406 lines
9.7 KiB
406 lines
9.7 KiB
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
with lib;
domain = "fudo.org";
hostname = "france.${domain}";
mail-hostname = hostname;
host_ipv4 = "";
all-hostnames = [];
acme-private-key = hostname: "/var/lib/acme/${hostname}/key.pem";
acme-certificate = hostname: "/var/lib/acme/${hostname}/fullchain.pem";
acme-ca = "/etc/nixos/static/letsencryptauthorityx3.pem";
fudo-ca = "/etc/nixos/static/fudo_ca.pem";
minecraft-data-dir = "/srv/minecraft/data";
system-mail-directory = "/srv/mail";
in {
boot.loader.grub = {
enable = true;
version = 2;
device = "/dev/sda";
imports = [
fudo.common = {
# Sets some server-common settings. See /etc/nixos/fudo/profiles/...
profile = "server";
# Sets some common site-specific settings: gateway, monitoring, etc. See /etc/nixos/fudo/sites/...
site = "portage";
domain = domain;
www-root = /srv/www;
local-networks = [
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
fudo.prometheus = {
enable = true;
hostname = "metrics.fudo.org";
service-discovery-dns = {
node = [ "node._metrics._tcp.fudo.org" ];
postfix = [ "postfix._metrics._tcp.fudo.org" ];
dovecot = [ "dovecot._metrics._tcp.fudo.org" ];
rspamd = [ "rspamd._metrics._tcp.fudo.org" ];
fudo.grafana = {
enable = true;
hostname = "monitor.fudo.org";
smtp-username = "metrics";
smtp-password-file = "/srv/grafana/secure/smtp.passwd";
admin-password-file = "/srv/grafana/secure/admin.passwd";
secret-key-file = "/srv/grafana/secure/secret.key";
prometheus-host = "metrics.fudo.org";
database = {
name = "grafana";
hostname = "localhost";
user = "grafana";
password-file = /srv/grafana/secure/db.passwd;
# So that grafana waits for postgresql
systemd.services.grafana.after = [
fudo.postgresql = {
enable = true;
ssl-private-key = (acme-private-key hostname);
ssl-certificate = (acme-certificate hostname);
keytab = "/srv/postgres/secure/postgres.keytab";
# We allow connections from local networks. Auth is still required. Outside
# of these networks, no access is allowed.
# TODO: that's probably too strict, allow kerberos connections from anywhere?
local-networks = [
users = {
grafana = {
password = fileContents "/srv/grafana/secure/db.passwd";
databases = {
grafana = "ALL PRIVILEGES";
mattermost = {
password = fileContents "/srv/mattermost/secure/db.passwd";
databases = {
mattermost = "ALL PRIVILEGES";
webmail = {
password = fileContents "/srv/webmail/secure/db.passwd";
databases = {
webmail = "ALL PRIVILEGES";
niten = {};
databases = {
grafana = ["niten"];
mattermost = ["niten"];
webmail = ["niten"];
# Not all users need access to france; don't allow LDAP-user access.
fudo.authentication.enable = false;
# But we DO run an LDAP auth server. Should be better-named.
fudo.auth = {
server = {
enable = true;
base = "dc=fudo,dc=org";
organization = "Fudo";
rootpw-file = "/srv/ldap/secure/root.pw";
kerberos-host = "france.fudo.org";
kerberos-keytab = "/srv/ldap/secure/ldap.keytab";
sslCert = "/srv/ldap/france.fudo.org.pem";
sslKey = "/srv/ldap/secure/france.fudo.org-key.pem";
sslCACert = fudo-ca;
