From 35b3a1f43a9621a88e906a839f99d8252500152b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Simons <>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2020 09:22:09 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/6] LTS Haskell 16.20

 .../configuration-hackage2nix.yaml            | 32 +++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-hackage2nix.yaml b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-hackage2nix.yaml
index 8a2e787038d..0963bbca111 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-hackage2nix.yaml
+++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-hackage2nix.yaml
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
   # haskell-language-server doesn't accept newer versions
   - fourmolu ==0.2.*
   - refinery ==0.2.*
-  # LTS Haskell 16.19
+  # LTS Haskell 16.20
   - abstract-deque ==0.3
   - abstract-par ==0.3.3
   - AC-Angle ==1.0
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
   - aeson-attoparsec ==0.0.0
   - aeson-better-errors ==
   - aeson-casing ==
-  - aeson-combinators ==
+  - aeson-combinators ==
   - aeson-compat ==0.3.9
   - aeson-default ==
   - aeson-diff ==
@@ -214,12 +214,12 @@ default-package-overrides:
   - annotated-wl-pprint ==0.7.0
   - ansi-terminal ==0.10.3
   - ansi-wl-pprint ==0.6.9
-  - antiope-core ==7.5.1
-  - antiope-dynamodb ==7.5.1
-  - antiope-messages ==7.5.1
-  - antiope-s3 ==7.5.1
-  - antiope-sns ==7.5.1
-  - antiope-sqs ==7.5.1
+  - antiope-core ==7.5.3
+  - antiope-dynamodb ==7.5.3
+  - antiope-messages ==7.5.3
+  - antiope-s3 ==7.5.3
+  - antiope-sns ==7.5.3
+  - antiope-sqs ==7.5.3
   - ANum ==
   - apecs ==0.9.2
   - apecs-gloss ==0.2.4
@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
   - fmlist ==0.9.4
   - fmt ==
   - fn ==
-  - focus ==
+  - focus ==
   - focuslist ==
   - foldable1 ==
   - fold-debounce ==
@@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
   - hackage-db ==2.1.0
   - hackage-security ==
   - haddock-library ==1.8.0
-  - hadolint ==1.18.0
+  - hadolint ==1.18.2
   - hadoop-streaming ==
   - hakyll ==
   - half ==0.3
@@ -1275,7 +1275,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
   - JuicyPixels-blurhash ==
   - JuicyPixels-extra ==0.4.1
   - JuicyPixels-scale-dct ==0.1.2
-  - junit-xml ==
+  - junit-xml ==
   - justified-containers ==
   - jwt ==0.10.0
   - kan-extensions ==5.2.1
@@ -1302,7 +1302,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
   - language-bash ==0.9.2
   - language-c ==0.8.3
   - language-c-quote ==
-  - language-docker ==9.1.1
+  - language-docker ==9.1.2
   - language-haskell-extract ==0.2.4
   - language-java ==0.2.9
   - language-javascript ==
@@ -1651,7 +1651,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
   - password-instances ==
   - path ==0.7.0
   - path-extra ==0.2.0
-  - path-io ==1.6.1
+  - path-io ==1.6.2
   - path-pieces ==0.2.1
   - path-text-utf8 ==
   - pathtype ==
@@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
   - range ==
   - Ranged-sets ==0.4.0
   - range-set-list ==
-  - rank1dynamic ==0.4.0
+  - rank1dynamic ==0.4.1
   - rank2classes ==
   - Rasterific ==
   - rasterific-svg ==
@@ -2478,7 +2478,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
   - xdg-userdirs ==
   - xeno ==0.4.2
   - xls ==0.1.3
-  - xlsx ==0.8.1
+  - xlsx ==0.8.2
   - xlsx-tabular ==
   - xml ==1.3.14
   - xml-basic ==
@@ -2507,7 +2507,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
   - yesod-auth-fb ==1.10.1
   - yesod-auth-hashdb ==
   - yesod-bin ==
-  - yesod-core ==
+  - yesod-core ==
   - yesod-fb ==0.6.1
   - yesod-form ==1.6.7
   - yesod-form-bootstrap4 ==3.0.0

From 035ba1797d3a7d19dcc6e764cf8a5f1024a48cfc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Simons <>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2020 20:15:35 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/6] hackage2nix: disable broken builds to fix evaluation

 .../haskell-modules/configuration-hackage2nix.yaml           | 5 +++++
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)

diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-hackage2nix.yaml b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-hackage2nix.yaml
index 0963bbca111..c6812370e82 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-hackage2nix.yaml
+++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-hackage2nix.yaml
@@ -8746,7 +8746,11 @@ broken-packages:
   - polydata-core
   - polynomial
   - polysemy-chronos
+  - polysemy-extra
+  - polysemy-fskvstore
   - polysemy-http
+  - polysemy-kvstore-jsonfile
+  - polysemy-methodology
   - polysemy-optics
   - polysemy-RandomFu
   - polysemy-resume
@@ -11115,6 +11119,7 @@ broken-packages:
   - windns
   - windowslive
   - winerror
+  - winery
   - winio
   - Wired
   - wires

From 857d62462a64af23acdf5b27f3e40c111765dd35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sternenseemann <>
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2020 14:36:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/6] haskellPackages.flat: unbreak

flat builds fine again as is.
 pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-hackage2nix.yaml | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-hackage2nix.yaml b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-hackage2nix.yaml
index c6812370e82..3a31056fd12 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-hackage2nix.yaml
+++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-hackage2nix.yaml
@@ -5066,7 +5066,6 @@ broken-packages:
   - flamethrower
   - flamingra
   - flashblast
-  - flat
   - flat-maybe
   - flatbuffers
   - flay

From a2c9fb0aaa124edbb5b5ebcc20a4ee4b9169eaa5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Simons <>
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2020 02:30:32 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 4/6] hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set

This update was generated by hackage2nix v2.15.5-26-gcfec46d from Hackage revision
 .../haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix      | 1353 ++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 786 insertions(+), 567 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix
index f48e90b187b..6169d134dda 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix
@@ -836,8 +836,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "Agda";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0d4j3n96wyc2crz238q49sb31ll6dfddllb82ry0jnsk8f0ypx2p";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0b872fi12j316zcbwnablkg45p252a4sqca9lsgfig55qirk0w08";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
@@ -2775,7 +2775,7 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
-  "Cabal_3_2_0_0" = callPackage
+  "Cabal_3_2_1_0" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, array, base, base-compat, base-orphans, binary
      , bytestring, containers, deepseq, Diff, directory, filepath
      , integer-logarithms, mtl, optparse-applicative, parsec, pretty
@@ -2785,8 +2785,10 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "Cabal";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0vz6bl1ia7wjc62sj5iw5jhigdwfz6yz01mripjcymv4qrbkl1gj";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1xfn9q6jnbp3jc6swn4hapa83f5m66pjz8fqbqmffydagf36fkzy";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "07brbxkjlf1yqs9bjdwcwq1gx853kh600qnrf6bnya92q1p0fhw7";
        setupHaskellDepends = [ mtl parsec ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          array base binary bytestring containers deepseq directory filepath
@@ -21914,8 +21916,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "Z-IO";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1cd84n434i2l13xziys0rm7wx5iqw2xqydf96yj6fwkaysh3hrps";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0xvl0xgqcwqvsvqhdysgh3i2lhp1vi7sglgzzmzxz3142a67xpgd";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base exceptions primitive stm time unix-time Z-Data
@@ -23936,8 +23938,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "addy";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "10p7q0infa1bawhg7hxw8rqjqdj3w737j5s3g41hy4in2nfp5ji0";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1mvxnbb1118f26581zqyh0id4g1qnn44f8q3h0sfpijf0g1v9vg5";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          attoparsec base bytestring ip lens relude text text-icu
@@ -24411,8 +24413,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "aeson-combinators";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0x8bk7jxrg8j1zk5047sf5i6fy6hahjzrfnyzgwv1l443z4v445n";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "01gsrm6glr2axcls4hxs740z8lxf39cvdhvidf360mnijai4sgl6";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson base bytestring containers fail scientific text time
          time-compat unordered-containers uuid-types vector void
@@ -25513,6 +25515,28 @@ self: {
        broken = true;
      }) {};
+  "agda-unused" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, Agda, base, containers, directory, filepath
+     , hspec, megaparsec, mtl, optparse-applicative, text
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "agda-unused";
+       version = "0.1.0";
+       sha256 = "1g0iyv9x46ql8j9ggb6nw58274vqb6z850x26glaqcdwa3wvn1i1";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         Agda base containers directory filepath megaparsec mtl text
+       ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson base directory filepath mtl optparse-applicative text
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base containers filepath hspec text ];
+       description = "Check for unused code in an Agda project";
+       license =;
+     }) {};
   "agentx" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bitwise, bytestring, containers
      , data-default, Diff, fclabels, mtl, network, pipes
@@ -30297,32 +30321,6 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "antiope-core" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-lens, amazonka, amazonka-core, base
-     , bytestring, exceptions, generic-lens, hedgehog, hspec
-     , hspec-discover, http-client, http-types, hw-hspec-hedgehog, lens
-     , mtl, resourcet, scientific, text, transformers, unliftio-core
-     }:
-     mkDerivation {
-       pname = "antiope-core";
-       version = "7.5.1";
-       sha256 = "068dsdag8bng2ddzr0vxipmzrfa5x3jq80pmrmc0l86bjvnlsdjr";
-       libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson amazonka amazonka-core base bytestring exceptions
-         generic-lens http-client http-types lens mtl resourcet text
-         transformers unliftio-core
-       ];
-       testHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson aeson-lens amazonka amazonka-core base bytestring exceptions
-         generic-lens hedgehog hspec http-client http-types
-         hw-hspec-hedgehog lens mtl resourcet scientific text transformers
-         unliftio-core
-       ];
-       testToolDepends = [ hspec-discover ];
-       description = "Please see the README on Github at <>";
-       license =;
-     }) {};
-  "antiope-core_7_5_3" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-lens, amazonka, amazonka-core, base
      , bytestring, exceptions, generic-lens, hedgehog, hspec
      , hspec-discover, http-client, http-types, hw-hspec-hedgehog, lens
@@ -30346,34 +30344,9 @@ self: {
        testToolDepends = [ hspec-discover ];
        description = "Please see the README on Github at <>";
        license =;
-       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
   "antiope-dynamodb" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, amazonka, amazonka-core, amazonka-dynamodb
-     , antiope-core, base, generic-lens, hspec-discover, lens, text
-     , unliftio-core, unordered-containers
-     }:
-     mkDerivation {
-       pname = "antiope-dynamodb";
-       version = "7.5.1";
-       sha256 = "19d7rbz4qqq3pd9nncydgvda798a5ziw21zkpa5d0smfna71zckp";
-       libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson amazonka amazonka-core amazonka-dynamodb antiope-core base
-         generic-lens lens text unliftio-core unordered-containers
-       ];
-       testHaskellDepends = [
-         amazonka amazonka-core amazonka-dynamodb antiope-core base
-         generic-lens lens text unliftio-core unordered-containers
-       ];
-       testToolDepends = [ hspec-discover ];
-       description = "Please see the README on Github at <>";
-       license =;
-       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
-       broken = true;
-     }) {};
-  "antiope-dynamodb_7_5_3" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, amazonka, amazonka-core, amazonka-dynamodb
      , antiope-core, base, generic-lens, hspec-discover, lens, text
      , unliftio-core, unordered-containers
@@ -30417,30 +30390,6 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "antiope-messages" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, amazonka, amazonka-core, base, bytestring
-     , generic-lens, hedgehog, hspec, hspec-discover, hw-hspec-hedgehog
-     , lens, lens-aeson, monad-loops, network-uri, scientific, text
-     , unliftio-core
-     }:
-     mkDerivation {
-       pname = "antiope-messages";
-       version = "7.5.1";
-       sha256 = "01hkq4n5jpfnb9i8ysaj73zknvkhpxb3mnq7csv2dc29ral4vzdp";
-       libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson amazonka amazonka-core base bytestring generic-lens lens
-         lens-aeson monad-loops network-uri text unliftio-core
-       ];
-       testHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson amazonka amazonka-core base bytestring generic-lens hedgehog
-         hspec hw-hspec-hedgehog lens lens-aeson monad-loops network-uri
-         scientific text unliftio-core
-       ];
-       testToolDepends = [ hspec-discover ];
-       description = "Please see the README on Github at <>";
-       license =;
-     }) {};
-  "antiope-messages_7_5_3" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, amazonka, amazonka-core, base, bytestring
      , generic-lens, hedgehog, hspec, hspec-discover, hw-hspec-hedgehog
      , lens, lens-aeson, monad-loops, network-uri, scientific, text
@@ -30462,7 +30411,6 @@ self: {
        testToolDepends = [ hspec-discover ];
        description = "Please see the README on Github at <>";
        license =;
-       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
   "antiope-optparse-applicative" = callPackage
@@ -30487,34 +30435,6 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "antiope-s3" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, amazonka, amazonka-core, amazonka-s3
