{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: with lib; let hostname = "procul"; domain = "informis.land"; mail-hostname = hostname; host_ipv4 = ""; host-fqdn = "${hostname}.${domain}"; all-hostnames = []; acme-private-key = hostname: "/var/lib/acme/${hostname}/key.pem"; acme-certificate = hostname: "/var/lib/acme/${hostname}/fullchain.pem"; acme-ca = "/etc/nixos/static/letsencryptauthorityx3.pem"; fudo-ca = "/etc/nixos/static/fudo_ca.pem"; in { boot.loader.grub = { enable = true; version = 2; device = "/dev/sdb"; }; imports = [ ../hardware-configuration.nix ../defaults.nix ../informis/users.nix ]; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ multipath-tools ]; networking = { hostName = hostname; # provided by secure-dns-proxy nameservers = [ "" ]; dhcpcd.enable = false; useDHCP = false; # TODO: fix IPv6 enableIPv6 = true; # Create a bridge for VMs to use macvlans = { extif0 = { interface = "enp0s25"; mode = "bridge"; }; }; interfaces = { extif0 = { # result of: # echo $FQDN-extif|md5sum|sed 's/^\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\).*$/02:\1:\2:\3:\4:\5/' macAddress = "02:e2:b7:db:e8:af"; ipv4.addresses = [ { address = host_ipv4; prefixLength = 29; } ]; }; }; }; hardware.bluetooth.enable = false; users = { users = { gituser = { isSystemUser = true; group = "nogroup"; }; }; }; fudo = { common = { # Sets some server-common settings. See /etc/nixos/fudo/profiles/... profile = "server"; # Sets some common site-specific settings: gateway, monitoring, etc. See /etc/nixos/fudo/sites/... site = "joes"; domain = domain; admin-email = "admin@${domain}"; local-networks = [ "" "" "" "" "" ]; }; # Not all users need access to procul; don't allow LDAP-user access. authentication.enable = false; auth.kdc = { enable = true; database-path = "/var/heimdal/heimdal"; realm = "INFORMIS.LAND"; mkey-file = "/srv/heimdal/secure/m-key"; acl-file = "/etc/heimdal/kdc.acl"; bind-addresses = [ host_ipv4 "" "" ]; }; secure-dns-proxy = { enable = true; upstream-dns = [ "https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query" ]; bootstrap-dns = ""; listen-ips = [ "" ]; port = 53; }; dns = { enable = true; dns-hosts = { "ns1.informis.land" = ""; "ns2.informis.land" = ""; }; listen-ips = [host_ipv4]; domains = { "informis.land" = import ../informis/informis.land.nix { inherit host_ipv4 config; }; }; }; mail-server = { enable = true; debug = true; domain = domain; hostname = "${host-fqdn}"; monitoring = false; mail-user = "mailuser"; mail-user-id = 525; mail-group = "mailgroup"; clamav.enable = true; dkim.signing = true; dovecot = { ssl-certificate = acme-certificate "imap.${domain}"; ssl-private-key = acme-private-key "imap.${domain}"; }; postfix = { ssl-certificate = acme-certificate "smtp.${domain}"; ssl-private-key = acme-private-key "smtp.${domain}"; }; # This should NOT include the primary domain local-domains = [ host-fqdn "smtp.${domain}" ]; mail-directory = "/srv/mailserver/mail"; state-directory = "/srv/mailserver/state"; trusted-networks = [ "" "" ]; alias-users = { root = ["niten"]; postmaster = ["niten"]; hostmaster = ["niten"]; webmaster = ["niten"]; system = ["niten"]; admin = ["niten"]; dmarc-report = ["niten"]; }; }; postgresql = { enable = true; ssl-certificate = (acme-certificate host-fqdn); ssl-private-key = (acme-private-key host-fqdn); keytab = "/srv/postgres/secure/postgres.keytab"; local-networks = [ "" "" ]; users = { gituser = { password = fileContents "/srv/git/secure/db.passwd"; databases = { git = "ALL PRIVILEGES"; }; }; }; databases = { git = ["niten"]; }; }; git = { enable = true; hostname = "git.informis.land"; site-name = "informis git"; user = "gituser"; repository-dir = /srv/git/repo; state-dir = /srv/git/state; database = { user = "gituser"; password-file = /srv/git/secure/db.passwd; hostname = ""; name = "git"; }; }; acme = { enable = true; admin-address = "admin@${domain}"; hostnames = [ "informis.land" "imap.informis.land" "smtp.informis.land" "gemini.informis.land" ]; }; }; security.acme.certs.${host-fqdn}.email = "admin@${domain}"; services.nginx = { enable = true; recommendedGzipSettings = true; recommendedOptimisation = true; recommendedTlsSettings = true; virtualHosts = { "${host-fqdn}" = { enableACME = true; forceSSL = true; }; }; }; informis.cl-gemini = { enable = true; server-ip = host_ipv4; document-root = "/srv/gemini/root"; ssl-private-key = "/srv/gemini/private/key.pem"; ssl-certificate = "/srv/gemini/private/cert.pem"; slynk-port = 4005; textfiles-archive = "/srv/gemini/textfiles"; feeds = { viator = { title = "viator's phlog"; path = "/home/viator/gemini-public/feed/"; url = "gemini://informis.land/user/viator/feed/"; }; }; }; }