From de24170e881f94e038a2fd81ca242a32352f658f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: niten <>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2023 22:40:08 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Commit to move

 config/domains/            |    9 +-
 config/hardware/jazz.nix                   |   75 +
 config/hardware/lambda.nix                 |  151 +-
 config/hardware/nostromo.nix               |    2 +-
 config/hardware/procul.nix                 |    2 +-
 config/hardware/toothless.nix              |   75 +
 config/host-config/jazz.nix                |   41 +
 config/host-config/lambda.nix              |  142 +-
 config/host-config/legatus.nix             |   36 +-
 config/host-config/limina.nix              |    2 +
 config/host-config/nostromo.nix            |    9 +
 config/host-config/nostromo/minecraft.nix  |    2 +-
 config/host-config/nutboy3.nix             |   38 +-
 config/host-config/nutboy3/cashew.nix      |   60 +-
 config/host-config/procul.nix              |   30 +-
 config/host-config/spark.nix               |   13 +-
 config/host-config/system3.nix             |    8 +
 config/host-config/toothless.nix           |   55 +
 config/host-config/wormhole0.nix           |  126 +-
 config/host-config/zbox.nix                |   15 +
 config/profile-config/build/build-seed.nix |    4 +-
 config/profile-config/common-ui.nix        |    3 +
 config/profile-config/common.nix           |   55 +-
 config/profile-config/host/kerberos.nix    |  127 +-
 config/profile-config/host/ssh.nix         |   88 +-
 config/service/backplane.nix               |   22 +-
 config/service/dns.nix                     |  288 +-
 config/service/fudo-auth.nix               |  238 +-
 config/service/mail-server.nix             |   27 +-
 config/service/mqtt.nix                    |  164 +
 config/service/nexus.nix                   |  260 ++
 config/service/postgresql.nix              |   22 +-
 config/service/suanni.nix                  |  156 +
 config/service/tattler.nix                 |  104 +
 config/service/wallfly-presence.nix        |   53 +-
 config/services.nix                        |    6 +-
 config/site-config/seattle.nix             |   35 +-
 config/users.nix                           |    2 +-
 flake.lock                                 | 3544 ++++++++++++++++++--
 flake.nix                                  |   35 +-
 40 files changed, 5188 insertions(+), 936 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 config/hardware/jazz.nix
 create mode 100644 config/hardware/toothless.nix
 create mode 100644 config/host-config/jazz.nix
 create mode 100644 config/host-config/toothless.nix
 create mode 100644 config/service/mqtt.nix
 create mode 100644 config/service/nexus.nix
 create mode 100644 config/service/suanni.nix
 create mode 100644 config/service/tattler.nix

diff --git a/config/domains/ b/config/domains/
index e07bd19..180dcb4 100644
--- a/config/domains/
+++ b/config/domains/
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
 { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  fudo ="";
+let fudo ="";
 in {"" = {
     local-networks = fudo.local-networks;
-    gssapi-realm = fudo.gssapi-realm;
-    kerberos-master = fudo.kerberos-master;
-    kerberos-slaves = fudo.kerberos-slaves;
+    # gssapi-realm = fudo.gssapi-realm;
+    # kerberos-master = fudo.kerberos-master;
+    # kerberos-slaves = fudo.kerberos-slaves;
     primary-mailserver = fudo.primary-mailserver;
diff --git a/config/hardware/jazz.nix b/config/hardware/jazz.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72acb79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/hardware/jazz.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, modulesPath, ... }:
+  imports = [ (modulesPath + "/installer/scan/not-detected.nix") ];
+  boot = {
+    initrd = {
+      availableKernelModules =
+        [ "nvme" "xhci_pci" "ahci" "usbhid" "usb_storage" "sd_mod" ];
+      kernelModules = [ ];
+    };
+    loader = {
+      systemd-boot.enable = true;
+      efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;
+    };
+    kernelModules = [ "kvm-amd" ];
+    extraModulePackages = [ ];
+  };
+  fileSystems = {
+    "/" = {
+      device = "jazz-root";
+      fsType = "tmpfs";
+      options = [ "mode=755" "noexec" ];
+    };
+    "/boot" = {
+      device = "/dev/disk/by-label/JAZZ-BOOT";
+      fsType = "vfat";
+      options = [ "noatime" "noexec" ];
+    };
+    "/nix" = {
+      device = "/dev/disk/by-label/jazz-data";
+      fsType = "btrfs";
+      options = [ "subvol=@nix" "noatime" "compress=zstd" ];
+    };
+    "/state" = {
+      device = "/dev/disk/by-label/jazz-data";
+      fsType = "btrfs";
+      options = [ "subvol=@state" "noatime" "compress=zstd" ];
+    };
+    "/home" = {
+      device = "/dev/disk/by-label/jazz-data";
+      fsType = "btrfs";
+      options = [ "subvol=@home" "noatime" "compress=zstd" ];
+    };
+    "/var/log" = {
+      device = "/dev/disk/by-label/jazz-data";
+      fsType = "btrfs";
+      options = [ "subvol=@log" "noatime" "compress=zstd" "noexec" ];
+    };
+  };
+  swapDevices = [{ device = "/dev/disk/by-label/jazz-swap"; }];
+  hardware = {
+    enableAllFirmware = true;
+    cpu.amd.updateMicrocode = true;
+  };
+  networking = {
+    useDHCP = false;
+    macvlans = {
+      intif0 = {
+        interface = "enp5s0";
+        mode = "bridge";
+      };
+    };
+    interfaces.intif0.macAddress = "02:57:9a:a4:10:d3";
+  };
diff --git a/config/hardware/lambda.nix b/config/hardware/lambda.nix
index 2639a3e..e8cbb58 100644
--- a/config/hardware/lambda.nix
+++ b/config/hardware/lambda.nix
@@ -1,85 +1,98 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+{ config, lib, pkgs, modulesPath, ... }:
 with lib;
+let generateMac =;
 in {
-  system.stateVersion = "21.05";
+  imports = [ (modulesPath + "/installer/scan/not-detected.nix") ];
-  boot = {
-    initrd = {
-      availableKernelModules = [
-        "uhci_hcd"
-        "ehci_pci"
-        "ata_piix"
-        "hpsa"
-        "usb_storage"
-        "usbhid"
-        "sd_mod"
-        "sr_mod"
-      ];
-      kernelModules = [ ];
-    };
+  config = {
-    kernelModules = [ "kvm-intel" ];
-    supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ];
+    system.stateVersion = "22.05";
-    loader.grub = {
-      enable = true;
-      version = 2;
-      device = "/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x600508b1001cecf6b880f591f9b18b29";
-    };
-  };
+    boot = {
+      initrd = {
+        luks.devices.lambda-unlocked = {
+          device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/e90c9dda-4e4c-4ca1-8897-39fcebc03479";
+          allowDiscards = true;
+        };
-  fileSystems = {
-    "/boot" = {
-      device = "/dev/disk/by-label/lambda-boot";
-      fsType = "ext4";
-      options = [ "noexec" "noatime" "nodiratime" ];
-    };
+        availableKernelModules = [
+          "uhci_hcd"
+          "ehci_pci"
+          "ata_piix"
+          "hpsa"
+          "usb_storage"
+          "usbhid"
+          "sd_mod"
+          "sr_mod"
+        ];
+        kernelModules = [ "dm-snapshot" ];
+      };
-    "/" = {
-      device = "none";
-      fsType = "tmpfs";
-      options = [ "noexec" "mode=755" ];
-    };
+      kernelModules = [ "kvm-intel" ];
+      kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest;
-    "/nix" = {
-      device = "lambda/transient/nix";
-      fsType = "zfs";
-      options = [ "noatime" "nodiratime" ];
-    };
-    "/var/log" = {
-      device = "lambda/transient/logs";
-      fsType = "zfs";
-      neededForBoot = true;
-      options = [ "noexec" "noatime" "nodiratime" ];
-    };
-    "/state" = {
-      device = "lambda/persistent/state";
-      fsType = "zfs";
-      options = [ "noexec" "noatime" "nodiratime" ];
-    };
-  };
-  swapDevices = [{ device = "/dev/disk/by-label/lambda-swap"; }];
-  nix.settings.max-jobs = lib.mkDefault 12;
-  networking = {
-    macvlans = {
-      intif0 = {
-        interface = "enp3s0f1";
-        mode = "bridge";
+      loader.grub = {
+        enable = true;
+        version = 2;
+        device = "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-3600508b1001c3be9174b4bdb31935121";
-    interfaces = {
-      intif0 = {
-        # output of: echo lambda-intif0|md5sum|sed 's/^\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\).*$/02:\1:\2:\3:\4:\5/'
-        macAddress = "02:f5:fe:8c:22:fe";
+    fileSystems = {
+      "/" = {
+        device = "lambda-root";
+        fsType = "tmpfs";
+        options = [ "mode=755" "size=32G" "noexec" ];
+      };
+      "/boot" = {
+        device = "/dev/disk/by-label/lambda-boot";
+        fsType = "ext4";
+        options = [ "noatime" "noexec" ];
+      };
+      "/state" = {
+        device = "/dev/mapper/lambda-unlocked";
+        fsType = "btrfs";
+        options = [ "noatime" "compress=zstd" "noexec" "subvol=@state" ];
+      };
+      "/nix" = {
+        device = "/dev/mapper/lambda-unlocked";
+        fsType = "btrfs";
+        options = [ "noatime" "compress=zstd" "subvol=@nix" ];
+      };
+      "/home" = {
+        device = "/dev/mapper/lambda-unlocked";
+        fsType = "btrfs";
+        options = [ "noatime" "compress=zstd" "noexec" "subvol=@home" ];
+      };
+      "/var/log" = {
+        device = "/dev/mapper/lambda-unlocked";
+        fsType = "btrfs";
+        options = [ "noatime" "compress=zstd" "noexec" "subvol=@log" ];
+      };
+    };
+    swapDevices = [{
+      device = "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-3600508b1001c3be9174b4bdb31935121-part2";
+      randomEncryption.enable = true;
+    }];
+    nix.settings.max-jobs = lib.mkDefault 24;
+    networking = {
+      useDHCP = false;
+      macvlans = {
+        intif0 = {
+          interface = "enp4s0f1";
+          mode = "bridge";
+        };
+      };
+      interfaces = {
+        intif0 = {
+          macAddress = generateMac config.instance.hostname "intif0";
+        };
diff --git a/config/hardware/nostromo.nix b/config/hardware/nostromo.nix
index f5313fb..77ab861 100644
--- a/config/hardware/nostromo.nix
+++ b/config/hardware/nostromo.nix
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
-  nix.maxJobs = lib.mkDefault 24;
+  nix.settings.max-jobs = lib.mkDefault 24;
   hardware.bluetooth.enable = false;
diff --git a/config/hardware/procul.nix b/config/hardware/procul.nix
index f7f58e4..a2ef50a 100644
--- a/config/hardware/procul.nix
+++ b/config/hardware/procul.nix
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   swapDevices = [{ device = "/dev/disk/by-label/swap"; }];
-  nix.maxJobs = lib.mkDefault 8;
+  nix.settings.max-jobs = lib.mkDefault 8;
   hardware.bluetooth.enable = false;
diff --git a/config/hardware/toothless.nix b/config/hardware/toothless.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2620014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/hardware/toothless.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+  system.stateVersion = "22.05";
+  boot = {
+    loader = {
+      systemd-boot.enable = true;
+      efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;
+    };
+    initrd = {
+      availableKernelModules =
+        [ "xhci_pci" "ahci" "nvme" "usbhid" "usb_storage" "sd_mod" ];
+      kernelModules = [ ];
+    };
+    kernelModules = [ "kvm-amd" ];
+    extraModulePackages = [ ];
+  };
+  fileSystems = {
+    "/" = {
+      device = "toothless-root";
+      fsType = "tmpfs";
+      options = [ "mode=755" "noexec" ];
+    };
+    "/boot" = {
+      device = "/dev/disk/by-label/TOOTH-BOOT";
+      fsType = "vfat";
+      options = [ "noatime" "noexec" ];
+    };
+    "/nix" = {
+      device = "/dev/disk/by-label/toothless-data";
+      fsType = "btrfs";
+      options = [ "subvol=@nix" "noatime" "compress=zstd" ];
+    };
+    "/state" = {
+      device = "/dev/disk/by-label/toothless-data";
+      fsType = "btrfs";
+      options = [ "subvol=@state" "noatime" "compress=zstd" "noexec" ];
+    };
+    "/home" = {
+      device = "/dev/disk/by-label/toothless-data";
+      fsType = "btrfs";
+      options = [ "subvol=@home" "noatime" "compress=zstd" "noexec" ];
+    };
+    "/var/log" = {
+      device = "/dev/disk/by-label/toothless-data";
+      fsType = "btrfs";
+      options = [ "subvol=@log" "noatime" "compress=zstd" "noexec" ];
+    };
+  };
+  swapDevices = [{ device = "/dev/disk/by-label/toothless-swap"; }];
+  hardware = {
+    enableAllFirmware = true;
+    cpu.amd.updateMicrocode = true;
+  };
+  networking = {
+    useDHCP = false;
+    macvlans = {
+      intif0 = {
+        interface = "enp42s0";
+        mode = "bridge";
+      };
+    };
+    interfaces.intif0.macAddress = "02:ee:76:17:99:ed";
+  };
diff --git a/config/host-config/jazz.nix b/config/host-config/jazz.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92d17f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/host-config/jazz.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+let stateDir = "/state";
+in {
+  fudo = { wallfly.location = "family_room"; };
+  networking = {
+    interfaces.intif0.useDHCP = true;
+    firewall.enable = false;
+  };
+  systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
+    "L /etc/adjtime            - - - - ${stateDir}/etc/adjtime"
+    "d ${stateDir}/lib/cups    755 root root - -"
+    "d ${stateDir}/lib/flatpak 755 root root - -"
+  ];
+  fileSystems = {
+    "/var/lib/cups" = {
+      device = "${stateDir}/lib/cups";
+      options = [ "bind" ];
+    };
+    "/var/lib/flatpak" = {
+      device = "${stateDir}/lib/flatpak";
+      options = [ "bind" ];
+    };
+  };
+  environment.etc = {
+    nixos.source = "/etc/nixos-live";
+    NIXOS.source = "${stateDir}/etc/NIXOS";
+  };
+  systemd.targets = {
+    sleep.enable = false;
+    suspend.enable = false;
+    hibernate.enable = false;
+    hybrid-sleep.enable = false;
+  };
diff --git a/config/host-config/lambda.nix b/config/host-config/lambda.nix
index c043239..9f49751 100644
--- a/config/host-config/lambda.nix
+++ b/config/host-config/lambda.nix
@@ -1,94 +1,72 @@
 { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  state-dir = "/state"; # This must be a string!
