2017-02-02 07:49:28 -08:00
# This file contains haskell package overrides that are shared by all
# haskell package sets provided by nixpkgs and distributed via the official
# NixOS hydra instance.
# Overrides that would also make sense for custom haskell package sets not provided
# as part of nixpkgs and that are specific to Nix should go in configuration-nix.nix
# See comment at the top of configuration-nix.nix for more information about this
# distinction.
2018-07-04 04:18:21 -07:00
{ pkgs , haskellLib }:
2015-01-07 11:31:32 -08:00
2017-08-01 09:44:08 -07:00
with haskellLib ;
2015-01-07 11:31:32 -08:00
self : super : {
2019-10-14 10:22:06 -07:00
# Arion's test suite needs a Nixpkgs, which is cumbersome to do from Nixpkgs
# itself. For instance, pkgs.path has dirty sources and puts a huge .git in the
# store. Testing is done upstream.
arion-compose = dontCheck super . arion-compose ;
2017-07-26 01:09:05 -07:00
# This used to be a core package provided by GHC, but then the compiler
# dropped it. We define the name here to make sure that old packages which
# depend on this library still evaluate (even though they won't compile
# successfully with recent versions of the compiler).
bin-package-db = null ;
2016-11-16 04:42:54 -08:00
# Some Hackage packages reference this attribute, which exists only in the
# GHCJS package set. We provide a dummy version here to fix potential
# evaluation errors.
ghcjs-base = null ;
2017-07-26 00:26:18 -07:00
ghcjs-prim = null ;
2016-11-16 04:42:54 -08:00
2017-09-25 00:45:27 -07:00
# Some packages add this (non-existent) dependency to express that they
# cannot compile in a given configuration. Win32 does this, for example, when
# compiled on Linux. We provide the name to avoid evaluation errors.
unbuildable = throw " p a c k a g e d e p e n d s o n m e t a p a c k a g e ' u n b u i l d a b l e ' " ;
2018-04-02 10:35:19 -07:00
# The test suite depends on old versions of tasty and QuickCheck.
hackage-security = dontCheck super . hackage-security ;
2015-01-07 11:31:32 -08:00
2016-12-08 08:32:27 -08:00
# enable using a local hoogle with extra packagages in the database
2017-08-06 12:46:22 -07:00
# nix-shell -p "haskellPackages.hoogleLocal { packages = with haskellPackages; [ mtl lens ]; }"
2016-12-08 08:32:27 -08:00
# $ hoogle server
hoogleLocal = { packages ? [ ] }: self . callPackage ./hoogle.nix { inherit packages ; } ;
2019-06-01 08:44:48 -07:00
# Needs older QuickCheck version
attoparsec-varword = dontCheck super . attoparsec-varword ;
2020-02-29 02:34:32 -08:00
# https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/issues/1778
2020-02-28 15:18:21 -08:00
ShellCheck = overrideCabal super . ShellCheck ( drv : {
patches = [
# cabal 3.0 support
( pkgs . fetchpatch {
url = " h t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / k o a l a m a n / s h e l l c h e c k / c o m m i t / 2 c 0 2 6 f 1 e c 7 c 2 0 5 c 7 3 1 f f 2 a 0 c c d 8 5 3 6 5 f 3 7 2 4 5 . p a t c h " ;
sha256 = " 0 z 6 y f 3 5 0 n g r 6 r w f k v d y 6 7 0 c 4 7 6 f g z j 8 a 0 n 4 p p d m 1 x r 8 r 1 l i j 7 s f z " ;
excludes = [ " D o c k e r f i l e " ] ;
} )
] ;
} ) ;
2019-06-01 08:44:48 -07:00
# Tests are failing
# https://github.com/bos/statistics/issues/123
2015-01-10 11:27:16 -08:00
statistics = dontCheck super . statistics ;
2017-09-29 09:56:41 -07:00
2018-06-25 13:05:53 -07:00
# These packages (and their reverse deps) cannot be built with profiling enabled.
ghc-heap-view = disableLibraryProfiling super . ghc-heap-view ;
ghc-datasize = disableLibraryProfiling super . ghc-datasize ;
2016-08-15 05:05:55 -07:00
# This test keeps being aborted because it runs too quietly for too long
Lazy-Pbkdf2 = if pkgs . stdenv . isi686 then dontCheck super . Lazy-Pbkdf2 else super . Lazy-Pbkdf2 ;
2017-02-03 16:19:08 -08:00
# check requires mysql server
mysql-simple = dontCheck super . mysql-simple ;
2017-03-27 00:34:37 -07:00
mysql-haskell = dontCheck super . mysql-haskell ;
2017-02-03 16:19:08 -08:00
2019-06-01 08:44:48 -07:00
# Tests failing, fixed once 0.8.0 is in stackage
# https://gitlab.com/twittner/zeromq-haskell/issues/63
zeromq4-haskell = dontCheck super . zeromq4-haskell ;
2015-01-13 10:36:36 -08:00
2017-03-02 03:17:36 -08:00
# The Hackage tarball is purposefully broken, because it's not intended to be, like, useful.
# https://git-annex.branchable.com/bugs/bash_completion_file_is_missing_in_the_6.20160527_tarball_on_hackage/
2020-03-13 04:40:53 -07:00
git-annex = ( overrideSrc super . git-annex {
2017-03-02 03:17:36 -08:00
src = pkgs . fetchgit {
2018-07-10 07:06:19 -07:00
name = " g i t - a n n e x - ${ super . git-annex . version } - s r c " ;
2017-03-02 03:17:36 -08:00
url = " g i t : / / g i t - a n n e x . b r a n c h a b l e . c o m / " ;
2018-07-10 07:06:19 -07:00
rev = " r e f s / t a g s / " + super . git-annex . version ;
2020-03-13 04:40:53 -07:00
sha256 = " 0 y 2 q c j a h i 7 0 5 c 6 n n y p q p a 5 w 3 b z y z k 4 k q v b w f n p i a x z k 5 v n a 5 8 9 g g " ;
2016-06-07 09:10:08 -07:00
} ;
2018-07-10 07:06:19 -07:00
} ) . override {
2015-02-04 03:57:20 -08:00
dbus = if pkgs . stdenv . isLinux then self . dbus else null ;
fdo-notify = if pkgs . stdenv . isLinux then self . fdo-notify else null ;
hinotify = if pkgs . stdenv . isLinux then self . hinotify else self . fsnotify ;
2017-06-25 12:23:28 -07:00
} ;
2018-12-04 03:33:48 -08:00
2017-08-14 21:02:19 -07:00
# Fix test trying to access /home directory
2018-10-07 07:45:05 -07:00
shell-conduit = overrideCabal super . shell-conduit ( drv : {
2017-08-14 21:02:19 -07:00
postPatch = " s e d - i s / h o m e / t m p / t e s t / S p e c . h s " ;
2017-09-13 12:04:53 -07:00
# the tests for shell-conduit on Darwin illegitimatey assume non-GNU echo
# see: https://github.com/psibi/shell-conduit/issues/12
2018-03-14 16:51:09 -07:00
doCheck = ! pkgs . stdenv . isDarwin ;
2018-03-25 06:50:26 -07:00
} ) ;
2017-08-14 21:02:19 -07:00
2015-09-02 03:27:36 -07:00
# https://github.com/froozen/kademlia/issues/2
kademlia = dontCheck super . kademlia ;
2019-06-01 08:44:48 -07:00
# Tests require older tasty
2017-02-02 07:49:28 -08:00
hzk = dontCheck super . hzk ;
2018-03-14 12:49:01 -07:00
2017-10-16 04:08:10 -07:00
# Tests require a Kafka broker running locally
2017-02-02 07:49:28 -08:00
haskakafka = dontCheck super . haskakafka ;
2015-12-08 09:20:16 -08:00
# Depends on broken "lss" package.
snaplet-lss = dontDistribute super . snaplet-lss ;
# Depends on broken "NewBinary" package.
ASN1 = dontDistribute super . ASN1 ;
# Depends on broken "frame" package.
frame-markdown = dontDistribute super . frame-markdown ;
# Depends on broken "Elm" package.
hakyll-elm = dontDistribute super . hakyll-elm ;
haskelm = dontDistribute super . haskelm ;
snap-elm = dontDistribute super . snap-elm ;
# Depends on broken "hails" package.
hails-bin = dontDistribute super . hails-bin ;
2015-01-07 11:31:32 -08:00
2015-09-16 01:24:23 -07:00
# Switch levmar build to openblas.
2015-06-09 11:48:36 -07:00
bindings-levmar = overrideCabal super . bindings-levmar ( drv : {
preConfigure = ''
sed - i bindings-levmar . cabal \
- e ' s , extra-libraries : lapack blas , extra-libraries : openblas , '
'' ;
2015-06-18 10:58:16 -07:00
extraLibraries = [ pkgs . openblasCompat ] ;
2015-06-09 11:48:36 -07:00
} ) ;
2015-01-10 11:27:16 -08:00
# The Haddock phase fails for one reason or another.
bytestring-progress = dontHaddock super . bytestring-progress ;
2015-01-21 01:22:30 -08:00
deepseq-magic = dontHaddock super . deepseq-magic ;
2015-03-24 08:10:17 -07:00
feldspar-signal = dontHaddock super . feldspar-signal ; # https://github.com/markus-git/feldspar-signal/issues/1
2015-01-10 11:27:16 -08:00
hoodle-core = dontHaddock super . hoodle-core ;
hsc3-db = dontHaddock super . hsc3-db ;
2019-05-02 11:14:01 -07:00
classy-prelude-yesod = dontHaddock super . classy-prelude-yesod ; # https://github.com/haskell/haddock/issues/979
2015-01-11 07:30:56 -08:00
# https://github.com/techtangents/ablist/issues/1
ABList = dontCheck super . ABList ;
2015-01-11 08:18:22 -08:00
2017-02-12 05:13:53 -08:00
# sse2 flag due to https://github.com/haskell/vector/issues/47.
# dontCheck due to https://github.com/haskell/vector/issues/138
vector = dontCheck ( if pkgs . stdenv . isi686 then appendConfigureFlag super . vector " - - g h c - o p t i o n s = - m s s e 2 " else super . vector ) ;
2015-01-14 07:02:51 -08:00
2019-02-14 11:06:09 -08:00
conduit-extra = if pkgs . stdenv . isDarwin
then super . conduit-extra . overrideAttrs ( drv : { __darwinAllowLocalNetworking = true ; } )
else super . conduit-extra ;
2016-10-01 02:11:11 -07:00
# Fix Darwin build.
2015-10-27 14:49:08 -07:00
halive = if pkgs . stdenv . isDarwin
then addBuildDepend super . halive pkgs . darwin . apple_sdk . frameworks . AppKit
else super . halive ;
2019-10-07 23:49:16 -07:00
barbly = addBuildDepend super . barbly pkgs . darwin . apple_sdk . frameworks . AppKit ;
2016-10-27 15:10:39 -07:00
# Hakyll's tests are broken on Darwin (3 failures); and they require util-linux
2019-09-15 11:00:33 -07:00
hakyll = if pkgs . stdenv . isDarwin
2016-10-27 15:10:39 -07:00
then dontCheck ( overrideCabal super . hakyll ( drv : {
testToolDepends = [ ] ;
} ) )
2019-09-15 11:00:33 -07:00
else super . hakyll ;
2016-10-27 15:10:39 -07:00
2015-06-21 00:57:50 -07:00
double-conversion = if ! pkgs . stdenv . isDarwin
2017-08-06 01:38:44 -07:00
then super . double-conversion
2017-10-09 05:42:29 -07:00
else addExtraLibrary super . double-conversion pkgs . libcxx ;
2015-06-21 00:57:50 -07:00
2019-07-04 01:16:38 -07:00
inline-c-cpp = overrideCabal super . inline-c-cpp ( drv : {
postPatch = ( drv . postPatch or " " ) + ''
substituteInPlace inline-c-cpp . cabal - - replace " - o p t c - s t d = c + + 1 1 " " "
'' ;
} ) ;
2016-06-15 16:03:22 -07:00
2017-07-07 03:49:45 -07:00
inline-java = addBuildDepend super . inline-java pkgs . jdk ;
2015-01-20 07:29:54 -08:00
# Upstream notified by e-mail.
permutation = dontCheck super . permutation ;
2015-01-20 07:37:55 -08:00
# https://github.com/jputcu/serialport/issues/25
serialport = dontCheck super . serialport ;
