debug.nix</literal> for usage information.</para>
<section xml:id="sec-fhs-environments">
@ -1,34 +1,67 @@
/* Collection of functions useful for debugging
broken nix expressions.
* `trace`-like functions take two values, print
the first to stderr and return the second.
* `traceVal`-like functions take one argument
which both printed and returned.
* `traceSeq`-like functions fully evaluate their
traced value before printing (not just to “weak
head normal form” like trace does by default).
* Functions that end in `-Fn` take an additional
function as their first argument, which is applied
to the traced value before it is printed.
{ lib }:
inherit (builtins) trace attrNamesToStr isAttrs isList isInt
isString isBool head substring attrNames;
inherit (lib) all id mapAttrsFlatten elem isFunction;
inherit (builtins) trace isAttrs isList isInt
head substring attrNames;
inherit (lib) id elem isFunction;
rec {
inherit (builtins) addErrorContext;
# -- TRACING --
addErrorContextToAttrs = lib.mapAttrs (a: v: lib.addErrorContext "while evaluating ${a}" v);
/* Trace msg, but only if pred is true.
traceIf = p: msg: x: if p then trace msg x else x;
traceIf true "hello" 3
trace: hello
=> 3
traceIf = pred: msg: x: if pred then trace msg x else x;
traceVal = x: trace x x;
traceXMLVal = x: trace (builtins.toXML x) x;
traceXMLValMarked = str: x: trace (str + builtins.toXML x) x;
/* Trace the value and also return it.
# strict trace functions (traced structure is fully evaluated and printed)
traceValFn (v: "mystring ${v}") "foo"
trace: mystring foo
=> "foo"
traceValFn = f: x: trace (f x) x;
traceVal = traceValFn id;
/* `builtins.trace`, but the value is `builtins.deepSeq`ed first. */
/* `builtins.trace`, but the value is `builtins.deepSeq`ed first.
trace { a.b.c = 3; } null
trace: { a = <CODE>; }
=> null
traceSeq { a.b.c = 3; } null
trace: { a = { b = { c = 3; }; }; }
=> null
traceSeq = x: y: trace (builtins.deepSeq x x) y;
/* Like `traceSeq`, but only down to depth n.
* This is very useful because lots of `traceSeq` usages
* lead to an infinite recursion.
/* Like `traceSeq`, but only evaluate down to depth n.
This is very useful because lots of `traceSeq` usages
lead to an infinite recursion.
traceSeqN 2 { a.b.c = 3; } null
trace: { a = { b = {…}; }; }
=> null
traceSeqN = depth: x: y: with lib;
let snip = v: if isList v then noQuotes "[…]" v
@ -43,39 +76,16 @@ rec {
in trace (generators.toPretty { allowPrettyValues = true; }
(modify depth snip x)) y;
/* `traceSeq`, but the same value is traced and returned */
traceValSeq = v: traceVal (builtins.deepSeq v v);
/* `traceValSeq` but with fixed depth */
traceValSeqN = depth: v: traceSeqN depth v v;
/* A combination of `traceVal` and `traceSeq` */
traceValSeqFn = f: v: traceVal f (builtins.deepSeq v v);
traceValSeq = traceValSeqFn id;
/* A combination of `traceVal` and `traceSeqN`. */
traceValSeqNFn = f: depth: v: traceSeqN depth (f v) v;
traceValSeqN = traceValSeqNFn id;
# this can help debug your code as well - designed to not produce thousands of lines
traceShowVal = x: trace (showVal x) x;
traceShowValMarked = str: x: trace (str + showVal x) x;
attrNamesToStr = a: lib.concatStringsSep "; " (map (x: "${x}=") (attrNames a));
showVal = x:
if isAttrs x then
if x ? outPath then "x is a derivation, name ${if x ? name then else "<no name>"}, { ${attrNamesToStr x} }"
else "x is attr set { ${attrNamesToStr x} }"
else if isFunction x then "x is a function"
else if x == [] then "x is an empty list"
else if isList x then "x is a list, first element is: ${showVal (head x)}"
else if x == true then "x is boolean true"
else if x == false then "x is boolean false"
else if x == null then "x is null"
else if isInt x then "x is an integer `${toString x}'"
else if isString x then "x is a string `${substring 0 50 x}...'"
else "x is probably a path `${substring 0 50 (toString x)}...'";
# trace the arguments passed to function and its result
# maybe rewrite these functions in a traceCallXml like style. Then one function is enough
traceCall = n: f: a: let t = n2: x: traceShowValMarked "${n} ${n2}:" x; in t "result" (f (t "arg 1" a));
traceCall2 = n: f: a: b: let t = n2: x: traceShowValMarked "${n} ${n2}:" x; in t "result" (f (t "arg 1" a) (t "arg 2" b));
traceCall3 = n: f: a: b: c: let t = n2: x: traceShowValMarked "${n} ${n2}:" x; in t "result" (f (t "arg 1" a) (t "arg 2" b) (t "arg 3" c));
# FIXME: rename this?
traceValIfNot = c: x:
if c x then true else trace (showVal x) false;
# -- TESTING --
/* Evaluate a set of tests. A test is an attribute set {expr,
expected}, denoting an expression and its expected result. The
@ -99,9 +109,68 @@ rec {
# usage: { testX = allTrue [ true ]; }
testAllTrue = expr: { inherit expr; expected = map (x: true) expr; };
strict = v:
trace "Warning: strict is deprecated and will be removed in the next release"
(builtins.seq v v);
traceShowVal = x: trace (showVal x) x;
traceShowValMarked = str: x: trace (str + showVal x) x;
attrNamesToStr = a:
trace ( "Warning: `attrNamesToStr` is deprecated "
+ "and will be removed in the next release. "
+ "Please use more specific concatenation "
+ "for your uses (`lib.concat(Map)StringsSep`)." )
(lib.concatStringsSep "; " (map (x: "${x}=") (attrNames a)));
showVal = with lib;
trace ( "Warning: `showVal` is deprecated "
+ "and will be removed in the next release, "
+ "please use `traceSeqN`" )
modify = v:
let pr = f: { __pretty = f; val = v; };
in if isDerivation v then pr
(drv: "<δ:${}:${concatStringsSep ","
(attrNames drv)}>")
else if [] == v then pr (const "[]")
else if isList v then pr (l: "[ ${go (head l)}, … ]")
else if isAttrs v then pr
(a: "{ ${ concatStringsSep ", " (attrNames a)} }")
else v;
go = x: generators.toPretty
{ allowPrettyValues = true; }
(modify x);
in go);
traceXMLVal = x:
trace ( "Warning: `traceXMLVal` is deprecated "
+ "and will be removed in the next release. "
+ "Please use `traceValFn builtins.toXML`." )
(trace (builtins.toXML x) x);
traceXMLValMarked = str: x:
trace ( "Warning: `traceXMLValMarked` is deprecated "
+ "and will be removed in the next release. "
+ "Please use `traceValFn (x: str + builtins.toXML x)`." )
(trace (str + builtins.toXML x) x);
# trace the arguments passed to function and its result
# maybe rewrite these functions in a traceCallXml like style. Then one function is enough
traceCall = n: f: a: let t = n2: x: traceShowValMarked "${n} ${n2}:" x; in t "result" (f (t "arg 1" a));
traceCall2 = n: f: a: b: let t = n2: x: traceShowValMarked "${n} ${n2}:" x; in t "result" (f (t "arg 1" a) (t "arg 2" b));
traceCall3 = n: f: a: b: c: let t = n2: x: traceShowValMarked "${n} ${n2}:" x; in t "result" (f (t "arg 1" a) (t "arg 2" b) (t "arg 3" c));
traceValIfNot = c: x:
trace ( "Warning: `traceValIfNot` is deprecated "
+ "and will be removed in the next release. "
+ "Please use `if/then/else` and `traceValSeq 1`.")
(if c x then true else traceSeq (showVal x) false);
addErrorContextToAttrs = attrs:
trace ( "Warning: `addErrorContextToAttrs` is deprecated "
+ "and will be removed in the next release. "
+ "Please use `builtins.addErrorContext` directly." )
(lib.mapAttrs (a: v: lib.addErrorContext "while evaluating ${a}" v) attrs);
# example: (traceCallXml "myfun" id 3) will output something like
# calling myfun arg 1: 3 result: 3
@ -109,17 +178,20 @@ rec {
# note: if result doesn't evaluate you'll get no trace at all (FIXME)
# args should be printed in any case
traceCallXml = a:
if !isInt a then
trace ( "Warning: `traceCallXml` is deprecated "
+ "and will be removed in the next release. "
+ "Please complain if you use the function regularly." )
(if !isInt a then
traceCallXml 1 "calling ${a}\n"
let nr = a;
in (str: expr:
if isFunction expr then
traceCallXml (builtins.add 1 nr) "${str}\n arg ${builtins.toString nr} is \n ${builtins.toXML (strict arg)}" (expr arg)
traceCallXml (builtins.add 1 nr) "${str}\n arg ${builtins.toString nr} is \n ${builtins.toXML (builtins.seq arg arg)}" (expr arg)
let r = strict expr;
let r = builtins.seq expr expr;
in trace "${str}\n result:\n${builtins.toXML r}" r
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ let
replaceStrings seq stringLength sub substring tail;
inherit (trivial) id const concat or and boolToString mergeAttrs
flip mapNullable inNixShell min max importJSON warn info
nixpkgsVersion mod compare splitByAndCompare
nixpkgsVersion version mod compare splitByAndCompare
functionArgs setFunctionArgs isFunction;
inherit (fixedPoints) fix fix' extends composeExtensions
@ -115,11 +115,12 @@ let
unknownModule mkOption;
inherit (types) isType setType defaultTypeMerge defaultFunctor
isOptionType mkOptionType;
inherit (debug) addErrorContextToAttrs traceIf traceVal
inherit (debug) addErrorContextToAttrs traceIf traceVal traceValFn
traceXMLVal traceXMLValMarked traceSeq traceSeqN traceValSeq
traceValSeqN traceShowVal traceShowValMarked
showVal traceCall traceCall2 traceCall3 traceValIfNot runTests
testAllTrue strict traceCallXml attrNamesToStr;
traceValSeqFn traceValSeqN traceValSeqNFn traceShowVal
traceShowValMarked showVal traceCall traceCall2 traceCall3
traceValIfNot runTests testAllTrue traceCallXml
inherit (misc) maybeEnv defaultMergeArg defaultMerge foldArgs
defaultOverridableDelayableArgs composedArgsAndFun
maybeAttrNullable maybeAttr ifEnable checkFlag getValue
@ -143,18 +143,13 @@ rec {
(This means fn is type Val -> String.) */
allowPrettyValues ? false
}@args: v: with builtins;
if isInt v then toString v
let isPath = v: typeOf v == "path";
in if isInt v then toString v
else if isString v then ''"${libStr.escape [''"''] v}"''
else if true == v then "true"
else if false == v then "false"
else if null == v then "null"
else if isFunction v then
let fna = lib.functionArgs v;
showFnas = concatStringsSep "," (libAttr.mapAttrsToList
(name: hasDefVal: if hasDefVal then "(${name})" else name)
in if fna == {} then "<λ>"
else "<λ:{${showFnas}}>"
else if isPath v then toString v
else if isList v then "[ "
+ libStr.concatMapStringsSep " " (toPretty args) v
+ " ]"
@ -163,12 +158,21 @@ rec {
if attrNames v == [ "__pretty" "val" ] && allowPrettyValues
then v.__pretty v.val
# TODO: there is probably a better representation?
else if v ? type && v.type == "derivation" then "<δ>"
else if v ? type && v.type == "derivation" then
# "<δ:${concatStringsSep "," (builtins.attrNames v)}>"
else "{ "
+ libStr.concatStringsSep " " (libAttr.mapAttrsToList
(name: value:
"${toPretty args name} = ${toPretty args value};") v)
+ " }"
else abort "generators.toPretty: should never happen (v = ${v})";
else if isFunction v then
let fna = lib.functionArgs v;
showFnas = concatStringsSep "," (libAttr.mapAttrsToList
(name: hasDefVal: if hasDefVal then "(${name})" else name)
in if fna == {} then "<λ>"
else "<λ:{${showFnas}}>"
else abort "toPretty: should never happen (v = ${v})";
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ rec {
context = name: ''while evaluating the module argument `${name}' in "${key}":'';
extraArgs = builtins.listToAttrs (map (name: {
inherit name;
value = addErrorContext (context name)
value = builtins.addErrorContext (context name)
(args.${name} or config._module.args.${name});
}) requiredArgs);
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ rec {
in opt //
{ value = addErrorContext "while evaluating the option `${showOption loc}':" value;
{ value = builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating the option `${showOption loc}':" value;
definitions = map (def: def.value) res.defsFinal;
files = map (def: def.file) res.defsFinal;
inherit (res) isDefined;
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ in rec {
none = [];
arm = filterDoubles predicates.isArm;
arm = filterDoubles predicates.isAarch32;
aarch64 = filterDoubles predicates.isAarch64;
x86 = filterDoubles predicates.isx86;
i686 = filterDoubles predicates.isi686;
@ -88,16 +88,36 @@ rec {
iphone64 = {
config = "aarch64-apple-darwin14";
arch = "arm64";
libc = "libSystem";
config = "aarch64-apple-ios";
# config = "aarch64-apple-darwin14";
sdkVer = "10.2";
useiOSPrebuilt = true;
platform = {};
iphone32 = {
config = "arm-apple-darwin10";
arch = "armv7-a";
libc = "libSystem";
config = "armv7-apple-ios";
# config = "arm-apple-darwin10";
sdkVer = "10.2";
useiOSPrebuilt = true;
platform = {};
iphone64-simulator = {
config = "x86_64-apple-ios";
# config = "x86_64-apple-darwin14";
sdkVer = "10.2";
useiOSPrebuilt = true;
isiPhoneSimulator = true;
platform = {};
iphone32-simulator = {
config = "i686-apple-ios";
# config = "i386-apple-darwin11";
sdkVer = "10.2";
useiOSPrebuilt = true;
isiPhoneSimulator = true;
platform = {};
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ in rec {
all = [ {} ]; # `{}` matches anything
none = [];
arm = [ patterns.isArm ];
arm = [ patterns.isAarch32 ];
aarch64 = [ patterns.isAarch64 ];
x86 = [ patterns.isx86 ];
i686 = [ patterns.isi686 ];
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ rec {
isx86_64 = { cpu = cpuTypes.x86_64; };
isPowerPC = { cpu = cpuTypes.powerpc; };
isx86 = { cpu = { family = "x86"; }; };
isArm = { cpu = { family = "arm"; }; };
isAarch64 = { cpu = { family = "aarch64"; }; };
isAarch32 = { cpu = { family = "arm"; bits = 32; }; };
isAarch64 = { cpu = { family = "arm"; bits = 64; }; };
isMips = { cpu = { family = "mips"; }; };
isRiscV = { cpu = { family = "riscv"; }; };
isWasm = { cpu = { family = "wasm"; }; };
@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ rec {
isEfi = map (family: { = family; })
[ "x86" "arm" "aarch64" ];
# Deprecated after 18.03
isArm = isAarch32;
matchAnyAttrs = patterns:
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ rec {
armv6l = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; };
armv7a = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; };
armv7l = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; };
aarch64 = { bits = 64; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "aarch64"; };
aarch64 = { bits = 64; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; };
i686 = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "x86"; };
x86_64 = { bits = 64; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "x86"; };
mips = { bits = 32; significantByte = bigEndian; family = "mips"; };
@ -317,7 +317,8 @@ runTests {
expr = mapAttrs (const (generators.toPretty {})) rec {
int = 42;
bool = true;
string = "fnord";
string = ''fno"rd'';
path = /. + "/foo"; # toPath returns a string
null_ = null;
function = x: x;
functionArgs = { arg ? 4, foo }: arg;
@ -328,13 +329,14 @@ runTests {
expected = rec {
int = "42";
bool = "true";
string = "\"fnord\"";
string = ''"fno\"rd"'';
path = "/foo";
null_ = "null";
function = "<λ>";
functionArgs = "<λ:{(arg),foo}>";
list = "[ 3 4 ${function} [ false ] ]";
attrs = "{ \"foo\" = null; \"foo bar\" = \"baz\"; }";
drv = "<δ>";
drv = "<δ:test>";
@ -58,11 +58,14 @@ rec {
inherit (lib.strings) fileContents;
release = fileContents ../.version;
versionSuffix = let suffixFile = ../.version-suffix; in
if pathExists suffixFile then fileContents suffixFile else "pre-git";