-  generate-mac =;
+let primaryIp = "";
 in {
-  boot = {
-    loader.grub.copyKernels = true;
-    #kernelModules = [ "rpcsec_gss_krb5" ];
-  };
+  config = {
+    boot = { loader.grub.copyKernels = true; };
-  networking = {
-    interfaces = {
-      enp3s0f0.useDHCP = false;
-      enp3s0f1.useDHCP = false;
-      enp4s0f0.useDHCP = false;
-      enp4s0f1.useDHCP = false;
+    networking = {
+      interfaces = {
+        enp3s0f0.useDHCP = false;
+        enp3s0f1.useDHCP = false;
+        enp4s0f0.useDHCP = false;
+        enp4s0f1.useDHCP = false;
-      intif0.useDHCP = true;
-    };
-  };
+        intif0 = {
+          useDHCP = false;
+          ipv4.addresses = [{
+            address = primaryIp;
+            prefixLength = 16;
+          }];
+        };
+      };
-  systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
-    "L /root/.gnupg           - - - - ${state-dir}/user/root/gnupg"
-    "L /root/.ssh/id_rsa      - - - - ${state-dir}/user/root/ssh/id_rsa"
-    "L /root/.ssh/  - - - - ${state-dir}/user/root/ssh/"
-    "L /root/.ssh/known_hosts - - - - ${state-dir}/user/root/ssh/known_hosts"
-  ];
-  services.openssh.hostKeys = [
-    {
-      path = "${state-dir}/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key";
-      type = "rsa";
-      bits = 4096;
-    }
-    {
-      path = "${state-dir}/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key";
-      type = "ed25519";
-      bits = 4096;
-    }
-  ];
-  environment.etc = {
-    "ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key" = {
-      source = "${state-dir}/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key";
-      user = "root";
-      group = "root";
-      mode = "0400";
-    };
-    "ssh/" = {
-      source = "${state-dir}/ssh/";
-      user = "root";
-      group = "root";
-      mode = "0444";
-    };
-    "ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key" = {
-      source = "${state-dir}/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key";
-      user = "root";
-      group = "root";
-      mode = "0400";
-    };
-    "ssh/" = {
-      source = "${state-dir}/ssh/";
-      user = "root";
-      group = "root";
-      mode = "0444";
-    };
-    nixos.source = "/etc/nixos-live";
-    adjtime.source = "/state/host/adjtime";
-    NIXOS.source = "/state/host/NIXOS";
-  };
-  security.sudo.extraConfig = ''
-    # Due to rollback, sudo will lecture after every reboot
-    Defaults lecture = never
-  '';
-  fudo = {
-    secrets = {
-      secret-group = "fudo-secrets";
-      secret-users = [ "niten" ];
-      secret-paths = [ "/state/secrets" ];
+      defaultGateway = {
+        address = "";
+        interface = "intif0";
+      };
-    minecraft-clj = {
-      enable = true;
-      state-directory = "/state/services/minecraft-clj";
-      admins = [ "fudoniten" ];
-      worlds = { REPLand = { allocated-memory = 16; }; };
+    environment = {
+      etc = {
+        nixos.source = "/etc/nixos-live";
+        NIXOS.source = "/state/host/NIXOS";
+      };
+      systemPackages = with pkgs; [ nixopsUnstable openssl ];
+    };
+    security.sudo.extraConfig = ''
+      # Due to rollback, sudo will lecture after every reboot
+      Defaults lecture = never
+    '';
+    fudo = {
+      secrets = {
+        secret-group = "fudo-secrets";
+        secret-users = [ "niten" ];
+        secret-paths = [ "/secrets" ];
+      };
+      hosts.lambda.encrypted-filesystems.secrets = {
+        encrypted-device =
+          "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-3600508b1001c2f439e343270a365a5bd-part1";
+        key-path = "/state/secrets-key/key";
+        filesystem-type = "btrfs";
+        remove-key = false;
+        type = "luks2";
+        mountpoints = {
+          "/secrets" = {
+            options = [ "noatime" "compress=zstd" ];
+            group = "fudo-secrets";
+            users = [ "niten" ];
+            world-readable = false;
+          };
+        };
+      };
+    };
+    systemd = {
+      tmpfiles.rules = [ "L /etc/adjtime - - - - /state/etc/adjtime" ];
diff --git a/config/host-config/legatus.nix b/config/host-config/legatus.nix
index 469fbb0..03329ef 100644
--- a/config/host-config/legatus.nix
+++ b/config/host-config/legatus.nix
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ in {
         ldap.state-directory = "/state/auth/ldap";
         kerberos = {
           state-directory = "/state/auth/kerberos";
-          master-key-file =;
-          ipropd-keytab =;
+          # master-key-file =;
+          # ipropd-keytab =;
@@ -64,15 +64,17 @@ in {
         state-directory = "/state/services/chat";
         external-interface = "extif0";
+      nexus.dns-server.listen-addresses = [ host-ipv4 ];
     }; = let files = config.fudo.secrets.files;
     in {
-      postgres-keytab = {
-        source-file = files.service-keytabs.procul.postgres;
-        target-file = "/srv/postgres/secure/postgres.keytab";
-        user = "root";
-      };
+      # postgres-keytab = {
+      #   source-file = files.service-keytabs.procul.postgres;
+      #   target-file = "/srv/postgres/secure/postgres.keytab";
+      #   user = "root";
+      # };
       # gitea-database-password = {
       #   source-file = files.service-passwords.procul.gitea-database;
@@ -80,17 +82,17 @@ in {
       #   user = config.fudo.git.user;
       # };
-      heimdal-master-key = {
-        source-file = files.realm-master-keys."FUDO.ORG";
-        target-file = "/run/heimdal/master-key";
-        user = config.fudo.auth.kdc.user;
-      };
+      # heimdal-master-key = {
+      #   source-file = files.realm-master-keys."FUDO.ORG";
+      #   target-file = "/run/heimdal/master-key";
+      #   user = config.fudo.auth.kdc.user;
+      # };
-      heimdal-ipropd-keytab = {
-        source-file = files.service-keytabs.legatus.ipropd;
-        target-file = "/run/heimdal/ipropd.keytab";
-        user = config.fudo.auth.kdc.user;
-      };
+      # heimdal-ipropd-keytab = {
+      #   source-file = files.service-keytabs.legatus.ipropd;
+      #   target-file = "/run/heimdal/ipropd.keytab";
+      #   user = config.fudo.auth.kdc.user;
+      # };
     client.dns = {
diff --git a/config/host-config/limina.nix b/config/host-config/limina.nix
index 7b118af..bcabd3b 100644
--- a/config/host-config/limina.nix
+++ b/config/host-config/limina.nix
@@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ in {
           prometheus.state-directory = "/state/services/prometheus";
+        auth.kerberos.state-directory = "/state/services/heimdal-kdc";
         # wireguard-gateway = {
         #   enable = true;
         #   network = "";
diff --git a/config/host-config/nostromo.nix b/config/host-config/nostromo.nix
index b8af206..fe2a6b4 100644
--- a/config/host-config/nostromo.nix
+++ b/config/host-config/nostromo.nix
@@ -21,12 +21,19 @@ in {
     firewall.enable = false;
+  environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.kdcConvertDatabase ];
   # Hopefully this'll help with NFS...
   boot.kernelModules = [ "rpcsec_gss_krb5" ];
   services = {
     murmur.enable = true;
+    # objectifier = {
+    #   enable = true;
+    #   listen-addresses = [ "" ];
+    # };
     nfs = {
       # See ../user-config.nix for the user@REALM -> user mapping
       server = {
@@ -117,6 +124,8 @@ in {
         ldap.base-dn = "dc=fudo,dc=org";
+      auth.kerberos.state-directory = "/state/services/heimdal-kdc";
     postgresql = {
diff --git a/config/host-config/nostromo/minecraft.nix b/config/host-config/nostromo/minecraft.nix
index e26af9e..cfc4a44 100644
--- a/config/host-config/nostromo/minecraft.nix
+++ b/config/host-config/nostromo/minecraft.nix
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     data-dir = "/state/minecraft/data";
     world-name = "selbyland";
     game-mode = "creative";
-    difficulty = 0;
+    difficulty = 2;
     allow-cheats = true;
     allocated-memory = 14;
diff --git a/config/host-config/nutboy3.nix b/config/host-config/nutboy3.nix
index cda76d2..99717af 100644
--- a/config/host-config/nutboy3.nix
+++ b/config/host-config/nutboy3.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+{ config, pkgs, ... }:
-with lib;
+with pkgs.lib;
   hostname = "nutboy3";
   host-fqdn =;
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ in {
   config = {
+    boot.kernelModules = [ "veth" ];
     networking = {
       nameservers = [ "" ];
       defaultGateway = {
@@ -65,24 +67,22 @@ in {${hostname} = let files = config.fudo.secrets.files;
       in {
-        heimdal-master-key = {
-          source-file = files.realm-master-keys."FUDO.ORG";
-          target-file = "/run/heimdal/master-key";
-          user = config.fudo.auth.kdc.user;
-        };
+        # heimdal-master-key = {
+        #   source-file = files.realm-master-keys."FUDO.ORG";
+        #   target-file = "/run/heimdal/master-key";
+        #   user = config.fudo.auth.kdc.user;
+        # };
         ldap-keytab = {
-          source-file = files.service-keytabs.${hostname}.openldap;
+          # files.service-keytabs.${hostname}.openldap;
+          source-file = extractFudoKeytab {
+            realm = domain.gssapi-realm;
+            principals = [ "ldap/${host-fqdn}" ];
+          };
           target-file = "/run/openldap/ldap.keytab";
           user =;
-        postgresql-keytab = {
-          source-file = files.service-keytabs.nutboy3.postgres;
-          target-file = "/run/postgresql/postgres.keytab";
-          user = postgresql-user;
-        };
         grafana-database-password = {
           source-file = grafana-database-passwd-file;
           target-file = "/run/metrics/grafana/db.passwd";
@@ -129,15 +129,17 @@ in {
         auth = {
           ldap.state-directory = "/state/auth/ldap";
           kerberos = {
-            state-directory = "/state/auth/kerberos";
-            master-key-file =;
+            state-directory = "/state/services/heimdal-kdc";
+            # master-key-file =;
         postgresql = {
           state-directory = "/state/services/postgresql";
-          keytab =
-            config.fudo.secrets.files.service-keytabs.${hostname}.postgres;
+          keytab = extractFudoKeytab {
+            realm = domain.gssapi-realm;
+            principals = [ "postgres/${host-fqdn}" ];
+          };
         metrics = {
diff --git a/config/host-config/nutboy3/cashew.nix b/config/host-config/nutboy3/cashew.nix
index dbf2f4c..ad90ad5 100644
--- a/config/host-config/nutboy3/cashew.nix
+++ b/config/host-config/nutboy3/cashew.nix
@@ -6,19 +6,14 @@ let
   host-ipv4 = "";
-  local-packages = with pkgs; [
-    bind
-    emacs-nox
-    mtr
-    vim
-  ];
+  local-packages = with pkgs; [ bind emacs-nox mtr vim ];
-  fudo-zone = pkgs.lib.dns.zoneToZonefile
- ""
+  fudo-zone =
+    pkgs.lib.dns.zoneToZonefile ""
-  selby-zone = pkgs.lib.dns.zoneToZonefile
- ""
+  selby-zone =
+    pkgs.lib.dns.zoneToZonefile ""
 in {
@@ -36,12 +31,14 @@ in {
             ipv4-address = "";
             ipv6-address = "2001:470:1f16:40::2";
-            description = "Nameserver 2,, in Winnipeg, MB, CA";
+            description =
+              "Nameserver 2,, in Winnipeg, MB, CA";
             ipv4-address = "";
             ipv6-address = "2604:a880:800:10::8:7001";
-            description = "Nameserver 3,, in New York City, NY, US";
+            description =
+              "Nameserver 3,, in New York City, NY, US";
             ipv4-address = "";
@@ -52,12 +49,12 @@ in {
       "" = {
         enable = true;
-        external-nameservers = map (n: let
-          i = toString n;
-        in {
-          authoritative-hostname = "ns${i}";
-          description = "Nameserver ${i}, ns${i}";
-        }) [2 3 4];
+        external-nameservers = map (n:
+          let i = toString n;
+          in {
+            authoritative-hostname = "ns${i}";
+            description = "Nameserver ${i}, ns${i}";
+          }) [ 2 3 4 ];
@@ -82,9 +79,7 @@ in {
           "rspamd._metrics._tcp IN SRV 0 0 443"
-      "" = {
-        default-host = host-ipv4;
-      };
+      "" = { default-host = host-ipv4; };
@@ -117,17 +112,15 @@ in {
     interfaces = [ "eno2" ];
     config = { config, ... }: {
+      boot.kernelModules = [ "veth" ];
       nixpkgs.pkgs = pkgs;
       environment = {
         systemPackages = local-packages;
         etc = {
-          "generated-zones/" = {
-            text = fudo-zone;
-          };
-          "generated-zones/" = {
-            text = selby-zone;
-          };
+          "generated-zones/" = { text = fudo-zone; };
+          "generated-zones/" = { text = selby-zone; };
@@ -144,17 +137,8 @@ in {
         groups = {
-          wheel.members = [
-            "niten"
-            "reaper"
-          ];
-          dns = {
-            members = [
-              "niten"
-              "reaper"
-              "named"
-            ];
-          };
+          wheel.members = [ "niten" "reaper" ];
+          dns = { members = [ "niten" "reaper" "named" ]; };
diff --git a/config/host-config/procul.nix b/config/host-config/procul.nix
index 0865c8f..0204bd6 100644
--- a/config/host-config/procul.nix
+++ b/config/host-config/procul.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-with lib;
+with pkgs.lib;
   hostname = "procul";
@@ -58,16 +58,14 @@ in {
   networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];
- = "";
+ = "";
   users = {
-    users = {
-      gituser = {
-        isSystemUser = true;
-        group = "nogroup";
-      };
+    users.gituser = {
+      isSystemUser = true;
+      group = "nogroup";
-    groups = { acme = { members = [ "nginx" ]; }; };
+    groups.acme.members = [ "nginx" ];
   informis = {
@@ -154,11 +152,11 @@ in {
         user =;
-      heimdal-master-key = {
