2014-07-14 04:21:41 -07:00
# This file was auto-generated by cabal2nix. Please do NOT edit manually!
2014-01-11 14:13:47 -08:00
{ cabal, attoparsec, cmdargs, filepath, haskellSrcExts, lens, mtl
, split, tasty, tastyGolden, text
cabal.mkDerivation (self: {
pname = "hsimport";
2014-06-10 11:33:22 -07:00
version = "0.4";
sha256 = "1pkj6cfdfyrcrm6gr4a43y6s4qhwpli6zgnlx4ycmhs3yh5kay60";
2014-01-11 14:13:47 -08:00
isLibrary = true;
isExecutable = true;
buildDepends = [
attoparsec cmdargs haskellSrcExts lens mtl split text
testDepends = [ filepath tasty tastyGolden ];
2014-01-13 06:40:06 -08:00
doCheck = false;
2014-01-11 14:13:47 -08:00
meta = {
description = "A command line program for extending the import list of a Haskell source file";
license = self.stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
platforms = self.ghc.meta.platforms;
maintainers = [ self.stdenv.lib.maintainers.ocharles ];