533 lines
16 KiB
533 lines
16 KiB
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... } @ toplevel:
with lib;
cfg = config.fudo.auth.kdc;
hostname = config.instance.hostname;
localhost-ips = let
addr-only = addrinfo: addrinfo.address;
interface = config.networking.interfaces.lo;
(map addr-only interface.ipv4.addresses) ++
(map addr-only interface.ipv6.addresses);
host-ips =
(pkgs.lib.fudo.network.host-ips hostname) ++ localhost-ips;
state-directory = toplevel.config.fudo.auth.kdc.state-directory;
database-file = "${state-directory}/principals.db";
iprop-log = "${state-directory}/iprop.log";
master-server = cfg.master-config != null;
slave-server = cfg.slave-config != null;
get-fqdn = hostname:
kdc-conf = generate-kdc-conf {
realm = cfg.realm;
db-file = database-file;
key-file = cfg.master-key-file;
acl-data = if master-server then cfg.master-config.acl else null;
initialize-db =
{ realm, user, group, kdc-conf, key-file, db-name, max-lifetime, max-renewal,
primary-keytab, kadmin-keytab, kpasswd-keytab, ipropd-keytab, local-hostname }: let
kadmin-cmd = "kadmin -l -c ${kdc-conf} --";
get-domain-hosts = domain: let
host-in-subdomain = host: hostOpts:
(builtins.match "(.+[.])?${domain}$" hostOpts.domain) != null;
in attrNames (filterAttrs host-in-subdomain config.fudo.hosts);
get-host-principals = realm: hostname: let
host = config.fudo.hosts.${hostname};
in map (service: "${service}/${hostname}.${host.domain}@${realm}")
add-principal-str = principal:
"${kadmin-cmd} add --random-key --use-defaults ${principal}";
test-existence = principal:
"[[ $( ${kadmin-cmd} get ${principal} ) ]]";
exists-or-add = principal: ''
if ${test-existence principal}; then
echo "skipping ${principal}, already exists"
${add-principal-str principal}
ensure-host-principals = realm:
concatStringsSep "\n"
(map exists-or-add
(concatMap (get-host-principals realm)
(get-domain-hosts (toLower realm))));
slave-hostnames = map get-fqdn cfg.master-config.slave-hosts;
ensure-iprop-principals = concatStringsSep "\n"
(map (host: exists-or-add "iprop/${host}@${realm}")
[ local-hostname ] ++ slave-hostnames);
copy-slave-principals-file = let
slave-principals = map
(host: "iprop/${hostname}@${cfg.realm}")
slave-principals-file = pkgs.writeText "heimdal-slave-principals"
(concatStringsSep "\n" slave-principals);
in optionalString (slave-principals-file != null) ''
cp ${slave-principals-file} ${state-directory}/slaves
# Since it's copied from /nix/store, this is by default read-only,
# which causes updates to fail.
chmod u+w ${state-directory}/slaves
in pkgs.writeShellScript "initialize-kdc-db.sh" ''
TMP=$(mktemp -d -t kdc-XXXXXXXX)
if [ ! -e ${database-file} ]; then
## Now we expect the key to be provided
# kstash --key-file=${key-file} --random-key
${kadmin-cmd} init --realm-max-ticket-life="${max-lifetime}" --realm-max-renewable-life="${max-renewal}" ${realm}
${ensure-host-principals realm}
echo "*** You can probably ignore the 'principal does not exist' errors that follow,"
echo "*** they're just testing for principal existence before creating those that"
echo "*** don't already exist"
${kadmin-cmd} ext_keytab --keytab=$TMP/primary.keytab */${local-hostname}@${realm}
mv $TMP/primary.keytab ${primary-keytab}
${kadmin-cmd} ext_keytab --keytab=$TMP/kadmin.keytab kadmin/admin@${realm}
mv $TMP/kadmin.keytab ${kadmin-keytab}
${kadmin-cmd} ext_keytab --keytab=$TMP/kpasswd.keytab kadmin/changepw@${realm}
mv $TMP/kpasswd.keytab ${kpasswd-keytab}
${kadmin-cmd} ext_keytab --keytab=$TMP/ipropd.keytab iprop/${local-hostname}@${realm}
mv $TMP/ipropd.keytab ${ipropd-keytab}
generate-kdc-conf = { realm, db-file, key-file, acl-data }:
pkgs.writeText "kdc.conf" ''
database = {
dbname = sqlite:${db-file}
realm = ${realm}
mkey_file = ${key-file}
${optionalString (acl-data != null)
"acl_file = ${generate-acl-file acl-data}"}
log_file = ${iprop-log}
${realm} = {
enable-http = false
kdc = FILE:${state-directory}/kerberos.log
default = FILE:${state-directory}/kerberos.log
aclEntry = { principal, ... }: {