-     , antiope-core, antiope-messages, attoparsec, base, bytestring
-     , conduit, conduit-extra, deepseq, dlist, exceptions, generic-lens
-     , hedgehog, hspec, hspec-discover, http-types, hw-hspec-hedgehog
-     , lens, mtl, network-uri, resourcet, text, time, unliftio-core
-     }:
-     mkDerivation {
-       pname = "antiope-s3";
-       version = "7.5.1";
-       sha256 = "0nqs90pqk8dfjbrc55f4gdw4ybw2fslbx9z2x8k45mqpri3xwc0y";
-       libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson amazonka amazonka-core amazonka-s3 antiope-core
-         antiope-messages attoparsec base bytestring conduit conduit-extra
-         deepseq dlist exceptions generic-lens http-types lens mtl
-         network-uri resourcet text time unliftio-core
-       ];
-       testHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson amazonka amazonka-core amazonka-s3 antiope-core attoparsec
-         base bytestring conduit conduit-extra exceptions generic-lens
-         hedgehog hspec http-types hw-hspec-hedgehog lens mtl network-uri
-         resourcet text time unliftio-core
-       ];
-       testToolDepends = [ hspec-discover ];
-       description = "Please see the README on Github at <>";
-       license =;
-     }) {};
-  "antiope-s3_7_5_3" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, amazonka, amazonka-core, amazonka-s3
      , antiope-core, antiope-messages, attoparsec, base, bytestring
      , conduit, conduit-extra, deepseq, dlist, exceptions, generic-lens
@@ -30540,7 +30460,6 @@ self: {
        testToolDepends = [ hspec-discover ];
        description = "Please see the README on Github at <>";
        license =;
-       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
   "antiope-shell" = callPackage
@@ -30573,29 +30492,6 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "antiope-sns" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, amazonka, amazonka-core, amazonka-sns, base
-     , bytestring, generic-lens, hedgehog, hspec, hspec-discover
-     , hw-hspec-hedgehog, lens, text, time, unliftio-core
-     }:
-     mkDerivation {
-       pname = "antiope-sns";
-       version = "7.5.1";
-       sha256 = "13wzfjqihsi0xw7j869knj82a6k1fi74fywhlqc3bh1xc6wcir7q";
-       libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson amazonka amazonka-core amazonka-sns base bytestring
-         generic-lens lens text time unliftio-core
-       ];
-       testHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson amazonka amazonka-core amazonka-sns base bytestring
-         generic-lens hedgehog hspec hw-hspec-hedgehog lens text time
-         unliftio-core
-       ];
-       testToolDepends = [ hspec-discover ];
-       description = "Please see the README on Github at <>";
-       license =;
-     }) {};
-  "antiope-sns_7_5_3" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, amazonka, amazonka-core, amazonka-sns, base
      , bytestring, generic-lens, hedgehog, hspec, hspec-discover
      , hw-hspec-hedgehog, lens, text, time, unliftio-core
@@ -30616,36 +30512,9 @@ self: {
        testToolDepends = [ hspec-discover ];
        description = "Please see the README on Github at <>";
        license =;
-       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
   "antiope-sqs" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, amazonka, amazonka-core, amazonka-sqs, base
-     , bytestring, conduit, generic-lens, hedgehog, hspec
-     , hspec-discover, hw-hspec-hedgehog, lens, lens-aeson, monad-loops
-     , mtl, network-uri, split, text, time, unliftio-core
-     , unordered-containers
-     }:
-     mkDerivation {
-       pname = "antiope-sqs";
-       version = "7.5.1";
-       sha256 = "1y3fxqx5595agcnr157q3jap0dmcss8lyij187j9f29y0wkbkzv6";
-       libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson amazonka amazonka-core amazonka-sqs base bytestring conduit
-         generic-lens lens lens-aeson monad-loops mtl network-uri split text
-         unliftio-core unordered-containers
-       ];
-       testHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson amazonka amazonka-core amazonka-sqs base bytestring conduit
-         generic-lens hedgehog hspec hw-hspec-hedgehog lens lens-aeson
-         monad-loops mtl network-uri text time unliftio-core
-       ];
-       testToolDepends = [ hspec-discover ];
-       description = "Please see the README on Github at <>";
-       license =;
-     }) {};
-  "antiope-sqs_7_5_3" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, amazonka, amazonka-core, amazonka-sqs, base
      , bytestring, conduit, generic-lens, hedgehog, hspec
      , hspec-discover, hw-hspec-hedgehog, lens, lens-aeson, monad-loops
@@ -30669,7 +30538,6 @@ self: {
        testToolDepends = [ hspec-discover ];
        description = "Please see the README on Github at <>";
        license =;
-       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
   "antiope-swf" = callPackage
@@ -35407,6 +35275,26 @@ self: {
        broken = true;
      }) {};
+  "aur_7_0_5" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, hashable, http-client
+     , http-client-tls, http-types, tasty, tasty-hunit, text
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "aur";
+       version = "7.0.5";
+       sha256 = "16c4q0w6qpn4gg6xlggkcs92fcvm58a3qmykfm1dgcfsjhwwhxkx";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson base bytestring hashable http-client http-types text
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base http-client http-client-tls tasty tasty-hunit
+       ];
+       description = "Access metadata from the Arch Linux User Repository";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+       broken = true;
+     }) {};
   "aur-api" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, exceptions, hspec
      , http-client, http-client-tls, mtl, text
@@ -35461,6 +35349,42 @@ self: {
        broken = true;
      }) {};
+  "aura_3_2_2" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, algebraic-graphs, aur, base, bytestring
+     , containers, filepath, hashable, http-client, http-client-tls
+     , http-types, language-bash, megaparsec, network-uri
+     , optparse-applicative, prettyprinter, prettyprinter-ansi-terminal
+     , rio, scheduler, stm, tasty, tasty-hunit, text, time, transformers
+     , typed-process, versions
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "aura";
+       version = "3.2.2";
+       sha256 = "07ska8w2k3sl084aadjclw8v0ykrp8hiwhim5zd6wd7q95njyk2f";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson algebraic-graphs aur base bytestring containers filepath
+         hashable http-client http-types language-bash megaparsec
+         network-uri prettyprinter prettyprinter-ansi-terminal rio scheduler
+         stm text time transformers typed-process versions
+       ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson aur base bytestring containers http-client http-client-tls
+         megaparsec optparse-applicative prettyprinter
+         prettyprinter-ansi-terminal rio scheduler text transformers
+         typed-process versions
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring containers megaparsec rio tasty tasty-hunit text
+         versions
+       ];
+       description = "A secure package manager for Arch Linux and the AUR";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+       broken = true;
+     }) {};
   "authenticate" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring
      , case-insensitive, conduit, containers, html-conduit, http-conduit
@@ -37648,8 +37572,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, barbies, base, split, template-haskell }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "barbies-th";
-       version = "0.1.5";
-       sha256 = "0bjbvamihrwh4l5zs8fnk2iq98fd1d2xkfbsvp6spfcp1ynqlj6k";
+       version = "0.1.7";
+       sha256 = "1wzy8j4i9mp1vlfkrixc49nv1c6prqspvhkjdwp16bvdz4fgbvpq";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ barbies base split template-haskell ];
        testHaskellDepends = [ barbies base ];
        description = "Create strippable HKD via TH";
@@ -45879,8 +45803,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "broadcast-chan-tests";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "0qx8j9sfky5qvrxrn4is9sja4qh6jh7jahq3zkyyq3a54jkwc8d3";
-       revision = "2";
-       editedCabalFile = "0dc7drwischhs0k95hjrlssxlqdg3ickrbbrki7wjslmk8k00bki";
+       revision = "3";
+       editedCabalFile = "1x34m1wk5m9ryfhp86wm4bmvwdghrknsmir356nnb3y3xm8558b4";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          async base broadcast-chan clock containers optparse-applicative
          paramtree stm tagged tasty tasty-golden tasty-hunit tasty-travis
@@ -47120,22 +47044,23 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "byline" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, colour, exceptions, free
-     , haskeline, mtl, relude, tasty, tasty-hunit, terminfo-hs, text
+    ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, attoparsec, base, colour
+     , exceptions, free, haskeline, mtl, optparse-applicative, relude
+     , tasty, tasty-hunit, terminfo-hs, text
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "byline";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1jwjdjiraq37pr2ysc9h5qqlma6j7rd2dkip2y2f6bx07d1v7fpr";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1vj17x2czfks5bdns8181iw7rbfghk9pgx5f75xwzn9p6xycg9hy";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         ansi-terminal base colour exceptions free haskeline mtl relude
-         terminfo-hs text
+         ansi-terminal attoparsec base colour exceptions free haskeline mtl
+         optparse-applicative relude terminfo-hs text
        testHaskellDepends = [
-         ansi-terminal base colour exceptions free haskeline mtl relude
-         tasty tasty-hunit terminfo-hs text
+         ansi-terminal attoparsec base colour exceptions free haskeline mtl
+         optparse-applicative relude tasty tasty-hunit terminfo-hs text
        description = "Library for creating command-line interfaces (colors, menus, etc.)";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2;
@@ -47572,8 +47497,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "bytestring-handle";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "18f17aja1ivhr3zyg2cccn2m03hdn5jf5410dndkhf12gvgiqs7y";
-       revision = "1";
-       editedCabalFile = "0x11aj6w1lijh84jcdq1qgyvdnc7i9ivbyq4wf9rxicg57viisz9";
+       revision = "2";
+       editedCabalFile = "1x1sy3dz2ph9v6jk22wmcv5gk2bka5fv4s68i8q0j9m9pk085w37";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base bytestring ];
        testHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring HUnit QuickCheck test-framework
@@ -48676,8 +48601,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "cabal-fmt";
-       version = "0.1.4";
-       sha256 = "0akc63g7h21nyyr9m0dwjlnxqw8k26zx5s2mzn8zak2q9i88ds1b";
+       version = "0.1.5";
+       sha256 = "1fsnjipd3j4vx77pmslkrdkf2wzqalqhwpcp5drxksl68nnxy8ad";
        isLibrary = false;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -50648,8 +50573,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "capnp";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0zrga41zk41881kr79grdwzl5caawv3khnvpbkhmhfzq3snmnhgd";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1mzs7f50840jbyzdipff47rwjmxv7i0rk6w4rdljzkw36yz4kj4v";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -51677,8 +51602,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "cassava-streams";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "17g3qrinzfpmbcqyjrnwaycplmys0p93hb6841cp5rr1pjramb55";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1zv5y5jnzbpm407zz3lhfzsf7hr923dzshb2w2xyh5y3v427rwn5";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -55488,8 +55413,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "clckwrks";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1m6a043y72da9nyr8x35v5lrh12is49rwarj5dlrm8clp8n987dp";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1bark213l3kx5gbr5nxnlhnrif5sg9z5v3igpcl47yisy99695p4";
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          acid-state aeson aeson-qq attoparsec base blaze-html bytestring
@@ -55669,8 +55594,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "clckwrks-plugin-page";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0mk6vz98l2xxhk8w457mbgbcjslnbv34swjrwfjjqk9jhmcnmxss";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0zsf8j8l99cxskjql8zh407ar7920ph6xn42j8nxnh6qir16wdar";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          acid-state aeson attoparsec base clckwrks containers directory
          filepath happstack-hsp happstack-server hsp hsx2hs ixset mtl
@@ -61760,6 +61685,27 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "configurator-pg_0_2_5" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, filepath, HUnit
+     , megaparsec, protolude, scientific, test-framework
+     , test-framework-hunit, text
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "configurator-pg";
+       version = "0.2.5";
+       sha256 = "1wmdg9zxfz8vhhsq5rraynhrhqc8fjrdhfrky2mfajzbp8dpaqsm";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base containers megaparsec protolude scientific text
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring filepath HUnit protolude test-framework
+         test-framework-hunit text
+       ];
+       description = "Reduced parser for configurator-ng config files";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "confsolve" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, cmdargs, process, system-fileio
      , system-filepath, text, time, unordered-containers
@@ -62573,8 +62519,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "context";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "17w0narhg25ls1rs2xp8x0yxh5jhw52b0c3zgi9ivn99j7c8qrhd";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0zn8hnyf04q7brchll3xnk0ifxadl050wric191irmnl29m6p5k8";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base containers ];
        testHaskellDepends = [ async base ghc-prim hspec ];
        testToolDepends = [ hspec-discover ];
@@ -64839,6 +64785,21 @@ self: {
        broken = true;
      }) {};
+  "crdt-event-fold" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, data-default-class
+     , data-dword
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "crdt-event-fold";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0bhfbzxb7s49x6nk1gg1n5nf26h8xqgy41ln7d5j59zp0lri5c04";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base binary containers data-default-class data-dword
