* Added some regression tests for lib that I wrote a while ago but
didn't commit. Also, run the tests when making a Nixpkgs tarball. svn path=/nixpkgs/trunk/; revision=14802
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,9 +14,11 @@ rec {
addErrorContextToAttrs = lib.mapAttrs (a : v : lib.addErrorContext "while evaluating ${a}" v);
traceVal = if builtins ? trace then x: (builtins.trace x x) else x: x;
traceXMLVal = if builtins ? trace then x: (builtins.trace (builtins.toXML x) x) else x: x;
# this can help debug your code as well - designed to not produce thousands of lines
traceShowVal = x : __trace (showVal x) x;
traceShowValMarked = str: x: __trace (str + showVal x) x;
@ -37,4 +39,17 @@ rec {
traceCall2 = n : f : a : b : let t = n2 : x : traceShowValMarked "${n} ${n2}:" x; in t "result" (f (t "arg 1" a) (t "arg 2" b));
traceCall3 = n : f : a : b : c : let t = n2 : x : traceShowValMarked "${n} ${n2}:" x; in t "result" (f (t "arg 1" a) (t "arg 2" b) (t "arg 3" c));
/* Evaluate a set of tests. A test is an attribute set {expr,
expected}, denoting an expression and its expected result. The
result is a list of failed tests, each represented as {name,
expected, actual}, denoting the attribute name of the failing
test and its expected and actual results. Used for regression
testing of the functions in lib; see tests.nix for an example.
runTests = tests: lib.concatLists (lib.attrValues (lib.mapAttrs (name: test:
if ! lib.eqStrict test.expr test.expected
then [ { inherit name; expected = test.expected; result = test.expr; } ]
else [] ) tests));
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
let lib = import ./default.nix;
eqStrictTest =
let inherit(lib) eqStrict; in
assert eqStrict 2 2;
assert !(eqStrict 3 2);
assert eqStrict [2 1] [2 1];
assert !(eqStrict [1 3] [1 2]);
assert eqStrict {a = 7; b = 20;} {b= 20; a = 7;};
assert eqStrict [{a = 7; b = 20;}] [{b= 20; a = 7;}];
assert eqStrict {a = [7 8]; b = 20;} {b= 20; a = [7 8];};
overridableDelayableArgsTest =
let inherit (lib) defaultOverridableDelayableArgs;
res1 = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs lib.id {};
res2 = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs lib.id { a = 7; };
res3 = let x = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs lib.id { a = 7; };
in (x.merge) { b = 10; };
res4 = let x = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs lib.id { a = 7; };
in (x.merge) ( x: { b = 10; });
res5 = let x = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs lib.id { a = 7; };
in (x.merge) ( x: { a = __add x.a 3; });
res6 = let x = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs lib.id { a = 7; mergeAttrBy = { a = __add; }; };
y = x.merge {};
in (y.merge) { a = 10; };
resRem7 = res6.replace (a : removeAttrs a ["a"]);
resReplace6 = let x = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs lib.id { a = 7; mergeAttrBy = { a = __add; }; };
x2 = x.merge { a = 20; }; # now we have 27
in (x2.replace) { a = 10; }; # and override the value by 10
# fixed tests (delayed args): (when using them add some comments, please)
resFixed1 =
let x = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs lib.id ( x : { a = 7; c = x.fixed.b; });
y = x.merge (x : { name = "name-${builtins.toString x.fixed.c}"; });
in (y.merge) { b = 10; };
strip = attrs : removeAttrs attrs ["merge" "replace"];
assert lib.eqStrict (strip res1) { };
assert lib.eqStrict (strip res2) { a = 7; };
assert lib.eqStrict (strip res3) { a = 7; b = 10; };
assert lib.eqStrict (strip res4) { a = 7; b = 10; };
assert lib.eqStrict (strip res5) { a = 10; };
assert lib.eqStrict (strip res6) { a = 17; };
assert lib.eqStrict (strip resRem7) {};
assert lib.eqStrict (strip resFixed1) { a = 7; b = 10; c =10; name = "name-10"; };
in [ eqStrictTest overridableDelayableArgsTest ]
@ -1,8 +1,102 @@
let lib = import ./default.nix;
with import ./default.nix;
miscTests = import ./misc-tests.nix;
