2004-02-14 14:56:51 -08:00
#! /bin/sh -e
2005-07-31 08:25:39 -07:00
# deps is an array
2005-07-29 09:54:36 -07:00
declare -a deps
2006-07-09 15:33:01 -07:00
NIXSTORE=`which nix-store`
NIXINSTANTIATE=`which nix-instantiate`
coreutils=$($NIXSTORE -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).coreutils' | $NIXINSTANTIATE -))
2006-07-02 15:37:40 -07:00
# determine where we can find the Nix binaries
2006-07-09 15:33:01 -07:00
NIX=$($coreutils/bin/dirname $(which nix-store))
2006-07-02 15:37:40 -07:00
2006-07-03 01:39:52 -07:00
# make sure we use many of our own tools, because it is more pure
2006-07-02 15:37:40 -07:00
mktemp=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).mktemp' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-07-03 01:39:52 -07:00
gnused=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).gnused' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
gnutar=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).gnutar' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-07-03 02:32:15 -07:00
cdrtools=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).cdrtools' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-07-03 16:16:44 -07:00
gzip=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).gzip' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
cpio=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).cpio' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-07-03 01:39:52 -07:00
archivesDir=$($mktemp/bin/mktemp -d)
2006-08-08 13:24:33 -07:00
archivesDir2=$($mktemp/bin/mktemp -d)
2005-07-05 06:52:49 -07:00
2005-07-19 09:55:44 -07:00
2005-07-06 09:00:20 -07:00
2005-08-31 05:58:46 -07:00
2006-08-27 07:14:59 -07:00
2005-07-29 09:54:36 -07:00
2006-08-04 16:39:59 -07:00
2005-07-29 09:54:36 -07:00
2005-07-31 08:25:39 -07:00
2005-08-01 10:30:45 -07:00
2005-08-03 05:00:42 -07:00
2005-08-31 05:02:28 -07:00
2005-07-06 07:42:41 -07:00
2006-08-02 15:42:56 -07:00
nix=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).nixUnstable' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-08-06 16:59:31 -07:00
busybox=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).busybox' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-08-02 15:42:56 -07:00
nixDeps=$($NIX/nix-store -qR $nix)
2004-08-06 06:52:39 -07:00
2006-08-04 16:39:59 -07:00
#storeExpr=$($NIX/nix-store -qR $($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).everything' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -)))
#storeExpr1=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).boot' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
storeExpr=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).boot' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-08-02 15:42:56 -07:00
#storeExpr=$($NIX/nix-store -r $($NIX/nix-store -qR $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).everything' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -)))
2006-08-07 12:48:18 -07:00
kernelscripts=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).kernelscripts' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-08-27 15:18:39 -07:00
mkinitrd=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).mkinitrd' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-08-02 15:42:56 -07:00
### make NAR files for everything we want to install and some more. Make sure
### the right URL is in there, so specify /cdrom and not cdrom
2006-08-27 15:18:39 -07:00
$NIX/nix-push --copy $archivesDir $manifest --target file:///cdrom $storeExpr $($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).kernel' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -)) $kernelscripts $mkinitrd
2006-08-27 07:14:59 -07:00
#$NIX/nix-push --copy $archivesDir2 $manifest --target http://losser.labs.cs.uu.nl/~armijn/.nix $storeExpr $($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).kernel' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -)) $kernelscripts
2004-02-18 02:56:07 -08:00
# Location of sysvinit?
2006-06-24 15:14:43 -07:00
sysvinitPath=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).sysvinit' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2004-02-18 02:56:07 -08:00
