sage: 8.1 -> 8.2, use system packages
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
# Sage on nixos
Sage is a pretty complex package that depends on many other complex packages and patches some of those. As a result, the sage nix package is also quite complex.
Don't feel discouraged to fix, simplify or improve things though. Here's a quick overview over the functions of the individual files:
- `sage-src.nix`
Downloads the source code and applies patches. This makes sure that all the other files work with the same sage source. If you want to apply a patch to sage or update sage to a new version, this is the place to do it.
- `env-locations.nix`
Creates a bash file that sets a bunch of environment variables telling sage where to find various packages and files. The definitions of those environment variables can be found in the sage source in the `src/` file. This bash file needs to be sourced before sage is started (done in `sage-env.nix` and `sagedoc.nix`).
- `sage-env.nix`
Sets all environment variables sage needs to run. This includes the package locations defined in `env-locations.nix` as well as the location of sage itself and its various subdirectories.
- `sagelib.nix`
Defines the main sage package (without setting the necessary environments or running any tests).
- `sage-with-env.nix`
Wraps sage in the necessary environment.
- `sage.nix`
Runs sages doctests.
- `sage-wrapper.nix`
Optionally tells sage where do find the docs.
- `sagedoc.nix`
Builds and tests the sage html documentation. Can be used for offline documentation viewing as well as the sage `browse_sage_doc` and `search_doc` functions.
- `sagenb.nix`
The (semi deprecated) sage notebook.
- `default.nix`
Introduces necessary overrides, defines new packages and ties everything together (returning the `sage` package).
- `flask-oldsessions.nix`, `flask-openid.nix`, `python-openid.nix`
These are python packages that were rejected from the main nixpkgs tree because they appear unmaintained. They are needed for the (semi-deprecated) sage notebook. Since that notebook is still needed to run the sage doctests, these packages are included but not exposed to the rest of nixpkgs.
- `pybrial.nix`
pybrial is a dependency of sage. However, pybrial itself also has sage as a dependency. Because of that circular dependency, pybrial is hidden from the rest of nixpkgs (just as the flask packages and python-openid.
- `openblas-pc.nix`
This creates a `.pc` file to be read by `pkg-config` that allows openblas to take on different roles, like `cblas` or `lapack`.
## The sage build is broken
First you should find out which change to nixpkgs is at fault (if you don't already know). You can use `git-bisect` for that (see the manpage).
If the build broke as a result of a package update, try those solutions in order:
- search the [sage trac]( for keywords like "Upgrade <package>". Maybe somebody has already proposed a patch that fixes the issue. You can then add a `fetchpatch` to `sage-src.nix`.
- check if [gentoo](, [debian]( or [arch linux]( already solved the problem. You can then again add a `fetchpatch` to `sage-src.nix`. If applicable you should also [propose the patch upstream](#proposing-a-sage-patch).
- fix the problem yourself. First clone the sagemath source and then check out the sage version you want to patch:
[user@localhost ~]$ git clone git://
[user@localhost ~]$ cd sage
[user@localhost sage]$ git checkout 8.2 # substitute the relevant version here
Then make the needed changes and generate a patch with `git diff`:
[user@localhost ~]$ <make changes>
[user@localhost ~]$ git diff -u > /path/to/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/science/math/sage/patches/name-of-patch.patch
Now just add the patch to `sage-src.nix` and test your changes. If they fix the problem, [propose them upstream](#proposing-a-sage-patch) and add a link to the trac ticket.
- pin the package version in `default.nix` and add a note that explains why that is necessary.
## Proposing a sage patch
You can [login the sage trac using GitHub]( Your username will then be `gh-<your-github-name>`. The only other way is to request a trac account via email. After that refer to [git the hard way]( in the sage documentation. The "easy way" requires a non-GitHub account (requested via email) and a special tool. The "hard way" is really not all that hard if you're a bit familiar with git.
Here's the gist, assuming you want to use ssh key authentication. First, [add your public ssh key]( Then:
[user@localhost ~]$ git clone git://
[user@localhost ~]$ cd sage
[user@localhost sage]$ git remote add trac -t master
[user@localhost sage]$ git checkout -b u/gh-<your-github-username>/<your-branch-name> develop
[user@localhost sage]$ <make changes>
[user@localhost sage]$ git add .
[user@localhost sage]$ git commit
[user@localhost sage]$ git show # review your changes
[user@localhost sage]$ git push --set-upstream trac u/gh-<your-github-username>/<your-branch-name>
You now created a branch on the trac server (you *must* follow the naming scheme as you only have push access to branches with the `u/gh-<your-github-username>/` prefix).
Now you can [create a new trac ticket](
- Write a description of the change
- set the type and component as appropriate
- write your real name in the "Authors" field
- write `u/gh-<your-github-username>/<your-branch-name>` in the "Branch" field
- click "Create ticket"
- click "Modify" on the top right of your ticket (for some reason you can only change the ticket status after you have created it)
- set the ticket status from `new` to `needs_review`
- click "Save changes"
Refer to sages [Developer's Guide]( for further details.
## I want to update sage
You'll need to change the `version` field in `sage-src.nix`. Afterwards just try to build and let nix tell you which patches no longer apply (hopefully because they were adopted upstream). Remove those.
Hopefully the build will succeed now. If it doesn't and the problem is obvious, fix it as described in [The sage build is broken](#the-sage-build-is-broken).
If the problem is not obvious, you can try to first update sage to an intermediate version (remember that you can also set the `version` field to any git revision of sage) and locate the sage commit that introduced the issue. You can even use `git-bisect` for that (it will only be a bit tricky to keep track of which patches to apply). Hopefully after that the issue will be obvious.
## Well, that didn't help!
If you couldn't fix the problem, create a GitHub issue on the nixpkgs repo and ping @timokau (or whoever is listed in the `maintainers` list of the sage package).
Describe what you did and why it didn't work. Afterwards it would be great if you help the next guy out and improve this documentation!
@ -1,230 +1,231 @@
# - consider writing a script to convert spkgs to nix packages, similar to vim
# or cabal2nix. This would allow a more efficient and "cleaner" build, greater
# flexibility and the possibility to select which dependencies to add and which
# to remove. It would also allow to use system packages for some dependencies
# and recompile others (optimized for the system) without recompiling everything.
# - add optdeps:
# - imagemagick
# - texlive full for documentation
# - ...
# - further seperate build outputs. Also maybe run `make doc`.
# Configure flags like --bindir and --libdir oculd also be used for that, see
# ./configure --help`.
# Other resources:
# -
# -
# -
{ stdenv
, bash
, fetchurl
, perl
, gfortran6
, python
, autoreconfHook
, gettext
, which
, texlive
, texinfo
, hevea
, buildDocs ? false
, optimize ? false # optimize sage to the current system (obviously impure)
{ nixpkgs
, withDoc ? false
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "8.1";
name = "sage-${version}";
inherit (nixpkgs) fetchpatch fetchurl symlinkJoin fetchFromGitHub callPackage nodePackages_8_x;
# Modified version of patchShebangs that patches to the sage-internal version if possible
# and falls back to the system version if not.
patchSageShebangs = ./;
src = fetchurl {
# Note that the source is *not* fetched from github, since that doesn't
# the upstream folder with all the source tarballs of the spkgs.
# If those are not present they are fetched at build time, which breaks
# when building in a sandbox (and probably only works if you install the
# latest sage version).
urls = [
# for tracking of python3 support
python = nixpkgs.python2.override {
packageOverrides = self: super: {
cypari2 = super.cypari2.override { inherit pari; };
cysignals = super.cysignals.override { inherit pari; };
cvxopt = super.cvxopt.override { inherit glpk; };
flask-babel = super.flask-babel.overridePythonAttrs (attrs: rec {
version = "0.9";
src = attrs.src.override {
inherit version;
sha256 = "0k7vk4k54y55ma0nx2k5s0phfqbriwslhy5shh3b0d046q7ibzaa";
doCheck = false;
# python packages that appear unmaintained and were not accepted into the nixpkgs
# tree because of that. These packages are only dependencies of the more-or-less
# deprecated sagenb. However sagenb is still a default dependency and the doctests
# depend on it.
# See for a discussion.
flask-oldsessions = self.callPackage ./flask-oldsessions.nix {};
flask-openid = self.callPackage ./flask-openid.nix {};
python-openid = self.callPackage ./python-openid.nix {};
pybrial = self.callPackage ./pybrial.nix {};
sagelib = self.callPackage ./sagelib.nix {
inherit flint ecl pari glpk eclib;
inherit sage-src openblas-blas-pc openblas-cblas-pc openblas-lapack-pc pynac singular;
linbox = nixpkgs.linbox.override { withSage = true; };
# tracking:
arb = nixpkgs.arb.overrideAttrs (attrs: rec {
name = "arb-${version}";
version = "2.12.0";
doCheck = false; #
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "fredrik-johansson";
repo = attrs.pname;
rev = version;
sha256 = "18bwxlcbqb70cj7l9x6w1h4yghrqfhmbhdby373q8vdrdfx58niq";
sagenb = self.callPackage ./sagenb.nix {
mathjax = nodePackages_8_x.mathjax;
sagedoc = self.callPackage ./sagedoc.nix {
inherit sage-src;
env-locations = self.callPackage ./env-locations.nix {
inherit pari_data ecl pari;
inherit singular;
three = nodePackages_8_x.three;
mathjax = nodePackages_8_x.mathjax;
sage-env = self.callPackage ./sage-env.nix {
inherit sage-src python rWrapper openblas-cblas-pc glpk ecl singular eclib pari palp flint pynac pythonEnv;
pkg-config = nixpkgs.pkgconfig; # not to confuse with pythonPackages.pkgconfig
sage-with-env = self.callPackage ./sage-with-env.nix {
inherit pari eclib pythonEnv;
inherit sage-src openblas-blas-pc openblas-cblas-pc openblas-lapack-pc pynac singular;
pkg-config = nixpkgs.pkgconfig; # not to confuse with pythonPackages.pkgconfig
three = nodePackages_8_x.three;
sage = self.callPackage ./sage.nix { };
sage-wrapper = self.callPackage ./sage-wrapper.nix {
inherit sage-src withDoc;
openblas-blas-pc = callPackage ./openblas-pc.nix { name = "blas"; };
openblas-cblas-pc = callPackage ./openblas-pc.nix { name = "cblas"; };
openblas-lapack-pc = callPackage ./openblas-pc.nix { name = "lapack"; };
sage-src = callPackage ./sage-src.nix {};
pythonRuntimeDeps = with python.pkgs; [
pythonEnv = python.buildEnv.override {
extraLibs = pythonRuntimeDeps;
ignoreCollisions = true;
} // { extraLibs = pythonRuntimeDeps; }; # make the libs accessible
# needs to be rWrapper, standard "R" doesn't include default packages
rWrapper = nixpkgs.rWrapper.override {
R = nixpkgs.R.overrideAttrs (attrs: rec {
name = "R-3.4.4";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0dq3jsnwsb5j3fhl0wi3p5ycv8avf8s5j1y4ap3d2mkjmcppvsdk";
# update causes issues
singular = nixpkgs.singular.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
name = "singular-4.1.0p3";
src = fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "105zs3zk46b1cps403ap9423rl48824ap5gyrdgmg8fma34680a4";
# *not* to confuse with the python package "pynac"
# (depends on arb update)
pynac = (nixpkgs.pynac.override { inherit singular; }).overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
name = "pynac-0.7.16";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "pynac";
repo = "pynac";
rev = name;
sha256 = "106an189sg4rpgzfrmy3699271vg4ddazw9wvh51wx7qnm1v86ik";
eclib = nixpkgs.eclib.override { inherit pari; };
# With openblas (64 bit), the tests fail the same way as when sage is build with
# openblas instead of openblasCompat. Apparently other packages somehow use flints
# blas when it is available. Alternative would be to override flint to use
# openblasCompat.
flint = nixpkgs.flint.override { withBlas = false; };
# Multiple palp dimensions need to be available and sage expects them all to be
# in the same folder.
palp = symlinkJoin {
name = "palp-${nixpkgs.palp.version}";
paths = [
(nixpkgs.palp.override { dimensions = 4; doSymlink = false; })
(nixpkgs.palp.override { dimensions = 5; doSymlink = false; })
(nixpkgs.palp.override { dimensions = 6; doSymlink = true; })
(nixpkgs.palp.override { dimensions = 11; doSymlink = false; })
sha256 = "1cpcs1mr0yii64s152xmxyd450bfzjb22jjj0zh9y3n6g9alzpyq";
postPatch = ''
substituteAllInPlace src/bin/sage-env
bash=${bash} substituteAllInPlace build/bin/sage-spkg
installPhase = ''
# Sage installs during first `make`, `make install` is no-op and just takes time.
outputs = [ "out" ] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals (buildDocs) [ "doc" ];
buildInputs = [
bash # needed for the build
perl # needed for the build
python # needed for the build
gfortran6 # needed to build giac, openblas
autoreconfHook # needed to configure sage with prefix
gettext # needed to build the singular spkg
which # needed in configure of mpir
texinfo # needed to build maxima
] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals(buildDocs) [
hevea # needed to build the docs of the giac spkg
(texlive.combine { inherit (texlive)
collection-pstricks # needed by giac
times # font needed by giac
stmaryrd # needed by giac
babel-greek # optional for giac, otherwise throws a bunch of latex command not founds
nativeBuildInputs = [ gfortran6 perl which ];
patches = [
# fix usages of /bin/rm
# help python find the crypt library
# patches python3 and indirectly python2, since those installation files are symlinked
# fix usages of /usr/bin/perl
# fix usages of /bin/cp and add necessary argument to function call
# environment
# adjust wrapper shebang and patch shebangs after each spkg build
enableParallelBuilding = true;
hardeningDisable = [
"format" # needed to build palp, for lines like `printf(ctime(&_NFL->TIME))`
# TODO could be patched with `sed s|printf(ctime(\(.*\)))|%s... or fixed upstream
configureFlags = stdenv.lib.optionals(buildDocs) [ "--docdir=$(doc)" ];
preConfigure = ''
export HOME=/tmp/sage-home
export SAGE_ROOT="$PWD"
export SAGE_SRC="$PWD"
mkdir -p "$HOME"
mkdir -p "$out"
# we need to keep the source around
cd ..
