2009-02-09 08:51:03 -08:00
# General list operations.
2013-10-23 17:02:04 -07:00
2013-11-12 04:48:19 -08:00
with import ./trivial.nix;
2009-02-09 08:51:03 -08:00
2013-07-12 09:36:36 -07:00
inc = builtins.add 1;
dec = n: builtins.sub n 1;
in rec {
2013-11-12 04:48:19 -08:00
2013-11-12 04:50:45 -08:00
inherit (builtins) head tail length isList elemAt concatLists filter elem;
2009-02-09 08:51:03 -08:00
2009-06-08 15:42:42 -07:00
# Create a list consisting of a single element. `singleton x' is
# sometimes more convenient with respect to indentation than `[x]'
# when x spans multiple lines.
singleton = x: [x];
2012-08-14 10:42:43 -07:00
2009-06-08 15:42:42 -07:00
2009-02-09 08:51:03 -08:00
# "Fold" a binary function `op' between successive elements of
# `list' with `nul' as the starting value, i.e., `fold op nul [x_1
# x_2 ... x_n] == op x_1 (op x_2 ... (op x_n nul))'. (This is
# Haskell's foldr).
2013-07-12 09:36:36 -07:00
fold = op: nul: list:
len = length list;
fold' = n:
if n == len
2012-08-13 11:19:50 -07:00
then nul
2013-07-12 09:36:36 -07:00
else op (elemAt list n) (fold' (inc n));
in fold' 0;
2009-02-09 08:51:03 -08:00
# Left fold: `fold op nul [x_1 x_2 ... x_n] == op (... (op (op nul
# x_1) x_2) ... x_n)'.
2013-07-12 09:36:36 -07:00
foldl = op: nul: list:
len = length list;
foldl' = n:
if n == minus1
2012-08-13 11:19:50 -07:00
then nul
2013-07-12 09:36:36 -07:00
else op (foldl' (dec n)) (elemAt list n);
in foldl' (dec (length list));
2012-08-13 11:19:50 -07:00
2013-07-12 09:36:36 -07:00
minus1 = dec 0;
2012-08-13 11:19:50 -07:00
2009-02-09 08:51:03 -08:00
2011-04-27 11:41:34 -07:00
# map with index: `imap (i: v: "${v}-${toString i}") ["a" "b"] ==
# ["a-1" "b-2"]'
imap = f: list:
2013-07-12 09:36:36 -07:00
len = length list;
imap' = n:
if n == len
then []
2013-07-12 10:06:15 -07:00
else [ (f (inc n) (elemAt list n)) ] ++ imap' (inc n);
2013-07-12 09:36:36 -07:00
in imap' 0;
2009-02-09 08:51:03 -08:00
2013-11-12 04:48:19 -08:00
2009-02-09 08:51:03 -08:00
# Map and concatenate the result.
concatMap = f: list: concatLists (map f list);
# Flatten the argument into a single list; that is, nested lists are
# spliced into the top-level lists. E.g., `flatten [1 [2 [3] 4] 5]
# == [1 2 3 4 5]' and `flatten 1 == [1]'.
flatten = x:
if isList x
then fold (x: y: (flatten x) ++ y) [] x
else [x];
2013-11-12 04:48:19 -08:00
2012-08-13 08:55:45 -07:00
# Remove elements equal to 'e' from a list. Useful for buildInputs.
2011-03-15 02:24:47 -07:00
remove = e: filter (x: x != e);
2013-11-12 04:48:19 -08:00
2009-02-09 08:51:03 -08:00
# Find the sole element in the list matching the specified
# predicate, returns `default' if no such element exists, or
# `multiple' if there are multiple matching elements.
findSingle = pred: default: multiple: list:
2013-07-12 09:36:36 -07:00
let found = filter pred list; len = length found;
in if len == 0 then default
else if len != 1 then multiple
else head found;
2009-02-09 08:51:03 -08:00
2009-07-22 07:43:39 -07:00
# Find the first element in the list matching the specified
# predicate or returns `default' if no such element exists.
findFirst = pred: default: list:
let found = filter pred list;
in if found == [] then default else head found;
2013-11-12 04:48:19 -08:00
2009-07-22 07:43:39 -07:00
2009-02-09 08:51:03 -08:00
# Return true iff function `pred' returns true for at least element
# of `list'.
2012-08-13 11:19:50 -07:00
any = pred: fold (x: y: if pred x then true else y) false;
2009-02-09 08:51:03 -08:00
# Return true iff function `pred' returns true for all elements of
# `list'.
2012-08-13 11:19:50 -07:00
all = pred: fold (x: y: if pred x then y else false) true;
2009-02-09 08:51:03 -08:00
2013-10-27 20:46:36 -07:00
# Count how many times function `pred' returns true for the elements
# of `list'.
count = pred: fold (x: c: if pred x then inc c else c) 0;
2009-02-09 08:51:03 -08:00
# Return a singleton list or an empty list, depending on a boolean
# value. Useful when building lists with optional elements
# (e.g. `++ optional (system == "i686-linux") flashplayer').
optional = cond: elem: if cond then [elem] else [];
# Return a list or an empty list, dependening on a boolean value.
optionals = cond: elems: if cond then elems else [];