+       ];
+       description = "Garbage collected event folding CRDT";
+       license =;
+     }) {};
   "creatur" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, cereal, cond
      , directory, exceptions, filepath, gray-extended, hdaemonize
@@ -67358,8 +67319,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "cut-the-crap";
-       version = "2.1.1";
-       sha256 = "0w0ir436gmh3d9ycdcjyxkgblrah7ij5njqmm44lx1kyhih6bk2x";
+       version = "2.2.0";
+       sha256 = "19i1wmh9163fb8wggnla4c8r51j71wiwyzhhh3mznckhaws40fqa";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -72727,6 +72688,18 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "deriving-show-simple" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "deriving-show-simple";
+       version = "0";
+       sha256 = "0m0sill0h6k651l1il6g4g5ypinwq77x9xy01jbj5gawcs9mln0i";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base HUnit ];
+       description = "Derive a Show instance without field selector names";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "derp" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -75133,8 +75106,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "digit";
-       version = "0.9";
-       sha256 = "0xyghgg8kzjrvhrcjizqnbprcyq5a3ma3x0dfijrdvbyd3lzghvm";
+       version = "0.10";
+       sha256 = "1qvz2gj4f2fcq8m8s4h6q5r2y3z55dhk4zxxijxha3mqfiybh4ky";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base lens parsers scientific semigroupoids semigroups
@@ -81306,7 +81279,7 @@ self: {
        license =;
      }) {};
-  "egison_4_1_1" = callPackage
+  "egison_4_1_2" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, criterion, directory
      , exceptions, filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, Glob, hashable, haskeline
      , HUnit, megaparsec, mtl, optparse-applicative, parsec
@@ -81316,8 +81289,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "egison";
-       version = "4.1.1";
-       sha256 = "16z2zp3gjm3gwp884ab86g0vhkxkkfxma0p9h1as5fyc6kvnsdbn";
+       version = "4.1.2";
+       sha256 = "1h388s7pagjipzgxyy1l3w3f03vl17bg9vl0afidjdmqm294mp8m";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
@@ -81333,10 +81306,10 @@ self: {
          regex-tdfa split text transformers unordered-containers vector
        testHaskellDepends = [
-         base filepath Glob HUnit mtl test-framework test-framework-hunit
-         transformers
+         base filepath Glob HUnit mtl process test-framework
+         test-framework-hunit transformers
-       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [ base criterion ];
+       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [ base criterion transformers ];
        description = "Programming language with non-linear pattern-matching against non-free data";
        license =;
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
@@ -84729,6 +84702,35 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "esqueleto_3_4_0_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, blaze-html, bytestring
+     , conduit, containers, exceptions, hspec, monad-logger, mtl, mysql
+     , mysql-simple, persistent, persistent-mysql, persistent-postgresql
+     , persistent-sqlite, persistent-template, postgresql-libpq
+     , postgresql-simple, resourcet, tagged, text, time, transformers
+     , unliftio, unordered-containers, vector
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "esqueleto";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0a4wrkcwlzgw0mds1pnxspv6ddzy9mz0md0qdx0x9s51z9ldswaj";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson attoparsec base blaze-html bytestring conduit containers
+         monad-logger persistent resourcet tagged text time transformers
+         unliftio unordered-containers
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson attoparsec base blaze-html bytestring conduit containers
+         exceptions hspec monad-logger mtl mysql mysql-simple persistent
+         persistent-mysql persistent-postgresql persistent-sqlite
+         persistent-template postgresql-libpq postgresql-simple resourcet
+         tagged text time transformers unliftio unordered-containers vector
+       ];
+       description = "Type-safe EDSL for SQL queries on persistent backends";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "ess" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -86208,6 +86210,17 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "exception-via" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "exception-via";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "046f787jw3v1c61q9c9canq0m266wv39rsk0613fyrhl96sss66m";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base template-haskell ];
+       description = "DerivingVia for your hierarchical exceptions";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+     }) {};
   "exceptional" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, exceptions }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -88037,8 +88050,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "faktory";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "12pabsmy21il88qmdbg91152y9nzqci9y2cn9ljizlcndnsy7s5l";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1mxgkf54hxlj753dva21gxdqamq4mgfslcq5gqhp154gi0xmm79w";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -89748,10 +89761,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "ffmpeg-light";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0yn1qhj2kzicxpjmy09lb660psjavbrfib29q0m1b8zx0fvn5xzk";
-       revision = "1";
-       editedCabalFile = "1wwfbrpr5hz1a9lppn73j2gpal3l2jnn554k6w9n181fbk67xvjd";
+       version = "0.13.0";
+       sha256 = "1xvhpzd3kf2xn6s94lmpkxp9nv1jy20pr3x2qmqhc2gjxx9vcqg1";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -91739,8 +91750,6 @@ self: {
        description = "Principled and efficient bit-oriented binary serialization";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
-       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
-       broken = true;
      }) {};
   "flat-maybe" = callPackage
@@ -92795,23 +92804,6 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "focus" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances, rerebase
-     , tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, transformers
-     }:
-     mkDerivation {
-       pname = "focus";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1g10fzy76k5bjn8ysym8ywvrqrvxvhdi4b99wabhzznhzmankddx";
-       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base transformers ];
-       testHaskellDepends = [
-         QuickCheck quickcheck-instances rerebase tasty tasty-hunit
-         tasty-quickcheck
-       ];
-       description = "A general abstraction for manipulating elements of container data structures";
-       license =;
-     }) {};
-  "focus_1_0_1_4" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances, rerebase
      , tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, transformers
@@ -92826,7 +92818,6 @@ self: {
        description = "A general abstraction for manipulating elements of container data structures";
        license =;
-       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
   "focuslist" = callPackage
@@ -103889,6 +103880,26 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "githash_0_1_5_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, hspec
+     , process, template-haskell, temporary, unliftio
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "githash";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1m2dhmddn9k75j5wyjilbh40n7fkgi7cyic9l0k2s7g9z93yyvql";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring directory filepath process template-haskell
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring directory filepath hspec process template-haskell
+         temporary unliftio
+       ];
+       description = "Compile git revision info into Haskell projects";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "github" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base-compat, base16-bytestring
      , binary, binary-instances, bytestring, containers, cryptohash-sha1
@@ -108424,8 +108435,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "google-server-api";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1bvj8pihsz4w53lax5k234p58v9r2k1gpkvdgjwl6n0vkqbw1qy8";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "17lsjlfkr3crxyxhj7w77ga7h7c6va6z5qmyvmhwapmym1zmsqrs";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson aeson-casing base base64-bytestring bytestring HsOpenSSL
          http-api-data http-client http-client-tls http-media mime-mail
@@ -108565,8 +108576,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "gopro-plus";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1xim8kr58nnpfh1sj66p73alm1l8wwxqafx5b77wc51dwrjyz1p8";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1vcy9r4jnnrfc6xp34b4w5z4xgxhcnsv5sy26iazw6g07mg1v73p";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson base bytestring containers exceptions filepath
          generic-deriving lens lens-aeson mtl random retry text time
@@ -112983,8 +112994,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "hackage-security-HTTP";
        version = "0.1.1";
        sha256 = "0chkrn4d33qjh50fpbkrkqj6jsxd5y5c2mrgqgwsdx3x08kaq8nd";
-       revision = "1";
-       editedCabalFile = "11k2jqnkqywdm2rzvcgib0p9i11z5g4d2yikfn932mjfr4ss51bj";
+       revision = "3";
+       editedCabalFile = "1nsvfqg2k1yj8pvbfx1083m29v1c9kcb9h389r380ga1b32v89nl";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring hackage-security HTTP mtl network network-uri zlib
@@ -113492,34 +113503,6 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "hadolint" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, directory
-     , filepath, gitrev, hspec, HsYAML, HUnit, language-docker
-     , megaparsec, mtl, optparse-applicative, ShellCheck, split, text
-     , void
-     }:
-     mkDerivation {
-       pname = "hadolint";
-       version = "1.18.0";
-       sha256 = "1pvf1wr8sg2yv439yyd08jz75jzmpys5629pcii1kdx5vh2rp1yx";
-       isLibrary = true;
-       isExecutable = true;
-       libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson base bytestring containers directory filepath HsYAML
-         language-docker megaparsec mtl ShellCheck split text void
-       ];
-       executableHaskellDepends = [
-         base containers gitrev language-docker megaparsec
-         optparse-applicative text
-       ];
-       testHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson base bytestring hspec HsYAML HUnit language-docker megaparsec
-         ShellCheck split text
-       ];
-       description = "Dockerfile Linter JavaScript API";
-       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3;
-     }) {};
-  "hadolint_1_18_2" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, base, bytestring, containers
      , directory, filepath, gitrev, hspec, HsYAML, HUnit
      , language-docker, megaparsec, mtl, optparse-applicative, parallel
@@ -113545,7 +113528,6 @@ self: {
        description = "Dockerfile Linter JavaScript API";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3;
-       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
   "hadoop-formats" = callPackage
@@ -115525,8 +115507,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "happstack-clientsession";
-       version = "7.3.1";
-       sha256 = "1sl67wdzaf6j773iapjnc1v2k19ycd18irkdpb4px1a1mq6ym0sv";
+       version = "7.3.2";
+       sha256 = "0kl4g1y68hnj188n5a7hkj4a9s70943f837yyijanwahnmkgi1nc";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring cereal clientsession happstack-server monad-control
          mtl safecopy transformers-base
@@ -115759,8 +115741,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "happstack-hsp";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "188fqqpq7m921qkfv2b64pikcx8zzsy376l4py4wxlkabl7fkydr";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1krjas0id8an3ry83xrgxl9cb18n17r394ivz05c45mwan6sbpqf";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring happstack-server harp hsp hsx2hs mtl syb text
@@ -115813,8 +115795,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "happstack-jmacro";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0zgmh75z59g6hs8n924sbnhswjdd6b947ywiird2a3y6d2zwqj3v";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1phhy9sq7hiz3c50k5wyclrsjqacw8mcdyg80h3xi43zgjmff23w";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base base64-bytestring bytestring cereal digest happstack-server
          jmacro text utf8-string wl-pprint-text
@@ -125509,12 +125491,12 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "hex-text";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0if46jkzd67jwp56vmvd021qq2vfzpmaf1v2w07cy0w61icfvjxr";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0wgqm1ziblgljrh679i44gvdq7bqym37y1lnnpb1mk7qlv664c9h";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base base16-bytestring bytestring text ];
        testHaskellDepends = [ base doctest ];
        description = "ByteString-Text hexidecimal conversions";
-       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20;
+       license =;
      }) {};
   "hexchat" = callPackage
@@ -126820,6 +126802,22 @@ self: {
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
+  "hie-compat" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, directory
+     , filepath, ghc, ghc-boot, transformers
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "hie-compat";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "00wnb7ylahglw167n2n1b2a6b0b75ay167zzrl10jsskivxwx3h3";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         array base bytestring containers directory filepath ghc ghc-boot
+         transformers
+       ];
+       description = "HIE files for GHC 8.6 and other HIE file backports";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20;
+     }) {};
   "hie-core" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, base, binary, bytestring, containers
      , data-default, deepseq, directory, extra, filepath, ghc, ghc-boot
@@ -135651,14 +135649,14 @@ self: {
        license =;
      }) {};
-  "hslua-module-doclayout_0_2_0" = callPackage
+  "hslua-module-doclayout_0_2_0_1" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, doclayout, hslua, tasty, tasty-hunit
      , tasty-lua, text
