haskell-hakyll: patch build to succeed with latest version of pandoc
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
{ cabal, binary, blazeHtml, blazeMarkup, citeprocHs, cmdargs
{ cabal, binary, blazeHtml, blazeMarkup, pandocCiteproc, cmdargs
, cryptohash, dataDefault, deepseq, filepath, fsnotify, httpConduit
, httpTypes, HUnit, lrucache, mtl, network, pandoc, parsec
, QuickCheck, random, regexBase, regexTdfa, snapCore, snapServer
, systemFilepath, tagsoup, testFramework, testFrameworkHunit
, testFrameworkQuickcheck2, text, time
, testFrameworkQuickcheck2, text, time, fetchurl
cabal.mkDerivation (self: {
@ -12,22 +12,26 @@ cabal.mkDerivation (self: {
sha256 = "11zfz55a7dr5l7xzknphqninyrb2pw2qmrs7v7ajq2gvbl0lf37n";
isLibrary = true;
isExecutable = true;
patches = [ (fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/jaspervdj/hakyll/pull/183.patch";
sha256 = "0vjrxvgyc05nnshapjhk65pcamj9rigqff5q6wjbssx3ggqggrz9";
name = "hakyll-pandoc-fix.patch";
}) ];
buildDepends = [
binary blazeHtml blazeMarkup citeprocHs cmdargs cryptohash
binary blazeHtml blazeMarkup pandocCiteproc cmdargs cryptohash
dataDefault deepseq filepath fsnotify httpConduit httpTypes
lrucache mtl network pandoc parsec random regexBase regexTdfa
snapCore snapServer systemFilepath tagsoup text time
testDepends = [
binary blazeHtml blazeMarkup citeprocHs cmdargs cryptohash
binary blazeHtml blazeMarkup pandocCiteproc cmdargs cryptohash
dataDefault deepseq filepath fsnotify httpConduit httpTypes HUnit
lrucache mtl network pandoc parsec QuickCheck random regexBase
regexTdfa snapCore snapServer systemFilepath tagsoup testFramework
testFrameworkHunit testFrameworkQuickcheck2 text time
doCheck = false;
patchPhase = ''
sed -i -e 's|cryptohash.*,|cryptohash,|' -e 's|tagsoup.*,|tagsoup,|' -e 's|pandoc.*,|pandoc,|' hakyll.cabal
postPatch = ''
sed -i -e 's|cryptohash.*,|cryptohash,|' -e 's|tagsoup.*,|tagsoup,|' hakyll.cabal
meta = {
homepage = "http://jaspervdj.be/hakyll";
Reference in New Issue