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# Utility functions.
inherit (builtins)
head tail isList stringLength substring lessThan sub
listToAttrs attrNames hasAttr;
rec {
listOfListsToAttrs = ll : builtins.listToAttrs (map (l : { name = (head l); value = (head (tail l)); }) ll);
# Identity function.
id = x: x;
# accumulates / merges all attr sets until null is fed.
# example: sumArgs id { a = 'a'; x = 'x'; } { y = 'y'; x = 'X'; } null
# result : { a = 'a'; x = 'X'; y = 'Y'; }
innerSumArgs = f : x : y : (if y == null then (f x)
else (innerSumArgs f (x // y)));
sumArgs = f : innerSumArgs f {};
# example a = pairMap (x : y : x + y) ["a" "b" "c" "d"];
# result: ["ab" "cd"]
innerPairMap = acc: f: l:
if l == [] then acc else
innerPairMap (acc ++ [(f (head l)(head (tail l)))])
f (tail (tail l));
pairMap = innerPairMap [];
# "Fold" a binary function `op' between successive elements of
# `list' with `nul' as the starting value, i.e., `fold op nul [x_1
# x_2 ... x_n] == op x_1 (op x_2 ... (op x_n nul))'. (This is
# Haskell's foldr).
fold = op: nul: list:
if list == []
then nul
else op (head list) (fold op nul (tail list));
# Concatenate a list of lists.
concatLists =
fold (x: y: x ++ y) [];
# Concatenate a list of strings.
concatStrings =
fold (x: y: x + y) "";
# Place an element between each element of a list, e.g.,
# `intersperse "," ["a" "b" "c"]' returns ["a" "," "b" "," "c"].
intersperse = separator: list:
if list == [] || tail list == []
then list
else [(head list) separator]
++ (intersperse separator (tail list));
toList = x : if (__isList x) then x else [x];
concatStringsSep = separator: list:
concatStrings (intersperse separator list);
# Flatten the argument into a single list; that is, nested lists are
# spliced into the top-level lists. E.g., `flatten [1 [2 [3] 4] 5]
# == [1 2 3 4 5]' and `flatten 1 == [1]'.
flatten = x:
if isList x
then fold (x: y: (flatten x) ++ y) [] x
else [x];
# Return an attribute from nested attribute sets. For instance ["x"
# "y"] applied to some set e returns e.x.y, if it exists. The
# default value is returned otherwise.
# comment: there is also builtins.getAttr ? (is there a better name for this function?)
getAttr = attrPath: default: e:
let attr = head attrPath;
if attrPath == [] then e
else if builtins ? hasAttr && builtins.hasAttr attr e
then getAttr (tail attrPath) default (builtins.getAttr attr e)
else default;
# Filter a list using a predicate; that is, return a list containing
# every element from `list' for which `pred' returns true.
filter = pred: list:
fold (x: y: if pred x then [x] ++ y else y) [] list;
# Return true if `list' has an element `x':
elem = x: list: fold (a: bs: x == a || bs) false list;
# Find the sole element in the list matching the specified
# predicate, returns `default' if no such element exists, or
# `multiple' if there are multiple matching elements.
findSingle = pred: default: multiple: list:
let found = filter pred list;
in if found == [] then default
else if tail found != [] then multiple
else head found;
# Return true iff function `pred' returns true for at least element
# of `list'.
any = pred: list:
if list == [] then false
else if pred (head list) then true
else any pred (tail list);
# Return true iff function `pred' returns true for all elements of
# `list'.
all = pred: list:
if list == [] then true
else if pred (head list) then all pred (tail list)
else false;