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "hslua-module-doclayout";
-       version = "0.2.0";
-       sha256 = "1ilkyv0wscz2kv0jkn45qc8ng5l1hvvbkwh972zvisys1m3hri4y";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1fwzx85lv2547gs42lp7mx9w7b0vl4hpc0ql7ip5yqp17q58a08y";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base doclayout hslua text ];
        testHaskellDepends = [
          base doclayout hslua tasty tasty-hunit tasty-lua
@@ -138698,6 +138696,26 @@ self: {
        license =;
      }) {};
+  "http-client-openssl_0_3_2_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HsOpenSSL, HsOpenSSL-x509-system
+     , hspec, http-client, http-types, network
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "http-client-openssl";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "114aci8nvbzvhscla6172y7s47yp689rslhg8h7y3hmkh2zq7r65";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring HsOpenSSL HsOpenSSL-x509-system http-client network
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base HsOpenSSL hspec http-client http-types
+       ];
+       doCheck = false;
+       description = "http-client backend using the OpenSSL library";
+       license =;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "http-client-overrides" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, http-client
      , http-client-tls, http-types, network-uri, tasty, tasty-hunit
@@ -138821,10 +138839,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "http-client-websockets";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1wx1dx3n8vjz3qa9l2a7l6i2scwbwxavjh0ss6awwphyirfl0v6p";
-       revision = "1";
-       editedCabalFile = "0wj1b817w8c0cjpqkbganvrbhz99hnr5gcj47l3g4bv4n90ygrpn";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1kmvwhfsp1l672km2a06pww0a3wmwbxcwwg1k78xcnc767wj0g1m";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring http-client network-uri utf8-string websockets
@@ -139107,8 +139123,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "http-io-streams";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0c8x4iyvg2yjsvvfvvp96ddw9fpmjiaql4c7kpf93f9i5rkyxjy5";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "03wndmw1pblnjqhni76s5lyyw3l8zbl1csydzl8bp0h1g5vmfpmp";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          attoparsec base base64-bytestring binary blaze-builder
          brotli-streams bytestring case-insensitive containers
@@ -140381,8 +140397,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "hurl";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "19qf4akwx7aazzy86zhkm5z60342hz07msqxir6ism98dd33fpwl";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "158p0fnlvz03vj29q4b5lzv4070d3l64wa1zsg9v2xlcrr6lrp87";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -145053,8 +145069,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "in-other-words";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "06ipmkbgncsgcq5rfyn0v4plhbbrzrcx3r4xr1f3f6xv760pfyra";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0f11si2bnxw2bm5mfnnqh9cfwhlzdcqkw5dfjql1y618db808am9";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          async base exceptions monad-control mtl stm transformers
@@ -145579,8 +145595,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "indigo";
-       version = "0.3.0";
-       sha256 = "1xga3i9rdd2y53m6c8v4c2r44clhs2f82nyynf81n8zjqfgxybkl";
+       version = "0.3.1";
+       sha256 = "1xc2gk7bihgpv78cl1c15x1izwsazmdpdsagan4d6yd0zw30xci4";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -149599,8 +149615,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "j";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0a3xl4sr5s7436z8fnjg6vknk7wi202b8ryvswxrv1ks49h2zg8s";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "053n10j75mv2iwrra51nv4vf48ki8q5aksqjbrlnzbhbm125jhf3";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base bytestring repa unix ];
        testHaskellDepends = [ base bytestring repa tasty tasty-hunit ];
        description = "J in Haskell";
@@ -152276,8 +152292,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, tasty, tasty-golden, text, xml-conduit }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "junit-xml";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1r75ncsmr5yj7xbgrw4sipjii7l3v7hj6nfi1lidc26n4m7r8ib1";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0sm738irwvmdnn8cvf0rnvp8s5gmr0ih241l27sasqq18nra2v04";
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base text xml-conduit ];
        testHaskellDepends = [ base tasty tasty-golden ];
@@ -153957,22 +153973,24 @@ self: {
   "keycloak-hs" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-casing, base, base64-bytestring
-     , bytestring, containers, exceptions, hslogger, http-api-data
-     , http-client, http-types, jwt, lens, mtl, safe, string-conversions
-     , text, word8, wreq
+     , bytestring, containers, exceptions, hashable, hslogger
+     , http-api-data, http-client, http-types, jose, lens, lens-aeson
+     , mtl, safe, string-conversions, text, unordered-containers, word8
+     , wreq
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "keycloak-hs";
-       version = "1.1.1";
-       sha256 = "1ycr1q7sfr68zbx1jxnfv0c19w2nv2rxczi5aixd01ck8v1kx798";
+       version = "2.1.0";
+       sha256 = "0yki4fqbgirnvcaf5p00pskh91abspivgkkdi9m93andz56vl23v";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson aeson-casing base base64-bytestring bytestring containers
-         exceptions hslogger http-api-data http-client http-types jwt lens
-         mtl safe string-conversions text word8 wreq
+         exceptions hashable hslogger http-api-data http-client http-types
+         jose lens lens-aeson mtl safe string-conversions text
+         unordered-containers word8 wreq
-       executableHaskellDepends = [ base ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [ base hslogger ];
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
@@ -156505,27 +156523,6 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "language-docker" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-default-class
-     , hspec, HUnit, megaparsec, prettyprinter, QuickCheck, split, text
-     , time
-     }:
-     mkDerivation {
-       pname = "language-docker";
-       version = "9.1.1";
-       sha256 = "1smrayjp8d8vqvn7lg2mg3lzsqqslysj6syh1ckbn1a5fmjpzfv2";
-       libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         base bytestring containers data-default-class megaparsec
-         prettyprinter split text time
-       ];
-       testHaskellDepends = [
-         base bytestring containers data-default-class hspec HUnit
-         megaparsec prettyprinter QuickCheck split text time
-       ];
-       description = "Dockerfile parser, pretty-printer and embedded DSL";
-       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3;
-     }) {};
-  "language-docker_9_1_2" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-default-class
      , hspec, HUnit, megaparsec, prettyprinter, QuickCheck, split, text
      , time
@@ -156544,7 +156541,6 @@ self: {
        description = "Dockerfile parser, pretty-printer and embedded DSL";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3;
-       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
   "language-dockerfile" = callPackage
@@ -160509,8 +160505,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "liboath-hs";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0ikh4rch2zdv9xan70qkf68m9hdz8k86ji7jw9xci1cvg318zd1k";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "08wnzsk82ahyb3fy2sd1ci6aw0h3wiiad2j4kxs1j90wbrwkd3ri";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -164445,6 +164441,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "log-postgres";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "1m96d5486xadypm5iby8rkb979k82md394j5iaik6xk5aavcn6xx";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "0yyaxibkq8c9bwhaday8ijmfbm8k3i14wd9zsgfby99b6rxra351";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson aeson-pretty base base64-bytestring bytestring deepseq
          hpqtypes http-client lifted-base log-base mtl semigroups split text
@@ -165427,19 +165425,19 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson-pretty, base, bimap, bytestring, constraints
      , containers, data-default, first-class-families, fmt, interpolate
      , lens, morley, morley-prelude, mtl, named, optparse-applicative
-     , pretty-terminal, QuickCheck, singletons, template-haskell, text
-     , text-manipulate, unordered-containers, vinyl, with-utf8
+     , singletons, template-haskell, text, text-manipulate
+     , unordered-containers, vinyl, with-utf8
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "lorentz";
-       version = "0.6.2";
-       sha256 = "13xl9f538h729zn9dqjcj10qav1ggbma9rp4pyj0cdgj5mq8mv8w";
+       version = "0.7.0";
+       sha256 = "1nwz7cdjy0s1fa64q4ymyds2m6yhqx8vxjp0p9qn7b4l7civhk9c";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson-pretty base bimap bytestring constraints containers
          data-default first-class-families fmt interpolate lens morley
-         morley-prelude mtl named optparse-applicative pretty-terminal
-         QuickCheck singletons template-haskell text text-manipulate
-         unordered-containers vinyl with-utf8
+         morley-prelude mtl named optparse-applicative singletons
+         template-haskell text text-manipulate unordered-containers vinyl
+         with-utf8
        description = "EDSL for the Michelson Language";
        license =;
@@ -170559,15 +170557,15 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2;
      }) {};
-  "megaparsec_9_0_0" = callPackage
+  "megaparsec_9_0_1" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, case-insensitive, containers
      , criterion, deepseq, mtl, parser-combinators, scientific, text
      , transformers, weigh
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "megaparsec";
-       version = "9.0.0";
-       sha256 = "1x10f2b14ww306am9w06s23va26ab3vwdh0jk67ql6ybigxh0asi";
+       version = "9.0.1";
+       sha256 = "00953zvxfyjibw8c1ssmixxh0cwn59pz24zbh6s34rk3v14vqa3j";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring case-insensitive containers deepseq mtl
          parser-combinators scientific text transformers
@@ -170606,7 +170604,7 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2;
      }) {};
-  "megaparsec-tests_9_0_0" = callPackage
+  "megaparsec-tests_9_0_1" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, case-insensitive, containers
      , hspec, hspec-discover, hspec-expectations, hspec-megaparsec
      , megaparsec, mtl, parser-combinators, QuickCheck, scientific, text
@@ -170614,8 +170612,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "megaparsec-tests";
-       version = "9.0.0";
-       sha256 = "0zm246r8k48mj5v2dxjan7dsrcnw54bcm27swi5mh8c0yb3vcvab";
+       version = "9.0.1";
+       sha256 = "0synm14x1k9r5q7xmv21z0y95b42g7lvwn78mcnc3cx62x6393ng";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring containers hspec hspec-expectations
          hspec-megaparsec megaparsec mtl QuickCheck text transformers
@@ -173881,8 +173879,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, vector }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "mmsyn2";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1lxfl6gr42x9rhy4jpig9hwl0bnbidrv65i8f4fr39ifrx43fgxw";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "06n8vxqafc698ahml782klb41g9bfsvqdrl4k0blnn3m3vavnzxy";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base vector ];
        description = "The library that can be used for multiple (Ord a) => a -> b transformations";
        license =;
@@ -173904,8 +173902,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "mmsyn4";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0qfr2dlzigggbwgznh1sxxkp7qwvcba2rlhwdqs4rzaz53sx2xzj";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "05r33lx2cxsf7a14809dgs7lhfqlglshpv22jfzrl2xy0rl3x4qz";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -173924,8 +173922,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "mmsyn5";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1yvsx82x7m5y2swxllhb7zzgspb3lfdhrbw6n5v3xsa9vxhwa35l";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0xbdmlq71pjnsls67mydrfzajnnyyzp0dvzgrg2lms3pssvzs6f1";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base ];
        description = "Various additional operations on lists (some with intermediate Monads)";
        license =;
@@ -173937,8 +173935,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "mmsyn6ukr";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0r5lnx1m57kjfb1cfm9a22l9kn552y6vpfbkxpffi03ni407q65q";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "017q1jf9490sddb0f6wjizcsv423izjqirgq7ymzpxcd4sbcdhyn";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
@@ -174116,8 +174114,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "mock-httpd";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0mv669gvn61by4j7sd4w2hvzr3vpa0szrhgzdciv5g1a0gsh3kk7";
+       version = "1.0.0";
+       sha256 = "1dn680lpvh2ww0ab4wgp9a7k2w309zymkjlp3igwk01q4cbjpsg2";
        isLibrary = false;
        isExecutable = true;
        executableHaskellDepends = [
@@ -174265,6 +174263,33 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "modern-uri_0_3_3_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, contravariant
+     , criterion, deepseq, exceptions, hspec, hspec-discover
+     , hspec-megaparsec, megaparsec, mtl, profunctors, QuickCheck
+     , reflection, tagged, template-haskell, text, weigh
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "modern-uri";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "184vhcnpwjsvxwbdsipz7kc2xylfwfqflbbbyipag610w07a3qk2";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring containers contravariant deepseq exceptions
+         megaparsec mtl profunctors QuickCheck reflection tagged
+         template-haskell text
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring hspec hspec-megaparsec megaparsec QuickCheck text
+       ];
+       testToolDepends = [ hspec-discover ];
+       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring criterion deepseq megaparsec text weigh
+       ];
+       description = "Modern library for working with URIs";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "modify-fasta" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, fasta, mtl, optparse-applicative
      , pipes, pipes-text, regex-tdfa, regex-tdfa-text, semigroups, split
@@ -176818,15 +176843,14 @@ self: {
