diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix
index 81e3767..c2620ff 100644
--- a/flake.nix
+++ b/flake.nix
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
outputs = { self, ... }: {
overlay = import ./overlay.nix;
+ nixosModule = import ./module.nix;
lib = import ./lib.nix;
diff --git a/lib.nix b/lib.nix
index 3480596..63bb5e5 100644
--- a/lib.nix
+++ b/lib.nix
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
{ pkgs, ... }:
- ip = import ./lib/ip.nix { inherit pkgs; };
- dns = import ./lib/dns.nix { inherit pkgs; };
- passwd = import ./lib/passwd.nix { inherit pkgs; };
- lisp = import ./lib/lisp.nix { inherit pkgs; };
- network = import ./lib/network.nix { inherit pkgs; };
- fs = import ./lib/filesystem.nix { inherit pkgs; };
+ ip = import ./lib/lib/ip.nix { inherit pkgs; };
+ dns = import ./lib/lib/dns.nix { inherit pkgs; };
+ passwd = import ./lib/lib/passwd.nix { inherit pkgs; };
+ lisp = import ./lib/lib/lisp.nix { inherit pkgs; };
+ network = import ./lib/lib/network.nix { inherit pkgs; };
+ fs = import ./lib/lib/filesystem.nix { inherit pkgs; };
diff --git a/lib/default.nix b/lib/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c50fd3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }:
+ imports = [
+ ./instance.nix
+ ./fudo
+ ./informis
+ ];
diff --git a/lib/fudo/acme-certs.nix b/lib/fudo/acme-certs.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c11627e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/acme-certs.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... } @ toplevel:
+with lib;
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ domainOpts = { name, ... }: let
+ domain = name;
+ in {
+ options = with types; {
+ email = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Domain administrator email.";
+ default = "admin@${domain}";
+ };
+ extra-domains = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of domains to add to this certificate.";
+ default = [];
+ };
+ local-copies = let
+ localCopyOpts = { name, ... }: let
+ copy = name;
+ in {
+ options = with types; let
+ target-path = "/run/ssl-certificates/${domain}/${copy}";
+ in {
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "User to which this copy belongs.";
+ };
+ group = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Group to which this copy belongs.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ service = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "systemd job to copy certs.";
+ default = "fudo-acme-${domain}-${copy}-certs.service";
+ };
+ certificate = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Full path to the local copy certificate.";
+ default = "${target-path}/cert.pem";
+ };
+ full-certificate = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Full path to the local copy certificate.";
+ default = "${target-path}/fullchain.pem";
+ };
+ chain = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Full path to the local copy certificate.";
+ default = "${target-path}/chain.pem";
+ };
+ private-key = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Full path to the local copy certificate.";
+ default = "${target-path}/key.pem";
+ };
+ dependent-services = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of systemd services depending on this copy.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ part-of = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of systemd targets to which this copy belongs.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ in mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule localCopyOpts);
+ description = "Map of copies to make for use by services.";
+ default = {};
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ head-or-null = lst: if (lst == []) then null else head lst;
+ rm-service-ext = filename:
+ head-or-null (builtins.match "^(.+)\.service$" filename);
+ concatMapAttrs = f: attrs:
+ foldr (a: b: a // b) {} (mapAttrsToList f attrs);
+ cfg = config.fudo.acme;
+ hasLocalDomains = hasAttr hostname cfg.host-domains;
+ localDomains = if hasLocalDomains then
+ cfg.host-domains.${hostname} else {};
+ optionalStringOr = str: default:
+ if (str != null) then str else default;
+in {
+ options.fudo.acme = with types; {
+ host-domains = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (attrsOf (submodule domainOpts));
+ description = "Map of host to domains to domain options.";
+ default = { };
+ };
+ };
+ config = {
+ security.acme.certs = mapAttrs (domain: domainOpts: {
+ email = domainOpts.email;
+ extraDomainNames = domainOpts.extra-domains;
+ }) localDomains;
+ # Assume that if we're acquiring SSL certs, we have a real IP for the
+ # host. nginx must have an acme dir for security.acme to work.
+ services.nginx = mkIf hasLocalDomains {
+ enable = true;
+ recommendedGzipSettings = true;
+ recommendedOptimisation = true;
+ recommendedTlsSettings = true;
+ recommendedProxySettings = true;
+ virtualHosts.${config.instance.host-fqdn} = {
+ enableACME = true;
+ forceSSL = true;
+ # Just...force override if you want this to point somewhere.