# much shorter implementations using map and fold (are lazy as well)
# which ones are better?
# true if all/ at least one element(s) satisfy f
# all = f : l : fold logicalAND true (map f l);
# any = f : l : fold logicalOR false (map f l);
# Return true if each element of a list is equal, false otherwise.
eqLists = xs: ys:
if xs == [] && ys == [] then true
else if xs == [] || ys == [] then false
else head xs == head ys && eqLists (tail xs) (tail ys);
# Workaround, but works in stable Nix now.
eqStrings = a: b: (a+(substring 0 0 b)) == ((substring 0 0 a)+b);
# Determine whether a filename ends in the given suffix.
hasSuffix = ext: fileName:
let lenFileName = stringLength fileName;
lenExt = stringLength ext;
in !(lessThan lenFileName lenExt) &&
substring (sub lenFileName lenExt) lenFileName fileName == ext;
hasSuffixHack = a: b: hasSuffix (a+(substring 0 0 b)) ((substring 0 0 a)+b);
# Bring in a path as a source, filtering out all Subversion and CVS
# directories, as well as backup files (*~).
cleanSource =
let filter = name: type: let baseName = baseNameOf (toString name); in ! (
# Filter out Subversion and CVS directories.
(type == "directory" && (name == ".svn" || name == "CVS")) ||
# Filter out backup files.
(hasSuffix "~" name)
in src: builtins.filterSource filter src;
# Get all files ending with the specified suffices from the given
# directory. E.g. `sourceFilesBySuffices ./dir [".xml" ".c"]'.
sourceFilesBySuffices = path: exts:
let filter = name: type:
let base = baseNameOf (toString name);
in type != "directory" && any (ext: hasSuffix ext base) exts;
in builtins.filterSource filter path;
# Return a singleton list or an empty list, depending on a boolean
# value. Useful when building lists with optional elements
# (e.g. `++ optional (system == "i686-linux") flashplayer').
optional = cond: elem: if cond then [elem] else [];
# Return a list of integers from `first' up to and including `last'.
range = first: last:
if builtins.lessThan last first
then []
else [first] ++ range (builtins.add first 1) last;
# Return true only if there is an attribute and it is true.
checkFlag = attrSet: name:
if (name == "true") then true else
if (name == "false") then false else
if (isInList (getAttr ["flags"] [] attrSet) name) then true else
getAttr [name] false attrSet ;
logicalOR = x: y: x || y;
logicalAND = x: y: x && y;
# Input : attrSet, [ [name default] ... ], name
# Output : its value or default.
getValue = attrSet: argList: name:
( getAttr [name] (if checkFlag attrSet name then true else
if argList == [] then null else
let x = builtins.head argList; in
if (head x) == name then
(head (tail x))
else (getValue attrSet
(tail argList) name)) attrSet );
# Input : attrSet, [[name default] ...], [ [flagname reqs..] ... ]
# Output : are reqs satisfied? It's asserted.
checkReqs = attrSet : argList : condList :
fold logicalAND true
(map (x: let name = (head x) ; in
((checkFlag attrSet name) ->
(fold logicalAND true
(map (y: let val=(getValue attrSet argList y); in
(val!=null) && (val!=false))
(tail x))))) condList)) ;
isInList = list: x:
if (list == []) then false else
if (x == (head list)) then true else
isInList (tail list) x;
uniqList = {inputList, outputList ? []}:
if (inputList == []) then outputList else
let x=head inputList;
newOutputList = outputList ++
(if (isInList outputList x) then [] else [x]);
in uniqList {outputList=newOutputList;
inputList = (tail inputList);};
uniqListExt = {inputList, outputList ? [],
getter ? (x : x), compare ? (x: y: x==y)}:
if (inputList == []) then outputList else
let x=head inputList;
isX = y: (compare (getter y) (getter x));
newOutputList = outputList ++
(if any isX outputList then [] else [x]);
in uniqListExt {outputList=newOutputList;
inputList = (tail inputList);
inherit getter compare;
condConcat = name: list: checker:
if list == [] then name else
if checker (head list) then
(name + (head (tail list)))
(tail (tail list))
else condConcat
name (tail (tail list)) checker;
/* Options. */
mkOption = attrs: attrs // {_type = "option";};
typeOf = x: if x ? _type then x._type else "";
addDefaultOptionValues = defs: opts: opts //
builtins.listToAttrs (map (defName:
{ name = defName;
value =
defValue = builtins.getAttr defName defs;
optValue = builtins.getAttr defName opts;
if typeOf defValue == "option"