      , generic-deriving, gitrev, haskeline, hex-text, interpolate, lens
      , megaparsec, memory, morley-prelude, mtl, named
      , optparse-applicative, parser-combinators, pretty-simple
-     , QuickCheck, quickcheck-arbitrary-adt, quickcheck-instances
      , semigroups, show-type, singletons, syb, template-haskell, text
      , th-lift, th-lift-instances, time, timerep, transformers-compat
      , unordered-containers, vector, vinyl, with-utf8, wl-pprint-text
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "morley";
-       version = "1.7.1";
-       sha256 = "0za05qqx64zx92fsrnlk78m0d2g3ircw0k67fym7k5a9mck6bxg0";
+       version = "1.8.1";
+       sha256 = "1lchr282394vjwgi5l0innc7szxkp7pibrbma0yza37l3q295xz2";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -176834,15 +176858,15 @@ self: {
          bytestring constraints containers cryptonite data-default
          first-class-families fmt generic-deriving gitrev hex-text
          interpolate lens megaparsec memory morley-prelude mtl named
-         optparse-applicative parser-combinators QuickCheck
-         quickcheck-arbitrary-adt quickcheck-instances semigroups show-type
+         optparse-applicative parser-combinators semigroups show-type
          singletons syb template-haskell text th-lift th-lift-instances time
          timerep transformers-compat unordered-containers vector vinyl
          with-utf8 wl-pprint-text
        executableHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson base bytestring fmt haskeline megaparsec morley-prelude named
-         optparse-applicative pretty-simple text vinyl with-utf8
+         aeson base bytestring data-default fmt haskeline megaparsec
+         morley-prelude named optparse-applicative pretty-simple text vinyl
+         with-utf8
        description = "Developer tools for the Michelson Language";
        license =;
@@ -178467,8 +178491,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "mu-protobuf";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "13323mk6maj4fn1vg98nkb80k1975mqaszbj67a4mr5n2s9vrlz2";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1dr2vgxkzxpkz0iiwzwbficm65flwfmcs5xbxx5mg5gwf7x0qz3l";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
@@ -178503,17 +178527,18 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "mu-schema" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, sop-core
-     , template-haskell, text, th-abstraction, unordered-containers
-     , uuid, vector
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers
+     , first-class-families, sop-core, template-haskell, text
+     , th-abstraction, unordered-containers, uuid, vector
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "mu-schema";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1kl62ask8cvjimjcb9f3y3vpvk544m3zlzp4jn1yrvbmzn3px0d1";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0n30xn2z1dl4n28mbfnif8csvz0namll0hab1r7mhnamp0yc3gs8";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson base bytestring containers sop-core template-haskell text
-         th-abstraction unordered-containers uuid vector
+         aeson base bytestring containers first-class-families sop-core
+         template-haskell text th-abstraction unordered-containers uuid
+         vector
        description = "Format-independent schemas for serialization";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20;
@@ -179813,8 +179838,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "musicw";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0mn5vnjxqkpd2pgjxmchlih74a1m52v06h6f08kyb26l0sjpbfx7";
+       version = "0.3.6";
+       sha256 = "0bi57x087r22547z90n58faz78ha6z6pfmf2chwrfdys48lr8wfq";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          array base bytestring containers data-default file-embed ghcjs-base
          ghcjs-dom ghcjs-prim json monad-loops mtl safe text time
@@ -180504,6 +180529,22 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {inherit (pkgs) mysql;};
+  "mysql_0_1_7_2" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, hspec, mysql
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "mysql";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0vkc39hx55hqwgkhqm80ckabbjaq4f9840msznf71glzihzg8k0n";
+       setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal ];
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base bytestring containers ];
+       librarySystemDepends = [ mysql ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [ base bytestring hspec ];
+       description = "A low-level MySQL client library";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {inherit (pkgs) mysql;};
   "mysql-effect" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, extensible-effects, mysql
      , mysql-simple
@@ -181608,8 +181649,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "natural-transformation";
        version = "0.4";
        sha256 = "1by8xwjc23l6pa9l4iv7zp82dykpll3vc3hgxk0pgva724n8xhma";
-       revision = "8";
-       editedCabalFile = "007vgw2zaf2z9fyi9f0spmqn6fd8j438r3vnkgmazzvb43szmi0n";
+       revision = "9";
+       editedCabalFile = "1db5ln24wcn4fcf92096iff8jp7q531ccm8pgbqincrbxayahl1s";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base ];
        testHaskellDepends = [
          base containers quickcheck-instances tasty tasty-quickcheck
@@ -184489,8 +184530,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "ngx-export-tools-extra";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "08a13v1fx7lad7wdibij79vdcbqn10lcb2n6lhzq70097f8a06vm";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0dhw68vkrwfgv9q4skml8kq6zgrg7awjq4vxqp541szvamwvgh6y";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson ansi-wl-pprint array base base64 binary bytestring
          case-insensitive containers ede enclosed-exceptions http-client
@@ -186203,8 +186244,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "nri-env-parser";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1v6984ndlalrvdff10frik8bxqskmzf8cr13q6095jl6krjivkay";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0cl9f6p83k0r7ha6hzgmrv0abi9rw5p0wr838jyhazk179g37rrn";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base modern-uri network-uri nri-prelude text
@@ -186223,8 +186264,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "nri-prelude";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0x8jvrp2kcj9a23g370fj9v6mmp3c3vi05dg3arq1ri5in4y6psa";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "061klliw29a8kkbwgqkhqbil7jq85pxgmqn21xwszi0g16jb8ayx";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson ansi-terminal async auto-update base bytestring
          concurrent-output containers directory exceptions filepath hedgehog
@@ -191940,6 +191981,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "pam";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "0j4hm7ph0iszf8wyqpy5jiplr14jj37z2yvgcgy7p5ab5p5r38gx";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "09d6acii3gimk3f04scy9k5f7di4sdam753ddi587px530pwdigb";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base ];
        librarySystemDepends = [ pam ];
        libraryToolDepends = [ c2hs ];
@@ -192048,7 +192091,7 @@ self: {
        maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ peti ];
      }) {};
-  "pandoc_2_11_0_2" = callPackage
+  "pandoc_2_11_0_4" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, attoparsec, base
      , base64-bytestring, binary, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring
      , case-insensitive, citeproc, commonmark, commonmark-extensions
@@ -192067,8 +192110,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "pandoc";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0lnzypad3jfix7h78gk4fvyl0x3n7f77i8bn6dn2lzdsf6wasy8x";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "18nqdhvk0rgrzmbhab9vb05g8w9hvwx0ncf5cqp5ijxycilcskb8";
        configureFlags = [ "-fhttps" "-f-trypandoc" ];
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
@@ -193668,8 +193711,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, parallel, tree-monad }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "parallel-tree-search";
-       version = "0.4.1";
-       sha256 = "1x2k649q6gqz9z16vwg1j59ajf2wp59lfwb65g8819fz4rwimncr";
+       version = "0.4.2";
+       sha256 = "08r8xl3x5zvsy3d3ss9m9l7kb0dyp7hjrwxlnz7g2jl7p5x8rjbd";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base parallel tree-monad ];
        description = "Parallel Tree Search";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain;
@@ -193734,8 +193777,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "paramtree";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "0ls9wzmz5lk7gyl8lx9cjs49zpwhrv955fs5q6ypv7bpbvjbchs1";
-       revision = "2";
-       editedCabalFile = "17wyi6q6azm2s04pm1alc183yp01a8qbvj1nymjxdzvrl2dkk2g6";
+       revision = "3";
+       editedCabalFile = "1nd342xk0sm9dlh5915b9kbksyd87wpji1mw8m8phm8d72prcxmi";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base containers ];
        testHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring tasty tasty-golden tasty-hunit temporary
@@ -195057,26 +195100,6 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "path-io" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, dlist, exceptions
-     , filepath, hspec, path, temporary, time, transformers, unix-compat
-     }:
-     mkDerivation {
-       pname = "path-io";
-       version = "1.6.1";
-       sha256 = "1qbnjwx72idbqwi5gkhnphf2phdszdf6y1aqf77y17kks3992vmn";
-       libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         base containers directory dlist exceptions filepath path temporary
-         time transformers unix-compat
-       ];
-       testHaskellDepends = [
-         base directory exceptions filepath hspec path transformers
-         unix-compat
-       ];
-       description = "Interface to ‘directory’ package for users of ‘path’";
-       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
-     }) {};
-  "path-io_1_6_2" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, dlist, exceptions
      , filepath, hspec, path, temporary, time, transformers, unix-compat
@@ -195094,7 +195117,6 @@ self: {
        description = "Interface to ‘directory’ package for users of ‘path’";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
-       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
   "path-like" = callPackage
@@ -196669,8 +196691,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "periodic-client";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0d9ngiq064fajiy2c4sddpgr93ia13iv83rdnvbk05x7agi0srjb";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0ldjxfq8p4spv4vgqjyklmcd8k3n2mrinma5w6k29d1wvyf5kxz5";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base binary byteable bytestring hslogger metro metro-socket mtl
          periodic-common resource-pool transformers unliftio
@@ -197672,7 +197694,7 @@ self: {
        license =;
      }) {};
-  "persistent-test_2_0_3_2" = callPackage
+  "persistent-test_2_0_3_3" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-html, bytestring, conduit
      , containers, exceptions, hspec, hspec-expectations, HUnit
      , monad-control, monad-logger, mtl, path-pieces, persistent
@@ -197682,8 +197704,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "persistent-test";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0d7a6m4qm6xzyv7h2fqn9hgv7r7q6dwh7x04ddsrygjxdgpwgqf3";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0ry6inln7grmcj58k3sfjid24069n4kmph6sikvm352b9ffw6h5x";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson base blaze-html bytestring conduit containers exceptions
          hspec hspec-expectations HUnit monad-control monad-logger mtl
@@ -197722,13 +197744,13 @@ self: {
   "persistent-vector" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, criterion, deepseq, QuickCheck
-     , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2
+     , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "persistent-vector";
-       version = "0.1.1";
-       sha256 = "1l5v02pjb24gk4hw28knjp55l7z6jzcfiklfikd2nqbl7866c2j2";
-       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base deepseq ];
+       version = "0.2.0";
+       sha256 = "07fxfmkgjszssagj4miw1sx9vi782hwsf6gay7z6mb96mygbld5y";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base deepseq transformers ];
        testHaskellDepends = [
          base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2
@@ -198319,6 +198341,36 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "phonetic-languages-common" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, subG, vector }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "phonetic-languages-common";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "12al80szl9mxapwq6b0kp6bnhnwqxjqzyf72ycxvpx1xlppsfza9";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base subG vector ];
+       description = "A generalization of the uniqueness-periods-vector-common package";
+       license =;
+     }) {};
+  "phonetic-languages-plus" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, lists-flines, parallel
+     , uniqueness-periods-vector-stats
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "phonetic-languages-plus";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1yzqrqkikkx6ii1n7zs5vf1k5m26v8bj8m0h43zmxb1j30klh2ir";
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base lists-flines ];
+       executableHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring lists-flines parallel
+         uniqueness-periods-vector-stats
+       ];
+       description = "Some common shared between different packages functions";
+       license =;
+     }) {};
   "phonetic-languages-rhythmicity" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -198341,6 +198393,17 @@ self: {
        license =;
      }) {};
+  "phonetic-languages-vector" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, vector }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "phonetic-languages-vector";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "12mhmrfpdkxl00yfvy5jc74c7xnrj10pcydnn3xdhzj0fvp1zrll";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base vector ];
+       description = "A generalization of the functionality of the uniqueness-periods-vector package";
+       license =;
+     }) {};
   "phooey" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, array, base, mtl, reactive, TypeCompose, wx
      , wxcore
@@ -200752,25 +200815,23 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "playlists" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, doctest, filepath