mv "$dir" "$out/sage-root"
cd "$out/sage-root" # build in target dir, since `make` is also `make install`
+ stdenv.lib.optionalString (buildDocs) ''
mkdir -p "$doc"
export SAGE_DOC="$doc"
export SAGE_DOCBUILD_OPTS="--no-pdf-links -k"
+ stdenv.lib.optionalString (!optimize) ''
export SAGE_FAT_BINARY=yes
buildFlags = if (buildDocs) then "doc" else "build";
# for reference:
preBuild = ''
# symlink python to make sure the shebangs are patched to the sage path
# while still being able to use python before building it
# (this is important because otherwise sage will try to install python
# packages globally later on)
ln -s "${python}/bin/python2" $out/bin/python2
ln -s "$out/bin/python2" $out/bin/python
touch $out/bin/python3
bash $patchSageShebangs .
postBuild = ''
# Clean up
rm -r "$out/sage-root/upstream" # don't keep the sources of all the spkgs
rm -rf "$out/sage-root/src/build"
rm -rf "$out/sage-root/src/autom4te.cache"
rm -rf "$out/sage-root/src/config"
rm -rf "$out/sage-root/src/m4"
rm -rf "$out/sage-root/.git"
rm -r "$out/sage-root/logs"
rm -r "$out"/lib/python*/test
# Fix dependency cycle between out and doc
rm -f "$out/sage-root/config.log"
rm -f "$out/sage-root/config.status"
rm -f "$out/sage-root/build/make/Makefile-auto"
rm -f "$out/sage-home/.sage/gap/libgap-workspace-"*
# Make sure unnessessary packages don't end up in the build closure
find "$out" \
-iname 'config.log' \
-delete \
-or -iname 'Makefile' \
rm -f "$out/lib/R/etc/Renviron"
# Make sure all shebangs are properly patched
bash $patchSageShebangs $out
# TODO there are some doctest failures, which seem harmless.
# We should figure out a way to fix the failures or ignore only those tests.
doCheck = false;
checkTarget = "ptestalllong"; # all long tests in parallell
preCheck = ''
export SAGE_TIMEOUT=0 # no timeout
export SAGE_TIMEOUT_LONG=0 # no timeout
meta = {
homepage =;
description = "A free open source mathematics software system";
# taken from the homepage
longDescription = ''
SageMath is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL. It builds on top of many existing open-source packages: NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib, Sympy, Maxima, GAP, FLINT, R and many more. Access their combined power through a common, Python-based language or directly via interfaces or wrappers.
Mission: Creating a viable free open source alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica and Matlab.
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2Plus;
platforms = ["x86_64-linux" "i686-linux"];
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ timokau ];
# Sage expects those in the same directory.
pari_data = symlinkJoin {
name = "pari_data";
paths = with nixpkgs; [
ecl = nixpkgs.ecl_16_1_2;
# sage currently uses an unreleased version of pari
pari = (nixpkgs.pari.override { withThread = false; }).overrideAttrs (attrs: rec {
version = "2.10-1280-g88fb5b3"; # on update remove pari-stackwarn patch from `sage-src.nix`
src = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://sageupstream/pari/pari-${version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "19gbsm8jqq3hraanbmsvzkbh88iwlqbckzbnga3y76r7k42akn7m";
glpk = nixpkgs.glpk.overrideAttrs (attrs: rec {
version = "4.63";
name = "glpk-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://gnu/glpk/${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1xp7nclmp8inp20968bvvfcwmz3mz03sbm0v3yjz8aqwlpqjfkci";
patches = (attrs.patches or []) ++ [
# Alternatively patch sage with debians
# The header of that debian patch contains a good description of the issue. The gist of it:
# > If GLPK in Sage causes one error, and this is caught by Sage and recovered from, then
# > later (because upstream GLPK does not clear the "error" flag) Sage will append
# > all subsequent terminal output of GLPK into the error_message string but not
# > actually forward it to the user's terminal. This breaks some doctests.
(fetchpatch {
name = "error_recovery.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "0z99z9gd31apb6x5n5n26411qzx0ma3s6dnznc4x61x86bhq31qf";
# Allow setting a exact verbosity level (OFF|ERR|ON|ALL|DBG)
(fetchpatch {
name = "exact_verbosity.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "15gm5i2alqla3m463i1qq6jx6c0ns6lip7njvbhp37pgxg4s9hx8";
python.pkgs.sage-wrapper // {
doc = python.pkgs.sagedoc;
lib = python.pkgs.sagelib;
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
{ stdenv
, writeTextFile
, pari_data
, pari
, singular
, maxima-ecl
, conway_polynomials
, graphs
, elliptic_curves
, polytopes_db
, gap-libgap-compatible
, ecl
, combinatorial_designs
, jmol
, mathjax
, three
, cysignals
writeTextFile rec {
name = "sage-env-locations";
destination = "/${name}";
text = ''
export GP_DATA_DIR="${pari_data}/share/pari"
export PARI_DATA_DIR="${pari_data}"
export GPHELP="${pari}/bin/gphelp"
export GPDOCDIR="${pari}/share/pari/doc"
export SINGULARPATH='${singular}/share/singular'
export SINGULAR_SO='${singular}/lib/'
export SINGULAR_EXECUTABLE='${singular}/bin/Singular'
export MAXIMA_FAS='${maxima-ecl}/lib/maxima/${maxima-ecl.version}/binary-ecl/maxima.fas'
export MAXIMA_PREFIX="${maxima-ecl}"
export CONWAY_POLYNOMIALS_DATA_DIR='${conway_polynomials}/share/conway_polynomials'
export GRAPHS_DATA_DIR='${graphs}/share/graphs'
export ELLCURVE_DATA_DIR='${elliptic_curves}/share/ellcurves'
export POLYTOPE_DATA_DIR='${polytopes_db}/share/reflexive_polytopes'
export GAP_ROOT_DIR='${gap-libgap-compatible}/share/gap/build-dir'
export ECLDIR='${ecl}/lib/ecl-${ecl.version}/'
export COMBINATORIAL_DESIGN_DATA_DIR="${combinatorial_designs}/share/combinatorial_designs"
export CREMONA_MINI_DATA_DIR="${elliptic_curves}/share/cremona"
export JMOL_DIR="${jmol}"
export MATHJAX_DIR="${mathjax}/lib/node_modules/mathjax"
export THREEJS_DIR="${three}/lib/node_modules/three"
export SAGE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES="${cysignals}/lib/python2.7/site-packages"
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/bin/sage-env b/src/bin/sage-env
index ead308f861..ed8db9f9b7 100644
--- a/src/bin/sage-env
+++ b/src/bin/sage-env
@@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ resolvelinks() {
# New value for SAGE_ROOT: either SAGE_ROOT (if given)
# or a guessed value based on pwd.
if [ -n "$SAGE_ROOT" ]; then
@@ -185,6 +187,8 @@ fi
+export SAGE_LOCAL='@out@/'
+export PYTHONPATH="@out@/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH"
# sage-env must know where the Sage's script files are.
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i bash -p curl go-pup
# Fetches a list of all available source mirrors from the sage homepage.
# Note that the list is sorted by country, but fetchurl doesn't offer an option
# to customize mirror preference.
curl -s \
| pup 'table#mirror' \
| pup 'a attr{href}' \
| sed -e 's/index\.html/sage-${version}.tar.gz/'
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
{ stdenv
, buildPythonPackage
, fetchFromGitHub
, python
, flask
buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "Flask-OldSessions";
version = "0.10";
# no artifact on pypi:
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "mitsuhiko";
repo = "flask-oldsessions";
rev = "${version}";
sha256 = "04b5m8njjiwld9a0zw55iqwvyjgwcpdbhz1cic8nyhgcmypbicqn";
propagatedBuildInputs = [
# missing module flask.testsuite, probably assumes an old version of flask
doCheck = false;
checkPhase = ''
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Provides a session class that works like the one in Flask before 0.10.";
license = licenses.bsd2;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ timokau ];
homepage =;
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
{ stdenv
, buildPythonPackage
, fetchPypi
, flask
, python-openid
buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "Flask-OpenID";
version = "1.2.5";
src = fetchPypi {
inherit pname version;
sha256 = "1aycwmwi7ilcaa5ab8hm0bp6323zl8z25q9ha0gwrl8aihfgx3ss";
propagatedBuildInputs = [
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Adds openid support to flask applications";
license = licenses.bsd2;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ timokau ];
homepage =;
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
{ stdenv
, openblasCompat
, writeTextFile
, name
writeTextFile {
name = "openblas-${name}-pc-${openblasCompat.version}";
destination = "/lib/pkgconfig/${name}.pc";
text = ''
Name: ${name}
Version: ${openblasCompat.version}
Description: ${name} for SageMath, provided by the OpenBLAS package.
Cflags: -I${openblasCompat}/include
Libs: -L${openblasCompat}/lib -lopenblas
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
# This is a slightly modified version of nix's default patchShebangs
echo "patching sage internal script interpreter paths in $( readlink -f "$dir")"
find "$dir" -type f -perm -0100 | while read f; do
if [ "$(head -1 "$f" | head -c+2)" != '#!' ]; then
# missing shebang => not a script
oldInterpreterLine=$(head -1 "$f" | tail -c+3)
read -r oldPath arg0 args <<< "$oldInterpreterLine"
if $(echo "$oldPath" | grep -q "/bin/env$"); then
# Check for unsupported 'env' functionality:
# - options: something starting with a '-'
# - environment variables: foo=bar
if $(echo "$arg0" | grep -q -- "^-.*\|.*=.*"); then
echo "unsupported interpreter directive \"$oldInterpreterLine\" (set dontPatchShebangs=1 and handle shebang patching yourself)"