-        source-file = files.realm-master-keys."INFORMIS.LAND";
-        target-file = "/run/heimdal/master-key";
-        user = config.fudo.auth.kdc.user;
-      };
+      # heimdal-master-key = {
+      #   source-file = files.realm-master-keys."INFORMIS.LAND";
+      #   target-file = "/run/heimdal/master-key";
+      #   user = config.fudo.auth.kdc.user;
+      # };
       chute-staging-credentials = {
         source-file = files.service-secrets.procul."chute-staging.env";
@@ -260,7 +258,11 @@ in {
       postgresql = {
         state-directory = "/state/services/postgresql";
-        keytab = config.fudo.secrets.files.service-keytabs.procul.postgres;
+        keytab = extractFudoHostKeytab {
+          inherit hostname;
+          realm = domain.gssapi-realm;
+          services = [ "postgres" ];
+        };
       logging.loki.state-directory = "/state/services/loki";
       metrics = {
diff --git a/config/host-config/spark.nix b/config/host-config/spark.nix
index 56e1fed..408ee22 100644
--- a/config/host-config/spark.nix
+++ b/config/host-config/spark.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-with lib; {
+with lib;
+let state-dir = "/state";
+in {
   fudo = {
     slynk.enable = true;
     wallfly.location = "office";
@@ -16,6 +18,15 @@ with lib; {
     fcitx5.addons = with pkgs; [ fcitx5-chinese-addons fcitx5-rime ];
+  systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ "d ${state-dir}/lib/cups  755 root root - -" ];
+  fileSystems = {
+    "/var/lib/cups" = {
+      device = "${state-dir}/lib/cups";
+      options = [ "bind" ];
+    };
+  };
   # fudo.adguard-dns-proxy = {
   #   enable = true;
   #   http.listen-ip = "";
diff --git a/config/host-config/system3.nix b/config/host-config/system3.nix
index 6ce11d6..c38cb9b 100644
--- a/config/host-config/system3.nix
+++ b/config/host-config/system3.nix
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ in {
     "L /root/.ssh/known_hosts - - - - ${state-dir}/user/root/ssh/known_hosts"
     "L /var/lib/flatpak       - - - - ${state-dir}/lib/flatpak"
     "L /etc/adjtime           - - - - ${state-dir}/etc/adjtime"
+    "d ${state-dir}/lib/cups  755 root root - -"
   services = {
@@ -38,6 +39,13 @@ in {
+  fileSystems = {
+    "/var/lib/cups" = {
+      device = "${state-dir}/lib/cups";
+      options = [ "bind" ];
+    };
+  };
   environment.etc = {
     nixos.source = "/etc/nixos-live";
     NIXOS.source = "${state-dir}/etc/NIXOS";
diff --git a/config/host-config/toothless.nix b/config/host-config/toothless.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cc5089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/host-config/toothless.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+  stateDir = "/state";
+  primaryIp = "";
+  generateMac =;
+in {
+  networking = {
+    useDHCP = false;
+    defaultGateway = {
+      address = "";
+      interface = "intif0";
+    };
+    interfaces.intif0 = {
+      ipv4.addresses = [{
+        address = primaryIp;
+        prefixLength = 16;
+      }];
+    };
+  };
+  security.sudo.extraConfig = ''
+    # Due to rollback, sudo will lecture after every reboot
+    Defaults lecture = never
+  '';
+  fudo = {
+    minecraft-clj = {
+      enable = true;
+      state-directory = "/state/services/minecraft-clj";
+      admins = [ "fudoniten" ];
+      worlds = {
+        REPLand = { allocated-memory = 8; };
+        wof = {
+          world-name = "WorldOfFun";
+          world-seed = 2059666523504992;
+          port = 25567;
+          difficulty = "medium";
+          game-mode = "survival";
+          motd = "Welcome to the World of Fun!";
+          allow-cheats = true;
+          allocated-memory = 16;
+          pvp = false;
+        };
+      };
+    };
+  };
+  systemd.targets = {
+    sleep.enable = false;
+    suspend.enable = false;
+    hibernate.enable = false;
+    hybrid-sleep.enable = false;
+  };
diff --git a/config/host-config/wormhole0.nix b/config/host-config/wormhole0.nix
index b40e54d..2519bc3 100644
--- a/config/host-config/wormhole0.nix
+++ b/config/host-config/wormhole0.nix
@@ -6,13 +6,10 @@ let
   primary-ip = "";
   state-dir = "/state";
   zigbee2mqtt-statedir = "${state-dir}/services/zigbee2mqtt";
-  mosquitto-statedir = "${state-dir}/services/mosquitto";
   home-assistant-port = 8123;
   zigbee2mqtt-user =;
-  mosquitto-user =;
   zigbee2mqtt-passwd-file =
     pkgs.lib.passwd.stablerandom-passwd-file "zigbee2mqtt-passwd";
@@ -54,31 +51,21 @@ in {
     dhcpcd.extraConfig = concatStringsSep "\n" [ "nogateway" ];
-${hostname} = {
-    mosquitto-zigbee2mqtt-passwd = {
-      source-file = zigbee2mqtt-passwd-file;
-      target-file = "/run/mosquitto-secrets/zigbee2mqtt.passwd";
-      user = mosquitto-user;
-    };
-    mosquitto-home-assistant-passwd = {
-      source-file = host-passwds.mosquitto-home-assistant;
-      target-file = "/run/mosquitto-secrets/home-assistant.passwd";
-      user = mosquitto-user;
-    };
-    mosquitto-niten-passwd = {
-      source-file = host-passwds.mosquitto-niten;
-      target-file = "/run/mosquitto-secrets/niten.passwd";
-      user = mosquitto-user;
-    };
-    mosquitto-xiaoxuan-passwd = {
-      source-file = host-passwds.mosquitto-xiaoxuan;
-      target-file = "/run/mosquitto-secrets/xiaoxuan.passwd";
-      user = mosquitto-user;
-    };
-    mosquitto-wallfly-passwd = {
-      source-file = host-passwds.mosquitto-wallfly;
-      target-file = "/run/mosquitto-secrets/wallfly.passwd";
-      user = mosquitto-user;
+ = {
+    enable = true;
+    state-directory = "${state-dir}/services/mosquitto";
+    private = {
+      enable = true;
+      users = {
+        zigbee2mqtt = {
+          password-file = zigbee2mqtt-passwd-file;
+          acl = [ "readwrite #" ];
+        };
+        home-assistant = {
+          password-file = host-passwds.mosquitto-home-assistant;
+          acl = [ "readwrite #" ];
+        };
+      };
@@ -95,15 +82,6 @@ in {
           RemainAfterExit = true;
-      zigbee2mqtt = {
-        after = [ config.fudo.secrets.secret-target "mosquitto.service" ];
-        restartIfChanged = true;
-      };
-      mosquitto = {
-        after = [ config.fudo.secrets.secret-target ];
-        restartIfChanged = true;
-      };
     tmpfiles.rules = [
@@ -114,7 +92,6 @@ in {
       "L /etc/adjtime            - - - - ${state-dir}/etc/adjtime"
       "d /state/services         0711 root root - -"
       "d ${zigbee2mqtt-statedir} 0700 ${zigbee2mqtt-user} - - -"
-      "d ${mosquitto-statedir}   0700 ${mosquitto-user} - - -"
@@ -149,39 +126,39 @@ in {
-    mosquitto = {
-      enable = true;
-      dataDir = mosquitto-statedir;
-      listeners = [{
-        settings.allow_anonymous = false;
-        port = 1883;
-        address = "";
-        users = {
-          zigbee2mqtt = {
-            passwordFile =
-    ;
-            acl = [ "readwrite #" ];
-          };
-          home-assistant = {
-            passwordFile =
-    ;
-            acl = [ "readwrite #" ];
-          };
-          # niten = {
-          #   passwordFile =;
-          #   acl = [ "readwrite #" ];
-          # };
-          # xiaoxuan = {
-          #   passwordFile =;
-          #   acl = [ "readwrite #" ];
-          # };
-          # wallfly = {
-          #   passwordFile =;
-          #   acl = [ "readwrite homeassistant/binary_sensor/#" ];
-          # };
-        };
-      }];
-    };
+    # mosquitto = {
+    #   enable = true;
+    #   dataDir = mosquitto-statedir;
+    #   listeners = [{
+    #     settings.allow_anonymous = false;
+    #     port = 1883;
+    #     address = "";
+    #     users = {
+    #       zigbee2mqtt = {
+    #         passwordFile =
+    # ;
+    #         acl = [ "readwrite #" ];
+    #       };
+    #       home-assistant = {
+    #         passwordFile =
+    # ;
+    #         acl = [ "readwrite #" ];
+    #       };
+    #       niten = {
+    #         passwordFile =;
+    #         acl = [ "readwrite #" ];
+    #       };
+    #       # xiaoxuan = {
+    #       #   passwordFile =;
+    #       #   acl = [ "readwrite #" ];
+    #       # };
+    #       # wallfly = {
+    #       #   passwordFile =;
+    #       #   acl = [ "readwrite homeassistant/binary_sensor/#" ];
+    #       # };
+    #     };
+    #   }];
+    # };
     zigbee2mqtt = {
       enable = true;
@@ -191,8 +168,11 @@ in {
         homeassistant = true;
         permit_join = true;
         serial.port = "/dev/ttyUSB0";
-        mqtt = {
-          server = "mqtt://";
+        mqtt = let
+          mqttHost =;
+          mqttPort =;
+        in {
+          server = "mqtt://${mqttHost}:${toString mqttPort}";
           user = "zigbee2mqtt";
           password = readFile zigbee2mqtt-passwd-file;
           # TODO: could make a yaml file containing password
diff --git a/config/host-config/zbox.nix b/config/host-config/zbox.nix
index cb88153..c351e9c 100644
--- a/config/host-config/zbox.nix
+++ b/config/host-config/zbox.nix
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
 let state-dir = "/state";
 in {
   config = {
@@ -19,12 +20,20 @@ in {
     systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
+      "d ${state-dir}/lib/cups  755 root root - -"
       "d ${state-dir}/lib/flatpak 0755 root root - -"
       "d ${state-dir}/etc         0755 root root - -"
       "L /var/lib/flatpak         - - - - ${state-dir}/lib/flatpak"
       "L /etc/adjtime             - - - - ${state-dir}/etc/adjtime"
+    fileSystems = {
+      "/var/lib/cups" = {
+        device = "${state-dir}/lib/cups";
+        options = [ "bind" ];
+      };
+    };
     hardware = {
       bluetooth = {
         enable = true;
@@ -32,5 +41,11 @@ in {
       xpadneo.enable = true;
+    services.xserver = {
+      layout = "us";
+      xkbVariant = mkForce "";
+      xkbOptions = mkForce "";
+    };
diff --git a/config/profile-config/build/build-seed.nix b/config/profile-config/build/build-seed.nix
index 50b7a99..7457b8d 100644
--- a/config/profile-config/build/build-seed.nix
+++ b/config/profile-config/build/build-seed.nix
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
 with lib;
-  has-secret-files = hasAttr "files" config.fudo.secrets;
+let has-secret-files = hasAttr "files" config.fudo.secrets;
 in {
   config.instance = mkIf has-secret-files {
+    # TODO: This has a newline, I think...
     build-seed = builtins.readFile;
diff --git a/config/profile-config/common-ui.nix b/config/profile-config/common-ui.nix
index ede1fa6..cc99e4e 100644
--- a/config/profile-config/common-ui.nix
+++ b/config/profile-config/common-ui.nix
@@ -106,4 +106,7 @@ in {
     in [ factorio ];
+ =
+    trace "${hostname}: ${toString enable-gui}" enable-gui;
diff --git a/config/profile-config/common.nix b/config/profile-config/common.nix
index 4c4c9bc..64db72a 100644
--- a/config/profile-config/common.nix
+++ b/config/profile-config/common.nix
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ in {
   in concatMap nix-files import-paths;
   config = {
-    fudo.hosts.${hostname}.local-networks = [ "::1/128" ];
+    fudo = { hosts.${hostname}.local-networks = [ "::1/128" ]; };
     system.autoUpgrade.enable = false;
@@ -49,28 +49,7 @@ in {
     nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
-    hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware = true;
-    krb5 = {
-      enable = true;
-      appdefaults = {
-        forwardable = true;
-        proxiable = true;
-        encrypt = true;
-        forward = true;
-      };
-      libdefaults = {
-        allow_weak_crypto = true;
-        dns_lookup_kdc = true;
-        dns_lookup_realm = true;
-        forwardable = true;
-        proxiable = true;
-      };
-      kerberos = pkgs.heimdal;
-    };
+    hardware.enableAllFirmware = true;
     services = {
       openssh = {
@@ -78,12 +57,12 @@ in {
         startWhenNeeded = true;
         useDns = true;
         permitRootLogin = "prohibit-password";
-        extraConfig = ''
-          GSSAPIAuthentication yes
-          GSSAPICleanupCredentials yes
-          GSSAPIKeyExchange yes
-          GSSAPIStoreCredentialsOnRekey yes
-        '';
+        # extraConfig = ''
+        #   GSSAPIAuthentication yes
+        #   GSSAPICleanupCredentials yes
+        #   GSSAPIKeyExchange yes
+        #   GSSAPIStoreCredentialsOnRekey yes
+        # '';
         # FIXME: This is temporary! Getting error: Unsupported KEX algorithm ""
         kexAlgorithms = [
@@ -102,7 +81,7 @@ in {
       xserver = {
         layout = "us";
         xkbVariant = "dvp";
-        xkbOptions = "";
+        xkbOptions = "ctrl:nocaps";
       btrfs.autoScrub.enable = let
@@ -111,7 +90,10 @@ in {
       in length btrfsFilesystems > 0;
       pcscd.enable = true;
-      udev.packages = with pkgs; [ yubikey-personalization ];
+      udev = {
+        enable = true;
+        packages = with pkgs; [ yubikey-personalization ];
+      };
     networking.firewall = {
@@ -139,16 +121,7 @@ in {
         # pinentryFlavor = if cfg.enable-gui then "gnome3" else "curses";
-      ssh = {
-        startAgent = true;
-        package = pkgs.openssh_gssapi;
-        extraConfig = ''
-          GSSAPIAuthentication yes
-          GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes
-        '';
-      };
+      ssh = { startAgent = true; };
     security = {
diff --git a/config/profile-config/host/kerberos.nix b/config/profile-config/host/kerberos.nix
index fde557b..8acdb25 100644
--- a/config/profile-config/host/kerberos.nix
+++ b/config/profile-config/host/kerberos.nix
@@ -7,66 +7,83 @@ let
   try-attr = attr: set: if (hasAttr attr set) then set.${attr} else null;
 in {
-  config = mkIf has-secret-files
-    (let keytab-file = try-attr hostname;
-    in mkIf (keytab-file != null) {
-      ## This doesn't seem to work...timing?