2004-02-18 06:56:32 -08:00
# Location of Nix boot scripts?
2006-06-24 15:14:43 -07:00
bootPath=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).boot' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2005-07-06 09:00:20 -07:00
2006-06-24 15:14:43 -07:00
syslinux=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).syslinux' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2005-07-31 06:11:44 -07:00
2006-06-24 15:14:43 -07:00
kernel=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).kernel' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-08-07 12:48:18 -07:00
kernelscripts=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).kernelscripts' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2005-07-31 08:25:39 -07:00
2006-06-24 15:14:43 -07:00
#nixDeps=$($NIX/nix-store -qR $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).nix' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2005-07-11 10:59:19 -07:00
2006-08-02 15:42:56 -07:00
utillinux=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).utillinux' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
gnugrep=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).gnugrep' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
grub=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).grubWrapper' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-08-04 16:39:59 -07:00
findutils=$($NIX/nix-store -q $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).findutilsWrapper' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-08-08 13:24:33 -07:00
modutils=$($NIX/nix-store -q $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).module_init_toolsStatic' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
dhcp=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).dhcpWrapper' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-08-06 16:59:31 -07:00
#combideps=$($NIX/nix-store -qR $nix $utillinux $gnugrep $grub $gzip $findutils)
2006-08-08 13:24:33 -07:00
combideps=$($NIX/nix-store -qR $nix $busybox $grub $findutils $modutils $dhcp)
2006-08-02 15:42:56 -07:00
2006-08-27 15:18:39 -07:00
for i in $storeExpr $mkinitrd
2006-08-04 16:39:59 -07:00
echo $i >> $narStorePaths
2006-08-02 15:42:56 -07:00
#for i in $nixDeps
for i in $combideps
2005-08-26 09:06:52 -07:00
2005-08-26 17:36:07 -07:00
echo $i >> $storePaths
echo '' >> $storePaths
2006-06-24 15:14:43 -07:00
deps=$($NIX/nix-store -q --references $i)
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
pkgs=$(echo $deps | $coreutils/bin/wc -w)
2005-08-26 17:36:07 -07:00
echo $pkgs >> $storePaths
for j in $deps
echo $j >> $storePaths
echo copying from store: $i
2006-07-03 01:39:52 -07:00
$gnutar/bin/tar -cf - $i | $gnutar/bin/tar --directory=$archivesDir -xf -
2005-08-26 09:06:52 -07:00
2006-08-03 09:19:04 -07:00
tar zcf ${archivesDir}/nixstore.tgz $combideps
2006-06-24 15:14:43 -07:00
utilLinux=$(nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).utillinuxStatic' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
coreUtilsDiet=$($NIX/nix-store -qR $(nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).coreutilsDiet' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -)))
## temporarily normal e2fsprogs until I can get it to build with dietlibc
2006-06-25 03:42:17 -07:00
e2fsProgs=$($NIX/nix-store -qR $(nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).e2fsprogsDiet' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -)))
#e2fsProgs=$($NIX/nix-store -qR $(nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).e2fsprogs' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -)))
2006-06-24 15:14:43 -07:00
modUtils=$($NIX/nix-store -qR $(nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).module_init_toolsStatic' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -)))
Grub=$($NIX/nix-store -qR $(nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).grubWrapper' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -)))
Kernel=$($NIX/nix-store -qR $(nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).kernel' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -)))
