2015-01-07 11:31:32 -08:00
{ pkgs }:
2015-01-10 11:26:08 -08:00
with import ./lib.nix { inherit pkgs; };
2015-01-07 11:31:32 -08:00
self: super: {
2015-03-09 12:11:23 -07:00
# Use the latest LLVM.
inherit (pkgs) llvmPackages;
2015-01-19 03:12:28 -08:00
# Disable GHC 7.11.x core libraries.
2015-01-07 11:31:32 -08:00
array = null;
base = null;
binary = null;
bin-package-db = null;
bytestring = null;
Cabal = null;
containers = null;
deepseq = null;
directory = null;
filepath = null;
ghc-prim = null;
haskeline = null;
hoopl = null;
hpc = null;
integer-gmp = null;
pretty = null;
process = null;
rts = null;
template-haskell = null;
terminfo = null;
time = null;
transformers = null;
unix = null;
xhtml = null;
2015-05-20 03:13:13 -07:00
# Don't use jailbreak built with Cabal 1.22.x because of https://github.com/peti/jailbreak-cabal/issues/9.
jailbreak-cabal = pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc784.jailbreak-cabal;
2015-01-09 10:17:59 -08:00
2015-01-09 10:35:41 -08:00
# GHC 7.10.x's Haddock binary cannot generate hoogle files.
# https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9921
mkDerivation = drv: super.mkDerivation (drv // { doHoogle = false; });
2015-01-07 11:31:32 -08:00
2015-01-09 11:57:39 -08:00
# haddock: No input file(s).
2015-01-10 11:27:16 -08:00
nats = dontHaddock super.nats;
2015-06-08 00:48:13 -07:00
bytestring-builder = dontHaddock super.bytestring-builder;
alex = dontCheck super.alex;
2015-01-09 11:57:39 -08:00
2015-01-09 13:24:38 -08:00
# We have time 1.5
2015-01-10 11:27:16 -08:00
aeson = disableCabalFlag super.aeson "old-locale";
2015-01-09 13:24:38 -08:00
2015-06-08 00:48:13 -07:00
# Show works differently for record syntax now, breaking haskell-src-exts' parser tests
# https://github.com/haskell-suite/haskell-src-exts/issues/224
haskell-src-exts = dontCheck super.haskell-src-exts;
2015-01-07 11:31:32 -08:00
# Setup: At least the following dependencies are missing: base <4.8
hspec-expectations = overrideCabal super.hspec-expectations (drv: {
patchPhase = "sed -i -e 's|base < 4.8|base|' hspec-expectations.cabal";
2015-01-09 10:38:34 -08:00
utf8-string = overrideCabal super.utf8-string (drv: {
patchPhase = "sed -i -e 's|base >= 3 && < 4.8|base|' utf8-string.cabal";
2015-01-07 11:31:32 -08:00
2015-01-09 13:18:16 -08:00
# bos/attoparsec#92
2015-01-10 11:27:16 -08:00
attoparsec = dontCheck super.attoparsec;
2015-01-09 13:18:16 -08:00
2015-01-09 14:02:42 -08:00
# test suite hangs silently for at least 10 minutes
2015-01-10 11:27:16 -08:00
split = dontCheck super.split;
2015-01-09 14:02:42 -08:00
2015-01-09 10:53:07 -08:00
# Test suite fails with some (seemingly harmless) error.
# https://code.google.com/p/scrapyourboilerplate/issues/detail?id=24
2015-01-10 11:27:16 -08:00
syb = dontCheck super.syb;
2015-01-09 10:53:07 -08:00
2015-01-12 06:46:35 -08:00
# Test suite has stricter version bounds
retry = dontCheck super.retry;
2015-01-12 06:58:56 -08:00
# Test suite fails with time >= 1.5
http-date = dontCheck super.http-date;
2015-01-10 02:02:37 -08:00
# Version 1.19.5 fails its test suite.
2015-01-10 11:27:16 -08:00
happy = dontCheck super.happy;
2015-01-10 02:02:37 -08:00
2015-03-31 06:30:28 -07:00
# Workaround for a workaround, see comment for "ghcjs" flag.
jsaddle = let jsaddle' = disableCabalFlag super.jsaddle "ghcjs";
in addBuildDepends jsaddle' [ self.glib self.gtk3 self.webkitgtk3
self.webkitgtk3-javascriptcore ];
2015-04-19 10:48:11 -07:00
# The compat library is empty in the presence of mtl 2.2.x.
mtl-compat = dontHaddock super.mtl-compat;
2015-05-29 02:20:12 -07:00
# Won't work with LLVM 3.5.
llvm-general = markBrokenVersion "" super.llvm-general;
2015-01-10 02:02:37 -08:00