2018-07-09 16:23:50 -07:00
# Test suite build depends on ancient tasty 0.11.x.
2018-05-14 18:28:39 -07:00
cryptohash-sha512 = dontCheck super . cryptohash-sha512 ;
2015-01-20 08:14:32 -08:00
# https://github.com/kazu-yamamoto/simple-sendfile/issues/17
2015-01-20 08:11:52 -08:00
simple-sendfile = dontCheck super . simple-sendfile ;
2015-01-20 08:17:13 -08:00
# Fails no apparent reason. Upstream has been notified by e-mail.
assertions = dontCheck super . assertions ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
# These packages try to execute non-existent external programs.
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
cmaes = dontCheck super . cmaes ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498725/log/raw
2015-02-23 02:43:29 -08:00
dbmigrations = dontCheck super . dbmigrations ;
2015-03-07 04:31:15 -08:00
euler = dontCheck super . euler ; # https://github.com/decomputed/euler/issues/1
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
filestore = dontCheck super . filestore ;
2015-08-06 08:29:03 -07:00
getopt-generics = dontCheck super . getopt-generics ;
2015-01-20 14:59:31 -08:00
graceful = dontCheck super . graceful ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
Hclip = dontCheck super . Hclip ;
2015-01-20 08:22:26 -08:00
HList = dontCheck super . HList ;
2015-09-03 05:39:18 -07:00
ide-backend = dontCheck super . ide-backend ;
2015-03-27 15:23:49 -07:00
marquise = dontCheck super . marquise ; # https://github.com/anchor/marquise/issues/69
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
memcached-binary = dontCheck super . memcached-binary ;
2015-09-03 05:39:18 -07:00
msgpack-rpc = dontCheck super . msgpack-rpc ;
2015-03-05 09:02:53 -08:00
persistent-zookeeper = dontCheck super . persistent-zookeeper ;
2015-03-05 09:22:06 -08:00
pocket-dns = dontCheck super . pocket-dns ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
postgresql-simple = dontCheck super . postgresql-simple ;
2015-02-08 04:26:02 -08:00
postgrest = dontCheck super . postgrest ;
2017-05-07 03:46:49 -07:00
postgrest-ws = dontCheck super . postgrest-ws ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
snowball = dontCheck super . snowball ;
2015-09-03 05:39:18 -07:00
sophia = dontCheck super . sophia ;
2015-03-03 12:44:57 -08:00
test-sandbox = dontCheck super . test-sandbox ;
2016-10-07 01:57:54 -07:00
texrunner = dontCheck super . texrunner ;
2015-03-09 04:14:33 -07:00
users-postgresql-simple = dontCheck super . users-postgresql-simple ;
2015-01-25 11:57:19 -08:00
wai-middleware-hmac = dontCheck super . wai-middleware-hmac ;
2015-06-17 07:06:15 -07:00
xkbcommon = dontCheck super . xkbcommon ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
xmlgen = dontCheck super . xmlgen ;
2015-09-27 07:20:24 -07:00
HerbiePlugin = dontCheck super . HerbiePlugin ;
2016-10-05 17:04:35 -07:00
wai-cors = dontCheck super . wai-cors ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
2017-10-16 04:08:10 -07:00
# base bound
digit = doJailbreak super . digit ;
2019-08-14 16:31:10 -07:00
# Needs older version of QuickCheck.
these_0_7_6 = doJailbreak super . these_0_7_6 ;
2018-07-19 11:18:44 -07:00
# dontCheck: Can be removed once https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/commit/471712f is in (5.2 probably)
# This is due to GenList having been removed from generic-random in
# doJailbreak: Can be removed once https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/329 is in (5.2 probably)
# This is due to hnix currently having an upper bound of <0.5 on deriving-compat, works just fine with our current version 0.5.1 though
2019-08-14 16:31:10 -07:00
# Does not support recent versions of "these".
# https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/issues/514
2018-11-03 16:45:14 -07:00
hnix =
generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion " h n i x " (
2019-08-14 16:31:10 -07:00
dontCheck ( doJailbreak ( super . hnix . override { these = self . these_0_7_6 ; } ) )
) ;
2015-01-20 08:22:26 -08:00
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
# Fails for non-obvious reasons while attempting to use doctest.
search = dontCheck super . search ;
2018-11-10 08:07:54 -08:00
# see https://github.com/LumiGuide/haskell-opencv/commit/cd613e200aa20887ded83256cf67d6903c207a60
opencv = dontCheck ( appendPatch super . opencv ./patches/opencv-fix-116.patch ) ;
opencv-extra = dontCheck ( appendPatch super . opencv-extra ./patches/opencv-fix-116.patch ) ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
# https://github.com/ekmett/structures/issues/3
structures = dontCheck super . structures ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
# Disable test suites to fix the build.
acme-year = dontCheck super . acme-year ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/497858/log/raw
aeson-lens = dontCheck super . aeson-lens ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/496769/log/raw
2015-03-14 05:09:51 -07:00
aeson-schema = dontCheck super . aeson-schema ; # https://github.com/timjb/aeson-schema/issues/9
2016-09-17 01:48:12 -07:00
angel = dontCheck super . angel ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
apache-md5 = dontCheck super . apache-md5 ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498709/nixlog/1/raw
app-settings = dontCheck super . app-settings ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/497327/log/raw
2015-01-20 13:56:30 -08:00
aws = dontCheck super . aws ; # needs aws credentials
2015-01-21 01:22:30 -08:00
aws-kinesis = dontCheck super . aws-kinesis ; # needs aws credentials for testing
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
binary-protocol = dontCheck super . binary-protocol ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/499749/log/raw
2016-09-17 01:48:12 -07:00
binary-search = dontCheck super . binary-search ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
bits = dontCheck super . bits ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/500239/log/raw
bloodhound = dontCheck super . bloodhound ;
2015-01-20 13:56:30 -08:00
buildwrapper = dontCheck super . buildwrapper ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
burst-detection = dontCheck super . burst-detection ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/496948/log/raw
cabal-bounds = dontCheck super . cabal-bounds ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/496935/nixlog/1/raw
cabal-meta = dontCheck super . cabal-meta ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/497892/log/raw
2016-09-17 01:48:12 -07:00
camfort = dontCheck super . camfort ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
cjk = dontCheck super . cjk ;
2016-09-17 01:48:12 -07:00
CLI = dontCheck super . CLI ; # Upstream has no issue tracker.
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
command-qq = dontCheck super . command-qq ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/499042/log/raw
2015-01-20 13:56:30 -08:00
conduit-connection = dontCheck super . conduit-connection ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
craftwerk = dontCheck super . craftwerk ;
2016-09-17 01:48:12 -07:00
css-text = dontCheck super . css-text ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
damnpacket = dontCheck super . damnpacket ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/496923/log
2015-05-04 07:20:11 -07:00
data-hash = dontCheck super . data-hash ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
Deadpan-DDP = dontCheck super . Deadpan-DDP ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/496418/log/raw
2015-01-20 13:56:30 -08:00
DigitalOcean = dontCheck super . DigitalOcean ;
2016-09-17 01:48:12 -07:00
direct-sqlite = dontCheck super . direct-sqlite ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
directory-layout = dontCheck super . directory-layout ;
2016-09-17 01:48:12 -07:00
dlist = dontCheck super . dlist ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
docopt = dontCheck super . docopt ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/499172/log/raw
dom-selector = dontCheck super . dom-selector ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/497670/log/raw
2019-11-12 05:46:38 -08:00
dotenv = dontCheck super . dotenv ; # Tests fail because of missing test file on version fixed on version
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
dotfs = dontCheck super . dotfs ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498599/log/raw
DRBG = dontCheck super . DRBG ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498245/nixlog/1/raw
2016-09-17 01:48:12 -07:00
ed25519 = dontCheck super . ed25519 ;
2015-01-20 13:56:30 -08:00
etcd = dontCheck super . etcd ;
fb = dontCheck super . fb ; # needs credentials for Facebook
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
fptest = dontCheck super . fptest ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/499124/log/raw
2017-03-19 14:21:34 -07:00
friday-juicypixels = dontCheck super . friday-juicypixels ; #tarball missing test/rgba8.png
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
ghc-events = dontCheck super . ghc-events ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498226/log/raw
ghc-events-parallel = dontCheck super . ghc-events-parallel ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/496828/log/raw
ghc-imported-from = dontCheck super . ghc-imported-from ;
ghc-parmake = dontCheck super . ghc-parmake ;
2016-09-17 01:48:12 -07:00
ghcid = dontCheck super . ghcid ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
git-vogue = dontCheck super . git-vogue ;
2019-11-08 09:29:16 -08:00
github-rest = dontCheck super . github-rest ; # test suite needs the network
2016-09-17 01:48:12 -07:00
gitlib-cmdline = dontCheck super . gitlib-cmdline ;
2015-03-20 03:29:59 -07:00
GLFW-b = dontCheck super . GLFW-b ; # https://github.com/bsl/GLFW-b/issues/50
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
hackport = dontCheck super . hackport ;
hadoop-formats = dontCheck super . hadoop-formats ;
haeredes = dontCheck super . haeredes ;
hashed-storage = dontCheck super . hashed-storage ;
hashring = dontCheck super . hashring ;
hath = dontCheck super . hath ;
2018-02-05 10:00:12 -08:00
haxl = dontCheck super . haxl ; # non-deterministic failure https://github.com/facebook/Haxl/issues/85
2015-01-21 01:22:30 -08:00
haxl-facebook = dontCheck super . haxl-facebook ; # needs facebook credentials for testing
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
hdbi-postgresql = dontCheck super . hdbi-postgresql ;
hedis = dontCheck super . hedis ;
hedis-pile = dontCheck super . hedis-pile ;
hedis-tags = dontCheck super . hedis-tags ;
hedn = dontCheck super . hedn ;
hgdbmi = dontCheck super . hgdbmi ;
hi = dontCheck super . hi ;
2015-03-05 09:11:10 -08:00
hierarchical-clustering = dontCheck super . hierarchical-clustering ;
2018-05-29 16:26:30 -07:00
hlibgit2 = disableHardening super . hlibgit2 [ " f o r m a t " ] ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
hmatrix-tests = dontCheck super . hmatrix-tests ;
hquery = dontCheck super . hquery ;
hs2048 = dontCheck super . hs2048 ;
hsbencher = dontCheck super . hsbencher ;
hsexif = dontCheck super . hsexif ;
hspec-server = dontCheck super . hspec-server ;
2018-07-04 04:18:21 -07:00
HTF = dontCheck super . HTF ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
htsn = dontCheck super . htsn ;
htsn-import = dontCheck super . htsn-import ;
2018-06-06 08:40:35 -07:00
http-link-header = dontCheck super . http-link-header ; # non deterministic failure https://hydra.nixos.org/build/75041105
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
ihaskell = dontCheck super . ihaskell ;
2015-06-03 07:12:21 -07:00
influxdb = dontCheck super . influxdb ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
itanium-abi = dontCheck super . itanium-abi ;
2015-01-20 13:56:30 -08:00
katt = dontCheck super . katt ;
2018-10-15 17:07:27 -07:00
language-nix = if ( pkgs . stdenv . hostPlatform . isAarch64 || pkgs . stdenv . hostPlatform . isi686 ) then dontCheck super . language-nix else super . language-nix ; # aarch64: https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/15275
2019-11-08 09:29:47 -08:00
language-slice = dontCheck super . language-slice ;
2015-11-09 12:56:44 -08:00
ldap-client = dontCheck super . ldap-client ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
lensref = dontCheck super . lensref ;
2015-08-30 18:46:09 -07:00
lucid = dontCheck super . lucid ; #https://github.com/chrisdone/lucid/issues/25
2016-09-14 10:05:32 -07:00
lvmrun = disableHardening ( dontCheck super . lvmrun ) [ " f o r m a t " ] ;
2019-09-04 05:16:52 -07:00
matplotlib = dontCheck super . matplotlib ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
memcache = dontCheck super . memcache ;
2016-09-17 01:48:12 -07:00
metrics = dontCheck super . metrics ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
milena = dontCheck super . milena ;
2018-12-13 07:46:22 -08:00
modular-arithmetic = dontCheck super . modular-arithmetic ; # tests require a very old Glob (0.7.*)
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
nats-queue = dontCheck super . nats-queue ;
netpbm = dontCheck super . netpbm ;
2016-09-17 01:48:12 -07:00
network = dontCheck super . network ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
network-dbus = dontCheck super . network-dbus ;
notcpp = dontCheck super . notcpp ;
ntp-control = dontCheck super . ntp-control ;
numerals = dontCheck super . numerals ;
2018-06-18 12:50:57 -07:00
odpic-raw = dontCheck super . odpic-raw ; # needs a running oracle database server
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
opaleye = dontCheck super . opaleye ;
openpgp = dontCheck super . openpgp ;
optional = dontCheck super . optional ;
2017-02-13 06:13:02 -08:00
orgmode-parse = dontCheck super . orgmode-parse ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
os-release = dontCheck super . os-release ;
2018-09-19 06:45:15 -07:00
pandoc-crossref = dontCheck super . pandoc-crossref ; # (most likely change when no longer https://github.com/lierdakil/pandoc-crossref/issues/199
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
persistent-redis = dontCheck super . persistent-redis ;
pipes-extra = dontCheck super . pipes-extra ;
pipes-websockets = dontCheck super . pipes-websockets ;
2019-01-30 00:00:27 -08:00
posix-pty = dontCheck super . posix-pty ; # https://github.com/merijn/posix-pty/issues/12
2015-03-08 03:19:50 -07:00
postgresql-binary = dontCheck super . postgresql-binary ; # needs a running postgresql server
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
postgresql-simple-migration = dontCheck super . postgresql-simple-migration ;
process-streaming = dontCheck super . process-streaming ;
punycode = dontCheck super . punycode ;
pwstore-cli = dontCheck super . pwstore-cli ;
quantities = dontCheck super . quantities ;
redis-io = dontCheck super . redis-io ;
2019-06-08 19:12:33 -07:00
reflex = dontCheck super . reflex ; # test suite uses hlint, which has different haskell-src-exts version
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
rethinkdb = dontCheck super . rethinkdb ;
Rlang-QQ = dontCheck super . Rlang-QQ ;
2016-09-17 01:48:12 -07:00
safecopy = dontCheck super . safecopy ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
sai-shape-syb = dontCheck super . sai-shape-syb ;
2020-03-08 03:00:44 -07:00
saltine = dontCheck super . saltine ; # https://github.com/tel/saltine/pull/56
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
scp-streams = dontCheck super . scp-streams ;
2018-11-02 16:11:11 -07:00
sdl2 = dontCheck super . sdl2 ; # the test suite needs an x server
2015-04-19 08:03:21 -07:00
sdl2-ttf = dontCheck super . sdl2-ttf ; # as of version 0.2.1, the test suite requires user intervention
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
separated = dontCheck super . separated ;
shadowsocks = dontCheck super . shadowsocks ;
shake-language-c = dontCheck super . shake-language-c ;
2019-11-08 09:29:47 -08:00
snap-core = dontCheck super . snap-core ;
sourcemap = dontCheck super . sourcemap ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
static-resources = dontCheck super . static-resources ;
2015-01-20 13:56:30 -08:00
strive = dontCheck super . strive ; # fails its own hlint test with tons of warnings
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
svndump = dontCheck super . svndump ;
2015-08-28 19:41:56 -07:00
tar = dontCheck super . tar ; #http://hydra.nixos.org/build/25088435/nixlog/2 (fails only on 32-bit)
2016-09-17 01:48:12 -07:00
th-printf = dontCheck super . th-printf ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
thumbnail-plus = dontCheck super . thumbnail-plus ;
tickle = dontCheck super . tickle ;
tpdb = dontCheck super . tpdb ;
translatable-intset = dontCheck super . translatable-intset ;
ua-parser = dontCheck super . ua-parser ;
unagi-chan = dontCheck super . unagi-chan ;
wai-logger = dontCheck super . wai-logger ;
WebBits = dontCheck super . WebBits ; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/499604/log/raw
webdriver = dontCheck super . webdriver ;
2016-09-17 01:48:12 -07:00
webdriver-angular = dontCheck super . webdriver-angular ;
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
xsd = dontCheck super . xsd ;
2019-07-21 02:53:23 -07:00
zip-archive = dontCheck super . zip-archive ; # https://github.com/jgm/zip-archive/issues/57
