# Ref: https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/nix/ { config, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix ./packages/local.nix ./config/local.nix ]; nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; security.acme.acceptTerms = true; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ asdf atop autoconf automake bash boot bind binutils btrfs-progs bundix byobu cdrtools cargo certbot clang curl dpkg enca fail2ban file fortune gcc git gnumake gnupg google-cloud-sdk guile heimdalFull imagemagick ipfs iptables jdk jq kerberos leiningen libisofs libstdcxxHook lispPackages.alexandria lispPackages.cl-ppcre lispPackages.clx lispPackages.quicklisp lsof lshw mkpasswd ncurses5 nix-index nix-prefetch-git nmap oidentd openldap openssh openssl_1_1 openssh_gssapi pciutils pinentry.curses pv pwgen ruby rustc sbcl screen service-wrapper stdenv telnet texlive.combined.scheme-basic tmux unzip vim wget yubikey-manager yubikey-personalization ]; system.stateVersion = "20.03"; system.autoUpgrade.enable = true; environment.etc.current-nixos-config.source = ./.; krb5.enable = true; krb5.kerberos = pkgs.heimdalFull; services.xserver = { layout = "us"; xkbVariant = "dvp"; xkbOptions = "ctrl:nocaps"; }; console = { useXkbConfig = true; }; i18n = { defaultLocale = "en_US.UTF-8"; }; programs = { mosh.enable = true; ssh = { startAgent = false; extraConfig = '' GSSAPIAuthentication yes GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes ''; }; bash.enableCompletion = true; mtr.enable = true; gnupg.agent = { enable = true; enableSSHSupport = true; }; }; services = { emacs = { defaultEditor = true; enable = true; }; cron = { enable = true; }; openssh = { enable = true; startWhenNeeded = true; permitRootLogin = "prohibit-password"; extraConfig = '' GSSAPIAuthentication yes GSSAPICleanupCredentials yes ''; }; pcscd = { enable = true; }; udev.packages = with pkgs; [ yubikey-personalization ]; }; environment.shellInit = '' gpg-connect-agent /bye export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket) ''; security.pam = { # TODO: add yubico? services = { sshd = { # This should only ask for a code if ~/.google_authenticator exists, but it asks anyway. # googleAuthenticator.enable = true; makeHomeDir = true; sshAgentAuth = true; }; }; }; users.extraUsers = { node = { isSystemUser = true; group = "nogroup"; }; }; users.groups = { fudosys = { gid = 888; }; }; users.extraUsers = { niten = { isNormalUser = true; uid = 10000; createHome = true; description = "Niten"; extraGroups = ["wheel" "audio" "video" "disk" "floppy" "lp" "cdrom" "tape" "dialout" "adm" "input" "systemd-journal" "fudosys" "libvirtd"]; group = "users"; home = "/home/niten"; hashedPassword = "$6$a1q2Duoe35hd5$IaZGXPfqyGv9uq5DQm7DZq0vIHsUs39sLktBiBBqMiwl/f/Z4jSvNZLJp9DZJYe5u2qGBYh1ca.jsXvQA8FPZ/"; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "ssh-rsa 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 openpgp:0x4EC95B64" ]; }; reaper = { isNormalUser = true; uid = 10049; createHome = true; description = "Reaper"; extraGroups = ["wheel" "audio" "video" "disk" "floppy" "lp" "cdrom" "tape" "dialout" "adm" "input" "systemd-journal" "fudosys" "libvirtd"]; group = "users"; home = "/home/reaper"; hashedPassword = "$6$YVCI6kiGcG5EVMT$t9lYEXjAhbnh7YkvJJPAbrzL8XE/AASsKFlWWeS.fDjBi/8S7zwXTHF0j41nDUfC//3viysn0tIOQKyZTHhzG."; }; fudo = { isSystemUser = true; uid = 888; description = "Fudo System User"; group = "fudosys"; }; }; }