-      # environment.etc."krb5.keytab" = mkIf (keytab-file != null) {
-      #   source =
-      #${hostname};
-      #   user = "root";
-      #   group = "root";
-      #   mode = "0400";
-      # };
+  config = mkIf has-secret-files (let
+    keytab-file =
+      try-attr hostname;
+  in mkIf (keytab-file != null) {
+    ## This doesn't seem to work...timing?
+    # environment.etc."krb5.keytab" = mkIf (keytab-file != null) {
+    #   source =
+    #${hostname};
+    #   user = "root";
+    #   group = "root";
+    #   mode = "0400";
+    # };
-      systemd = let
-        host-keytab =
-      in {
-        paths."${hostname}-keytab-watcher" = {
-          wantedBy = [ "" ];
-          description = "Watch host keytab for changes.";
-          pathConfig = {
-            PathChanged = host-keytab;
-            Unit = "${hostname}-keytab-watcher.service";
-          };
-        };
+    krb5 = {
+      domain_realm = let
+        krbDoms = filterAttrs (_: domCfg: domCfg.gssapi-realm != null)
+        domClauses = dom: domCfg: [
+          (nameValuePair dom domCfg.gssapi-realm)
+          (nameValuePair ".${dom}" domCfg.gssapi-realm)
+        ];
+        concatMapAttrs = f: lst:
+          listToAttrs (concatMap (i: i) (mapAttrsToList f lst));
+      in concatMapAttrs domClauses krbDoms;
-        services = {
-          "${hostname}-keytab-watcher" = {
-            description =
-              "When host keytab is available or changed, activate copy job.";
-            path = with pkgs; [ systemd ];
-            serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; };
-            script = "systemctl restart ${hostname}-copy-keytab.service";
-          };
+      libdefaults.default_etypes =
+        "aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96";
+    };
-          "${hostname}-copy-keytab" = {
-            description =
-              "Copy the host krb5.keytab into place once it's available.";
-            serviceConfig = {
-              Type = "simple";
-              RemainAfterExit = true;
-              ExecStart = pkgs.writeShellScript "${hostname}" ''
-                [ -f ${host-keytab} ] || exit 1
-                [ -f /etc/krb5.keytab ] && rm /etc/krb5.keytab
-                cp ${host-keytab} /etc/krb5.keytab
-                chown root:root /etc/krb5.keytab
-                chmod 0400 /etc/krb5.keytab
-              '';
-              ExecStop = pkgs.writeShellScript "${hostname}" ''
-                rm -f /etc/krb5.keytab
-              '';
-            };
-          };
+    systemd = let
+      host-keytab =
+    in {
+      paths."${hostname}-keytab-watcher" = {
+        wantedBy = [ "" ];
+        description = "Watch host keytab for changes.";
+        pathConfig = {
+          PathChanged = host-keytab;
+          Unit = "${hostname}-keytab-watcher.service";
-${hostname}.host-keytab =
-        mkIf (keytab-file != null) {
-          source-file = keytab-file;
-          target-file = "/run/kerberos/krb5.keytab";
-          user = "root";
+      services = {
+        "${hostname}-keytab-watcher" = {
+          description =
+            "When host keytab is available or changed, activate copy job.";
+          path = with pkgs; [ systemd ];
+          serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; };
+          script = "systemctl restart ${hostname}-copy-keytab.service";
-    });
+        "${hostname}-copy-keytab" = {
+          description =
+            "Copy the host krb5.keytab into place once it's available.";
+          serviceConfig = {
+            Type = "simple";
+            RemainAfterExit = true;
+            ExecStart = pkgs.writeShellScript "${hostname}" ''
+              [ -f ${host-keytab} ] || exit 1
+              [ -f /etc/krb5.keytab ] && rm /etc/krb5.keytab
+              cp ${host-keytab} /etc/krb5.keytab
+              chown root:root /etc/krb5.keytab
+              chmod 0400 /etc/krb5.keytab
+            '';
+            ExecStop = pkgs.writeShellScript "${hostname}" ''
+              rm -f /etc/krb5.keytab
+            '';
+          };
+        };
+      };
+    };
+${hostname}.host-keytab =
+      mkIf (keytab-file != null) {
+        source-file = keytab-file;
+        target-file = "/run/kerberos/krb5.keytab";
+        user = "root";
+      };
+  });
diff --git a/config/profile-config/host/ssh.nix b/config/profile-config/host/ssh.nix
index 05f31a7..5c9c7b0 100644
--- a/config/profile-config/host/ssh.nix
+++ b/config/profile-config/host/ssh.nix
@@ -8,56 +8,54 @@ let
   has-secret-files = hasAttr "files" config.fudo.secrets;
 in {
-  config = mkIf has-secret-files
-    (let
-      host-keypairs =
-        if (hasAttr hostname then
-        else [];
+  config = mkIf has-secret-files (let
+    host-keypairs =
+      if (hasAttr hostname then
+      else
+        [ ];
+  in {
+    fudo = let
+      sshfp-filename = host: keypair:
+        "ssh-${host}-${keypair.key-type}.sshfp-record";
+      dns-sshfp-records = host: keypair:
+        pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
+          name = "${host}-sshfp-records";
+          phases = [ "installPhase" ];
+          buildInputs = with pkgs; [ openssh ];
+          installPhase = ''
+            ssh-keygen -r REMOVEME -f "${keypair.public-key}" | sed 's/^REMOVEME IN SSHFP //' > $out'';
+        };
+      host-cfg = config.fudo.hosts.${hostname};
     in {
-      fudo = let
-        sshfp-filename = host: keypair: "ssh-${host}-${keypair.key-type}.sshfp-record";
+${hostname} = listToAttrs (map (keypair:
+        nameValuePair "host-${keypair.key-type}-private-key" {
+          source-file = keypair.private-key;
+          target-file =
+            "/run/openssh/private/host-${keypair.key-type}-private-key";
+          user = "root";
+        }) host-keypairs);
-        dns-sshfp-records = host: keypair:
-          pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
-            name = "${host}-sshfp-records";
+      hosts = mkIf (hasAttr "files" config.fudo.secrets) (mapAttrs
+        (hostname: keypairs: {
+          ssh-pubkeys = map (keypair: keypair.public-key) keypairs;
+          ssh-fingerprints = concatMap (keypair:
+            let fingerprint-derivation = dns-sshfp-records hostname keypair;
+            in read-lines "${fingerprint-derivation}") keypairs;
+        });
+    };
-            phases = [ "installPhase" ];
-            buildInputs = with pkgs; [ openssh ];
-            installPhase =
-              "ssh-keygen -r REMOVEME -f \"${keypair.public-key}\" | sed 's/^REMOVEME IN SSHFP //' > $out";
-          };
-        host-cfg = config.fudo.hosts.${hostname};
-      in {
-${hostname} = listToAttrs
-          (map
-            (keypair: nameValuePair "host-${keypair.key-type}-private-key" {
-              source-file = keypair.private-key;
-              target-file = "/run/openssh/private/host-${keypair.key-type}-private-key";
-              user = "root";
-            })
-            host-keypairs);
-        hosts = mkIf (hasAttr "files" config.fudo.secrets)
-          (mapAttrs (hostname: keypairs: {
-            ssh-pubkeys = map (keypair: keypair.public-key) keypairs;
-            ssh-fingerprints = concatMap (keypair:
-              let
-                fingerprint-derivation = dns-sshfp-records hostname keypair;
-              in read-lines "${fingerprint-derivation}") keypairs;
-          });
-      };
-      services.openssh.hostKeys = let
-        host-secrets =${hostname};
+    services.openssh.hostKeys =
+      let host-secrets ="${hostname}";
       in map (keypair: {
-        path =
-          host-secrets."host-${keypair.key-type}-private-key".target-file;
+        path = host-secrets."host-${keypair.key-type}-private-key".target-file;
         type = keypair.key-type;
       }) host-keypairs;
-    });
+  });
diff --git a/config/service/backplane.nix b/config/service/backplane.nix
index 7c481a1..d12a2bc 100644
--- a/config/service/backplane.nix
+++ b/config/service/backplane.nix
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
 with lib;
   hostname = config.instance.hostname;
-  domain-name = config.fudo.hosts.${hostname}.domain;
-  domain =${domain-name};
-  zone-name =${domain-name}.zone;
+  domain-name = config.fudo.hosts."${hostname}".domain;
+  domain ="${domain-name}";
+  zone-name ="${domain-name}".zone;
-  host-fqdn = hostname: "${hostname}.${config.fudo.hosts.${hostname}.domain}";
+  host-fqdn = hostname: "${hostname}.${domain-name}";
   postgresql-server = domain.postgresql-server;
-  isDatabase = hostname == postgresql-server;
-  isJabber = elem hostname domain.xmpp-servers;
+  isDatabaseServer = hostname == postgresql-server;
+  isJabberServer = elem hostname domain.xmpp-servers;
   isDNSBackplane = hostname == domain.backplane.dns-service;
   backplaneEnabled = domain.backplane != null;
   isNameserver = hostname == domain.backplane.nameserver;
@@ -73,18 +73,18 @@ in {
           user = config.fudo.backplane.dns.user;
-        database-powerdns-passwd = mkIf isDatabase {
+        database-powerdns-passwd = mkIf isDatabaseServer {
           source-file = powerdns-password;
           target-file = "/run/postgres/powerdns.passwd";
           user =;
-        database-backplane-passwd = mkIf isDatabase {
+        database-backplane-passwd = mkIf isDatabaseServer {
           source-file = backplane-database-password;
           target-file = "/run/postgres/backplane-database.passwd";
           user =;
-        ejabberd-backplane-passwd = mkIf isJabber {
+        ejabberd-backplane-passwd = mkIf isJabberServer {
           source-file = xmpp-password;
           target-file = "/run/backplane-jabber/service-dns.passwd";
           user =;
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ in {
         aliases = { backplane = "${backplane-host-fqdn}."; };
-      postgresql = mkIf isDatabase {
+      postgresql = mkIf isDatabaseServer {
         required-services = [ "" ];
         users = {
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ in {
       backplane = {
-        enable = isJabber;
+        enable = isJabberServer;
         client-hosts = mapAttrs (hostname: hostOpts: {
           password-file = host-password-files.${hostname};
diff --git a/config/service/dns.nix b/config/service/dns.nix
index bb5583f..275caf9 100644
--- a/config/service/dns.nix
+++ b/config/service/dns.nix
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... } @ toplevel:
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }@toplevel:
 with lib;
@@ -6,6 +6,18 @@ let
   cfg =;
+  host-secrets ="${hostname}";
+  domain-name = config.instance.local-domain;
+  domain =${domain-name};
+  primary-nameserver = domain.primary-nameserver;
+  primary-nameserver-ip = config primary-nameserver;
+  primary-nameserver-fqdn = "${primary-nameserver}.${domain-name}";
+  is-primary-nameserver = primary-nameserver == hostname;
+  zoneKeySecret = zone: "${zone}-ksk";
   nameserverOpts = { name, ... }: {
     options = with types; {
       hostname = mkOption {
@@ -39,166 +51,192 @@ let
-  zoneOpts = { name, ... }: let
-    zone-name = name;
-  in {
-    options = with types; {
-      enable = mkOption {
-        type = bool;
-        description = "Enable ${zone-name} zone on the local nameserver.";
-        default = zone-name == toplevel.config.instance.local-zone;
-      };
+  zoneOpts = { name, ... }:
+    let zone-name = name;
+    in {
+      options = with types; {
+        enable = mkOption {
+          type = bool;
+          description = "Enable ${zone-name} zone on the local nameserver.";
+          default = zone-name == toplevel.config.instance.local-zone;
+        };
-      default-host = mkOption {
-        type = nullOr str;
-        description = "IP which will respond to requests for the base domain.";
-        default = null;
-      };
+        default-host = mkOption {
+          type = nullOr str;
+          description =
+            "IP which will respond to requests for the base domain.";
+          default = null;
+        };
-      external-nameservers = mkOption {
-        type = listOf (submodule nameserverOpts);
-        description = "Off-network secondary nameservers.";
-        default = [];
-      };
+        external-nameservers = mkOption {
+          type = listOf (submodule nameserverOpts);
+          description = "Off-network secondary nameservers.";
+          default = [ ];
+        };
-      domain = mkOption {
-        type = str;
-        description = "Domain which this zone serves.";
-        default = zone-name;
+        domain = mkOption {
+          type = str;
+          description = "Domain which this zone serves.";
+          default = zone-name;
+        };
+        ksk = mkOption {
+          type = nullOr (submodule {
+            options = {
+              private-key = mkOption {
+                type = path;
+                description = "KSK private key.";
+              };
+              public-key = mkOption {
+                type = path;
+                description = "KSK public key.";
+              };
+              ds = mkOption {
+                type = path;
+                description = "KSK ds record.";
+              };
+            };
+          });
+          description =
+            "Location of the zone-signing private & public keys and DS record.";
+          default =
+            toplevel.config.fudo.secrets.files.dns.key-signing-keys."${zone-name}";
+        };
-  };
-  pthru = obj:
-    builtins.trace "TRACE: ${ obj }" obj;
 in { = with types; {
     zones = mkOption {
       type = attrsOf (submodule zoneOpts);
       description = "Map of served zone to extra zone details.";
-      default = {};
+      default = { };
   config.fudo = {
-    zones = mapAttrs (zone-name: zone-cfg: let
-      domain-name = zone-cfg.domain;
-      domain =${domain-name};
+"${hostname}" = mkIf is-primary-nameserver (mapAttrs'
+      (zone: zone-cfg:
+        nameValuePair (zoneKeySecret zone) {
+          source-file = zone-cfg.ksk.private-key;
+          target-file = "/run/nsd/${baseNameOf zone-cfg.ksk.private-key}";
+          user = config.fudo.nsd.user;
+        }) cfg.zones);
-      make-srv-record = port: host: {
-        inherit port host;
-      };
+    zones = mapAttrs (zone-name: zone-cfg:
+      let
+        domain-name = zone-cfg.domain;
+        domain =${domain-name};
-      served-domain = domain.primary-nameserver != null;
+        make-srv-record = port: host: { inherit port host; };
-      primary-nameserver = domain.primary-nameserver;
+        served-domain = domain.primary-nameserver != null;
-      is-primary-nameserver = hostname == primary-nameserver;
+        primary-nameserver = domain.primary-nameserver;
-      internal-nameserver-hostnames =
-        [domain.primary-nameserver] ++ domain.secondary-nameservers;
+        is-primary-nameserver = hostname == primary-nameserver;
-      get-host-deets = description: hostname: {
-        ipv4-address = config hostname;
-        ipv6-address = config hostname;
-        description = description;
-      };
+        internal-nameserver-hostnames = [ domain.primary-nameserver ]
+          ++ domain.secondary-nameservers;
-      get-ns-deets = hostname: let
-        host-domain = config.fudo.hosts.${hostname}.domain;
-        desc = "${domain-name} nameserver ${hostname}.${host-domain}.";
-      in get-host-deets desc hostname;
+        get-host-deets = description: hostname: {
+          ipv4-address = config hostname;
+          ipv6-address = config hostname;
+          description = description;
+        };
-      nameserver-deets = let
-        internal-nameservers = map get-ns-deets internal-nameserver-hostnames;
-      in internal-nameservers ++ zone-cfg.external-nameservers;
+        get-ns-deets = hostname:
+          let
+            host-domain = config.fudo.hosts.${hostname}.domain;
+            desc = "${domain-name} nameserver ${hostname}.${host-domain}.";
+          in get-host-deets desc hostname;
-      has-auth-hostname = ns-host: ns-opts:
-        (hasAttr "authoritative-hostname" ns-opts) &&
-        (ns-opts.authoritative-hostname != null);
+        nameserver-deets = let
+          internal-nameservers = map get-ns-deets internal-nameserver-hostnames;
+        in internal-nameservers ++ zone-cfg.external-nameservers;
-      all-nameservers = listToAttrs
-        (imap1
-          (i: nsOpts:
-            nameValuePair "ns${toString i}" nsOpts)
-          nameserver-deets);
+        has-auth-hostname = ns-host: ns-opts:
+          (hasAttr "authoritative-hostname" ns-opts)
+          && (ns-opts.authoritative-hostname != null);
-      nameserver-aliases =
-        mapAttrs (hostname: opts: "${opts.authoritative-hostname}.")