options = with types; {
perms = let
perms = [
in mkOption {
type = listOf (enum perms);
description = "List of permissions.";
default = [ ];
target = mkOption {
type = nullOr str;
description = "Target principals.";
default = null;
example = "hosts/*@REALM.COM";
generate-acl-file = acl-entries: let
perms-to-permstring = perms: concatStringsSep "," perms;
pkgs.writeText "kdc.acl" (concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList
(principal: opts:
"${principal} ${perms-to-permstring opts.perms}${
optionalString (opts.target != null) " ${opts.target}" }")
kadmin-local = kdc-conf:
pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "kadmin.local" ''
${pkgs.heimdalFull}/bin/kadmin -l -c ${kdc-conf} $@
masterOpts = { ... }: {
options = with types; {
acl = mkOption {
type = attrsOf (submodule aclEntry);
description = "Mapping of pricipals to a list of permissions.";
default = { "*/admin" = [ "all" ]; };
example = {
"*/root" = [ "all" ];
"admin-user" = [ "add" "list" "modify" ];
kadmin-keytab = mkOption {
type = str;
description = "Location at which to store keytab for kadmind.";
default = "${state-directory}/kadmind.keytab";
kpasswdd-keytab = mkOption {
type = str;
description = "Location at which to store keytab for kpasswdd.";
default = "${state-directory}/kpasswdd.keytab";
ipropd-keytab = mkOption {
type = str;
description = "Location at which to store keytab for ipropd master.";
default = "${state-directory}/ipropd.keytab";
slave-hosts = mkOption {
type = listOf str;
description = ''
A list of host to which the database should be propagated.
Must exist in the Fudo Host database.
default = [ ];
slaveOpts = { ... }: {
options = with types; {
master-host = mkOption {
type = str;
description = ''
Host from which to recieve database updates.
Must exist in the Fudo Host database.
ipropd-keytab = mkOption {
type = str;
description = "Location at which to find keytab for ipropd slave.";
default = "${state-directory}/ipropd.keytab";
in {
options.fudo.auth.kdc = with types; {
enable = mkEnableOption "Fudo KDC";
realm = mkOption {
type = str;
description = "The realm for which we are the acting KDC.";
bind-addresses = mkOption {
type = listOf str;
description = "A list of IP addresses on which to bind.";
default = host-ips;
user = mkOption {
type = str;
description = "User as which to run Heimdal servers.";
default = "kerberos";
group = mkOption {
type = str;
description = "Group as which to run Heimdal servers.";
default = "kerberos";
state-directory = mkOption {
type = str;
description = "Path at which to store kerberos database.";
default = "/var/lib/kerberos";
master-key-file = mkOption {
type = str;
description = ''
File containing the master key for the realm.
Must be provided!
primary-keytab = mkOption {
type = str;
description = "Location of host master keytab.";
default = "${state-directory}/host.keytab";
master-config = mkOption {
type = nullOr (submodule masterOpts);
description = "Configuration for the master KDC server.";
default = null;
slave-config = mkOption {
type = nullOr (submodule slaveOpts);
description = "Configuration for slave KDC servers.";
default = null;
max-ticket-lifetime = mkOption {
type = str;
description = "Maximum lifetime of a single ticket in this realm.";
default = "1d";
max-ticket-renewal = mkOption {
type = str;
description = "Maximum time a ticket may be renewed in this realm.";
default = "7d";
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
assertions = [
assertion = master-server || slave-server;
message =
"For the KDC to be enabled, a master OR slave config must be provided.";
assertion = !(master-server && slave-server);
message =
"Only one of master-config and slave-config may be provided.";
users = {
users.${cfg.user} = {
isSystemUser = true;
home = state-directory;
group = cfg.group;
groups.${cfg.group} = { members = [ cfg.user ]; };
krb5 = {
libdefaults = {
# Stick to ~/.k5login
# k5login_directory = cfg.k5login-directory;
ticket_lifetime = cfg.max-ticket-lifetime;
renew_lifetime = cfg.max-ticket-renewal;