exit 1
if [ "$oldPath" = "" ]; then
# If no interpreter is specified linux will use /bin/sh. Set
# oldpath="/bin/sh" so that we get /nix/store/.../sh.
executable="$(basename "$oldPath")"
args="$arg0 $args"
newPath="$(echo "$out/bin/$executable $args" | sed 's/[[:space:]]*$//')"
if [[ ! -x "$newPath" ]] ; then
newPath="$(command -v "$executable" || true)"
# Strip trailing whitespace introduced when no arguments are present
newInterpreterLine="$(echo "$newPath $args" | sed 's/[[:space:]]*$//')"
if [ -n "$oldPath" -a "${oldPath:0:${#NIX_STORE}}" != "$NIX_STORE" ]; then
if [ -n "$newPath" -a "$newPath" != "$oldPath" ]; then
echo "$f: sage interpreter directive changed from \"$oldInterpreterLine\" to \"$newInterpreterLine\""
# escape the escape chars so that sed doesn't interpret them
escapedInterpreterLine=$(echo "$newInterpreterLine" | sed 's|\\|\\\\|g')
sed -i -e "1 s|.*|#\!$escapedInterpreterLine|" "$f"
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
diff --git a/src/doc/common/ b/src/doc/common/
index 25f94f7b7d..9f6139ea4a 100644
--- a/src/doc/common/
+++ b/src/doc/common/
@@ -622,9 +622,9 @@ def call_intersphinx(app, env, node, contnode):
Check that the link from the thematic tutorials to the reference
manual is relative, see :trac:`20118`::
- sage: from sage.env import SAGE_DOC
- sage: thematic_index = os.path.join(SAGE_DOC, "html", "en", "thematic_tutorials", "index.html")
- sage: for line in open(thematic_index).readlines():
+ sage: from sage.env import SAGE_DOC # optional - dochtml
+ sage: thematic_index = os.path.join(SAGE_DOC, "html", "en", "thematic_tutorials", "index.html") # optional - dochtml
+ sage: for line in open(thematic_index).readlines(): # optional - dochtml
....: if "padics" in line:
....: sys.stdout.write(line)
<li><a class="reference external" href="../reference/padics/sage/rings/padics/tutorial.html#sage-rings-padics-tutorial" title="(in Sage Reference Manual: p-Adics ...)"><span>Introduction to the -adics</span></a></li>
diff --git a/src/sage/doctest/ b/src/sage/doctest/
index 4236fd05e0..8e499cbaf7 100644
--- a/src/sage/doctest/
+++ b/src/sage/doctest/
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class DocTestDefaults(SageObject):
self.sagenb = False
self.long = False
self.warn_long = None
- self.optional = set(['sage']) | auto_optional_tags
+ self.optional = set(['sage', 'dochtml']) | auto_optional_tags
self.randorder = None
self.global_iterations = 1 # sage-runtests default is 0
self.file_iterations = 1 # sage-runtests default is 0
@@ -343,7 +343,8 @@ class DocTestController(SageObject):
if not
raise ValueError('invalid optional tag {!r}'.format(o))
- options.optional |= auto_optional_tags
+ if "sage" in options.optional:
+ options.optional |= auto_optional_tags
self.options = options
self.files = args
@@ -741,7 +742,7 @@ class DocTestController(SageObject):
sage: DC = DocTestController(DD, [dirname])
sage: DC.expand_files_into_sources()
sage: sorted(DC.sources[0].options.optional) # abs tol 1
- ['guava', 'magma', 'py3']
+ ['guava', 'magma']
We check that files are skipped appropriately::
@@ -968,7 +969,7 @@ class DocTestController(SageObject):
sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults, DocTestController
sage: DC = DocTestController(DocTestDefaults(), [])
sage: DC._optional_tags_string()
- 'sage'
+ 'dochtml,sage'
sage: DC = DocTestController(DocTestDefaults(optional="all,and,some,more"), [])
sage: DC._optional_tags_string()
diff --git a/src/sage/misc/ b/src/sage/misc/
index 9255aa848f..cc4712d3ec 100644
--- a/src/sage/misc/
+++ b/src/sage/misc/
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ TESTS:
Check that argspecs of extension function/methods appear correctly,
see :trac:`12849`::
- sage: from sage.env import SAGE_DOC
- sage: docfilename = os.path.join(SAGE_DOC, 'html', 'en', 'reference', 'calculus', 'sage', 'symbolic', 'expression.html')
- sage: with open(docfilename) as fobj:
+ sage: from sage.env import SAGE_DOC # optional - dochtml
+ sage: docfilename = os.path.join(SAGE_DOC, 'html', 'en', 'reference', 'calculus', 'sage', 'symbolic', 'expression.html') # optional - dochtml
+ sage: with open(docfilename) as fobj: # optional - dochtml
....: for line in fobj:
....: if "#sage.symbolic.expression.Expression.numerical_approx" in line:
....: print(line)
@@ -790,11 +790,12 @@ def _search_src_or_doc(what, string, extra1='', extra2='', extra3='',
- sage: len(_search_src_or_doc('src', r'matrix\(', 'incidence_structures', 'self', 'combinat', interact=False).splitlines()) > 1
+ sage: from sage.misc.sagedoc import _search_src_or_doc # optional - dochtml
+ sage: len(_search_src_or_doc('src', r'matrix\(', 'incidence_structures', 'self', 'combinat', interact=False).splitlines()) > 1 # optional - dochtml
- sage: 'abvar/homology' in _search_src_or_doc('doc', 'homology', 'variety', interact=False) # long time (4s on sage.math, 2012)
+ sage: 'abvar/homology' in _search_src_or_doc('doc', 'homology', 'variety', interact=False) # optional - dochtml, long time (4s on sage.math, 2012)
- sage: 'divisors' in _search_src_or_doc('src', '^ *def prime', interact=False)
+ sage: 'divisors' in _search_src_or_doc('src', '^ *def prime', interact=False) # optional - dochtml
# process keywords
@@ -1160,9 +1161,9 @@ def search_doc(string, extra1='', extra2='', extra3='', extra4='',
counting the length of ``search_doc('tree',
interact=False).splitlines()`` gives the number of matches. ::
- sage: len(search_doc('tree', interact=False).splitlines()) > 4000 # long time
+ sage: len(search_doc('tree', interact=False).splitlines()) > 4000 # optional - dochtml, long time
- sage: len(search_doc('tree', whole_word=True, interact=False).splitlines()) < 2000 # long time
+ sage: len(search_doc('tree', whole_word=True, interact=False).splitlines()) < 2000 # optional - dochtml, long time
return _search_src_or_doc('doc', string, extra1=extra1, extra2=extra2,
@@ -1332,9 +1333,9 @@ class _sage_doc:
- sage: browse_sage_doc._open("reference", testing=True)[0] # indirect doctest
+ sage: browse_sage_doc._open("reference", testing=True)[0] # optional - dochtml, indirect doctest
- sage: browse_sage_doc(identity_matrix, 'rst')[-107:-47]
+ sage: browse_sage_doc(identity_matrix, 'rst')[-107:-47] # optional - dochtml
'Full MatrixSpace of 3 by 3 sparse matrices over Integer Ring'
def __init__(self):
@@ -1494,9 +1495,9 @@ class _sage_doc:
- sage: browse_sage_doc._open("reference", testing=True)[0]
+ sage: browse_sage_doc._open("reference", testing=True)[0] # optional - dochtml
- sage: browse_sage_doc._open("tutorial", testing=True)[1]
+ sage: browse_sage_doc._open("tutorial", testing=True)[1] # optional - dochtml
url = self._base_url + os.path.join(name, "index.html")
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
diff --git a/src/sage/libs/eclib/ b/src/sage/libs/eclib/
index f77000c478..9d17d412ae 100644
--- a/src/sage/libs/eclib/
+++ b/src/sage/libs/eclib/
@@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ class mwrank_MordellWeil(SageObject):
WARNING: saturation at primes p > 2 will not be done;
Gained index 2
- New regulator = 93.857300720636393209
+ New regulator = 93.85730...
(False, 2, '[ ]')
sage: EQ.points()
[[-2, 3, 1], [2707496766203306, 864581029138191, 2969715140223272], [-13422227300, -49322830557, 12167000000]]
@@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ class mwrank_MordellWeil(SageObject):
WARNING: saturation at primes p > 3 will not be done;
Gained index 3
- New regulator = 10.4285889689595992455
+ New regulator = 10.42858...
(False, 3, '[ ]')
sage: EQ.points()
[[-2, 3, 1], [-14, 25, 8], [-13422227300, -49322830557, 12167000000]]
@@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ class mwrank_MordellWeil(SageObject):
WARNING: saturation at primes p > 5 will not be done;
Gained index 5
- New regulator = 0.417143558758383969818
+ New regulator = 0.41714...
(False, 5, '[ ]')
sage: EQ.points()
[[-2, 3, 1], [-14, 25, 8], [1, -1, 1]]
@@ -1221,7 +1221,7 @@ class mwrank_MordellWeil(SageObject):
WARNING: saturation at primes p > 2 will not be done;
Gained index 2
- New regulator = 93.857300720636393209
+ New regulator = 93.85730...
(False, 2, '[ ]')
sage: EQ
Subgroup of Mordell-Weil group: [[-2:3:1], [2707496766203306:864581029138191:2969715140223272], [-13422227300:-49322830557:12167000000]]
@@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ class mwrank_MordellWeil(SageObject):
WARNING: saturation at primes p > 3 will not be done;
Gained index 3
- New regulator = 10.4285889689595992455
+ New regulator = 10.42858...
(False, 3, '[ ]')
sage: EQ
Subgroup of Mordell-Weil group: [[-2:3:1], [-14:25:8], [-13422227300:-49322830557:12167000000]]
@@ -1249,7 +1249,7 @@ class mwrank_MordellWeil(SageObject):
WARNING: saturation at primes p > 5 will not be done;
Gained index 5
- New regulator = 0.417143558758383969818
+ New regulator = 0.41714...
(False, 5, '[ ]')
sage: EQ
Subgroup of Mordell-Weil group: [[-2:3:1], [-14:25:8], [1:-1:1]]
diff --git a/src/sage/libs/eclib/mwrank.pyx b/src/sage/libs/eclib/mwrank.pyx
index a4f89e1ca5..f8a22d2f55 100644
--- a/src/sage/libs/eclib/mwrank.pyx
+++ b/src/sage/libs/eclib/mwrank.pyx
@@ -1234,9 +1234,9 @@ cdef class _two_descent:
sage: D2.saturate()
Searching for points (bound = 8)...done:
found points which generate a subgroup of rank 3
- and regulator 0.417143558758383969817119544618093396749810106098479
+ and regulator 0.41714...
Processing points found during 2-descent...done:
- now regulator = 0.417143558758383969817119544618093396749810106098479
+ now regulator = 0.41714...
No saturation being done
sage: D2.getbasis()
'[[1:-1:1], [-2:3:1], [-14:25:8]]'
@@ -1281,9 +1281,9 @@ cdef class _two_descent:
sage: D2.saturate()
Searching for points (bound = 8)...done:
found points which generate a subgroup of rank 3
- and regulator 0.417143558758383969817119544618093396749810106098479
+ and regulator 0.41714...
Processing points found during 2-descent...done:
- now regulator = 0.417143558758383969817119544618093396749810106098479
+ now regulator = 0.41714...
No saturation being done
sage: D2.getbasis()
'[[1:-1:1], [-2:3:1], [-14:25:8]]'
@@ -1329,9 +1329,9 @@ cdef class _two_descent:
sage: D2.saturate()
Searching for points (bound = 8)...done:
found points which generate a subgroup of rank 3
- and regulator 0.417143558758383969817119544618093396749810106098479
+ and regulator 0.41714...
Processing points found during 2-descent...done:
- now regulator = 0.417143558758383969817119544618093396749810106098479
+ now regulator = 0.41714...
No saturation being done
sage: D2.getbasis()
'[[1:-1:1], [-2:3:1], [-14:25:8]]'
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/src/sage/ b/src/sage/
index 14cec431f1..25a35a0522 100644
--- a/src/sage/
+++ b/src/sage/
@@ -310,6 +310,7 @@ warnings.filters.remove(('ignore', None, DeprecationWarning, None, 0))
# Ignore all deprecations from IPython etc.
+warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', "The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been replaced by the 'density' kwarg.") # matplotlib normed deprecation
# However, be sure to keep OUR deprecation warnings
'[\s\S]*See[0-9]* for details.')
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
diff --git a/src/sage/interfaces/ b/src/sage/interfaces/
index 961c20aaac..3d601d8939 100644
--- a/src/sage/interfaces/
+++ b/src/sage/interfaces/
@@ -1743,7 +1743,7 @@ class MaximaAbstractElement(ExtraTabCompletion, InterfaceElement):
sage: y,d = var('y,d')
sage: f = function('f')
sage: latex(maxima(derivative(f(x*y), x)))
- \left(\left.{{{\it \partial}}\over{{\it \partial}\, {\it t_0}}}\,f\left({\it t_0}\right) \right|_{{\it t_0}={\it x}\, {\it y}}\right)\,{\it y}
+ \left(\left.{{{\it \partial}}\over{{\it \partial}\, {\it t}_{0}}}\,f\left({\it t}_{0}\right) \right|_{{\it t}_{0}={\it x}\, {\it y}}\right)\,{\it y}
sage: latex(maxima(derivative(f(x,y,d), d,x,x,y)))
{{{\it \partial}^4}\over{{\it \partial}\,{\it d}\, {\it \partial}\,{\it x}^2\,{\it \partial}\, {\it y}}}\,f\left({\it x} , {\it y} , {\it d}\right)
sage: latex(maxima(d/(d-2)))
diff --git a/src/sage/manifolds/differentiable/ b/src/sage/manifolds/differentiable/
index 3cd6ad3235..1e18af1a6b 100644
--- a/src/sage/manifolds/differentiable/
+++ b/src/sage/manifolds/differentiable/
@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ class PseudoRiemannianMetric(TensorField):
2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
sage: g.riemann()[:]
[[[[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, sin(th)^2], [-sin(th)^2, 0]]],
- [[[0, (cos(th)^2 - 1)/sin(th)^2], [1, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]]]]
+ [[[0, -1], [1, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]]]]
In dimension 2, the Riemann tensor can be expressed entirely in terms of
the Ricci scalar `r`:
diff --git a/src/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx b/src/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx
index dfb8751467..27402e54ab 100644
--- a/src/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx
+++ b/src/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx
@@ -7154,7 +7154,7 @@ cdef class Expression(CommutativeRingElement):
sage: ex = lcm(sin(x)^2 - 1, sin(x)^2 + sin(x)); ex
(sin(x)^2 + sin(x))*(sin(x)^2 - 1)/(sin(x) + 1)
sage: ex.simplify_full()
- -cos(x)^2*sin(x)
+ sin(x)^3 - sin(x)
@@ -10004,7 +10004,7 @@ cdef class Expression(CommutativeRingElement):
sage: f=tan(3*x)
sage: f.simplify_trig()
- (4*cos(x)^2 - 1)*sin(x)/(4*cos(x)^3 - 3*cos(x))
+ -(4*cos(x)^2 - 1)*sin(x)/(4*cos(x)*sin(x)^2 - cos(x))
sage: f.simplify_trig(False)
@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
diff --git a/src/doc/en/faq/faq-usage.rst b/src/doc/en/faq/faq-usage.rst
index 79b4205fd3..9a89bd2136 100644
--- a/src/doc/en/faq/faq-usage.rst
+++ b/src/doc/en/faq/faq-usage.rst
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ ints. For example::
sage: RealNumber = float; Integer = int
sage: from scipy import stats
sage: stats.ttest_ind(list([1,2,3,4,5]),list([2,3,4,5,.6]))
- Ttest_indResult(statistic=0.076752955645333687, pvalue=0.94070490247380478)
+ Ttest_indResult(statistic=0.0767529..., pvalue=0.940704...)
sage: stats.uniform(0,15).ppf([0.5,0.7])
array([ 7.5, 10.5])
diff --git a/src/doc/en/thematic_tutorials/numerical_sage/cvxopt.rst b/src/doc/en/thematic_tutorials/numerical_sage/cvxopt.rst
index 314811c42b..e5f54ec4c2 100644
--- a/src/doc/en/thematic_tutorials/numerical_sage/cvxopt.rst
+++ b/src/doc/en/thematic_tutorials/numerical_sage/cvxopt.rst
@@ -48,11 +48,13 @@ we could do the following.
sage: B = numpy.array([1.0]*5)
sage: B.shape=(5,1)
sage: print(B)
- [[ 1.]
