2011-03-21 08:42:21 -07:00
{ stdenv , fetchurl }:
2009-12-14 07:28:55 -08:00
fbcondecorConfig =
# fbcondecor is picky about some other settings.
FB y
FB_S3 n
FB_VT8623 n
'' ;
2011-03-21 08:53:22 -07:00
makeTuxonicePatch = { version , kernelVersion , sha256 ,
url ? " h t t p : / / t u x o n i c e . n e t / f i l e s / t u x o n i c e - ${ version } - f o r - ${ kernelVersion } . p a t c h . b z 2 " } :
{ name = " t u x o n i c e - ${ kernelVersion } " ;
patch = stdenv . mkDerivation {
name = " t u x o n i c e - ${ version } - f o r - ${ kernelVersion } . p a t c h " ;
src = fetchurl {
inherit url sha256 ;
} ;
phases = [ " i n s t a l l P h a s e " ] ;
installPhase = ''
source $ stdenv/setup
bunzip2 - c $ src > $ out
'' ;
} ;
} ;
2009-12-14 07:28:55 -08:00
2011-07-11 06:59:40 -07:00
rec {
2009-12-14 07:28:55 -08:00
sec_perm_2_6_24 =
{ name = " s e c _ p e r m - 2 . 6 . 2 4 " ;
patch = ./sec_perm-2.6.24.patch ;
features . secPermPatch = true ;
} ;
2009-12-14 11:08:20 -08:00
fbcondecor_2_6_25 =
{ name = " f b c o n d e c o r - 0 . 9 . 4 - 2 . 6 . 2 5 - r c 6 " ;
patch = fetchurl {
url = http://dev.gentoo.org/~spock/projects/fbcondecor/archive/fbcondecor-0.9.4-2.6.25-rc6.patch ;
sha256 = " 1 w m 9 4 n 7 f 0 q y b 8 x v a f i p 1 5 r 1 5 8 z 5 p z w 7 z b 7 q 8 h r g d d b 0 9 2 c 6 i b m q 8 " ;
} ;
extraConfig = fbcondecorConfig ;
features . fbConDecor = true ;
} ;
2011-07-11 06:59:40 -07:00
2009-12-14 07:28:55 -08:00
fbcondecor_2_6_27 =
{ name = " f b c o n d e c o r - 0 . 9 . 4 - 2 . 6 . 2 7 " ;
patch = fetchurl {
url = http://dev.gentoo.org/~spock/projects/fbcondecor/archive/fbcondecor-0.9.4-2.6.27.patch ;
sha256 = " 1 7 0 l 9 l 5 f v b g j r r 4 k l q c w b g j g 4 k w v r r h j p m g b f p q j 0 s c q 0 s 4 q 4 v k 6 " ;
} ;
extraConfig = fbcondecorConfig ;
features . fbConDecor = true ;
} ;
fbcondecor_2_6_28 =
{ name = " f b c o n d e c o r - 0 . 9 . 5 - 2 . 6 . 2 8 " ;
patch = fetchurl {
url = http://dev.gentoo.org/~spock/projects/fbcondecor/archive/fbcondecor-0.9.5-2.6.28.patch ;
sha256 = " 1 0 5 q 2 d w r w i 8 6 3 r 7 n h l r v l j i m 3 7 a q v 6 7 m j c 3 l g g 5 2 9 j z q g n y 3 f j d s " ;
} ;
extraConfig = fbcondecorConfig ;
features . fbConDecor = true ;
} ;
2011-07-11 06:59:40 -07:00
2009-12-14 07:28:55 -08:00
fbcondecor_2_6_29 =
{ name = " f b c o n d e c o r - 0 . 9 . 6 - 2 . 6 . 2 9 . 2 " ;
patch = fetchurl {
url = http://dev.gentoo.org/~spock/projects/fbcondecor/archive/fbcondecor-0.9.6- ;
sha256 = " 1 y p p v j i 1 3 s g n q l 6 2 h 4 w m s k z l 9 l 1 9 8 p p 1 p b i x p b y m j i 7 m r 4 a 0 y l x 1 " ;
} ;
extraConfig = fbcondecorConfig ;
features . fbConDecor = true ;
} ;
2011-07-11 06:59:40 -07:00
2009-12-14 07:28:55 -08:00
fbcondecor_2_6_31 =
{ name = " f b c o n d e c o r - 0 . 9 . 6 - 2 . 6 . 3 1 . 2 " ;
patch = fetchurl {
url = http://dev.gentoo.org/~spock/projects/fbcondecor/archive/fbcondecor-0.9.6- ;