SysVinit=$($NIX/nix-store -qR $(nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).sysvinit' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -)))
BootPath=$($NIX/nix-store -qR $(nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).boot' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -)))
bashGlibc=$($NIX/nix-store -q $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).bash' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-08-02 15:42:56 -07:00
bash=$($NIX/nix-store -q $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).bashStatic' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-06-24 15:14:43 -07:00
coreutilsdiet=$($NIX/nix-store -q $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).coreutilsDiet' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-08-04 16:39:59 -07:00
#findutils=$($NIX/nix-store -q $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).findutilsWrapper' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-06-24 15:14:43 -07:00
utillinux=$($NIX/nix-store -q $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).utillinux' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
e2fsprogs=$($NIX/nix-store -q $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).e2fsprogsDiet' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-06-25 03:42:17 -07:00
#e2fsprogs=$($NIX/nix-store -q $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).e2fsprogs' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-08-02 15:42:56 -07:00
#e2fsprogs=$($NIX/nix-store -q $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).e2fsprogs' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2006-06-24 15:14:43 -07:00
modutils=$($NIX/nix-store -q $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).module_init_toolsStatic' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
grub=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).grubWrapper' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
mingettyWrapper=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).mingettyWrapper' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
dhcp=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).dhcpWrapper' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
nano=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).nano' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
gnugrep=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).gnugrep' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
which=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).which' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
eject=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).eject' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
sysklogd=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).sysklogd' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
#kudzu=$($NIX/nix-store -r $(echo '(import ./pkgs.nix).kudzu' | $NIX/nix-instantiate -))
2005-08-01 10:30:45 -07:00
echo creating directories for bootimage
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/mkdir ${initdir}
$coreutils/bin/mkdir ${initdir}/bin
$coreutils/bin/mkdir ${initdir}/cdrom
$coreutils/bin/mkdir ${initdir}/dev
$coreutils/bin/mkdir ${initdir}/etc
$coreutils/bin/mkdir ${initdir}/etc/sysconfig
$coreutils/bin/mkdir ${initdir}/installimage
2006-08-08 13:24:33 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/mkdir ${initdir}/lib
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/mkdir ${initdir}/modules
$coreutils/bin/mkdir ${initdir}/proc
$coreutils/bin/mkdir ${initdir}/sbin
$coreutils/bin/mkdir ${initdir}/sys
$coreutils/bin/mkdir ${initdir}/tmp
$coreutils/bin/mkdir -p ${initdir}/usr/bin
$coreutils/bin/mkdir -p ${initdir}/usr/sbin
$coreutils/bin/mkdir ${initdir}/var
$coreutils/bin/mkdir ${initdir}/var/run
2006-08-08 13:24:33 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/mkdir -p ${initdir}/var/state/dhcp
2005-08-01 10:30:45 -07:00
2005-07-31 06:11:44 -07:00
echo copying nixpkgs
2005-09-30 08:22:08 -07:00
#svn export ${nixpkgs} ${archivesDir}/pkgs
2006-08-03 06:43:44 -07:00