2015-01-20 08:28:50 -08:00
2015-01-20 15:10:12 -08:00
# These test suites run for ages, even on a fast machine. This is nuts.
Random123 = dontCheck super . Random123 ;
systemd = dontCheck super . systemd ;
2015-01-21 01:22:30 -08:00
# https://github.com/eli-frey/cmdtheline/issues/28
cmdtheline = dontCheck super . cmdtheline ;
# https://github.com/bos/snappy/issues/1
snappy = dontCheck super . snappy ;
2018-07-22 06:17:27 -07:00
# https://github.com/kim/snappy-framing/issues/3
snappy-framing = dontHaddock super . snappy-framing ;
2015-01-22 08:24:01 -08:00
# https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9625
vty = dontCheck super . vty ;
2015-01-22 08:30:05 -08:00
# https://github.com/vincenthz/hs-crypto-pubkey/issues/20
crypto-pubkey = dontCheck super . crypto-pubkey ;
2015-01-29 06:40:30 -08:00
# https://github.com/Philonous/xml-picklers/issues/5
xml-picklers = dontCheck super . xml-picklers ;
2015-01-29 02:32:37 -08:00
2015-01-29 06:40:30 -08:00
# https://github.com/joeyadams/haskell-stm-delay/issues/3
stm-delay = dontCheck super . stm-delay ;
2015-04-09 08:57:43 -07:00
# https://github.com/cgaebel/stm-conduit/issues/33
stm-conduit = dontCheck super . stm-conduit ;
2015-02-02 02:57:59 -08:00
# https://github.com/pixbi/duplo/issues/25
duplo = dontCheck super . duplo ;
2015-02-03 03:24:13 -08:00
# https://github.com/evanrinehart/mikmod/issues/1
mikmod = addExtraLibrary super . mikmod pkgs . libmikmod ;
2015-02-05 02:46:34 -08:00
# https://github.com/basvandijk/threads/issues/10
threads = dontCheck super . threads ;
2015-02-08 04:02:11 -08:00
# Missing module.
rematch = dontCheck super . rematch ; # https://github.com/tcrayford/rematch/issues/5
rematch-text = dontCheck super . rematch-text ; # https://github.com/tcrayford/rematch/issues/6
2015-02-07 07:21:30 -08:00
2018-05-28 08:28:53 -07:00
# Should not appear in nixpkgs yet (broken anyway)
yarn2nix = throw " y a r n 2 n i x i s n o t y e t p a c k a g e d f o r n i x p k g s . S e e h t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / P r o f p a t s c h / y a r n 2 n i x # y a r n 2 n i x " ;
2015-04-12 05:15:44 -07:00
# no haddock since this is an umbrella package.
cloud-haskell = dontHaddock super . cloud-haskell ;
2015-02-12 11:19:07 -08:00
# This packages compiles 4+ hours on a fast machine. That's just unreasonable.
CHXHtml = dontDistribute super . CHXHtml ;
2015-02-15 11:04:38 -08:00
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/6350
paypal-adaptive-hoops = overrideCabal super . paypal-adaptive-hoops ( drv : { testTarget = " l o c a l " ; } ) ;
2015-02-20 04:31:43 -08:00
# https://github.com/vincenthz/hs-asn1/issues/12
asn1-encoding = dontCheck super . asn1-encoding ;
2018-03-15 07:06:01 -07:00
# Avoid "QuickCheck >=2.3 && <2.10" dependency we cannot fulfill in lts-11.x.
test-framework = dontCheck super . test-framework ;
2015-02-21 05:46:56 -08:00
# Depends on broken test-framework-quickcheck.
apiary = dontCheck super . apiary ;
apiary-authenticate = dontCheck super . apiary-authenticate ;
apiary-clientsession = dontCheck super . apiary-clientsession ;
apiary-cookie = dontCheck super . apiary-cookie ;
apiary-eventsource = dontCheck super . apiary-eventsource ;
apiary-logger = dontCheck super . apiary-logger ;
apiary-memcached = dontCheck super . apiary-memcached ;
apiary-mongoDB = dontCheck super . apiary-mongoDB ;
apiary-persistent = dontCheck super . apiary-persistent ;
apiary-purescript = dontCheck super . apiary-purescript ;
apiary-session = dontCheck super . apiary-session ;
apiary-websockets = dontCheck super . apiary-websockets ;
2015-03-04 05:37:05 -08:00
# https://github.com/PaulJohnson/geodetics/issues/1
geodetics = dontCheck super . geodetics ;
# https://github.com/junjihashimoto/test-sandbox-compose/issues/2
test-sandbox-compose = dontCheck super . test-sandbox-compose ;
2015-03-08 03:34:51 -07:00
# https://github.com/tych0/xcffib/issues/37
2015-03-14 06:44:35 -07:00
xcffib = dontCheck super . xcffib ;
2015-03-08 03:34:51 -07:00
2015-03-20 03:28:13 -07:00
# https://github.com/afcowie/locators/issues/1
locators = dontCheck super . locators ;
2015-04-20 08:07:35 -07:00
# Test suite won't compile against tasty-hunit 0.9.x.
2015-05-15 04:58:16 -07:00
zlib = dontCheck super . zlib ;
2015-04-20 08:07:35 -07:00
2018-03-20 05:34:06 -07:00
# Test suite won't compile against tasty-hunit 0.10.x.
binary-parser = dontCheck super . binary-parser ;
2018-12-08 13:17:40 -08:00
binary-parsers = dontCheck super . binary-parsers ;
2018-03-20 05:34:06 -07:00
bytestring-strict-builder = dontCheck super . bytestring-strict-builder ;
bytestring-tree-builder = dontCheck super . bytestring-tree-builder ;
2015-04-26 04:05:21 -07:00
# https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake/issues/206
2015-06-23 02:38:18 -07:00
# https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake/issues/267
shake = overrideCabal super . shake ( drv : { doCheck = ! pkgs . stdenv . isDarwin && false ; } ) ;
2015-01-17 11:54:31 -08:00
2015-05-03 11:34:10 -07:00
# https://github.com/nushio3/doctest-prop/issues/1
doctest-prop = dontCheck super . doctest-prop ;
2018-07-23 16:42:43 -07:00
# Missing file in source distribution:
# - https://github.com/karun012/doctest-discover/issues/22
# - https://github.com/karun012/doctest-discover/issues/23
# When these are fixed the following needs to be enabled again:
# # Depends on itself for testing
# doctest-discover = addBuildTool super.doctest-discover
# (if pkgs.buildPlatform != pkgs.hostPlatform
# then self.buildHaskellPackages.doctest-discover
# else dontCheck super.doctest-discover);
doctest-discover = dontCheck super . doctest-discover ;
2017-01-24 02:57:09 -08:00
# Depends on itself for testing
2018-07-09 09:22:23 -07:00
tasty-discover = addBuildTool super . tasty-discover
( if pkgs . buildPlatform != pkgs . hostPlatform
then self . buildHaskellPackages . tasty-discover
else dontCheck super . tasty-discover ) ;
2017-01-24 02:57:09 -08:00
2017-10-16 04:08:10 -07:00
# generic-deriving bound is too tight
2019-11-24 06:59:32 -08:00
# aeson needs Diff 0.4.0 to do tests but nixpkgs is still at 0.3.4
# https://github.com/bos/aeson/issues/740
aeson = dontCheck ( doJailbreak super . aeson ) ;
2015-05-09 03:18:04 -07:00
2019-01-04 20:08:53 -08:00
# containers >=0.4 && <0.6 is too tight
# https://github.com/RaphaelJ/friday/issues/34
friday = doJailbreak super . friday ;
2015-05-15 10:39:45 -07:00
# Won't compile with recent versions of QuickCheck.
2015-07-22 06:11:04 -07:00
inilist = dontCheck super . inilist ;
2020-02-28 11:28:01 -08:00
# Doesn't accept recent versions of 'base' or QuickCheck.
MissingH = dontCheck ( doJailbreak super . MissingH ) ;
2015-05-15 10:39:45 -07:00
2015-05-18 03:29:10 -07:00
# https://github.com/yaccz/saturnin/issues/3
Saturnin = dontCheck super . Saturnin ;
2015-05-21 02:47:34 -07:00
# https://github.com/kkardzis/curlhs/issues/6
curlhs = dontCheck super . curlhs ;
2015-05-22 02:31:26 -07:00
# https://github.com/hvr/token-bucket/issues/3
token-bucket = dontCheck super . token-bucket ;
2015-05-23 06:16:31 -07:00
# https://github.com/alphaHeavy/lzma-enumerator/issues/3
lzma-enumerator = dontCheck super . lzma-enumerator ;
2018-07-10 08:05:03 -07:00
# https://github.com/haskell-hvr/lzma/issues/14
lzma = dontCheck super . lzma ;
2018-01-02 15:42:21 -08:00
2015-05-28 01:03:36 -07:00
# https://github.com/BNFC/bnfc/issues/140
BNFC = dontCheck super . BNFC ;
2015-05-29 02:15:24 -07:00
# FPCO's fork of Cabal won't succeed its test suite.
Cabal-ide-backend = dontCheck super . Cabal-ide-backend ;
2017-10-16 04:08:10 -07:00
# QuickCheck version, also set in cabal2nix
2015-06-06 06:14:47 -07:00
websockets = dontCheck super . websockets ;
2015-06-09 06:13:00 -07:00
# Avoid spurious test suite failures.
fft = dontCheck super . fft ;
