
964 lines
29 KiB
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{ config, lib }:
with lib;
boolValues = [true false "yes" "no"];
assertValueOneOf = name: values: group: attr:
optional (attr ? ${name} && !elem attr.${name} values)
"Systemd ${group} field `${name}' cannot have value `${attr.${name}}'.";
assertHasField = name: group: attr:
optional (!(attr ? ${name}))
"Systemd ${group} field `${name}' must exist.";
assertOnlyFields = fields: group: attr:
let badFields = filter (name: ! elem name fields) (attrNames attr); in
optional (badFields != [ ])
"Systemd ${group} has extra fields [${concatStringsSep " " badFields}].";
assertRange = name: min: max: group: attr:
optional (attr ? ${name} && !(min <= attr.${name} && max >= attr.${name}))
"Systemd ${group} field `${name}' is outside the range [${toString min},${toString max}]";
digits = map toString (range 0 9);
isByteFormat = s:
l = reverseList (stringToCharacters s);
suffix = head l;
nums = tail l;
in elem suffix (["K" "M" "G" "T"] ++ digits)
&& all (num: elem num digits) nums;
assertByteFormat = name: group: attr:
optional (attr ? ${name} && ! isByteFormat attr.${name})
"Systemd ${group} field `${name}' must be in byte format [0-9]+[KMGT].";
hexChars = stringToCharacters "0123456789abcdefABCDEF";
isMacAddress = s: stringLength s == 17
&& flip all (splitString ":" s) (bytes:
all (byte: elem byte hexChars) (stringToCharacters bytes)
assertMacAddress = name: group: attr:
optional (attr ? ${name} && ! isMacAddress attr.${name})
"Systemd ${group} field `${name}' must be a valid mac address.";
checkUnitConfig = group: checks: v:
let errors = concatMap (c: c group v) checks; in
if errors == [] then true
else builtins.trace (concatStringsSep "\n" errors) false;
checkService = checkUnitConfig "Service" [
(assertValueOneOf "Type" [
"simple" "forking" "oneshot" "dbus" "notify" "idle"
(assertValueOneOf "Restart" [
"no" "on-success" "on-failure" "on-abort" "always"
checkLink = checkUnitConfig "Link" [
(assertOnlyFields [
"Description" "Alias" "MACAddressPolicy" "MACAddress" "NamePolicy" "Name"
"MTUBytes" "BitsPerSecond" "Duplex" "WakeOnLan"
(assertValueOneOf "MACAddressPolicy" ["persistent" "random"])
(assertMacAddress "MACAddress")
(assertValueOneOf "NamePolicy" [
"kernel" "database" "onboard" "slot" "path" "mac"
(assertByteFormat "MTUBytes")
(assertByteFormat "BitsPerSecond")
(assertValueOneOf "Duplex" ["half" "full"])
(assertValueOneOf "WakeOnLan" ["phy" "magic" "off"])
checkNetdev = checkUnitConfig "Netdev" [
(assertOnlyFields [
"Description" "Name" "Kind" "MTUBytes" "MACAddress"
(assertHasField "Name")
(assertHasField "Kind")
(assertValueOneOf "Kind" [
"bridge" "bond" "vlan" "macvlan" "vxlan" "ipip"
"gre" "sit" "vti" "veth" "tun" "tap" "dummy"
(assertByteFormat "MTUBytes")
(assertMacAddress "MACAddress")
checkVlan = checkUnitConfig "VLAN" [
(assertOnlyFields ["Id"])
(assertRange "Id" 0 4094)
checkMacvlan = checkUnitConfig "MACVLAN" [
(assertOnlyFields ["Mode"])
(assertValueOneOf "Mode" ["private" "vepa" "bridge" "passthru"])
checkVxlan = checkUnitConfig "VXLAN" [
(assertOnlyFields ["Id" "Group" "TOS" "TTL" "MacLearning"])
(assertRange "TTL" 0 255)
(assertValueOneOf "MacLearning" boolValues)
checkTunnel = checkUnitConfig "Tunnel" [
(assertOnlyFields ["Local" "Remote" "TOS" "TTL" "DiscoverPathMTU"])
(assertRange "TTL" 0 255)
(assertValueOneOf "DiscoverPathMTU" boolValues)
checkPeer = checkUnitConfig "Peer" [
(assertOnlyFields ["Name" "MACAddress"])
(assertMacAddress "MACAddress")
tunTapChecks = [
(assertOnlyFields ["OneQueue" "MultiQueue" "PacketInfo" "User" "Group"])
(assertValueOneOf "OneQueue" boolValues)
(assertValueOneOf "MultiQueue" boolValues)
(assertValueOneOf "PacketInfo" boolValues)
checkTun = checkUnitConfig "Tun" tunTapChecks;
checkTap = checkUnitConfig "Tap" tunTapChecks;
checkBond = checkUnitConfig "Bond" [
(assertOnlyFields [
"Mode" "TransmitHashPolicy" "LACPTransmitRate" "MIIMonitorSec"
"UpDelaySec" "DownDelaySec"
(assertValueOneOf "Mode" [