runTests {
if lib.all (a : a == "ok") (lib.concatLists [ miscTests ]) then
throw "all tests have passed"
else "there has been a some lib test failures"
id = {
expr = id 1;
expected = 1;
const = {
expr = const 2 3;
expected = 2;
or = {
expr = or true false;
expected = true;
and = {
expr = and true false;
expected = false;
fix = {
expr = fix (x: {a = if x ? a then "a" else "b";});
expected = {a = "a";};
concatMapStrings = {
expr = concatMapStrings (x: x + ";") ["a" "b" "c"];
expected = "a;b;c;";
concatStringsSep = {
expr = concatStringsSep "," ["a" "b" "c"];
expected = "a,b,c";
filter = {
expr = filter (x: x != "a") ["a" "b" "c" "a"];
expected = ["b" "c"];
fold = {
expr = fold (builtins.add) 0 (range 0 100);
expected = 5050;
eqStrict = {
expr = all id [
(eqStrict 2 2)
(!eqStrict 3 2)
(eqStrict [2 1] [2 1])
(!eqStrict [1 3] [1 2])
(eqStrict {a = 7; b = 20;} {b= 20; a = 7;})
(eqStrict [{a = 7; b = 20;}] [{b= 20; a = 7;}])
(eqStrict {a = [7 8]; b = 20;} {b= 20; a = [7 8];})
expected = true;
overridableDelayableArgsTest = {
expr =
let res1 = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs id {};
res2 = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs id { a = 7; };
res3 = let x = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs id { a = 7; };
in (x.merge) { b = 10; };
res4 = let x = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs id { a = 7; };
in (x.merge) ( x: { b = 10; });
res5 = let x = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs id { a = 7; };
in (x.merge) ( x: { a = __add x.a 3; });
res6 = let x = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs id { a = 7; mergeAttrBy = { a = __add; }; };
y = x.merge {};
in (y.merge) { a = 10; };
resRem7 = res6.replace (a : removeAttrs a ["a"]);
resReplace6 = let x = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs id { a = 7; mergeAttrBy = { a = __add; }; };
x2 = x.merge { a = 20; }; # now we have 27
in (x2.replace) { a = 10; }; # and override the value by 10
# fixed tests (delayed args): (when using them add some comments, please)
resFixed1 =
let x = defaultOverridableDelayableArgs id ( x : { a = 7; c = x.fixed.b; });
y = x.merge (x : { name = "name-${builtins.toString x.fixed.c}"; });
in (y.merge) { b = 10; };
strip = attrs : removeAttrs attrs ["merge" "replace"];
in all id
[ (eqStrict (strip res1) { })
(eqStrict (strip res2) { a = 7; })
(eqStrict (strip res3) { a = 7; b = 10; })
(eqStrict (strip res4) { a = 7; b = 10; })
(eqStrict (strip res5) { a = 10; })
(eqStrict (strip res6) { a = 17; })
(eqStrict (strip resRem7) {})
(eqStrict (strip resFixed1) { a = 7; b = 10; c =10; name = "name-10"; })
expected = true;
@ -9348,6 +9348,7 @@ let
inherit libxml2 guile perl intltool libtool pkgconfig;
alliance = import ../applications/science/electronics/alliance {
@ -9392,6 +9393,7 @@ let
inherit fetchurl stdenv perl paml;
atlas = import ../development/libraries/science/math/atlas {
@ -9402,18 +9404,21 @@ let
inherit fetchurl stdenv gfortran;
}; */
coq = import ../applications/science/logic/coq {
inherit fetchurl stdenv ocaml ncurses;
ngspice = import ../applications/science/electronics/ngspice {
inherit fetchurl stdenv readline;
maxima = import ../applications/science/math/maxima {
@ -9432,6 +9437,7 @@ let
withX = true;
### MISC
atari800 = import ../misc/emulators/atari800 {
@ -9745,5 +9751,5 @@ let
inherit (stdenv) mkDerivation;
libTests = import ../lib/tests.nix;
}; in pkgs
@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ releaseTools.makeSourceTarball {
doCheck = true;
checkPhase = ''
# Run the regression tests in `lib'.
if test "$(nix-instantiate --eval-only --strict tests.nix)" != "List([])"; then
echo "regression tests for `lib' failed"
exit 1
# Check that we can fully evaluate build-for-release.nix.
header "checking pkgs/top-level/build-for-release.nix"
nix-env --readonly-mode -f pkgs/top-level/build-for-release.nix \
Reference in New Issue