2015-06-11 02:11:15 -07:00
# This package can't be built on non-Windows systems.
Win32 = overrideCabal super . Win32 ( drv : { broken = ! pkgs . stdenv . isCygwin ; } ) ;
inline-c-win32 = dontDistribute super . inline-c-win32 ;
2015-07-23 11:33:26 -07:00
Southpaw = dontDistribute super . Southpaw ;
2015-06-11 02:11:15 -07:00
2015-06-16 02:12:14 -07:00
# https://github.com/yesodweb/serversession/issues/1
serversession = dontCheck super . serversession ;
2015-07-05 11:58:34 -07:00
# Hydra no longer allows building texlive packages.
lhs2tex = dontDistribute super . lhs2tex ;
2015-07-21 02:15:26 -07:00
# https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9825
vimus = overrideCabal super . vimus ( drv : { broken = pkgs . stdenv . isLinux && pkgs . stdenv . isi686 ; } ) ;
2015-07-22 10:43:01 -07:00
2018-07-04 04:18:21 -07:00
# https://github.com/hspec/mockery/issues/6
mockery = overrideCabal super . mockery ( drv : { preCheck = " e x p o r t T R A V I S = t r u e " ; } ) ;
2015-08-06 04:43:51 -07:00
# https://github.com/alphaHeavy/lzma-conduit/issues/5
lzma-conduit = dontCheck super . lzma-conduit ;
2015-08-06 05:26:18 -07:00
# https://github.com/kazu-yamamoto/logger/issues/42
logger = dontCheck super . logger ;
2017-10-16 04:08:10 -07:00
# vector dependency < 0.12
imagemagick = doJailbreak super . imagemagick ;
2015-08-06 10:00:53 -07:00
2015-08-07 10:53:16 -07:00
# https://github.com/liyang/thyme/issues/36
thyme = dontCheck super . thyme ;
2015-08-18 02:47:59 -07:00
# https://github.com/k0ral/hbro-contrib/issues/1
2015-08-14 08:29:48 -07:00
hbro-contrib = dontDistribute super . hbro-contrib ;
2015-08-14 08:38:57 -07:00
# Elm is no longer actively maintained on Hackage: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/9233.
Elm = markBroken super . Elm ;
elm-build-lib = markBroken super . elm-build-lib ;
elm-compiler = markBroken super . elm-compiler ;
elm-get = markBroken super . elm-get ;
elm-make = markBroken super . elm-make ;
elm-package = markBroken super . elm-package ;
elm-reactor = markBroken super . elm-reactor ;
elm-repl = markBroken super . elm-repl ;
elm-server = markBroken super . elm-server ;
elm-yesod = markBroken super . elm-yesod ;
2015-08-17 08:59:33 -07:00
# https://github.com/athanclark/sets/issues/2
2015-08-15 12:51:25 -07:00
sets = dontCheck super . sets ;
2020-01-31 12:38:10 -08:00
# Install icons, metadata and cli program.
bustle = overrideCabal super . bustle ( drv : {
buildDepends = [ pkgs . libpcap ] ;
buildTools = with pkgs . buildPackages ; [ gettext perl help2man ] ;
patches = [
# fix build
# https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/bustle/bustle/merge_requests/14
( pkgs . fetchpatch {
url = " h t t p s : / / g i t l a b . f r e e d e s k t o p . o r g / b u s t l e / b u s t l e / c o m m i t / e e 4 b 8 1 c b c 2 3 2 d 4 7 b a 9 9 4 0 f 1 9 8 7 7 7 7 b 1 7 4 5 2 e 7 1 f f . p a t c h " ;
sha256 = " 0 v 9 c v b m r m a 5 j c q c g 1 n a r p m 1 5 4 9 h 0 c g 8 m r 6 i 0 0 q x m q 0 x 6 h s 0 4 d n w a " ;
} )
( pkgs . fetchpatch {
url = " h t t p s : / / g i t l a b . f r e e d e s k t o p . o r g / b u s t l e / b u s t l e / c o m m i t / a a e 6 8 4 3 f 5 1 f 5 4 6 7 9 d 4 4 0 f b 3 8 1 3 e 6 1 3 5 5 d c 8 4 0 6 b 9 . p a t c h " ;
sha256 = " 1 a 8 h r 3 8 h d 1 g d k q h s y 5 6 h y l 7 n j w 8 c i 7 9 i i g r 8 1 a a l k b 7 h n 4 c k v h 2 a " ;
} )
] ;
postInstall = ''
make install PREFIX = $ out
'' ;
} ) ;
2017-12-16 13:37:47 -08:00
2015-08-17 16:21:18 -07:00
# Byte-compile elisp code for Emacs.
2016-06-07 12:32:46 -07:00
ghc-mod = overrideCabal super . ghc-mod ( drv : {
2015-08-17 16:21:18 -07:00
preCheck = " e x p o r t H O M E = $ T M P D I R " ;
testToolDepends = drv . testToolDepends or [ ] ++ [ self . cabal-install ] ;
doCheck = false ; # https://github.com/kazu-yamamoto/ghc-mod/issues/335
executableToolDepends = drv . executableToolDepends or [ ] ++ [ pkgs . emacs ] ;
postInstall = ''
2017-07-11 05:44:41 -07:00
local lispdir = ( " $ d a t a / s h a r e / ${ self . ghc . name } / * / ${ drv . pname } - ${ drv . version } / e l i s p " )
2015-08-17 16:21:18 -07:00
make - C $ lispdir
2017-07-11 05:44:41 -07:00
mkdir - p $ data/share/emacs/site-lisp
ln - s " $ l i s p d i r / " * . el { , c } $ data/share/emacs/site-lisp /
2015-08-17 16:21:18 -07:00
'' ;
} ) ;
2017-12-14 03:59:23 -08:00
# Build the latest git version instead of the official release. This isn't
# ideal, but Chris doesn't seem to make official releases any more.
2018-07-10 07:11:19 -07:00
structured-haskell-mode = overrideCabal super . structured-haskell-mode ( drv : {
2017-08-01 06:35:44 -07:00
src = pkgs . fetchFromGitHub {
2019-12-27 09:42:56 -08:00
owner = " p r o j e c t i o n a l - h a s k e l l " ;
2017-08-01 06:35:44 -07:00
repo = " s t r u c t u r e d - h a s k e l l - m o d e " ;
2018-07-10 07:11:19 -07:00
rev = " 7 f 9 d f 7 3 f 4 5 d 1 0 7 0 1 7 c 1 8 c e 4 8 3 5 b b c 1 9 0 d f e 6 7 8 2 e " ;
sha256 = " 1 j c c 3 0 0 4 8 j 3 6 9 j g s b b m k b 6 3 w h s 4 w b 3 7 b q 2 1 j r m 3 r 6 r y 2 2 i z n d s q a " ;
2017-08-01 06:35:44 -07:00
} ;
2018-07-10 07:11:19 -07:00
version = " 2 0 1 7 0 2 0 5 - g i t " ;
2017-08-01 06:35:44 -07:00
editedCabalFile = null ;
2016-09-25 23:41:04 -07:00
# Make elisp files available at a location where people expect it. We
# cannot easily byte-compile these files, unfortunately, because they
# depend on a new version of haskell-mode that we don't have yet.
2015-08-17 16:21:53 -07:00
postInstall = ''
2017-08-01 06:24:20 -07:00
local lispdir = ( " $ d a t a / s h a r e / ${ self . ghc . name } / " * " / ${ drv . pname } - " * " / e l i s p " )
mkdir - p $ data/share/emacs
ln - s $ lispdir $ data/share/emacs/site-lisp
2015-08-17 16:21:53 -07:00
'' ;
2018-07-10 07:11:19 -07:00
} ) ;
2015-08-17 16:21:53 -07:00
2017-08-01 06:24:57 -07:00
# Make elisp files available at a location where people expect it.
2016-11-24 16:17:46 -08:00
hindent = ( overrideCabal super . hindent ( drv : {
2016-09-25 23:41:42 -07:00
# We cannot easily byte-compile these files, unfortunately, because they
# depend on a new version of haskell-mode that we don't have yet.
2015-08-18 03:59:36 -07:00
postInstall = ''
2017-08-01 06:24:57 -07:00
local lispdir = ( " $ d a t a / s h a r e / ${ self . ghc . name } / " * " / ${ drv . pname } - " * " / e l i s p " )
mkdir - p $ data/share/emacs
ln - s $ lispdir $ data/share/emacs/site-lisp
2015-08-18 03:59:36 -07:00
'' ;
2016-09-19 08:04:52 -07:00
doCheck = false ; # https://github.com/chrisdone/hindent/issues/299
2018-03-14 16:49:44 -07:00
} ) ) ;
2015-08-18 03:59:36 -07:00
2015-08-18 13:54:42 -07:00
# https://github.com/bos/configurator/issues/22
configurator = dontCheck super . configurator ;
2015-08-28 05:23:57 -07:00
# https://github.com/basvandijk/concurrent-extra/issues/12
concurrent-extra = dontCheck super . concurrent-extra ;
2015-09-01 09:01:34 -07:00
# https://github.com/bos/bloomfilter/issues/7
bloomfilter = appendPatch super . bloomfilter ./patches/bloomfilter-fix-on-32bit.patch ;
2018-08-25 11:56:21 -07:00
# https://github.com/ashutoshrishi/hunspell-hs/pull/3
hunspell-hs = addPkgconfigDepend ( dontCheck ( appendPatch super . hunspell-hs ./patches/hunspell.patch ) ) pkgs . hunspell ;
2015-09-03 05:38:52 -07:00
# https://github.com/pxqr/base32-bytestring/issues/4
base32-bytestring = dontCheck super . base32-bytestring ;
2015-09-07 13:37:42 -07:00
# https://github.com/goldfirere/singletons/issues/122
singletons = dontCheck super . singletons ;
2018-12-31 22:30:43 -08:00
# Djinn's last release was 2014, incompatible with Semigroup-Monoid Proposal
# https://github.com/augustss/djinn/pull/8
djinn = appendPatch super . djinn ( pkgs . fetchpatch {
url = https://github.com/augustss/djinn/commit/6cb9433a137fb6b5194afe41d616bd8b62b95630.patch ;
sha256 = " 0 s 0 2 1 y 5 n z r h 7 4 g f p 8 x p x p x m 1 1 i v z f s 3 j w g 6 m k r l y r y 3 i y 5 8 4 x q i l " ;
} ) ;
2015-09-18 00:59:08 -07:00
# We cannot build this package w/o the C library from <http://www.phash.org/>.
phash = markBroken super . phash ;
2016-03-17 12:56:32 -07:00
# We get lots of strange compiler errors during the test suite run.
jsaddle = dontCheck super . jsaddle ;
2016-09-10 11:59:45 -07:00
# https://github.com/Philonous/hs-stun/pull/1
# Remove if a version > ever gets released.
2016-08-11 08:41:06 -07:00
stunclient = overrideCabal super . stunclient ( drv : {
postPatch = ( drv . postPatch or " " ) + ''
substituteInPlace source/Network/Stun/MappedAddress.hs - - replace " i m p o r t N e t w o r k . E n d i a n " " "
'' ;
} ) ;
2017-12-04 04:54:15 -08:00
# The standard libraries are compiled separately
2018-11-03 16:45:14 -07:00
idris = generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion " i d r i s " (
2019-08-18 16:40:49 -07:00
doJailbreak ( dontCheck super . idris )
2018-11-03 16:45:14 -07:00
) ;
2016-09-10 13:00:45 -07:00
2016-12-05 09:04:24 -08:00
# https://github.com/bos/math-functions/issues/25
math-functions = dontCheck super . math-functions ;
2017-01-14 16:21:36 -08:00
# build servant docs from the repository
servant =
ver = super . servant . version ;
docs = pkgs . stdenv . mkDerivation {
name = " s e r v a n t - s p h i n x - d o c u m e n t a t i o n - ${ ver } " ;
src = " ${ pkgs . fetchFromGitHub {
owner = " h a s k e l l - s e r v a n t " ;
repo = " s e r v a n t " ;
rev = " v ${ ver } " ;
2020-02-07 01:12:49 -08:00
sha256 = " 0 x k 3 c z k 3 j h q j x h y 0 g 8 r 2 2 4 8 m 8 y x g v m q h g n 9 5 5 k 9 2 z 0 h 7 p 0 2 l f s 8 9 " ;
2017-01-14 16:21:36 -08:00
} } /doc " ;
2019-02-02 02:56:04 -08:00
# Needed after sphinx 1.7.9 -> 1.8.3
postPatch = ''
substituteInPlace conf . py - - replace " ' . m d ' : C o m m o n M a r k P a r s e r , " " "
'' ;
2018-11-30 15:33:46 -08:00
nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs . buildPackages . pythonPackages ; [ sphinx recommonmark sphinx_rtd_theme ] ;
2019-10-27 06:03:25 -07:00
makeFlags = [ " h t m l " ] ;
2017-01-14 16:21:36 -08:00
installPhase = ''
mv _build/html $ out
'' ;
} ;
in overrideCabal super . servant ( old : {
postInstall = old . postInstall or " " + ''
2019-05-12 14:55:19 -07:00
ln - s $ { docs } '' ${ ! outputDoc } / s h a r e / d o c / s e r v a n t
2017-01-14 16:21:36 -08:00
'' ;
} ) ;
2016-09-17 10:49:38 -07:00
# https://github.com/pontarius/pontarius-xmpp/issues/105
pontarius-xmpp = dontCheck super . pontarius-xmpp ;
2017-03-21 17:25:47 -07:00
# fails with sandbox
yi-keymap-vim = dontCheck super . yi-keymap-vim ;
2016-10-05 12:06:39 -07:00
# https://github.com/bmillwood/applicative-quoters/issues/6
applicative-quoters = doJailbreak super . applicative-quoters ;
2016-10-17 13:17:33 -07:00
# https://github.com/roelvandijk/terminal-progress-bar/issues/13
2017-10-16 04:08:10 -07:00
# Still needed because of HUnit < 1.6
2016-10-17 13:17:33 -07:00
terminal-progress-bar = doJailbreak super . terminal-progress-bar ;
2016-10-29 07:58:35 -07:00
# https://hydra.nixos.org/build/42769611/nixlog/1/raw
# note: the library is unmaintained, no upstream issue
dataenc = doJailbreak super . dataenc ;
2017-02-15 06:44:30 -08:00
# https://github.com/divipp/ActiveHs-misc/issues/10
data-pprint = doJailbreak super . data-pprint ;
2016-11-02 08:22:29 -07:00
# horribly outdated (X11 interface changed a lot)
sindre = markBroken super . sindre ;