# `defValue' is an option.
if builtins.hasAttr defName opts
then builtins.getAttr defName opts
else defValue.default
# `defValue' is an attribute set containing options.
# So recurse.
if builtins.hasAttr defName opts && builtins.isAttrs optValue
then addDefaultOptionValues defValue optValue
else addDefaultOptionValues defValue {};
) (builtins.attrNames defs));
optionAttrSetToDocList = (l: attrs:
(if (getAttr ["_type"] "" attrs) == "option" then
inherit (attrs) description;
//(if attrs ? example then {inherit(attrs) example;} else {} )
//(if attrs ? default then {inherit(attrs) default;} else {} )
//{name = l;}
else (concatLists (map (s: (optionAttrSetToDocList
(l + (if l=="" then "" else ".") + s) (builtins.getAttr s attrs)))
(builtins.attrNames attrs)))));
Merged with trunk. The following is autogenerated by git: commit 9aaede75e73be646f35069d0717c8c70004ba3f0 Author: raskin <raskin@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Fri Nov 16 18:37:23 2007 +0000 This was needed for me to get a working gnome-doc-utils package git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 751a9e6d19fc9e6c96b04eca450ea1b836d00865 Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Fri Nov 16 17:30:34 2007 +0000 gdb upgraded git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit bb908853924046681d1cd6a85b05273aed14fd9f Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Fri Nov 16 17:29:11 2007 +0000 gphoto2 upgraded to 2.4.0: all-packages.nix git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 619c7004d7140d6016927cd1114fd778aca3ecce Author: MarcWeber <MarcWeber@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Fri Nov 16 17:28:53 2007 +0000 git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit f09310ed8403428021d2d751e273fc0add438032 Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Fri Nov 16 17:28:17 2007 +0000 gphoto2 upgraded to 2.4.0 git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 26d5cc1628e51853fdb9a7d162361b3a13581461 Author: MarcWeber <MarcWeber@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Fri Nov 16 17:27:27 2007 +0000 missing catalog added. Now you can open files git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 4eb1f68d61077e66b9ca3a0de3c86b1024f06db1 Author: MarcWeber <MarcWeber@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Fri Nov 16 17:09:32 2007 +0000 nix expression creating startup wrapper for jedit git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 69701148e45d29b1712c9f14628459def54be076 Author: MarcWeber <MarcWeber@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Fri Nov 16 17:06:53 2007 +0000 The nice programmers editor jedit is now built on nix as well. git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 15ecdd411e78b952d8004323ec871ce6c4969c2e Author: wbreejen <wbreejen@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Fri Nov 16 14:41:15 2007 +0000 Missing gecko now. git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 6975eb6f2a972cca2adb2943190a41880e3bedf7 Author: wbreejen <wbreejen@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Fri Nov 16 14:36:15 2007 +0000 Fix path of libnotify git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit ef985f4e88db03a0861fe8ccc8b35ec329ef616a Author: wbreejen <wbreejen@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Fri Nov 16 14:34:02 2007 +0000 added libnotify git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 7fb35510feb89fecc9d92810a723baead232dff4 Author: wbreejen <wbreejen@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Fri Nov 16 14:33:36 2007 +0000 added libnotify git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 7a9eb1e172ef5b111556d78a30003a87aee7f775 Author: wbreejen <wbreejen@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Fri Nov 16 14:24:24 2007 +0000 libnotify is missing git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 