# Return the Nixpkgs version number.
nixpkgsVersion =
let suffixFile = ../.version-suffix; in
fileContents ../.version
+ (if pathExists suffixFile then fileContents suffixFile else "pre-git");
version = release + versionSuffix;
nixpkgsVersion = builtins.trace "`lib.nixpkgsVersion` is deprecated, use `lib.version` instead!" version;
# Whether we're being called by nix-shell.
inNixShell = builtins.getEnv "IN_NIX_SHELL" != "";
@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@
name = "Mabry Cervin";
eqyiel = {
email = "";
email = "";
github = "eqyiel";
name = "Ruben Maher";
@ -1726,6 +1726,11 @@
github = "jbedo";
name = "Justin Bedő";
jbgi = {
email = "";
github = "jbgi";
name = "Jean-Baptiste Giraudeau";
jcumming = {
email = "";
name = "Jack Cummings";
@ -1755,6 +1760,11 @@
github = "tftio";
name = "James Felix Black";
jflanglois = {
email = "";
github = "jflanglois";
name = "Julien Langlois";
jfrankenau = {
email = "";
github = "jfrankenau";
@ -2521,6 +2531,11 @@
github = "fstamour";
name = "Francis St-Amour";
mrkkrp = {
email = "";
github = "mrkkrp";
name = "Mark Karpov";
mrVanDalo = {
email = "";
github = "mrVanDalo";
@ -4039,7 +4054,7 @@
xeji = {
email = "";
github = "xeji";
name = "xeji";
name = "Uli Baum";
xnaveira = {
email = "";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
nix-shell --packages xmloscopy \
--run 'xmloscopy --docbook5 ./manual.xml ./manual-combined.xml'
generated: ./options-to-docbook.xsl
nix-build ../../release.nix \
--attr manualGeneratedSources.x86_64-linux \
--out-link ./generated
@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ this unit automatically at certain points in time, for instance, every
night at 03:15:
nix.gc.automatic = true;
nix.gc.dates = "03:15";
<xref linkend="opt-nix.gc.automatic"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-nix.gc.dates"/> = "03:15";
@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ IP address. This can be accomplished using the following configuration
on the host:
networking.nat.enable = true;
networking.nat.internalInterfaces = ["ve-+"];
networking.nat.externalInterface = "eth0";
<xref linkend="opt-networking.nat.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-networking.nat.internalInterfaces"/> = ["ve-+"];
<xref linkend="opt-networking.nat.externalInterface"/> = "eth0";
where <literal>eth0</literal> should be replaced with the desired
external interface. Note that <literal>ve-+</literal> is a wildcard
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ would get 1/1001 of the cgroup’s CPU time.) You can limit a service’s
CPU share in <filename>configuration.nix</filename>:
|||| = 512;
<link linkend=""></link>.CPUShares = 512;
By default, every cgroup has 1024 CPU shares, so this will halve the
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ available memory. Per-cgroup memory limits can be specified in
<literal>httpd.service</literal> to 512 MiB of RAM (excluding swap):
|||| = "512M";
<link linkend=""></link>.MemoryLimit = "512M";
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ following specifies that there shall be a container named
containers.database =
{ config =
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
{ services.postgresql.enable = true;
services.postgresql.package = pkgs.postgresql96;
{ <xref linkend="opt-services.postgresql.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.postgresql.package"/> = pkgs.postgresql96;
@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ ports. However, they cannot change the network configuration. You can
give a container its own network as follows:
containers.database =
{ privateNetwork = true;
hostAddress = "";
localAddress = "";
containers.database = {
<link linkend="opt-containers._name_.privateNetwork">privateNetwork</link> = true;
<link linkend="opt-containers._name_.hostAddress">hostAddress</link> = "";
<link linkend="opt-containers._name_.localAddress">localAddress</link> = "";
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ line. For instance, to create a container that has
# nixos-container create foo --config '
services.openssh.enable = true;
users.extraUsers.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = ["ssh-dss AAAAB3N…"];
<xref linkend="opt-services.openssh.enable"/> = true;
<link linkend="opt-users.users._name__.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys">users.extraUsers.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys</link> = ["ssh-dss AAAAB3N…"];
@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ specify a new configuration on the command line:
# nixos-container update foo --config '
services.httpd.enable = true;
services.httpd.adminAddr = "";
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 ];
<xref linkend="opt-services.httpd.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.httpd.adminAddr"/> = "";
<xref linkend="opt-networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts"/> = [ 80 ];
# curl http://$(nixos-container show-ip foo)/
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ to abstract. Take, for instance, this Apache HTTP Server configuration:
services.httpd.virtualHosts =
<xref linkend="opt-services.httpd.virtualHosts"/> =
[ { hostName = "";
documentRoot = "/webroot";
adminAddr = "";
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ let
services.httpd.virtualHosts =
<xref linkend="opt-services.httpd.virtualHosts"/> =
[ exampleOrgCommon
(exampleOrgCommon // {
enableSSL = true;
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ allowed. Thus, you also could have written:
services.httpd.virtualHosts =
<xref linkend="opt-services.httpd.virtualHosts"/> =
let exampleOrgCommon = <replaceable>...</replaceable>; in
[ exampleOrgCommon
(exampleOrgCommon // { <replaceable>...</replaceable> })
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ the host name. This can be done as follows:
services.httpd.virtualHosts =
<xref linkend="opt-services.httpd.virtualHosts"/> =
makeVirtualHost = name:
{ hostName = name;
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ element in a list:
services.httpd.virtualHosts =
<xref linkend="opt-services.httpd.virtualHosts"/> =
makeVirtualHost = <replaceable>...</replaceable>;
in map makeVirtualHost
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ function that takes a <emphasis>set</emphasis> as its argument, like this:
services.httpd.virtualHosts =
<xref linkend="opt-services.httpd.virtualHosts"/> =
makeVirtualHost = { name, root }:
{ hostName = name;
@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
<title>Ad-Hoc Configuration</title>
<para>You can use <option>networking.localCommands</option> to specify
<para>You can use <xref linkend="opt-networking.localCommands"/> to specify
shell commands to be run at the end of
<literal>network-setup.service</literal>. This is useful for doing
network configuration not covered by the existing NixOS modules. For
instance, to statically configure an IPv6 address:
networking.localCommands =
<xref linkend="opt-networking.localCommands"/> =
ip -6 addr add 2001:610:685:1::1/64 dev eth0
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ manual. Finally, you add it to
<literal>environment.systemPackages</literal>, e.g.
environment.systemPackages = [ ];
<xref linkend="opt-environment.systemPackages"/> = [ ];
and you run <command>nixos-rebuild</command>, specifying your own
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Nixpkgs tree. For instance, here is how you specify a build of the
package directly in <filename>configuration.nix</filename>:
environment.systemPackages =
<xref linkend="opt-environment.systemPackages"/> =
my-hello = with pkgs; stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "hello-2.8";
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ environment.systemPackages =
Of course, you can also move the definition of
<literal>my-hello</literal> into a separate Nix expression, e.g.
environment.systemPackages = [ (import ./my-hello.nix) ];
<xref linkend="opt-environment.systemPackages"/> = [ (import ./my-hello.nix) ];
where <filename>my-hello.nix</filename> contains:
@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ form <literal><replaceable>name</replaceable> =
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
{ services.httpd.enable = true;
services.httpd.adminAddr = "";
services.httpd.documentRoot = "/webroot";
{ <xref linkend="opt-services.httpd.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.httpd.adminAddr"/> = "";
<xref linkend="opt-services.httpd.documentRoot"/> = "/webroot";
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ the document root.</para>
<para>Sets can be nested, and in fact dots in option names are
shorthand for defining a set containing another set. For instance,
<option>services.httpd.enable</option> defines a set named
<xref linkend="opt-services.httpd.enable"/> defines a set named
<varname>services</varname> that contains a set named
<varname>httpd</varname>, which in turn contains an option definition
named <varname>enable</varname> with value <literal>true</literal>.
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ The option value `services.httpd.enable' in `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix' is no
<para>Strings are enclosed in double quotes, e.g.
networking.hostName = "dexter";
<xref linkend="opt-networking.hostName"/> = "dexter";
Special characters can be escaped by prefixing them with a
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ networking.hostName = "dexter";
single quotes</emphasis>, e.g.
networking.extraHosts =
<xref linkend="opt-networking.extraHosts"/> =
|||| other-localhost
|||| server
@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ networking.extraHosts =
<literal>false</literal>, e.g.
networking.firewall.enable = true;
networking.firewall.allowPing = false;
<xref linkend="opt-networking.firewall.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-networking.firewall.allowPing"/> = false;
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ networking.firewall.allowPing = false;
<para>For example,
boot.kernel.sysctl."net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time" = 60;
<xref linkend="opt-boot.kernel.sysctl"/>."net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time" = 60;
(Note that here the attribute name
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ boot.kernel.sysctl."net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time" = 60;
enclosed in braces, as in the option definition
fileSystems."/boot" =
<xref linkend="opt-fileSystems"/>."/boot" =
{ device = "/dev/sda1";
fsType = "ext4";
options = [ "rw" "data=ordered" "relatime" ];
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ fileSystems."/boot" =
elements are separated by whitespace, like this:
boot.kernelModules = [ "fuse" "kvm-intel" "coretemp" ];
<xref linkend="opt-boot.kernelModules"/> = [ "fuse" "kvm-intel" "coretemp" ];
List elements can be any other type, e.g. sets:
@ -195,12 +195,12 @@ swapDevices = [ { device = "/dev/disk/by-label/swap"; } ];
the function argument <varname>pkgs</varname>. Typical uses:
environment.systemPackages =
<xref linkend="opt-environment.systemPackages"/> =
[ pkgs.thunderbird
postgresql.package = pkgs.postgresql90;
<xref linkend="opt-services.postgresql.package"/> = pkgs.postgresql90;
The latter option definition changes the default PostgreSQL
@ -25,9 +25,8 @@ effect after you run <command>nixos-rebuild</command>.</para>
<xi:include href="networking.xml" />
<xi:include href="linux-kernel.xml" />
<xi:include href="modules.xml" xpointer="xpointer(//section[@id='modules']/*)" />
<xi:include href="../generated/modules.xml" xpointer="xpointer(//section[@id='modules']/*)" />
<!-- Apache; libvirtd virtualisation -->
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ has a dependency on GTK+ 2. If you want to build it against GTK+ 3,
you can specify that as follows:
environment.systemPackages = [ (pkgs.emacs.override { gtk = pkgs.gtk3; }) ];
<xref linkend="opt-environment.systemPackages"/> = [ (pkgs.emacs.override { gtk = pkgs.gtk3; }) ];
The function <varname>override</varname> performs the call to the Nix
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ the set of arguments specified by you. So here the function argument
causing Emacs to depend on GTK+ 3. (The parentheses are necessary
because in Nix, function application binds more weakly than list
construction, so without them,
<literal>environment.systemPackages</literal> would be a list with two
<xref linkend="opt-environment.systemPackages"/> would be a list with two
<para>Even greater customisation is possible using the function
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ For instance, if you want to override the source code of Emacs, you
can say:
environment.systemPackages = [
<xref linkend="opt-environment.systemPackages"/> = [
(pkgs.emacs.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
name = "emacs-25.0-pre";
src = /path/to/my/emacs/tree;
@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
<para>With declarative package management, you specify which packages
you want on your system by setting the option
<option>environment.systemPackages</option>. For instance, adding the
<xref linkend="opt-environment.systemPackages"/>. For instance, adding the
following line to <filename>configuration.nix</filename> enables the
Mozilla Thunderbird email application:
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.thunderbird ];
<xref linkend="opt-environment.systemPackages"/> = [ pkgs.thunderbird ];
The effect of this specification is that the Thunderbird package from
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ name</emphasis>, such as
different channels that you might have.)</para>
<para>To “uninstall” a package, simply remove it from
<option>environment.systemPackages</option> and run
<xref linkend="opt-environment.systemPackages"/> and run
<command>nixos-rebuild switch</command>.</para>
<xi:include href="customizing-packages.xml" />
@ -13,21 +13,21 @@ device <filename>/dev/disk/by-label/data</filename> onto the mount
point <filename>/data</filename>:
fileSystems."/data" =
<xref linkend="opt-fileSystems"/>."/data" =
{ device = "/dev/disk/by-label/data";
fsType = "ext4";
Mount points are created automatically if they don’t already exist.