2016-11-06 23:25:33 -08:00
# Test suite occasionally runs for 1+ days on Hydra.
distributed-process-tests = dontCheck super . distributed-process-tests ;
2016-11-08 23:42:38 -08:00
# https://github.com/mulby/diff-parse/issues/9
diff-parse = doJailbreak super . diff-parse ;
2016-11-09 11:45:52 -08:00
# https://github.com/josefs/STMonadTrans/issues/4
STMonadTrans = dontCheck super . STMonadTrans ;
2017-01-28 01:56:01 -08:00
# No upstream issue tracker
hspec-expectations-pretty-diff = dontCheck super . hspec-expectations-pretty-diff ;
2017-02-12 04:48:58 -08:00
# https://github.com/basvandijk/lifted-base/issues/34
2017-10-16 04:08:10 -07:00
# Still needed as HUnit < 1.5
2017-02-12 04:48:58 -08:00
lifted-base = doJailbreak super . lifted-base ;
2017-02-12 04:59:12 -08:00
# Don't depend on chell-quickcheck, which doesn't compile due to restricting
# QuickCheck to versions ">=2.3 && <2.9".
system-filepath = dontCheck super . system-filepath ;
2017-02-12 05:08:26 -08:00
# https://github.com/basvandijk/case-insensitive/issues/24
2017-10-16 04:08:10 -07:00
# Still needed as HUnit < 1.6
2017-02-12 05:08:26 -08:00
case-insensitive = doJailbreak super . case-insensitive ;
2017-02-12 05:39:00 -08:00
# https://github.com/hvr/uuid/issues/28
uuid-types = doJailbreak super . uuid-types ;
uuid = doJailbreak super . uuid ;
2017-02-12 09:04:17 -08:00
# https://github.com/ekmett/lens/issues/713
lens = disableCabalFlag super . lens " t e s t - d o c t e s t s " ;
2017-02-14 04:23:12 -08:00
# https://github.com/haskell/fgl/issues/60
2017-10-16 04:08:10 -07:00
# Needed for QuickCheck < 2.10
2018-05-29 15:19:10 -07:00
fgl = dontCheck super . fgl ;
2017-02-14 04:23:12 -08:00
fgl-arbitrary = doJailbreak super . fgl-arbitrary ;
2017-10-16 04:08:10 -07:00
# The tests spuriously fail
libmpd = dontCheck super . libmpd ;
2017-03-01 08:25:17 -08:00
2017-03-02 02:03:25 -08:00
# https://github.com/dan-t/cabal-lenses/issues/6
2017-03-01 08:25:17 -08:00
cabal-lenses = doJailbreak super . cabal-lenses ;
2017-02-28 05:53:33 -08:00
2017-03-03 02:45:08 -08:00
# https://github.com/fizruk/http-api-data/issues/49
http-api-data = dontCheck super . http-api-data ;
2017-03-04 05:03:24 -08:00
# https://github.com/diagrams/diagrams-lib/issues/288
diagrams-lib = overrideCabal super . diagrams-lib ( drv : { doCheck = ! pkgs . stdenv . isi686 ; } ) ;
2017-03-08 08:18:18 -08:00
# https://github.com/danidiaz/streaming-eversion/issues/1
streaming-eversion = dontCheck super . streaming-eversion ;
2017-03-13 04:27:08 -07:00
2017-03-31 02:15:17 -07:00
# https://github.com/danidiaz/tailfile-hinotify/issues/2
tailfile-hinotify = dontCheck super . tailfile-hinotify ;
2017-05-26 11:32:39 -07:00
2017-06-16 04:34:17 -07:00
# Test suite fails: https://github.com/lymar/hastache/issues/46.
# Don't install internal mkReadme tool.
hastache = overrideCabal super . hastache ( drv : {
doCheck = false ;
postInstall = " r m $ o u t / b i n / m k R e a d m e & & r m d i r $ o u t / b i n " ;
} ) ;
2017-07-18 07:50:20 -07:00
# Has a dependency on outdated versions of directory.
cautious-file = doJailbreak ( dontCheck super . cautious-file ) ;
2017-07-19 23:40:56 -07:00
# https://github.com/diagrams/diagrams-solve/issues/4
diagrams-solve = dontCheck super . diagrams-solve ;
2017-07-27 07:09:39 -07:00
# test suite does not compile with recent versions of QuickCheck
integer-logarithms = dontCheck ( super . integer-logarithms ) ;
2017-08-08 11:56:31 -07:00
# missing dependencies: blaze-html >=0.5 && <0.9, blaze-markup >=0.5 && <0.8
digestive-functors-blaze = doJailbreak super . digestive-functors-blaze ;
2017-10-16 04:08:10 -07:00
digestive-functors = doJailbreak super . digestive-functors ;
2017-08-08 11:56:31 -07:00
2017-08-08 14:28:31 -07:00
# missing dependencies: doctest ==0.12.*
html-entities = doJailbreak super . html-entities ;
2017-09-01 04:38:24 -07:00
# https://github.com/takano-akio/filelock/issues/5
filelock = dontCheck super . filelock ;
2019-05-02 01:17:09 -07:00
# Wrap the generated binaries to include their run-time dependencies in
# $PATH. Also, cryptol needs a version of sbl that's newer than what we have
# in LTS-13.x.
2019-08-10 03:58:52 -07:00
cryptol = overrideCabal super . cryptol ( drv : {
2019-04-02 15:39:53 -07:00
buildTools = drv . buildTools or [ ] ++ [ pkgs . makeWrapper ] ;
postInstall = drv . postInstall or " " + ''
for b in $ out/bin/cryptol $ out/bin/cryptol-html ; do
wrapProgram $ b - - prefix ' PATH' ' : ' " ${ pkgs . lib . getBin pkgs . z3 } / b i n "
'' ;
2019-05-02 01:17:09 -07:00
} ) ;
2017-09-14 05:53:47 -07:00
2017-10-16 04:08:10 -07:00
# Tests try to invoke external process and process == 1.4
2017-09-10 02:17:24 -07:00
grakn = dontCheck ( doJailbreak super . grakn ) ;
2017-09-10 03:09:23 -07:00
2017-09-21 21:50:11 -07:00
# test suite requires git and does a bunch of git operations
2017-12-29 07:45:38 -08:00
# doJailbreak because of hardcoded time, seems to be fixed upstream
restless-git = dontCheck ( doJailbreak super . restless-git ) ;
2017-09-28 03:27:19 -07:00
2017-10-17 02:52:02 -07:00
# Depends on broken fluid.
fluid-idl-http-client = markBroken super . fluid-idl-http-client ;
2017-10-18 00:53:07 -07:00
fluid-idl-scotty = markBroken super . fluid-idl-scotty ;
2017-10-17 02:52:02 -07:00
2018-04-28 03:43:19 -07:00
# Work around https://github.com/haskell/c2hs/issues/192.
c2hs = dontCheck super . c2hs ;
2017-11-10 10:26:24 -08:00
2017-12-04 14:29:47 -08:00
# Needs pginit to function and pgrep to verify.
tmp-postgres = overrideCabal super . tmp-postgres ( drv : {
libraryToolDepends = drv . libraryToolDepends or [ ] ++ [ pkgs . postgresql ] ;
testToolDepends = drv . testToolDepends or [ ] ++ [ pkgs . procps ] ;
} ) ;
2017-12-11 05:33:32 -08:00
2017-12-19 13:11:13 -08:00
# Needs QuickCheck <2.10, which we don't have.
2017-12-19 12:59:01 -08:00
edit-distance = doJailbreak super . edit-distance ;
2017-12-19 13:11:13 -08:00
blaze-markup = doJailbreak super . blaze-markup ;
2017-12-19 13:15:18 -08:00
blaze-html = doJailbreak super . blaze-html ;
2017-12-19 13:13:37 -08:00
attoparsec = dontCheck super . attoparsec ; # 1 out of 67 tests fails
2017-12-19 13:49:40 -08:00
int-cast = doJailbreak super . int-cast ;
2017-12-19 13:58:06 -08:00
nix-derivation = doJailbreak super . nix-derivation ;
2017-12-19 12:59:01 -08:00
2017-12-20 04:17:19 -08:00
# Needs QuickCheck <2.10, HUnit <1.6 and base <4.10
pointfree = doJailbreak super . pointfree ;
2017-12-19 13:03:14 -08:00
# Needs tasty-quickcheck ==0.8.*, which we don't have.
2018-05-29 15:07:19 -07:00
cryptohash-sha256 = dontCheck super . cryptohash-sha256 ;
2017-12-19 13:10:41 -08:00
cryptohash-sha1 = doJailbreak super . cryptohash-sha1 ;
cryptohash-md5 = doJailbreak super . cryptohash-md5 ;
2017-12-19 13:43:37 -08:00
text-short = doJailbreak super . text-short ;
2018-01-17 08:18:16 -08:00
gitHUD = dontCheck super . gitHUD ;
2018-11-19 06:33:29 -08:00
githud = dontCheck super . githud ;
2017-12-19 13:03:14 -08:00
2017-12-19 14:03:16 -08:00
# https://github.com/aisamanra/config-ini/issues/12
config-ini = dontCheck super . config-ini ;
2017-12-19 14:26:42 -08:00
# doctest >=0.9 && <0.12
genvalidity-property = doJailbreak super . genvalidity-property ;
2017-12-19 14:27:39 -08:00
path = dontCheck super . path ;
2017-12-19 14:26:42 -08:00
2017-10-16 04:08:10 -07:00
# Test suite fails due to trying to create directories
path-io = dontCheck super . path-io ;
2017-12-19 14:29:20 -08:00
# Duplicate instance with smallcheck.
store = dontCheck super . store ;
2017-12-20 06:00:20 -08:00
# With ghc-8.2.x haddock would time out for unknown reason
# See https://github.com/haskell/haddock/issues/679
language-puppet = dontHaddock super . language-puppet ;
2018-06-26 12:33:14 -07:00
filecache = overrideCabal super . filecache ( drv : { doCheck = ! pkgs . stdenv . isDarwin ; } ) ;
2017-12-20 06:00:20 -08:00
2017-12-22 09:48:07 -08:00
# https://github.com/alphaHeavy/protobuf/issues/34
protobuf = dontCheck super . protobuf ;
2017-12-22 10:54:01 -08:00
2018-01-02 13:07:29 -08:00
# https://github.com/bos/text-icu/issues/32
text-icu = dontCheck super . text-icu ;
2018-03-14 13:08:43 -07:00
# aarch64 and armv7l fixes.
treewide: isArm -> isAarch32
Following legacy packing conventions, `isArm` was defined just for
32-bit ARM instruction set. This is confusing to non packagers though,
because Aarch64 is an ARM instruction set.
The official ARM overview for ARMv8[1] is surprisingly not confusing,
given the overall state of affairs for ARM naming conventions, and
offers us a solution. It divides the nomenclature into three levels:
ISA: ARMv8 {-A, -R, -M}
/ \
Mode: Aarch32 Aarch64
| / \
Encoding: A64 A32 T32
At the top is the overall v8 instruction set archicture. Second are the
two modes, defined by bitwidth but differing in other semantics too, and
buttom are the encodings, (hopefully?) isomorphic if they encode the
same mode.