sha256 = " 1 a v k 0 y n 0 y 2 q b p s x f 3 1 r 6 d 1 4 y 4 a 1 m a n d 0 1 r 4 k 4 i 7 1 y f x v p q c g x k a 9 " ;
} ;
extraConfig = fbcondecorConfig ;
features . fbConDecor = true ;
} ;
2010-02-25 06:15:42 -08:00
fbcondecor_2_6_33 =
{ name = " f b c o n d e c o r - 0 . 9 . 6 - 2 . 6 . 3 3 - r c 7 " ;
patch = fetchurl {
url = http://dev.gentoo.org/~spock/projects/fbcondecor/archive/fbcondecor-0.9.6-2.6.33-rc7.patch ;
sha256 = " 1 v 9 l g 3 b g v a 0 x r y 0 s 0 9 d r p w 3 n 1 3 9 s 8 h l n 8 s l a y a f 6 i 2 6 v g 4 l 4 x d z 6 " ;
} ;
extraConfig = fbcondecorConfig ;
features . fbConDecor = true ;
} ;
2010-08-20 13:12:03 -07:00
fbcondecor_2_6_35 =
rec {
name = " f b c o n d e c o r - 0 . 9 . 6 - 2 . 6 . 3 5 - r c 4 " ;
patch = fetchurl {
url = " h t t p : / / d e v . g e n t o o . o r g / ~ s p o c k / p r o j e c t s / f b c o n d e c o r / a r c h i v e / ${ name } . p a t c h " ;
sha256 = " 0 d l k s 1 a r r 3 b 3 h l m w 9 k 1 a 1 s w j i 2 x 6 5 5 w h y 6 1 s a 0 a a h m 6 2 f a i b s g 1 r " ;
} ;
extraConfig = fbcondecorConfig ;
2011-03-19 13:44:45 -07:00
features . fbConDecor = true ;
} ;
fbcondecor_2_6_37 =
rec {
name = " f b c o n d e c o r - 0 . 9 . 6 - 2 . 6 . 3 7 " ;
patch = fetchurl {
url = " h t t p : / / d e v . g e n t o o . o r g / ~ s p o c k / p r o j e c t s / f b c o n d e c o r / a r c h i v e / ${ name } . p a t c h " ;
sha256 = " 1 y a p 9 q 6 m p 1 5 j h s y s r y 4 x 1 7 c p m 5 d j 3 5 g 8 l 2 d 0 p 0 v n 1 x q 2 5 x 3 j f k q k " ;
} ;
extraConfig = fbcondecorConfig ;
2010-08-20 13:12:03 -07:00
features . fbConDecor = true ;
} ;
2011-04-18 08:13:04 -07:00
fbcondecor_2_6_38 =
rec {
name = " f b c o n d e c o r - 0 . 9 . 6 - 2 . 6 . 3 8 " ;
patch = fetchurl {
url = " h t t p : / / d e v . g e n t o o . o r g / ~ s p o c k / p r o j e c t s / f b c o n d e c o r / a r c h i v e / ${ name } . p a t c h " ;
sha256 = " 1 l 8 x q f 5 z 2 2 7 m 5 a y 6 a z q b a 1 q w 1 0 y 2 6 a 4 c w f h z z a p z m m w q 1 b p r 8 m l w " ;
} ;
extraConfig = fbcondecorConfig ;
features . fbConDecor = true ;
} ;
2009-12-14 07:28:55 -08:00
# From http://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/19495/
ext4_softlockups_2_6_28 =
{ name = " e x t 4 - s o f t l o c k u p s - f i x " ;
patch = fetchurl {
url = http://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/19495/raw ;
sha256 = " 0 v q c j 9 q s 7 j a j l v m w m 9 7 z 8 c l j r 4 v b 2 7 7 a q h s j q r a k b x f d i w l h r z z f " ;
} ;
} ;
2011-07-11 06:59:40 -07:00
gcov_2_6_28 =
2010-01-03 09:57:08 -08:00
{ name = " g c o v " ;
patch = fetchurl {
url = http://buildfarm.st.ewi.tudelft.nl/~eelco/dist/linux-2.6.28-gcov.patch ;
sha256 = " 0 c k 9 m i s a 3 p g h 3 v z y b 7 7 1 4 i b f 7 i x 7 p i y g 5 d v f a 9 r 4 2 v 1 5 s c j q i y n y " ;
} ;
extraConfig =
'' ;
} ;
2010-05-05 12:48:46 -07:00
tracehook_2_6_32 =
2011-08-19 23:47:13 -07:00
{ # From <http://userweb.kernel.org/~frob/utrace/>.
