remove autonix

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Tuegel 2016-01-27 06:26:14 -06:00
parent e366168d22
commit 063f5e3d0b
3 changed files with 0 additions and 182 deletions

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@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
{ pkgs }:
let inherit (pkgs) bash coreutils findutils nix wget;
inherit (pkgs) callPackage fetchurl runCommand stdenv substituteAll writeText;
/* autonix is a collection of tools to automate packaging large collections
* of software, particularly KDE. It consists of three components:
* 1. a script (manifest) to download and hash the packages
* 2. a dependency scanner (autonix-deps) written in Haskell that examines
* the package sources and tries to guess their dependencies
* 3. a library of Nix routines (generateCollection) to generate Nix
* expressions from the output of the previous steps.
let inherit (stdenv) lib; in
resolveDeps = scope: deps:
let resolve = dep:
let res = scope."${dep}" or [];
in if lib.isList res then res else [res];
in lib.concatMap resolve deps;
in rec {
/* Download the packages into the Nix store, compute their hashes,
* and generate a package manifest in ./manifest.nix.
manifest =
script =
src = ./;
inherit bash coreutils findutils nix wget;
runCommand "autonix-manifest" {}
cp ${script} $out
chmod +x $out
mkPackage = callPackage: defaultOverride: name: pkg: let drv =
{ mkDerivation, fetchurl, scope }:
mkDerivation (defaultOverride {
inherit (pkg) name;
src = fetchurl pkg.src;
buildInputs = resolveDeps scope pkg.buildInputs;
nativeBuildInputs = resolveDeps scope pkg.nativeBuildInputs;
propagatedBuildInputs = resolveDeps scope pkg.propagatedBuildInputs;
propagatedNativeBuildInputs =
resolveDeps scope pkg.propagatedNativeBuildInputs;
propagatedUserEnvPkgs = resolveDeps scope pkg.propagatedUserEnvPkgs;
enableParallelBuilding = true;
in callPackage drv {};
renameDeps = renames: lib.mapAttrs (name: pkg:
let breakCycles = lib.filter (dep: dep != name);
rename = dep: renames."${dep}" or dep;
in pkg // {
buildInputs = breakCycles (map rename pkg.buildInputs);
nativeBuildInputs = breakCycles (map rename pkg.nativeBuildInputs);
propagatedBuildInputs = breakCycles (map rename pkg.propagatedBuildInputs);
propagatedNativeBuildInputs =
breakCycles (map rename pkg.propagatedNativeBuildInputs);
propagatedUserEnvPkgs = breakCycles (map rename pkg.propagatedUserEnvPkgs);
propagateDeps = propagated: lib.mapAttrs (name: pkg:
let isPropagated = dep: lib.elem dep propagated;
isNotPropagated = dep: !(isPropagated dep);
in pkg // {
buildInputs = lib.filter isNotPropagated pkg.buildInputs;
nativeBuildInputs = lib.filter isNotPropagated pkg.nativeBuildInputs;
propagatedBuildInputs =
++ lib.filter isPropagated pkg.buildInputs;
propagatedNativeBuildInputs =
++ lib.filter isPropagated pkg.nativeBuildInputs;
nativeDeps = native: lib.mapAttrs (name: pkg:
let isNative = dep: lib.elem dep native;
isNotNative = dep: !(isNative dep);
in pkg // {
buildInputs = lib.filter isNotNative pkg.buildInputs;
nativeBuildInputs =
++ lib.filter isNative pkg.buildInputs;
propagatedBuildInputs = lib.filter isNotNative pkg.propagatedBuildInputs;
propagatedNativeBuildInputs =
++ lib.filter isNative pkg.propagatedBuildInputs;
userEnvDeps = user: lib.mapAttrs (name: pkg:
let allDeps = with pkg; lib.concatLists [
in assert (lib.isList allDeps); pkg // {
propagatedUserEnvPkgs = lib.filter (dep: lib.elem dep user) allDeps;
overrideDerivation = pkg: f: pkg.override (super: super // {
mkDerivation = drv: super.mkDerivation (drv // f drv);
extendDerivation = pkg: attrs:
let mergeAttrBy = lib.mergeAttrBy // {
propagatedNativeBuildInputs = a: b: a ++ b;
NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = a: b: "${a} ${b}";
cmakeFlags = a: b: a ++ b;
mergeAttrsByFunc = sets:
let merged = lib.foldl lib.mergeAttrByFunc { inherit mergeAttrBy; } sets;
in builtins.removeAttrs merged ["mergeAttrBy"];
in overrideDerivation pkg (drv: mergeAttrsByFunc [ drv attrs ]);
overrideScope = pkg: fnOrSet: pkg.override (super: super // {
scope = if builtins.isFunction fnOrSet
then super.scope // fnOrSet super.scope
else super.scope // fnOrSet;

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
@coreutils@/bin/mkdir tmp; cd tmp
@wget@/bin/wget -nH -r -c --no-parent $*
cat >../manifest.json <<EOF
@findutils@/bin/find . | while read path; do
if [[ -f "${path}" ]]; then
[[ -n "${sep}" ]] && echo "$sep" >>../manifest.json
# Sanitize file name
filename=$(@coreutils@/bin/basename "${path}" | tr '@' '_')
dirname=$(@coreutils@/bin/dirname "${path}")
mv "${workdir}/${path}" "${workdir}/${dirname}/${filename}"
# Prefetch and hash source file
sha256=$(@nix@/bin/nix-prefetch-url "file://${workdir}/${dirname}/${filename}")
store=$(@nix@/bin/nix-store --print-fixed-path sha256 "$sha256" "$filename")
cat >>../manifest.json <<EOF
"name": "${nameversion}",
"store": "${store}",
"src": {
"url": "${url}",
"sha256": "${sha256}",
"name": "${filename}"
echo "]" >>../manifest.json
cd ..

View File

@ -255,8 +255,6 @@ let
theAttrSet = arg; theAttrSet = arg;
}; };
autonix = import ../build-support/autonix { inherit pkgs; };
autoreconfHook = makeSetupHook autoreconfHook = makeSetupHook
{ substitutions = { inherit autoconf automake gettext libtool; }; } { substitutions = { inherit autoconf automake gettext libtool; }; }
../build-support/setup-hooks/; ../build-support/setup-hooks/;