- [ 1.]
- [ 1.]
- [ 1.]
- [ 1.]]
+ [[1.]
+ [1.]
+ [1.]
+ [1.]
+ [1.]]
sage: print(A)
[ 2.00e+00 3.00e+00 0 0 0 ]
[ 3.00e+00 0 4.00e+00 0 6.00e+00]
diff --git a/src/doc/en/thematic_tutorials/numerical_sage/numpy.rst b/src/doc/en/thematic_tutorials/numerical_sage/numpy.rst
index 5b89cd75ee..e50b2ea5d4 100644
--- a/src/doc/en/thematic_tutorials/numerical_sage/numpy.rst
+++ b/src/doc/en/thematic_tutorials/numerical_sage/numpy.rst
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ well as take slices
sage: l[3]
sage: l[3:6]
- array([ 3., 4., 5.])
+ array([3., 4., 5.])
You can do basic arithmetic operations
@@ -147,11 +147,11 @@ also do matrix vector multiplication, and matrix addition
sage: n = numpy.matrix([[1,2],[3,4]],dtype=float)
sage: v = numpy.array([[1],[2]],dtype=float)
sage: n*v
- matrix([[ 5.],
- [ 11.]])
+ matrix([[ 5.],
+ [11.]])
sage: n+n
- matrix([[ 2., 4.],
- [ 6., 8.]])
+ matrix([[2., 4.],
+ [6., 8.]])
If ``n`` was created with :meth:`numpy.array`, then to do matrix vector
multiplication, you would use ``,v)``.
@@ -170,11 +170,11 @@ to manipulate
22., 23., 24.])
sage: n.shape=(5,5)
sage: n
- array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.],
- [ 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.],
- [ 10., 11., 12., 13., 14.],
- [ 15., 16., 17., 18., 19.],
- [ 20., 21., 22., 23., 24.]])
+ array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.],
+ [ 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.],
+ [10., 11., 12., 13., 14.],
+ [15., 16., 17., 18., 19.],
+ [20., 21., 22., 23., 24.]])
This changes the one-dimensional array into a `5\times 5` array.
@@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ NumPy arrays can be sliced as well
sage: n=numpy.array(range(25),dtype=float)
sage: n.shape=(5,5)
sage: n[2:4,1:3]
- array([[ 11., 12.],
- [ 16., 17.]])
+ array([[11., 12.],
+ [16., 17.]])
It is important to note that the sliced matrices are references to
the original
@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ Some particularly useful commands are
sage: x=numpy.arange(0,2,.1,dtype=float)
sage: x
- array([ 0. , 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1. ,
- 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9])
+ array([0. , 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1. , 1.1, 1.2,
+ 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9])
You can see that :meth:`numpy.arange` creates an array of floats increasing by 0.1
from 0 to 2. There is a useful command :meth:`numpy.r_` that is best explained by example
@@ -240,10 +240,11 @@ from 0 to 2. There is a useful command :meth:`numpy.r_` that is best explained b
sage: Integer=int
sage: n=r_[0.0:5.0]
sage: n
- array([ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.])
+ array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4.])
sage: n=r_[0.0:5.0, [0.0]*5]
sage: n
- array([ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
+ array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
:meth:`numpy.r_` provides a shorthand for constructing NumPy arrays efficiently.
Note in the above ``0.0:5.0`` was shorthand for ``0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0``.
@@ -255,7 +256,7 @@ intervals. We can do this as follows
sage: r_[0.0:5.0:11*j]
- array([ 0. , 0.5, 1. , 1.5, 2. , 2.5, 3. , 3.5, 4. , 4.5, 5. ])
+ array([0. , 0.5, 1. , 1.5, 2. , 2.5, 3. , 3.5, 4. , 4.5, 5. ])
The notation ``0.0:5.0:11*j`` expands to a list of 11 equally space
points between 0 and 5 including both endpoints. Note that ``j`` is the
@@ -287,23 +288,23 @@ an equally spaced grid with `\Delta x = \Delta y = .25` for
sage: y=numpy.r_[0.0:1.0:5*j]
sage: xx,yy= meshgrid(x,y)
sage: xx
- array([[ 0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ],
- [ 0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ],
- [ 0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ],
- [ 0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ],
- [ 0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ]])
+ array([[0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ],
+ [0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ],
+ [0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ],
+ [0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ],
+ [0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ]])
sage: yy
- array([[ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ],
- [ 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25],
- [ 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 ],
- [ 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75],
- [ 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ]])
+ array([[0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ],
+ [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25],
+ [0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 ],
+ [0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75],
+ [1. , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ]])
sage: f(xx,yy)
- array([[ 0. , 0.0625, 0.25 , 0.5625, 1. ],
- [ 0.0625, 0.125 , 0.3125, 0.625 , 1.0625],
- [ 0.25 , 0.3125, 0.5 , 0.8125, 1.25 ],
- [ 0.5625, 0.625 , 0.8125, 1.125 , 1.5625],
- [ 1. , 1.0625, 1.25 , 1.5625, 2. ]])
+ array([[0. , 0.0625, 0.25 , 0.5625, 1. ],
+ [0.0625, 0.125 , 0.3125, 0.625 , 1.0625],
+ [0.25 , 0.3125, 0.5 , 0.8125, 1.25 ],
+ [0.5625, 0.625 , 0.8125, 1.125 , 1.5625],
+ [1. , 1.0625, 1.25 , 1.5625, 2. ]])
You can see that :meth:`numpy.meshgrid` produces a pair of matrices, here denoted
`xx` and `yy`, such that `(xx[i,j],yy[i,j])` has coordinates
@@ -324,7 +325,7 @@ equation `Ax=b` do
sage: b=numpy.array(range(1,6))
sage: x=linalg.solve(A,b)
- array([ 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.])
+ array([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.])
This creates a random 5x5 matrix ``A``, and solves `Ax=b` where
``b=[0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0]``. There are many other routines in the :mod:`numpy.linalg`
diff --git a/src/sage/calculus/riemann.pyx b/src/sage/calculus/riemann.pyx
index df85cce43d..34ea164be0 100644
--- a/src/sage/calculus/riemann.pyx
+++ b/src/sage/calculus/riemann.pyx
@@ -1191,30 +1191,30 @@ cpdef complex_to_spiderweb(np.ndarray[COMPLEX_T, ndim = 2] z_values,
sage: zval = numpy.array([[0, 1, 1000],[.2+.3j,1,-.3j],[0,0,0]],dtype = numpy.complex128)
sage: deriv = numpy.array([[.1]],dtype = numpy.float64)
sage: complex_to_spiderweb(zval, deriv,deriv, 4,4,[0,0,0],1,False,0.001)
- array([[[ 1., 1., 1.],
- [ 1., 1., 1.],
- [ 1., 1., 1.]],
+ array([[[1., 1., 1.],
+ [1., 1., 1.],
+ [1., 1., 1.]],
- [[ 1., 1., 1.],
- [ 0., 0., 0.],
- [ 1., 1., 1.]],
+ [[1., 1., 1.],
+ [0., 0., 0.],
+ [1., 1., 1.]],
- [[ 1., 1., 1.],
- [ 1., 1., 1.],
- [ 1., 1., 1.]]])
+ [[1., 1., 1.],
+ [1., 1., 1.],
+ [1., 1., 1.]]])
sage: complex_to_spiderweb(zval, deriv,deriv, 4,4,[0,0,0],1,True,0.001)
- array([[[ 1. , 1. , 1. ],
- [ 1. , 0.05558355, 0.05558355],
- [ 0.17301243, 0. , 0. ]],
+ array([[[1. , 1. , 1. ],
+ [1. , 0.05558355, 0.05558355],
+ [0.17301243, 0. , 0. ]],
- [[ 1. , 0.96804683, 0.48044583],
- [ 0. , 0. , 0. ],
- [ 0.77351965, 0.5470393 , 1. ]],
+ [[1. , 0.96804683, 0.48044583],
+ [0. , 0. , 0. ],
+ [0.77351965, 0.5470393 , 1. ]],
- [[ 1. , 1. , 1. ],
- [ 1. , 1. , 1. ],
- [ 1. , 1. , 1. ]]])
+ [[1. , 1. , 1. ],
+ [1. , 1. , 1. ],
+ [1. , 1. , 1. ]]])
cdef Py_ssize_t i, j, imax, jmax
cdef FLOAT_T x, y, mag, arg, width, target, precision, dmag, darg
@@ -1279,14 +1279,14 @@ cpdef complex_to_rgb(np.ndarray[COMPLEX_T, ndim = 2] z_values):
sage: from sage.calculus.riemann import complex_to_rgb
sage: import numpy
sage: complex_to_rgb(numpy.array([[0, 1, 1000]], dtype = numpy.complex128))
- array([[[ 1. , 1. , 1. ],
- [ 1. , 0.05558355, 0.05558355],
- [ 0.17301243, 0. , 0. ]]])
+ array([[[1. , 1. , 1. ],
+ [1. , 0.05558355, 0.05558355],
+ [0.17301243, 0. , 0. ]]])
sage: complex_to_rgb(numpy.array([[0, 1j, 1000j]], dtype = numpy.complex128))
- array([[[ 1. , 1. , 1. ],
- [ 0.52779177, 1. , 0.05558355],
- [ 0.08650622, 0.17301243, 0. ]]])
+ array([[[1. , 1. , 1. ],
+ [0.52779177, 1. , 0.05558355],
+ [0.08650622, 0.17301243, 0. ]]])
diff --git a/src/sage/combinat/ b/src/sage/combinat/
index 61b1003002..4baee9cbbd 100644
--- a/src/sage/combinat/
+++ b/src/sage/combinat/
@@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ def _make_color_list(n, colors=None, color_map=None, randomize=False):
sage: _make_color_list(5, ['blue', 'red'])
['blue', 'red', 'blue', 'red', 'blue']
sage: _make_color_list(5, color_map='summer')
- [(0.0, 0.5, 0.40000000000000002),
- (0.25098039215686274, 0.62549019607843137, 0.40000000000000002),
- (0.50196078431372548, 0.75098039215686274, 0.40000000000000002),
- (0.75294117647058822, 0.87647058823529411, 0.40000000000000002),
- (1.0, 1.0, 0.40000000000000002)]
+ [(0.0, 0.5, 0.4),
+ (0.25098039215686274, 0.6254901960784314, 0.4),
+ (0.5019607843137255, 0.7509803921568627, 0.4),
+ (0.7529411764705882, 0.8764705882352941, 0.4),
+ (1.0, 1.0, 0.4)]
sage: _make_color_list(8, ['blue', 'red'], randomize=True)
['blue', 'blue', 'red', 'blue', 'red', 'red', 'red', 'blue']
diff --git a/src/sage/finance/time_series.pyx b/src/sage/finance/time_series.pyx
index c37700d14e..49b7298d0b 100644
--- a/src/sage/finance/time_series.pyx
+++ b/src/sage/finance/time_series.pyx
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ cdef class TimeSeries:
sage: import numpy
sage: v = numpy.array([[1,2], [3,4]], dtype=float); v
- array([[ 1., 2.],
- [ 3., 4.]])
