Properly depend on backplane-server and ip-utils

This commit is contained in:
Niten 2020-11-24 11:51:03 -08:00
parent c552394e55
commit d9e13bae16
4 changed files with 24 additions and 208 deletions

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@ -8,14 +8,10 @@
:serial t
:depends-on (:alexandria
:components ((:file "package")
(:file "backplane-dns")
(:file "backplane-server")))
(:file "backplane-dns")))

View File

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
(uiop:die 1 "unable to find required env var: ~A" env-var))
(defun symbolize (str) (-> str string-upcase (intern :KEYWORD)))
(defclass dns-record ()
((id :col-type integer
:col-identity t
@ -66,76 +68,22 @@
(defparameter *hostname-rx*
(defun ipv4-elements (str)
(mapcar #'parse-integer (split-string str #\.))
(sb-int:simple-parse-error (_)
(declare (ignorable _)) nil)))
(defun ipv4-p (str)
(let ((iplst (ipv4-elements str)))
(and (= (length iplst) 4)
(every (lambda (n) (<= 0 n 255))
(defun ipv4 (str)
(if (not (ipv4-p str))
(let ((els (ipv4-elements str)))
(loop for el in (reverse els)
for i from 0 to (length els)
sum (ash el (* i 8)) into total
finally (return total)))))
(defun ipv6-elements (str)
(flet ((split-bytes (str) (split-string str #\:))
(parse-hex (str) (if (equal str "") 0 (parse-integer str :radix 16))))
(let ((parts (mapcar #'split-bytes (cl-ppcre:split "::"
(cl-ppcre:regex-replace "::$"
(trivia:match parts
((list only) (mapcar #'parse-hex only))
((list first last) (let ((middle (make-list
(- 8 (length first)
(length last))
:initial-element "0")))
(mapcar #'parse-hex (append first middle last))))
(_ nil)))))
(defun ipv6 (str)
(let ((els (ipv6-elements str)))
(if (/= 8 (length els))
(loop for el in (reverse els)
for i from 0 to (length els)
sum (ash el (* i 16)) into total
finally (return total)))))
(defun ipv6-p (str)
(ipv6 str)
(sb-int:simple-parse-error (e)
(declare (ignorable e))
(defun get-domain (name)
(car (select-dao 'dns-domain (:= 'name name))))
(define-condition domain-name-missing (error)
(define-condition backplane-dns-error (error) ())
(define-condition domain-name-missing (backplane-dns-error)
((missing-domain :initarg :domain :reader missing-domain)))
(define-condition invalid-ip (error)
((ip :initarg :ip)))
(define-condition invalid-ipv4 (invalid-ip) ())
(define-condition invalid-ipv6 (invalid-ip) ())
(define-condition invalid-sshfp (error)
(define-condition invalid-sshfp (backplane-dns-error)
((sshfp :initarg :sshfp
:reader sshfp)))
(define-condition invalid-ip (backplane-dns-error)
((ip :initarg :ip
:reader ip)))
(defun find-host-records-by-type (host domain type)
(if-let ((domain-id (some-> domain
@ -332,7 +280,7 @@
(let ((postmodern:*ignore-unknown-columns* t)
(cl-postgres:*query-log* *standard-output*))
(postmodern:with-connection (list db-name db-username db-password db-host)
(let ((backplane (backplane-connect xmpp-host xmpp-username xmpp-password)))
(with-backplane (backplane (backplane-connect xmpp-host xmpp-username xmpp-password))
(xmpp:receive-stanza-loop backplane)))))
(defun read-file-line (filename)