+        all-nameservers = listToAttrs
+          (imap1 (i: nsOpts: nameValuePair "ns${toString i}" nsOpts)
+            nameserver-deets);
+        nameserver-aliases =
+          mapAttrs (hostname: opts: "${opts.authoritative-hostname}.")
           (filterAttrs has-auth-hostname all-nameservers);
-      nameserver-hosts = mapAttrs (hostname: opts: {
-        inherit (opts) ipv4-address ipv6-address description;
-      }) (filterAttrs (hostname: opts: ! has-auth-hostname hostname opts)
-        all-nameservers);
+        nameserver-hosts = mapAttrs (hostname: opts: {
+          inherit (opts) ipv4-address ipv6-address description;
+        }) (filterAttrs (hostname: opts: !has-auth-hostname hostname opts)
+          all-nameservers);
-      dns-srv-records = let
-        nameserver-srv-records = mapAttrsToList
-          (hostname: hostOpts: let
-            target-host = if (has-auth-hostname hostname hostOpts) then
-              "${hostOpts.authoritative-hostname}" else
+        dns-srv-records = let
+          nameserver-srv-records = mapAttrsToList (hostname: hostOpts:
+            let
+              target-host = if (has-auth-hostname hostname hostOpts) then
+                "${hostOpts.authoritative-hostname}"
+              else
-          in make-srv-record 53 target-host)
-          all-nameservers;
-      in {
-        tcp.domain = nameserver-srv-records;
-        udp.domain = nameserver-srv-records;
-      };
-      # TODO: move this to a mail service
-      mail-srv-records = optionalAttrs (domain.primary-mailserver != null) {
-        tcp = let
-          mailserver-domain = config.fudo.hosts.${domain.primary-mailserver}.domain;
-          fqdn = "mail.${mailserver-domain}";
+            in make-srv-record 53 target-host) all-nameservers;
         in {
-          smtp = [(make-srv-record 25 fqdn)];
-          submission = [(make-srv-record 587 fqdn)];
-          imap = [(make-srv-record 143 fqdn)];
-          imaps = [(make-srv-record 993 fqdn)];
-          pop3 = [(make-srv-record 110 fqdn)];
-          pop3s = [(make-srv-record 995 fqdn)];
+          tcp.domain = nameserver-srv-records;
+          udp.domain = nameserver-srv-records;
-      };
-    in {
-      gssapi-realm = domain.gssapi-realm;
+        # # TODO: move this to a mail service
+        # mail-srv-records = optionalAttrs (domain.primary-mailserver != null) {
+        #   tcp = let
+        #     mailserver-domain =
+        #       config.fudo.hosts.${domain.primary-mailserver}.domain;
+        #     fqdn = "mail.${mailserver-domain}";
+        #   in {
+        #     smtp = [ (make-srv-record 25 fqdn) ];
+        #     submission = [ (make-srv-record 587 fqdn) ];
+        #     imap = [ (make-srv-record 143 fqdn) ];
+        #     imaps = [ (make-srv-record 993 fqdn) ];
+        #     pop3 = [ (make-srv-record 110 fqdn) ];
+        #     pop3s = [ (make-srv-record 995 fqdn) ];
+        #   };
+        # };
-      hosts = nameserver-hosts // {
-        mail = mkIf (domain.primary-nameserver != null) (let
-          mailserver-deets = host: let
-            host-domain = config.fudo.hosts.${host}.domain;
-          in  get-host-deets "Primary ${domain-name} mailserver ${host}.${host-domain}." host;
-        in mailserver-deets domain.primary-nameserver);
-      };
+      in {
+        gssapi-realm = domain.gssapi-realm;
-      aliases = nameserver-aliases;
+        hosts = nameserver-hosts // {
+          mail = mkIf (domain.primary-nameserver != null) (let
+            mailserver-deets = host:
+              let host-domain = config.fudo.hosts.${host}.domain;
+              in get-host-deets
+              "Primary ${domain-name} mailserver ${host}.${host-domain}." host;
+          in mailserver-deets domain.primary-nameserver);
+        };
-      mx = optional (domain.primary-mailserver != null)
-        (let
-          mail-domain-name = config.fudo.hosts.${domain.primary-mailserver}.domain;
-         in "mail.${mail-domain-name}");
+        aliases = nameserver-aliases;
-      dmarc-report-address = "dmarc-report@${domain-name}";
+        mx = optional (domain.primary-mailserver != null) (let
+          mail-domain-name =
+            config.fudo.hosts.${domain.primary-mailserver}.domain;
+        in "mail.${mail-domain-name}");
-      nameservers = let
-        direct-external = attrValues nameserver-aliases;
-        internal = map (hostname: "${hostname}.${domain-name}.")
-          (attrNames nameserver-hosts);
-      in internal ++ direct-external;
+        dmarc-report-address = "dmarc-report@${domain-name}";
-      srv-records = dns-srv-records // mail-srv-records;
-    }) cfg.zones;
+        nameservers = let
+          direct-external = attrValues nameserver-aliases;
+          internal = map (hostname: "${hostname}.${domain-name}.")
+            (attrNames nameserver-hosts);
+        in internal ++ direct-external;
-    dns = let
-      domain-name = config.instance.local-domain;
-      domain =${domain-name};
-      primary-nameserver = domain.primary-nameserver;
-      primary-nameserver-ip = config primary-nameserver;
-      primary-nameserver-fqdn = "${primary-nameserver}.${domain-name}";
+        srv-records = dns-srv-records; # // mail-srv-records;
-      is-primary-nameserver = primary-nameserver == hostname;
-    in {
+        verbatim-dns-records = mkIf (zone-cfg.ksk != null) [
+          (readFile zone-cfg.ksk.public-key)
+          (readFile zone-cfg.ksk.ds)
+        ];
+      }) cfg.zones;
+    dns = {
       enable = is-primary-nameserver;
       identity = "${hostname}.${domain-name}";
@@ -207,11 +245,11 @@ in {
         ( config hostname);
       domains = mapAttrs' (zone-name: zone-cfg:
-        nameValuePair zone-cfg.domain
-          {
-            dnssec = true;
-            zone-definition = config.fudo.zones.${zone-name};
-          }) cfg.zones;
+        nameValuePair zone-cfg.domain {
+          dnssec = zone-cfg.ksk != null;
+          ksk.key-file = host-secrets."${zoneKeySecret zone-name}".target-file;
+          zone-definition = config.fudo.zones.${zone-name};
+        }) cfg.zones;
diff --git a/config/service/fudo-auth.nix b/config/service/fudo-auth.nix
index 20a76af..1d2ca75 100644
--- a/config/service/fudo-auth.nix
+++ b/config/service/fudo-auth.nix
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+{ config, pkgs, ... }:
-with lib;
+with pkgs.lib;
   hostname = config.instance.hostname;
   domain-name =;
   domain =${domain-name};
+  realm = domain.gssapi-realm;
   zone-name =;
   ldap-server = elem hostname domain.ldap-servers;
@@ -19,6 +21,11 @@ let
   cfg =;
+  host-secrets ="${hostname}";
+  krb-user = config.fudo.auth.kerberos.user;
+  krb-group =;
 in { = with types; {
     domain = mkOption {
@@ -30,20 +37,23 @@ in {
     ldap = {
       hostname = mkOption {
         type = str;
-        description = "Fully-qualified (and public-addressable) domain name of this host.";
+        description =
+          "Fully-qualified (and public-addressable) domain name of this host.";
         default =;
       state-directory = mkOption {
         type = str;
-        description = "Directory at which to store peristent ldap-related data.";
+        description =
+          "Directory at which to store peristent ldap-related data.";
     kerberos = {
       hostname = mkOption {
         type = str;
-        description = "Fully-qualified (and public-addressable) domain name of this host.";
+        description =
+          "Fully-qualified (and public-addressable) domain name of this host.";
         default =;
@@ -56,15 +66,64 @@ in {
         type = str;
         description = "Path (on the build server) to the KDC master key file.";
-      ipropd-keytab = mkOption {
-        type = nullOr str;
-        description = "ipropd keytab for kerberos database propagation.";
-      };
   config = {
+    systemd = {
+      tmpfiles.rules = mkIf (kerberos-master || kerberos-slave) [
+        "d ${cfg.kerberos.state-directory} 0700 ${krb-user} ${krb-group} - -"
+      ];
+      paths.heimdal-kdc-initialize = mkIf kerberos-master {
+        wantedBy = [ "heimdal-kdc.service" ];
+        pathConfig = {
+          PathModified =;
+        };
+      };
+      services = {
+        heimdal-kdc-initialize = mkIf (kerberos-master || kerberos-slave) {
+          requires = [
+            host-secrets.kdc-principals.service
+            host-secrets.realm-master-key.service
+          ];
+          description = "Initialize and update the Heimdal KDC database.";
+          path = with pkgs; [ kdcMergePrincipals coreutils ];
+          serviceConfig = {
+            User = krb-user;
+            Group = krb-group;
+            ExecStart = let
+              db = config.fudo.auth.kerberos.kdc.database;
+              principals =;
+              master-key =;
+              init-db-cmd = concatStringsSep " " [
+                "${pkgs.kdcMergePrincipals}/bin/kdc-merge-principals"
+                "--create"
+                "--database=${db}"
+                "--principals=${principals}"
+                "--key=${master-key}"
+                "--realm=${realm}"
+                "--verbose"
+              ];
+            in pkgs.writeShellScript "" ''
+              ${init-db-cmd}
+              chown ${krb-user}:${krb-group} ${db}
+              chmod 0700 ${db}
+            '';
+          };
+        };
+        heimdal-kdc = mkIf kerberos-master {
+          requires = [ "heimdal-kdc-initialize.service" ];
+          after = [ "heimdal-kdc-initialize.service" ];
+        };
+        heimdal-kdc-secondary = mkIf kerberos-slave {
+          requires = [ "heimdal-kdc-initialize.service" ];
+          after = [ "heimdal-kdc-initialize.service" ];
+        };
+      };
+    };
     fudo = {${hostname} = mkIf (ldap-server) {
         ${cfg.ldap.hostname}.local-copies.openldap = {
@@ -73,52 +132,110 @@ in {
-      auth = {
-        ldap-server = mkIf (ldap-server)
-          (let
-            ldap-cert-copy =
-    ${hostname}.${cfg.ldap.hostname}.local-copies.openldap;
-          in {
-            enable = ldap-server;
-            base = "dc=fudo,dc=org";
-            organization = "Fudo";
-            listen-uris = [ "ldap:///" "ldaps:///" ];
-            required-services = [ ldap-cert-copy.service ];
+"${hostname}" = let
+        realm-key =
+          config.fudo.secrets.files.kerberos.realm-master-keys."${realm}";
+      in {
+        realm-master-key = mkIf (kerberos-master || kerberos-slave) {
+          source-file = realm-key;
+          target-file = "/run/kdc/realm.key";
+          user = krb-user;
+          group = krb-group;
+        };
-            # TODO: Maybe filter to Fudo-only?
