2018-07-20 17:44:44 -07:00
{pkgs, quicklisp-to-nix-packages}:
2017-03-30 13:54:56 -07:00
addNativeLibs = libs: x: { propagatedBuildInputs = libs; };
2017-04-10 00:57:07 -07:00
skipBuildPhase = x: {
2017-03-30 13:54:56 -07:00
overrides = y: ((x.overrides y) // { buildPhase = "true"; });
2017-03-25 19:15:42 -07:00
2017-03-30 13:54:56 -07:00
multiOverride = l: x: if l == [] then {} else
((builtins.head l) x) // (multiOverride (builtins.tail l) x);
2017-04-06 09:43:42 -07:00
stumpwm = x:{
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
2019-03-25 05:28:52 -07:00
linkedSystems = [];
2017-04-06 09:43:42 -07:00
preConfigure = ''
export configureFlags="$configureFlags --with-$NIX_LISP=common-lisp.sh";
2017-08-17 17:21:45 -07:00
postInstall = ''
2019-03-25 05:28:52 -07:00
export NIX_LISP_PRELAUNCH_HOOK="nix_lisp_build_system stumpwm \
'(function stumpwm:stumpwm)' '$linkedSystems'"
2018-01-29 06:15:00 -08:00
2017-08-17 17:21:45 -07:00
cp "$out/lib/common-lisp/stumpwm/stumpwm" "$out/bin"
2017-04-06 09:43:42 -07:00
2017-03-30 13:54:56 -07:00
iterate = skipBuildPhase;
2017-03-25 19:15:42 -07:00
cl-fuse = x: {
propagatedBuildInputs = [pkgs.fuse];
2017-03-30 13:54:56 -07:00
overrides = y : (x.overrides y) // {
2017-03-25 19:15:42 -07:00
configurePhase = ''
export makeFlags="$makeFlags LISP=common-lisp.sh"
2017-12-19 07:43:18 -08:00
preInstall = ''
type gcc
2020-10-24 04:25:53 -07:00
mkdir -p "$out/lib/common-lisp/"
2017-12-19 07:43:18 -08:00
cp -r . "$out/lib/common-lisp/cl-fuse/"
2020-10-24 04:25:53 -07:00
"gcc" "-x" "c" "$out/lib/common-lisp/cl-fuse/fuse-launcher.c-minus" "-fPIC" "--shared" "-lfuse" "-o" "$out/lib/common-lisp/cl-fuse/libfuse-launcher.so"
2017-12-19 07:43:18 -08:00
2017-03-25 19:15:42 -07:00
2017-03-30 13:54:56 -07:00
hunchentoot = addNativeLibs [pkgs.openssl];
2019-08-13 14:52:01 -07:00
iolib = x: {
2017-06-21 13:15:07 -07:00
propagatedBuildInputs = (x.propagatedBuildInputs or [])
++ (with pkgs; [libfixposix gcc])
2019-09-10 12:40:15 -07:00
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
prePatch = ''
sed 's|default \"libfixposix\"|default \"${pkgs.libfixposix}/lib/libfixposix\"|' -i src/syscalls/ffi-functions-unix.lisp
2017-04-09 14:48:02 -07:00
2017-07-31 19:29:53 -07:00
cxml = skipBuildPhase;
wookie = addNativeLibs (with pkgs; [libuv openssl]);
2017-03-30 13:54:56 -07:00
lev = addNativeLibs [pkgs.libev];
2019-09-10 12:47:20 -07:00
cl_plus_ssl = x: rec {
propagatedBuildInputs = [pkgs.openssl];
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
prePatch = ''
sed 's|libssl.so|${pkgs.openssl.out}/lib/libssl.so|' -i src/reload.lisp
2017-03-30 13:54:56 -07:00
cl-colors = skipBuildPhase;
cl-libuv = addNativeLibs [pkgs.libuv];
2018-09-12 01:47:19 -07:00
cl-async-ssl = addNativeLibs [pkgs.openssl (import ./openssl-lib-marked.nix)];
2017-07-31 19:29:53 -07:00
cl-async-test = addNativeLibs [pkgs.openssl];
2017-03-31 03:06:05 -07:00
clsql = x: {
2019-09-22 00:38:09 -07:00
propagatedBuildInputs = with pkgs; [libmysqlclient postgresql sqlite zlib];
2017-03-31 03:06:05 -07:00
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
preConfigure = ((x.overrides y).preConfigure or "") + ''
2019-09-22 00:38:09 -07:00
export NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE="$NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE -I${pkgs.libmysqlclient}/include/mysql"
export NIX_LDFLAGS="$NIX_LDFLAGS -L${pkgs.libmysqlclient}/lib/mysql"
2017-03-31 03:06:05 -07:00
clx-truetype = skipBuildPhase;
query-fs = x: {
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
linkedSystems = [];
2017-03-31 23:08:02 -07:00
postInstall = ((x.overrides y).postInstall or "") + ''
2017-11-21 22:55:06 -08:00
2017-03-31 03:06:05 -07:00
export HOME=$PWD
2018-01-29 06:15:00 -08:00
export NIX_LISP_PRELAUNCH_HOOK="nix_lisp_build_system query-fs \
'(function query-fs:run-fs-with-cmdline-args)' '$linkedSystems'"
cp "$out/lib/common-lisp/query-fs/query-fs" "$out/bin/"
2017-03-31 03:06:05 -07:00
2017-07-31 19:29:53 -07:00
cffi = addNativeLibs [pkgs.libffi];
2019-10-05 13:57:11 -07:00
cl-mysql = x: {
propagatedBuildInputs = [pkgs.libmysqlclient];
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
prePatch = ((x.overrides y).prePatch or "") + ''
sed -i 's,libmysqlclient_r,${pkgs.libmysqlclient}/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient_r,' system.lisp
2017-03-31 23:08:02 -07:00
cl-ppcre-template = x: {
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
postPatch = ''
ln -s lib-dependent/*.asd .
