2018-09-06 10:18:34 -07:00
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings qw<all>;
use Getopt::Std;
my $gencmd = "# Generated by: " . join(" ", $0, @ARGV) . "\n";
our $opt_v;
our $opt_p;
our $opt_r;
our $opt_t;
getopts "v:p:t:r:";
my $OPAM_RELEASE = $opt_v // "2.0.0";
my $OPAM_TAG = $opt_t // $OPAM_RELEASE;
my $OPAM_GITHUB_REPO = $opt_r // "ocaml/opam";
my $OPAM_RELEASE_URL = "https://github.com/$OPAM_GITHUB_REPO/archive/$OPAM_TAG.zip";
my $OPAM_RELEASE_SHA256 = `nix-prefetch-url \Q$OPAM_RELEASE_URL\E`;
my $OPAM_BASE_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$OPAM_GITHUB_REPO/$OPAM_TAG";
my $OPAM_OPAM = `curl -L --url \Q$OPAM_BASE_URL\E/opam-devel.opam`;
my($OCAML_MIN_VERSION) = $OPAM_OPAM =~ /^available: ocaml-version >= "(.*)"$/m
or die "could not parse ocaml version bound\n";
print <<"EOF";
{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, makeWrapper, getconf,
ocaml, unzip, ncurses, curl, aspcud, bubblewrap
assert lib.versionAtLeast ocaml.version "$OCAML_MIN_VERSION";
srcs = {
my %urls = ();
my %md5s = ();
open(SOURCES, "-|", "curl", "-L", "--url", "$OPAM_BASE_URL/src_ext/Makefile.sources");
while (<SOURCES>) {
if (/^URL_(?!PKG_)([-\w]+)\s*=\s*(\S+)$/) {
$urls{$1} = $2;
} elsif (/^MD5_(?!PKG_)([-\w]+)\s*=\s*(\S+)$/) {
$md5s{$1} = $2;
for my $src (sort keys %urls) {
my ($sha256,$store_path) = split /\n/, `nix-prefetch-url --print-path \Q$urls{$src}\E`;
system "echo \Q$md5s{$src}\E' *'\Q$store_path\E | md5sum -c 1>&2";
die "md5 check failed for $urls{$src}\n" if $?;
print <<"EOF";
$src = fetchurl {
url = "$urls{$src}";
sha256 = "$sha256";
print <<"EOF";
opam = fetchurl {
sha256 = "$OPAM_RELEASE_SHA256";
2020-01-16 02:30:00 -08:00
in stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = "opam";
2018-09-06 10:18:34 -07:00
version = "$OPAM_RELEASE";
buildInputs = [ unzip curl ncurses ocaml makeWrapper getconf ] ++ lib.optional stdenv.isLinux bubblewrap;
src = srcs.opam;
postUnpack = ''
for my $src (sort keys %urls) {
my($ext) = $urls{$src} =~ /(\.(?:t(?:ar\.|)|)(?:gz|bz2?))$/
or die "could not find extension for $urls{$src}\n";
print <<"EOF";
ln -sv \${srcs.$src} \$sourceRoot/src_ext/$src$ext
print <<'EOF';
if (defined $opt_p) {
print " patches = [ ";
for my $patch (split /[, ]/, $opt_p) {
$patch =~ s/^(?=[^\/]*$)/.\//;
print "$patch ";
print "];\n\n";
print <<'EOF';
preConfigure = ''
substituteInPlace ./src_ext/Makefile --replace "%.stamp: %.download" "%.stamp:"
patchShebangs src/state/shellscripts
postConfigure = "make lib-ext";
# Dirty, but apparently ocp-build requires a TERM
makeFlags = ["TERM=screen"];
outputs = [ "out" "installer" ];
setOutputFlags = false;
# change argv0 to "opam" as a workaround for
# https://github.com/ocaml/opam/issues/2142
postInstall = ''
mv $out/bin/opam $out/bin/.opam-wrapped
makeWrapper $out/bin/.opam-wrapped $out/bin/opam \
--argv0 "opam" \
2019-01-24 20:08:40 -08:00
--suffix PATH : ${aspcud}/bin:${unzip}/bin:${curl}/bin:${lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux "${bubblewrap}/bin:"}${getconf}/bin \
2019-03-09 05:20:58 -08:00
--set OPAM_USER_PATH_RO /run/current-system/sw/bin:/nix/
2018-09-06 10:18:34 -07:00
$out/bin/opam-installer --prefix=$installer opam-installer.install
doCheck = false;
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "A package manager for OCaml";
2020-01-16 02:30:00 -08:00
homepage = "https://opam.ocaml.org/";
2018-09-06 10:18:34 -07:00
maintainers = [ maintainers.henrytill ];
platforms = platforms.all;
print $gencmd;