For <option>device</option>, it’s best to use the topology-independent
For <option><link linkend="opt-fileSystems._name__.device">device</link></option>, it’s best to use the topology-independent
device aliases in <filename>/dev/disk/by-label</filename> and
<filename>/dev/disk/by-uuid</filename>, as these don’t change if the
topology changes (e.g. if a disk is moved to another IDE
<para>You can usually omit the file system type
(<option>fsType</option>), since <command>mount</command> can usually
(<option><link linkend="opt-fileSystems._name__.fsType">fsType</link></option>), since <command>mount</command> can usually
detect the type and load the necessary kernel module automatically.
However, if the file system is needed at early boot (in the initial
ramdisk) and is not <literal>ext2</literal>, <literal>ext3</literal>
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ available.</para>
<note><para>System startup will fail if any of the filesystems fails to mount,
dropping you to the emergency shell.
You can make a mount asynchronous and non-critical by adding
<literal>options = [ "nofail" ];</literal>.
<literal><link linkend="opt-fileSystems._name__.options">options</link> = [ "nofail" ];</literal>.
<xi:include href="luks-file-systems.xml" />
@ -12,37 +12,37 @@ both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. It is enabled by default. It can be
disabled as follows:
networking.firewall.enable = false;
<xref linkend="opt-networking.firewall.enable"/> = false;
If the firewall is enabled, you can open specific TCP ports to the
outside world:
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];
<xref linkend="opt-networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts"/> = [ 80 443 ];
Note that TCP port 22 (ssh) is opened automatically if the SSH daemon
is enabled (<option>services.openssh.enable = true</option>). UDP
is enabled (<option><xref linkend="opt-services.openssh.enable"/> = true</option>). UDP
ports can be opened through
<xref linkend="opt-networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts"/>.</para>
<para>To open ranges of TCP ports:
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPortRanges = [
<xref linkend="opt-networking.firewall.allowedTCPPortRanges"/> = [
{ from = 4000; to = 4007; }
{ from = 8000; to = 8010; }
Similarly, UDP port ranges can be opened through
<xref linkend="opt-networking.firewall.allowedUDPPortRanges"/>.</para>
<para>Also of interest is
networking.firewall.allowPing = true;
<xref linkend="opt-networking.firewall.allowPing"/> = true;
to allow the machine to respond to ping requests. (ICMPv6 pings are
@ -12,15 +12,18 @@ interfaces. However, you can configure an interface manually as
networking.interfaces.eth0.ipv4.addresses = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; } ];
<link linkend="opt-networking.interfaces._name__.ipv4.addresses">networking.interfaces.eth0.ipv4.addresses</link> = [ {
address = "";
prefixLength = 24;
} ];
Typically you’ll also want to set a default gateway and set of name
networking.defaultGateway = "";
networking.nameservers = [ "" ];
<xref linkend="opt-networking.defaultGateway"/> = "";
<xref linkend="opt-networking.nameservers"/> = [ "" ];
@ -31,10 +34,10 @@ service
The default gateway and name server configuration is performed by
<para>The host name is set using <option>networking.hostName</option>:
<para>The host name is set using <xref linkend="opt-networking.hostName"/>:
networking.hostName = "cartman";
<xref linkend="opt-networking.hostName"/> = "cartman";
The default host name is <literal>nixos</literal>. Set it to the
@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ is used to automatically assign IPv6 addresses to all interfaces. You
can disable IPv6 support globally by setting:
networking.enableIPv6 = false;
<xref linkend="opt-networking.enableIPv6"/> = false;
<para>You can disable IPv6 on a single interface using a normal sysctl (in this
example, we use interface <varname>eth0</varname>):
boot.kernel.sysctl."net.ipv6.conf.eth0.disable_ipv6" = true;
<xref linkend="opt-boot.kernel.sysctl"/>."net.ipv6.conf.eth0.disable_ipv6" = true;
@ -26,14 +26,17 @@ boot.kernel.sysctl."net.ipv6.conf.eth0.disable_ipv6" = true;
DHCPv6. You can configure an interface manually:
networking.interfaces.eth0.ipv6.addresses = [ { address = "fe00:aa:bb:cc::2"; prefixLength = 64; } ];
<link linkend="opt-networking.interfaces._name__.ipv6.addresses">networking.interfaces.eth0.ipv6.addresses</link> = [ {
address = "fe00:aa:bb:cc::2";
prefixLength = 64;
} ];
<para>For configuring a gateway, optionally with explicitly specified interface:
networking.defaultGateway6 = {
<xref linkend="opt-networking.defaultGateway6"/> = {
address = "fe00::1";
interface = "enp0s3";
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
the option <option>boot.kernelPackages</option>. For instance, this
selects the Linux 3.10 kernel:
boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_3_10;
<xref linkend="opt-boot.kernelPackages"/> = pkgs.linuxPackages_3_10;
Note that this not only replaces the kernel, but also packages that
are specific to the kernel version, such as the NVIDIA video drivers.
@ -45,23 +45,23 @@ is typically <literal>y</literal>, <literal>n</literal> or
<para>Kernel modules for hardware devices are generally loaded
automatically by <command>udev</command>. You can force a module to
be loaded via <option>boot.kernelModules</option>, e.g.
be loaded via <xref linkend="opt-boot.kernelModules"/>, e.g.
boot.kernelModules = [ "fuse" "kvm-intel" "coretemp" ];
<xref linkend="opt-boot.kernelModules"/> = [ "fuse" "kvm-intel" "coretemp" ];
If the module is required early during the boot (e.g. to mount the
root file system), you can use
<xref linkend="opt-boot.initrd.extraKernelModules"/>:
boot.initrd.extraKernelModules = [ "cifs" ];
<xref linkend="opt-boot.initrd.extraKernelModules"/> = [ "cifs" ];
This causes the specified modules and their dependencies to be added
to the initial ramdisk.</para>
<para>Kernel runtime parameters can be set through
<option>boot.kernel.sysctl</option>, e.g.
<xref linkend="opt-boot.kernel.sysctl"/>, e.g.
boot.kernel.sysctl."net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time" = 120;
<xref linkend="opt-boot.kernel.sysctl"/>."net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time" = 120;
sets the kernel’s TCP keepalive time to 120 seconds. To see the
available parameters, run <command>sysctl -a</command>.</para>
@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ as <filename>/</filename>, add the following to
boot.initrd.luks.devices.crypted.device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/3f6b0024-3a44-4fde-a43a-767b872abe5d";
fileSystems."/".device = "/dev/mapper/crypted";
<link linkend="opt-boot.initrd.luks.devices._name__.device">boot.initrd.luks.devices.crypted.device</link> = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/3f6b0024-3a44-4fde-a43a-767b872abe5d";
<xref linkend="opt-fileSystems"/>."/".device = "/dev/mapper/crypted";
Should grub be used as bootloader, and <filename>/boot</filename> is located
on an encrypted partition, it is necessary to add the following grub option:
<programlisting>boot.loader.grub.enableCryptodisk = true;</programlisting>
<programlisting><xref linkend="opt-boot.loader.grub.enableCryptodisk"/> = true;</programlisting>
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ use other modules by including them from
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
{ imports = [ ./vpn.nix ./kde.nix ];
services.httpd.enable = true;
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.emacs ];
<xref linkend="opt-services.httpd.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-environment.systemPackages"/> = [ pkgs.emacs ];
@ -35,25 +35,25 @@ latter might look like this:
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
{ services.xserver.enable = true;
services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.enable = true;
services.xserver.desktopManager.plasma5.enable = true;
{ <xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.desktopManager.plasma5.enable"/> = true;
Note that both <filename>configuration.nix</filename> and
<filename>kde.nix</filename> define the option
<option>environment.systemPackages</option>. When multiple modules
<xref linkend="opt-environment.systemPackages"/>. When multiple modules
define an option, NixOS will try to <emphasis>merge</emphasis> the
definitions. In the case of
<option>environment.systemPackages</option>, that’s easy: the lists of
<xref linkend="opt-environment.systemPackages"/>, that’s easy: the lists of
packages can simply be concatenated. The value in
<filename>configuration.nix</filename> is merged last, so for
list-type options, it will appear at the end of the merged list. If
you want it to appear first, you can use <varname>mkBefore</varname>:
boot.kernelModules = mkBefore [ "kvm-intel" ];
<xref linkend="opt-boot.kernelModules"/> = mkBefore [ "kvm-intel" ];
This causes the <literal>kvm-intel</literal> kernel module to be
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ loaded before any other kernel modules.</para>
<para>For other types of options, a merge may not be possible. For
instance, if two modules define
<xref linkend="opt-services.httpd.adminAddr"/>,
<command>nixos-rebuild</command> will give an error:
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ When that happens, it’s possible to force one definition take
precedence over the others:
services.httpd.adminAddr = pkgs.lib.mkForce "";
<xref linkend="opt-services.httpd.adminAddr"/> = pkgs.lib.mkForce "";
@ -89,15 +89,15 @@ wondering how it’s possible that the (indirect)
is a “lazy” language — it only computes values when they are needed.
This works as long as no individual configuration value depends on
itself.</para></footnote>. For example, here is a module that adds
some packages to <option>environment.systemPackages</option> only if
<option>services.xserver.enable</option> is set to
some packages to <xref linkend="opt-environment.systemPackages"/> only if
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.enable"/> is set to
<literal>true</literal> somewhere else:
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
{ environment.systemPackages =
if then
{ <xref linkend="opt-environment.systemPackages"/> =
if config.<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.enable"/> then
[ pkgs.firefox
@ -113,10 +113,10 @@ value of a configuration option is. The command
<option>nixos-option</option> allows you to find out:
$ nixos-option services.xserver.enable
$ nixos-option <xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.enable"/>
$ nixos-option boot.kernelModules
$ nixos-option <xref linkend="opt-boot.kernelModules"/>
[ "tun" "ipv6" "loop" <replaceable>...</replaceable> ]
@ -130,10 +130,10 @@ typical use:
$ nix-repl '<nixpkgs/nixos>'
nix-repl> config.networking.hostName
nix-repl> config.<xref linkend="opt-networking.hostName"/>
nix-repl> map (x: x.hostName)
nix-repl> map (x: x.hostName) config.<xref linkend="opt-services.httpd.virtualHosts"/>
[ "" "" ]
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
use NetworkManager. You can enable NetworkManager by setting:
networking.networkmanager.enable = true;
<xref linkend="opt-networking.networkmanager.enable"/> = true;
some desktop managers (e.g., GNOME) enable NetworkManager
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ automatically for you.</para>
belong to the <code>networkmanager</code> group:
users.extraUsers.youruser.extraGroups = [ "networkmanager" ];
<link linkend="opt-users.users._name__.extraGroups">users.extraUsers.youruser.extraGroups</link> = [ "networkmanager" ];
@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
services.openssh.enable = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.openssh.enable"/> = true;
By default, root logins using a password are disallowed. They can be
disabled entirely by setting
<literal>services.openssh.permitRootLogin</literal> to
<xref linkend="opt-services.openssh.permitRootLogin"/> to
<para>You can declaratively specify authorised RSA/DSA public keys for
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ a user as follows:
<!-- FIXME: this might not work if the user is unmanaged. -->
users.extraUsers.alice.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys =
<link linkend="opt-users.users._name__.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys">users.extraUsers.alice.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys</link> =
[ "ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAPIkGWVEt4..." ];
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ manual</link> for the rest.</para>
<entry><literal>{ x = 1; y = 2; }</literal></entry>
<entry>An set with attributes names <literal>x</literal> and <literal>y</literal></entry>
<entry>A set with attributes named <literal>x</literal> and <literal>y</literal></entry>
<entry><literal>{ = 1; }</literal></entry>
@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ management. In the declarative style, users are specified in
states that a user account named <literal>alice</literal> shall exist:
users.users.alice =
{ isNormalUser = true;
home = "/home/alice";
description = "Alice Foobar";
extraGroups = [ "wheel" "networkmanager" ];
openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "ssh-dss AAAAB3Nza... alice@foobar" ];
<xref linkend="opt-users.users"/>.alice = {
<link linkend="opt-users.users._name__.isNormalUser">isNormalUser</link> = true;
<link linkend="opt-users.users._name__.home">home</link> = "/home/alice";
<link linkend="opt-users.users._name__.description">description</link> = "Alice Foobar";
<link linkend="opt-users.users._name__.extraGroups">extraGroups</link> = [ "wheel" "networkmanager" ];
<link linkend="opt-users.users._name__.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys">openssh.authorizedKeys.keys</link> = [ "ssh-dss AAAAB3Nza... alice@foobar" ];
@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ a password. However, you can use the <command>passwd</command> program
to set a password, which is retained across invocations of
<para>If you set users.mutableUsers to false, then the contents of /etc/passwd
and /etc/group will be congruent to your NixOS configuration. For instance,
if you remove a user from users.users and run nixos-rebuild, the user
account will cease to exist. Also, imperative commands for managing users
<para>If you set <xref linkend="opt-users.mutableUsers"/> to false, then the contents of
<literal>/etc/passwd</literal> and <literal>/etc/group</literal> will be congruent to
your NixOS configuration. For instance, if you remove a user from <xref linkend="opt-users.users"/>
and run nixos-rebuild, the user account will cease to exist. Also, imperative commands for managing users
and groups, such as useradd, are no longer available. Passwords may still be
assigned by setting the user's <literal>hashedPassword</literal> option. A
hashed password can be generated using <command>mkpasswd -m sha-512</command>
assigned by setting the user's <link linkend="opt-users.users._name__.hashedPassword">hashedPassword</link>
option. A hashed password can be generated using <command>mkpasswd -m sha-512</command>
after installing the <literal>mkpasswd</literal> package.</para>
<para>A user ID (uid) is assigned automatically. You can also specify
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ to the user specification.</para>
group named <literal>students</literal> shall exist:
users.groups.students.gid = 1000;
<xref linkend="opt-users.groups"/>.students.gid = 1000;
As with users, the group ID (gid) is optional and will be assigned
@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ section on wireless networks.</para>
NixOS will start wpa_supplicant for you if you enable this setting:
networking.wireless.enable = true;
<xref linkend="opt-networking.wireless.enable"/> = true;
NixOS lets you specify networks for wpa_supplicant declaratively:
networking.wireless.networks = {
<xref linkend="opt-networking.wireless.networks"/> = {
echelon = {
psk = "abcdefgh";
@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
<para>The X Window System (X11) provides the basis of NixOS’ graphical
user interface. It can be enabled as follows:
services.xserver.enable = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.enable"/> = true;
The X server will automatically detect and use the appropriate video
driver from a set of drivers (such as <literal>vesa</literal>
and <literal>intel</literal>). You can also specify a driver
manually, e.g.