2020-01-20 18:21:51 -08:00
serapeum = x: {
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) //{
# Override src until quicklisp catches up to 65837f8 (see serapeum
# issue #42)
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "ruricolist";
repo = "serapeum";
rev = "65837f8a0d65b36369ec8d000fff5c29a395b5fe";
sha256 = "0clwf81r2lvk1rbfvk91s9zmbkas9imf57ilqclw12mxaxlfsnbw";
2019-09-10 12:47:20 -07:00
sqlite = x: {
propagatedBuildInputs = [pkgs.sqlite];
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
prePatch = ((x.overrides y).preConfigure or "") + ''
sed 's|libsqlite3|${pkgs.sqlite.out}/lib/libsqlite3|' -i sqlite-ffi.lisp
2017-08-30 17:22:51 -07:00
swank = x: {
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
postPatch = ''
patch <<EOD
--- swank-loader.lisp 2017-08-30 16:46:16.554076684 -0700
+++ swank-loader-new.lisp 2017-08-30 16:49:23.333450928 -0700
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
2020-10-24 04:25:53 -07:00
2017-08-30 17:22:51 -07:00
-(defvar *fasl-directory* (default-fasl-dir)
+(defvar *fasl-directory* #P"$out/lib/common-lisp/swank/fasl/"
"The directory where fasl files should be placed.")
2020-10-24 04:25:53 -07:00
2017-08-30 17:22:51 -07:00
(defun binary-pathname (src-pathname binary-dir)
@@ -277,12 +277,7 @@
(contrib-dir src-dir))))
2020-10-24 04:25:53 -07:00
2017-08-30 17:22:51 -07:00
(defun delete-stale-contrib-fasl-files (swank-files contrib-files fasl-dir)
- (let ((newest (reduce #'max (mapcar #'file-write-date swank-files))))
- (dolist (src contrib-files)
- (let ((fasl (binary-pathname src fasl-dir)))
- (when (and (probe-file fasl)
- (<= (file-write-date fasl) newest))
- (delete-file fasl))))))
+ (declare (ignore swank-files contrib-files fasl-dir)))
2020-10-24 04:25:53 -07:00
2017-08-30 17:22:51 -07:00
(defun compile-contribs (&key (src-dir (contrib-dir *source-directory*))
(fasl-dir (contrib-dir *fasl-directory*))
2017-04-06 09:43:42 -07:00
uiop = x: {
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
postInstall = ((x.overrides y).postInstall or "") + ''
cp -r "${pkgs.asdf}/lib/common-lisp/asdf/uiop/contrib" "$out/lib/common-lisp/uiop"
2017-06-21 13:15:07 -07:00
cl-containers = x: {
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
postConfigure = "rm GNUmakefile";
2017-07-31 19:29:53 -07:00
mssql = addNativeLibs [pkgs.freetds];
2017-08-30 17:22:51 -07:00
cl-unification = x: {
asdFilesToKeep = (x.asdFilesToKeep or []) ++ [
2018-02-12 11:38:21 -08:00
simple-date = x: {
deps = with quicklisp-to-nix-packages; [
fiveam md5 usocket
parasites = [
2018-09-12 01:47:19 -07:00
# Needs pomo? Wants to do queries unconditionally?
# "simple-date/tests"
2018-02-12 11:38:21 -08:00
cl-postgres = x: {
deps = pkgs.lib.filter (x: x.outPath != quicklisp-to-nix-packages.simple-date.outPath) x.deps;
parasites = (x.parasites or []) ++ [
"simple-date" "simple-date/postgres-glue"
asdFilesToKeep = x.asdFilesToKeep ++ ["simple-date.asd"];
2018-02-25 09:07:28 -08:00
buildnode = x: {
deps = pkgs.lib.filter (x: x.name != quicklisp-to-nix-packages.buildnode-xhtml.name) x.deps;
parasites = pkgs.lib.filter (x: x!= "buildnode-test") x.parasites;
2018-04-10 16:02:55 -07:00
postmodern = x: {
overrides = y : (x.overrides y) // {
meta.broken = true; # 2018-04-10
2019-08-25 12:53:20 -07:00
split-sequence = x: {
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
preConfigure = ''
sed -i -e '/:components/i:serial t' split-sequence.asd
2020-02-04 08:21:55 -08:00
cl-store = x: {
overrides = y: (x.overrides y) // {
postPatch = ''
sed -i -e 's/:initform "Unknown" /:initform #:|Unknown| /' backends.lisp
2020-10-24 04:25:53 -07:00
dbi = x: {
parasites = [];
deps = pkgs.lib.filter
x.name != quicklisp-to-nix-packages.dbd-mysql.name &&
x.name != quicklisp-to-nix-packages.dbd-postgres.name &&
x.name != quicklisp-to-nix-packages.dbd-sqlite3.name &&
x.name != quicklisp-to-nix-packages.dbi-test.name &&
2017-03-25 19:15:42 -07:00