433cc0578ce00860ddfac7d7934818ec0584f6e1 Author: wbreejen <wbreejen@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Fri Nov 16 14:08:04 2007 +0000 Added libsexy git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 194a84b18965e9a3c8f9fa1305fac57690e683cb Author: wbreejen <wbreejen@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Fri Nov 16 14:07:30 2007 +0000 Added libsexy git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 1d832560cf94bfa6793d90ff43f2235415bc3958 Author: wbreejen <wbreejen@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Fri Nov 16 13:49:02 2007 +0000 Added openftd. Doesnt work (yet) git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 58e8a73f63a85a22ca45f046579d89bd0359f8ee Author: eelco <eelco@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Fri Nov 16 13:08:20 2007 +0000 * GCC 3.4: pass --disable-multilib to make it build on x86_64. git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 5ff88d858692e89120a4efa4acc2224eaf78d9a9 Author: raskin <raskin@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Fri Nov 16 03:45:42 2007 +0000 bzip2 dependency added in a couple of places git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 128ac8a7ee8668fc933f4933a66f491c44234379 Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Thu Nov 15 23:47:03 2007 +0000 Added python to libgsf dependencies git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 1847defee6331b03ba8a54ae9e3e68033310f7a2 Author: eelco <eelco@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Thu Nov 15 17:05:45 2007 +0000 * Use latest Nix. git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit cb1992780c20cb5885cf4d3932e7352f8b912533 Author: raskin <raskin@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Thu Nov 15 04:23:46 2007 +0000 Added a currently more functional URL for libgcrypt git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 9d099dbef1a5721065bff5f2edd73844c829f538 Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Thu Nov 15 00:16:03 2007 +0000 facile: fixed a typo git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 031c5b7d0797f5eee7be0a06856530c29adee710 Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Thu Nov 15 00:11:56 2007 +0000 Added kde-4 git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 81b3a7d92f2e9552c46ab47c75a2d3a40e151d43 Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Thu Nov 15 00:08:58 2007 +0000 Added new kde-4 staff git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 18edb608ee7822438d4b2dc2a76af7567efd646a Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Wed Nov 14 23:48:40 2007 +0000 kde-4: removed old staff from kde-4 dir git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 00d9b75d85f3a7de4db3feb313fe8d2d29f6bc2d Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Wed Nov 14 23:46:48 2007 +0000 lame: upgrade to 3.97 git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 52f8f699f29b6def41eee392f489c7e8ecd9399d Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Wed Nov 14 23:44:21 2007 +0000 libgsf: meta written 0.14.7 in my previous commit was a typo: 1.14.7 of course git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 6e426380fc8c67b7dae57d4404ee7ca76d3e1d62 Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Wed Nov 14 23:40:39 2007 +0000 libgsf: upgraded to 0.14.7 git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 7787b342945cb13856168a353fdc9b0062e5f32b Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Wed Nov 14 23:37:51 2007 +0000 clucene: upgrade, kde4: remove clucene-core upgraded to 0.9.20 clucene-contrib removed (can't find any version later than 0.9.16a and don't know whether it's compatible with new clucene-core) kde4: old staff removed, will add new tonight git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit b4900dece179788dfb8879518b8ec639ba089980 Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Wed