services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "r128" ];
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.videoDrivers"/> = [ "r128" ];
to enable’s <literal>xf86-video-r128</literal> driver.</para>
@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ Otherwise, you can only log into a plain undecorated
<command>xterm</command> window. Thus you should pick one or more of
the following lines:
services.xserver.desktopManager.plasma5.enable = true;
services.xserver.desktopManager.xfce.enable = true;
services.xserver.desktopManager.gnome3.enable = true;
services.xserver.windowManager.xmonad.enable = true;
services.xserver.windowManager.twm.enable = true;
services.xserver.windowManager.icewm.enable = true;
services.xserver.windowManager.i3.enable = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.desktopManager.plasma5.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.desktopManager.xfce.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.desktopManager.gnome3.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.windowManager.xmonad.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.windowManager.twm.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.windowManager.icewm.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.windowManager.i3.enable"/> = true;
@ -40,22 +40,22 @@ program that provides a graphical login prompt and manages the X
server) is SLiM. You can select an alternative one by picking one
of the following lines:
services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.enable = true;
services.xserver.displayManager.lightdm.enable = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.displayManager.lightdm.enable"/> = true;
<para>You can set the keyboard layout (and optionally the layout variant):
services.xserver.layout = "de";
services.xserver.xkbVariant = "neo";
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.layout"/> = "de";
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.xkbVariant"/> = "neo";
<para>The X server is started automatically at boot time. If you
don’t want this to happen, you can set:
services.xserver.autorun = false;
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.autorun"/> = false;
The X server can then be started manually:
@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ The X server can then be started manually:
has better 3D performance than the drivers. It is not enabled
by default because it’s not free software. You can enable it as follows:
services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ];
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.videoDrivers"/> = [ "nvidia" ];
Or if you have an older card, you may have to use one of the legacy drivers:
services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidiaLegacy340" ];
services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidiaLegacy304" ];
services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidiaLegacy173" ];
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.videoDrivers"/> = [ "nvidiaLegacy340" ];
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.videoDrivers"/> = [ "nvidiaLegacy304" ];
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.videoDrivers"/> = [ "nvidiaLegacy173" ];
You may need to reboot after enabling this driver to prevent a clash
with other kernel modules.</para>
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ with other kernel modules.</para>
<para>On 64-bit systems, if you want full acceleration for 32-bit
programs such as Wine, you should also set the following:
hardware.opengl.driSupport32Bit = true;
<xref linkend="opt-hardware.opengl.driSupport32Bit"/> = true;
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ hardware.opengl.driSupport32Bit = true;
has better 3D performance than the drivers. It is not enabled
by default because it’s not free software. You can enable it as follows:
services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "ati_unfree" ];
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.videoDrivers"/> = [ "ati_unfree" ];
You will need to reboot after enabling this driver to prevent a clash
with other kernel modules.</para>
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ with other kernel modules.</para>
<para>On 64-bit systems, if you want full acceleration for 32-bit
programs such as Wine, you should also set the following:
hardware.opengl.driSupport32Bit = true;
<xref linkend="opt-hardware.opengl.driSupport32Bit"/> = true;
@ -115,12 +115,12 @@ hardware.opengl.driSupport32Bit = true;
<para>Support for Synaptics touchpads (found in many laptops such as
the Dell Latitude series) can be enabled as follows:
services.xserver.libinput.enable = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.libinput.enable"/> = true;
The driver has many options (see <xref linkend="ch-options"/>). For
instance, the following disables tap-to-click behavior:
services.xserver.libinput.tapping = false;
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.libinput.tapping"/> = false;
Note: the use of <literal>services.xserver.synaptics</literal> is deprecated since NixOS 17.09.
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
To enable the Xfce Desktop Environment, set
services.xserver.desktopManager = {
xfce.enable = true;
default = "xfce";
<link linkend="opt-services.xserver.desktopManager.default">services.xserver.desktopManager</link> = {
<link linkend="opt-services.xserver.desktopManager.xfce.enable">xfce.enable</link> = true;
<link linkend="opt-services.xserver.desktopManager.default">default</link> = "xfce";
@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ services.xserver.desktopManager = {
Optionally, <emphasis>compton</emphasis>
can be enabled for nice graphical effects, some example settings:
services.compton = {
enable = true;
fade = true;
inactiveOpacity = "0.9";
shadow = true;
fadeDelta = 4;
<link linkend="opt-services.compton.enable">services.compton</link> = {
<link linkend="opt-services.compton.enable">enable</link> = true;
<link linkend="opt-services.compton.fade">fade</link> = true;
<link linkend="opt-services.compton.inactiveOpacity">inactiveOpacity</link> = "0.9";
<link linkend="opt-services.compton.shadow">shadow</link> = true;
<link linkend="opt-services.compton.fadeDelta">fadeDelta</link> = 4;
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ services.compton = {
Some Xfce programs are not installed automatically.
To install them manually (system wide), put them into your
<xref linkend="opt-environment.systemPackages"/>.
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ services.compton = {
volume support, put
services.xserver.desktopManager.xfce.enable = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.xserver.desktopManager.xfce.enable"/> = true;
into your <emphasis>configuration.nix</emphasis>.
@ -102,13 +102,18 @@ let
generatedSources = runCommand "generated-docbook" {} ''
mkdir $out
ln -s ${modulesDoc} $out/modules.xml
ln -s ${optionsDocBook} $out/options-db.xml
printf "%s" "${version}" > $out/version
copySources =
cp -prd $sources/* . # */
ln -s ${generatedSources} ./generated
chmod -R u+w .
ln -s ${modulesDoc} configuration/modules.xml
ln -s ${optionsDocBook} options-db.xml
printf "%s" "${version}" > version
toc = builtins.toFile "toc.xml"
@ -224,6 +229,7 @@ let
in rec {
inherit generatedSources;
# The NixOS options in JSON format.
optionsJSON = runCommand "options-json"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
<section xmlns=""
<title>Importing Modules</title>
Sometimes NixOS modules need to be used in configuration but exist
outside of Nixpkgs. These modules can be imported:
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
imports =
[ # Use a locally-available module definition in
# ./example-module/default.nix
services.exampleModule.enable = true;
The environment variable <literal>NIXOS_EXTRA_MODULE_PATH</literal> is
an absolute path to a NixOS module that is included alongside the
Nixpkgs NixOS modules. Like any NixOS module, this module can import
additional modules:
# ./module-list/default.nix
# ./extra-module/default.nix
{ imports = import ./module-list.nix; }
# NIXOS_EXTRA_MODULE_PATH=/absolute/path/to/extra-module
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
# No `imports` needed
services.exampleModule1.enable = true;
@ -18,12 +18,24 @@
The DocBook sources of the <xref linkend="book-nixos-manual"/> are in the
<link xlink:href=""><filename>nixos/doc/manual</filename></link>
subdirectory of the Nixpkgs repository. If you make modifications to
the manual, it's important to build it before committing. You can do
that as follows:
subdirectory of the Nixpkgs repository.
You can quickly validate your edits with <command>make</command>:
$ cd /path/to/nixpkgs/nixos/doc/manual
$ make
Once you are done making modifications to the manual, it's important
to build it before committing. You can do that as follows:
<screen>nix-build nixos/release.nix -A manual.x86_64-linux</screen>
When this command successfully finishes, it will tell you where the
@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ in {
<xi:include href="option-def.xml" />
<xi:include href="assertions.xml" />
<xi:include href="meta-attributes.xml" />
<xi:include href="importing-modules.xml" />
<xi:include href="replace-modules.xml" />
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ have set <literal>mutableUsers = false</literal>. Another way is to
temporarily add the following to your configuration:
users.extraUsers.your-user.initialPassword = "test"
<link linkend="opt-users.users._name__.initialHashedPassword">users.extraUsers.your-user.initialHashedPassword</link> = "test";
<emphasis>Important:</emphasis> delete the $hostname.qcow2 file if you
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ $ nix-channel --add<replaceable>version</repla
boot.loader.grub.extraEntries = ''
<xref linkend="opt-boot.loader.grub.extraEntries"/> = ''
menuentry "Ubuntu" {
search --set=ubuntu --fs-uuid 3cc3e652-0c1f-4800-8451-033754f68e6e
configfile "($ubuntu)/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
@ -183,7 +183,9 @@ $ sudo groupdel nixbld</screen>
account with <literal>sudo passwd -l root</literal> if you use
<programlisting>users.extraUsers.root.initialHashedPassword = "";</programlisting>
<link linkend="opt-users.users._name__.initialHashedPassword">users.extraUsers.root.initialHashedPassword</link> = "";
@ -243,13 +245,15 @@ $ sudo groupdel nixbld</screen>
$ sudo touch /etc/NIXOS
$ sudo touch /etc/NIXOS_LUSTRATE</screen>
$ sudo touch /etc/NIXOS_LUSTRATE
<para>Let's also make sure the NixOS configuration files are kept
once we reboot on NixOS:</para>
$ echo etc/nixos | sudo tee -a /etc/NIXOS_LUSTRATE</screen>
$ echo etc/nixos | sudo tee -a /etc/NIXOS_LUSTRATE
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/sda";
<xref linkend="opt-boot.loader.grub.device"/> = "/dev/sda";
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/sda";
boot.initrd.checkJournalingFS = false;
<xref linkend="opt-boot.initrd.checkJournalingFS"/> = false;
@ -204,25 +204,28 @@ for a UEFI installation is by and large the same as a BIOS installation. The dif
<varlistentry><term>BIOS systems</term>
<listitem><para>You <emphasis>must</emphasis> set the option
<option>boot.loader.grub.device</option> to specify on which disk
<xref linkend="opt-boot.loader.grub.device"/> to specify on which disk
the GRUB boot loader is to be installed. Without it, NixOS cannot
<varlistentry><term>UEFI systems</term>
<listitem><para>You <emphasis>must</emphasis> set the option
<option>boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable</option> to <literal>true</literal>.
<xref linkend="opt-boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable"/> to <literal>true</literal>.
<command>nixos-generate-config</command> should do this automatically for new
configurations when booted in
UEFI mode.</para>
<para>You may want to look at the options starting with
<option>boot.loader.efi</option> and <option>boot.loader.systemd-boot</option>
as well.</para></listitem></varlistentry>
<option><link linkend="opt-boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables">boot.loader.efi</link></option> and
<option><link linkend="opt-boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable">boot.loader.systemd</link></option> as well.
<para>If there are other operating systems running on the machine before
installing NixOS, the
<option>boot.loader.grub.useOSProber</option> option can be set to
<xref linkend="opt-boot.loader.grub.useOSProber"/> option can be set to
<literal>true</literal> to automatically add them to the grub menu.</para>
<para>Another critical option is <option>fileSystems</option>,
@ -272,7 +275,7 @@ Retype new UNIX password: ***
To prevent the password prompt, set <code>users.mutableUsers = false;</code> in
To prevent the password prompt, set <code><xref linkend="opt-users.mutableUsers"/> = false;</code> in
<filename>configuration.nix</filename>, which allows unattended installation
necessary in automation.
@ -373,25 +376,24 @@ drive (here <filename>/dev/sda</filename>). <xref linkend="ex-config"
<example xml:id='ex-config'><title>NixOS Configuration</title>
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
imports =
[ # Include the results of the hardware scan.
{ config, pkgs, ... }: {
imports = [
# Include the results of the hardware scan.
boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/sda"; # <lineannotation>(for BIOS systems only)</lineannotation>
boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true; # <lineannotation>(for UEFI systems only)</lineannotation>
<xref linkend="opt-boot.loader.grub.device"/> = "/dev/sda"; # <lineannotation>(for BIOS systems only)</lineannotation>
<xref linkend="opt-boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable"/> = true; # <lineannotation>(for UEFI systems only)</lineannotation>
# Note: setting fileSystems is generally not
# necessary, since nixos-generate-config figures them out
# automatically in hardware-configuration.nix.
#fileSystems."/".device = "/dev/disk/by-label/nixos";
#<link linkend="opt-fileSystems._name__.device">fileSystems."/".device</link> = "/dev/disk/by-label/nixos";
# Enable the OpenSSH server.
services.sshd.enable = true;
<xi:include href="installing-usb.xml" />
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ able to go back to your original channel.</para></warning>
the following to <filename>configuration.nix</filename>:
system.autoUpgrade.enable = true;
<xref linkend="opt-system.autoUpgrade.enable"/> = true;
This enables a periodically executed systemd service named
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ runs, see <command>systemctl list-timers</command>.) You can also
specify a channel explicitly, e.g.
|||| =;
<xref linkend=""/> =;
@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ therein.</para>
<para>You can use the following options in
<xi:include href="options-db.xml" />
<xi:include href="./generated/options-db.xml"
xpointer="configuration-variable-list" />
@ -57,9 +57,6 @@
<arg choice='plain'><option>--show-trace</option></arg>
<arg choice='plain'><option>--chroot</option></arg>
<arg choice='plain'><option>--help</option></arg>
@ -177,14 +174,6 @@ it.</para>
<para>Chroot into given installation. Any additional arguments passed are going to be executed inside the chroot.
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<title>NixOS Manual</title>
<subtitle>Version <xi:include href="version" parse="text" /></subtitle>
<subtitle>Version <xi:include href="./generated/version" parse="text" /></subtitle>
@ -39,7 +39,8 @@
<appendix xml:id="ch-options">
<title>Configuration Options</title>
<xi:include href="options-db.xml" />
<xi:include href="./generated/options-db.xml"
xpointer="configuration-variable-list" />
<xi:include href="release-notes/release-notes.xml" />
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
<xsl:template match="/expr/list">
<title>Configuration Options</title>
<variablelist xml:id="configuration-variable-list">
<xsl:for-each select="attrs">
<xsl:variable name="id" select="concat('opt-', str:replace(str:replace(str:replace(str:replace(attr[@name = 'name']/string/@value, '*', '_'), '<', '_'), '>', '_'), '?', '_'))" />
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
@ -20,10 +20,21 @@ has the following highlights: </para>
User channels are now in the default <literal>NIX_PATH</literal>,
allowing users to use their personal <command>nix-channel</command>
defined channels in <command>nix-build</command> and
<command>nix-shell</command> commands, as well as in imports like
<code>import <mychannel></code>.