-            users = config.fudo.users;
-            groups = config.fudo.groups;
-            system-users = config.fudo.system-users;
-            state-directory = "${cfg.ldap.state-directory}";
-            ssl-chain = ldap-cert-copy.chain;
-            ssl-certificate = ldap-cert-copy.certificate;
-            ssl-private-key = ldap-cert-copy.private-key;
-            ssl-ca-certificate = "${pkgs.letsencrypt-ca}";
-          });
-        kdc = mkIf (kerberos-master || kerberos-slave) {
-          enable = true;
-          realm = domain.gssapi-realm;
-          bind-addresses =
-            ( config hostname) ++
-            [ "" ] ++ (optional config.networking.enableIPv6 "::1");
-          state-directory = cfg.kerberos.state-directory;
-          master-key-file = cfg.kerberos.master-key-file;
-          master-config = mkIf (kerberos-master) {
-            acl = let
-              admin-entries = genAttrs config.instance.local-admins
-                (admin: {
-                  perms = [ "add" "change-password" "list" ];
-                });
-            in admin-entries // {
-              "*/root".perms = [ "all" ];
-            };
+        kdc-principals = mkIf (kerberos-master || kerberos-slave) {
+          source-file =
+            config.fudo.secrets.files.kerberos.realm-principals."${realm}";
+          target-file = "/run/kdc/realm.principals";
+          user = krb-user;
+          group = krb-group;
+        };
+        kadmind-keytab = mkIf kerberos-master {
+          source-file = extractFudoKeytab {
+            inherit realm;
+            principals = [ "kadmin/admin" ];
-          slave-config = mkIf (kerberos-slave) {
-            master-host = domain.kerberos-master;
-            ipropd-keytab = cfg.kerberos.ipropd-keytab;
+          target-file = "/run/kdc/kadmind.keytab";
+          user = krb-user;
+          group = krb-group;
+        };
+        kpasswdd-keytab = mkIf kerberos-master {
+          source-file = extractFudoKeytab {
+            inherit realm;
+            principals = [ "kadmin/changepw" ];
+          };
+          target-file = "/run/kdc/kpasswdd.keytab";
+          user = krb-user;
+          group = krb-group;
+        };
+        hprop-keytab =
+          mkIf (kerberos-master && (domain.kerberos-slaves != [ ])) {
+            source-file = extractFudoKeytab {
+              inherit realm;
+              principals = [ "kadmin/hprop" ];
+            };
+            target-file = "/run/kdc/hprop.keytab";
+            user = krb-user;
+            group = krb-group;
+          };
+        hpropd-keytab = mkIf kerberos-slave {
+          source-file = extractFudoHostKeytab {
+            inherit hostname realm;
+            services = [ "hprop" ];
+          };
+          target-file = "/run/kdc/hpropd.keytab";
+          user = krb-user;
+          group = krb-group;
+        };
+      };
+      auth = {
+        ldap-server = mkIf ldap-server (let
+          ldap-cert-copy =
+  ${hostname}.${cfg.ldap.hostname}.local-copies.openldap;
+        in {
+          enable = ldap-server;
+          base = "dc=fudo,dc=org";
+          organization = "Fudo";
+          listen-uris = [ "ldap:///" "ldaps:///" ];
+          required-services = [ ldap-cert-copy.service ];
+          # TODO: Maybe filter to Fudo-only?
+          users = config.fudo.users;
+          groups = config.fudo.groups;
+          system-users = config.fudo.system-users;
+          state-directory = "${cfg.ldap.state-directory}";
+          ssl-chain = ldap-cert-copy.chain;
+          ssl-certificate = ldap-cert-copy.certificate;
+          ssl-private-key = ldap-cert-copy.private-key;
+          ssl-ca-certificate = "${pkgs.letsencrypt-ca}";
+        });
+        kerberos = {
+          inherit realm;
+          kdc = mkIf (kerberos-master || kerberos-slave) {
+            state-directory = cfg.kerberos.state-directory;
+            master-key-file =;
+            primary = mkIf kerberos-master {
+              enable = true;
+              acl = let
+                adminEntries = genAttrs config.instance.local-admins
+                  (admin: { perms = [ "add" "change-password" "list" ]; });
+              in adminEntries // { "*/root".perms = [ "all" ]; };
+              secondary-servers = map getHostFqdn domain.kerberos-slaves;
+              keytabs = {
+                kadmind =;
+                kpasswdd =;
+                hprop =;
+              };
+            };
+            secondary = mkIf kerberos-slave {
+              enable = true;
+              keytabs.hpropd =;
+            };
@@ -129,19 +246,20 @@ in {
           host = hostname;
-        get-fqdn = host:
-          "${host}.${config.fudo.hosts.${host}.domain}";
+        get-fqdn = host: "${host}.${config.fudo.hosts.${host}.domain}";
-        kerberos-master-hosts = optional (kerberized-domain)
-          domain.kerberos-master;
+        kerberos-master-hosts =
+          optional (kerberized-domain) domain.kerberos-master;
-        kerberos-servers = map get-fqdn
-          (kerberos-master-hosts ++ domain.kerberos-slaves);
+        kerberos-servers =
+          map get-fqdn (kerberos-master-hosts ++ domain.kerberos-slaves);
         kerberos-masters = map get-fqdn kerberos-master-hosts;
         ldap-servers = map get-fqdn domain.ldap-servers;
       in {
+        gssapi-realm = realm;
         srv-records = {
           tcp = {
             kerberos = map (make-srv-record 88) kerberos-servers;
diff --git a/config/service/mail-server.nix b/config/service/mail-server.nix
index 2c98d09..e010a8d 100644
--- a/config/service/mail-server.nix
+++ b/config/service/mail-server.nix
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ let
   mailserver-domain-name = config.fudo.hosts.${mailserver-host}.domain;
   mailserver-domain =${mailserver-domain-name};
-  mailserver-host-fqdn = "${mailserver-host}.${mailserver-domain-name}";
+  mailserver-fqdn = "${mailserver-host}.${mailserver-domain-name}";
   isMailServer = hostname == mailserver-host;
@@ -94,15 +94,12 @@ in {
-      zones = mkIf isLocalMailserver {
+      zones = {
         ${} = let
           server-ipv4 = config mailserver-host;
           server-ipv6 = config mailserver-host;
-          srv-record = host: port: [{
-            host = "${host}.${mailserver-domain-name}";
-            port = port;
-          }];
+          srv-record = host: port: [{ inherit host port; }];
         in {
           hosts = genAttrs [ "imap" "smtp" ] (alias: {
@@ -114,18 +111,17 @@ in {
           mx = [ "smtp.${mailserver-domain-name}" ];
-          aliases =
-            mkIf metricsEnabled { mail-stats = "${mailserver-host-fqdn}."; };
+          aliases = mkIf metricsEnabled { mail-stats = "${mailserver-fqdn}."; };
           srv-records.tcp = {
-            pop3 = srv-record "imap" 110;
-            pop3s = srv-record "imap" 995;
+            pop3 = srv-record mailserver-fqdn 110;
+            pop3s = srv-record mailserver-fqdn 995;
-            imap = srv-record "imap" 143;
-            imaps = srv-record "imap" 993;
+            imap = srv-record mailserver-fqdn 143;
+            imaps = srv-record mailserver-fqdn 993;
-            smtp = srv-record "smtp" 25;
-            submission = srv-record "smtp" 587;
+            smtp = srv-record mailserver-fqdn 25;
+            submission = srv-record mailserver-fqdn 587;
           metric-records = mkIf metricsEnabled
@@ -167,8 +163,7 @@ in {
           ssl-private-key = cert-copy.private-key;
-        local-domains =
-          [ mailserver-host-fqdn "smtp.${mailserver-domain-name}" ];
+        local-domains = [ mailserver-fqdn "smtp.${mailserver-domain-name}" ];
         mail-directory = "${cfg.state-directory}/mail";
         state-directory = "${cfg.state-directory}/state";
diff --git a/config/service/mqtt.nix b/config/service/mqtt.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5549f45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/service/mqtt.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }@toplevel:
+with lib;
+  cfg =;
+  hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+  isMqttServer = == hostname;
+  aclOption = with types;
+    mkOption {
+      type = listOf str;
+      description = "Topic filter to which this user has access.";
+      example = [ "some/topic/#" "other/specific/topic" ];
+    };
+  userOpts = { name, ... }: {
+    options = with types; {
+      username = mkOption {
+        type = str;
+        default = name;
+      };
+      password-file = mkOption {
+        type = str;
+        description =
+          "Path to file (on the BUILD HOST) containing the user's password.";
+      };
+      acl = aclOption;
+    };
+  };
+  mosquittoUser =;
+  pwTarget = type: username: "/run/mqtt/${type}-${username}.passwd";
+  mqttDomain = config.fudo.hosts."${}".domain;
+in {
+ = with types; {
+    enable = mkEnableOption "Enable MQTT server.";
+    host = mkOption {
+      type = str;
+      description =
+        "Hostname of the MQTT server for this site/domain/whatever.";
+    };
+    listen-address = mkOption {
+      type = str;
+      description = "IP address on which to listen.";
+      default = "";
+    };
+    private = {
+      enable = mkOption {
+        type = bool;
+        description = "Enable a private (authenticated) MQTT server.";
+        default = true;
+      };
+      port = mkOption {
+        type = port;
+        description = "Port at which to listen for incoming MQTT requests.";
+        default = 1883;
+      };
+      users = mkOption {
+        type = attrsOf (submodule userOpts);
+        default = { };
+      };
+    };
+    public = {
+      enable = mkEnableOption "Enable a public (anonymous) MQTT server.";
+      port = mkOption {
+        type = port;
+        description = "Port at which to listen for incoming MQTT requests.";
+        default = 1884;
+      };
+      users = mkOption {
+        type = attrsOf (submodule userOpts);
+        default = { };
+      };
+      acl = aclOption;
+    };
+    state-directory = mkOption {
+      type = str;
+      description = "Directory where server can store persistent state.";
+    };
+    mqtt-hostname = let
+      mqtt-host =;
+      mqtt-domain = toplevel.config.fudo.hosts."${mqtt-host}".domain;
+    in mkOption {
+      type = str;
+      description = "Hostname at which the MQTT server can be reached.";
+      default = "mqtt.${mqtt-domain}";
+    };
+  };
+  config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+    networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts =
+      (optional cfg.private.enable cfg.private.port)
+      ++ (optional cfg.public.enable cfg.public.port);
+    systemd = {
+      services.mosquitto = {
+        after = [ config.fudo.secrets.secret-target ];
+        restartIfChanged = true;
+      };
+      tmpfiles.rules = optional isMqttServer
+        "d ${cfg.state-directory} 0700 ${mosquittoUser} - - -";
+    };
+    fudo = {
+      zones."${mqttDomain}".aliases.mqtt =;
+"${hostname}" = mkIf isMqttServer (let
+        publicUsers = mapAttrs' (_: userOpts:
+          nameValuePair "mqtt-public-user-${userOpts.username}" {
+            source-file = userOpts.password-file;
+            target-file = pwTarget "public" userOpts.username;
+            user = mosquittoUser;
+          }) cfg.public.users;
+        privateUsers = mapAttrs' (_: userOpts:
+          nameValuePair "mqtt-private-user-${userOpts.username}" {
+            source-file = userOpts.password-file;
+            target-file = pwTarget "private" userOpts.username;
+            user = mosquittoUser;
+          }) cfg.private.users;
+      in publicUsers // privateUsers);
+    };
+    services.mosquitto = mkIf isMqttServer {
+      enable = true;
+      dataDir = cfg.state-directory;
+      listeners = (optional cfg.private.enable {
+        settings.allow_anonymous = false;
+        port = cfg.private.port;
+        address = cfg.listen-address;
+        users = mapAttrs' (_: userOpts:
+          nameValuePair userOpts.username {
+            acl = userOpts.acl;
+            passwordFile = pwTarget "private" userOpts.username;
+          }) cfg.private.users;
+      }) ++ (optional cfg.public.enable {
+        settings.allow_anonymous = true;
+        acl = map (line: "topic ${line}") cfg.public.acl;
+        port = cfg.public.port;
+        address = cfg.listen-address;
+        users = mapAttrs' (_: userOpts:
+          nameValuePair userOpts.username {
+            acl = userOpts.acl;
+            passwordFile = pwTarget "public" userOpts.username;
+          }) cfg.public.users;
+      });
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/config/service/nexus.nix b/config/service/nexus.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77ef4b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/service/nexus.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+  cfg =;
+  hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+  domainName = config.fudo.hosts."${hostname}".domain;
+  domain ="${domainName}";
+  siteName = config.fudo.hosts."${hostname}".site;
+  site = config.fudo.sites."${siteName}";
+  hostNexusDomainList = host:
+    let
+      domainName = config.fudo.hosts."${host}".domain;
+      domain ="${domainName}";
+      siteName = config.fudo.hosts."${host}".site;
+      site = config.fudo.sites."${siteName}";
+    in unique ( ++;
+  isEmpty = lst: lst == [ ];
+  localNexusDomains = getAttrs (hostNexusDomainList hostname)
+    (listKeys;
+  isServer = let
+    servers = concatMap (domainOpts: domainOpts.servers)
+      (attrValues;
+  in elem hostname servers;
+  isDnsServer = let
+    servers = concatMap (domainOpts: domainOpts.dns-servers)
+      (attrValues;
+  in elem hostname servers;
+  isDatabase = hostname == domain.postgresql-server;
+  enableClient = !isEmpty (hostNexusDomainList hostname);
+  enable = isServer || isDnsServer || isDatabase || enableClient;
+  servedDomains = filterAttrs (_: domainOpts:
+    (elem hostname domainOpts.servers)
+    || (elem hostname domainOpts.dns-servers));
+  clientHosts = filter (hostname:
+    !isEmpty
+    (intersectLists (hostNexusDomainList hostname) (attrNames servedDomains)))
+    (attrNames config.fudo.hosts);
+  hostSecrets ="${hostname}";
+  hostFqdn = hostname: "${hostname}.${domainName}";
+  databaseName = "nexus_dns";
+  serverUser = "nexus_server";
+  dnsServerUser = "nexus_dns";
+  concatMapAttrsToList = f: as: concatLists (mapAttrsToList f as);
+  genServerRecords = name: domain: servers:
+    imap0 (i: host: {
+      inherit host domain;
+      alias = "${name}${toString i}";
+    }) servers;
+  serverList = concatMapAttrsToList
+    (domain: domainOpts: genServerRecords "nexus-" domain domainOpts.servers)