-     , hspec, optparse-applicative, text, word8
+    ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, filepath, hspec
+     , optparse-applicative, text, word8
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "playlists";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0653aifikinz69wq3d6sfkchcchhwlndh1lf40qrk96941qss0d6";
-       revision = "1";
-       editedCabalFile = "19vwlvva12p4r3ch1ik7m6h5r7cy0f35qn8smd41pv47v29dsxiq";
+       version = "0.5.1";
+       sha256 = "1hrxmp33pzmvpg9j102hjradnlq261hs9amqkivqjfn9y4pb8inm";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          attoparsec base bytestring filepath text word8
        executableHaskellDepends = [
-         base bytestring optparse-applicative text
+         attoparsec base bytestring filepath optparse-applicative text word8
        testHaskellDepends = [
-         base bytestring doctest filepath hspec text
+         attoparsec base bytestring filepath hspec text word8
        description = "Library and executable for working with playlist files";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
@@ -201997,6 +202058,36 @@ self: {
        broken = true;
      }) {};
+  "polysemy-extra" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, polysemy, polysemy-zoo }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "polysemy-extra";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1y5k935jh6dfs87kdih1ibb61ljkp39wyrkg1n2zss020cdhbi7g";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base containers polysemy polysemy-zoo ];
+       description = "Run a KVStore as a filesystem in polysemy";
+       license =;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+       broken = true;
+     }) {};
+  "polysemy-fskvstore" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, path, polysemy, polysemy-zoo
+     , rio, unliftio-path
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "polysemy-fskvstore";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1hg552w21hgq5jvcbrw1kn1870xdyf44a3xqd87nrj9s9k2j4pk2";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring path polysemy polysemy-zoo rio unliftio-path
+       ];
+       description = "Run a KVStore as a filesystem in polysemy";
+       license =;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+       broken = true;
+     }) {};
   "polysemy-http" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring
      , case-insensitive, co-log-core, co-log-polysemy, composition
@@ -202031,6 +202122,39 @@ self: {
        broken = true;
      }) {};
+  "polysemy-kvstore-jsonfile" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, exceptions, extra, path
+     , polysemy, polysemy-zoo, unliftio-path
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "polysemy-kvstore-jsonfile";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1lbjq1hlq6cf6px5f6zqi04sl0yz0rpyq2m2y16zknjz3wi7zqvi";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         aeson base containers exceptions extra path polysemy polysemy-zoo
+         unliftio-path
+       ];
+       description = "Run a KVStore as a single json file in polysemy";
+       license =;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+       broken = true;
+     }) {};
+  "polysemy-methodology" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, polysemy, polysemy-plugin, polysemy-zoo }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "polysemy-methodology";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0is4jnmfn2gx78ijxwvhm8qwk2gqz31hh9pg5r8y43hyx7im40ay";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base polysemy polysemy-plugin polysemy-zoo
+       ];
+       description = "Domain modelling algebra for polysemy";
+       license =;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+       broken = true;
+     }) {};
   "polysemy-optics" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, optics, polysemy, polysemy-zoo }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -204778,28 +204902,30 @@ self: {
   "predicate-typed" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, base, binary, bytestring
-     , comonad, containers, deepseq, directory, doctest, hashable, lens
-     , mtl, pcre-heavy, pcre-light, pretty, pretty-terminal, QuickCheck
-     , safe, stm, string-conversions, tasty, tasty-hunit
-     , tasty-quickcheck, template-haskell, text, th-lift, these, time
-     , tree-view
+     , comonad, constraints, containers, deepseq, directory, doctest
+     , hashable, lens, lens-action, pcre-heavy, pcre-light
+     , pretty-terminal, QuickCheck, random, safe, stm
+     , string-conversions, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck
+     , template-haskell, text, th-lift, these, time
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "predicate-typed";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "124f9bdvq30xaadg6020q0pmfv56mpkw25ws306xp8mfs61g1src";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "04vxyw4bgzbkk56dw7p8b4x12m4wymxwh83537hvphdv9qj71ph9";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "064zfd03nw1bd0p8vwymk0kscbpvxrgzbwmqys3ys1rqzjpnfdrp";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson aeson-pretty base binary bytestring comonad containers
-         deepseq directory hashable lens mtl pcre-heavy pcre-light pretty
-         pretty-terminal QuickCheck safe string-conversions template-haskell
-         text th-lift these time tree-view
+         aeson aeson-pretty base binary bytestring comonad constraints
+         containers deepseq directory hashable lens lens-action pcre-heavy
+         pcre-light pretty-terminal QuickCheck random safe
+         string-conversions template-haskell text th-lift these time
        testHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson aeson-pretty base binary bytestring comonad containers
-         deepseq directory doctest hashable lens mtl pcre-heavy pcre-light
-         pretty pretty-terminal QuickCheck safe stm string-conversions tasty
-         tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck template-haskell text th-lift these
-         time tree-view
+         aeson aeson-pretty base binary bytestring comonad constraints
+         containers deepseq directory doctest hashable lens lens-action
+         pcre-heavy pcre-light pretty-terminal QuickCheck random safe stm
+         string-conversions tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck
+         template-haskell text th-lift these time
        description = "Predicates, Refinement types and Dsl";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
@@ -205301,8 +205427,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "pretty-diff";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0nz6shwyw6pkwd8n4rvix4fn0f5mvxx1xkc6q4k1xrg2ylg73ksv";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1pnq05zw7zyfikga8y27pkya4wrf0m3mrksmzi8l7jp9qdhkyia1";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base data-default Diff text ];
        testHaskellDepends = [
          base data-default Diff tasty tasty-hunit tasty-test-reporter text
@@ -213165,10 +213291,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "rank1dynamic";
-       version = "0.4.0";
-       sha256 = "07dbfp0sc32q1p8xh4ap8m3b287r9hh4r8vfsrppdm5pabz4nhiw";
-       revision = "1";
-       editedCabalFile = "1idh1iz15pzdhrhy19584i9ahz41ijbmf56wbb2wns2kipy6w9lr";
+       version = "0.4.1";
+       sha256 = "19x2w44f31589vf4s428m7g3dz75qykr7mv599rf3gls4zjx781r";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base binary ];
        testHaskellDepends = [
          base HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit
@@ -214811,7 +214935,7 @@ self: {
        broken = true;
      }) {};
-  "reanimate_1_1_1_0" = callPackage
+  "reanimate_1_1_2_1" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, ansi-terminal, array, attoparsec, base
      , base64-bytestring, bytestring, cassava, cereal, colour
      , containers, cryptohash-sha256, cubicbezier, directory, filelock
@@ -214826,8 +214950,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "reanimate";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "05illhid0nnypkl7znzkmc7b3wc7lmv8jn2sdcj39xr1yr8hji7f";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "043jpim33pliymnks47i39hz36wp61rvwjyk9f0k89whsi74bkd6";
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson ansi-terminal array attoparsec base base64-bytestring
@@ -216581,6 +216705,22 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "reform-happstack_0_2_5_4" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, happstack-server, mtl, random
+     , reform, text, utf8-string
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "reform-happstack";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1xknj906vr0q6vrxrvna1777v7hsdg1l3r0wwnga7k1yn5hcfc76";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring happstack-server mtl random reform text utf8-string
+       ];
+       description = "Happstack support for reform";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "reform-hsp" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, hsp, hsx2hs, reform, text }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -224663,17 +224803,17 @@ self: {
      , containers, crackNum, deepseq, directory, doctest, filepath
      , gauge, Glob, hlint, mtl, pretty, process, QuickCheck, random
      , silently, syb, tasty, tasty-golden, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck
-     , template-haskell, time, transformers, z3
+     , template-haskell, time, transformers, uniplate, z3
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "sbv";
-       version = "8.8";
-       sha256 = "0xm05g9kxh38jjbssnhyw6c8q4rsyjndm2b8r36cqwx0n607zvgy";
+       version = "8.9";
+       sha256 = "1h8bhi1pjlg0v16wwqcvil7gq98b6dn8ckzmrsgb8sc3qz0nxj51";
        enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          array async base containers crackNum deepseq directory filepath mtl
          pretty process QuickCheck random syb template-haskell time
-         transformers
+         transformers uniplate
        testHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring containers crackNum directory doctest filepath Glob
@@ -238081,6 +238221,49 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "snap-server_1_1_2_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base16-bytestring, blaze-builder
+     , bytestring, bytestring-builder, case-insensitive, clock
+     , containers, criterion, deepseq, directory, filepath, HsOpenSSL
+     , http-common, http-streams, HUnit, io-streams, io-streams-haproxy
+     , lifted-base, monad-control, mtl, network, old-locale
+     , openssl-streams, parallel, QuickCheck, random, snap-core
+     , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2
+     , text, threads, time, transformers, unix, unix-compat, vector
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "snap-server";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0w4yv9a5ilpma0335ariwap2iscmdbaaif88lq3cm7px910nyc4j";
+       configureFlags = [ "-fopenssl" ];
+       isLibrary = true;
+       isExecutable = true;
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring bytestring-builder
+         case-insensitive clock containers filepath HsOpenSSL io-streams
+         io-streams-haproxy lifted-base mtl network old-locale
+         openssl-streams snap-core text time transformers unix unix-compat
+         vector
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         attoparsec base base16-bytestring blaze-builder bytestring
+         bytestring-builder case-insensitive clock containers deepseq
+         directory filepath HsOpenSSL http-common http-streams HUnit
+         io-streams io-streams-haproxy lifted-base monad-control mtl network
+         old-locale openssl-streams parallel QuickCheck random snap-core
+         test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text
+         threads time transformers unix unix-compat vector
+       ];
+       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
+         attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring bytestring-builder
+         criterion io-streams io-streams-haproxy snap-core transformers
+         vector
+       ];
+       description = "A web server for the Snap Framework";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "snap-stream" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, io-streams
      , snap-core
@@ -242501,8 +242684,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "stack-clean-old";
-       version = "0.1";
-       sha256 = "12q3x0lj8mjhfr6zrizl7995qca28qccjfqwhriciv35l4sny9md";
+       version = "0.2";
+       sha256 = "1mk92hgh1prnw0piwccxb1nf1383yap7csx03abnwp8anl8xw5dc";
        isLibrary = false;
        isExecutable = true;
        executableHaskellDepends = [
@@ -242774,10 +242957,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "stack2cabal";
-       version = "1.0.11";
-       sha256 = "1lm4dl743xscrksgqg1v1ylm4bb3i8j470yih8si968k7xzcdvx2";
-       revision = "1";
-       editedCabalFile = "1ga8z004rvrvi58yfr7vmikngn3q8134z87nzaj0lll39kljni83";
+       version = "1.0.12";
+       sha256 = "0424qz4fy8218a0zr8pw5kbaldrb3wddvsb87sjqbb4q5qcm7rj7";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -243997,27 +244178,28 @@ self: {
   "staversion" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, ansi-wl-pprint, base, bytestring, Cabal
-     , containers, directory, filepath, heredoc, hspec, http-client
-     , http-client-tls, http-types, megaparsec, optparse-applicative
-     , pretty, process, QuickCheck, semigroups, text, transformers
-     , transformers-compat, unordered-containers, yaml
+     , containers, directory, filepath, hashable, heredoc, hspec
+     , http-client, http-client-tls, http-types, megaparsec
+     , optparse-applicative, pretty, process, QuickCheck, semigroups
+     , text, transformers, transformers-compat, unordered-containers
+     , yaml
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "staversion";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0mrkm7gr6s27dngws7p3mcfyp9pdvyr25mg9nd3ygklaql74jmng";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1n6f7ka4ncadp4svd3bc81qxdgiff85mws5apx7wdhcwfn8wbsib";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson ansi-wl-pprint base bytestring Cabal containers directory
-         filepath http-client http-client-tls http-types megaparsec
+         filepath hashable http-client http-client-tls http-types megaparsec
