From 046c6a7038998507134981c8a294bb70861484bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Redvers Davies <>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2020 17:40:58 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] ponyc: update 0.38.1 (#98598)

Co-authored-by: Dmitry Kalinkin <>
 pkgs/development/compilers/ponyc/default.nix  | 102 +++++++++++-------
 .../ponyc/make-safe-for-sandbox.patch         |  93 ++++++++++++++++
 pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix               |   3 +-
 3 files changed, 160 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 pkgs/development/compilers/ponyc/make-safe-for-sandbox.patch

diff --git a/pkgs/development/compilers/ponyc/default.nix b/pkgs/development/compilers/ponyc/default.nix
index e48e454a0a4..566fd7be311 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/compilers/ponyc/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/compilers/ponyc/default.nix
@@ -1,64 +1,92 @@
-{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, llvm, makeWrapper, pcre2, coreutils, which, libressl, libxml2,
+{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, makeWrapper, pcre2, coreutils, which, libressl, libxml2, cmake, z3, substituteAll,
   cc ?, lto ? !stdenv.isDarwin }:
-stdenv.mkDerivation ( rec {
+stdenv.mkDerivation (rec {
   pname = "ponyc";
-  version = "0.33.2";
+  version = "0.38.1";
   src = fetchFromGitHub {
     owner = "ponylang";
     repo = pname;
     rev = version;
-    sha256 = "0jcdr1r3g8sm3q9fcc87d6x98fg581n6hb90hz7r08mzn4bwvysw";
+    sha256 = "1hk810k9h3bl641pgw91y4x2qw67rvbapx6p2pk9qz5p7nfcn7qh";
+# Due to a bug in LLVM 9.x, ponyc has to include its own vendored patched
+# LLVM.  (The submodule is a specific tag in the LLVM source tree).
+# The pony developers are currently working to get off 9.x as quickly
+# as possible so hopefully in a few revisions this package build will
+# become a lot simpler.
+    fetchSubmodules = true;
-  buildInputs = [ llvm makeWrapper which libxml2 ];
+  ponygbenchmark = fetchurl {
+    url =;
+    sha256 = "06i2cr4rj126m1zfz0x1rbxv1mw1l7a11mzal5kqk56cdrdicsiw";
+    name = "v1.5.0.tar.gz";
+  };
+  buildInputs = [ makeWrapper which libxml2 cmake z3 ];
   propagatedBuildInputs = [ cc ];
-  # Disable problematic networking tests
-  patches = [ ./disable-tests.patch ];
+  # Sandbox disallows network access, so disabling problematic networking tests
+  patches = [
+    ./disable-tests.patch
+    (substituteAll {
+      src = ./make-safe-for-sandbox.patch;
+      googletest = fetchurl {
+        url =;
+        sha256 = "17147961i01fl099ygxjx4asvjanwdd446nwbq9v8156h98zxwcv";
+        name = "release-1.8.1.tar.gz";
+      };
+    })
+  ];
+  postUnpack = ''
+    mkdir -p source/build/build_libs/gbenchmark-prefix/src
+    tar -C source/build/build_libs/gbenchmark-prefix/src -zxvf "$ponygbenchmark"
+    mv source/build/build_libs/gbenchmark-prefix/src/benchmark-1.5.0 \
+       source/build/build_libs/gbenchmark-prefix/src/benchmark
+  '';
+  dontConfigure = true;
+  postPatch = ''
+    # Patching Vendor LLVM
+    patchShebangs --host build/build_libs/gbenchmark-prefix/src/benchmark/tools/*.py
+    patch -d lib/llvm/src/ -p1 < lib/llvm/patches/2020-09-01-is-trivially-copyable.diff
+    patch -d lib/llvm/src/ -p1 < lib/llvm/patches/2020-01-07-01-c-exports.diff
+    patch -d lib/llvm/src/ -p1 < lib/llvm/patches/2019-12-23-01-jit-eh-frames.diff
-  preBuild = ''
-    # Fix tests
-    substituteInPlace packages/process/_test.pony \
-        --replace '"/bin/' '"${coreutils}/bin/'
     substituteInPlace packages/process/_test.pony \
+        --replace '"/bin/' '"${coreutils}/bin/' \
         --replace '=/bin' "${coreutils}/bin"
-    # Disabling the stdlib tests
-    substituteInPlace Makefile-ponyc \
-        --replace 'test-ci: all check-version test-core test-stdlib-debug test-stdlib' 'test-ci: all check-version test-core'
-    # Remove impure system refs
     substituteInPlace src/libponyc/pkg/package.c \
         --replace "/usr/local/lib" "" \
         --replace "/opt/local/lib" ""
-    for file in `grep -irl '/usr/local/opt/libressl/lib' ./*`; do
-      substituteInPlace $file  --replace '/usr/local/opt/libressl/lib' "${stdenv.lib.getLib libressl}/lib"
-    done
-    export LLVM_CONFIG=${llvm}/bin/llvm-config
-  '' + stdenv.lib.optionalString ((!stdenv.isDarwin) && (!cc.isClang) && lto) ''
-    export LTO_PLUGIN=`find ${}/ -name`
-  '' + stdenv.lib.optionalString ((!stdenv.isDarwin) && (cc.isClang) && lto) ''
-    export LTO_PLUGIN=`find ${}/ -name`
-  makeFlags = [ "config=release" ] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ "bits=64" ]
-              ++ stdenv.lib.optionals (stdenv.isDarwin && (!lto)) [ "lto=no" ];
+  preBuild = ''
+    make libs build_flags=-j$NIX_BUILD_CORES
+    make configure build_flags=-j$NIX_BUILD_CORES
+  '';
+  makeFlags = [
+    "PONYC_VERSION=${version}"
+    "prefix=${placeholder "out"}"
+  ]
+    ++ stdenv.lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ "bits=64" ]
+    ++ stdenv.lib.optionals (stdenv.isDarwin && (!lto)) [ "lto=no" ];
   enableParallelBuilding = true;
   doCheck = true;
-  checkTarget = "test-ci";
-  NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = [ "-Wno-error=redundant-move" ];
-  preCheck = ''
-    export PONYPATH="$out/lib:${stdenv.lib.makeLibraryPath [ pcre2 libressl ]}"
-  '';
+  NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = [ "-Wno-error=redundant-move" "-Wno-error=implicit-fallthrough" ];