tar -zcf ${archivesDir}/nixpkgs.tgz ${nixpkgs}
2005-07-31 06:11:44 -07:00
2005-08-26 17:36:07 -07:00
#echo copying packages from store
2005-07-31 06:11:44 -07:00
echo copying scripts
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/mkdir ${archivesDir}/scripts
$coreutils/bin/cp -fa * ${archivesDir}/scripts
2006-07-03 01:39:52 -07:00
$gnused/bin/sed -e "s^@bash\@^$bash^g" \
2005-08-31 05:02:28 -07:00
-e "s^@coreutils\@^$coreutilsdiet^g" \
2006-08-06 16:59:31 -07:00
-e "s^@busybox\@^$busybox^g" \
2005-08-31 05:02:28 -07:00
< $initscript > $initscript.tmp
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/mv $initscript.tmp $initscript
2006-07-03 01:39:52 -07:00
$gnused/bin/sed -e "s^@sysvinitPath\@^$sysvinitPath^g" \
2005-07-06 09:00:20 -07:00
-e "s^@bootPath\@^$bootPath^g" \
2005-10-11 12:39:41 -07:00
-e "s^@nix\@^$nix^g" \
2005-08-01 10:30:45 -07:00
-e "s^@bash\@^$bash^g" \
2005-12-24 13:15:24 -08:00
-e "s^@bashGlibc\@^$bashGlibc^g" \
2005-08-03 05:00:42 -07:00
-e "s^@findutils\@^$findutils^g" \
2006-08-06 16:59:31 -07:00
-e "s^@busybox\@^$busybox^g" \
2005-08-28 09:56:48 -07:00
-e "s^@coreutilsdiet\@^$coreutilsdiet^g" \
2005-08-03 05:00:42 -07:00
-e "s^@coreutils\@^$coreutils^g" \
2005-12-24 03:50:42 -08:00
-e "s^@utilLinux\@^$utilLinux^g" \
2005-08-03 05:00:42 -07:00
-e "s^@utillinux\@^$utillinux^g" \
2005-08-05 06:48:22 -07:00
-e "s^@e2fsprogs\@^$e2fsprogs^g" \
2005-08-09 09:51:26 -07:00
-e "s^@modutils\@^$modutils^g" \
2005-08-12 16:40:12 -07:00
-e "s^@grub\@^$grub^g" \
2005-08-13 18:40:36 -07:00
-e "s^@kernel\@^$kernel^g" \
2006-08-07 12:48:18 -07:00
-e "s^@kernelscripts\@^$kernelscripts^g" \
2005-08-23 09:53:39 -07:00
-e "s^@gnugrep\@^$gnugrep^g" \
2005-08-25 16:10:36 -07:00
-e "s^@which\@^$which^g" \
2006-08-08 13:24:33 -07:00
-e "s^@dhcp\@^$dhcp^g" \
2005-09-30 08:22:08 -07:00
-e "s^@sysklogd\@^$sysklogd^g" \
2005-08-26 09:06:52 -07:00
-e "s^@gnutar\@^$gnutar^g" \
2006-08-03 06:43:44 -07:00
-e "s^@gzip\@^$gzip^g" \
2005-08-27 17:51:34 -07:00
-e "s^@mingetty\@^$mingettyWrapper^g" \
2005-07-06 09:00:20 -07:00
< $fill_disk > $fill_disk.tmp
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/mv $fill_disk.tmp $fill_disk
2005-07-31 06:11:44 -07:00
2006-07-03 01:39:52 -07:00
$gnused/bin/sed -e "s^@sysvinitPath\@^$sysvinitPath^g" \
2005-08-31 05:58:46 -07:00
-e "s^@bootPath\@^$bootPath^g" \
2006-06-24 15:14:43 -07:00
-e "s^@NIX\@^$nix^g" \
2005-08-31 05:58:46 -07:00
-e "s^@bash\@^$bash^g" \
-e "s^@findutils\@^$findutils^g" \
-e "s^@coreutilsdiet\@^$coreutilsdiet^g" \
-e "s^@coreutils\@^$coreutils^g" \
2005-12-24 03:50:42 -08:00
-e "s^@utillinux\@^$utilLinux^g" \
2005-08-31 05:58:46 -07:00
-e "s^@e2fsprogs\@^$e2fsprogs^g" \
-e "s^@modutils\@^$modutils^g" \
-e "s^@grub\@^$grub^g" \
-e "s^@kernel\@^$kernel^g" \
2006-08-07 12:48:18 -07:00
-e "s^@kernelscripts\@^$kernelscripts^g" \
2005-08-31 05:58:46 -07:00
-e "s^@gnugrep\@^$gnugrep^g" \
-e "s^@which\@^$which^g" \
-e "s^@gnutar\@^$gnutar^g" \
-e "s^@mingetty\@^$mingettyWrapper^g" \
2006-08-27 07:14:59 -07:00
-e "s^@busybox\@^$busybox^g" \
2005-08-31 05:58:46 -07:00
< $ramdisk_login > $ramdisk_login.tmp
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/mv $ramdisk_login.tmp $ramdisk_login
2005-08-31 05:58:46 -07:00
2006-08-27 07:14:59 -07:00
$gnused/bin/sed -e "s^@sysvinitPath\@^$sysvinitPath^g" \
-e "s^@bootPath\@^$bootPath^g" \
-e "s^@NIX\@^$nix^g" \
-e "s^@bash\@^$bash^g" \
-e "s^@findutils\@^$findutils^g" \
-e "s^@coreutilsdiet\@^$coreutilsdiet^g" \
-e "s^@coreutils\@^$coreutils^g" \
-e "s^@utillinux\@^$utilLinux^g" \
-e "s^@e2fsprogs\@^$e2fsprogs^g" \
-e "s^@modutils\@^$modutils^g" \
-e "s^@grub\@^$grub^g" \
-e "s^@kernel\@^$kernel^g" \
-e "s^@kernelscripts\@^$kernelscripts^g" \
-e "s^@gnugrep\@^$gnugrep^g" \
-e "s^@which\@^$which^g" \
-e "s^@gnutar\@^$gnutar^g" \
-e "s^@mingetty\@^$mingettyWrapper^g" \
-e "s^@busybox\@^$busybox^g" \
< $login_script > $login_script.tmp
$coreutils/bin/mv $login_script.tmp $login_script
2005-07-31 06:11:44 -07:00
echo copying bootimage
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/mkdir ${archivesDir}/isolinux
