diff --git a/pkgs/applications/misc/mapproxy/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/misc/mapproxy/default.nix
index 41ae683548d..48e2a3960ee 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/misc/mapproxy/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/misc/mapproxy/default.nix
@@ -1,38 +1,15 @@
 { lib
 , pkgs
-, python
+, python3
-  py = python.override {
-    packageOverrides = self: super: {
-      pyproj = super.pyproj.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
-      version = "1.9.6";
-      src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
-        owner = "pyproj4";
-        repo = "pyproj";
-        rev = "v${version}rel";
-        sha256 = "18v4h7jx4mcc0x2xy8y7dfjq9bzsyxs8hdb6v67cabvlz2njziqy";
-      };
-      nativeBuildInputs = with python.pkgs; [ cython ];
-      patches = [ ];
-      checkPhase = ''
-        runHook preCheck
-        pushd unittest  # changing directory should ensure we're importing the global pyproj
-        ${python.interpreter} test.py && ${python.interpreter} -c "import doctest, pyproj, sys; sys.exit(doctest.testmod(pyproj)[0])"
-        popd
-        runHook postCheck
-      '';
-      });
-    };
-  };
-with py.pkgs;
+with python3.pkgs;
 buildPythonApplication rec {
   pname = "MapProxy";
-  version = "1.12.0";
+  version = "1.13.0";
   src = fetchPypi {
   inherit pname version;
-  sha256 = "622e3a7796ef861ba21e42231b49c18d00d75f03eaf3f01a2b7687be7568e2ec";
+  sha256 = "0qi63ap8yi5g2cas33jv4jsmdrl6yv3qp6bh0zxrfpkb704lcng4";
   prePatch = ''
     substituteInPlace mapproxy/util/ext/serving.py --replace "args = [sys.executable] + sys.argv" "args = sys.argv"