2010-05-05 12:48:46 -07:00
name = " t r a c e h o o k " ;
patch = fetchurl {
2011-08-19 23:47:13 -07:00
url = http://userweb.kernel.org/~frob/utrace/2.6.32/tracehook.patch ;
2010-05-05 12:48:46 -07:00
sha256 = " 1 y 0 0 9 p 8 d y q k n b j m 8 r y b 4 9 5 j q m v l 3 7 2 g f h s w d n 1 6 7 x h 2 g 1 f 2 4 x q v 8 " ;
} ;
} ;
utrace_2_6_32 =
2011-08-19 23:47:13 -07:00
{ # From <http://userweb.kernel.org/~frob/utrace/>, depends on the
2010-05-05 12:48:46 -07:00
# `tracehook' patch above.
# See also <http://sourceware.org/systemtap/wiki/utrace>.
name = " u t r a c e " ;
patch = fetchurl {
2011-08-19 23:47:13 -07:00
url = http://userweb.kernel.org/~frob/utrace/2.6.32/utrace.patch ;
sha256 = " 0 a r g f 1 9 k 9 f 0 a s i v 4 l 4 c n s x m 5 h w 2 x x 8 d 7 9 4 n p a l n 8 8 v w z 8 7 s j 5 n n q " ;
2010-05-05 12:48:46 -07:00
} ;
extraConfig =
'' U T R A C E y
'' ;
} ;
2010-05-28 00:09:15 -07:00
aufs2_2_6_32 =
{ # From http://git.c3sl.ufpr.br/gitweb?p=aufs/aufs2-standalone.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/aufs2-32;hb=aufs2-32
# Note that this merely the patch needed to build AUFS2 as a
# standalone package.
name = " a u f s 2 " ;
patch = ./aufs2.patch ;
2010-05-28 02:29:39 -07:00
features . aufsBase = true ;
} ;
2011-08-20 00:55:53 -07:00
aufs2_2_6_33 =
{ # From http://git.c3sl.ufpr.br/gitweb?p=aufs/aufs2-standalone.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/aufs2-33;hb=aufs2-33
# Note that this merely the patch needed to build AUFS2 as a
# standalone package.
name = " a u f s 2 " ;
patch = ./aufs2-33.patch ;
features . aufsBase = true ;
} ;
2010-06-07 23:29:02 -07:00
aufs2_2_6_34 =
{ # From http://git.c3sl.ufpr.br/gitweb?p=aufs/aufs2-standalone.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/aufs2-34;hb=aufs2-34
# Note that this merely the patch needed to build AUFS2 as a
# standalone package.
name = " a u f s 2 " ;
patch = ./aufs2-34.patch ;
features . aufsBase = true ;
} ;
2010-08-20 13:46:12 -07:00
aufs2_2_6_35 =
{ # From http://git.c3sl.ufpr.br/gitweb?p=aufs/aufs2-standalone.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/aufs2-35;hb=aufs2-35
# Note that this merely the patch needed to build AUFS2 as a
# standalone package.
name = " a u f s 2 " ;
patch = ./aufs2-35.patch ;
features . aufsBase = true ;
} ;
2011-08-19 23:39:29 -07:00
aufs2_2_6_36 =
{ # From http://git.c3sl.ufpr.br/gitweb?p=aufs/aufs2-standalone.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/aufs2.1-36;hb=aufs2.1-36
# Note that this merely the patch needed to build AUFS2 as a
# standalone package.
name = " a u f s 2 " ;
patch = ./aufs2.1-36.patch ;
features . aufsBase = true ;
features . aufs2_1 = true ;
} ;
Committing the aufs2.1 patch by Shea Levy. His comments:
* My motivation for this patch is that kernels < 2.6.36 contain an
e1000e that does not support the ethernet card that is part of the
chipset for the second-generation Core-i Intel CPUs, so in order
to have a more useful livecd I needed to get aufs working with a
newer kernel, and 2.6.37 is the latest kernel with an official
aufs release.
* All sources are downloaded with fetchgit. This is because the aufs
upstream doesn't provide release tarballs, they just add a tag to
their git tree for an official release.