$coreutils/bin/cp ${syslinux}/lib/syslinux/isolinux.bin ${archivesDir}/isolinux
$coreutils/bin/cp isolinux.cfg ${archivesDir}/isolinux
$coreutils/bin/chmod u+w ${archivesDir}/isolinux/*
2005-07-31 08:25:39 -07:00
echo copying kernel
# By following the symlink we don't have to know the version number
# of the kernel here.
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/cp -L $kernel/vmlinuz ${archivesDir}/isolinux
2005-07-31 08:25:39 -07:00
2006-08-08 13:24:33 -07:00
strippedName=$(basename $kernel);
if echo "$strippedName" | grep -q '^[a-z0-9]\{32\}-'; then
strippedName=$(echo "$strippedName" | cut -c34- | cut -c 7-)
kernelhash=$(basename $root/$kernel);
if echo "$kernelhash" | grep -q '^[a-z0-9]\{32\}-'; then
kernelhash=$(echo "$kernelhash" | cut -c -32)
2005-12-24 03:50:42 -08:00
2006-08-08 13:24:33 -07:00
echo version: $version
#echo linking kernel modules
#$coreutils/bin/ln -s $kernel/lib $archivesDir/lib
echo copying network drivers
#$coreutils/bin/cp -fau --parents --no-preserve=mode $kernel/lib/modules/*/modules.* $archivesDir
#$coreutils/bin/cp -fau --parents --no-preserve=mode $kernel/lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers/net/* $archivesDir
$gnutar/bin/tar -cf - $kernel/lib/modules/*/modules.* | $gnutar/bin/tar --directory=$archivesDir --strip-components 3 -xf -
$gnutar/bin/tar -cf - $kernel/lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers/net/* | $gnutar/bin/tar --directory=$archivesDir --strip-components 3 -xf -
2005-12-24 03:50:42 -08:00
2005-08-01 10:30:45 -07:00
echo creating ramdisk
2006-08-08 13:24:33 -07:00
umask 0022
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/rm -f ${initrd}
2005-08-31 05:02:28 -07:00
#cp ${archivesDir}/scripts/fill-disk.sh ${initdir}/init
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/cp ${archivesDir}/scripts/fill-disk.sh ${initdir}/
$coreutils/bin/cp ${archivesDir}/scripts/ramdisk-login.sh ${initdir}/
2006-08-27 07:14:59 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/cp ${archivesDir}/scripts/login.sh ${initdir}/
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/cp ${archivesDir}/scripts/init.sh ${initdir}/init
2005-12-24 03:50:42 -08:00
#ln -s ${bash}/bin/bash ${initdir}/bin/sh
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/cp ${bash}/bin/bash ${initdir}/bin/sh
$coreutils/bin/chmod u+x ${initdir}/init
$coreutils/bin/chmod u+x ${initdir}/fill-disk.sh
$coreutils/bin/chmod u+x ${initdir}/ramdisk-login.sh
2006-08-27 07:14:59 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/chmod u+x ${initdir}/login.sh
2005-12-24 03:50:42 -08:00
#cp -fau --parents ${utilLinux} ${initdir}
#cp -fau --parents ${coreUtilsDiet} ${initdir}
#cp -fau --parents ${modUtils} ${initdir}
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/cp -fau --parents ${bash}/bin ${initdir}
2006-08-06 16:59:31 -07:00
#$coreutils/bin/cp -fau --parents ${utilLinux}/bin ${initdir}
#$coreutils/bin/chmod -R u+w ${initdir}
#$coreutils/bin/cp -fau --parents ${utilLinux}/sbin ${initdir}
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/cp -fau --parents ${e2fsProgs} ${initdir}
2006-08-06 16:59:31 -07:00
#$coreutils/bin/cp -fau --parents ${coreutilsdiet}/bin ${initdir}
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/cp -fau --parents ${modutils}/bin ${initdir}
$coreutils/bin/chmod -R u+w ${initdir}
$coreutils/bin/cp -fau --parents ${modutils}/sbin ${initdir}
2006-08-06 16:59:31 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/cp -fau --parents ${busybox} ${initdir}
2005-08-03 05:00:42 -07:00
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/touch ${archivesDir}/NIXOS
2005-08-11 07:06:04 -07:00
2006-07-03 16:16:44 -07:00
(cd ${initdir}; find . |$cpio/bin/cpio -H newc -o) | $gzip/bin/gzip -9 > ${initrd}
2005-08-01 10:30:45 -07:00
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/chmod -f -R +w ${initdir}/*
$coreutils/bin/rm -rf ${initdir}
2005-08-19 08:26:01 -07:00
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/cp ${initrd} ${archivesDir}/isolinux
$coreutils/bin/rm -f ${initrd}
2005-07-31 08:25:39 -07:00
echo creating ISO image
2006-07-03 02:32:15 -07:00
$cdrtools/bin/mkisofs -rJ -o ${bootiso} -b isolinux/isolinux.bin \
-c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 \
-boot-info-table ${archivesDir}
2005-08-09 09:51:26 -07:00
2005-08-13 18:40:36 -07:00
# cleanup, be diskspace friendly
2005-08-16 14:46:08 -07:00
echo cleaning up
2006-07-03 15:20:22 -07:00
$coreutils/bin/chmod -f -R +w ${archivesDir}/*
2005-12-24 03:50:42 -08:00
#rm -rf ${archivesDir}/*