As NixOS grows, so too does the need for a catalogue and explanation of its extensive functionality. Collecting pertinent information from disparate sources and presenting it in an accessible style would be a worthy contribution to the project.
The DocBook sources of the <xreflinkend="book-nixos-manual"/> are in the <linkxlink:href=""><filename>nixos/doc/manual</filename></link> subdirectory of the Nixpkgs repository.
When this command successfully finishes, it will tell you where the manual got generated. The HTML will be accessible through the <filename>result</filename> symlink at <filename>./result/share/doc/nixos/index.html</filename>.
For general information on how to write in DocBook, see <linkxlink:href=""> DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide</link>.
Emacs nXML Mode is very helpful for editing DocBook XML because it validates the document as you write, and precisely locates errors. To use it, see <xreflinkend="sec-emacs-docbook-xml"/>.
The NixOS <linkxlink:href=""><tag>book</tag></link> element is in <filename>nixos/doc/manual/manual.xml</filename>. It includes several <linkxlink:href=""><tag>part</tag>s</link> which are in subdirectories.
Store the topic file in the same directory as the <tag>part</tag> to which it belongs. If your topic is about configuring a NixOS module, then the XML file can be stored alongside the module definition <filename>nix</filename> file.
Determine whether your topic is a chapter or a section. If you are unsure, open an existing topic file and check whether the main element is chapter or section.
Open the parent XML file and add an <varname>xi:include</varname> element to the list of chapters with the file name of the topic that you created. If you created a <tag>section</tag>, you add the file to the <tag>chapter</tag> file. If you created a <tag>chapter</tag>, you add the file to the <tag>part</tag> file.
If the topic is about configuring a NixOS module, it can be automatically included in the manual by using the <varname>meta.doc</varname> attribute. See <xref