* The make target for the aufs2.1 headers uses a Makefile in the
kernel build directory that requires that unifdef be in the
scripts/ subdirectory of the build directory. The way I've dealt
with this here is by adding "make $makeFlags -C scripts unifdef"
to the postBuild in the kernel builder. Since the builder is used
by all kernel versions, this will require rebuilding every kernel
and kernel-dependent package if the patch is accepted, so one
alternative I thought of would be to create a fake kernel build
directory where everything is symlinked to the real build
directory except scripts/, which is first copied and then make
unifdef is run before building aufs2.1. If that more complicated
solution is preferred, or if anyone has ideas for another one, I
can do that and submit a new patch.
* The patch was tested by building a livecd ISO that uses it, then
running the ISO from within virtualbox and installing aufs2.1-util
from within the livecd environment.
* The livecd was built using installation-cd-minimal.nix, with two
changes to the Nixos tree:
1. boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_2_6_37 was added to
2. config.boot.kernelPackages.aufs2 was changed to
config.boot.kernelPackages.aufs2_1 in iso-image.nix
I would have preferred to keep all changes within
profiles/minimal.nix, but I couldn't figure out how to override
iso-image.nix's definition of boot.extraModulePackages. Livecds
that use an older kernel can't be built with this iso-image.nix,
since we don't have aufs2.1 for them (just aufs2). If someone can
point me to how I can override things set in iso-image.nix, I'd
appreciate it.
make -C scripts unifdef compiles the unifdef application in the
scripts/ directory, and when Nix copies over the build tree to
$out/lib/modules/$version/build for kernel modules to reference, it
copies over all of scripts/ except the .o files. I can't speak for
other kernel versions, but at the least for unifdef is not
built by default. If you look at the Makefile in scripts, unifdef is
listed under a comment saying that the following programs are only
built on-demand.
svn path=/nixpkgs/trunk/; revision=26548
2011-03-27 08:18:39 -07:00
aufs2_1_2_6_37 =
{ # From http://git.c3sl.ufpr.br/gitweb?p=aufs/aufs2-standalone.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/aufs2.1-37;hb=refs/heads/aufs2.1-37
# Note that this merely the patch needed to build AUFS2.1 as a
# standalone package.
name = " a u f s 2 . 1 " ;
patch = ./aufs2.1-37.patch ;
features . aufsBase = true ;
2011-03-30 01:16:44 -07:00
features . aufs2_1 = true ;
Committing the aufs2.1 patch by Shea Levy. His comments:
* My motivation for this patch is that kernels < 2.6.36 contain an
e1000e that does not support the ethernet card that is part of the
chipset for the second-generation Core-i Intel CPUs, so in order
to have a more useful livecd I needed to get aufs working with a
newer kernel, and 2.6.37 is the latest kernel with an official
aufs release.
* All sources are downloaded with fetchgit. This is because the aufs
upstream doesn't provide release tarballs, they just add a tag to
their git tree for an official release.
* The make target for the aufs2.1 headers uses a Makefile in the
kernel build directory that requires that unifdef be in the
scripts/ subdirectory of the build directory. The way I've dealt
with this here is by adding "make $makeFlags -C scripts unifdef"
to the postBuild in the kernel builder. Since the builder is used
by all kernel versions, this will require rebuilding every kernel
and kernel-dependent package if the patch is accepted, so one
alternative I thought of would be to create a fake kernel build
directory where everything is symlinked to the real build
directory except scripts/, which is first copied and then make
unifdef is run before building aufs2.1. If that more complicated
solution is preferred, or if anyone has ideas for another one, I
can do that and submit a new patch.
* The patch was tested by building a livecd ISO that uses it, then
running the ISO from within virtualbox and installing aufs2.1-util
from within the livecd environment.
* The livecd was built using installation-cd-minimal.nix, with two
changes to the Nixos tree:
1. boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_2_6_37 was added to
2. config.boot.kernelPackages.aufs2 was changed to
config.boot.kernelPackages.aufs2_1 in iso-image.nix
I would have preferred to keep all changes within
profiles/minimal.nix, but I couldn't figure out how to override
iso-image.nix's definition of boot.extraModulePackages. Livecds
that use an older kernel can't be built with this iso-image.nix,
since we don't have aufs2.1 for them (just aufs2). If someone can
point me to how I can override things set in iso-image.nix, I'd
appreciate it.
make -C scripts unifdef compiles the unifdef application in the
scripts/ directory, and when Nix copies over the build tree to
$out/lib/modules/$version/build for kernel modules to reference, it
copies over all of scripts/ except the .o files. I can't speak for
other kernel versions, but at the least for unifdef is not
built by default. If you look at the Makefile in scripts, unifdef is
listed under a comment saying that the following programs are only
built on-demand.