   installPhase = ''
     make config=release prefix=$out ''
@@ -79,7 +107,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation ( rec {
     description = "Pony is an Object-oriented, actor-model, capabilities-secure, high performance programming language";
     homepage = "";
     license = licenses.bsd2;
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ doublec kamilchm patternspandemic ];
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ doublec kamilchm patternspandemic redvers ];
     platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" ];
diff --git a/pkgs/development/compilers/ponyc/make-safe-for-sandbox.patch b/pkgs/development/compilers/ponyc/make-safe-for-sandbox.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b07763a475d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/development/compilers/ponyc/make-safe-for-sandbox.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+--- a/lib/CMakeLists.txt	2020-09-27 02:39:12.862940179 +0000
++++ b/lib/CMakeLists.txt	2020-09-27 02:39:16.451957865 +0000
+@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
+ endif()
+ ExternalProject_Add(gbenchmark
+-    URL
++    SOURCE_DIR gbenchmark-prefix/src/benchmark
+ )
+ ExternalProject_Add(googletest
+-    URL
++    URL @googletest@
+ )
+@@ -28,75 +28,6 @@
+     COMPONENT library
+ )
+-set(LLVM_DESIRED_HASH "c1a0a213378a458fbea1a5c77b315c7dce08fd05")
+-set(PATCHES_DESIRED_HASH "9063f83d727bf042a1232420e168c1ea192bf6a2960d35e57123245b630eb923")
+-    if(EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../.git")
+-        # Update submodules as needed
+-        option(GIT_SUBMODULE "Check submodules during build" ON)
+-        if(GIT_SUBMODULE)
+-            message(STATUS "Updating submodules...")
+-            execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} submodule update --init --recursive
+-                            WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}
+-                            RESULT_VARIABLE git_submod_result)
+-            #message("git_submod_result ${git_submod_result}")
+-            if(NOT git_submod_result EQUAL "0")
+-                message(FATAL_ERROR "git submodule update --init --recursive failed with ${git_submod_result}, please checkout submodules")
+-            endif()
+-            # we check to make sure the submodule hash matches
+-            # the reason the submodule hash is in this file is to be able to use this file as a key for caching the libs in CI
+-            execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} submodule status
+-                            WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}
+-                            OUTPUT_VARIABLE git_submod_output)
+-            #message("git_submod_output ${git_submod_output}")
+-            string(FIND "${git_submod_output}" "${LLVM_DESIRED_HASH}" LLVM_SUBMOD_POS)
+-            if(LLVM_SUBMOD_POS EQUAL "-1")
+-                message(FATAL_ERROR "Expecting the lib/llvm/src submodule to be at hash '${LLVM_DESIRED_HASH}'; found '${git_submod_output}'; update the LLVM_DESIRED_HASH variable in lib/CMakeLists.txt if you've updated the submodule.")
+-            endif()
+-        endif()
+-    endif()
+-    # Apply patches
+-    message("Applying patches...")
+-    file(GLOB PONY_LLVM_PATCHES "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/llvm/patches/*.diff")
+-    # check to see if the patch hashes match
+-    foreach (PATCH ${PONY_LLVM_PATCHES})
+-        file(SHA256 ${PATCH} patch_file_hash)
+-        string(CONCAT PATCHES_ACTUAL_HASH patch_file_hash)
+-    endforeach()
+-        message(FATAL_ERROR "Patch hash actual ${PATCHES_ACTUAL_HASH} does not match desired ${PATCHES_DESIRED_HASH}")
+-    endif()
+-    foreach (PATCH ${PONY_LLVM_PATCHES})
+-        message("  Checking ${PATCH}")
+-        execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} apply --check -p 1 --ignore-whitespace --whitespace=nowarn ${PATCH}
+-                        WORKING_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/llvm/src"
+-                        ERROR_VARIABLE _err_out
+-                        RESULT_VARIABLE git_apply_check_result)
+-        if(git_apply_check_result EQUAL "0")
+-            message("    Applying ${PATCH}")
+-            execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} apply -p 1 --ignore-whitespace --whitespace=nowarn ${PATCH}
+-                            WORKING_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/llvm/src"
+-                            RESULT_VARIABLE git_apply_result)
+-            if(NOT git_apply_result EQUAL "0")
+-                message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to apply ${PATCH}")
+-            endif()
+-        else()
+-            message("    Already applied ${PATCH}")
+-        endif()
+-    endforeach()
+-    message(FATAL_ERROR "Git not found!")
+ endif()
diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
index 20090f0f299..099b8b30537 100644
--- a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
+++ b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
@@ -9605,7 +9605,8 @@ in
   picat = callPackage ../development/compilers/picat { };
   ponyc = callPackage ../development/compilers/ponyc {
-    llvm = llvm_7;
+    # Upstream pony has dropped support for versions compiled with gcc.
+    stdenv = clangStdenv;
   pony-stable = callPackage ../development/compilers/ponyc/pony-stable.nix { };