# Sorry, port 80 isn't available!
realms.${cfg.realm}.enable-http = false;
extraConfig = ''
default = FILE:${state-directory}/kerberos.log
environment = {
systemPackages = [ pkgs.heimdalFull (kadmin-local kdc-conf) ];
## This shouldn't be necessary...every host gets a krb5.keytab
# etc = {
# "krb5.keytab" = {
# user = "root";
# group = "root";
# mode = "0400";
# source = cfg.primary-keytab;
# };
# };
fudo.system = {
ensure-directories = {
"${state-directory}" = {
user = cfg.user;
group = cfg.group;
perms = "0740";
services = if master-server then {
heimdal-kdc = let
listen-addrs = concatStringsSep " "
(map (addr: "--addresses=${addr}") cfg.bind-addresses);
in {
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
after = [ "network.target" ];
description =
"Heimdal Kerberos Key Distribution Center (ticket server).";
execStart = "${pkgs.heimdalFull}/libexec/heimdal/kdc -c ${kdc-conf} --ports=88 ${listen-addrs}";
user = cfg.user;
group = cfg.group;
workingDirectory = state-directory;
privateNetwork = false;
addressFamilies = [ "AF_INET" "AF_INET6" ];
requiredCapabilities = [ "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE" ];
environment = { KRB5_CONFIG = "/etc/krb5.conf"; };
heimdal-kdc-init = let
init-cmd = initialize-db {
realm = cfg.realm;
user = cfg.user;
group = cfg.group;
kdc-conf = kdc-conf;
key-file = cfg.master-key-file;
db-name = database-file;
max-lifetime = cfg.max-ticket-lifetime;
max-renewal = cfg.max-ticket-renewal;
primary-keytab = cfg.primary-keytab;
kadmin-keytab = cfg.master-config.kadmin-keytab;
kpasswd-keytab = cfg.master-config.kpasswdd-keytab;
ipropd-keytab = cfg.master-config.ipropd-keytab;
local-hostname =
in {
requires = [ "heimdal-kdc.service" ];
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
description = "Initialization script for Heimdal KDC.";
type = "oneshot";
execStart = "${init-cmd}";
user = cfg.user;
group = cfg.group;
path = with pkgs; [ heimdalFull ];
protectSystem = "full";
addressFamilies = [ "AF_INET" "AF_INET6" ];
workingDirectory = state-directory;
environment = { KRB5_CONFIG = "/etc/krb5.conf"; };
heimdal-ipropd-master = mkIf (length cfg.master-config.slave-hosts > 0) {
requires = [ "heimdal-kdc.service" ];
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
description = "Propagate changes to the master KDC DB to all slaves.";
path = with pkgs; [ heimdalFull ];
execStart = "${pkgs.heimdalFull}/libexec/heimdal/ipropd-master -c ${kdc-conf} -k ${cfg.master.ipropd-keytab}";
user = cfg.user;
group = cfg.group;
workingDirectory = state-directory;
privateNetwork = false;
addressFamilies = [ "AF_INET" "AF_INET6" ];
environment = { KRB5_CONFIG = "/etc/krb5.conf"; };
} else {
heimdal-kdc-slave = let
listen-addrs = concatStringsSep " "
(map (addr: "--addresses=${addr}") cfg.bind-addresses);
command =
"${pkgs.heimdalFull}/libexec/heimdal/kdc -c ${kdc-conf} --ports=88 ${listen-addrs}";
in {
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
after = [ "network.target" ];
description =
"Heimdal Slave Kerberos Key Distribution Center (ticket server).";
execStart = command;
user = cfg.user;
group = cfg.group;
workingDirectory = state-directory;
privateNetwork = false;
addressFamilies = [ "AF_INET" "AF_INET6" ];
requiredCapabilities = [ "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE" ];
environment = { KRB5_CONFIG = "/etc/krb5.conf"; };
heimdal-ipropd-slave = {
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
description = "Receive changes propagated from the KDC master server.";
path = with pkgs; [ heimdalFull ];
execStart = concatStringsSep " " [
"--hostname=${get-fqdn hostname}"
(get-fqdn cfg.slave-config.master-host)
user = cfg.user;
group = cfg.group;
workingDirectory = state-directory;
privateNetwork = false;
addressFamilies = [ "AF_INET" "AF_INET6" ];
requiredCapabilities = [ "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE" ];
environment = { KRB5_CONFIG = "/etc/krb5.conf"; };
services.xinetd = mkIf master-server {
enable = true;
services = [
name = "kerberos-adm";
user = cfg.user;
server = "${pkgs.heimdalFull}/libexec/heimdal/kadmind";
protocol = "tcp";
serverArgs =
"--config-file=${kdc-conf} --keytab=${cfg.master-config.kadmin-keytab}";
name = "kpasswd";
user = cfg.user;
server = "${pkgs.heimdalFull}/libexec/heimdal/kpasswdd";
protocol = "udp";
serverArgs =
"--config-file=${kdc-conf} --keytab=${cfg.master-config.kpasswdd-keytab}";
networking = {
firewall = {
allowedTCPPorts = [ 88 ] ++
(optionals master-server [ 749 ]) ++
(optionals slave-server [ 2121 ]);
allowedUDPPorts = [ 88 ] ++
(optionals master-server [ 464 ]) ++
(optionals slave-server [ 2121 ]);