          optparse-applicative pretty process semigroups text transformers
          transformers-compat unordered-containers yaml
        executableHaskellDepends = [ base ];
        testHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring Cabal filepath heredoc hspec QuickCheck semigroups
-         text
+         text unordered-containers
        description = "What version is the package X in stackage lts-Y.ZZ?";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
@@ -245511,6 +245693,28 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "streaming-bytestring_0_2_0" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, deepseq, exceptions, ghc-prim
+     , mmorph, mtl, resourcet, smallcheck, streaming, tasty, tasty-hunit
+     , tasty-smallcheck, transformers, transformers-base
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "streaming-bytestring";
+       version = "0.2.0";
+       sha256 = "1vmbg84xc7ix7ihs96ia13gdpi7z3grrkq9qai6j8s1klnzpljhi";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring deepseq exceptions ghc-prim mmorph mtl resourcet
+         streaming transformers transformers-base
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         base bytestring resourcet smallcheck streaming tasty tasty-hunit
+         tasty-smallcheck transformers
+       ];
+       description = "Fast, effectful byte streams";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "streaming-cassava" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cassava, hspec, mtl, QuickCheck
      , quickcheck-instances, streaming, streaming-bytestring, text
@@ -246532,6 +246736,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "string-interpolate";
        version = "";
        sha256 = "1dkw4q2fxnr7gnish45lryxwrmdy93ffa1010qdnjlnz5m3dxbyl";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "1rwylfxa821260mxfsr6l6grcyz7gxk18mvjijfhg5sm53v4c1ka";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring haskell-src-exts haskell-src-meta split
          template-haskell text text-conversions utf8-string
@@ -251871,15 +252077,15 @@ self: {
        license =;
      }) {};
-  "tasty_1_3_1" = callPackage
+  "tasty_1_4" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, async, base, clock, containers, mtl
      , optparse-applicative, stm, tagged, unbounded-delays, unix
      , wcwidth
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "tasty";
-       version = "1.3.1";
-       sha256 = "1p8lq0yd1880knnygv4spgjj3j2mi8bawd018vcxy9rml7sdzm8w";
+       version = "1.4";
+       sha256 = "0jkia4zg01936gm2klpn3c4grlmdgiq0qnqq1cz7xg4baza14q3b";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          ansi-terminal async base clock containers mtl optparse-applicative
          stm tagged unbounded-delays unix wcwidth
@@ -252460,6 +252666,23 @@ self: {
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
      }) {};
+  "tasty-rerun_1_1_18" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, optparse-applicative, split
+     , stm, tagged, tasty, transformers
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "tasty-rerun";
+       version = "1.1.18";
+       sha256 = "0sccp5zx9v2rx741nbmgd8mzjhy5m4v74hk26d23xz93ph8aqx7s";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         base containers mtl optparse-applicative split stm tagged tasty
+         transformers
+       ];
+       description = "Rerun only tests which failed in a previous test run";
+       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "tasty-silver" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, async, base, bytestring, containers
      , deepseq, directory, filepath, mtl, optparse-applicative, process
@@ -252534,8 +252757,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "tasty-test-reporter";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1v6s3dd3ynzw0690hz1abi8l2j6zlpfj61g072w176n7is6x7p73";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0aail968niiy4yicbb0nfd7z46vxgp5zf1k9ndh4smskihz8kjin";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          ansi-terminal base concurrent-output containers directory filepath
          junit-xml mtl safe-exceptions stm tagged tasty text
@@ -253146,8 +253369,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "telegram-bot-simple";
-       version = "0.3.1";
-       sha256 = "09r64kgvgc5xx4wa5mxlc6fi4cf5qa81j7334wr7niv88fs659yb";
+       version = "0.3.3";
+       sha256 = "0lbk7j6y2hzkd5hhd1wsdvsixgnim1xzy1nram2msm5jin9wy9rb";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -256568,16 +256791,21 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "th-lego" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances, rerebase
+     , tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, template-haskell
      , template-haskell-compat-v0208, text
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "th-lego";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "16pls283c6r4rx9aiyqacfrq5cy8d1q964fnzzk62517nicb9xyv";
+       version = "0.2.2";
+       sha256 = "0z9bpycyayvjr01pl704yhmchdfiyfi58drkq9ccxahgrwa0gpfc";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base template-haskell template-haskell-compat-v0208 text
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         QuickCheck quickcheck-instances rerebase tasty tasty-hunit
+         tasty-quickcheck template-haskell
+       ];
        description = "Template Haskell construction utilities";
        license =;
      }) {};
@@ -256932,8 +257160,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "themoviedb";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1dchnsk9mx2v01apj5ilnsl3w9vj6f5pkqrm9701zw7rcp7xds0w";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1n6raffsjn9iq427nyh7hnnx1jvgvilisfy6dz72hl4ry5198sdq";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -261761,8 +261989,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "tree-monad";
-       version = "0.3";
-       sha256 = "1zs1qgp908d0y7dm9mhzwl529z2aw24zr8balsvn1lzl1aynzslm";
+       version = "0.3.1";
+       sha256 = "0ny57rygkgwn8i733gz2zb12i5niq5q7lrqvzfwsnjd0b40yighf";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base ];
        description = "Non-Determinism Monad for Tree Search";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
@@ -265853,8 +266081,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mmsyn2, mmsyn5, vector }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "ukrainian-phonetics-basic";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0k7lv4lzmkjyfk5r664gmdaqbj08s1kp7n4w8lw7kn7fmxvwkraf";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0rjyy6yxwd799svqd34wjjz5wvxzlkr7bl65s1wmvdfbs9dvfk95";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base bytestring mmsyn2 mmsyn5 vector ];
        description = "A library to work with the basic Ukrainian phonetics and syllable segmentation";
        license =;
@@ -266925,8 +267153,8 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "uniqueness-periods-vector-examples" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, lists-flines, mmsyn6ukr
-     , parallel, phonetic-languages-ukrainian, print-info
+    ({ mkDerivation, base, mmsyn6ukr, parallel, phonetic-languages-plus
+     , phonetic-languages-ukrainian, print-info
      , uniqueness-periods-vector, uniqueness-periods-vector-common
      , uniqueness-periods-vector-filters
      , uniqueness-periods-vector-general
@@ -266935,17 +267163,16 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "uniqueness-periods-vector-examples";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0z6jglwli11845x4nlk8b3wk4d6j6i1m7jr3vhgri64g34qj1767";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "191ihc62lzgdnzr0z0skgrxb5zg1jbnv2g6faafy9krla3j4rn4s";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         base lists-flines uniqueness-periods-vector
-         uniqueness-periods-vector-common
-         uniqueness-periods-vector-properties vector
+         base uniqueness-periods-vector uniqueness-periods-vector-common
+         uniqueness-periods-vector-properties
        executableHaskellDepends = [
-         base bytestring lists-flines mmsyn6ukr parallel
+         base mmsyn6ukr parallel phonetic-languages-plus
          phonetic-languages-ukrainian print-info uniqueness-periods-vector
          uniqueness-periods-vector-common uniqueness-periods-vector-filters
@@ -266973,8 +267200,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "uniqueness-periods-vector-general";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1abqcxrlchhi5jag6rvaar48ip356p9r1zcndbja72z4dxg9b9q0";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "08jprdi4rlq6i923q9lg6mjbiyphh26ray6kbi1pk84im3y0s6bm";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base print-info uniqueness-periods-vector-common vector
@@ -267561,6 +267788,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "unjson";
        version = "0.15.3";
        sha256 = "1p2bk9j5ww0zbkaw1wvl2122h763zn4ddjzg5rka948q3d6zivvi";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "1jgin4v0j5siyrchrlkp8y5abs30mk8j9d5ah3r0b84683whnnrx";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers free hashable invariant
          pretty primitive scientific semigroups text time
@@ -267629,6 +267858,32 @@ self: {
        license =;
      }) {};
+  "unliftio_0_2_13_1" = callPackage
+    ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq
+     , directory, filepath, gauge, hspec, process, QuickCheck, stm, time
+     , transformers, unix, unliftio-core
+     }:
+     mkDerivation {
+       pname = "unliftio";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "08q00kqg934y9cpj18kcgzcw3a2wgs6kjvgldgvr2a3vndwn95m0";
+       libraryHaskellDepends = [
+         async base bytestring deepseq directory filepath process stm time
+         transformers unix unliftio-core
+       ];
+       testHaskellDepends = [
+         async base bytestring containers deepseq directory filepath hspec
+         process QuickCheck stm time transformers unix unliftio-core
+       ];
+       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
+         async base bytestring deepseq directory filepath gauge process stm
+         time transformers unix unliftio-core
+       ];
+       description = "The MonadUnliftIO typeclass for unlifting monads to IO (batteries included)";
+       license =;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+     }) {};
   "unliftio-core" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }:
      mkDerivation {
@@ -269387,11 +269642,11 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "uuagc";
-       version = "0.9.53";
-       sha256 = "0cij4kf8f2151xz2q935bn9bhrqig9alc008vds7cw6pkb32ngz6";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0agmvc1ng1dpnl0z8njilc2r51rgl9fh3lmxgprwc0y5dqqrn6zr";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
-       setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal ];
+       setupHaskellDepends = [ base Cabal uuagc-cabal ];
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          array base containers directory filepath ghc-prim haskell-src-exts
          mtl uuagc-cabal uulib
@@ -269635,15 +269890,15 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "uusi";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0wii4azq5aj8d1c8n5plsfqqvf9x5s4qw82mhvjhnzja3d6cck4f";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1kxhrkfsw6n2ic5f41bw2cjpix1k9ij5s3fhvsxgfiiwn7h5g7x2";
        isLibrary = false;
        isExecutable = true;
        executableHaskellDepends = [
          base Cabal colourista directory microlens optparse-applicative
          process text
-       description = "A program removing all version constraints of dependencies in .cabal file";
+       description = "Remove all version constraints of dependencies in .cabal file";
        license =;
        hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
        broken = true;
@@ -271864,8 +272119,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "vimeta";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0npz5mx9w6srz5p0is3yzgfwssakdycv8h0h38ff7q0sivq3pfnv";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "0i834y50b4820109asrzp61bqprxs9rfgr9b8310zhsisrlbxgl3";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -272665,8 +272920,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, transformers, vector, vulkan }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "vulkan";
-       version = "3.6.10";
-       sha256 = "028c6n6f62nnwszb4px5mhg2spqb2z4psm06fbc2r1qw6vpqhxn6";
+       version = "3.6.11";
+       sha256 = "065l0nk4w3if01aavfzgnalpp39xz1j8xw022l9w9pmdmb2y0fjm";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base bytestring transformers vector ];
        librarySystemDepends = [ vulkan ];
        description = "Bindings to the Vulkan graphics API";
@@ -274368,8 +274623,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "wai-saml2";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0yljqfrrp426pn17fq28arw3ygrb3i84fr28r0hns0cv4a4sz4gx";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "1hd408fs4w0lpqg0shnrwpx98fh6idzk8la3gn8xghhml189xgwl";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base base64-bytestring bytestring c14n cryptonite
          data-default-class http-types mtl text time vault wai wai-extra
@@ -275505,8 +275760,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "web-routes-happstack";
-       version = "0.23.12";
-       sha256 = "0p5fa2cdpk6s9n0wa7nllhk1naa3a8a8vx63q6da8ifk6x8jn68a";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "06gifknfv6g9rd9f83r75hc3sld4xb4f1czxs9k5ca7n1l1vlccy";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          base bytestring happstack-server text web-routes
@@ -276669,6 +276924,8 @@ self: {
        pname = "what4";
        version = "1.0";
        sha256 = "0yyyq2gzl7srjq6inj1dqdhpxd58r1rhjajwxi0gr5pmxfzv7k8w";
+       revision = "1";
+       editedCabalFile = "04ab8nvnngb3bjv94mkcr17hh2m943m4pyk3klbnmpwyp9ip6pmf";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
@@ -276734,8 +276991,8 @@ self: {
     ({ mkDerivation, base, shelly, template-haskell, text }:
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "which";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "0w1jik9bkndx8ssd00i1ii686kb0fd2sc0slr7ki561g5z1xa7dz";
+       version = "0.2";
+       sha256 = "1c1l79bdpqfg4n3p5gkc3x362m9k11hmyydr2y3j0xs4hhm3d5aa";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [ base shelly template-haskell text ];