# If argument is a list, return it; else, wrap it in a singleton
# list. If you're using this, you should almost certainly
# reconsider if there isn't a more "well-typed" approach.
2013-11-12 04:48:19 -08:00
toList = x: if isList x then x else [x];
2009-02-09 08:51:03 -08:00
# Return a list of integers from `first' up to and including `last'.
range = first: last:
2013-11-12 04:48:19 -08:00
if lessThan last first
2009-02-09 08:51:03 -08:00
then []
2013-11-12 04:48:19 -08:00
else [first] ++ range (add first 1) last;
2009-02-09 08:51:03 -08:00
# Partition the elements of a list in two lists, `right' and
# `wrong', depending on the evaluation of a predicate.
partition = pred:
fold (h: t:
if pred h
then { right = [h] ++ t.right; wrong = t.wrong; }
else { right = t.right; wrong = [h] ++ t.wrong; }
) { right = []; wrong = []; };
2009-09-28 11:22:14 -07:00
zipListsWith = f: fst: snd:
2013-07-12 09:36:36 -07:00
len1 = length fst;
len2 = length snd;
2013-11-12 04:48:19 -08:00
len = if lessThan len1 len2 then len1 else len2;
2013-07-12 09:36:36 -07:00
zipListsWith' = n:
if n != len then
[ (f (elemAt fst n) (elemAt snd n)) ]
++ zipListsWith' (inc n)
else [];
in zipListsWith' 0;
2009-09-28 11:22:14 -07:00
zipLists = zipListsWith (fst: snd: { inherit fst snd; });
2013-10-27 16:56:22 -07:00
# Reverse the order of the elements of a list. FIXME: O(n^2)!
2013-07-12 09:36:36 -07:00
reverseList = fold (e: acc: acc ++ [ e ]) [];
2009-11-06 17:59:55 -08:00
2013-10-27 16:56:22 -07:00
2012-04-05 08:37:52 -07:00
# Sort a list based on a comparator function which compares two
# elements and returns true if the first argument is strictly below
# the second argument. The returned list is sorted in an increasing
# order. The implementation does a quick-sort.
2009-11-06 17:59:55 -08:00
sort = strictLess: list:
2013-07-12 09:36:36 -07:00
len = length list;
first = head list;
pivot' = n: acc@{ left, right }: let el = elemAt list n; next = pivot' (inc n); in
if n == len
then acc
else if strictLess first el
then next { inherit left; right = [ el ] ++ right; }
next { left = [ el ] ++ left; inherit right; };
pivot = pivot' 1 { left = []; right = []; };
2009-11-06 17:59:55 -08:00
2013-07-12 09:36:36 -07:00
if lessThan len 2 then list
else (sort strictLess pivot.left) ++ [ first ] ++ (sort strictLess pivot.right);
2009-11-06 17:59:55 -08:00
2009-12-08 13:47:14 -08:00
2012-04-05 08:37:52 -07:00
# Return the first (at most) N elements of a list.
2009-12-08 13:47:14 -08:00
take = count: list:
2013-07-12 09:36:36 -07:00
len = length list;
take' = n:
if n == len || n == count
then []
[ (elemAt list n) ] ++ take' (inc n);
in take' 0;
2009-12-08 13:47:14 -08:00
2013-11-12 04:48:19 -08:00
2012-04-05 08:37:52 -07:00
# Remove the first (at most) N elements of a list.
2010-04-17 11:26:40 -07:00
drop = count: list:
2013-07-12 09:36:36 -07:00
len = length list;
drop' = n:
if n == minus1 || lessThan n count
then []
drop' (dec n) ++ [ (elemAt list n) ];
in drop' (dec len);
2010-04-17 11:26:40 -07:00
2013-11-12 04:48:19 -08:00
# Return the last element of a list.
2010-01-03 03:05:42 -08:00
last = list:
2013-07-12 09:36:36 -07:00
assert list != []; elemAt list (dec (length list));
2010-01-03 03:05:42 -08:00
2012-08-13 15:26:19 -07:00
2010-08-02 09:10:01 -07:00
# Zip two lists together.
2010-08-02 09:48:19 -07:00
zipTwoLists = xs: ys:
2013-07-12 09:36:36 -07:00
len1 = length xs;
len2 = length ys;
len = if lessThan len1 len2 then len1 else len2;
zipTwoLists' = n:
if n != len then
[ { first = elemAt xs n; second = elemAt ys n; } ]
++ zipTwoLists' (inc n)
else [];
in zipTwoLists' 0;
2012-04-05 08:37:52 -07:00
2013-11-12 04:48:19 -08:00
2013-01-31 21:39:26 -08:00
deepSeqList = xs: y: if any (x: deepSeq x false) xs then y else y;
2013-11-12 04:48:19 -08:00
2013-12-12 11:01:48 -08:00
crossLists = f: foldl (fs: args: concatMap (f: map f args) fs) [f];
2014-04-08 15:02:20 -07:00
# List difference, xs - ys. Removes elements of ys from xs.
difference = xs: ys: filter (y: !(builtins.elem y ys)) xs;
2009-02-09 08:51:03 -08:00