The 32 bit encodings are mostly backwards compatible with previous
non-Thumb and Thumb encodings, and if so we can pun the mode names to
instead mean "sets of compatable or isomorphic encodings", and then
voilà we have nice names for 32-bit and 64-bit arm instruction sets
which do not use the word ARM so as to not confused either laymen or
experienced ARM packages.
[1]: https://developer.arm.com/products/architecture/a-profile
2018-03-19 19:41:06 -07:00
happy = if ( pkgs . stdenv . hostPlatform . isAarch32 || pkgs . stdenv . hostPlatform . isAarch64 ) then dontCheck super . happy else super . happy ; # Similar to https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/13062
hashable = if ( pkgs . stdenv . hostPlatform . isAarch32 || pkgs . stdenv . hostPlatform . isAarch64 ) then dontCheck super . hashable else super . hashable ; # https://github.com/tibbe/hashable/issues/95
2019-01-08 18:19:17 -08:00
servant-docs =
f = if ( pkgs . stdenv . hostPlatform . isAarch32 || pkgs . stdenv . hostPlatform . isAarch64 )
then dontCheck
else pkgs . lib . id ;
in doJailbreak ( f super . servant-docs ) ; # jailbreak tasty < 1.2 until servant-docs > 0.11.3 is on hackage.
treewide: isArm -> isAarch32
Following legacy packing conventions, `isArm` was defined just for
32-bit ARM instruction set. This is confusing to non packagers though,
because Aarch64 is an ARM instruction set.
The official ARM overview for ARMv8[1] is surprisingly not confusing,
given the overall state of affairs for ARM naming conventions, and
offers us a solution. It divides the nomenclature into three levels:
ISA: ARMv8 {-A, -R, -M}
/ \
Mode: Aarch32 Aarch64
| / \
Encoding: A64 A32 T32
At the top is the overall v8 instruction set archicture. Second are the
two modes, defined by bitwidth but differing in other semantics too, and
buttom are the encodings, (hopefully?) isomorphic if they encode the
same mode.
The 32 bit encodings are mostly backwards compatible with previous
non-Thumb and Thumb encodings, and if so we can pun the mode names to
instead mean "sets of compatable or isomorphic encodings", and then
voilà we have nice names for 32-bit and 64-bit arm instruction sets
which do not use the word ARM so as to not confused either laymen or
experienced ARM packages.
[1]: https://developer.arm.com/products/architecture/a-profile
2018-03-19 19:41:06 -07:00
swagger2 = if ( pkgs . stdenv . hostPlatform . isAarch32 || pkgs . stdenv . hostPlatform . isAarch64 ) then dontHaddock ( dontCheck super . swagger2 ) else super . swagger2 ;
2017-10-16 04:08:10 -07:00
2018-07-10 08:09:55 -07:00
# requires a release including https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-swagger/commit/249530d9f85fe76dfb18b100542f75a27e6a3079
servant-swagger = dontCheck super . servant-swagger ;
2017-10-16 04:08:10 -07:00
# Tries to read a file it is not allowed to in the test suite
load-env = dontCheck super . load-env ;
2018-01-26 10:31:37 -08:00
# Copy hledger man pages from data directory into the proper place. This code
# should be moved into the cabal2nix generator.
hledger = overrideCabal super . hledger ( drv : {
postInstall = ''
2019-02-21 03:09:50 -08:00
# Don't install files that don't belong into this package to avoid
# conflicts when hledger and hledger-ui end up in the same profile.
rm embeddedfiles/hledger- { api , ui , web } . *
2018-01-26 10:31:37 -08:00
for i in $ ( seq 1 9 ) ; do
2018-04-01 02:42:53 -07:00
for j in embeddedfiles /* . $ i ; d o
2018-01-26 10:31:37 -08:00
mkdir - p $ out/share/man/man $ i
2018-04-01 02:42:53 -07:00
cp - v $ j $ out/share/man/man $ i /
2018-01-26 10:31:37 -08:00
2018-02-05 17:07:39 -08:00
mkdir - p $ out/share/info
2018-04-01 02:42:53 -07:00
cp - v embeddedfiles /* . i n f o * $ o u t / s h a r e / i n f o /
2018-01-26 10:31:37 -08:00
'' ;
} ) ;
2019-02-21 03:10:49 -08:00
hledger-ui = overrideCabal super . hledger-ui ( drv : {
2018-01-26 10:31:37 -08:00
postInstall = ''
for i in $ ( seq 1 9 ) ; do
2018-04-01 02:42:53 -07:00
for j in * . $ i ; do
2018-01-26 10:31:37 -08:00
mkdir - p $ out/share/man/man $ i
2018-04-01 02:42:53 -07:00
cp - v $ j $ out/share/man/man $ i /
2018-01-26 10:31:37 -08:00
2018-02-05 17:07:39 -08:00
mkdir - p $ out/share/info
2018-04-01 02:42:53 -07:00
cp - v * . info * $ out/share/info /
2018-07-09 16:23:50 -07:00
'' ;
2018-12-03 11:03:37 -08:00
} ) ;
2018-01-26 10:31:37 -08:00
hledger-web = overrideCabal super . hledger-web ( drv : {
postInstall = ''
for i in $ ( seq 1 9 ) ; do
2018-04-01 02:42:53 -07:00
for j in * . $ i ; do
2018-01-26 10:31:37 -08:00
mkdir - p $ out/share/man/man $ i
2018-04-01 02:42:53 -07:00
cp - v $ j $ out/share/man/man $ i /
2018-01-26 10:31:37 -08:00
2018-02-05 17:07:39 -08:00
mkdir - p $ out/share/info
2018-04-01 02:42:53 -07:00
cp - v * . info * $ out/share/info /
2018-01-26 10:31:37 -08:00
'' ;
} ) ;
2019-09-02 06:19:40 -07:00
# https://github.com/haskell-rewriting/term-rewriting/pull/15
# remove on next hackage update
term-rewriting = doJailbreak super . term-rewriting ;
2018-09-28 00:45:22 -07:00
2019-09-02 06:19:40 -07:00
# https://github.com/GaloisInc/pure-zlib/pull/11
2018-03-22 00:46:40 -07:00
pure-zlib = doJailbreak super . pure-zlib ;
2019-09-02 06:19:40 -07:00
# https://github.com/strake/lenz-template.hs/pull/2
2018-03-26 13:13:46 -07:00
lenz-template = doJailbreak super . lenz-template ;
2019-09-02 06:19:40 -07:00
# https://github.com/haskell-hvr/resolv/pull/6
2018-03-29 03:32:15 -07:00
resolv = dontCheck super . resolv ;
2019-08-28 08:38:36 -07:00
resolv_0_1_1_2 = dontCheck super . resolv_0_1_1_2 ;
2018-03-29 03:32:15 -07:00
2018-03-27 01:55:20 -07:00
# spdx needs older tasty
# was fixed in spdx master (4288df6e4b7840eb94d825dcd446b42fef25ef56)
spdx = dontCheck super . spdx ;
2018-04-02 11:00:43 -07:00
# The test suite does not know how to find the 'alex' binary.
2019-09-16 13:11:40 -07:00
alex = overrideCabal super . alex ( drv : {
2018-07-04 04:18:21 -07:00
testSystemDepends = ( drv . testSystemDepends or [ ] ) ++ [ pkgs . which ] ;
2018-04-02 11:00:43 -07:00
preCheck = '' e x p o r t P A T H = " $P W D / d i s t / b u i l d / a l e x : $P A T H " '' ;
} ) ;
2018-04-19 02:23:20 -07:00
# This package refers to the wrong library (itself in fact!)
vulkan = super . vulkan . override { vulkan = pkgs . vulkan-loader ; } ;
2018-04-20 08:51:07 -07:00
2018-07-09 16:23:50 -07:00
# # Builds only with the latest version of indexed-list-literals.
# vector-sized_1_0_3_0 = super.vector-sized_1_0_3_0.override {
# indexed-list-literals = self.indexed-list-literals_0_2_1_1;
# };
2018-04-20 09:19:19 -07:00
2018-04-25 04:47:39 -07:00
# https://github.com/dmwit/encoding/pull/3
2019-09-02 06:19:40 -07:00
encoding = doJailbreak ( appendPatch super . encoding ./patches/encoding-Cabal-2.0.patch ) ;
2018-04-25 04:47:39 -07:00
2018-05-07 04:26:42 -07:00
# Work around overspecified constraint on github ==0.18.
github-backup = doJailbreak super . github-backup ;
2018-07-09 16:23:50 -07:00
# Test suite depends on old QuickCheck 2.10.x.
cassava = dontCheck super . cassava ;
# Test suite depends on cabal-install
doctest = dontCheck super . doctest ;
2018-07-25 01:02:22 -07:00
# https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-auth/issues/113
servant-auth-client = dontCheck super . servant-auth-client ;
2018-07-09 16:23:50 -07:00
# Test has either build errors or fails anyway, depending on the compiler.
vector-algorithms = dontCheck super . vector-algorithms ;
# The test suite attempts to use the network.
2020-02-21 02:58:27 -08:00
dhall = generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion " d h a l l " ( dontCheck super . dhall ) ;
2018-11-03 16:45:14 -07:00
2019-08-25 02:20:00 -07:00
# Missing test files in source distribution, fixed once 1.4.0 is bumped
# https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/997
2018-11-03 16:45:14 -07:00
dhall-json =
generateOptparseApplicativeCompletions [ " d h a l l - t o - j s o n " " d h a l l - t o - y a m l " ] (
2019-08-25 02:20:00 -07:00
dontCheck super . dhall-json
2018-11-03 16:45:14 -07:00
) ;
dhall-nix =
generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion " d h a l l - t o - n i x " (
super . dhall-nix
) ;
2018-07-09 16:23:50 -07:00
2019-03-04 19:59:51 -08:00
# https://github.com/haskell-hvr/netrc/pull/2#issuecomment-469526558
netrc = doJailbreak super . netrc ;
2018-07-22 07:43:30 -07:00
# https://github.com/haskell-hvr/hgettext/issues/14
hgettext = doJailbreak super . hgettext ;
2019-10-02 06:35:50 -07:00
# 2.23.0 supports GHC 8.x and up
haddock = super . haddock_2_22_0 ;
2019-06-21 14:10:48 -07:00
# haddock-api-2.22.0: Break out of “QuickCheck ==2.11.*, hspec >=2.4.4 && <2.6”
2019-10-02 06:35:50 -07:00
haddock-api = dontHaddock ( doJailbreak ( super . haddock-api_2_22_0 ) ) ;
2019-06-21 14:10:48 -07:00
2018-07-10 03:15:29 -07:00
# The test suite is broken. Break out of "base-compat >=0.9.3 && <0.10, hspec >=2.4.4 && <2.5".
haddock-library = doJailbreak ( dontCheck super . haddock-library ) ;
2018-12-26 02:23:56 -08:00
# Generate shell completion.
cabal2nix = generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion " c a b a l 2 n i x " super . cabal2nix ;
2020-02-29 06:32:44 -08:00
stack =
2020-03-05 05:07:35 -08:00
stackWithOverrides =
super . stack . override {
# stack- requires pantry-
pantry = self . pantry_0_2_0_0 ;
} ;
2020-02-29 06:32:44 -08:00
" s t a c k "
2020-03-05 05:07:35 -08:00
( appendPatches stackWithOverrides [
2020-02-29 06:32:44 -08:00
# This PR fixes stack up to be able to build with Cabal-3. This patch
# can probably be dropped when the next stack release is made after
( pkgs . fetchpatch {
url = " h t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / c o m m e r c i a l h a s k e l l / s t a c k / p u l l / 5 1 5 6 . d i f f " ;
sha256 = " 0 k n k 6 f 9 f h 1 b 4 f x k h v x 5 g f r w c l a l 4 v i 2 v a 4 z y 3 4 g p m w n j r 7 k n f 4 2 y " ;
excludes = [
" s n a p s h o t - l t s - 1 2 . y a m l "
" s n a p s h o t - n i g h t l y . y a m l "
" s n a p s h o t . y a m l "
] ;
} )