"balance-rr" "active-backup" "balance-xor"
"broadcast" "802.3ad" "balance-tlb" "balance-alb"
(assertValueOneOf "TransmitHashPolicy" [
"layer2" "layer3+4" "layer2+3" "encap2+3" "802.3ad" "encap3+4"
(assertValueOneOf "LACPTransmitRate" ["slow" "fast"])
checkNetwork = checkUnitConfig "Network" [
(assertOnlyFields [
"Description" "DHCP" "DHCPServer" "IPv4LL" "IPv4LLRoute"
"LLMNR" "Domains" "Bridge" "Bond"
(assertValueOneOf "DHCP" ["both" "none" "v4" "v6"])
(assertValueOneOf "DHCPServer" boolValues)
(assertValueOneOf "IPv4LL" boolValues)
(assertValueOneOf "IPv4LLRoute" boolValues)
(assertValueOneOf "LLMNR" boolValues)
checkAddress = checkUnitConfig "Address" [
(assertOnlyFields ["Address" "Peer" "Broadcast" "Label"])
(assertHasField "Address")
checkRoute = checkUnitConfig "Route" [
(assertOnlyFields ["Gateway" "Destination" "Metric"])
(assertHasField "Gateway")
checkDhcp = checkUnitConfig "DHCP" [
(assertOnlyFields [
"UseDNS" "UseMTU" "SendHostname" "UseHostname" "UseDomains" "UseRoutes"
"CriticalConnections" "VendorClassIdentifier" "RequestBroadcast"
(assertValueOneOf "UseDNS" boolValues)
(assertValueOneOf "UseMTU" boolValues)
(assertValueOneOf "SendHostname" boolValues)
(assertValueOneOf "UseHostname" boolValues)
(assertValueOneOf "UseDomains" boolValues)
(assertValueOneOf "UseRoutes" boolValues)
(assertValueOneOf "CriticalConnections" boolValues)
(assertValueOneOf "RequestBroadcast" boolValues)
unitOption = mkOptionType {
name = "systemd option";
merge = loc: defs:
defs' = filterOverrides defs;
defs'' = getValues defs';
if isList (head defs'')
then concatLists defs''
else mergeOneOption loc defs';
in rec {
sharedOptions = {
enable = mkOption {
default = true;
type = types.bool;
description = ''
If set to false, this unit will be a symlink to
/dev/null. This is primarily useful to prevent specific
template instances (e.g. <literal>serial-getty@ttyS0</literal>)
from being started.
requiredBy = mkOption {
default = [];
type = types.listOf types.string;
description = "Units that require (i.e. depend on and need to go down with) this unit.";
wantedBy = mkOption {
default = [];
type = types.listOf types.string;
description = "Units that want (i.e. depend on) this unit.";
concreteUnitOptions = sharedOptions // {
text = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.str;
default = null;
description = "Text of this systemd unit.";
unit = mkOption {
internal = true;
description = "The generated unit.";
commonUnitOptions = sharedOptions // {
description = mkOption {
default = "";
type = types.str;
description = "Description of this unit used in systemd messages and progress indicators.";
requires = mkOption {
default = [];
type = types.listOf types.str;
description = ''
Start the specified units when this unit is started, and stop
this unit when the specified units are stopped or fail.
wants = mkOption {
default = [];
type = types.listOf types.str;
description = ''
Start the specified units when this unit is started.
after = mkOption {
default = [];
type = types.listOf types.str;
description = ''
If the specified units are started at the same time as
this unit, delay this unit until they have started.
before = mkOption {
default = [];
type = types.listOf types.str;
description = ''
If the specified units are started at the same time as
this unit, delay them until this unit has started.
2012-10-10 13:50:41 -07:00
bindsTo = mkOption {
default = [];
type = types.listOf types.str;
2012-10-10 13:50:41 -07:00
description = ''
Like requires, but in addition, if the specified units
unexpectedly disappear, this unit will be stopped as well.
2012-08-15 12:36:54 -07:00
partOf = mkOption {
default = [];
type = types.listOf types.str;
2012-08-15 12:36:54 -07:00
description = ''
If the specified units are stopped or restarted, then this
unit is stopped or restarted as well.
conflicts = mkOption {
default = [];
type = types.listOf types.str;
description = ''
If the specified units are started, then this unit is stopped
and vice versa.