        description = "Determine the full path to an executable";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
@@ -277090,33 +277347,33 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "winery" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, binary, bytestring, cereal
-     , containers, cpu, deepseq, directory, fast-builder, gauge
-     , hashable, HUnit, megaparsec, mtl, prettyprinter
-     , prettyprinter-ansi-terminal, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances
-     , scientific, semigroups, serialise, store, text, time
-     , transformers, unordered-containers, vector
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, barbies, barbies-th, base, binary
+     , bytestring, cereal, containers, cpu, deepseq, directory
+     , fast-builder, gauge, hashable, HUnit, megaparsec, mtl
+     , prettyprinter, prettyprinter-ansi-terminal, QuickCheck
+     , quickcheck-instances, scientific, semigroups, serialise, store
+     , text, time, transformers, unordered-containers, vector
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "winery";
-       version = "1.3.1";
-       sha256 = "0p504hglnih3gxc8x2iqqq9sih1l6chq53nijlv8f6wy15j9p5hh";
+       version = "1.3.2";
+       sha256 = "0ll6zm6zmhl9xmlbhj8is33zny4l7hwvf8lpvgqw0jcvz7j955a2";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson base bytestring containers cpu fast-builder hashable HUnit
-         megaparsec mtl prettyprinter prettyprinter-ansi-terminal QuickCheck
-         scientific semigroups text time transformers unordered-containers
-         vector
+         aeson barbies barbies-th base bytestring containers cpu
+         fast-builder hashable HUnit megaparsec mtl prettyprinter
+         prettyprinter-ansi-terminal QuickCheck scientific semigroups text
+         time transformers unordered-containers vector
        executableHaskellDepends = [
          aeson base bytestring megaparsec prettyprinter
          prettyprinter-ansi-terminal text
        testHaskellDepends = [
-         base bytestring containers fast-builder QuickCheck
-         quickcheck-instances scientific text time unordered-containers
-         vector
+         barbies barbies-th base bytestring containers fast-builder
+         QuickCheck quickcheck-instances scientific text time
+         unordered-containers vector
        benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
          aeson base binary bytestring cereal deepseq directory gauge
@@ -277124,6 +277381,8 @@ self: {
        description = "A compact, well-typed seralisation format for Haskell values";
        license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
+       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
+       broken = true;
      }) {};
   "winio" = callPackage
@@ -279928,8 +280187,8 @@ self: {
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "xlsx";
-       version = "0.8.1";
-       sha256 = "1prb6369af2w0rni2ha32yzd9r17yi0xnyn1dzwdzq03maxikgy9";
+       version = "0.8.2";
+       sha256 = "0kjfnp24nc97qqla1z65wzy59cch336pjncz1kdfakmgv27mv38a";
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
          attoparsec base base64-bytestring binary-search bytestring conduit
          containers data-default deepseq errors extra filepath lens mtl
@@ -283594,43 +283853,6 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "yesod-core" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, auto-update, base, blaze-html
-     , blaze-markup, bytestring, case-insensitive, cereal, clientsession
-     , conduit, conduit-extra, containers, cookie, deepseq, fast-logger
-     , gauge, hspec, hspec-expectations, http-types, HUnit, memory
-     , monad-logger, mtl, network, parsec, path-pieces, primitive
-     , random, resourcet, shakespeare, streaming-commons
-     , template-haskell, text, time, transformers, unix-compat, unliftio
-     , unordered-containers, vector, wai, wai-extra, wai-logger, warp
-     , word8
-     }:
-     mkDerivation {
-       pname = "yesod-core";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1i69k0782prgf3wzi714fx0g3jsd654kncn62c7sijsbs0zc6h5h";
-       libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         aeson auto-update base blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring
-         case-insensitive cereal clientsession conduit conduit-extra
-         containers cookie deepseq fast-logger http-types memory
-         monad-logger mtl parsec path-pieces primitive random resourcet
-         shakespeare template-haskell text time transformers unix-compat
-         unliftio unordered-containers vector wai wai-extra wai-logger warp
-         word8
-       ];
-       testHaskellDepends = [
-         async base bytestring clientsession conduit conduit-extra
-         containers cookie hspec hspec-expectations http-types HUnit network
-         path-pieces random resourcet shakespeare streaming-commons
-         template-haskell text transformers unliftio wai wai-extra warp
-       ];
-       benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
-         base blaze-html bytestring gauge shakespeare text
-       ];
-       description = "Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications";
-       license =;
-     }) {};
-  "yesod-core_1_6_18_5" = callPackage
     ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, auto-update, base, blaze-html
      , blaze-markup, bytestring, case-insensitive, cereal, clientsession
      , conduit, conduit-extra, containers, cookie, deepseq, fast-logger
@@ -283665,7 +283887,6 @@ self: {
        description = "Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications";
        license =;
-       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
      }) {};
   "yesod-crud" = callPackage
@@ -287695,36 +287916,34 @@ self: {
      }) {};
   "zxcvbn-hs" = callPackage
-    ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring, binary
+    ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring, binary
      , binary-instances, containers, criterion, fgl, hedgehog, lens
      , math-functions, tasty, tasty-hedgehog, tasty-hunit, text, time
      , unordered-containers, vector, zlib
      mkDerivation {
        pname = "zxcvbn-hs";
-       version = "";
-       sha256 = "1gvarz005nlz9q5bkdwvplvsmwwchhx0arpq1grmh39r706lh4d8";
-       revision = "2";
-       editedCabalFile = "05l4pni4264rcivixzakjkph5qr4jr8qb4jbfj2nw106n1zhjaka";
+       version = "";
+       sha256 = "13rz0bjvcj9hrxnxqbw7bl6529yz4aqawq6abssj4nmxbmgrj7xf";
        isLibrary = true;
        isExecutable = true;
        libraryHaskellDepends = [
-         attoparsec base base64-bytestring binary binary-instances
+         aeson attoparsec base base64-bytestring binary binary-instances
          containers fgl lens math-functions text time unordered-containers
          vector zlib
        executableHaskellDepends = [
-         attoparsec base base64-bytestring binary binary-instances
+         aeson attoparsec base base64-bytestring binary binary-instances
          containers fgl lens math-functions text time unordered-containers
          vector zlib
        testHaskellDepends = [
-         attoparsec base base64-bytestring binary binary-instances
+         aeson attoparsec base base64-bytestring binary binary-instances
          containers fgl hedgehog lens math-functions tasty tasty-hedgehog
          tasty-hunit text time unordered-containers vector zlib
        benchmarkHaskellDepends = [
-         attoparsec base base64-bytestring binary binary-instances
+         aeson attoparsec base base64-bytestring binary binary-instances
          containers criterion fgl lens math-functions text time
          unordered-containers vector zlib

From 718aafa5f7e17e47fd8eef6c5070a58cbea20a74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Simons <>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2020 09:20:34 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 5/6] pandoc: update overrides for the new release

 pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-common.nix | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-common.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-common.nix
index 1e694a8801b..ce309376396 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-common.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-common.nix
@@ -1467,7 +1467,7 @@ self: super: {
   skylighting-core = doDistribute super.skylighting-core_0_10_0_3;
   hslua = doDistribute self.hslua_1_1_2;
   jira-wiki-markup = doDistribute self.jira-wiki-markup_1_3_2;
-  pandoc = doDistribute self.pandoc_2_11_0_2;
+  pandoc = doDistribute self.pandoc_2_11_0_4;
   # jailbreaking pandoc-citeproc because it has not bumped upper bound on pandoc
   pandoc-citeproc = doJailbreak (doDistribute self.pandoc-citeproc_0_17_0_2);
   pandoc-types = doDistribute self.pandoc-types_1_22;

From ed41afe60a75bb284ff5fe8c9038f99efa22a63f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Simons <>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2020 14:53:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 6/6] haskell: update Cabal overrides for the new

 .../haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.2.x.nix           | 2 +-
 .../haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.4.x.nix           | 4 ++--
 .../haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.6.x.nix           | 8 ++++----
 .../haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.8.x.nix           | 8 ++++----
 4 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.2.x.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.2.x.nix
index f1260735479..bd9f43e90c9 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.2.x.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.2.x.nix
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ self: super: {
   text = self.text_1_2_4_0;
   # Needs Cabal 3.0.x.
-  jailbreak-cabal = super.jailbreak-cabal.override { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_0_0; };
+  jailbreak-cabal = super.jailbreak-cabal.override { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_1_0; };
   applicative-quoters = appendPatch super.applicative-quoters (pkgs.fetchpatch {
diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.4.x.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.4.x.nix
index d5ae77e8246..27bf04b914e 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.4.x.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.4.x.nix
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ self: super: {
   xhtml = null;
   # Needs Cabal 3.2.x.
-  cabal-install = super.cabal-install.overrideScope (self: super: { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_0_0; });
-  jailbreak-cabal = super.jailbreak-cabal.override { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_0_0; };
+  cabal-install = super.cabal-install.overrideScope (self: super: { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_1_0; });
+  jailbreak-cabal = super.jailbreak-cabal.override { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_1_0; };
   # Restricts aeson to <1.4
diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.6.x.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.6.x.nix
index 339fda5d6fb..f2da20426ac 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.6.x.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.6.x.nix
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ self: super: {
   xhtml = null;
   # Needs Cabal 3.0.x.
-  cabal-install = super.cabal-install.overrideScope (self: super: { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_0_0; });
-  jailbreak-cabal = super.jailbreak-cabal.override { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_0_0; };
+  cabal-install = super.cabal-install.overrideScope (self: super: { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_1_0; });
+  jailbreak-cabal = super.jailbreak-cabal.override { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_1_0; };
   unordered-containers = dontCheck super.unordered-containers;
@@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ self: super: {
   # cabal2nix needs the latest version of Cabal, and the one
   # hackage-db uses must match, so take the latest
-  cabal2nix = super.cabal2nix.overrideScope (self: super: { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_0_0; });
+  cabal2nix = super.cabal2nix.overrideScope (self: super: { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_1_0; });
   # cabal2spec needs a recent version of Cabal
-  cabal2spec = super.cabal2spec.overrideScope (self: super: { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_0_0; });
+  cabal2spec = super.cabal2spec.overrideScope (self: super: { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_1_0; });
   # Builds only with ghc-8.8.x and beyond.
   policeman = markBroken super.policeman;
diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.8.x.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.8.x.nix
index a2562e44527..220a8e5c207 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.8.x.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.8.x.nix
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ self: super: {
   haddock-api = self.haddock-api_2_23_1;
   # These builds need Cabal 3.2.x.
-  cabal2spec = super.cabal2spec.override { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_0_0; };
-  cabal-install = super.cabal-install.overrideScope (self: super: { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_0_0; });
+  cabal2spec = super.cabal2spec.override { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_1_0; };
+  cabal-install = super.cabal-install.overrideScope (self: super: { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_1_0; });
   # Ignore overly restrictive upper version bounds.
   aeson-diff = doJailbreak super.aeson-diff;
@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@ self: super: {
   apply-refact = super.apply-refact_0_7_0_0;
   # The package needs the latest Cabal version.
-  cabal-install-parsers = super.cabal-install-parsers.overrideScope (self: super: { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_0_0; });
+  cabal-install-parsers = super.cabal-install-parsers.overrideScope (self: super: { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_1_0; });
   # cabal-fmt requires Cabal3
-  cabal-fmt = super.cabal-fmt.override { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_0_0; };
+  cabal-fmt = super.cabal-fmt.override { Cabal = self.Cabal_3_2_1_0; };
   # liquidhaskell does not support ghc version 8.8.x.
   liquid = markBroken super.liquid;