# This patch fixes stack up to be able to build various GHC-8.8 changes.
# This can hopefully be dropped when the next stack release is made
# after (assuming the next stack release uses GHC-8.8).
] ) ;
2018-07-10 11:03:13 -07:00
2018-07-11 20:32:30 -07:00
# musl fixes
# dontCheck: use of non-standard strptime "%s" which musl doesn't support; only used in test
unix-time = if pkgs . stdenv . hostPlatform . isMusl then dontCheck super . unix-time else super . unix-time ;
# dontCheck: printf double rounding behavior
prettyprinter = if pkgs . stdenv . hostPlatform . isMusl then dontCheck super . prettyprinter else super . prettyprinter ;
2018-07-13 21:39:17 -07:00
# Fix with Cabal 2.2, https://github.com/guillaume-nargeot/hpc-coveralls/pull/73
hpc-coveralls = appendPatch super . hpc-coveralls ( pkgs . fetchpatch {
url = " h t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / g u i l l a u m e - n a r g e o t / h p c - c o v e r a l l s / p u l l / 7 3 / c o m m i t s / 3 4 4 2 1 7 f 5 1 3 b 7 a d f b 9 0 3 7 f 7 3 0 2 6 f 5 d 9 2 8 b e 9 8 d 0 7 f . p a t c h " ;
sha256 = " 0 5 6 r k 5 8 v 9 h 1 1 4 m j x 6 2 f 4 1 x 9 7 1 x n 9 p 3 n h s a z c f 9 z r c y x h 1 y m r d m 8 j " ;
} ) ;
2018-07-23 17:32:00 -07:00
# Tests require a browser: https://github.com/ku-fpg/blank-canvas/issues/73
blank-canvas = dontCheck super . blank-canvas ;
blank-canvas_0_6_2 = dontCheck super . blank-canvas_0_6_2 ;
2018-07-31 20:28:33 -07:00
# needed because of testing-feat >= && <1.1
language-ecmascript = doJailbreak super . language-ecmascript ;
2018-08-02 17:00:47 -07:00
2018-08-09 11:15:20 -07:00
# sexpr is old, broken and has no issue-tracker. Let's fix it the best we can.
2018-08-02 17:00:47 -07:00
sexpr =
appendPatch ( overrideCabal super . sexpr ( drv : {
isExecutable = false ;
libraryHaskellDepends = drv . libraryHaskellDepends ++ [ self . QuickCheck ] ;
} ) ) ./patches/sexpr-0.2.1.patch ;
2018-08-09 11:15:20 -07:00
2018-08-17 06:02:24 -07:00
# https://github.com/haskell/hoopl/issues/50
hoopl = dontCheck super . hoopl ;
2018-08-17 06:25:35 -07:00
# https://github.com/snapframework/xmlhtml/pull/37
xmlhtml = doJailbreak super . xmlhtml ;
2018-11-03 16:45:14 -07:00
2019-11-06 02:48:41 -08:00
purescript =
purescriptWithOverrides = super . purescript . override {
# PureScript requires an older version of happy.
happy = self . happy_1_19_9 ;
} ;
# PureScript is built against LTS-13, so we need to jailbreak it to
# accept more recent versions of the libraries it requires.
jailBrokenPurescript = doJailbreak purescriptWithOverrides ;
# Haddocks for PureScript can't be built.
# https://github.com/purescript/purescript/pull/3745
dontHaddockPurescript = dontHaddock jailBrokenPurescript ;
# Generate shell completions
generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion " p u r s " dontHaddockPurescript ;
2018-11-03 16:45:14 -07:00
2019-02-09 16:36:38 -08:00
# https://github.com/kcsongor/generic-lens/pull/65
generic-lens = dontCheck super . generic-lens ;
2018-09-28 01:42:36 -07:00
2018-10-18 16:12:01 -07:00
# https://github.com/danfran/cabal-macosx/issues/13
cabal-macosx = dontCheck super . cabal-macosx ;
2018-10-19 01:27:12 -07:00
# https://github.com/DanielG/cabal-helper/issues/59
cabal-helper = doJailbreak super . cabal-helper ;
2018-11-19 06:44:32 -08:00
# TODO(Profpatsch): factor out local nix store setup from
# lib/tests/release.nix and use that for the tests of libnix
# libnix = overrideCabal super.libnix (old: {
# testToolDepends = old.testToolDepends or [] ++ [ pkgs.nix ];
# });
libnix = dontCheck super . libnix ;
2018-12-04 03:17:13 -08:00
# The test suite tries to mess with ALSA, which doesn't work in the build sandbox.
xmobar = dontCheck super . xmobar ;
2018-12-05 11:45:32 -08:00
# https://github.com/mgajda/json-autotype/issues/25
json-autotype = dontCheck super . json-autotype ;
2019-01-08 18:20:27 -08:00
# Jailbreak tasty < 1.2: https://github.com/phadej/tdigest/issues/30
2019-01-08 18:15:43 -08:00
tdigest = doJailbreak super . tdigest ; # until tdigest > 0.2.1
2019-04-30 04:22:14 -07:00
# Requires pg_ctl command during tests
beam-postgres = overrideCabal super . beam-postgres ( drv : {
testToolDepends = ( drv . testToolDepends or [ ] ) ++ [ pkgs . postgresql ] ;
} ) ;
2019-02-04 04:04:06 -08:00
2018-12-30 01:31:42 -08:00
# Fix for base >= 4.11
scat = overrideCabal super . scat ( drv : {
patches = [ ( pkgs . fetchpatch {
url = " h t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / r e d e l m a n n / s c a t / p u l l / 6 . d i f f " ;
sha256 = " 0 7 n j 2 p 0 k g 0 5 l i v h g p 1 h k k d p h 0 j 0 a 6 l b 2 1 6 f 8 x 3 4 8 q j a s y 0 l z b f h l " ;
} ) ] ;
} ) ;
2019-03-24 02:54:44 -07:00
# Remove unecessary constraint:
# https://github.com/agrafix/superbuffer/pull/2
superbuffer = overrideCabal super . superbuffer ( drv : {
postPatch = ''
sed - i ' s #QuickCheck < 2.10#QuickCheck < 2.13#' superbuffer.cabal
'' ;
} ) ;
2019-08-10 02:25:21 -07:00
# test suite failure: https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/5582
pandoc = dontCheck super . pandoc ;
2019-02-15 05:57:46 -08:00
2019-03-09 08:37:46 -08:00
# Fix build with attr-2.4.48 (see #53716)
xattr = appendPatch super . xattr ./patches/xattr-fix-build.patch ;
2019-05-02 11:14:15 -07:00
# Some tests depend on a postgresql instance
# Haddock failure: https://github.com/haskell/haddock/issues/979
esqueleto = dontHaddock ( dontCheck super . esqueleto ) ;
2019-05-23 06:35:13 -07:00
# Requires API keys to run tests
algolia = dontCheck super . algolia ;
# antiope-s3's latest stackage version has a hspec < 2.6 requirement, but
# hspec which isn't in stackage is already past that
antiope-s3 = doJailbreak super . antiope-s3 ;
# Has tasty < 1.2 requirement, but works just fine with 1.2
temporary-resourcet = doJailbreak super . temporary-resourcet ;
# Requires dhall >= 1.23.0
2020-03-09 18:55:21 -07:00
ats-pkg = dontCheck ( super . ats-pkg . override { dhall = self . dhall_1_29_0 ; } ) ;
2019-05-23 06:35:13 -07:00
2020-03-10 07:42:05 -07:00
# fake a home dir and capture generated man page
ats-format = overrideCabal super . ats-format ( old : {
preConfigure = " e x p o r t H O M E = $ P W D " ;
postBuild = " m v . l o c a l / s h a r e $ o u t " ;
} ) ;
2019-06-01 07:33:17 -07:00
# Test suite doesn't work with current QuickCheck
# https://github.com/pruvisto/heap/issues/11
heap = dontCheck super . heap ;
2019-06-13 13:05:51 -07:00
# Test suite won't link for no apparent reason.
constraints-deriving = dontCheck super . constraints-deriving ;
2019-08-13 11:00:59 -07:00
# QuickCheck >=2.3 && <2.13, hspec >=2.1 && <2.7
graphviz = dontCheck super . graphviz ;
2019-08-21 12:29:03 -07:00
# https://github.com/elliottt/hsopenid/issues/15
openid = markBroken super . openid ;
2019-09-07 10:50:07 -07:00
# The test suite needs the packages's executables in $PATH to succeed.
arbtt = overrideCabal super . arbtt ( drv : {
preCheck = ''
for i in $ PWD/dist/build /* ; d o
export PATH = " $ i : $ P A T H "
'' ;
} ) ;
2019-10-10 23:36:48 -07:00
# Version bounds for http-client are too strict:
# https://github.com/bitnomial/prometheus/issues/34
prometheus = doJailbreak super . prometheus ;
2019-10-11 20:57:59 -07:00
# Tasty-tap tests are out-of-date with TAP format
# https://github.com/MichaelXavier/tasty-tap/issues/2
tasty-tap = appendPatch super . tasty-tap ( pkgs . fetchpatch {
url = https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/MichaelXavier/tasty-tap/pull/3.diff ;
sha256 = " 0 l 8 z b c 5 6 d y 8 i l x l 3 k 4 9 a i k n m f h g p c g 3 j h s 7 2 l h 3 d k 5 1 d 0 a 0 9 d 9 s v " ;
} ) ;
2019-10-13 14:16:24 -07:00
# The doctests in universum-1.5.0 are broken. The doctests in versions of universum after
# 1.5.0 should be fixed, so this should be able to be removed.
universum = dontCheck super . universum ;
2019-10-18 12:41:16 -07:00
# https://github.com/erikd/hjsmin/issues/32
hjsmin = dontCheck super . hjsmin ;
2019-10-18 13:36:05 -07:00
# https://github.com/blamario/grampa/issues/19
rank2classes = dontCheck super . rank2classes ;
2019-10-18 13:38:31 -07:00
nix-tools = super . nix-tools . overrideScope ( self : super : {
# Needs https://github.com/peti/hackage-db/pull/9
hackage-db = super . hackage-db . overrideAttrs ( old : {
src = pkgs . fetchFromGitHub {
owner = " E l v i s h J e r r i c c o " ;
repo = " h a c k a g e - d b " ;
rev = " 8 4 c a 9 f c 7 5 a d 4 5 a 7 1 8 8 0 e 9 3 8 e 0 d 9 3 e a 4 b d e 0 5 f 5 b d " ;
sha256 = " 0 y 3 k w 1 h r x h s q m y x 5 9 s x b a 8 n p j 4 y a 8 d p g j l j c 2 1 g k g d v d y 9 6 2 8 q 4 c " ;
} ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2019-10-20 07:51:36 -07:00
# upstream issue: https://github.com/vmchale/atspkg/issues/12
language-ats = dontCheck super . language-ats ;
2019-10-30 03:14:49 -07:00
# https://github.com/Happstack/web-routes-th/pull/3
web-routes-th = doJailbreak super . web-routes-th ;
2019-11-06 11:08:44 -08:00
# Remove for hail >
hail = overrideCabal super . hail ( drv : {
patches = [
( pkgs . fetchpatch {
# Relax dependency constraints,
# upstream PR: https://github.com/james-preston/hail/pull/13
url = " h t t p s : / / p a t c h - d i f f . g i t h u b u s e r c o n t e n t . c o m / r a w / j a m e s - p r e s t o n / h a i l / p u l l / 1 3 . p a t c h " ;
sha256 = " 0 3 9 p 5 m q g i c b h l d 2 z 4 4 c b v s m a m 3 p z 0 p y 3 y b a i f w r j s n 1 y 6 9 l d s m k x " ;
} )
( pkgs . fetchpatch {
# Relax dependency constraints,
# upstream PR: https://github.com/james-preston/hail/pull/15
url = " h t t p s : / / p a t c h - d i f f . g i t h u b u s e r c o n t e n t . c o m / r a w / j a m e s - p r e s t o n / h a i l / p u l l / 1 5 . p a t c h " ;
sha256 = " 0 3 k d v r 8 h x i 6 i s b 8 y x p 5 r g c m z 8 5 5 n 1 9 m 1 y a c n 3 d 5 6 a 4 i 5 8 j 2 m l d j w " ;
} )
] ;
} ) ;
