173 lines
5.6 KiB
Common Lisp
173 lines
5.6 KiB
Common Lisp
;;;; ip-utils.lisp
(in-package #:ip-utils)
(defun split-string (string &optional (char #\Space))
(split-sequence char string))
(defclass ip ()
((ip-number :initarg :ip-number)))
(defclass ipv4 (ip)
(defclass ipv6 (ip)
(defclass v4-network (ip)
((significant-bits :initarg :significant-bits)))
(defclass v6-network (ip)
((significant-bits :initarg :significant-bits)))
(define-condition invalid-ip (error)
((ip :initarg :ip)
(msg :initarg :msg)))
(define-condition invalid-ipv4 (invalid-ip) ())
(define-condition invalid-ipv6 (invalid-ip) ())
(define-condition invalid-network (error)
((network :initarg :network)
(msg :initarg :msg)))
(define-condition invalid-v4-network (invalid-network) ())
(define-condition invalid-v6-network (invalid-network) ())
(defun ipv4-elements (str)
(mapcar #'parse-integer (split-string str #\.))
(sb-int:simple-parse-error (_)
(declare (ignorable _))
(error 'invalid-ipv4 :ip str))))
(defun ipv4-p (str)
(let ((iplst (ipv4-elements str)))
(and (= (length iplst) 4)
(every (lambda (n) (<= 0 n 255))
(defun ipv4-number (str)
(let ((els (ipv4-elements str)))
(loop for el in (reverse els)
for i from 0 to (length els)
sum (ash el (* i 8)) into total
finally (return total)))
(error (_)
(declare (ignorable _))
(error 'invalid-ipv4 :ip str))))
(defun ipv4 (str)
(make-instance 'ipv4 :ip-number (ipv4-number str)))
(defun v4-network (str)
(let ((els (split "/" str)))
(make-instance 'v4-network
:ip-number (ipv4-number (car els))
:significant-bits (parse-integer (cadr els))))
(error (_)
(declare (ignorable _))
(error 'invalid-v4-network :network str))))
(defun ipv6-elements (str)
(flet ((split-bytes (str) (split-string str #\:))
(parse-hex (str) (if (equal str "") 0 (parse-integer str :radix 16))))
(let ((parts (mapcar #'split-bytes (split "::"
(regex-replace "::$"
(match parts
((list only) (mapcar #'parse-hex only))
((list first last) (let ((middle (make-list
(- 8 (length first)
(length last))
:initial-element "0")))
(mapcar #'parse-hex (append first middle last))))
(_ nil)))))
(defun ipv6-number (str)
(let ((els (ipv6-elements str)))
(if (/= 8 (length els))
(loop for el in (reverse els)
for i from 0 to (length els)
sum (ash el (* i 16)) into total
finally (return total))))
(sb-int:simple-parse-error (_)
(declare (ignorable _))
(error 'invalid-ipv6 :ip str))))
(defun ipv6 (str)
(make-instance 'ipv6 :ip-number (ipv6-number str)))
(defun v6-network (str)
(let ((els (split "/" str)))
(make-instance 'v6-network
:ip-number (ipv6-number (car els))
:significant-bits (parse-integer (cadr els))))
(error (_)
(declare (ignorable _))
(error 'invalid-v6-network :network str))))
(defun ipv6-p (str)
(ipv6 str)
(invalid-ipv6 (e)
(declare (ignorable e))
(defgeneric network-min-ip (network)
(:documentation "Return the first ip in the given network range."))
(defgeneric network-max-ip (network)
(:documentation "Return the last ip in the given network range."))
(defmethod network-min-ip ((network v4-network))
(with-slots (ip-number significant-bits) network
(make-instance 'ipv4
:ip-number (ash (ash ip-number (- significant-bits 32))
(- 32 significant-bits)))))
(defmethod network-max-ip ((network v4-network))
(with-slots (ip-number significant-bits) network
(with-slots ((min-ip-number ip-number)) (network-min-ip network)
(make-instance 'ipv4
:ip-number (+ min-ip-number
(- (expt 2 (- 32 significant-bits)) 1))))))
(defmethod network-min-ip ((network v6-network))
(with-slots (ip-number significant-bits) network
(make-instance 'ipv4
:ip-number (ash (ash ip-number (- significant-bits 128))
(- 128 significant-bits)))))
(defmethod network-max-ip ((network v6-network))
(with-slots (ip-number significant-bits) network
(with-slots ((min-ip-number ip-number)) (network-min-ip network)
(make-instance 'ipv6
:ip-number (+ min-ip-number
(- (expt 2 (- 64 significant-bits)) 1))))))
(defgeneric ip-on-network-p (ip network)
(:documentation "Check whether an IP is within a given network range."))
(defun ip-on-network-helper (ip network)
(with-slots ((min-ip-number ip-number)) (network-min-ip network)
(with-slots ((max-ip-number ip-number)) (network-max-ip network)
(with-slots (ip-number) ip
(< min-ip-number ip-number max-ip-number)))))
(defmethod ip-on-network-p ((ip ipv4) (network v4-network))
(ip-on-network-helper ip network))
(defmethod ip-on-network-p ((ip ipv6) (network v6-network))
(ip-on-network-helper ip network))
(defmethod ip-on-network-p (ip network) nil)