+  dnsServerList = concatMapAttrsToList
+    (domain: domainOpts: genServerRecords "ns" domain domainOpts.dns-servers)
+  genSshfp = path:
+    pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
+      name = "sshfp-${baseNameOf path}";
+      buildInputs = with pkgs; [ openssh ];
+      phases = [ "installPhase" ];
+      installPhase =
+        "ssh-keygen -r PLACEHOLDER -f ${path} | sed 's/PLACEHOLDER IN SSHFP //' > $out";
+    };
+in {
+ = with types; {
+    listen-addresses = mkOption {
+      type = nullOr (listOf str);
+      description =
+        "Listen addresses. Defaults to (i.e. all addresses).";
+      default = null;
+    };
+  };
+  config = mkIf enable {
+    nexus = {
+      database = {
+        database = databaseName;
+        host = pkgs.lib.getDomainPostgresqlServer domainName;
+      };
+      domains = mapAttrs (domain: domainOpts: {
+        admin = "admin@${domain}";
+        inherit (domainOpts) gssapi-realm;
+        trusted-networks = domainOpts.trusted-networks
+          ++ config.instance.local-networks;
+        # aliases = let
+        #   mkAlias = { host, alias, ... }:
+        #     nameValuePair alias (pkgs.lib.getHostFqdn host);
+        #   domainRecords = filter (record: record.domain == domain) serverList;
+        # in listToAttrs (map mkAlias domainRecords);
+        nameservers = let
+          domainNs = filter (record: record.domain == domain) dnsServerList;
+          mkNsRecord = { alias, host, ... }:
+            nameValuePair alias {
+              ipv4-address = pkgs.lib.getHostIpv4 host;
+              ipv6-address = pkgs.lib.getHostIpv6 host;
+            };
+        in listToAttrs (map mkNsRecord domainNs);
+        records = let
+          domainServers = filter (record: record.domain == domain) serverList;
+          mkHostRecords = { host, alias, ... }:
+            let
+              ipv4-address = pkgs.lib.getHostIpv4 host;
+              ipv6-address = pkgs.lib.getHostIpv6 host;
+            in (optional (ipv4-address != null) {
+              name = "${alias}.${domain}";
+              type = "A";
+              content = ipv4-address;
+            }) ++ (optional (ipv6-address != null) {
+              name = "${alias}.${domain}";
+              type = "AAAA";
+              content = ipv6-address;
+            });
+        in domainOpts.records ++ (concatMap mkHostRecords domainServers);
+      }) servedDomains;
+      client = {
+        enable = enableClient;
+        inherit hostname;
+        verbose = true;
+        domains = unique ( ++;
+        hmac-key-file =;
+        servers = let localDomains = hostNexusDomainList hostname;
+        in map ({ domain, alias, ... }: "${alias}.${domain}")
+        (filter ({ domain, ... }: elem domain localDomains) serverList);
+        ssh-key-files = map (key: key.path);
+      };
+      server = {
+        enable = isServer;
+        verbose = true;
+        client-keys-file =;
+        hostnames = let
+          hostServerRecords =
+            filter ({ host, ... }: host == hostname) serverList;
+        in map ({ domain, alias, ... }: "${alias}.${domain}") hostServerRecords;
+        database = {
+          user = serverUser;
+          password-file =;
+        };
+      };
+      dns-server = {
+        enable = isDnsServer;
+        enable-dnssec = true;
+        listen-addresses = mkIf (cfg.dns-server.listen-addresses != null)
+          cfg.dns-server.listen-addresses;
+        database = {
+          user = dnsServerUser;
+          password-file =;
+        };
+      };
+    };
+    fudo = {
+"${hostname}" = {
+        nexus-client-keys = mkIf isServer {
+          source-file = let
+            clientKeyFiles =
+              filterAttrs (hostname: _: elem hostname clientHosts)
+    ;
+            clientKeys =
+              mapAttrs (_: filename: readFile filename) clientKeyFiles;
+          in pkgs.writeText "nexus-client-keys.json"
+          (builtins.toJSON clientKeys);
+          target-file = "/run/nexus/client-keys.json";
+        };
+        nexus-key = mkIf enableClient {
+          source-file ="${hostname}";
+          target-file = "/run/nexus/client.key";
+        };
+        nexus-server-passwd = mkIf isServer {
+          source-file =
+            pkgs.lib.passwd.stablerandom-passwd-file "nexus-server-passwd"
+            "nexus-server-${}";
+          target-file = "/run/nexus/server-db.passwd";
+        };
+        postgres-nexus-server-passwd = mkIf isDatabase {
+          source-file =
+            pkgs.lib.passwd.stablerandom-passwd-file "nexus-server-passwd"
+            "nexus-server-${}";
+          target-file = "/run/nexus/server-db.passwd";
+          user = "postgres";
+        };
+        nexus-dns-server-passwd = mkIf isDnsServer {
+          source-file =
+            pkgs.lib.passwd.stablerandom-passwd-file "nexus-dns-server-passwd"
+            "nexus-dns-server-${}";
+          target-file = "/run/nexus/dns-server-db.passwd";
+        };
+        postgres-nexus-dns-server-passwd = mkIf isDatabase {
+          source-file =
+            pkgs.lib.passwd.stablerandom-passwd-file "nexus-dns-server-passwd"
+            "nexus-dns-server-${}";
+          target-file = "/run/nexus-db/nexus-dns.passwd";
+          user = "postgres";
+        };
+      };
+      postgresql = mkIf isDatabase {
+        required-services = [ "" ];
+        databases."${databaseName}".users = config.instance.local-admins;
+        users = {
+          "${serverUser}" = {
+            password-file =
+    ;
+            databases."${databaseName}" = {
+              access = "CONNECT";
+              entity-access = {
+                "ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA public" = "SELECT,UPDATE";
+              };
+            };
+          };
+          "${dnsServerUser}" = {
+            password-file =
+    ;
+            databases."${databaseName}" = {
+              access = "CONNECT";
+              entity-access = {
+                "ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA public" = "SELECT,UPDATE";
+              };
+            };
+          };
+        };
+      };
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/config/service/postgresql.nix b/config/service/postgresql.nix
index 6cab4d5..6661de7 100644
--- a/config/service/postgresql.nix
+++ b/config/service/postgresql.nix
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ let
   host-secrets =${hostname};
   postgresEnabled = domain.postgresql-server == hostname;
-  publicNetwork = let
-    site-name = config.fudo.hosts.${hostname}.site;
+  publicNetwork = let site-name = config.fudo.hosts.${hostname}.site;
   in config.fudo.sites.${site-name}.local-gateway == null;
   isPostgresHost = hostname == domain.postgresql-server;
@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ in {
     keytab = mkOption {
-      type = str;
+      type = nullOr path;
       description = "Keytab for PostgreSQL.";
@@ -49,18 +48,20 @@ in {
-${hostname}.postgres-keytab = mkIf (cfg.keytab != null) {
-        source-file = cfg.keytab;
-        target-file = "/run/postgresql/postgres.keytab";
-        user = postgresUser;
-      };
+${hostname}.postgres-keytab =
+        mkIf (cfg.keytab != null) {
+          source-file = cfg.keytab;
+          target-file = "/run/postgresql/postgres.keytab";
+          user = postgresUser;
+        };
       zones.${zone-name}.aliases.postgresql =
       postgresql = mkIf isPostgresHost (let
         ssl-config = optionalAttrs publicNetwork (let
-          cert-copy = acme-copies.${postgresql-hostname}.local-copies.postgresql;
+          cert-copy =
+            acme-copies.${postgresql-hostname}.local-copies.postgresql;
         in {
           ssl-certificate = mkIf publicNetwork cert-copy.full-certificate;
           ssl-private-key = mkIf publicNetwork cert-copy.private-key;
@@ -68,7 +69,8 @@ in {
       in {
         enable = true;
-        keytab = mkIf (cfg.keytab != null);
+        keytab = mkIf (cfg.keytab != null)
+          "${}";
         local-networks = config.instance.local-networks;
         state-directory = cfg.state-directory;
         required-services = [ config.fudo.secrets.secret-target ];
diff --git a/config/service/suanni.nix b/config/service/suanni.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2e1066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/service/suanni.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+  cfg =;
+  hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+  isListener = hostname ==;
+  isObjectifier = hostname ==;
+  domain-name = config.fudo.hosts."${hostname}".domain;
+  host-secrets ="${hostname}";
+  suanni-mqtt-passwd = pkgs.lib.passwd.stablerandom-passwd-file "suanni-mqtt"
+in {
+ = with types; {
+    enable = mkEnableOption "Enable Suan Ni Home Guardian.";
+    mqtt-topic = mkOption {
+      type = str;
+      description = "MQTT topic on which to publish events.";
+      default = "suanni/events/motion";
+    };
+    event-listener = {
+      host = mkOption {
+        type = str;
+        description = "Hostname of Event Listener server.";
+      };
+      port = mkOption {
+        type = port;
+        default = 5354;
+      };
+    };
+    objectifier = {
+      host = mkOption {
+        type = str;
+        description = "Hostname of objectifier server.";
+      };
+      port = mkOption {
+        type = port;
+        default = 5121;
+      };
+    };
+    synology = {
+      host = mkOption {
+        type = str;
+        description = "Hostname of the Synology server.";
+      };
+      port = mkOption {
+        type = port;
+        description = "Port on which to contact the Synology server.";
+      };
+      username = mkOption {
+        type = str;
+        description = "Username as which to connect to the Synology server.";
+      };
+      password-file = mkOption {
+        type = str;
+        description = "Path to file containing Synology user password.";
+      };
+    };
+  };
+  config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+    services = mkIf (isObjectifier || isListener) {
+      nginx = {
+        enable = true;
+        recommendedOptimisation = true;
+        recommendedProxySettings = true;
+        recommendedGzipSettings = true;
+        virtualHosts = {
+          "event-listener.${domain-name}" = mkIf isListener {
+            locations."/".proxyPass =
+              "${toString cfg.event-listener.port}";
+          };
+          "objectifier.${domain-name}" = mkIf isObjectifier {
+            locations."/".proxyPass =
+              "${toString cfg.objectifier.port}";
+          };
+        };
+      };
+      objectifier = mkIf isObjectifier {
+        enable = true;
+        listen-addresses = [ "" ];
+        port = cfg.objectifier.port;
+      };
+      suanni.server = mkIf isListener {
+        enable = true;
+        verbose = true;
+        event-listener.hostname = "";
+        synology-client = {
+          inherit (cfg.synology) host port username;
+          password-file =;
+        };
+        objectifier-client = {
+          host = "objectifier.${domain-name}";
+          port = 80;
+        };
+        mqtt-client = {
+          inherit ( port;
+          host =;
+          username = "suanni";
+          password-file =;
+          topic = cfg.mqtt-topic;
+        };
+      };
+    };
+    fudo = {
+"${hostname}" = {
+        suanni-synology-password = mkIf isListener {
+          source-file =
+            config.fudo.secrets.files.service-passwords."${hostname}".suanni-synology;
+          target-file = "/run/suanni/synology.passwd";
+        };
+        suanni-mqtt-password = mkIf isListener {
+          source-file = suanni-mqtt-passwd;
+          target-file = "/run/suanni/mqtt.passwd";
+        };
+      };
+      services.mqtt = {
+        enable = true;
+        private = {
+          enable = true;
+          users.suanni = {
+            password-file = suanni-mqtt-passwd;
+            acl = [ "readwrite #" ];
+          };
+        };
+      };
+      zones."${domain-name}" = {
+        aliases = {
+          objectifier =;
+          event-listener = "${}";
+        };
+      };
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/config/service/tattler.nix b/config/service/tattler.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c957638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/service/tattler.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+  cfg =;
+  hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+  isSnooper = config.instance.hostname == cfg.snooper-host;
+  domain-name ="${hostname}".domain;
+  snooper-mqtt-passwd = pkgs.lib.passwd.stablerandom-passwd-file "snooper-mqtt"
+in {
+ = with types; {
+    enable = mkEnableOption "Enable Snooper & Tattler notification system.";
+    verbose = mkEnableOption "Enable verbose output and logging.";
+    enable-notifications =
+      mkEnableOption "Enable tattler notifications on the local host.";
+    event-topics = mkOption {
+      type = listOf str;
+      description = "List of MQTT topics on which to listen for motion events.";
+    };
+    notification-topic = mkOption {
+      type = str;
+      description = "MQTT topic on which to publish notifications.";
+      default = "fudo/notifications/objects";
+    };
+    snooper-host = mkOption {
+      type = str;
+      description = "Host on which to run the snooper service.";
+    };
+  };
+  config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+    fudo = {
+"${hostname}" = {
+        snooper-passwd = mkIf isSnooper {
+          source-file = snooper-mqtt-passwd;
+          target-file = "/run/snooper/mqtt.passwd";
+        };
+      };
+      services.mqtt = mkIf isSnooper {
+        enable = true;
+        private = {
+          enable = true;
+          users.snooper = {
+            password-file = snooper-mqtt-passwd;
+            acl = map (topic: "read ${topic}") cfg.event-topics;
+          };
+        };
+        public = {
+          enable = true;
+          acl = [ "read ${cfg.notification-topic}" ];
+          users.snooper = {
+            password-file = snooper-mqtt-passwd;
+            acl = [ "readwrite ${cfg.notification-topic}" ];
+          };
+        };
+      };
+    };
+    services = {
+      snooper = mkIf isSnooper {
+        enable = true;
+        verbose = true;
+        event-topics = cfg.event-topics;
+        notification-topic = cfg.notification-topic;
+        mqtt = let
+          host-secrets =
+            (trace hostname"${hostname}");
+        in {
+          incoming = {
+            port =;
+            host =;
+            username = "snooper";
+            password-file =;