Nov 14 23:25:32 2007 +0000 Strigi removed I'll add a version from kdesupport trunk today git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit ffad224993440be069d4f15cf5e73ed018979311 Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Wed Nov 14 23:23:36 2007 +0000 dbus-glib upgraded to 0.74, meta written git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 6ae133a8d5d472d9f475cacb7f3ff3e6703fb34b Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Wed Nov 14 23:13:29 2007 +0000 xine-lib: upgraded to 1.1.8 git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit d56f2643e631f8b3ce6e8228c35f2cc19755e2aa Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Wed Nov 14 23:11:37 2007 +0000 chmlib: upgraded to 0.39 git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit c31c27f328fdd4ae99d48bcc512231639dfcf6e5 Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Wed Nov 14 23:05:11 2007 +0000 Added facile library git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 28f915ee41410b6f278faf07b0135bd4e9aeaf2f Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Wed Nov 14 23:03:29 2007 +0000 libgcrypt-1.3.1 git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit ca314a236b855b73024677f6dc5bc021070c4e72 Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Wed Nov 14 22:49:24 2007 +0000 Fixed a typo in ocaml-3.10.0 git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit b3fa79d09289ab61a30f63692e7c475d0aec142e Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Wed Nov 14 22:39:58 2007 +0000 ocaml: Added 3.10.0, using getVersion staff I've added the latest (3.10.0) version of ocaml and let the user choose default version. git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 853d65d8a9fd65f7bf918c42342baf6690008f54 Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Wed Nov 14 22:22:06 2007 +0000 Let user to choose python2.4 or python2.5 Currently, there is some code duplication. I'll try to rewrite it without modifying resulting derivations. git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 65567e8e2e96d1a2e62af148fe043c86df0c5b60 Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Wed Nov 14 21:57:26 2007 +0000 useVersion function added git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 2e5e12d1fc1faded72235fa66eb8efaa92e597ba Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Wed Nov 14 21:41:01 2007 +0000 git: upgraded to; meta added; nix-expr slightly rewritten git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit dd564f36bd54d4900aefa759bc94cfac7496d1a2 Author: MarcWeber <MarcWeber@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Wed Nov 14 19:07:38 2007 +0000 added small script fixing the shebang (#!/bin/...) path. It searches the PATH env variable for the same executable. git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 2f9213e49fbaa40634ccb9699e44aec239212aea Author: raskin <raskin@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Wed Nov 14 01:20:17 2007 +0000 Now SVN Nix builds as a purely alternative Nix choice git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 016b6bfcc67244964251d68d86e1fa6de2062e54 Author: raskin <raskin@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Tue Nov 13 15:52:16 2007 +0000 Added possibility to use non-default Nix. git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 89f53d7b8dae8d4ec537322340be212602524102 Author: MarcWeber <MarcWeber@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Tue Nov 13 01:26:54 2007 +0000 implemented proposal by niksnut. Now you have to use either date= or tag= when specifying cvs revision git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit ced4ab4c8b5750a0f0a6a685830c8cb5340b6d52 Author: eelco <eelco@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Mon Nov 12 16:45:47 2007 +0000 * Symlink $out/bin to $out/libexec. git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit d454ab8861882e18ed3b79287727890ec6668455 Author: raskin <raskin@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Mon Nov 12 16:42:13 2007 +0000 Beta-version of builderDefs fixes. git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 959e395c49753d902201d457cee102b40608d3f9 Author: urkud <urkud@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Mon Nov 12 16:12:50 2007 +0000 djview location corrected git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 52530f607a15017e94225ee50e2698963325ed80 Author: eelco <eelco@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Mon Nov 12 13:51:46 2007 +0000 * Revert the setup hook changes on the trunk (but they remain on the stdenv-updates branch). git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb commit 977bdfec49557f48bc1e121e3375c21d4991434f Author: skolthof <skolthof@70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb> Date: Mon Nov 12 13:48:33 2007 +0000 * added Haskell package gtk2hs git-svn-id: 70bd8c7a-acb8-0310-9f0d-9cc1c95dcdbb svn path=/nixpkgs/branches/stdenv-updates/; revision=9727
2007-11-16 13:05:15 -08:00
innerModifySumArgs = f: x: a: b: if b == null then (f a b) // x else
innerModifySumArgs f x (a // b);
modifySumArgs = f: x: innerModifySumArgs f x {};
debugVal = if builtins ? trace then x: (builtins.trace x x) else x: x;
debugXMLVal = if builtins ? trace then x: (builtins.trace (builtins.toXML x) x) else x: x;
innerClosePropagation = ready: list: if list == [] then ready else
if (head list) ? propagatedBuildInputs then
innerClosePropagation (ready ++ [(head list)])
((head list).propagatedBuildInputs ++ (tail list)) else
innerClosePropagation (ready ++ [(head list)]) (tail list);
closePropagation = list: (uniqList {inputList = (innerClosePropagation [] list);});
# calls a function (f attr value ) for each record item. returns a list
mapRecordFlatten = f : r : map (attr: f attr (builtins.getAttr attr r) ) (attrNames r);
# to be used with listToAttrs (_a_ttribute _v_alue)
# TODO should be renamed to nv because niksnut has renamed the attribute attr to name
nv = name : value : { inherit name value; };
# attribute set containing one attribute
nvs = name : value : listToAttrs [ (nv name value) ];
# adds / replaces an attribute of an attribute set
setAttr = set : name : v : set // (nvs name v);
# iterates over a list of attributes collecting the attribute attr if it exists
catAttrs = attr : l : fold ( s : l : if (hasAttr attr s) then [(builtins.getAttr attr s)] ++ l else l) [] l;
mergeAttrs = fold ( x : y : x // y) {};
# Using f = a : b = b the result is similar to //
# merge attributes with custom function handling the case that the attribute
# exists in both sets
mergeAttrsWithFunc = f : set1 : set2 :
fold (n: set : if (__hasAttr n set)
then setAttr set n (f (__getAttr n set) (__getAttr n set2))
else set )
set1 (__attrNames set2);
# merging two attribute set concatenating the values of same attribute names
# eg { a = 7; } { a = [ 2 3 ]; } becomes { a = [ 7 2 3 ]; }
mergeAttrsConcatenateValues = mergeAttrsWithFunc ( a : b : (toList a) ++ (toList b) );
# returns atribute values as a list
flattenAttrs = set : map ( attr : builtins.getAttr attr set) (attrNames set);
mapIf = cond : f : fold ( x : l : if (cond x) then [(f x)] ++ l else l) [];
# Marc 2nd proposal: (not everything has been tested in detail yet..)
# usage / example
# flagConfig = {
# } // (enableDisableFeature "flagName" "configure_feature" extraAttrs;)
# is equal to
# flagConfig = {
# flagName = { cfgOption = "--enable-configure_feature"; } // extraAttrs;
# no_flagName = { cfgOption = "--disable-configure_feature"; };
enableDisableFeature = flagName : configure_feature : extraAttrs :
listToAttrs [ ( nv flagName ({ cfgOption = "--enable-${configure_feature}"; } // extraAttrs ) )
( nv "no_${flagName}" ({ cfgOption = "--disable-${configure_feature}"; } ) )];
