2009-10-07 04:55:36 -07:00
{pkgs, config, ...}:
inherit (pkgs.lib) mkOption mkIf singleton concatStrings;
inherit (pkgs) sitecopy;
stateDir = "/var/spool/sitecopy";
sitecopyCron = backup : ''
${if backup ? period then backup.period else config.services.sitecopy.period} root ${sitecopy}/bin/sitecopy --storepath=${stateDir} --rcfile=${stateDir}/${backup.name}.conf --update ${backup.name}
options = {
services.sitecopy = {
enable = mkOption {
default = false;
description = ''
Whether to enable sitecopy backups of specified directories.
period = mkOption {
default = "15 04 * * *";
description = ''
This option defines (in the format used by cron) when the
sitecopy backup are being run.
The default is to update at 04:15 (at night) every day.
backups = mkOption {
2009-10-07 05:52:04 -07:00
example = [
{ name = "test";
local = "/tmp/backup";
remote = "/staff-groups/ewi/st/strategoxt/backup/test";
server = "webdata.tudelft.nl";
protocol = "webdav";
https = true ;
2009-10-07 04:55:36 -07:00
default = [];
description = ''
List of attributesets describing the backups.
2009-10-07 05:52:04 -07:00
Username/password are extracted from <filename>${stateDir}/sitecopy.secrets</filename> at activation
2009-10-07 04:55:36 -07:00
time. The secrets file lines should have the following structure:
2009-10-07 05:52:04 -07:00
2009-10-07 05:08:04 -07:00
server username password
2009-10-07 05:52:04 -07:00
2009-10-07 04:55:36 -07:00
config = mkIf config.services.sitecopy.enable {
environment.systemPackages = [ sitecopy ];
services.cron = {
systemCronJobs = pkgs.lib.optional
(concatStrings (map sitecopyCron config.services.sitecopy.backups));
system.activationScripts.postgresqlBackup =
pkgs.stringsWithDeps.noDepEntry ''
mkdir -m 0700 -p ${stateDir}
chown root ${stateDir}
touch ${stateDir}/sitecopy.secrets
chown root ${stateDir}/sitecopy.secrets
${pkgs.lib.concatStrings (map ( b: ''
unset secrets
unset secret
secrets=`grep '^${b.server}' ${stateDir}/sitecopy.secrets | head -1`
cat > ${stateDir}/${b.name}.conf << EOF
site ${b.name}
server ${b.server}
protocol ${b.protocol}
username ''${secret[1]}
password ''${secret[2]}
local ${b.local}
remote ${b.remote}
${if b.https then "http secure" else ""}
chmod 0600 ${stateDir}/${b.name}.conf
if ! test -e ${stateDir}/${b.name} ; then
echo " * Initializing sitecopy '${b.name}'"
${sitecopy}/bin/sitecopy --storepath=${stateDir} --rcfile=${stateDir}/${b.name}.conf --initialize ${b.name}
echo " * Sitecopy '${b.name}' already initialized"
'' ) config.services.sitecopy.backups