View File

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
;;;; backplane-server.lisp
(in-package #:backplane-dns)
;; request
(defclass request ()
((sender :initarg :sender)
(msg-id :initarg :msg-id
:reader msg-id)))
(defclass unknown-request (request)
((request :initarg :request
:reader request)))
(defclass result ()
((message :initarg :message)
(msg-id :initarg :msg-id
:reader msg-id)))
;; result
(defclass result/success (result) ())
(defclass result/error (result) ())
(defun error-p (obj) (typep obj (find-class 'result/error)))
(defun success-p (obj) (typep obj (find-class 'result/success)))
(defun make-success (&key msg msg-id)
(make-instance 'result/success
:message msg
:msg-id msg-id))
(defun make-error (&key msg msg-id)
(make-instance 'result/error
:message msg
:msg-id msg-id))
(defgeneric render-result (result))
(defmethod render-result ((res result/success))
(with-slots (message msg-id) res
`((STATUS . "OK")
(MESSAGE . ,message)
(MSGID . ,msg-id)))))
(defmethod render-result ((res result/error))
(with-slots (message msg-id) res
(MESSAGE . ,message)
(MSGID . ,msg-id)))))
(defgeneric parse-message (sender service api-version message msg-id)
(:documentation "Given an incoming message, turn it into the appropriate request."))
(defmethod parse-message (sender service api-version message msg-id)
(make-error :msg (format nil "unsupported service: ~A" service)
:msg-id msg-id))
(defun decode-message (message-str)
(cl-json:decode-json-from-string message-str)
(json:json-syntax-error (err)
(declare (ignorable err))
(make-error :msg (format nil "invalid json string: ~A" message-str)))))
(defun symbolize (str) (-> str string-upcase (intern :KEYWORD)))
(defun dispatch-parse-message (message sender)
(if-let ((api-version (cdr (assoc :VERSION message)))
(service (symbolize (cdr (assoc :SERVICE message))))
(msg-id (cdr (assoc :MSGID message))))
(parse-message sender service api-version (cdr (assoc :PAYLOAD message)) msg-id)
(make-error :msg (format nil "missing api_version, msgid, or service name in request in message")
:msg-id msg-id)))
(defgeneric handle-message (message)
(:documentation "Perform necessary actions to handle a backplane message, and return a result."))
(defmethod handle-message ((message unknown-request))
(make-error :msg (format nil "unknown request: ~A" (request message))
:msg-id (msg-id message)))
(defmacro success-> (init &rest forms)
(let ((blocksym (gensym)))
(flet ((maybe-call (f arg args)
`(let ((result ,arg))
(if (error-p result)
(return-from ,blocksym result)
(funcall (function ,f) result ,@args)))))
`(block ,blocksym
,(reduce (lambda (acc next)
(if (listp next)
(maybe-call (car next) acc (cdr next))
(maybe-call next acc '())))
:initial-value init)))))
(defmethod xmpp:handle ((conn xmpp:connection) (message xmpp:message))
(let ((sender (xmpp:from message)))
(format *standard-output* "message received from ~A" sender)
(xmpp:message conn
(xmpp:from message)
(success-> message
(dispatch-parse-message sender)
(error (e)
(format *error-output* "failed handling message from ~A: ~A"
sender e)
(make-error :msg "an unknown error occurred handling request")))))))
(let ((backplane nil))
(defun backplane-connect (xmpp-host xmpp-username xmpp-password)
(if backplane
(progn (setf backplane (xmpp:connect-tls :hostname xmpp-host))
(xmpp:auth backplane
(format nil "backplane-~A" (machine-instance))
:mechanism :sasl-plain)
;;;; nope...capture the var name and make sure it gets closed, but still pass it in
(defmacro with-backplane (backplane &rest ops)
(let ((bp-sym (gensym)))
`(let ((,bp-sym ,backplane))
(unwind-protect (progn ,@ops)
(cl-xmpp:disconnect ,bp-sym)))))

View File

@ -2,11 +2,20 @@
(defpackage #:backplane-dns
(:use #:cl)
(:import-from #:arrows
(:import-from #:alexandria
(:import-from #:backplane-server
(:import-from #:ip-utils
(:import-from #:postmodern
@ -14,8 +23,6 @@
(:import-from #:cl-json
(:export #:start-listener-with-env