# calls chooseOptionsByFlags2 with some preprocessing
# chooseOptionsByFlags2 returns an attribute set meant to be used to create new derivaitons.
# see mkDerivationByConfiguration in all-packages.nix and the examples given below.
# You can just copy paste them into all-packages.nix to test them..
chooseOptionsByFlags = { flagConfig, args, optionals ? [], defaults ? [],
collectExtraPhaseActions ? [] } :
let passedOptionals = filter ( x : hasAttr x args ) optionals; # these are in optionals and in args
# we simply merge in <optional_name> = { buildInputs = <arg.<optional_name>; pass = <arg.optional_name>; }
flagConfigWithOptionals = flagConfig // ( listToAttrs
(map ( o : nv o ( { buildInputs = o; pass = nvs o (builtins.getAttr o args); }
// getAttr [o] {} flagConfig )
passedOptionals ) );
in chooseOptionsByFlags2 flagConfigWithOptionals collectExtraPhaseActions args
( (getAttr ["flags"] defaults args) ++ passedOptionals);
chooseOptionsByFlags2 = flagConfig : collectExtraPhaseActions : args : flags :
# helper function
collectFlags = # state : flags :
fold ( flag : s : (
if (hasAttr flag s.result) then s # this state has already been visited
else if (! hasAttr flag flagConfig) then throw "unkown flag `${flag}' specified"
else let fDesc = (builtins.getAttr flag flagConfig);
implied = flatten ( getAttr ["implies"] [] fDesc );
blocked = flatten ( getAttr ["blocks"] [] fDesc );
# add this flag
s2 = s // { result = ( setAttr s.result flag (builtins.getAttr flag flagConfig) );
blockedFlagsBy = s.blockedFlagsBy
// listToAttrs (map (b: nv b flag ) blocked); };
# add implied flags
in collectFlags s2 implied
# chosen contains flagConfig but only having those attributes elected by flags
# (or by implies attributes of elected attributes)
options = let stateOpts = collectFlags { blockedFlagsBy = {}; result = {}; }
(flags ++ ( if (hasAttr "mandatory" flagConfig) then ["mandatory"] else [] ));
# these options have not been chosen (neither by flags nor by implies)
unsetOptions = filter ( x : (! hasAttr x stateOpts.result) && (hasAttr ("no_"+x) flagConfig))
( attrNames flagConfig );
# no add the corresponding no_ attributes as well ..
state = collectFlags stateOpts (map ( x : "no_" + x ) unsetOptions);
in # check for blockings:
assert ( all id ( map ( b: if (hasAttr b state.result)
then throw "flag ${b} is blocked by flag ${__getAttr b state.blockedFlagsBy}"
else true )
(attrNames state.blockedFlagsBy) ) );
flatOptions = flattenAttrs options;
# helper functions :
collectAttrs = attr : catAttrs attr flatOptions;
optsConcatStrs = delimiter : attrs : concatStrings
( intersperse delimiter (flatten ( collectAttrs attrs ) ) );
ifStringGetArg = x : if (__isAttrs x) then x # ( TODO implement __isString ?)
else nvs x (__getAttr x args);
in assert ( all id ( mapRecordFlatten ( attr : r : if ( all id ( flatten (getAttr ["assertion"] [] r ) ) )
then true else throw "assertion failed flag ${attr}" )
options) );
( rec {
#foldOptions = attr: f : start: fold f start (catAttrs attr flatOptions);
# compared to flags flagsSet does also contain the implied flags.. This makes it easy to write assertions. ( assert args.
inherit options flatOptions collectAttrs optsConcatStrs;
buildInputs = map ( attr: if (! hasAttr attr args) then throw "argument ${attr} is missing!" else (builtins.getAttr attr args) )
(flatten (catAttrs "buildInputs" flatOptions));
propagatedBuildInputs = map ( attr: if (! hasAttr attr args) then throw "argument ${attr} is missing!" else (builtins.getAttr attr args) )
(flatten (catAttrs "propagatedBuildInputs" flatOptions));
configureFlags = optsConcatStrs " " "cfgOption";
#flags = listToAttrs (map ( flag: nv flag (hasAttr flag options) ) (attrNames flagConfig) );
flags_prefixed = listToAttrs (map ( flag: nv ("flag_set_"+flag) (hasAttr flag options) ) (attrNames flagConfig) );
pass = mergeAttrs ( map ifStringGetArg ( flatten (collectAttrs "pass") ) );
} # now add additional phase actions (see examples)
// listToAttrs ( map ( x : nv x (optsConcatStrs "\n" x) ) collectExtraPhaseActions ) );
TODO: Perhaps it's better to move this documentation / these tests into some extra packages ..