# We're using fudo-generated certs for now, but we should move to ACME
# once I can figure out how to correctly produce the ca.pem file. Until
# then, the server will fail to start using these certs. See:
# https://serverfault.com/a/834565
# sslCert = (acme-bare-cert hostname);
# sslKey = (acme-private-key hostname);
# sslCACert = acme-ca;
# TODO: loop over v4 and v6 IPs.
listen-uris = [
# "ldap://${host_ipv4}/"
# "ldaps://${host_ipv4}/"
# "ldap://localhost/"
# "ldaps://localhost/"
# "ldap://"
# "ldaps://"
users = import ../fudo/users.nix;
groups = import ../fudo/groups.nix;
system-users = import ../fudo/system-users.nix;
# Heimdal Kerberos server
kdc = {
enable = true;
database-path = "/var/heimdal/heimdal";
realm = "FUDO.ORG";
mkey-file = "/var/heimdal/m-key";
acl-file = "/etc/heimdal/kdc.acl";
bind-addresses = [
# TODO: not used yet
fudo.acme.hostnames = all-hostnames;
fudo.mail-server = import ../fudo/email.nix { inherit config; } // {
enableContainer = true;
debug = true;
monitoring = true;
hostname = mail-hostname;
postfix.ssl-certificate = (acme-certificate mail-hostname);
postfix.ssl-private-key = (acme-private-key mail-hostname);
dovecot.ssl-certificate = (acme-certificate mail-hostname);
dovecot.ssl-private-key = (acme-private-key mail-hostname);
state-directory = "${system-mail-directory}/var";
mail-directory = "${system-mail-directory}/mailboxes";
dovecot.ldap-reader-dn = "cn=user_db_reader,dc=fudo,dc=org";
dovecot.ldap-reader-passwd = removeSuffix "\n" (readFile /srv/ldap/secure/user_db.passwd);
# FIXME: use SSL once I can figure out Acme SSL cert CA for LDAP.
dovecot.ldap-urls = [ "ldap://france.fudo.org" ];
clamav.enable = true;
dkim.signing = true;
fudo.webmail = {
enable = true;
sites = {
"webmail.fudo.link" = {
title = "Fudo Link Webmail";
favicon = "/etc/nixos/static/fudo.link/favicon.ico";
mail-server = mail-hostname;
domain = "fudo.link";
edit-mode = "Plain";
layout-mode = "bottom";
database = {
name = "webmail";
hostname = "localhost";
user = "webmail";
password-file = "/srv/webmail/secure/db.passwd";
fudo.chat = {
enable = true;
hostname = "chat.fudo.org";
site-name = "Fudo Chat";
smtp-server = "france.fudo.org";
smtp-user = "chat";
smtp-password-file = "/srv/mattermost/secure/smtp.passwd";
database = {
name = "mattermost";
hostname = "localhost";
user = "mattermost";
password-file = "/srv/mattermost/secure/db.passwd";
networking = {
hostName = hostname;
dhcpcd.enable = false;
useDHCP = false;
# Why on earth would these use DHCP?
# interfaces.enp4s0f0.useDHCP = true;
# interfaces.enp4s0f1.useDHCP = true;
# TODO: fix IPv6
enableIPv6 = false;
# Create a bridge for VMs to use
macvlans = {
extif0 = {
interface = "enp4s0f0";
mode = "bridge";
intif0 = {
interface = "enp4s0f1";
mode = "bridge";
interfaces = {
extif0 = {
# result of: echo $FQDN-extif|md5sum|sed 's/^\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\).*$/02:\1:\2:\3:\4:\5/'
macAddress = "02:d4:e8:3b:10:2f";
ipv4.addresses = [
address = host_ipv4;
prefixLength = 28;
intif0 = {
# result of: echo $FQDN-intif|md5sum|sed 's/^\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\).*$/02:\1:\2:\3:\4:\5/'
macAddress = "02:ba:ba:e9:08:21";
ipv4.addresses = [
address = "";
prefixLength = 24;
hardware.bluetooth.enable = false;
virtualisation = {
lxd = {
enable = true;
docker = {
enable = true;
enableOnBoot = true;
autoPrune = {
enable = true;
fileSystems = {
"/srv/archiva" = {
fsType = "btrfs";
options = ["subvol=archiva"];
label = "pool0";
"/srv/grafana" = {
fsType = "btrfs";
options = ["subvol=grafana"];
label = "pool0";
"${system-mail-directory}" = {
fsType = "btrfs";
options = ["subvol=mail"];
label = "pool0";
"/srv/gitlab" = {
fsType = "btrfs";
options = ["subvol=gitlab"];
label = "pool0";
"/var/lib/lxd/storage-pools/pool0" = {
fsType = "btrfs";
label = "pool0";
device = "/dev/disk/by-label/pool0";
"/var/lib/lxd/storage-pools/pool1" = {
fsType = "btrfs";
label = "pool1";
device = "/dev/france-user/fudo-user";
# Archiva
users.extraUsers = {
archiva = {
isNormalUser = false;
group = "nogroup";
uid = 1000;
docker-containers = {
archiva = {
image = "xetusoss/archiva";
ports = [""];
volumes = [
environment = {
# Not directly connected to the world anyway
SSL_ENABLED = "false";
# Ugly as shit: name-to-uid lookup fails.
#user = "1000";
user = toString config.users.users.archiva.uid;
# Minecraft
fudo.minecraft-server = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.minecraft-server_1_15_1;
data-dir = minecraft-data-dir;
world-name = "selbyland";
motd = "Welcome to the Selby Minecraft server.";