2014-11-19 13:11:30 -08:00
requisite = mkOption {
default = [];
type = types.listOf types.str;
description = ''
Similar to requires. However if the units listed are not started,
they will not be started and the transaction will fail.
unitConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { RequiresMountsFor = "/data"; };
type = types.attrsOf unitOption;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[Unit]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
restartTriggers = mkOption {
default = [];
type = types.listOf types.unspecified;
description = ''
An arbitrary list of items such as derivations. If any item
in the list changes between reconfigurations, the service will
be restarted.
serviceOptions = commonUnitOptions // {
environment = mkOption {
default = {};
type = types.attrs; # FIXME
example = { PATH = "/foo/bar/bin"; LANG = "nl_NL.UTF-8"; };
description = "Environment variables passed to the service's processes.";
path = mkOption {
default = [];
apply = ps: "${makeSearchPath "bin" ps}:${makeSearchPath "sbin" ps}";
description = ''
Packages added to the service's <envar>PATH</envar>
environment variable. Both the <filename>bin</filename>
and <filename>sbin</filename> subdirectories of each
package are added.
serviceConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example =
{ StartLimitInterval = 10;
RestartSec = 5;
type = types.addCheck (types.attrsOf unitOption) checkService;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[Service]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
script = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
description = "Shell commands executed as the service's main process.";
2013-02-14 18:50:41 -08:00
scriptArgs = mkOption {
type = types.str;
2013-02-14 18:50:41 -08:00
default = "";
description = "Arguments passed to the main process script.";
preStart = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
description = ''
Shell commands executed before the service's main process
is started.
postStart = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
description = ''
Shell commands executed after the service's main process
is started.
2014-09-15 20:03:20 -07:00
reload = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
description = ''
Shell commands executed when the service's main process
is reloaded.
preStop = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
description = ''
Shell commands executed to stop the service.
2012-10-10 14:55:13 -07:00
postStop = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
2012-10-10 14:55:13 -07:00
default = "";
description = ''
Shell commands executed after the service's main process
has exited.
restartIfChanged = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = true;
description = ''
Whether the service should be restarted during a NixOS
configuration switch if its definition has changed.
reloadIfChanged = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Whether the service should be reloaded during a NixOS
configuration switch if its definition has changed. If
enabled, the value of <option>restartIfChanged</option> is
stopIfChanged = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = true;
description = ''
If set, a changed unit is restarted by calling
<command>systemctl stop</command> in the old configuration,
then <command>systemctl start</command> in the new one.
Otherwise, it is restarted in a single step using
<command>systemctl restart</command> in the new configuration.
The latter is less correct because it runs the
<literal>ExecStop</literal> commands from the new
startAt = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "";
example = "Sun 14:00:00";
description = ''
Automatically start this unit at the given date/time, which
must be in the format described in
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry>. This is equivalent
to adding a corresponding timer unit with
<option>OnCalendar</option> set to the value given here.
socketOptions = commonUnitOptions // {
listenStreams = mkOption {
default = [];
type = types.listOf types.str;
example = [ "" "/run/my-socket" ];
description = ''
For each item in this list, a <literal>ListenStream</literal>
option in the <literal>[Socket]</literal> section will be created.
socketConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { ListenStream = "/run/my-socket"; };
type = types.attrsOf unitOption;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[Socket]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
2013-03-01 16:03:13 -08:00
timerOptions = commonUnitOptions // {
2013-03-01 16:03:13 -08:00
timerConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { OnCalendar = "Sun 14:00:00"; Unit = "foo.service"; };
type = types.attrsOf unitOption;
2013-03-01 16:03:13 -08:00
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[Timer]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> and
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
pathOptions = commonUnitOptions // {
pathConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { PathChanged = "/some/path"; Unit = "changedpath.service"; };
type = types.attrsOf unitOption;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[Path]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
mountOptions = commonUnitOptions // {
what = mkOption {
example = "/dev/sda1";
type = types.str;
description = "Absolute path of device node, file or other resource. (Mandatory)";
where = mkOption {
example = "/mnt";
type = types.str;
description = ''
Absolute path of a directory of the mount point.
Will be created if it doesn't exist. (Mandatory)
type = mkOption {
default = "";
example = "ext4";
type = types.str;
description = "File system type.";
options = mkOption {
default = "";
example = "noatime";
type = types.commas;
description = "Options used to mount the file system.";
mountConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { DirectoryMode = "0775"; };
type = types.attrsOf unitOption;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[Mount]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
automountOptions = commonUnitOptions // {
where = mkOption {
example = "/mnt";
type = types.str;
description = ''
Absolute path of a directory of the mount point.