<para>For example</para>
$ nix-channel --add nixpkgsunstable
$ nix-channel --update
$ nix-build '<nixpkgsunstable>' -A gitFull
$ nix run -f '<nixpkgsunstable>' gitFull
$ nix-instantiate -E '(import <nixpkgsunstable> {}).gitFull'
@ -56,6 +67,11 @@ has the following highlights: </para>
following incompatible changes:</para>
<literal>lib.strict</literal> is removed. Use <literal>builtins.seq</literal> instead.
The <literal>clementine</literal> package points now to the free derivation.
@ -63,6 +79,15 @@ following incompatible changes:</para>
points to the package which is bundled with the unfree <literal>libspotify</literal> package.
The <literal>netcat</literal> package is now taken directly from OpenBSD's
<literal>libressl</literal>, instead of relying on Debian's fork. The new
version should be very close to the old version, but there are some minor
differences. Importantly, flags like -b, -q, -C, and -Z are no longer
accepted by the nc command.
@ -77,6 +102,51 @@ following incompatible changes:</para>
<literal>lib.attrNamesToStr</literal> has been deprecated. Use
more specific concatenation (<literal>lib.concat(Map)StringsSep</literal>)
<literal>lib.addErrorContextToAttrs</literal> has been deprecated. Use
<literal>builtins.addErrorContext</literal> directly.
<literal>lib.showVal</literal> has been deprecated. Use
<literal>lib.traceSeqN</literal> instead.
<literal>lib.traceXMLVal</literal> has been deprecated. Use
<literal>lib.traceValFn builtins.toXml</literal> instead.
<literal>lib.traceXMLValMarked</literal> has been deprecated. Use
<literal>lib.traceValFn (x: str + builtins.toXML x)</literal> instead.
<literal>lib.traceValIfNot</literal> has been deprecated. Use
<literal>if/then/else</literal> and <literal>lib.traceValSeq</literal>
<literal>lib.traceCallXml</literal> has been deprecated. Please complain
if you use the function regularly.
The attribute <literal>lib.nixpkgsVersion</literal> has been deprecated in favor of
<literal>lib.version</literal>. Please refer to the discussion in
<link xlink:href="">NixOS/nixpkgs#39416</link> for further reference.
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
qemuSerialDevice = if pkgs.stdenv.isi686 || pkgs.stdenv.isx86_64 then "ttyS0"
else if pkgs.stdenv.isArm || pkgs.stdenv.isAarch64 then "ttyAMA0"
else if pkgs.stdenv.isAarch32 || pkgs.stdenv.isAarch64 then "ttyAMA0"
else throw "Unknown QEMU serial device for system '${pkgs.stdenv.system}'";
qemuBinary = qemuPkg: {
@ -33,9 +33,20 @@ sub new {
$startCommand =
"qemu-kvm -m 384 " .
"-net nic,model=virtio \$QEMU_OPTS ";
my $iface = $args->{hdaInterface} || "virtio";
$startCommand .= "-drive file=" . Cwd::abs_path($args->{hda}) . ",if=$iface,werror=report "
if defined $args->{hda};
if (defined $args->{hda}) {
if ($args->{hdaInterface} eq "scsi") {
$startCommand .= "-drive id=hda,file="
. Cwd::abs_path($args->{hda})
. ",werror=report,if=none "
. "-device scsi-hd,drive=hda ";
} else {
$startCommand .= "-drive file=" . Cwd::abs_path($args->{hda})
. ",if=" . $args->{hdaInterface}
. ",werror=report ";
$startCommand .= "-cdrom $args->{cdrom} "
if defined $args->{cdrom};
$startCommand .= "-device piix3-usb-uhci -drive id=usbdisk,file=$args->{usb},if=none,readonly -device usb-storage,drive=usbdisk "
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
set -e
set -o pipefail
version=$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict '<nixpkgs>' -A lib.nixpkgsVersion | sed s/'"'//g)
version=$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict '<nixpkgs>' -A lib.version | sed s/'"'//g)
echo "NixOS version is $version ($major)"
@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ with lib;
nano zile
texinfo # for the stand-alone Info reader
++ stdenv.lib.optional (!stdenv.isArm) grub2;
++ stdenv.lib.optional (!stdenv.isAarch32) grub2;
# GNU GRUB, where available.
boot.loader.grub.enable = !pkgs.stdenv.isArm;
boot.loader.grub.enable = !pkgs.stdenv.isAarch32;
boot.loader.grub.version = 2;
# GNU lsh.
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
i18n.inputMethod = {
enabled = "ibus";
ibus.engines = with pkgs.ibus-engines; [ anthy hangul mozc ];
<link linkend="opt-i18n.inputMethod.enabled">enabled</link> = "ibus";
<link linkend="opt-i18n.inputMethod.ibus.engines">ibus.engines</link> = with pkgs.ibus-engines; [ anthy hangul mozc ];
@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ ibus.engines = with pkgs.ibus-engines; [ table table-others ];
i18n.inputMethod = {
enabled = "fcitx";
fcitx.engines = with pkgs.fcitx-engines; [ mozc hangul m17n ];
<link linkend="opt-i18n.inputMethod.enabled">enabled</link> = "fcitx";
<link linkend="opt-i18n.inputMethod.fcitx.engines">fcitx.engines</link> = with pkgs.fcitx-engines; [ mozc hangul m17n ];
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ i18n.inputMethod = {
i18n.inputMethod = {
enabled = "nabi";
<link linkend="opt-i18n.inputMethod.enabled">enabled</link> = "nabi";
@ -132,11 +132,11 @@ i18n.inputMethod = {
i18n.inputMethod = {
enabled = "uim";
<link linkend="opt-i18n.inputMethod.enabled">enabled</link> = "uim";
<para>Note: The <literal>i18n.inputMethod.uim.toolbar</literal> option can be
<para>Note: The <xref linkend="opt-i18n.inputMethod.uim.toolbar"/> option can be
used to choose uim toolbar.</para>
@ -73,7 +73,8 @@ let
APPEND ${toString config.boot.loader.grub.memtest86.params}
isolinuxCfg = baseIsolinuxCfg + (optionalString config.boot.loader.grub.memtest86.enable isolinuxMemtest86Entry);
isolinuxCfg = concatStringsSep "\n"
([ baseIsolinuxCfg ] ++ optional config.boot.loader.grub.memtest86.enable isolinuxMemtest86Entry);
# The EFI boot image.
efiDir = pkgs.runCommand "efi-directory" {} ''
@ -577,8 +577,8 @@ $bootLoaderConfig
# Set your time zone.
# time.timeZone = "Europe/Amsterdam";
# List packages installed in system profile. To search by name, run:
# \$ nix-env -qaP | grep wget
# List packages installed in system profile. To search, run:
# \$ nix search wget
# environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
# wget vim
# ];
@ -138,7 +138,6 @@
ngircd = 112;
btsync = 113;
minecraft = 114;
#monetdb = 115; # unused (not packaged), removed 2016-09-19
vault = 115;
rippled = 116;
murmur = 117;
@ -306,6 +305,7 @@
monero = 287;
ceph = 288;
duplicati = 289;
monetdb = 290;
# When adding a uid, make sure it doesn't match an existing gid. And don't use uids above 399!
@ -424,7 +424,6 @@
#ngircd = 112; # unused
btsync = 113;
#minecraft = 114; # unused
#monetdb = 115; # unused (not packaged), removed 2016-09-19
vault = 115;
#ripped = 116; # unused
#murmur = 117; # unused
@ -580,6 +579,7 @@
monero = 287;
ceph = 288;
duplicati = 289;
monetdb = 290;
# When adding a gid, make sure it doesn't match an existing
# uid. Users and groups with the same name should have equal
@ -33,7 +33,11 @@ let
configType = mkOptionType {
name = "nixpkgs-config";
description = "nixpkgs config";
check = traceValIfNot isConfig;
check = x:
let traceXIfNot = c:
if c x then true
else lib.traceSeqN 1 x false;
in traceXIfNot isConfig;
merge = args: fold (def: mergeConfig def.value) {};
@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ with lib;
cfg = config.system.nixos;
releaseFile = "${toString pkgs.path}/.version";
suffixFile = "${toString pkgs.path}/.version-suffix";
revisionFile = "${toString pkgs.path}/.git-revision";
gitRepo = "${toString pkgs.path}/.git";
gitCommitId = lib.substring 0 7 (commitIdFromGitRepo gitRepo);
@ -25,14 +23,14 @@ in
nixos.release = mkOption {
readOnly = true;
type = types.str;
default = fileContents releaseFile;
default = trivial.release;
description = "The NixOS release (e.g. <literal>16.03</literal>).";
nixos.versionSuffix = mkOption {
internal = true;
type = types.str;
default = if pathExists suffixFile then fileContents suffixFile else "pre-git";
default = trivial.versionSuffix;
description = "The NixOS version suffix (e.g. <literal>1160.f2d4ee1</literal>).";
@ -199,6 +199,7 @@
@ -250,6 +251,7 @@
@ -327,7 +329,7 @@
@ -650,6 +652,7 @@
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
to <literal>true</literal> in a manner similar to
programs.digitalbitbox.enable = true;
<xref linkend="opt-programs.digitalbitbox.enable"/> = true;
and bundles the <literal>digitalbitbox</literal> package (see <xref
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
as follows:
environment.systemPackages = [
<xref linkend="opt-environment.systemPackages"/> = [
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
Digital Bitbox devices and may be installed as follows:
hardware.digitalbitbox.enable = true;
<xref linkend="opt-hardware.digitalbitbox.enable"/> = true;
@ -74,8 +74,8 @@
programs.digitalbitbox = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.digitalbitbox.override {
<link linkend="opt-programs.digitalbitbox.enable">enable</link> = true;
<link linkend="opt-programs.digitalbitbox.package">package</link> = pkgs.digitalbitbox.override {
udevRule51 = "something else";
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
<para>To enable Plotinus, add the following to your <filename>configuration.nix</filename>:
programs.plotinus.enable = true;
<xref linkend="opt-programs.plotinus.enable"/> = true;
@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ http {
security.acme.certs."" = {
webroot = "/var/www/challenges";
email = "";
<xref linkend="opt-security.acme.certs"/>."" = {
<link linkend="opt-security.acme.certs._name_.webroot">webroot</link> = "/var/www/challenges";
<link linkend="">email</link> = "";
@ -58,17 +58,17 @@ security.acme.certs."" = {
<para>The private key <filename>key.pem</filename> and certificate
<filename>fullchain.pem</filename> will be put into
<filename>/var/lib/acme/</filename>. The target directory can
be configured with the option <literal></literal>.
be configured with the option <xref linkend=""/>.
<para>Refer to <xref linkend="ch-options" /> for all available configuration
options for the <literal>security.acme</literal> module.</para>
options for the <link linkend="opt-security.acme.certs">security.acme</link> module.</para>
<section><title>Using ACME certificates in Nginx</title>
<para>NixOS supports fetching ACME certificates for you by setting
<literal>enableACME = true;</literal> in a virtualHost config. We
<literal><link linkend="opt-services.nginx.virtualHosts._name_.enableACME">enableACME</link> = true;</literal> in a virtualHost config. We
first create self-signed placeholder certificates in place of the
real ACME certs. The placeholder certs are overwritten when the ACME
certs arrive. For <literal></literal> the config would
@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ look like.
services.nginx = {
enable = true;
virtualHosts = {
<link linkend="opt-services.nginx.enable">enable = true;</link>
<link linkend="opt-services.nginx.virtualHosts">virtualHosts</link> = {
"" = {
forceSSL = true;
enableACME = true;
<link linkend="opt-services.nginx.virtualHosts._name_.forceSSL">forceSSL</link> = true;
<link linkend="opt-services.nginx.virtualHosts._name_.enableACME">enableACME</link> = true;
locations."/" = {
root = "/var/www";
<link linkend="opt-services.nginx.virtualHosts._name_.locations._name_.root">root</link> = "/var/www";
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
security.hideProcessInformation = true;
<xref linkend="opt-security.hideProcessInformation"/> = true;
ensures that access to process information is restricted to the
owning user. This implies, among other things, that command-line
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
To allow a service <replaceable>foo</replaceable> to run without process information hiding, set
||||<replaceable>foo</replaceable>.serviceConfig.SupplementaryGroups = [ "proc" ];
<link linkend=""><replaceable>foo</replaceable>.serviceConfig</link>.SupplementaryGroups = [ "proc" ];
@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ in
description = ''
Whether to enable volume and capture control with keyboard media keys.
You want to leave this disabled if you run a desktop environment
like KDE, Gnome, Xfce, etc, as those handle such things themselves.
You might want to enable this if you run a minimalistic desktop
environment or work from bare linux ttys/framebuffers.
Enabling this will turn on <option>services.actkbd</option>.