# ###########################################################################
# configuration tutorial .. examples and tests..
# Copy this into all-packages.nix and try
# The following derviations will all fail..
# But they will print the passed options so that you can get to know
# how these configurations ought to work.
# TODO: There is no nice way to pass an otpion yet.
# I could imagine something like
# flags = [ "flagA" "flagB" { flagC = 4; } ];
# They are named:
# simpleYes, simpleNo,
# defaultsimpleYes, defaultsimpleNo
# optionalssimpleYes, optionalssimpleNo
# bitingsimpleYes can only be ran with -iA blockingBiteMonster
# assertionsimpleNo
# of course you can use -iA and the attribute name as well to select these examples
# dummy build input
whoGetsTheFlagFirst = gnused;
whoGetsTheFlagLast = gnumake;
# simple example demonstrating containing one flag.
# features:
# * configure options are passed automatically
# * buildInputs are collected (they are special, see the setup script)
# * they can be passed by additional name as well using pass = { inherit (args) python }
# ( or short (value not attrs) : pass = "python" )
# * an attribute named the same way as the flag is added indicating
# true/ false (flag has been set/ not set)
# * extra phase dependend commands can be added
# Its easy to add your own stuff using co.collectAttrs or co.optsConcatStrs
# ( perhaps this name will change?)
simpleFlagYesNoF = namePrefix : extraFlagAttrs : mkDerivationByConfiguration ( {
flagConfig = {
flag = { name = namePrefix + "simpleYes";
cfgOption = [ "--Yes" "--you-dont-need-a-list" ];
buildInputs = [ "whoGetsTheFlagFirst" ];
pass = { inherit gnumake; };
extraConfigureCmd = "echo Hello, it worked! ";
blocks = "bitingMonster";
no_flag = { name = namePrefix + "simpleNo";
cfgOption = "--no";
implies = ["bitingMonster"];
bitingMonster = {
extraConfigureCmd = "echo Ill bite you";
gnutar = { cfgOption="--with-gnutar";
# buildInputs and pass will be added automatically if gnutar is added to optionals
# can be used to check configure options of dependencies
# eg testFlag = { assertion = [ arg.desktop.flag_set_wmii (! arg.desktop.flag_set_gnome) (! arg.desktops.flag_set_kde ]; }
assertionFlag = { assertion = false; }; # assert is nix language keyword
collectExtraPhaseActions = [ "extraConfigureCmd" ];
extraAttrs = co : {
name = ( __head (co.collectAttrs "name") );
unpackPhase = "
echo my name is
echo \$name
echo flag given \\(should be 1 or empty string\\) ?
echo \$flag_set_flag
echo my build inputs are
echo \$buildInputs
echo my configuration flags are
echo \$configureFlags
echo what about gnumake? Did it pass?
echo \$gnumake
echo configurePhase command is
echo $\configurePhase
echo gnutar passed? \\(optional test\\)
echo \$gnutar
echo dying now
echo die_Hopefully_Soon
configurePhase = co.extraConfigureCmd;
} // extraFlagAttrs );
simpleYes = simpleFlagYesNoF "" {} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
flags = ["flag"];
# note the "I'll bite you" because of the implies attribute
simpleNo = simpleFlagYesNoF "" {} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
flags = [];
# specifying defaults by adding a default attribute
yesAgainDefault = simpleFlagYesNoF "default" { defaults = [ "flag" ];} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
noAgainOverridingDefault = simpleFlagYesNoF "default" { defaults = [ "flag" ];} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
flags = [];
# requested by Michael Raskin: activate flag automatically if dependency is passed:
withGnutarOptional = simpleFlagYesNoF "optionals" { optionals = [ "gnutar" ];} {
flags = [ "flag" ]; # I only need to pass this to trigger name optionalssimpleYes
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
inherit gnutar;
withoutGnutarOptional = simpleFlagYesNoF "optionals" { optionals = [ "gnutar" ];} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
# blocking example, this shouldn't even start building:
blockingBiteMonster = simpleFlagYesNoF "biting" {} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
flags = [ "flag" "bitingMonster" ];
# assertion example this shouldn't even start building:
assertion = simpleFlagYesNoF "assertion" {} {
inherit whoGetsTheFlagFirst lib stdenv;
flags = [ "assertionFlag" ];