+ array([[1., 2.],
+ [3., 4.]])
sage: finance.TimeSeries(v)
[1.0000, 2.0000, 3.0000, 4.0000]
sage: finance.TimeSeries(v[:,0])
@@ -2098,14 +2098,14 @@ cdef class TimeSeries:
sage: w[0] = 20
sage: w
- array([ 20. , -3. , 4.5, -2. ])
+ array([20. , -3. , 4.5, -2. ])
sage: v
[20.0000, -3.0000, 4.5000, -2.0000]
If you want a separate copy do not give the ``copy=False`` option. ::
sage: z = v.numpy(); z
- array([ 20. , -3. , 4.5, -2. ])
+ array([20. , -3. , 4.5, -2. ])
sage: z[0] = -10
sage: v
[20.0000, -3.0000, 4.5000, -2.0000]
diff --git a/src/sage/functions/ b/src/sage/functions/
index 931a4b41e4..bf33fc483d 100644
--- a/src/sage/functions/
+++ b/src/sage/functions/
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ class Function_coth(GinacFunction):
sage: import numpy
sage: a = numpy.arange(2, 5)
sage: coth(a)
- array([ 1.03731472, 1.00496982, 1.00067115])
+ array([1.03731472, 1.00496982, 1.00067115])
return 1.0 / tanh(x)
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ class Function_sech(GinacFunction):
sage: import numpy
sage: a = numpy.arange(2, 5)
sage: sech(a)
- array([ 0.26580223, 0.09932793, 0.03661899])
+ array([0.26580223, 0.09932793, 0.03661899])
return 1.0 / cosh(x)
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ class Function_csch(GinacFunction):
sage: import numpy
sage: a = numpy.arange(2, 5)
sage: csch(a)
- array([ 0.27572056, 0.09982157, 0.03664357])
+ array([0.27572056, 0.09982157, 0.03664357])
return 1.0 / sinh(x)
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ class Function_arccoth(GinacFunction):
sage: import numpy
sage: a = numpy.arange(2,5)
sage: acoth(a)
- array([ 0.54930614, 0.34657359, 0.25541281])
+ array([0.54930614, 0.34657359, 0.25541281])
return arctanh(1.0 / x)
diff --git a/src/sage/functions/ b/src/sage/functions/
index 017c85a96f..33fbb499c5 100644
--- a/src/sage/functions/
+++ b/src/sage/functions/
@@ -810,12 +810,12 @@ class Func_chebyshev_T(ChebyshevFunction):
sage: z2 = numpy.array([[1,2],[1,2]])
sage: z3 = numpy.array([1,2,3.])
sage: chebyshev_T(1,z)
- array([ 1., 2.])
+ array([1., 2.])
sage: chebyshev_T(1,z2)
- array([[ 1., 2.],
- [ 1., 2.]])
+ array([[1., 2.],
+ [1., 2.]])
sage: chebyshev_T(1,z3)
- array([ 1., 2., 3.])
+ array([1., 2., 3.])
sage: chebyshev_T(z,0.1)
array([ 0.1 , -0.98])
@@ -1095,12 +1095,12 @@ class Func_chebyshev_U(ChebyshevFunction):
sage: z2 = numpy.array([[1,2],[1,2]])
sage: z3 = numpy.array([1,2,3.])
sage: chebyshev_U(1,z)
- array([ 2., 4.])
+ array([2., 4.])
sage: chebyshev_U(1,z2)
- array([[ 2., 4.],
- [ 2., 4.]])
+ array([[2., 4.],
+ [2., 4.]])
sage: chebyshev_U(1,z3)
- array([ 2., 4., 6.])
+ array([2., 4., 6.])
sage: chebyshev_U(z,0.1)
array([ 0.2 , -0.96])
diff --git a/src/sage/functions/ b/src/sage/functions/
index 679384c907..d63b295a4c 100644
--- a/src/sage/functions/
+++ b/src/sage/functions/
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ class Function_ceil(BuiltinFunction):
sage: import numpy
sage: a = numpy.linspace(0,2,6)
sage: ceil(a)
- array([ 0., 1., 1., 2., 2., 2.])
+ array([0., 1., 1., 2., 2., 2.])
Test pickling::
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ class Function_floor(BuiltinFunction):
sage: import numpy
sage: a = numpy.linspace(0,2,6)
sage: floor(a)
- array([ 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 2.])
+ array([0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 2.])
sage: floor(x)._sympy_()
@@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ def sqrt(x, *args, **kwds):
sage: import numpy
sage: a = numpy.arange(2,5)
sage: sqrt(a)
- array([ 1.41421356, 1.73205081, 2. ])
+ array([1.41421356, 1.73205081, 2. ])
if isinstance(x, float):
return math.sqrt(x)
diff --git a/src/sage/functions/ b/src/sage/functions/
index e7e7a311cd..e7ff78a9de 100644
--- a/src/sage/functions/
+++ b/src/sage/functions/
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ class Function_arccot(GinacFunction):
sage: import numpy
sage: a = numpy.arange(2, 5)
sage: arccot(a)
- array([ 0.46364761, 0.32175055, 0.24497866])
+ array([0.46364761, 0.32175055, 0.24497866])
return math.pi/2 - arctan(x)
@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ class Function_arccsc(GinacFunction):
sage: import numpy
sage: a = numpy.arange(2, 5)
sage: arccsc(a)
- array([ 0.52359878, 0.33983691, 0.25268026])
+ array([0.52359878, 0.33983691, 0.25268026])
return arcsin(1.0/x)
@@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ class Function_arcsec(GinacFunction):
sage: import numpy
sage: a = numpy.arange(2, 5)
sage: arcsec(a)
- array([ 1.04719755, 1.23095942, 1.31811607])
+ array([1.04719755, 1.23095942, 1.31811607])
return arccos(1.0/x)
@@ -920,13 +920,13 @@ class Function_arctan2(GinacFunction):
sage: a = numpy.linspace(1, 3, 3)
sage: b = numpy.linspace(3, 6, 3)
sage: atan2(a, b)
- array([ 0.32175055, 0.41822433, 0.46364761])
+ array([0.32175055, 0.41822433, 0.46364761])
sage: atan2(1,a)
- array([ 0.78539816, 0.46364761, 0.32175055])
+ array([0.78539816, 0.46364761, 0.32175055])
sage: atan2(a, 1)
- array([ 0.78539816, 1.10714872, 1.24904577])
+ array([0.78539816, 1.10714872, 1.24904577])
diff --git a/src/sage/matrix/constructor.pyx b/src/sage/matrix/constructor.pyx
index 19a1d37df0..5780dfae1c 100644
--- a/src/sage/matrix/constructor.pyx
+++ b/src/sage/matrix/constructor.pyx
@@ -494,8 +494,8 @@ class MatrixFactory(object):
[7 8 9]
Full MatrixSpace of 3 by 3 dense matrices over Integer Ring
sage: n = matrix(QQ, 2, 2, [1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4]).numpy(); n
- array([[ 1. , 0.5 ],
- [ 0.33333333, 0.25 ]])
+ array([[1. , 0.5 ],
+ [0.33333333, 0.25 ]])
sage: matrix(QQ, n)
[ 1 1/2]
[1/3 1/4]
diff --git a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_double_dense.pyx b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_double_dense.pyx
index 48e0a8a97f..1be5d35b19 100644
--- a/src/sage/matrix/matrix_double_dense.pyx
+++ b/src/sage/matrix/matrix_double_dense.pyx
@@ -2546,7 +2546,7 @@ cdef class Matrix_double_dense(Matrix_dense):
sage: P.is_unitary(algorithm='orthonormal')
Traceback (most recent call last):
- ValueError: failed to create intent(cache|hide)|optional array-- must have defined dimensions but got (0,)
+ error: ((lwork==-1)||(lwork >= MAX(1,2*n))) failed for 3rd keyword lwork: zgees:lwork=0
@@ -3662,8 +3662,8 @@ cdef class Matrix_double_dense(Matrix_dense):
[0.0 1.0 2.0]
[3.0 4.0 5.0]
sage: m.numpy()
- array([[ 0., 1., 2.],
- [ 3., 4., 5.]])
+ array([[0., 1., 2.],
+ [3., 4., 5.]])
Alternatively, numpy automatically calls this function (via
the magic :meth:`__array__` method) to convert Sage matrices
@@ -3674,16 +3674,16 @@ cdef class Matrix_double_dense(Matrix_dense):
[0.0 1.0 2.0]
[3.0 4.0 5.0]
sage: numpy.array(m)
- array([[ 0., 1., 2.],
- [ 3., 4., 5.]])
+ array([[0., 1., 2.],
+ [3., 4., 5.]])
sage: numpy.array(m).dtype
sage: m = matrix(CDF, 2, range(6)); m
[0.0 1.0 2.0]
[3.0 4.0 5.0]
sage: numpy.array(m)
- array([[ 0.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 2.+0.j],
- [ 3.+0.j, 4.+0.j, 5.+0.j]])
+ array([[0.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 2.+0.j],
+ [3.+0.j, 4.+0.j, 5.+0.j]])
sage: numpy.array(m).dtype
diff --git a/src/sage/matrix/ b/src/sage/matrix/
index c698ba5e97..b743bab354 100644
--- a/src/sage/matrix/
+++ b/src/sage/matrix/
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ def diagonal_matrix(arg0=None, arg1=None, arg2=None, sparse=True):
sage: import numpy
sage: entries = numpy.array([1.2, 5.6]); entries
- array([ 1.2, 5.6])
+ array([1.2, 5.6])
sage: A = diagonal_matrix(3, entries); A
[1.2 0.0 0.0]
[0.0 5.6 0.0]
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ def diagonal_matrix(arg0=None, arg1=None, arg2=None, sparse=True):
sage: j = numpy.complex(0,1)
sage: entries = numpy.array([2.0+j, 8.1, 3.4+2.6*j]); entries
- array([ 2.0+1.j , 8.1+0.j , 3.4+2.6j])
+ array([2. +1.j , 8.1+0.j , 3.4+2.6j])
sage: A = diagonal_matrix(entries); A
[2.0 + 1.0*I 0.0 0.0]
[ 0.0 8.1 0.0]
diff --git a/src/sage/modules/free_module_element.pyx b/src/sage/modules/free_module_element.pyx
index 230f142117..2ab1c0ae68 100644
--- a/src/sage/modules/free_module_element.pyx
+++ b/src/sage/modules/free_module_element.pyx
@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ cdef class FreeModuleElement(Vector): # abstract base class
sage: v.numpy()
array([1, 2, 5/6], dtype=object)
sage: v.numpy(dtype=float)
- array([ 1. , 2. , 0.83333333])
+ array([1. , 2. , 0.83333333])
sage: v.numpy(dtype=int)
array([1, 2, 0])
sage: import numpy
@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ cdef class FreeModuleElement(Vector): # abstract base class
be more efficient but may have unintended consequences::
sage: v.numpy(dtype=None)
- array([ 1. , 2. , 0.83333333])
+ array([1. , 2. , 0.83333333])
sage: w = vector(ZZ, [0, 1, 2^63 -1]); w
(0, 1, 9223372036854775807)
diff --git a/src/sage/modules/vector_double_dense.pyx b/src/sage/modules/vector_double_dense.pyx
index 39fc2970de..2badf98284 100644
--- a/src/sage/modules/vector_double_dense.pyx
+++ b/src/sage/modules/vector_double_dense.pyx
@@ -807,13 +807,13 @@ cdef class Vector_double_dense(FreeModuleElement):
sage: v = vector(CDF,4,range(4))
sage: v.numpy()
- array([ 0.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 2.+0.j, 3.+0.j])
+ array([0.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 2.+0.j, 3.+0.j])
sage: v = vector(CDF,0)
sage: v.numpy()
array([], dtype=complex128)
sage: v = vector(RDF,4,range(4))
sage: v.numpy()
- array([ 0., 1., 2., 3.])
+ array([0., 1., 2., 3.])
sage: v = vector(RDF,0)
sage: v.numpy()
array([], dtype=float64)
@@ -823,11 +823,11 @@ cdef class Vector_double_dense(FreeModuleElement):
sage: import numpy
sage: v = vector(CDF, 3, range(3))
sage: v.numpy()
- array([ 0.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 2.+0.j])
+ array([0.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 2.+0.j])
sage: v.numpy(dtype=numpy.float64)
- array([ 0., 1., 2.])