Will be created if it doesn't exist. (Mandatory)
automountConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { DirectoryMode = "0775"; };
type = types.attrsOf unitOption;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[Automount]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
targetOptions = commonUnitOptions;
commonNetworkOptions = {
enable = mkOption {
default = true;
type = types.bool;
description = ''
If set to false, this unit will be a symlink to
matchConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { Name = "eth0"; };
type = types.attrsOf unitOption;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[Match]</literal> section of the unit. See
for details.
linkOptions = commonNetworkOptions // {
linkConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { MACAddress = "00:ff:ee:aa:cc:dd"; };
type = types.addCheck (types.attrsOf unitOption) checkLink;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[Link]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
netdevOptions = commonNetworkOptions // {
netdevConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { Name = "mybridge"; Kind = "bridge"; };
type = types.addCheck (types.attrsOf unitOption) checkNetdev;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[Netdev]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
vlanConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { Id = "4"; };
type = types.addCheck (types.attrsOf unitOption) checkVlan;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[VLAN]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
macvlanConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { Mode = "private"; };
type = types.addCheck (types.attrsOf unitOption) checkMacvlan;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[MACVLAN]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
vxlanConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { Id = "4"; };
type = types.addCheck (types.attrsOf unitOption) checkVxlan;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[VXLAN]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
tunnelConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { Remote = ""; };
type = types.addCheck (types.attrsOf unitOption) checkTunnel;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[Tunnel]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
peerConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { Name = "veth2"; };
type = types.addCheck (types.attrsOf unitOption) checkPeer;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[Peer]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
tunConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { User = "openvpn"; };
type = types.addCheck (types.attrsOf unitOption) checkTun;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[Tun]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
tapConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { User = "openvpn"; };
type = types.addCheck (types.attrsOf unitOption) checkTap;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[Tap]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
bondConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { Mode = "802.3ad"; };
type = types.addCheck (types.attrsOf unitOption) checkBond;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[Bond]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
addressOptions = {
addressConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { Address = ""; };
type = types.addCheck (types.attrsOf unitOption) checkAddress;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[Address]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
routeOptions = {
routeConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { Gateway = ""; };
type = types.addCheck (types.attrsOf unitOption) checkRoute;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[Route]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
networkOptions = commonNetworkOptions // {
networkConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { Description = "My Network"; };
type = types.addCheck (types.attrsOf unitOption) checkNetwork;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[Network]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
dhcpConfig = mkOption {
default = {};
example = { UseDNS = true; UseRoutes = true; };
type = types.addCheck (types.attrsOf unitOption) checkDhcp;
description = ''
Each attribute in this set specifies an option in the
<literal>[DHCP]</literal> section of the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
name = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.str;
default = null;
description = ''
The name of the network interface to match against.
DHCP = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.str;
default = null;
description = ''
Whether to enable DHCP on the interfaces matched.
domains = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr (types.listOf types.str);
default = null;
description = ''
A list of domains to pass to the network config.
address = mkOption {
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.str;
description = ''
A list of addresses to be added to the network section of the
unit. See <citerefentry><refentrytitle></refentrytitle>
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
gateway = mkOption {
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.str;
description = ''
A list of gateways to be added to the network section of the
unit. See <citerefentry><refentrytitle></refentrytitle>
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
dns = mkOption {
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.str;
description = ''
A list of dns servers to be added to the network section of the
unit. See <citerefentry><refentrytitle></refentrytitle>
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
ntp = mkOption {
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.str;
description = ''
A list of ntp servers to be added to the network section of the
unit. See <citerefentry><refentrytitle></refentrytitle>
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
vlan = mkOption {
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.str;
description = ''
A list of vlan interfaces to be added to the network section of the
unit. See <citerefentry><refentrytitle></refentrytitle>
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
macvlan = mkOption {
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.str;
description = ''
A list of macvlan interfaces to be added to the network section of the
unit. See <citerefentry><refentrytitle></refentrytitle>
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
vxlan = mkOption {
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.str;
description = ''
A list of vxlan interfaces to be added to the network section of the
unit. See <citerefentry><refentrytitle></refentrytitle>
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
tunnel = mkOption {
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.str;
description = ''
A list of tunnel interfaces to be added to the network section of the
unit. See <citerefentry><refentrytitle></refentrytitle>
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
addresses = mkOption {
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.optionSet;
options = [ addressOptions ];
description = ''
A list of address sections to be added to the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
routes = mkOption {
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.optionSet;
options = [ routeOptions ];
description = ''
A list of route sections to be added to the unit. See
<manvolnum>5</manvolnum></citerefentry> for details.
2013-02-14 18:50:41 -08:00