2019-11-15 11:59:53 -08:00
# Needs the corresponding version of haskell-src-exts.
2020-01-05 04:29:39 -08:00
haskell-src-exts-simple = super . haskell-src-exts-simple . override { haskell-src-exts = self . haskell-src-exts_1_23_0 ; } ;
2019-11-15 11:59:53 -08:00
2019-11-29 11:56:59 -08:00
# https://github.com/Daniel-Diaz/HaTeX/issues/144
HaTeX = dontCheck super . HaTeX ;
2019-11-29 11:57:30 -08:00
# https://github.com/kazu-yamamoto/dns/issues/150
dns = dontCheck super . dns ;
2020-02-27 05:15:57 -08:00
# Support recent versions of fast-logger.
spacecookie = doJailbreak super . spacecookie ;
2020-01-19 06:20:30 -08:00
2019-12-17 19:25:16 -08:00
# apply patches from https://github.com/snapframework/snap-server/pull/126
# manually until they are accepted upstream
snap-server = overrideCabal super . snap-server ( drv : {
patches = [ ( pkgs . fetchpatch {
# allow compilation with network >= 3
url = https://github.com/snapframework/snap-server/pull/126/commits/4338fe15d68e11e3c7fd0f9862f818864adc1d45.patch ;
sha256 = " 1 n l w 9 l c k m 3 f l z k m h k z w c 7 z x h d h 9 n s 3 3 w 8 p 8 d s 8 n f 5 7 4 n q r 5 c r 8 b v " ;
} )
( pkgs . fetchpatch {
# prefer fdSocket over unsafeFdSocket
url = https://github.com/snapframework/snap-server/pull/126/commits/410de2df123b1d56b3093720e9c6a1ad79fe9de6.patch ;
sha256 = " 0 8 p s v w 0 x n y 6 4 q 4 b w 1 n w g 0 1 p k z h 0 1 a k 5 4 2 l w 6 k 1 p s 7 c d c w a x k 0 n 9 4 " ;
} ) ] ;
} ) ;
2019-12-27 11:34:14 -08:00
# https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-blaze/issues/17
servant-blaze = doJailbreak super . servant-blaze ;
# https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant-ekg/issues/15
servant-ekg = doJailbreak super . servant-ekg ;
2020-01-10 12:02:44 -08:00
# krank-0.1.0 does not accept PyF-
krank = doJailbreak super . krank ;
2020-02-06 02:50:47 -08:00
# the test suite has an overly tight restriction on doctest
2020-02-07 05:34:07 -08:00
# See https://github.com/ekmett/perhaps/pull/5
2020-02-06 02:50:47 -08:00
perhaps = doJailbreak super . perhaps ;
2020-02-08 11:52:00 -08:00
# it wants to build a statically linked binary by default
hledger-flow = overrideCabal super . hledger-flow ( drv : {
postPatch = ( drv . postPatch or " " ) + ''
substituteInPlace hledger-flow . cabal - - replace " - s t a t i c " " "
'' ;
} ) ;
2020-02-17 09:45:05 -08:00
# cabal-fmt requires Cabal3
cabal-fmt = super . cabal-fmt . override { Cabal = self . Cabal_3_0_0_0 ; } ;
2020-02-17 12:29:19 -08:00
# Several gtk2hs-provided packages at v0.13.8.0 fail to build on Darwin
# until we pick up https://github.com/gtk2hs/gtk2hs/pull/293 so apply that
# patch here. That single patch is for the gtk2hs super-repo, out of which
# we extract the patch for each indvidiual project (glib/gio/pango/gtk/gtk3).
glib = appendPatch super . glib ( pkgs . fetchpatch {
url = " h t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / g t k 2 h s / g t k 2 h s / c o m m i t / 1 c f 2 f 9 b f f 2 4 2 7 d 3 9 9 8 6 e 3 2 8 8 0 d 1 3 8 3 c f f f 4 9 a b 0 e . p a t c h " ;
includes = [ " g l i b . c a b a l " ] ;
stripLen = 1 ;
sha256 = " 1 z d s s 1 x g s b i j s 3 k x 8 d p 5 a 8 1 q r y r f c 1 z m 1 x r d 2 0 w h n a 3 d q a k f 8 b 7 g " ;
} ) ;
gio = appendPatch super . gio ( pkgs . fetchpatch {
url = " h t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / g t k 2 h s / g t k 2 h s / c o m m i t / 1 c f 2 f 9 b f f 2 4 2 7 d 3 9 9 8 6 e 3 2 8 8 0 d 1 3 8 3 c f f f 4 9 a b 0 e . p a t c h " ;
includes = [ " g i o . c a b a l " ] ;
stripLen = 1 ;
sha256 = " 0 d 7 2 k 6 g q v g a x 9 j c q i 3 g z 1 g q n a r 7 j g 8 p 5 0 6 5 z 3 m w 2 f c w v d w 4 6 s 2 z v " ;
} ) ;
pango = appendPatch super . pango ( pkgs . fetchpatch {
url = " h t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / g t k 2 h s / g t k 2 h s / c o m m i t / 1 c f 2 f 9 b f f 2 4 2 7 d 3 9 9 8 6 e 3 2 8 8 0 d 1 3 8 3 c f f f 4 9 a b 0 e . p a t c h " ;
includes = [ " p a n g o . c a b a l " ] ;
stripLen = 1 ;
sha256 = " 0 d c 2 2 1 w l m y h c 2 4 h 6 y b f h b k x m c x 4 i 6 b v k b r 1 z g q i d b n j 3 y p 6 w 0 l 5 w " ;
} ) ;
# gtk/gtk3 have an additional complication: independent of the above
# fix, they need to be told on Darwin to use the Quartz
# rather than X11 backend (see eg https://github.com/gtk2hs/gtk2hs/issues/249).
gtk3 =
patchedGtk3 = appendPatch super . gtk3 ( pkgs . fetchpatch {
url = " h t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / g t k 2 h s / g t k 2 h s / c o m m i t / 1 c f 2 f 9 b f f 2 4 2 7 d 3 9 9 8 6 e 3 2 8 8 0 d 1 3 8 3 c f f f 4 9 a b 0 e . p a t c h " ;
includes = [ " g t k 3 . c a b a l " ] ;
stripLen = 1 ;
sha256 = " 0 z v j 0 d z f w f 9 b k s f h i 0 m 4 v 0 h 5 a i j 2 3 6 g d 0 q h y r 1 a d p d c j r k d 8 z b k d " ;
} ) ;
# The appendConfigureFlags should remain even after we can drop patchedGtk3.
appendConfigureFlags patchedGtk3 ( pkgs . lib . optional pkgs . stdenv . isDarwin " - f h a v e - q u a r t z - g t k " ) ;
gtk =
patchedGtk = appendPatch super . gtk ( pkgs . fetchpatch {
url = " h t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / g t k 2 h s / g t k 2 h s / c o m m i t / 1 c f 2 f 9 b f f 2 4 2 7 d 3 9 9 8 6 e 3 2 8 8 0 d 1 3 8 3 c f f f 4 9 a b 0 e . p a t c h " ;
includes = [ " g t k . c a b a l - r e n a m e d " ] ;
stripLen = 1 ;
sha256 = " 0 w b 0 s c v m h g 8 b 4 2 h x p n s 9 m 6 z a k 3 r 8 b 2 5 a 2 z 7 w g 6 v l 5 6 n 1 7 n b 6 3 5 l 7 " ;
# One final complication: the gtk cabal file in the source repo (as seen
# by the patch) is `gtk.cabal-renamed`, but this gets changed to the usual
# `gtk.cabal` before uploading to Hackage by a script.
postFetch = ''
substituteInPlace $ out - - replace " - r e n a m e d " " "
'' ;
} ) ;
# The appendConfigureFlags should remain even after we can drop patchedGtk.
appendConfigureFlags patchedGtk ( pkgs . lib . optional pkgs . stdenv . isDarwin " - f h a v e - q u a r t z - g t k " ) ;
2020-02-20 19:33:29 -08:00
# Chart-tests needs and compiles some modules from Chart itself
Chart-tests = ( addExtraLibrary super . Chart-tests self . QuickCheck ) . overrideAttrs ( old : {
preCheck = old . postPatch or " " + ''
tar - - one-top-level = ../chart - - strip-components = 1 - xf $ { self . Chart . src }
'' ;
} ) ;
2020-02-20 19:42:16 -08:00
# Unnecessary upper bound on vector <0.12.1
bitwise-enum = doJailbreak super . bitwise-enum ;
2020-02-21 13:21:30 -08:00
# This breaks because of version bounds, but compiles and runs fine.
# Last commit is 5 years ago, so we likely won't get upstream fixed soon.
# https://bitbucket.org/rvlm/hakyll-contrib-hyphenation/src/master/
# Therefore we jailbreak it.
hakyll-contrib-hyphenation = doJailbreak super . hakyll-contrib-hyphenation ;
2020-02-28 01:52:09 -08:00
# https://github.com/bergmark/feed/issues/43
feed = dontCheck super . feed ;
2020-03-05 18:19:52 -08:00
pantry_0_2_0_0 = appendPatches ( dontCheck super . pantry_0_2_0_0 ) [
2020-03-05 05:07:35 -08:00
# pantry- doesn't build with ghc-8.8, but there is a PR adding support.
2020-02-29 06:21:14 -08:00
# https://github.com/commercialhaskell/pantry/pull/6
2020-03-05 05:07:35 -08:00
# Currently stack- requires pantry-, but when a newer version of
# stack is released, it will probably use the newer pantry version, so we
# can completely get rid of pantry-
2020-02-29 06:21:14 -08:00
( pkgs . fetchpatch {
url = " h t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / c o m m e r c i a l h a s k e l l / p a n t r y / p u l l / 6 . d i f f " ;
sha256 = " 0 a m l 0 6 j s h p j h 3 a i s c s 5 a v 7 y 3 3 m 3 d 6 s 6 x 5 p z d v h 7 p k y 4 7 6 i z f g 8 7 k " ;
excludes = [
" . a z u r e / a z u r e - l i n u x - t e m p l a t e . y m l "
" . a z u r e / a z u r e - o s x - t e m p l a t e . y m l "
" . a z u r e / a z u r e - w i n d o w s - t e m p l a t e . y m l "
" p a c k a g e . y a m l "
" p a n t r y . c a b a l "
" s t a c k - l t s - 1 1 . y a m l "
" s t a c k - l t s - 1 2 . y a m l "
" s t a c k - n i g h t l y . y a m l "
" s t a c k - w i n d o w s . y a m l "
" s t a c k . y a m l "
] ;
} )
] ;
2020-03-02 02:47:42 -08:00
# https://github.com/serokell/nixfmt/pull/62
nixfmt = doJailbreak super . nixfmt ;
2020-03-06 11:38:52 -08:00
# https://github.com/phadej/binary-orphans/issues/45
binary-instances = dontCheck super . binary-instances ;
2020-03-06 11:39:21 -08:00
# Disabling the test suite lets the build succeed on older CPUs
# that are unable to run the generated library because they
# lack support for AES-NI, like some of our Hydra build slaves
# do. See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/81915 for
# details.
cryptonite = dontCheck super . cryptonite ;
2020-03-06 13:11:33 -08:00
# The test suite depends on an impure cabal-install installation
# in $HOME, which we don't have in our build sandbox.
cabal-install-parsers = dontCheck super . cabal-install-parsers ;
# haskell-ci-0.8 needs cabal-install-parsers ==0.1, but we have 0.2.
haskell-ci = doJailbreak super . haskell-ci ;
2020-03-03 18:37:56 -08:00
persistent-mysql = dontCheck super . persistent-mysql ;
2020-03-11 16:04:09 -07:00
# Fix EdisonAPI and EdisonCore for GHC 8.8:
# https://github.com/robdockins/edison/pull/16
EdisonAPI = appendPatch super . EdisonAPI ( pkgs . fetchpatch {
url = " h t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / r o b d o c k i n s / e d i s o n / p u l l / 1 6 / c o m m i t s / 8 d a 6 c 0 f 7 d 8 6 6 6 7 6 6 e 2 f 0 6 9 3 4 2 5 c 3 4 7 c 0 a d b 4 9 2 d c . p a t c h " ;
postFetch = ''
$ { pkgs . patchutils } /bin/filterdiff - - include = ' a/edison-api /* ' - - s t r i p = 1 " $ o u t " > " $ t m p f i l e "
mv " $ t m p f i l e " " $ o u t "
'' ;
sha256 = " 0 y i 5 p z 0 3 9 l c m 4 p l 9 x n l 6 k r q x y q q 5 r g b 5 b 6 m 0 9 w 0 s f y 0 6 x 0 n 4 x 2 1 3 " ;
} ) ;
EdisonCore = appendPatch super . EdisonCore ( pkgs . fetchpatch {
url = " h t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / r o b d o c k i n s / e d i s o n / p u l l / 1 6 / c o m m i t s / 8 d a 6 c 0 f 7 d 8 6 6 6 7 6 6 e 2 f 0 6 9 3 4 2 5 c 3 4 7 c 0 a d b 4 9 2 d c . p a t c h " ;
postFetch = ''
$ { pkgs . patchutils } /bin/filterdiff - - include = ' a/edison-core /* ' - - s t r i p = 1 " $ o u t " > " $ t m p f i l e "
mv " $ t m p f i l e " " $ o u t "
'' ;
sha256 = " 0 9 7 w q n 8 h x s r 5 0 b 9 m h n d g 5 p j i m 5 j m a 2 y m 4 y l p i b a k m m b 5 m 9 8 n 1 7 z p " ;
} ) ;
2018-08-13 11:06:09 -07:00
} // import ./configuration-tensorflow.nix { inherit pkgs haskellLib ; } self super