+ array([0., 1., 2.])
sage: v.numpy(dtype=numpy.float32)
- array([ 0., 1., 2.], dtype=float32)
+ array([0., 1., 2.], dtype=float32)
if dtype is None or dtype is self._vector_numpy.dtype:
from copy import copy
diff --git a/src/sage/numerical/ b/src/sage/numerical/
index 17b5ebb84b..92ce35c502 100644
--- a/src/sage/numerical/
+++ b/src/sage/numerical/
@@ -486,9 +486,9 @@ def minimize_constrained(func,cons,x0,gradient=None,algorithm='default', **args)
min = optimize.fmin_tnc(f, x0, approx_grad=True, bounds=cons, messages=0, **args)[0]
elif isinstance(cons[0], function_type) or isinstance(cons[0], Expression):
- min = optimize.fmin_cobyla(f, x0, cons, iprint=0, **args)
+ min = optimize.fmin_cobyla(f, x0, cons, disp=0, **args)
elif isinstance(cons, function_type) or isinstance(cons, Expression):
- min = optimize.fmin_cobyla(f, x0, cons, iprint=0, **args)
+ min = optimize.fmin_cobyla(f, x0, cons, disp=0, **args)
return vector(RDF, min)
diff --git a/src/sage/plot/complex_plot.pyx b/src/sage/plot/complex_plot.pyx
index ad9693da62..758fb709b7 100644
--- a/src/sage/plot/complex_plot.pyx
+++ b/src/sage/plot/complex_plot.pyx
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ cdef inline double mag_to_lightness(double r):
sage: from sage.plot.complex_plot import complex_to_rgb
sage: complex_to_rgb([[0, 1, 10]])
- array([[[ 0. , 0. , 0. ],
- [ 0.77172568, 0. , 0. ],
- [ 1. , 0.22134776, 0.22134776]]])
+ array([[[0. , 0. , 0. ],
+ [0.77172568, 0. , 0. ],
+ [1. , 0.22134776, 0.22134776]]])
return atan(log(sqrt(r)+1)) * (4/PI) - 1
@@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ def complex_to_rgb(z_values):
sage: from sage.plot.complex_plot import complex_to_rgb
sage: complex_to_rgb([[0, 1, 1000]])
- array([[[ 0. , 0. , 0. ],
- [ 0.77172568, 0. , 0. ],
- [ 1. , 0.64421177, 0.64421177]]])
+ array([[[0. , 0. , 0. ],
+ [0.77172568, 0. , 0. ],
+ [1. , 0.64421177, 0.64421177]]])
sage: complex_to_rgb([[0, 1j, 1000j]])
- array([[[ 0. , 0. , 0. ],
- [ 0.38586284, 0.77172568, 0. ],
- [ 0.82210588, 1. , 0.64421177]]])
+ array([[[0. , 0. , 0. ],
+ [0.38586284, 0.77172568, 0. ],
+ [0.82210588, 1. , 0.64421177]]])
import numpy
cdef unsigned int i, j, imax, jmax
diff --git a/src/sage/plot/ b/src/sage/plot/
index 23f5e61446..3b1b51d7cf 100644
--- a/src/sage/plot/
+++ b/src/sage/plot/
@@ -502,14 +502,12 @@ def line2d(points, **options):
from sage.plot.all import Graphics
from sage.plot.plot import xydata_from_point_list
from sage.rings.all import CC, CDF
+ points = list(points) # make sure points is a python list
if points in CC or points in CDF:
- try:
- if not points:
- return Graphics()
- except ValueError: # numpy raises a ValueError if not empty
- pass
+ if len(points) == 0:
+ return Graphics()
xdata, ydata = xydata_from_point_list(points)
g = Graphics()
diff --git a/src/sage/plot/ b/src/sage/plot/
index 0025098a8d..23c80902f3 100644
--- a/src/sage/plot/
+++ b/src/sage/plot/
@@ -49,9 +49,10 @@ class PlotField(GraphicPrimitive):
sage: r.xpos_array
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]
sage: r.yvec_array
- masked_array(data = [0.0 0.70710678118... 0.70710678118... 0.89442719...],
- mask = [False False False False],
- fill_value = 1e+20)
+ masked_array(data=[0.0, 0.70710678118..., 0.70710678118...,
+ 0.89442719...],
+ mask=[False, False, False, False],
+ fill_value=1e+20)
diff --git a/src/sage/plot/ b/src/sage/plot/
index f3da57c370..3806f4b32f 100644
--- a/src/sage/plot/
+++ b/src/sage/plot/
@@ -38,16 +38,14 @@ class StreamlinePlot(GraphicPrimitive):
sage: r.options()['plot_points']
sage: r.xpos_array
- array([ 0., 1.])
+ array([0., 1.])
sage: r.yvec_array
- masked_array(data =
- [[1.0 1.0]
- [0.5403023058681398 0.5403023058681398]],
- mask =
- [[False False]
- [False False]],
- fill_value = 1e+20)
+ masked_array(
+ data=[[1.0, 1.0],
+ [0.5403023058681398, 0.5403023058681398]],
+ mask=[[False, False],
+ [False, False]],
+ fill_value=1e+20)
diff --git a/src/sage/probability/probability_distribution.pyx b/src/sage/probability/probability_distribution.pyx
index f66cd898b9..35995886d5 100644
--- a/src/sage/probability/probability_distribution.pyx
+++ b/src/sage/probability/probability_distribution.pyx
@@ -130,7 +130,17 @@ cdef class ProbabilityDistribution:
sage: b
- [0.0, 0.20000000000000001, 0.40000000000000002, 0.60000000000000009, 0.80000000000000004, 1.0, 1.2000000000000002, 1.4000000000000001, 1.6000000000000001, 1.8, 2.0]
+ [0.0,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.4,
+ 0.6000000000000001,
+ 0.8,
+ 1.0,
+ 1.2000000000000002,
+ 1.4000000000000001,
+ 1.6,
+ 1.8,
+ 2.0]
import pylab
l = [float(self.get_random_element()) for _ in range(num_samples)]
diff --git a/src/sage/rings/rational.pyx b/src/sage/rings/rational.pyx
index a0bfe080f5..7d95e7a1a8 100644
--- a/src/sage/rings/rational.pyx
+++ b/src/sage/rings/rational.pyx
@@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@ cdef class Rational(sage.structure.element.FieldElement):
sage: numpy.array([1, 1/2, 3/4])
- array([ 1. , 0.5 , 0.75])
+ array([1. , 0.5 , 0.75])
if mpz_cmp_ui(mpq_denref(self.value), 1) == 0:
if mpz_fits_slong_p(mpq_numref(self.value)):
diff --git a/src/sage/rings/real_mpfr.pyx b/src/sage/rings/real_mpfr.pyx
index 4c630867a4..64e2187f5b 100644
--- a/src/sage/rings/real_mpfr.pyx
+++ b/src/sage/rings/real_mpfr.pyx
@@ -1438,7 +1438,7 @@ cdef class RealNumber(sage.structure.element.RingElement):
sage: import numpy
sage: numpy.arange(10.0)
- array([ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.])
+ array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.])
sage: numpy.array([1.0, 1.1, 1.2]).dtype
sage: numpy.array([1.000000000000000000000000000000000000]).dtype
diff --git a/src/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/ b/src/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/
index 3d270ebf9d..1144f168e3 100644
--- a/src/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/
+++ b/src/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/
@@ -1623,18 +1623,18 @@ class EllipticCurveCanonicalHeight:
sage: H.wp_on_grid(v,4)
- array([[ 25.43920182, 5.28760943, 5.28760943, 25.43920182],
- [ 6.05099485, 1.83757786, 1.83757786, 6.05099485],
- [ 6.05099485, 1.83757786, 1.83757786, 6.05099485],
- [ 25.43920182, 5.28760943, 5.28760943, 25.43920182]])
+ array([[25.43920182, 5.28760943, 5.28760943, 25.43920182],
+ [ 6.05099485, 1.83757786, 1.83757786, 6.05099485],
+ [ 6.05099485, 1.83757786, 1.83757786, 6.05099485],
+ [25.43920182, 5.28760943, 5.28760943, 25.43920182]])
The array of values on the half-grid::
sage: H.wp_on_grid(v,4,True)
- array([[ 25.43920182, 5.28760943],
- [ 6.05099485, 1.83757786],
- [ 6.05099485, 1.83757786],
- [ 25.43920182, 5.28760943]])
+ array([[25.43920182, 5.28760943],
+ [ 6.05099485, 1.83757786],
+ [ 6.05099485, 1.83757786],
+ [25.43920182, 5.28760943]])
tau = self.tau(v)
fk, err = self.fk_intervals(v, 15, CDF)
diff --git a/src/sage/symbolic/ring.pyx b/src/sage/symbolic/ring.pyx
index 2dcb0492b9..2b1a06385c 100644
--- a/src/sage/symbolic/ring.pyx
+++ b/src/sage/symbolic/ring.pyx
@@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@ cdef class NumpyToSRMorphism(Morphism):
sage: cos('2'))
sage: numpy.cos('2'))
- -0.41614683654714241
+ -0.4161468365471424
cdef _intermediate_ring
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
diff --git a/src/sage/doctest/ b/src/sage/doctest/
index 6bdc9a0..31fc780 100644
--- a/src/sage/doctest/
+++ b/src/sage/doctest/
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ from .external import available_software
float_regex = re.compile('\s*([+-]?\s*((\d*\.?\d+)|(\d+\.?))([eE][+-]?\d+)?)')
optional_regex = re.compile(r'(py2|py3|long time|not implemented|not tested|known bug)|([^ a-z]\s*optional\s*[:-]*((\s|\w)*))')
+pari_stack_warning_regex = re.compile(r'\s*\*\*\*.*(Warning: increasing stack size to )\d+\.')
find_sage_prompt = re.compile(r"^(\s*)sage: ", re.M)
find_sage_continuation = re.compile(r"^(\s*)\.\.\.\.:", re.M)
random_marker = re.compile('.*random', re.I)
@@ -935,6 +936,7 @@ class SageOutputChecker(doctest.OutputChecker):
<type 'float'>
got = self.human_readable_escape_sequences(got)
+ got = pari_stack_warning_regex.sub('', got)
if isinstance(want, MarkedOutput):
if want.random:
return True
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
diff --git a/src/sage/ b/src/sage/
index ca309ef..be3186b 100644
--- a/src/sage/
+++ b/src/sage/
@@ -298,6 +298,23 @@ warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module='matplotlib[.]font_manager')
'[\s\S]*See[0-9]* for details.')
+# Hotpatch around which won't be fixed for
+# python 2.7. Idea by
+from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
+from distutils.sysconfig import customize_compiler
+_build_extensions = build_ext.build_extensions
+def build_extensions_patched(self):
+ customize_compiler(self.compiler)
+ try:
+ self.compiler.compiler_so.remove("-Wstrict-prototypes")
+ except (AttributeError, ValueError):
+ pass
+ _build_extensions(self)
+build_ext.build_extensions = build_extensions_patched
# Set a new random number seed as the very last thing
# (so that printing initial_seed() and using that seed
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
diff --git a/src/sage/tests/ b/src/sage/tests/
index e564860b48..86ab3725f9 100644
--- a/src/sage/tests/
+++ b/src/sage/tests/
@@ -179,15 +179,30 @@ class Python3SyntaxTest(SortedDirectoryWalkerABC):
sage: py3_syntax = Python3SyntaxTest()
sage: py3_syntax.test(
Invalid Python 3 syntax found:
- File "", line 1
- print "invalid print statement"
- ^
- SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'
+ Missing parentheses in call to 'print'...
sage: os.unlink(
+ # compile all given files in memory, printing all errors
+ # inspired by the py_compile module (but without writing to file)
+ script = """
+import sys
+import importlib.machinery
+rv = 0
+for file in sys.argv[1:]:
+ loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader('<sage_test>', file)
+ source_bytes = loader.get_data(file)
+ try:
+ code = loader.source_to_code(source_bytes, file)
+ except Exception as err:
+ print(err)
+ rv = 1
cmd = [
- '-m', 'py_compile'
+ '-c',
+ script,
] + list(filenames)
process = subprocess.Popen(
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
--- b/src/sage/geometry/polyhedron/
+++ a/src/sage/geometry/polyhedron/
@@ -154,7 +154,9 @@
... [0.62, -1.38, 0.38],[0.144, -1.04, 0.04],
... [0.1309090909, -1.0290909091, 0.04]]
sage: Polyhedron(point_list)
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ ValueError: *Error: Numerical inconsistency is found. Use the GMP exact arithmetic.