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ let
hooksDir = let
mkHookEntry = name: value: ''
cat > $out/${name} <<EOF
cat > $out/${name} <<'EOF'
#! ${pkgs.runtimeShell}
set -e
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
<para>FoundationDB (or "FDB") is a distributed, open source, high performance,
transactional key-value store. It can store petabytes of data and deliver
exceptional performance while maintaining consistency and ACID semantics over a
large cluster.</para>
exceptional performance while maintaining consistency and ACID semantics
(serializable transactions) over a large cluster.</para>
<section><title>Configuring and basic setup</title>
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ FoundationDB worker processes that should be started on the machine.</para>
<para>FoundationDB worker processes typically require 4GB of RAM per-process at
minimum for good performance, so this option is set to 1 by default since the
maximum aount of RAM is unknown. You're advised to abide by this restriction,
maximum amount of RAM is unknown. You're advised to abide by this restriction,
so pick a number of processes so that each has 4GB or more.</para>
<para>A similar option exists in order to scale backup agent processes,
@ -129,7 +129,8 @@ client applications will use to find and join coordinators. Note that this file
<emphasis>can not</emphasis> be managed by NixOS so easily: FoundationDB is
designed so that it will rewrite the file at runtime for all clients and nodes
when cluster coordinators change, with clients transparently handling this
without intervention.</para>
without intervention. It is fundamentally a mutable file, and you should not
try to manage it in any way in NixOS.</para>
<para>When dealing with a cluster, there are two main things you want to
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg =;
in {
meta.maintainers = with maintainers; [ StillerHarpo primeos ];
###### interface
options = {
services.monetdb = {
enable = mkEnableOption "the MonetDB database server";
package = mkOption {
type = types.package;
default = pkgs.monetdb;
defaultText = "pkgs.monetdb";
description = "MonetDB package to use.";
user = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "monetdb";
description = "User account under which MonetDB runs.";
group = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "monetdb";
description = "Group under which MonetDB runs.";
dataDir = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = "/var/lib/monetdb";
description = "Data directory for the dbfarm.";
port = mkOption {
type = types.ints.u16;
default = 50000;
description = "Port to listen on.";
listenAddress = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "";
example = "";
description = "Address to listen on.";
###### implementation
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
users.users.monetdb = mkIf (cfg.user == "monetdb") {
uid = config.ids.uids.monetdb;
group =;
description = "MonetDB user";
home = cfg.dataDir;
createHome = true;
users.groups.monetdb = mkIf ( == "monetdb") {
gid = config.ids.gids.monetdb;
members = [ cfg.user ];
environment.systemPackages = [ cfg.package ];
|||| = {
description = "MonetDB database server";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "" ];
path = [ cfg.package ];
unitConfig.RequiresMountsFor = "${cfg.dataDir}";
serviceConfig = {
User = cfg.user;
Group =;
ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/monetdbd start -n ${cfg.dataDir}";
ExecStop = "${cfg.package}/bin/monetdbd stop ${cfg.dataDir}";
preStart = ''
if [ ! -e ${cfg.dataDir}/.merovingian_properties ]; then
# Create the dbfarm (as cfg.user)
${cfg.package}/bin/monetdbd create ${cfg.dataDir}
# Update the properties
${cfg.package}/bin/monetdbd set port=${toString cfg.port} ${cfg.dataDir}
${cfg.package}/bin/monetdbd set listenaddr=${cfg.listenAddress} ${cfg.dataDir}
@ -23,15 +23,15 @@
services.postgresql.enable = true;
services.postgresql.package = pkgs.postgresql94;
<xref linkend="opt-services.postgresql.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.postgresql.package"/> = pkgs.postgresql94;
Note that you are required to specify the desired version of
PostgreSQL (e.g. <literal>pkgs.postgresql94</literal>). Since
upgrading your PostgreSQL version requires a database dump and reload
(see below), NixOS cannot provide a default value for
<option>services.postgresql.package</option> such as the most recent
<xref linkend="opt-services.postgresql.package"/> such as the most recent
release of PostgreSQL.</para>
@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ alice=>
<para>By default, PostgreSQL stores its databases in
<filename>/var/db/postgresql</filename>. You can override this using
<option>services.postgresql.dataDir</option>, e.g.
<xref linkend="opt-services.postgresql.dataDir"/>, e.g.
services.postgresql.dataDir = "/data/postgresql";
<xref linkend="opt-services.postgresql.dataDir"/> = "/data/postgresql";
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ services.postgresql.dataDir = "/data/postgresql";
<para>FIXME: auto-generated list of module options.</para>
<para>A complete list of options for the PostgreSQL module may be found <link linkend="opt-services.postgresql.enable">here</link>.</para>
@ -404,10 +404,10 @@ in [...]
user service for Emacs daemon, add the following to your
services.emacs.enable = true;
services.emacs.package = import /home/cassou/.emacs.d { pkgs = pkgs; };
<xref linkend="opt-services.emacs.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.emacs.package"/> = import /home/cassou/.emacs.d { pkgs = pkgs; };
@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ emacsclient --create-frame --tty # opens a new frame on the current terminal
<!--<title><command>emacsclient</command> as the Default Editor</title>-->
If <varname>services.emacs.defaultEditor</varname> is
If <xref linkend="opt-services.emacs.defaultEditor"/> is
<literal>true</literal>, the <varname>EDITOR</varname> variable
will be set to a wrapper script which launches
@ -497,10 +497,10 @@ emacsclient --create-frame --tty # opens a new frame on the current terminal
Emacs daemon is not wanted for all users, it is possible to
install the service but not globally enable it:
services.emacs.enable = false;
services.emacs.install = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.emacs.enable"/> = false;
<xref linkend="opt-services.emacs.install"/> = true;
@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ services.emacs.install = true;
To install the DocBook 5.0 schemas, either add
<varname>pkgs.docbook5</varname> to
<varname>environment.systemPackages</varname> (<link
<xref linkend="opt-environment.systemPackages"/> (<link
linkend="sec-declarative-package-mgmt">NixOS</link>), or run
<literal>nix-env -i pkgs.docbook5</literal>
(<link linkend="sec-ad-hoc-packages">Nix</link>).
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ in {
serviceConfig = {
Type = "simple";
Restart = "always";
ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/infinoted-0.6 --config-file=/var/lib/infinoted/infinoted.conf";
ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/infinoted-${versions.majorMinor cfg.package.version} --config-file=/var/lib/infinoted/infinoted.conf";
User = cfg.user;
Group =;
PermissionsStartOnly = true;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
cfg =;
pkg = lib.getBin pkgs.lcdproc;
serverCfg = pkgs.writeText "lcdd.conf" ''
Port=${toString cfg.serverPort}
clientCfg = pkgs.writeText "lcdproc.conf" ''
Port=${toString cfg.serverPort}
serviceCfg = {
DynamicUser = true;
Restart = "on-failure";
Slice = "lcd.slice";
in with lib; {
meta.maintainers = with maintainers; [ peterhoeg ];
options = with types; {
services.hardware.lcd = {
serverHost = mkOption {
type = str;
default = "localhost";
description = "Host on which LCDd is listening.";
serverPort = mkOption {
type = int;
default = 13666;
description = "Port on which LCDd is listening.";
server = {
enable = mkOption {
type = bool;
default = false;
description = "Enable the LCD panel server (LCDd)";
openPorts = mkOption {
type = bool;
default = false;
description = "Open the ports in the firewall";
usbPermissions = mkOption {
type = bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Set group-write permissions on a USB device.
A USB connected LCD panel will most likely require having its
permissions modified for lcdd to write to it. Enabling this option
sets group-write permissions on the device identified by
<option>services.hardware.lcd.usbVid</option> and
<option>services.hardware.lcd.usbPid</option>. In order to find the
values, you can run the <command>lsusb</command> command. Example
Bus 005 Device 002: ID 0403:c630 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd lcd2usb interface
In this case the vendor id is 0403 and the product id is c630.
usbVid = mkOption {
type = str;
default = "";
description = "The vendor ID of the USB device to claim.";
usbPid = mkOption {
type = str;
default = "";
description = "The product ID of the USB device to claim.";
usbGroup = mkOption {
type = str;
default = "dialout";
description = "The group to use for settings permissions. This group must exist or you will have to create it.";
extraConfig = mkOption {
type = lines;
default = "";
description = "Additional configuration added verbatim to the server config.";
client = {
enable = mkOption {
type = bool;
default = false;
description = "Enable the LCD panel client (LCDproc)";
extraConfig = mkOption {
type = lines;
default = "";
description = "Additional configuration added verbatim to the client config.";
restartForever = mkOption {
type = bool;
default = true;
description = "Try restarting the client forever.";
config = mkIf (cfg.server.enable || cfg.client.enable) {
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = mkIf (cfg.server.enable && cfg.server.openPorts) [ cfg.serverPort ];
services.udev.extraRules = mkIf (cfg.server.enable && cfg.server.usbPermissions) ''
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="${cfg.server.usbVid}", ATTRS{idProduct}=="${cfg.server.usbPid}", MODE="660", GROUP="${cfg.server.usbGroup}"
|||| = {
lcdd = mkIf cfg.server.enable {
description = "LCDproc - server";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
serviceConfig = serviceCfg // {
ExecStart = "${pkg}/bin/LCDd -f -c ${serverCfg}";
SupplementaryGroups = cfg.server.usbGroup;
lcdproc = mkIf cfg.client.enable {
description = "LCDproc - client";
after = [ "lcdd.service" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
serviceConfig = serviceCfg // {
ExecStart = "${pkg}/bin/lcdproc -f -c ${clientCfg}";
# If the server is being restarted at the same time, the client will
# fail as it cannot connect, so space it out a bit.
RestartSec = "5";
# Allow restarting for eternity
StartLimitIntervalSec = lib.mkIf cfg.client.restartForever "0";
StartLimitBurst = lib.mkIf cfg.client.restartForever "0";
systemd.targets.lcd = {
description = "LCD client/server";
after = [ "lcdd.service" "lcdproc.service" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ let
cfg =;
ruby = cfg.packages.gitlab.ruby;
bundler = pkgs.bundler;
gemHome = "${cfg.packages.gitlab.rubyEnv}/${ruby.gemPath}";
gitlabSocket = "${cfg.statePath}/tmp/sockets/gitlab.socket";
gitalySocket = "${cfg.statePath}/tmp/sockets/gitaly.socket";
@ -137,8 +134,6 @@ let
gitlabEnv = {
HOME = "${cfg.statePath}/home";
GEM_HOME = gemHome;
BUNDLE_GEMFILE = "${cfg.packages.gitlab}/share/gitlab/Gemfile";
UNICORN_PATH = "${cfg.statePath}/";
GITLAB_PATH = "${cfg.packages.gitlab}/share/gitlab/";
GITLAB_STATE_PATH = "${cfg.statePath}";
@ -158,19 +153,17 @@ let
gitlab-rake = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gitlab-rake";
buildInputs = [ cfg.packages.gitlab cfg.packages.gitlab.rubyEnv pkgs.makeWrapper ];
phases = "installPhase fixupPhase";
buildPhase = "";
buildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
dontBuild = true;
unpackPhase = ":";
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
makeWrapper ${cfg.packages.gitlab.rubyEnv}/bin/bundle $out/bin/gitlab-bundle \
makeWrapper ${cfg.packages.gitlab.rubyEnv}/bin/rake $out/bin/gitlab-rake \
${concatStrings (mapAttrsToList (name: value: "--set ${name} '${value}' ") gitlabEnv)} \
--set GITLAB_CONFIG_PATH '${cfg.statePath}/config' \
--set PATH '${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.nodejs pkgs.gzip pkgs.git pkgs.gnutar ]}:$PATH' \
--set RAKEOPT '-f ${cfg.packages.gitlab}/share/gitlab/Rakefile' \
--run 'cd ${cfg.packages.gitlab}/share/gitlab'
makeWrapper $out/bin/gitlab-bundle $out/bin/gitlab-rake \
--add-flags "exec rake"
@ -482,10 +475,10 @@ in {
Type = "simple";
User = cfg.user;
Group =;
TimeoutSec = "300";
TimeoutSec = "infinity";
Restart = "on-failure";
WorkingDirectory = "${cfg.packages.gitlab}/share/gitlab";
ExecStart="${cfg.packages.gitlab.rubyEnv}/bin/bundle exec \"sidekiq -C \"${cfg.packages.gitlab}/share/gitlab/config/sidekiq_queues.yml\" -e production -P ${cfg.statePath}/tmp/\"";
ExecStart="${cfg.packages.gitlab.rubyEnv}/bin/sidekiq -C \"${cfg.packages.gitlab}/share/gitlab/config/sidekiq_queues.yml\" -e production -P ${cfg.statePath}/tmp/";
@ -493,11 +486,9 @@ in {
after = [ "" "gitlab.service" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
environment.HOME = gitlabEnv.HOME;
environment.GEM_HOME = "${cfg.packages.gitaly.rubyEnv}/${ruby.gemPath}";
path = with pkgs; [ gitAndTools.git cfg.packages.gitaly.rubyEnv ruby ];
path = with pkgs; [ gitAndTools.git cfg.packages.gitaly.rubyEnv cfg.packages.gitaly.rubyEnv.wrappedRuby ];
serviceConfig = {
#PermissionsStartOnly = true; # preStart must be run as root
Type = "simple";
User = cfg.user;
Group =;
@ -529,7 +520,7 @@ in {
Type = "simple";
User = cfg.user;
Group =;
TimeoutSec = "300";
TimeoutSec = "infinity";
Restart = "on-failure";
WorkingDirectory = gitlabEnv.HOME;
ExecStart =
@ -658,10 +649,10 @@ in {
Type = "simple";
User = cfg.user;
Group =;
TimeoutSec = "300";
TimeoutSec = "infinity";
Restart = "on-failure";
WorkingDirectory = "${cfg.packages.gitlab}/share/gitlab";
ExecStart = "${cfg.packages.gitlab.rubyEnv}/bin/bundle exec \"unicorn -c ${cfg.statePath}/config/unicorn.rb -E production\"";
ExecStart = "${cfg.packages.gitlab.rubyEnv}/bin/unicorn -c ${cfg.statePath}/config/unicorn.rb -E production";
@ -18,19 +18,18 @@ webserver to proxy HTTP requests to the socket.</para>
frontend proxy:
services.nginx = {
enable = true;
recommendedGzipSettings = true;
recommendedOptimisation = true;
recommendedProxySettings = true;
recommendedTlsSettings = true;
virtualHosts."" = {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
locations."/".proxyPass = "http://unix:/run/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse.socket";
<link linkend="opt-services.nginx.enable">services.nginx</link> = {
<link linkend="opt-services.nginx.enable">enable</link> = true;
<link linkend="opt-services.nginx.recommendedGzipSettings">recommendedGzipSettings</link> = true;
<link linkend="opt-services.nginx.recommendedOptimisation">recommendedOptimisation</link> = true;
<link linkend="opt-services.nginx.recommendedProxySettings">recommendedProxySettings</link> = true;
<link linkend="opt-services.nginx.recommendedTlsSettings">recommendedTlsSettings</link> = true;
<link linkend="opt-services.nginx.virtualHosts">virtualHosts</link>."" = {
<link linkend="opt-services.nginx.virtualHosts._name_.enableACME">enableACME</link> = true;
<link linkend="opt-services.nginx.virtualHosts._name_.forceSSL">forceSSL</link> = true;
<link linkend="opt-services.nginx.virtualHosts._name_.locations._name_.proxyPass">locations."/".proxyPass</link> = "http://unix:/run/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse.socket";
@ -49,24 +48,24 @@ all data like the repositories and uploads will be stored.</para>
services.gitlab = {
enable = true;
databasePassword = "eXaMpl3";
initialRootPassword = "UseNixOS!";
https = true;
host = "";
port = 443;
user = "git";
group = "git";
<link linkend="opt-services.gitlab.enable">enable</link> = true;
<link linkend="opt-services.gitlab.databasePassword">databasePassword</link> = "eXaMpl3";
<link linkend="opt-services.gitlab.initialRootPassword">initialRootPassword</link> = "UseNixOS!";
<link linkend="opt-services.gitlab.https">https</link> = true;
<link linkend="">host</link> = "";
<link linkend="opt-services.gitlab.port">port</link> = 443;
<link linkend="opt-services.gitlab.user">user</link> = "git";
<link linkend="">group</link> = "git";
smtp = {
enable = true;
address = "localhost";
port = 25;
<link linkend="opt-services.gitlab.smtp.enable">enable</link> = true;
<link linkend="opt-services.gitlab.smtp.address">address</link> = "localhost";
<link linkend="opt-services.gitlab.smtp.port">port</link> = 25;
secrets = {
db = "uPgq1gtwwHiatiuE0YHqbGa5lEIXH7fMsvuTNgdzJi8P0Dg12gibTzBQbq5LT7PNzcc3BP9P1snHVnduqtGF43PgrQtU7XL93ts6gqe9CBNhjtaqUwutQUDkygP5NrV6";
secret = "devzJ0Tz0POiDBlrpWmcsjjrLaltyiAdS8TtgT9YNBOoUcDsfppiY3IXZjMVtKgXrFImIennFGOpPN8IkP8ATXpRgDD5rxVnKuTTwYQaci2NtaV1XxOQGjdIE50VGsR3";
otp = "e1GATJVuS2sUh7jxiPzZPre4qtzGGaS22FR50Xs1TerRVdgI3CBVUi5XYtQ38W4xFeS4mDqi5cQjExE838iViSzCdcG19XSL6qNsfokQP9JugwiftmhmCadtsnHErBMI";
jws = ''
<link linkend="opt-services.gitlab.secrets.db">db</link> = "uPgq1gtwwHiatiuE0YHqbGa5lEIXH7fMsvuTNgdzJi8P0Dg12gibTzBQbq5LT7PNzcc3BP9P1snHVnduqtGF43PgrQtU7XL93ts6gqe9CBNhjtaqUwutQUDkygP5NrV6";
<link linkend="opt-services.gitlab.secrets.secret">secret</link> = "devzJ0Tz0POiDBlrpWmcsjjrLaltyiAdS8TtgT9YNBOoUcDsfppiY3IXZjMVtKgXrFImIennFGOpPN8IkP8ATXpRgDD5rxVnKuTTwYQaci2NtaV1XxOQGjdIE50VGsR3";
<link linkend="opt-services.gitlab.secrets.otp">otp</link> = "e1GATJVuS2sUh7jxiPzZPre4qtzGGaS22FR50Xs1TerRVdgI3CBVUi5XYtQ38W4xFeS4mDqi5cQjExE838iViSzCdcG19XSL6qNsfokQP9JugwiftmhmCadtsnHErBMI";
<link linkend="opt-services.gitlab.secrets.jws">jws</link> = ''
@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ services.gitlab = {
extraConfig = {
<link linkend="opt-services.gitlab.extraConfig">extraConfig</link> = {
gitlab = {
email_from = "";
email_display_name = "Example GitLab";
@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ secret from <literal>config/secrets.yml</literal> located in your Gitlab state
<para>Refer to <xref linkend="ch-options" /> for all available configuration
options for the <literal>services.gitlab</literal> module.</para>
options for the <link linkend="opt-services.gitlab.enable">services.gitlab</link> module.</para>
@ -5,7 +5,10 @@ with lib;
cfg =;
configFile = pkgs.writeText "configuration.yaml" (builtins.toJSON cfg.config);
# cfg.config != null can be assumed here
configFile = pkgs.writeText "configuration.json"
(builtins.toJSON (if cfg.applyDefaultConfig then
(lib.recursiveUpdate defaultConfig cfg.config) else cfg.config));
availableComponents = pkgs.home-assistant.availableComponents;
@ -38,6 +41,12 @@ let
then (cfg.package.override { inherit extraComponents; })
else cfg.package;
# If you are changing this, please update the description in applyDefaultConfig
defaultConfig = {
homeassistant.time_zone = config.time.timeZone;
http.server_port = (toString cfg.port);
in {
meta.maintainers = with maintainers; [ dotlambda ];
@ -50,6 +59,26 @@ in {
description = "The config directory, where your <filename>configuration.yaml</filename> is located.";
port = mkOption {
default = 8123;
type =;
description = "The port on which to listen.";
applyDefaultConfig = mkOption {
default = true;
type = types.bool;
description = ''
Setting this option enables a few configuration options for HA based on NixOS configuration (such as time zone) to avoid having to manually specify configuration we already have.