svn path=/nixpkgs/trunk/; revision=26548
2011-03-27 08:18:39 -07:00
} ;
2011-04-12 11:36:33 -07:00
aufs2_1_2_6_38 =
{ # From http://aufs.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=aufs/aufs2-standalone.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/aufs2.1-38;hb=refs/heads/aufs2.1-38
# Note that this merely the patch needed to build AUFS2.1 as a
# standalone package.
name = " a u f s 2 . 1 " ;
patch = ./aufs2.1-38.patch ;
features . aufsBase = true ;
features . aufs2_1 = true ;
} ;
2011-08-19 23:39:29 -07:00
aufs2_1_2_6_39 =
{ # From http://aufs.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=aufs/aufs2-standalone.git;a=tree;h=refs/heads/aufs2.1-39;hb=refs/heads/aufs2.1-39
# Note that this merely the patch needed to build AUFS2.1 as a
# standalone package.
name = " a u f s 2 . 1 " ;
patch = ./aufs2.1-39.patch ;
features . aufsBase = true ;
features . aufs2_1 = true ;
} ;
aufs2_1_3_0 =
{ # From http://aufs.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=aufs/aufs2-standalone.git;a=tree;h=ac52a37b0debba539bdfabba101f82b99136b380;hb=ac52a37b0debba539bdfabba101f82b99136b380
# Note that this merely the patch needed to build AUFS2.1 as a
# standalone package.
name = " a u f s 2 . 1 " ;
patch = ./aufs2.1-3.0.patch ;
features . aufsBase = true ;
features . aufs2_1 = true ;
} ;
2010-06-20 13:52:08 -07:00
# Increase the timeout on CIFS requests from 15 to 120 seconds to
# make CIFS more resilient to high load on the CIFS server.
2011-07-11 07:00:01 -07:00
cifs_timeout_2_6_15 =
{ name = " c i f s - t i m e o u t " ;
patch = ./cifs-timeout-2.6.15.patch ;
features . cifsTimeout = true ;
} ;
2011-07-11 06:59:54 -07:00
cifs_timeout_2_6_25 =
{ name = " c i f s - t i m e o u t " ;
patch = ./cifs-timeout-2.6.25.patch ;
features . cifsTimeout = true ;
} ;
2011-07-11 06:59:47 -07:00
cifs_timeout_2_6_29 =
2010-06-20 13:52:08 -07:00
{ name = " c i f s - t i m e o u t " ;
2011-07-11 06:59:47 -07:00
patch = ./cifs-timeout-2.6.29.patch ;
2010-07-18 14:10:46 -07:00
features . cifsTimeout = true ;
} ;
2011-07-11 06:59:43 -07:00
cifs_timeout_2_6_35 =
{ name = " c i f s - t i m e o u t " ;
patch = ./cifs-timeout-2.6.35.patch ;
features . cifsTimeout = true ;
} ;
cifs_timeout_2_6_38 =
{ name = " c i f s - t i m e o u t " ;
patch = ./cifs-timeout-2.6.38.patch ;
features . cifsTimeout = true ;
} ;
2011-07-11 06:59:47 -07:00
cifs_timeout = cifs_timeout_2_6_29 ;
2011-07-11 06:59:40 -07:00
2010-07-18 14:10:46 -07:00
no_xsave =
{ name = " n o - x s a v e " ;
patch = fetchurl {
2010-09-09 10:07:12 -07:00
url = " h t t p : / / k e r n e l . u b u n t u . c o m / g i t ? p = r t g / u b u n t u - m a v e r i c k . g i t ; a = b l o b d i f f _ p l a i n ; f = a r c h / x 8 6 / x e n / e n l i g h t e n . c ; h = f 7 f f 4 c 7 d 2 2 9 5 4 a b 5 e d a 4 6 4 3 2 0 2 4 1 3 0 0 b d 5 a 3 2 e e 5 ; h p = 1 e a 0 6 f 8 4 2 a 9 2 1 5 5 7 e 9 5 8 1 1 0 e 2 2 9 4 1 d 5 3 a 2 8 2 2 f 3 c ; h b = 1 a 3 0 f 9 9 ; h p b = 8 f 2 f f 6 9 d c e 1 8 e d 8 5 6 a 8 d 1 b 9 3 1 7 6 f 7 6 8 b 4 7 e e e d 8 6 " ;