- A 3-dimensional polyhedron in RDF^3 defined as the convex hull of 14 vertices
sage: Polyhedron(point_list, base_ring=QQ)
A 3-dimensional polyhedron in QQ^3 defined as the convex hull of 14 vertices
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
From 7419e0246230594ebfd5e7a2fe6b80d67abfc98a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeroen Demeyer <>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 10:40:41 +0100
Subject: Fix sphinxify doctests
sagenb/misc/ | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sagenb/misc/ b/sagenb/misc/
index 4f76d41..15623d9 100644
--- a/sagenb/misc/
+++ b/sagenb/misc/
@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ def sphinxify(docstring, format='html'):
sage: from sage.misc.sphinxify import sphinxify
sage: sphinxify('A test')
- '...<div class="docstring">\n \n <p>A test</p>\n\n\n</div>'
+ '<div class="docstring">\n \n <p>A test</p>\n\n\n</div>'
sage: sphinxify('**Testing**\n`monospace`')
- '...<div class="docstring"...<strong>Testing</strong>\n<span class="math"...</p>\n\n\n</div>'
+ '<div class="docstring"...<strong>Testing</strong>\n<span class="math notranslate"...</p>\n\n\n</div>'
sage: sphinxify('`x=y`')
- '...<div class="docstring">\n \n <p><span class="math">x=y</span></p>\n\n\n</div>'
+ '<div class="docstring">\n \n <p><span class="math notranslate">x=y</span></p>\n\n\n</div>'
sage: sphinxify('`x=y`', format='text')
sage: sphinxify(':math:`x=y`', format='text')
cgit v1.0-1-gd88e
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
diff --git a/src/bin/sage b/src/bin/sage
index 397f30cbed..3fc473c343 100755
--- a/src/bin/sage
+++ b/src/bin/sage
@@ -980,8 +980,11 @@ if [ "$1" = '-rsyncdist' -o "$1" = "--rsyncdist" ]; then
if [ "$1" = "-docbuild" -o "$1" = "--docbuild" ]; then
+ # Redirect stdin from /dev/null. This helps with running TeX which
+ # tends to ask interactive questions if something goes wrong. These
+ # cause the build to hang. If stdin is /dev/null, TeX just aborts.
- exec sage-python23 -m "sage_setup.docbuild" "$@"
+ exec sage-python23 -m sage_setup.docbuild "$@" </dev/null
if [ "$1" = '-gdb' -o "$1" = "--gdb" ]; then
diff --git a/src/doc/common/ b/src/doc/common/
index 25f94f7b7d..3f07474d9b 100644
--- a/src/doc/common/
+++ b/src/doc/common/
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ def call_intersphinx(app, env, node, contnode):
sage: for line in open(thematic_index).readlines():
....: if "padics" in line:
....: sys.stdout.write(line)
- <li><a class="reference external" href="../reference/padics/sage/rings/padics/tutorial.html#sage-rings-padics-tutorial" title="(in Sage Reference Manual: p-Adics ...)"><span>Introduction to the -adics</span></a></li>
+ <li><a class="reference external" href="../reference/padics/sage/rings/padics/tutorial.html#sage-rings-padics-tutorial" title="(in Sage Reference Manual: p-Adics v...)"><span>Introduction to the -adics</span></a></li>
debug_inf(app, "???? Trying intersphinx for %s"%node['reftarget'])
builder = app.builder
diff --git a/src/sage/misc/ b/src/sage/misc/
index 4f76d4113a..8f426b5989 100644
--- a/src/sage/misc/
+++ b/src/sage/misc/
@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ def sphinxify(docstring, format='html'):
sage: from sage.misc.sphinxify import sphinxify
sage: sphinxify('A test')
- '...<div class="docstring">\n \n <p>A test</p>\n\n\n</div>'
+ '<div class="docstring">\n \n <p>A test</p>\n\n\n</div>'
sage: sphinxify('**Testing**\n`monospace`')
- '...<div class="docstring"...<strong>Testing</strong>\n<span class="math"...</p>\n\n\n</div>'
+ '<div class="docstring"...<strong>Testing</strong>\n<span class="math...</p>\n\n\n</div>'
sage: sphinxify('`x=y`')
- '...<div class="docstring">\n \n <p><span class="math">x=y</span></p>\n\n\n</div>'
+ '<div class="docstring">\n \n <p><span class="math notranslate nohighlight">x=y</span></p>\n\n\n</div>'
sage: sphinxify('`x=y`', format='text')
sage: sphinxify(':math:`x=y`', format='text')
diff --git a/src/sage_setup/docbuild/ b/src/sage_setup/docbuild/
index fda76a4174..d3413239dd 100644
--- a/src/sage_setup/docbuild/
+++ b/src/sage_setup/docbuild/
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ def runsphinx():
sys.stdout = SageSphinxLogger(sys.stdout, os.path.basename(output_dir))
sys.stderr = SageSphinxLogger(sys.stderr, os.path.basename(output_dir))
- sphinx.cmdline.main(sys.argv)
+ sphinx.cmdline.main(sys.argv[1:])
sys.stdout = saved_stdout
sys.stderr = saved_stderr
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/src/sage/misc/ b/src/sage/misc/
index 7ff4f21675..1d72168833 100644
--- a/src/sage/misc/
+++ b/src/sage/misc/
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ def package_versions(package_type, local=False):
sage: 'gap' in std
sage: std['zn_poly']
- ('0.9.p11', '0.9.p11')
+ ('0.9', '0.9.p11')
return {pkg['name']: (pkg['installed_version'], pkg['remote_version']) for pkg in list_packages(package_type, local=local).values()}
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
{ stdenv
, fetchFromGitHub
, buildPythonPackage
# This has a cyclic dependency with sage. I don't include sage in the
# buildInputs and let python figure it out at runtime. Because of this,
# I don't include the package in the main nipxkgs tree. It wouldn't be useful
# outside of sage anyways (as you could just directly depend on sage and use
# it).
buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "pyBRiAl";
version = "1.2.3";
# included with BRiAl source
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "BRiAl";
repo = "BRiAl";
rev = "${version}";
sha256 = "0qy4cwy7qrk4zg151cmws5cglaa866z461cnj9wdnalabs7v7qbg";
sourceRoot = "source/sage-brial";
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "python implementation of BRiAl";
license = licenses.gpl2;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ timokau ];
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
{ stdenv
, buildPythonPackage
, fetchPypi
, isPy3k
, django
, nose
, twill
, pycrypto
buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "python-openid";
version = "2.2.5";
disabled = isPy3k;
src = fetchPypi {
inherit pname version;
sha256 = "1vvhxlghjan01snfdc4k7ykd80vkyjgizwgg9bncnin8rqz1ricj";
propagatedBuildInputs = [
# Cannot access the djopenid example module.
# I don't know how to fix that (adding the examples dir to PYTHONPATH doesn't work)
doCheck = false;
checkInputs = [ nose ];
checkPhase = ''
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "OpenID library for Python";
license = licenses.asl20;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ timokau ];
homepage =;
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
{ stdenv
, lib
, writeTextFile
, python
, sage-src
, sagelib
, env-locations
, gfortran
, bash
, coreutils
, gnused
, gnugrep
, binutils
, pythonEnv
, python3
, pkg-config
, pari
, gap-libgap-compatible
, libgap
, ecl
, maxima-ecl
, singular
, giac
, palp
, rWrapper
, gfan
, cddlib
, jmol
, tachyon
, glpk
, eclib
, sympow
, nauty
, sqlite
, ppl
, ecm
, lcalc
, rubiks
, flintqs
, openblas-cblas-pc
, flint
, gmp
, mpfr
, pynac
, zlib
, gsl
, ntl
runtimepath = (lib.makeBinPath ([
# empty python env to add python wrapper that clears PYTHONHOME (see
# wrapper.nix). This is necessary because sage will call the python3 binary
# (from python2 code). The python2 PYTHONHOME (again set in wrapper.nix)
# will then confuse python3, if it is not overwritten.
gfortran # for inline fortran
|||| # for cython
writeTextFile rec {
name = "sage-env";
destination = "/${name}";
text = ''
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH='${lib.concatStringsSep ":" (map (pkg: "${pkg}/lib/pkgconfig") [
# This is only needed in the src/sage/misc/ test and I'm not sure if there's really a use-case
# for it outside of the tests. However since singular and openblas are runtime dependencies anyways
# and openblas-cblas-pc is tiny, it doesn't really hurt to include.
export SAGE_ROOT='${sage-src}'
export SAGE_LOCAL='@sage-local@'
export SAGE_SHARE='${sagelib}/share'
export PATH='${runtimepath}'
# set dependent vars, like JUPYTER_CONFIG_DIR
source "${sage-src}/src/bin/sage-env"
export PATH="${runtimepath}:$orig_path" # sage-env messes with PATH
export SAGE_LOGS="$TMPDIR/sage-logs"
export SAGE_DOC="''${SAGE_DOC_OVERRIDE:-doc-placeholder}"
export SAGE_DOC_SRC="''${SAGE_DOC_SRC_OVERRIDE:-${sage-src}/src/doc}"
# set locations of dependencies
. ${env-locations}/sage-env-locations
# needed for cython
export CC='${}/bin/${}cc'
# cython needs to find these libraries, otherwise will fail with `ld: cannot find -lflint` or similar
export LDFLAGS='${
lib.concatStringsSep " " (map (pkg: "-L${pkg}/lib") [
export CFLAGS='${
lib.concatStringsSep " " (map (pkg: "-isystem ${pkg}/include") [
export SAGE_LIB='${sagelib}/${python.sitePackages}'
export SAGE_EXTCODE='${sage-src}/src/ext'
# for find_library
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="${lib.makeLibraryPath [ singular]}:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
{ stdenv
, fetchFromGitHub
, fetchpatch
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "8.2";
name = "sage-src-${version}";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "sagemath";
repo = "sage";
rev = version;
sha256 = "0d7vc16s7dj23an2cb8v5bhbnc6nsw20qhnnxr0xh8qg629027b8";
nixPatches = [
(fetchpatch {
name = "spkg-paths.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "1xb9108rzzkdhn71vw44525620d3ww9jv1fph5a77v9y7nf9wgr7";
(fetchpatch {
name = "maxima-fas.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "14s50yg3hpw9cp3v581dx7zfmpm2j972im7x30iwki8k45mjvk3i";
(fetchpatch {
name = "respect-jupyter-path.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "0qw9p541ip0kn2gfvn4i05a06p50f3q46847gqfjjgzxhn62znfw";
(fetchpatch {
name = "safe-directory-test-without-patch.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "1hhannz7xzprijakn2w2d0rhd5zv2zikik9p51i87bas3nc658f7";
# rebased on 8.2
(fetchpatch {
name = "make-qepcad-test-optional.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "003d5baf5c0n5rfg010ijwkwz8kg0s414cxwczs2vhdayxdixbix";
(fetchpatch {
name = "cysignals-include.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "0fiiiw91pgs8avm9ggj8hb64bhqzl6jcw094d94nhirmh8w2jmc5";
(fetchpatch {
name = "find-libraries-in-dyld-library-path.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "1k3afq3qlzmgqwx6rzs5wv153vv9dsf5rk8pi61g57l3r3npbjmc";
# Pari upstream has since accepted a patch, so this patch won't be necessary once sage updates pari.
# (upstream patch doesn't apply on 8.2 source)
packageUpgradePatches = [
# matplotlib 2.2.2 deprecated `normed` (replaced by `density`).
# This patch only ignores the warning. It would be equally easy to fix it
# (by replacing all mentions of `normed` by `density`), but its better to
# stay close to sage upstream. I didn't open an upstream ticket about it
# because the matplotlib update also requires a new dependency (kiwisolver)
# and I don't want to invest the time to learn how to add it.
# Update to 20171219 broke the doctests because of insignificant precision
# changes, make the doctests less fragile.
# I didn't open an upstream ticket because its not entirely clear if
# 20171219 is really "released" yet. It is listed on the github releases
# page, but not marked as "latest release" and the homepage still links to
# the last version.
# sphinx 1.6 -> 1.7 upgrade
(fetchpatch {
name = "zero_division_error_formatting.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "02wsc3wbp8g8dk5jcjyv18d9v537h3zp5v8lwir46j4na4kj0dlb";
# Adapt hashes to new boost version
# (this ticket doesn't only upgrade boost but also avoids this problem in the future)
(fetchpatch {
name = "boost-upgrade.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "0z3870g2ms2a81vnw08dc2i4k7jr62w8fggvcdwaavgd1wvdxwfl";
# gfan 0.6.2
(fetchpatch {
name = "gfan-update.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "0ga3hkx8cr23dpc919lgvpi5lmy0d728jkq9z6kf0fl9s8g31mxb";
# New glpk version has new warnings, filter those out until upstream sage has found a solution
(fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "0b9293v73wb4x13wv5zwyjgclc01zn16msccfzzi6znswklgvddp";
stripLen = 1;
(fetchpatch {
name = "dont-check-exact-glpk-version.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "00knwxs6fmymfgfl0q5kcavmxm9sf90a4r76y35n5s55gj8pl918";
(fetchpatch {
name = "maxima-5.41.0.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "0hxi7qr5mfx1bc32r8j7iba4gzd7c6v63asylyf5cbyp86azpb7i";
# Update cddlib from 0.94g to 0.94h.
# (doesn't apply to 8.2 sources)
(fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "0fmw7pzbaxs2dshky6iw9pr8i23p9ih2y2lw661qypdrxh5xw03k";
stripLen = 1;
# Only formatting changes.
(fetchpatch {
name = "networkx-2.1.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "1xxxawygbgxgvlv7b4w8hhzgdnva4rhmgdxaiaa3pwdwln0yc750";
stripLen = 1;
patches = nixPatches ++ packageUpgradePatches;
postPatch = ''
# make sure shebangs etc are fixed, but sage-python23 still works
find . -type f -exec sed \
-e 's/sage-python23/python/g' \
-i {} \;