Currently one side effect of enabling this is that the <literal>http</literal> component will be enabled.
This only takes effect if <literal>config != null</literal> in order to ensure that a manually managed <filename>configuration.yaml</filename> is not overwritten.
config = mkOption {
default = null;
type = with types; nullOr attrs;
@ -106,19 +135,20 @@ in {
description = "Home Assistant";
after = [ "" ];
preStart = lib.optionalString (cfg.config != null) ''
rm -f ${cfg.configDir}/configuration.yaml
ln -s ${configFile} ${cfg.configDir}/configuration.yaml
rm -f $config
${pkgs.remarshal}/bin/json2yaml -i ${configFile} -o $config
chmod 444 $config
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = ''
${package}/bin/hass --config "${cfg.configDir}"
ExecStart = "${package}/bin/hass --config '${cfg.configDir}'";
User = "hass";
Group = "hass";
Restart = "on-failure";
ProtectSystem = "strict";
ReadWritePaths = "${cfg.configDir}";
PrivateTmp = true;
RemoveIPC = true;
path = [
"/run/wrappers" # needed for ping
@ -7,6 +7,13 @@ let
in {
|||| = {
enable = mkEnableOption "logkeys service";
device = mkOption {
description = "Use the given device as keyboard input event device instead of /dev/input/eventX default.";
default = null;
type = types.nullOr types.string;
example = "/dev/input/event15";
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
@ -14,7 +21,7 @@ in {
description = "LogKeys Keylogger Daemon";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${pkgs.logkeys}/bin/logkeys -s";
ExecStart = "${pkgs.logkeys}/bin/logkeys -s${lib.optionalString (cfg.device != null) " -d ${cfg.device}"}";
ExecStop = "${pkgs.logkeys}/bin/logkeys -k";
Type = "forking";
@ -342,7 +342,9 @@ in
nixPath = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.str;
default =
[ "nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs"
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Because Taskserver by default only provides scripts to setup users
imperatively, the <command>nixos-taskserver</command> tool is used for
addition and deletion of organisations along with users and groups defined
by <option>services.taskserver.organisations</option> and as well for
by <xref linkend="opt-services.taskserver.organisations"/> and as well for
imperative set up.
@ -99,10 +99,10 @@
For example, let's say you have the following configuration:
services.taskserver.enable = true;
services.taskserver.fqdn = "server";
services.taskserver.listenHost = "::";
|||| = [ "alice" ];
<xref linkend="opt-services.taskserver.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.taskserver.fqdn"/> = "server";
<xref linkend="opt-services.taskserver.listenHost"/> = "::";
<link linkend="opt-services.taskserver.organisations._name_.users"></link> = [ "alice" ];
This creates an organisation called <literal>my-company</literal> with the
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ $ ssh server nixos-taskserver user export my-company alice | sh
If you set any options within
<link linkend="">service.taskserver.pki.manual</link>.*,
<command>nixos-taskserver</command> won't issue certificates, but you can
still use it for adding or removing user accounts.
@ -9,21 +9,37 @@ in
port = 9113;
extraOpts = {
scrapeUri = mkOption {
type = types.string;
type = types.str;
default = "http://localhost/nginx_status";
description = ''
Address to access the nginx status page.
Can be enabled with services.nginx.statusPage = true.
telemetryEndpoint = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "/metrics";
description = ''
Path under which to expose metrics.
insecure = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = true;
description = ''
Ignore server certificate if using https.
serviceOpts = {
serviceConfig = {
DynamicUser = true;
ExecStart = ''
${pkgs.prometheus-nginx-exporter}/bin/nginx_exporter \
-nginx.scrape_uri '${cfg.scrapeUri}' \
-telemetry.address ${cfg.listenAddress}:${toString cfg.port} \
--nginx.scrape_uri '${cfg.scrapeUri}' \
--telemetry.address ${cfg.listenAddress}:${toString cfg.port} \
--telemetry.endpoint ${cfg.telemetryEndpoint} \
--insecure ${cfg.insecure} \
${concatStringsSep " \\\n " cfg.extraFlags}
@ -7,14 +7,80 @@ let
port = 9131;
extraOpts = {
noExit = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Do not exit server on Varnish scrape errors.
withGoMetrics = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Export go runtime and http handler metrics.
verbose = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Enable verbose logging.
raw = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Enable raw stdout logging without timestamps.
varnishStatPath = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "varnishstat";
description = ''
Path to varnishstat.
instance = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.str;
default = null;
description = ''
varnishstat -n value.
healthPath = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.str;
default = null;
description = ''
Path under which to expose healthcheck. Disabled unless configured.
telemetryPath = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "/metrics";
description = ''
Path under which to expose metrics.
serviceOpts = {
path = [ pkgs.varnish ];
serviceConfig = {
DynamicUser = true;
ExecStart = ''
${pkgs.prometheus-varnish-exporter}/bin/prometheus_varnish_exporter \
-web.listen-address ${cfg.listenAddress}:${toString cfg.port} \
${concatStringsSep " \\\n " cfg.extraFlags}
--web.listen-address ${cfg.listenAddress}:${toString cfg.port} \
--web.telemetry-path ${cfg.telemetryPath} \
--varnishstat-path ${cfg.varnishStatPath} \
${concatStringsSep " \\\n " (cfg.extraFlags
++ optional (cfg.healthPath != null) " ${cfg.healthPath}"
++ optional (cfg.instance != null) "-n ${cfg.instance}"
++ optional cfg.noExit "--no-exit"
++ optional cfg.withGoMetrics "--with-go-metrics"
++ optional cfg.verbose "--verbose"
++ optional cfg.raw "--raw")}
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ let
confFile = pkgs.writeText "dante-sockd.conf" ''
user.privileged: root
user.unprivileged: dante
logoutput: syslog
@ -21,11 +22,10 @@ in
enable = mkEnableOption "Dante SOCKS proxy";
config = mkOption {
default = null;
type = types.nullOr types.str;
type = types.lines;
description = ''
Contents of Dante's configuration file
NOTE: user.privileged/user.unprivileged are set by the service
Contents of Dante's configuration file.
NOTE: user.privileged, user.unprivileged and logoutput are set by the service.
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ in
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
assertions = [
{ assertion = cfg.config != null;
{ assertion = cfg.config != "";
message = "please provide Dante configuration file contents";
@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ in
Type = "simple";
ExecStart = "${pkgs.dante}/bin/sockd -f ${confFile}";
ExecReload = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID";
Restart = "always";
# Can crash sometimes; see
Restart = "on-failure";
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
To enable the client proxy, set
services.dnscrypt-proxy.enable = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.dnscrypt-proxy.enable"/> = true;
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
DNS client, change the default proxy listening port to a
non-standard value and point the other client to it:
services.dnscrypt-proxy.localPort = 43;
<xref linkend="opt-services.dnscrypt-proxy.localPort"/> = 43;
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
services.dnsmasq.enable = true;
services.dnsmasq.servers = [ "" ];
<xref linkend="opt-services.dnsmasq.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.dnsmasq.servers"/> = [ "" ];
@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
services.unbound.enable = true;
services.unbound.forwardAddresses = [ "" ];
<xref linkend="opt-services.unbound.enable"/> = true;
<xref linkend="opt-services.unbound.forwardAddresses"/> = [ "" ];
@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ let
cfg =;
stateDir = "/var/lib/unifi";
cmd = ''
@${pkgs.jre}/bin/java java \
@${cfg.jrePackage}/bin/java java \
${optionalString (cfg.initialJavaHeapSize != null) "-Xms${(toString cfg.initialJavaHeapSize)}m"} \
${optionalString (cfg.maximumJavaHeapSize != null) "-Xmx${(toString cfg.maximumJavaHeapSize)}m"} \
-jar ${stateDir}/lib/ace.jar
mountPoints = [
what = "${pkgs.unifi}/dl";
what = "${cfg.unifiPackage}/dl";
where = "${stateDir}/dl";
what = "${pkgs.unifi}/lib";
what = "${cfg.unifiPackage}/lib";
where = "${stateDir}/lib";
what = "${pkgs.mongodb}/bin";
what = "${cfg.mongodbPackage}/bin";
where = "${stateDir}/bin";
@ -41,6 +41,33 @@ in
services.unifi.jrePackage = mkOption {
type = types.package;
default = pkgs.jre8;
defaultText = "pkgs.jre8";
description = ''
The JRE package to use. Check the release notes to ensure it is supported.
services.unifi.unifiPackage = mkOption {
type = types.package;
default = pkgs.unifiLTS;
defaultText = "pkgs.unifiLTS";
description = ''
The unifi package to use.
services.unifi.mongodbPackage = mkOption {
type = types.package;
default = pkgs.mongodb;
defaultText = "pkgs.mongodb";
description = ''
The mongodb package to use.
services.unifi.dataDir = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "${stateDir}/data";
@ -137,7 +164,7 @@ in
rm -rf "${stateDir}/webapps"
mkdir -p "${stateDir}/webapps"
chown unifi "${stateDir}/webapps"
ln -s "${pkgs.unifi}/webapps/ROOT" "${stateDir}/webapps/ROOT"
ln -s "${cfg.unifiPackage}/webapps/ROOT" "${stateDir}/webapps/ROOT"
postStop = ''
@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ let
WebInterface ${if cfg.webInterface then "Yes" else "No"}
LogLevel ${cfg.logLevel}
@ -165,6 +167,15 @@ in
logLevel = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "info";
example = "debug";
description = ''
Specifies the cupsd logging verbosity.