+          };
+          outgoing = {
+            port =;
+            host =;
+            username = "snooper";
+            password-file =;
+          };
+        };
+      };
+      tattler = mkIf cfg.enable-notifications {
+        enable = true;
+        verbose = true;
+        notification-topic = cfg.notification-topic;
+        mqtt = {
+          inherit ( port;
+          host =;
+        };
+      };
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/config/service/wallfly-presence.nix b/config/service/wallfly-presence.nix
index 795fd96..7aae3c6 100644
--- a/config/service/wallfly-presence.nix
+++ b/config/service/wallfly-presence.nix
@@ -22,25 +22,6 @@ let
 in { = with types; {
     enable = mkEnableOption "Enable WallFly presence for the local site.";
-    mqtt = {
-      broker-host = mkOption {
-        type = str;
-        description = "Host to serve as local MQTT broker.";
-      };
-      port = mkOption {
-        type = port;
-        description = "Port on which to listen for MQTT connections.";
-        default = 1884;
-      };
-      listen-address = mkOption {
-        type = str;
-        description = "Address on which to listen for MQTT connections.";
-        default = "";
-      };
-    };
   config = mkIf cfg.enable {
@@ -50,42 +31,30 @@ in {
           source-file = userOpts.password-file;
           target-file = "/run/wallfly-${username}/passwd";
           user = username;
-        }) local-user-cfg) // (optionalAttrs is-mqtt-broker (mapAttrs'
-          (username: userOpts:
-            nameValuePair "wallfly-server-${username}-passwd" {
-              source-file = userOpts.password-file;
-              target-file = "/run/wallfly-mqtt/${username}.passwd";
-              user =;
-            }) user-cfg));
-      zones."${domain-name}" = {
-        aliases.mqtt = "${mqtt-broker}.${domain-name}.";
-      };
+        }) local-user-cfg);
       wallfly = {
         enable = true;
-        mqtt = {
-          broker-uri =
-            "tcp://${mqtt-broker}.${domain-name}:${toString cfg.mqtt.port}";
+        mqtt = let
+          mqtt-hostname =;
+          mqtt-port =;
+        in {
+          broker-uri = "tcp://${mqtt-hostname}:${toString mqtt-port}";
           username = "wallfly-$USER";
           password-file = "/run/wallfly-$USER/passwd";
-    };
-    services = {
-      mosquitto = mkIf (is-mqtt-broker) {
+      services.mqtt = {
         enable = true;
-        listeners = [{
-          settings.allow_anonymous = false;
-          port = cfg.mqtt.port;
-          address = cfg.mqtt.listen-address;
+        private = {
+          enable = true;
           users = mapAttrs' (username: userOpts:
             nameValuePair "wallfly-${username}" {
-              passwordFile = "/run/wallfly-mqtt/${username}.passwd";
+              password-file = userOpts.password-file;
               acl = [ "readwrite homeassistant/binary_sensor/#" ];
             }) user-cfg;
-        }];
+        };
diff --git a/config/services.nix b/config/services.nix
index 908a399..c1e52ee 100644
--- a/config/services.nix
+++ b/config/services.nix
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   imports = [
-    ./service/backplane.nix
+    # ./service/backplane.nix
@@ -12,8 +12,12 @@
+    ./service/mqtt.nix
+    ./service/nexus.nix
+    ./service/suanni.nix
+    ./service/tattler.nix
     # ./service/wireguard-gateway.nix
diff --git a/config/site-config/seattle.nix b/config/site-config/seattle.nix
index 7d892e6..1150f6f 100644
--- a/config/site-config/seattle.nix
+++ b/config/site-config/seattle.nix
@@ -3,9 +3,37 @@
 with lib;
 let local-domain = "";
 in {
- = {
-    enable = true;
- = "wormhole0";
+ = {
+    mqtt = {
+      enable = true;
+      host = "wormhole0";
+    };
+    wallfly-presence.enable = true;
+    tattler = let snooper-host = "wormhole0";
+    in {
+      enable = true;
+      verbose = true;
+      event-topics = [ "suanni/events/motion" ];
+      inherit snooper-host;
+    };
+    suanni = let
+      listener = "nostromo";
+      objectifier = "lambda";
+    in {
+      enable = true;
+ = listener;
+ = objectifier;
+      synology = {
+        host = "";
+        port = 5001;
+        username = "suanni";
+        password-file =
+          config.fudo.secrets.files.service-passwords."${listener}".suanni-synology;
+      };
+    };
   fileSystems = {
@@ -165,7 +193,6 @@ in {
         DefaultDependencies = false;
         ConditionPathExists =
           [ "|!/run/" "|!/proc/net/rpc/use-gss-proxy" ];
-        Restart = "always";
       serviceConfig = {
         Type = "forking";
diff --git a/config/users.nix b/config/users.nix
index 577cdb2..00f931b 100644
--- a/config/users.nix
+++ b/config/users.nix
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
       uid = 10065;
       primary-group = "fudo";
       common-name = "Xiaoxuan Jin";
-      ldap-hashed-passwd = "{MD5}iecbyMpyVkmOaMBzSFy58Q==";
+      ldap-hashed-passwd = "{SSHA}04fLLUmqNUpOUJi3IBEja8bFNm0S6W60";
       login-hashed-passwd =
       email = "";
diff --git a/flake.lock b/flake.lock
index 2663d5c..08329fd 100644
--- a/flake.lock
+++ b/flake.lock
@@ -13,19 +13,6 @@
         "type": "path"
-    "build-keypairs": {
-      "flake": false,
-      "locked": {
-        "lastModified": 1634322891,
-        "narHash": "sha256-4eRLRLCzZ6kQIRZqy51bj60jhFSQ/wlKLeNgABPhTyw=",
-        "path": "/state/secrets/build-keypairs",
-        "type": "path"
-      },
-      "original": {
-        "path": "/state/secrets/build-keypairs",
-        "type": "path"
-      }
-    },
     "build-seed": {
       "flake": false,
       "locked": {
@@ -87,6 +74,31 @@
       "inputs": {
         "devshell": "devshell",
         "flake-utils": "flake-utils_3",
+        "nixpkgs": [
+          "fudo-home",
+          "fudo-pkgs",
+          "helpers",
+          "nixpkgs"
+        ]
+      },
+      "locked": {
+        "lastModified": 1663870497,
+        "narHash": "sha256-gnoyYWvZl64WBqR3tf9bKHAznEtBCHmwx7taHghH9Lw=",
+        "owner": "jlesquembre",
+        "repo": "clj-nix",
+        "rev": "23d9daacc80e634df078c4c6e34d592e1593d84c",
+        "type": "github"
+      },
+      "original": {
+        "owner": "jlesquembre",
+        "repo": "clj-nix",
+        "type": "github"
+      }
+    },
+    "clj-nix_10": {
+      "inputs": {
+        "devshell": "devshell_10",
+        "flake-utils": "flake-utils_15",
         "nixpkgs": [
@@ -106,21 +118,320 @@
         "type": "github"
-    "clj-nix_2": {
+    "clj-nix_11": {
       "inputs": {
-        "devshell": "devshell_2",
-        "flake-utils": "flake-utils_5",
+        "devshell": "devshell_11",
+        "flake-utils": "flake-utils_16",
+        "nixpkgs": [
+          "snooper",
+          "helpers",
+          "nixpkgs"
+        ]
+      },
+      "locked": {
+        "lastModified": 1677342613,
+        "narHash": "sha256-BqhKj7jQahSVThEwLHt164kJHGx9LXzBARFZaFNLPW8=",
+        "owner": "jlesquembre",
+        "repo": "clj-nix",
+        "rev": "7d9e244ea96988524ba3bd6c2bbafdf0a5340b96",
+        "type": "github"
+      },
+      "original": {
+        "owner": "jlesquembre",
+        "repo": "clj-nix",
+        "type": "github"
+      }
+    },
+    "clj-nix_12": {
+      "inputs": {
+        "devshell": "devshell_12",
+        "flake-utils": "flake-utils_17",
+        "nixpkgs": [
+          "suanni",
+          "helpers",
+          "nixpkgs"
+        ]
+      },
+      "locked": {
+        "lastModified": 1677342613,
+        "narHash": "sha256-BqhKj7jQahSVThEwLHt164kJHGx9LXzBARFZaFNLPW8=",
+        "owner": "jlesquembre",
+        "repo": "clj-nix",
+        "rev": "7d9e244ea96988524ba3bd6c2bbafdf0a5340b96",
+        "type": "github"
+      },
+      "original": {
+        "owner": "jlesquembre",
+        "repo": "clj-nix",
+        "type": "github"
+      }
+    },
+    "clj-nix_13": {
+      "inputs": {
+        "devshell": "devshell_13",
+        "flake-utils": "flake-utils_18",
+        "nixpkgs": [
+          "tattler",
+          "helpers",
+          "nixpkgs"
+        ]
+      },
+      "locked": {
+        "lastModified": 1677342613,
+        "narHash": "sha256-BqhKj7jQahSVThEwLHt164kJHGx9LXzBARFZaFNLPW8=",
+        "owner": "jlesquembre",
+        "repo": "clj-nix",
+        "rev": "7d9e244ea96988524ba3bd6c2bbafdf0a5340b96",
+        "type": "github"
+      },
+      "original": {
+        "owner": "jlesquembre",
+        "repo": "clj-nix",
+        "type": "github"
+      }
+    },
+    "clj-nix_14": {
+      "inputs": {
+        "devshell": "devshell_14",
+        "flake-utils": "flake-utils_19",
+        "nixpkgs": [
+          "tattler",
+          "notifierClj",
+          "helpers",
+          "nixpkgs"
+        ]
+      },
+      "locked": {
+        "lastModified": 1677342613,
+        "narHash": "sha256-BqhKj7jQahSVThEwLHt164kJHGx9LXzBARFZaFNLPW8=",
+        "owner": "jlesquembre",
+        "repo": "clj-nix",
+        "rev": "7d9e244ea96988524ba3bd6c2bbafdf0a5340b96",
+        "type": "github"
+      },
+      "original": {
+        "owner": "jlesquembre",
+        "repo": "clj-nix",
+        "type": "github"
+      }
+    },
+    "clj-nix_15": {
+      "inputs": {
+        "devshell": "devshell_15",
+        "flake-utils": "flake-utils_21",
         "nixpkgs": [
       "locked": {
-        "lastModified": 1655801580,
-        "narHash": "sha256-4XUFDP1ES1KNWwDukQEixCe4uV7Z951kgaVAFhXI2ew=",
+        "lastModified": 1663870497,
+        "narHash": "sha256-gnoyYWvZl64WBqR3tf9bKHAznEtBCHmwx7taHghH9Lw=",
         "owner": "jlesquembre",
         "repo": "clj-nix",
-        "rev": "579141e009200fcd28d251731e9ac5ba46a1ec2a",
+        "rev": "23d9daacc80e634df078c4c6e34d592e1593d84c",
+        "type": "github"
+      },
+      "original": {
+        "owner": "jlesquembre",
+        "repo": "clj-nix",
+        "type": "github"
+      }
+    },
+    "clj-nix_2": {
+      "inputs": {
+        "devshell": "devshell_2",
+        "flake-utils": "flake-utils_5",
+        "nixpkgs": [
+          "fudo-pkgs",
+          "helpers",
+          "nixpkgs"
+        ]
+      },
+      "locked": {
+        "lastModified": 1663870497,
+        "narHash": "sha256-gnoyYWvZl64WBqR3tf9bKHAznEtBCHmwx7taHghH9Lw=",
+        "owner": "jlesquembre",
+        "repo": "clj-nix",
+        "rev": "23d9daacc80e634df078c4c6e34d592e1593d84c",
+        "type": "github"
+      },
+      "original": {
+        "owner": "jlesquembre",
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+        "type": "github"
+      }
+    },
+    "clj-nix_3": {
+      "inputs": {
+        "devshell": "devshell_3",
+        "flake-utils": "flake-utils_7",
+        "nixpkgs": [
+          "fudo-secrets",
+          "fudo-pkgs",
+          "helpers",
+          "nixpkgs"
+        ]
+      },
+      "locked": {
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       "locked": {
-        "lastModified": 1653893745,
-        "narHash": "sha256-0jntwV3Z8//YwuOjzhV2sgJJPt+HY6KhU7VZUL0fKZQ=",
+        "lastModified": 1637014545,
+        "narHash": "sha256-26IZAc5yzlD9FlDT54io1oqG/bBoyka+FJk5guaX4x4=",
         "owner": "numtide",
         "repo": "flake-utils",
-        "rev": "1ed9fb1935d260de5fe1c2f7ee0ebaae17ed2fa1",
+        "rev": "bba5dcc8e0b20ab664967ad83d24d64cb64ec4f4",
         "type": "github"
       "original": {
@@ -1399,11 +4547,11 @@
     "utils_9": {
       "locked": {
-        "lastModified": 1656065134,
-        "narHash": "sha256-oc6E6ByIw3oJaIyc67maaFcnjYOz1mMcOtHxbEf9NwQ=",
+        "lastModified": 1667395993,
+        "narHash": "sha256-nuEHfE/LcWyuSWnS8t12N1wc105Qtau+/OdUAjtQ0rA=",
         "owner": "numtide",
         "repo": "flake-utils",
-        "rev": "bee6a7250dd1b01844a2de7e02e4df7d8a0a206c",
+        "rev": "5aed5285a952e0b949eb3ba02c12fa4fcfef535f",
         "type": "github"
       "original": {
@@ -1414,16 +4562,16 @@
     "wallfly": {
       "inputs": {
-        "clj-nix": "clj-nix_2",
-        "nixpkgs": "nixpkgs_9",
-        "utils": "utils_9"
+        "clj-nix": "clj-nix_15",
+        "nixpkgs": "nixpkgs_37",
+        "utils": "utils_47"
       "locked": {
-        "lastModified": 1664215454,
-        "narHash": "sha256-pKzJQ4mmUThFY7po+c6bYXbz2RZT9QkxazW94bYF/II=",
+        "lastModified": 1683150365,
+        "narHash": "sha256-KSD+UtvsaomEkAJqaiiH0W0zsnVvSfj2ocsFad2Hg74=",
         "ref": "refs/heads/master",
-        "rev": "90ba657a24c7ab3032ce4e54faea2a8163ce1091",
-        "revCount": 14,
+        "rev": "40c136217dc6cabd592e2df2a8faed78bbee4c12",
+        "revCount": 20,
         "type": "git",
         "url": ""
diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
index 1b90b26..a99d4e4 100644
--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
     fudo-home = {
       url = "git+";
+      # url = "path:/state/fudo-home";
       inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
@@ -20,7 +21,10 @@
       url = "path:/state/fudo-lib";
-    fudo-pkgs.url = "git+";
+    fudo-pkgs = {
+      url = "git+";
+      #url = "path:/state/fudo-pkgs";
+    };
     fudo-secrets.url = "path:/state/secrets";
@@ -35,11 +39,21 @@
     nixpkgs2111.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-21.11";
     wallfly.url = "git+";
+    objectifier.url = "git+";
+    nexus.url = "git+";
+    suanni.url = "git+";
+    snooper.url = "git+";
+    tattler.url = "git+";
   outputs = { self, nixpkgs, fudo-home, fudo-lib, fudo-entities, fudo-pkgs
     , fudo-secrets, chute, chuteUnstable, nixpkgsUnstable, nixpkgs2111, pricebot
-    , wallfly, ... }@inputs:
+    , wallfly, objectifier, nexus, suanni, snooper, tattler, ... }@inputs:
     with nixpkgs.lib;
       fudo-nixos-hosts = filterAttrs (hostname: hostOpts: hostOpts.nixos-system)
@@ -59,11 +73,14 @@
           system = arch;
           config = {
             allowUnfree = true;
-            permittedInsecurePackages = [ "openssh-with-gssapi-8.4p1" ];
+            permittedInsecurePackages =
+              [ "openssh-with-gssapi-8.4p1" "python3.10-certifi-2022.9.24" ];
           overlays = [
-            fudo-pkgs.overlay
+            fudo-pkgs.overlays.default
+            fudo-secrets.overlays.default
+            fudo-entities.overlays.default
             (final: prev: {
               chute = chute.packages.${arch}.chute;
               chuteUnstable = chuteUnstable.packages.${arch}.chute;
@@ -98,11 +115,19 @@
         in { config, ... }: {
           imports = [
-            fudo-secrets.nixosModule
+            fudo-secrets.nixosModules.default
+            objectifier.nixosModules.default
+            suanni.nixosModules.default
+            snooper.nixosModules.default
+            tattler.nixosModules.default
             (config-dir + "/hardware/${hostname}.nix")