{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.fudo.local-network; join-lines = concatStringsSep "\n"; traceout = out: builtins.trace out out; fudo-lib = import ../fudo-lib.nix { inherit lib; }; in { options.fudo.local-network = with types; { enable = mkEnableOption "Enable local network configuration (DHCP & DNS)."; domain = mkOption { type = str; description = "The domain to use for the local network."; }; dns-servers = mkOption { type = listOf str; description = "A list of domain name servers to pass to local clients."; }; dhcp-interfaces = mkOption { type = listOf str; description = "A list of interfaces on which to serve DHCP."; }; dns-listen-ips = mkOption { type = listOf str; description = "A list of IPs on which to server DNS queries."; }; gateway = mkOption { type = str; description = "The gateway to use for the local network."; }; network = mkOption { type = str; description = "Network to treat as local."; example = ""; }; dhcp-dynamic-network = mkOption { type = str; description = '' The network from which to dynamically allocate IPs via DHCP. Must be a subnet of . ''; example = ""; }; enable-reverse-mappings = mkOption { type = bool; description = "Genereate PTR reverse lookup records."; default = false; }; recursive-resolver = mkOption { type = str; description = "DNS nameserver to use for recursive resolution."; default = " port 53"; }; search-domains = mkOption { type = listOf str; description = "A list of domains which clients should consider local."; example = [ "my-domain.com" "other-domain.com" ]; default = [ ]; }; network-definition = let networkOpts = import ../types/network-definition.nix { inherit lib; }; in mkOption { type = submodule networkOpts; description = "Definition of network to be served by local server."; default = { }; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { services.dhcpd4 = let network = cfg.network-definition; in { enable = true; machines = mapAttrsToList (hostname: hostOpts: { ethernetAddress = hostOpts.mac-address; hostName = hostname; ipAddress = hostOpts.ipv4-address; }) (filterAttrs (host: hostOpts: hostOpts.mac-address != null && hostOpts.ipv4-address != null) network.hosts); interfaces = cfg.dhcp-interfaces; extraConfig = '' subnet ${fudo-lib.ip.getNetworkBase cfg.network} netmask ${ fudo-lib.ip.maskFromV32Network cfg.network } { authoritative; option subnet-mask ${fudo-lib.ip.maskFromV32Network cfg.network}; option broadcast-address ${fudo-lib.ip.networkMaxIp cfg.network}; option routers ${cfg.gateway}; option domain-name-servers ${concatStringsSep " " cfg.dns-servers}; option domain-name "${cfg.domain}"; option domain-search "${ concatStringsSep " " ([ cfg.domain ] ++ cfg.search-domains) }"; range ${fudo-lib.ip.networkMinIp cfg.dhcp-dynamic-network} ${ fudo-lib.ip.networkMaxButOneIp cfg.dhcp-dynamic-network }; } ''; }; services.bind = let blockHostsToZone = block: hosts-data: { master = true; name = "${block}.in-addr.arpa"; file = let # We should add these...but need a domain to assign them to. # ip-last-el = ip: toInt (last (splitString "." ip)); # used-els = map (host-data: ip-last-el host-data.ipv4-address) hosts-data; # unused-els = subtractLists used-els (map toString (range 1 255)); in pkgs.writeText "db.${block}-zone" '' $ORIGIN ${block}.in-addr.arpa. $TTL 1h @ IN SOA ns1.${cfg.domain}. hostmaster.${cfg.domain}. ( ${toString builtins.currentTime} 1800 900 604800 1800) @ IN NS ns1.${cfg.domain}. ${join-lines (map hostPtrRecord hosts-data)} ''; }; ipToBlock = ip: concatStringsSep "." (reverseList (take 3 (splitString "." ip))); compactHosts = mapAttrsToList (host: data: data // { host = host; }) network.hosts; hostsByBlock = groupBy (host-data: ipToBlock host-data.ipv4-address) compactHosts; hostPtrRecord = host-data: "${ last (splitString "." host-data.ipv4-address) } IN PTR ${host-data.host}.${cfg.domain}."; blockZones = mapAttrsToList blockHostsToZone hostsByBlock; hostARecord = host: data: "${host} IN A ${data.ipv4-address}"; hostSshFpRecords = host: data: let ssh-fingerprints = if (hasAttr host known-hosts) then known-hosts.${host}.ssh-fingerprints else [ ]; in join-lines (map (sshfp: "${host} IN SSHFP ${sshfp}") ssh-fingerprints); cnameRecord = alias: host: "${alias} IN CNAME ${host}"; network = cfg.network-definition; known-hosts = config.fudo.hosts; in { enable = true; cacheNetworks = [ cfg.network "localhost" "localnets" ]; forwarders = [ cfg.recursive-resolver ]; listenOn = cfg.dns-listen-ips; extraOptions = concatStringsSep "\n" [ "dnssec-enable yes;" "dnssec-validation yes;" "auth-nxdomain no;" "recursion yes;" "allow-recursion { any; };" ]; zones = [{ master = true; name = cfg.domain; file = pkgs.writeText "${cfg.domain}-zone" '' @ IN SOA ns1.${cfg.domain}. hostmaster.${cfg.domain}. ( ${toString builtins.currentTime} 5m 2m 6w 5m) $TTL 1h @ IN NS ns1.${cfg.domain}. $ORIGIN ${cfg.domain}. $TTL 30m ${optionalString (network.gssapi-realm != null) ''_kerberos IN TXT "${network.gssapi-realm}"''} ${join-lines (imap1 (i: server-ip: "ns${toString i} IN A ${server-ip}") cfg.dns-servers)} ${join-lines (mapAttrsToList hostARecord network.hosts)} ${join-lines (mapAttrsToList hostSshFpRecords network.hosts)} ${join-lines (mapAttrsToList cnameRecord network.aliases)} ${join-lines network.verbatim-dns-records} ${fudo-lib.dns.srvRecordsToBindZone network.srv-records} ''; }] ++ blockZones; }; }; }