extraFilesConf = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
@ -180,7 +191,7 @@ in
example =
LogLevel debug
MaxCopies 42
description = ''
Extra contents of the configuration file of the CUPS daemon
@ -345,8 +356,6 @@ in
services.printing.extraConf =
LogLevel info
DefaultAuthType Basic
<Location />
@ -6,70 +6,81 @@ with lib;
cfg =;
# Use like:
# repeatedArgs (arg: "--arg=${arg}") args
repeatedArgs = concatMapStringsSep " ";
# oauth2_proxy provides many options that are only relevant if you are using
# a certain provider. This set maps from provider name to a function that
# takes the configuration and returns a string that can be inserted into the
# command-line to launch oauth2_proxy.
providerSpecificOptions = {
azure = cfg: ''
--azure-tenant=${} \
--resource=${} \
azure = cfg: {
azure.tenant =;
resource =;
github = cfg: ''
${optionalString (!isNull "--github-org=${}"} \
${optionalString (!isNull "--github-org=${}"} \
github = cfg: { github = {
inherit (cfg.github) org team;
}; };
google = cfg: ''
--google-admin-email=${} \
--google-service-account=${} \
${repeatedArgs (group: "--google-group=${group}")} \
google = cfg: { google = with; optionalAttrs (groups != []) {
admin-email = adminEmail;
service-account = serviceAccountJSON;
group = groups;
}; };
authenticatedEmailsFile = pkgs.writeText "authenticated-emails";
getProviderOptions = cfg: provider: providerSpecificOptions.${provider} or (_: "") cfg;
getProviderOptions = cfg: provider: providerSpecificOptions.${provider} or (_: {}) cfg;
mkCommandLine = cfg: ''
--provider='${cfg.provider}' \
${optionalString (!isNull "--authenticated-emails-file='${authenticatedEmailsFile}'"} \
--approval-prompt='${cfg.approvalPrompt}' \
${optionalString (cfg.passBasicAuth && !isNull cfg.basicAuthPassword) "--basic-auth-password='${cfg.basicAuthPassword}'"} \
--client-id='${cfg.clientID}' \
--client-secret='${cfg.clientSecret}' \
${optionalString (!isNull cfg.cookie.domain) "--cookie-domain='${cfg.cookie.domain}'"} \
--cookie-expire='${cfg.cookie.expire}' \
--cookie-httponly=${boolToString cfg.cookie.httpOnly} \
--cookie-name='${}' \
--cookie-secret='${cfg.cookie.secret}' \
--cookie-secure=${boolToString} \
${optionalString (!isNull cfg.cookie.refresh) "--cookie-refresh='${cfg.cookie.refresh}'"} \
${optionalString (!isNull cfg.customTemplatesDir) "--custom-templates-dir='${cfg.customTemplatesDir}'"} \
${repeatedArgs (x: "--email-domain='${x}'")} \
--http-address='${cfg.httpAddress}' \
${optionalString (!isNull cfg.htpasswd.file) "--htpasswd-file='${cfg.htpasswd.file}' --display-htpasswd-form=${boolToString cfg.htpasswd.displayForm}"} \
${optionalString (!isNull cfg.loginURL) "--login-url='${cfg.loginURL}'"} \
--pass-access-token=${boolToString cfg.passAccessToken} \
--pass-basic-auth=${boolToString cfg.passBasicAuth} \
--pass-host-header=${boolToString cfg.passHostHeader} \
--proxy-prefix='${cfg.proxyPrefix}' \
${optionalString (!isNull cfg.profileURL) "--profile-url='${cfg.profileURL}'"} \
${optionalString (!isNull cfg.redeemURL) "--redeem-url='${cfg.redeemURL}'"} \
${optionalString (!isNull cfg.redirectURL) "--redirect-url='${cfg.redirectURL}'"} \
--request-logging=${boolToString cfg.requestLogging} \
${optionalString (!isNull cfg.scope) "--scope='${cfg.scope}'"} \
${repeatedArgs (x: "--skip-auth-regex='${x}'") cfg.skipAuthRegexes} \
${optionalString (!isNull cfg.signatureKey) "--signature-key='${cfg.signatureKey}'"} \
--upstream='${cfg.upstream}' \
${optionalString (!isNull cfg.validateURL) "--validate-url='${cfg.validateURL}'"} \
${optionalString cfg.tls.enable "--tls-cert='${cfg.tls.certificate}' --tls-key='${cfg.tls.key}' --https-address='${cfg.tls.httpsAddress}'"} \
'' + getProviderOptions cfg cfg.provider;
allConfig = with cfg; {
inherit (cfg) provider scope upstream;
approval-prompt = approvalPrompt;
basic-auth-password = basicAuthPassword;
client-id = clientID;
client-secret = clientSecret;
custom-templates-dir = customTemplatesDir;
email-domain =;
http-address = httpAddress;
login-url = loginURL;
pass-access-token = passAccessToken;
pass-basic-auth = passBasicAuth;
pass-host-header = passHostHeader;
proxy-prefix = proxyPrefix;
profile-url = profileURL;
redeem-url = redeemURL;
redirect-url = redirectURL;
request-logging = requestLogging;
skip-auth-regex = skipAuthRegexes;
signature-key = signatureKey;
validate-url = validateURL;
htpasswd-file = htpasswd.file;
cookie = {
inherit (cookie) domain secure expire name secret refresh;
httponly = cookie.httpOnly;
set-xauthrequest = setXauthrequest;
} // lib.optionalAttrs (!isNull {
authenticated-emails-file = authenticatedEmailsFile;
} // lib.optionalAttrs (cfg.passBasicAuth) {
basic-auth-password = cfg.basicAuthPassword;
} // lib.optionalAttrs (!isNull cfg.htpasswd.file) {
display-htpasswd-file = cfg.htpasswd.displayForm;
} // lib.optionalAttrs tls.enable {
tls-cert = tls.certificate;
tls-key = tls.key;
https-address = tls.httpsAddress;
} // (getProviderOptions cfg cfg.provider) // cfg.extraConfig;
mapConfig = key: attr:
if (!isNull attr && attr != []) then (
if (builtins.typeOf attr) == "set" then concatStringsSep " "
(mapAttrsToList (name: value: mapConfig (key + "-" + name) value) attr) else
if (builtins.typeOf attr) == "list" then concatMapStringsSep " " (mapConfig key) attr else
if (builtins.typeOf attr) == "bool" then "--${key}=${boolToString attr}" else
if (builtins.typeOf attr) == "string" then "--${key}='${attr}'" else
"--${key}=${toString attr}")
else "";
configString = concatStringsSep " " (mapAttrsToList mapConfig allConfig);
|||| = {
@ -110,7 +121,7 @@ in
clientID = mkOption {
type = types.str;
type = types.nullOr types.str;
description = ''
The OAuth Client ID.
@ -118,7 +129,7 @@ in
clientSecret = mkOption {
type = types.str;
type = types.nullOr types.str;
description = ''
The OAuth Client Secret.
@ -272,7 +283,8 @@ in
# UPSTREAM Configuration
upstream = mkOption {
type = types.commas;
type = with types; coercedTo string (x: [x]) (listOf string);
default = [];
description = ''
The http url(s) of the upstream endpoint or <literal>file://</literal>
paths for static files. Routing is based on the path.
@ -365,7 +377,7 @@ in
secret = mkOption {
type = types.str;
type = types.nullOr types.str;
description = ''
The seed string for secure cookies.
@ -494,10 +506,43 @@ in
setXauthrequest = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Set X-Auth-Request-User and X-Auth-Request-Email response headers (useful in Nginx auth_request mode). Setting this to 'null' means using the upstream default (false).
extraConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
description = ''
Extra config to pass to oauth2_proxy.
keyFile = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.string;
default = null;
description = ''
oauth2_proxy allows passing sensitive configuration via environment variables.
Make a file that contains lines like
and specify the path here.
example = "/run/keys/oauth2_proxy";
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
services.oauth2_proxy = mkIf (!isNull cfg.keyFile) {
clientID = mkDefault null;
clientSecret = mkDefault null;
cookie.secret = mkDefault null;
users.extraUsers.oauth2_proxy = {
description = "OAuth2 Proxy";
@ -511,7 +556,8 @@ in
serviceConfig = {
User = "oauth2_proxy";
Restart = "always";
ExecStart = "${cfg.package.bin}/bin/oauth2_proxy ${mkCommandLine cfg}";
ExecStart = "${cfg.package.bin}/bin/oauth2_proxy ${configString}";
EnvironmentFile = mkIf (cfg.keyFile != null) cfg.keyFile;
@ -11,10 +11,7 @@ in {
options = {
services = {
deluge = {
enable = mkOption {
default = false;
description = "Start the Deluge daemon";
enable = mkEnableOption "Deluge daemon";
openFilesLimit = mkOption {
default = openFilesLimit;
@ -25,14 +22,7 @@ in {
deluge.web = {
enable = mkOption {
default = false;
description = ''
Start Deluge Web daemon.
deluge.web.enable = mkEnableOption "Deluge Web daemon";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, options, ... }:
with lib;
cfg =;
extraAttr = concatStringsSep " " (mapAttrsToList (k: v: "-D${k}=${v}") (stdParams // cfg.extraParams));
mergeAttrList = lib.foldl' lib.mergeAttrs {};
stdParams = mergeAttrList [
(optionalAttrs (cfg.baseUrl != null) {
"jetbrains.youtrack.baseUrl" = cfg.baseUrl;
"" = "true";
"jetbrains.youtrack.disableBrowser" = "true";
|||| = {
enable = mkEnableOption "YouTrack service";
address = mkOption {
description = ''
The interface youtrack will listen on.
default = "";
type = types.string;
baseUrl = mkOption {
description = ''
Base URL for youtrack. Will be auto-detected and stored in database.
type = types.nullOr types.string;
default = null;
extraParams = mkOption {
default = {};
description = ''
Extra parameters to pass to youtrack. See
for more information.
example = {
"jetbrains.youtrack.overrideRootPassword" = "tortuga";
type = types.attrsOf types.string;
package = mkOption {
description = ''
Package to use.
type = types.package;
default = pkgs.youtrack;
defaultText = "pkgs.youtrack";
port = mkOption {
description = ''
The port youtrack will listen on.
default = 8080;
type =;
statePath = mkOption {
description = ''
Where to keep the youtrack database.
type = types.string;
default = "/var/lib/youtrack";
virtualHost = mkOption {
description = ''
Name of the nginx virtual host to use and setup.
If null, do not setup anything.
default = null;
type = types.nullOr types.string;
jvmOpts = mkOption {
description = ''
Extra options to pass to the JVM.
for more information.
type = types.string;
example = "-XX:MetaspaceSize=250m";
default = "";
maxMemory = mkOption {
description = ''
Maximum Java heap size
type = types.string;
default = "1g";
maxMetaspaceSize = mkOption {
description = ''
Maximum java Metaspace memory.
type = types.string;
default = "350m";
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
|||| = {
environment.HOME = cfg.statePath;
environment.YOUTRACK_JVM_OPTS = "-Xmx${cfg.maxMemory} -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=${cfg.maxMetaspaceSize} ${cfg.jvmOpts} ${extraAttr}";
after = [ "" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
serviceConfig = {
Type = "simple";
User = "youtrack";
Group = "youtrack";
ExecStart = ''${cfg.package}/bin/youtrack ${cfg.address}:${toString cfg.port}'';
users.users.youtrack = {
description = "Youtrack service user";
isSystemUser = true;
home = cfg.statePath;
createHome = true;
group = "youtrack";
users.groups.youtrack = {};
services.nginx = mkIf (cfg.virtualHost != null) {
upstreams.youtrack.servers."${cfg.address}:${toString cfg.port}" = {};
virtualHosts.${cfg.virtualHost}.locations = {
"/" = {
proxyPass = "http://youtrack";
extraConfig = ''
client_max_body_size 10m;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
"/api/eventSourceBus" = {
proxyPass = "http://youtrack";
extraConfig = ''
proxy_cache off;
proxy_buffering off;
proxy_read_timeout 86400s;
proxy_send_timeout 86400s;
proxy_set_header Connection "";
chunked_transfer_encoding off;
client_max_body_size 10m;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ in {
ca = mkOption {
default = "";
example = "";
default = "";
example = "";
type = types.string;
description = "Certificate authority ACME server. The default (Let's Encrypt production server) should be fine for most people.";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ...}:
cfg =;
ocspDir = lib.optionalString cfg.ocsp-stapling.enabled "/var/cache/hitch/ocsp";
hitchConfig = with lib; pkgs.writeText "hitch.conf" (concatStringsSep "\n" [
("backend = \"${cfg.backend}\"")
(concatMapStrings (s: "frontend = \"${s}\"\n") cfg.frontend)
(concatMapStrings (s: "pem-file = \"${s}\"\n") cfg.pem-files)
("ciphers = \"${cfg.ciphers}\"")
("ocsp-dir = \"${ocspDir}\"")
"user = \"${cfg.user}\""
"group = \"${}\""
with lib;
options = {
services.hitch = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Hitch Server";
backend = mkOption {
type = types.str;
description = ''
The host and port Hitch connects to when receiving
a connection in the form [HOST]:PORT
ciphers = mkOption {
type = types.str;
description = "The list of ciphers to use";
frontend = mkOption {
type = types.either types.str (types.listOf types.str);
default = "[]:443";
description = ''
The port and interface of the listen endpoint in the
+ form [HOST]:PORT[+CERT].
apply = toList;
pem-files = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.path;
default = [];
description = "PEM files to use";
ocsp-stapling = {
enabled = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = true;
description = "Whether to enable OCSP Stapling";
user = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "hitch";
description = "The user to run as";
group = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "hitch";
description = "The group to run as";
extraConfig = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
description = "Additional configuration lines";
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
|||| = {
description = "Hitch";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "" ];
preStart = ''
${pkgs.hitch}/sbin/hitch -t --config ${hitchConfig}
'' + (optionalString cfg.ocsp-stapling.enabled ''
mkdir -p ${ocspDir}
chown -R hitch:hitch ${ocspDir}
serviceConfig = {
Type = "forking";
ExecStart = "${pkgs.hitch}/sbin/hitch --daemon --config ${hitchConfig}";
ExecReload = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID";
Restart = "always";
RestartSec = "5s";
LimitNOFILE = 131072;
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.hitch ];
|||| = "hitch";
users.extraGroups.hitch = {};
@ -218,7 +218,10 @@ let
ssl_certificate_key ${vhost.sslCertificateKey};
${optionalString (vhost.basicAuth != {}) (mkBasicAuth vhostName vhost.basicAuth)}
${optionalString (vhost.basicAuthFile != null || vhost.basicAuth != {}) ''
auth_basic secured;
auth_basic_user_file ${if vhost.basicAuthFile != null then vhost.basicAuthFile else mkHtpasswd vhostName vhost.basicAuth};
${mkLocations vhost.locations}
@ -248,16 +251,11 @@ let
${optionalString (config.proxyPass != null && cfg.recommendedProxySettings) "include ${recommendedProxyConfig};"}
'') locations);
mkBasicAuth = vhostName: authDef: let
htpasswdFile = pkgs.writeText "${vhostName}.htpasswd" (
mkHtpasswd = vhostName: authDef: pkgs.writeText "${vhostName}.htpasswd" (
concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (user: password: ''
'') authDef)
in ''
auth_basic secured;
auth_basic_user_file ${htpasswdFile};
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in New Issue
Block a user