diff --git a/doc/haskell-users-guide.xml b/doc/haskell-users-guide.xml
index 87c8e1b92dd..2f3b1eabb11 100644
--- a/doc/haskell-users-guide.xml
+++ b/doc/haskell-users-guide.xml
@@ -354,6 +354,90 @@ if [ -e ~/.nix-profile/bin/ghc ]; then
+ How to install a compiler with libraries, hoogle and documentation indexes
+ If you plan to use your environment for interactive programming,
+ not just compiling random Haskell code, you might want to
+ replace ghcWithPackages in all the listings
+ above with ghcWithHoogle.
+ This environment generator not only produces an environment with
+ GHC and all the specified libraries, but also generates a
+ hoogle and haddock indexes
+ for all the packages, and provides a wrapper script around
+ hoogle binary that uses all those things. A
+ precise name for this thing would be
+ "ghcWithPackagesAndHoogleAndDocumentationIndexes",
+ which is, regrettably, too long and scary.
+ For example, installing the following environment
+ packageOverrides = super: let self = super.pkgs; in
+ {
+ myHaskellEnv = self.haskellPackages.ghcWithHoogle
+ (haskellPackages: with haskellPackages; [
+ # libraries
+ arrows async cgi criterion
+ # tools
+ cabal-install haskintex
+ ]);
+ };
+ allows one to browse module documentation index not
+ too dissimilar to this for all the specified packages and
+ their dependencies by directing a browser of choice to
+ ~/.nix-profiles/share/doc/hoogle/index.html
+ (or
+ /run/current-system/sw/share/doc/hoogle/index.html
+ in case you put it in
+ environment.systemPackages in NixOS).
+ After you've marveled enough at that try adding the following to
+ your ~/.ghc/ghci.conf
+:def hoogle \s -> return $ ":! hoogle search -cl --count=15 \"" ++ s ++ "\""
+:def doc \s -> return $ ":! hoogle search -cl --info \"" ++ s ++ "\""
+ and test it by typing into ghci:
+:hoogle a -> a
+:doc a -> a
+ Be sure to note the links to haddock files in
+ the output. With any modern and properly configured terminal
+ emulator you can just click those links to navigate there.
+ Finally, you can run
+hoogle server -p 8080
+ and navigate to for
+ your own local Hoogle.
+ Note, however, that Firefox and possibly other browsers disallow
+ navigation from http: to
+ file: URIs for security reasons, which might
+ be quite an inconvenience. See this
+ page for workarounds.
+ How to create ad hoc environments for