2010-07-18 14:10:46 -07:00
name = " n o - x s a v e . p a t c h " ;
2010-09-09 10:07:12 -07:00
sha256 = " 1 8 7 3 2 s 3 v m a v 5 r p g 6 z q p i w 2 i 0 l l 8 3 p c c 4 g w 2 6 6 h 6 5 4 5 p m b h 9 p 7 h k y " ;
2010-07-18 14:10:46 -07:00
} ;
features . noXsave = true ;
2010-06-20 13:52:08 -07:00
} ;
2010-07-25 05:15:59 -07:00
dell_rfkill =
{ name = " d e l l - r f k i l l " ;
patch = ./dell-rfkill.patch ;
} ;
2010-09-17 08:56:42 -07:00
2010-10-07 15:10:28 -07:00
sheevaplug_modules_2_6_35 =
{ name = " s h e e v a p l u g _ m o d u l e s - 2 . 6 . 3 5 " ;
patch = ./sheevaplug_modules-2.6.35.patch ;
} ;
2010-11-21 07:26:36 -08:00
mips_restart_2_6_36 =
{ name = " m i p s _ r e s t a r t _ 2 _ 6 _ 3 6 " ;
patch = ./mips_restart.patch ;
} ;
2010-09-17 08:56:42 -07:00
guruplug_defconfig =
2010-10-25 09:36:42 -07:00
{ # Default configuration for the GuruPlug. From
2010-09-17 08:56:42 -07:00
# <http://www.openplug.org/plugwiki/images/c/c6/Guruplug-patchset->.
name = " g u r u p l u g - d e f c o n f i g " ;
patch = ./guruplug-defconfig.patch ;
} ;
guruplug_arch_number =
2010-10-25 09:36:42 -07:00
{ # Hack to match the `arch_number' of the U-Boot that ships with the
2010-09-17 08:56:42 -07:00
# GuruPlug. This is only needed when using this specific U-Boot
# binary. See
# <http://www.plugcomputer.org/plugwiki/index.php/Compiling_Linux_Kernel_for_the_Plug_Computer>.
name = " g u r u p l u g - a r c h - n u m b e r " ;
patch = ./guruplug-mach-type.patch ;
} ;
2010-10-25 09:36:42 -07:00
2011-03-21 08:53:22 -07:00
tuxonice_2_6_34 = makeTuxonicePatch {
version = " 3 . 2 - r c 2 " ;
kernelVersion = " 2 . 6 . 3 4 " ;
sha256 = " 0 b a g q i n m k y 1 k m v g 3 v w 8 c d y s q k l x r s f j m 7 g q r p x v i q 9 j q 8 v y y c v i z " ;
} ;
tuxonice_2_6_35 = makeTuxonicePatch {
version = " 3 . 2 - r c 2 " ;
kernelVersion = " 2 . 6 . 3 5 " ;
sha256 = " 0 0 j b r q q 6 p 1 l y v l i 8 3 5 w c z c 0 v q s n 0 z 7 3 j p b 2 a a k 3 a k 0 v g n v s x w 3 7 q " ;
} ;
tuxonice_2_6_36 = makeTuxonicePatch {
version = " 3 . 2 - r c 2 " ;
kernelVersion = " 2 . 6 . 3 6 " ;
sha256 = " 1 v c w 3 g p j d g h n k l i 4 6 j 3 7 p c 6 r p 8 m q k 8 d h 6 8 8 j v 8 r p p z s r y 0 l l 7 b 7 k " ;
} ;
tuxonice_2_6_37 = makeTuxonicePatch {
version = " 3 . 2 - r c 2 " ;
kernelVersion = " 2 . 6 . 3 7 " ;
url = " h t t p : / / t u x o n i c e . n e t / f i l e s / c u r r e n t - t u x o n i c e - f o r - 2 . 6 . 3 7 . p a t c h _ 0 . b z 2 " ;
sha256 = " 0 a c l l a b v b m 9 p m j n h 0 z x 9 m g n p 4 7 x b r l 9 i h 6 i 0 3 7 c 8 5 h 0 y m n j s x d h k " ;
} ;
2011-03-21 08:42:21 -07:00
2011-04-07 06:57:43 -07:00
glibc_getline =
# Patch to work around conflicting types for the `getline' function
# with recent Glibcs (2009).
name = " g l i b c - g e t l i n e " ;
patch = ./getline.patch ;
} ;
2009-12-14 07:28:55 -08:00