echo '#!${}
python "$@"' > build/bin/sage-python23
# Do not use sage-env-config (generated by ./configure).
# Instead variables are set manually.
echo '# do nothing' > src/bin/sage-env-config
configurePhase = "# do nothing";
buildPhase = "# do nothing";
installPhase = ''
cp -r . "$out"
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
{ stdenv
, lib
, makeWrapper
, sage-env
, sage-src
, sagelib
, sagedoc
, openblasCompat
, openblas-blas-pc
, openblas-cblas-pc
, openblas-lapack-pc
, pkg-config
, three
, singular
, libgap
, gap-libgap-compatible
, gcc
, giac
, maxima-ecl
, pari
, gmp
, gfan
, python2
, flintqs
, eclib
, ntl
, ecm
, pynac
, pythonEnv
buildInputs = [
pythonEnv # for patchShebangs
openblasCompat # lots of segfaults with regular (64 bit) openblas
# remove python prefix, replace "-" in the name by "_", apply patch_names
# python2.7-some-pkg-1.0 -> some_pkg-1.0
pkg_to_spkg_name = pkg: patch_names: let
parts = lib.splitString "-";
# remove python2.7-
stripped_parts = if (builtins.head parts) == python2.libPrefix then builtins.tail parts else parts;
version = lib.last stripped_parts;
orig_pkgname = lib.init stripped_parts;
pkgname = patch_names (lib.concatStringsSep "_" orig_pkgname);
in pkgname + "-" + version;
# return the names of all dependencies in the transitive closure
transitiveClosure = dep:
if isNull dep then
# propagatedBuildInputs might contain null
# (although that might be considered a programming error in the derivation)
[ dep ] ++ (
if builtins.hasAttr "propagatedBuildInputs" dep then
lib.unique (builtins.concatLists (map transitiveClosure dep.propagatedBuildInputs))
allInputs = lib.remove null (buildInputs ++ pythonEnv.extraLibs);
transitiveDeps = lib.unique (builtins.concatLists (map transitiveClosure allInputs ));
# fix differences between spkg and sage names
# (could patch sage instead, but this is more lightweight and also works for packages depending on sage)
patch_names = builtins.replaceStrings [
] [
# spkg names (this_is_a_package-version) of all transitive deps
input_names = map (dep: pkg_to_spkg_name dep patch_names) transitiveDeps;
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = sage-src.version;
name = "sage-with-env-${version}";
inherit buildInputs;
src = sage-src;
configurePhase = "#do nothing";
buildPhase = ''
mkdir installed
for pkg in ${lib.concatStringsSep " " input_names}; do
touch "installed/$pkg"
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p "$out/var/lib/sage"
cp -r installed $out/var/lib/sage
mkdir -p "$out/etc"
# sage tests will try to create this file if it doesn't exist
touch "$out/etc/sage-started.txt"
mkdir -p "$out/build"
cp -r src/bin "$out/bin"
cp -r build/bin "$out/build/bin"
cp -f '${sage-env}/sage-env' "$out/bin/sage-env"
substituteInPlace "$out/bin/sage-env" \
--subst-var-by sage-local "$out"
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
{ stdenv
, makeWrapper
, sage
, sage-src
, sagedoc
, withDoc
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = sage.version;
name = "sage-wrapper-${version}";
buildInputs = [
unpackPhase = "#do nothing";
configurePhase = "#do nothing";
buildPhase = "#do nothing";
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p "$out/bin"
makeWrapper "${sage}/bin/sage" "$out/bin/sage" \
--set SAGE_DOC_SRC_OVERRIDE "${sage-src}/src/doc" ${
stdenv.lib.optionalString withDoc "--set SAGE_DOC_OVERRIDE ${sagedoc}/share/doc/sage"
doInstallCheck = withDoc;
installCheckPhase = ''
export HOME="$TMPDIR/sage-home"
mkdir -p "$HOME"
"$out/bin/sage" -c 'browse_sage_doc._open("reference", testing=True)'
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Open Source Mathematics Software, free alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica, and Matlab";
license = licenses.gpl2;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ timokau ];
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
{ stdenv
, sage-with-env
, makeWrapper
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = sage-with-env.version;
name = "sage-${version}";
buildInputs = [
unpackPhase = "#do nothing";
configurePhase = "#do nothing";
buildPhase = "#do nothing";
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p "$out/bin"
# Like a symlink, but make sure that $0 points to the original.
makeWrapper "${sage-with-env}/bin/sage" "$out/bin/sage"
doInstallCheck = true;
installCheckPhase = ''
export HOME="$TMPDIR/sage-home"
mkdir -p "$HOME"
# "--long" tests are in the order of 1h, without "--long" its 1/2h
"$out/bin/sage" -t --nthreads "$NIX_BUILD_CORES" --optional=sage --long --all
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
{ pkgs
, stdenv
, sage-src
, env-locations
, sage-with-env
, sagelib
, python2
, psutil
, future
, sphinx
, sagenb
, maxima-ecl
, networkx
, scipy
, sympy
, matplotlib
, pillow
, ipykernel
, jupyter_client
, tachyon
, jmol
, ipywidgets
, typing
, cddlib
, pybrial
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = sage-src.version;
name = "sagedoc-${version}";
# Building the documentation has many dependencies, because all documented
# modules are imported and because matplotlib is used to produce plots.
buildInputs = [
unpackPhase = ''
export SAGE_DOC_OVERRIDE="$PWD/share/doc/sage"
export SAGE_DOC_SRC_OVERRIDE="$PWD/docsrc"
cp -r "${sage-src}/src/doc" "$SAGE_DOC_SRC_OVERRIDE"
buildPhase = ''
export HOME="$TMPDIR/sage_home"
mkdir -p "$HOME"
${sage-with-env}/bin/sage -python -m sage_setup.docbuild \
--mathjax \
--no-pdf-links \
all html
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p "$out/share/doc/sage"
cp -r html "$out"/share/doc/sage
# Replace duplicated files by symlinks (Gentoo)
cd "$out"/share/doc/sage
mv html/en/_static{,.tmp}
for _dir in `find -name _static` ; do
rm -r $_dir
ln -s /share/doc/sage/html/en/_static $_dir
mv html/en/_static{.tmp,}
doCheck = true;
checkPhase = ''
${sage-with-env}/bin/sage -t --optional=dochtml --all
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
{ stdenv
, sage-src
, perl
, buildPythonPackage
, arb
, openblasCompat
, openblas-blas-pc
, openblas-cblas-pc
, openblas-lapack-pc
, brial
, cliquer
, cypari2
, cysignals
, cython
, ecl
, eclib
, ecm
, flint
, gd
, givaro
, glpk
, gsl
, iml
, jinja2
, lcalc
, lrcalc
, libgap
, linbox
, m4ri
, m4rie
, libmpc
, mpfi
, ntl
, numpy
, pari
, pkgconfig
, planarity
, ppl
, pynac
, python
, ratpoints
, readline
, rankwidth
, symmetrica
, zn_poly
, fflas-ffpack
, boost
, singular
, pip
, jupyter_core
buildPythonPackage rec {
format = "other";
version = sage-src.version;
pname = "sagelib";
src = sage-src;
nativeBuildInputs = [
buildInputs = [
propagatedBuildInputs = [
buildPhase = ''
export SAGE_ROOT="$PWD"
export SAGE_SHARE="$SAGE_LOCAL/share"
export JUPYTER_PATH="$SAGE_LOCAL/jupyter"
export PATH="$SAGE_ROOT/build/bin:$SAGE_ROOT/src/bin:$PATH"
mkdir -p "$SAGE_SHARE/sage/ext/notebook-ipython"
mkdir -p "var/lib/sage/installed"
cd src
source bin/sage-dist-helpers
${python.interpreter} -u --no-user-cfg build
installPhase = ''
${python.interpreter} -u --no-user-cfg install --prefix=$out
rm -r "$out/${python.sitePackages}/sage/cython_debug"
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# Has a cyclic dependency with sage (not expressed here) and is not useful outside of sage
{ stdenv
, fetchpatch
, python
, buildPythonPackage
, fetchFromGitHub
, mathjax
, twisted
, flask
, flask-oldsessions
, flask-openid
, flask-autoindex
, flask-babel
buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "sagenb";
version = "2018-06-26"; # not 1.0.1 because of new flask syntax
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "sagemath";
repo = "sagenb";
rev = "b360a0172e15501fb0163d02dce713a561fee2af";
sha256 = "12anydw0v9w23rbc0a94bqmjhjdir9h820c5zdhipw9ccdcc2jlf";
propagatedBuildInputs = [
# tests depend on sage
doCheck = false;
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Sage Notebook";
license = licenses.gpl3Plus;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ timokau ];
# let sagenb use mathjax
postInstall = ''
ln -s ${mathjax}/lib/node_modules/mathjax "$out/${python.sitePackages}/mathjax"
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/build/bin/sage-spkg b/build/bin/sage-spkg
index 83e61a7e0d..942ba206c7 100755
--- a/build/bin/sage-spkg
+++ b/build/bin/sage-spkg
@@ -648,8 +648,12 @@ if ! sage-apply-patches; then
error_msg "Error applying patches"
exit 1
+@bash@/bin/bash @patchSageShebangs@ .
cd ..
# The package has been extracted, prepare for installation
@@ -671,7 +675,7 @@ write_script_wrapper() {
local tmpscript="$(dirname "$script")/.tmp-${script##*/}"
cat > "$tmpscript" <<__EOF__
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
+#! @bash@/bin/bash
@@ -833,6 +837,9 @@ if [ "$UNAME" = "CYGWIN" ]; then
|||| "$SAGE_LOCAL" 2>/dev/null
+@bash@/bin/bash @patchSageShebangs@ .
+@bash@/bin/bash @patchSageShebangs@ "$out/bin"
echo "Successfully installed $PKG_NAME"
if [ "$SAGE_CHECK" = "yes" ]; then
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/build/pkgs/giac/spkg-install b/build/pkgs/giac/spkg-install
index bdd8df6cb8..3fd7a3ef8a 100644
--- a/build/pkgs/giac/spkg-install
+++ b/build/pkgs/giac/spkg-install
@@ -2,6 +2,15 @@
## Giac
+# Fix hardcoded paths, while making sure to only update timestamps of actually
+# changed files (otherwise confuses make)
+grep -rlF '/bin/cp' . | while read file
+ sed -e 's@/bin/cp@cp@g' -i "$file"
+# Fix input parser syntax
+sed -e 's@yylex (&yylval)@yylex (\&yyval, scanner)@gp' -i 'src/src/'
if [ "$SAGE_LOCAL" = "" ]; then
echo "SAGE_LOCAL undefined ... exiting";
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/build/pkgs/git/spkg-install b/build/pkgs/git/spkg-install
index 87874de3d8..b0906245fa 100644
--- a/build/pkgs/git/spkg-install
+++ b/build/pkgs/git/spkg-install
@@ -33,6 +33,13 @@ fi
cd src
+# Fix hardcoded paths, while making sure to only update timestamps of actually
+# changed files (otherwise confuses make)
+grep -rlF '/usr/bin/perl' . | while read file
+ sed -e 's@/usr/bin/perl@perl@g' -i "$file"
# We don't want to think about Fink or Macports
export NO_FINK=1
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/build/pkgs/python3/spkg-build b/build/pkgs/python3/spkg-build
index 56db087ae5..b450703c5f 100644
--- a/build/pkgs/python3/spkg-build
+++ b/build/pkgs/python3/spkg-build
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ fi
export EXTRA_CFLAGS="` -Wno-unused` $CFLAGS"
unset CFLAGS
+export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -lcrypt"
if [ "$UNAME" = Darwin ]; then
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/build/pkgs/singular/spkg-install b/build/pkgs/singular/spkg-install
index 8caafb1699..3c34e6608a 100644
--- a/build/pkgs/singular/spkg-install
+++ b/build/pkgs/singular/spkg-install
@@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
## Singular
+# Fix hardcoded paths, while making sure to only update timestamps of actually
+# changed files (otherwise confuses make)
+grep -rlF '/bin/rm' . | while read file
+ sed -e 's@/bin/rm@rm@g' -i "$file"
if [ -z "$SAGE_LOCAL" ]; then
echo >&2 "Error: SAGE_LOCAL undefined -- exiting..."
echo >&2 "Maybe run 'sage -sh'?"
@ -20381,7 +20381,10 @@ with pkgs;
petsc = callPackage ../development/libraries/science/math/petsc { };
sage = callPackage ../applications/science/math/sage { };
sage = callPackage ../applications/science/math/sage {
nixpkgs = pkgs;
sageWithDoc = sage.override { withDoc = true; };
suitesparse_4_2 = callPackage ../development/libraries/science/math/suitesparse/4.2.nix { };
suitesparse_4_4 = callPackage ../development/libraries/science/math/suitesparse {};
Reference in New Issue