+ locations."/" = {
+ return = "403 Forbidden";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];
+ systemd = {
+ tmpfiles.rules = let
+ copies = concatMapAttrs (domain: domainOpts:
+ domainOpts.local-copies) localDomains;
+ perms = copyOpts: if (copyOpts.group != null) then "0550" else "0500";
+ copy-paths = mapAttrsToList (copy: copyOpts:
+ let
+ dir-entry = copyOpts: file: "d \"${dirOf file}\" ${perms copyOpts} ${copyOpts.user} ${optionalStringOr copyOpts.group "-"} - -";
+ in map (dir-entry copyOpts) [
+ copyOpts.certificate
+ copyOpts.full-certificate
+ copyOpts.chain
+ copyOpts.private-key
+ ]) copies;
+ in unique (concatMap (i: unique i) copy-paths);
+ services = concatMapAttrs (domain: domainOpts:
+ concatMapAttrs (copy: copyOpts: let
+ key-perms = copyOpts: if (copyOpts.group != null) then "0440" else "0400";
+ source = config.security.acme.certs.${domain}.directory;
+ target = copyOpts.path;
+ owners =
+ if (copyOpts.group != null) then
+ "${copyOpts.user}:${copyOpts.group}"
+ else copyOpts.user;
+ install-certs = pkgs.writeShellScript "fudo-install-${domain}-${copy}-certs.sh" ''
+ cp ${source}/cert.pem ${copyOpts.certificate}
+ chmod 0444 ${copyOpts.certificate}
+ chown ${owners} ${copyOpts.certificate}
+ cp ${source}/full.pem ${copyOpts.full-certificate}
+ chmod 0444 ${copyOpts.full-certificate}
+ chown ${owners} ${copyOpts.full-certificate}
+ cp ${source}/chain.pem ${copyOpts.chain}
+ chmod 0444 ${copyOpts.chain}
+ chown ${owners} ${copyOpts.chain}
+ cp ${source}/key.pem ${copyOpts.private-key}
+ chmod ${key-perms copyOpts} ${copyOpts.private-key}
+ chown ${owners} ${copyOpts.private-key}
+ '';
+ service-name = rm-service-ext copyOpts.service;
+ in {
+ ${service-name} = {
+ description = "Copy ${domain} ACME certs for ${copy}.";
+ after = [ "acme-${domain}.service" ];
+ before = copyOpts.dependent-services;
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ] ++ copyOpts.dependent-services;
+ partOf = copyOpts.part-of;
+ serviceConfig = {
+ Type = "simple";
+ ExecStart = install-certs;
+ RemainAfterExit = true;
+ StandardOutput = "journal";
+ };
+ };
+ }) domainOpts.local-copies) localDomains;
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/acme-for-hostname.nix b/lib/fudo/acme-for-hostname.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0451170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/acme-for-hostname.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Starts an Nginx server on $HOSTNAME just to get a cert for this host
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.acme;
+ # wwwRoot = hostname:
+ # pkgs.writeTextFile {
+ # name = "index.html";
+ # text = ''
+ #
+ #
+ # ${hostname}
+ #
+ #
+ # ${hostname}
+ #
+ #
+ # '';
+ # destination = "/www";
+ # };
+in {
+ options.fudo.acme = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Fetch ACME certs for supplied local hostnames.";
+ hostnames = mkOption {
+ type = with types; listOf str;
+ description = "A list of hostnames mapping to this host, for which to acquire SSL certificates.";
+ default = [];
+ example = [
+ "my.hostname.com"
+ "alt.hostname.com"
+ ];
+ };
+ admin-address = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "The admin address in charge of these addresses.";
+ default = "admin@fudo.org";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ services.nginx = {
+ enable = true;
+ virtualHosts = listToAttrs
+ (map
+ (hostname:
+ nameValuePair hostname
+ {
+ enableACME = true;
+ forceSSL = true;
+ # root = (wwwRoot hostname) + ("/" + "www");
+ })
+ cfg.hostnames);
+ };
+ security.acme.certs = listToAttrs
+ (map (hostname: nameValuePair hostname { email = cfg.admin-address; })
+ cfg.hostnames);
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/authentication.nix b/lib/fudo/authentication.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c88fa7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/authentication.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.authentication;
+in {
+ options.fudo.authentication = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Use Fudo users & groups from LDAP.";
+ ssl-ca-certificate = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Path to the CA certificate to use to bind to the server.";
+ };
+ bind-passwd-file = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Path to a file containing the password used to bind to the server.";
+ };
+ ldap-url = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "URL of the LDAP server.";
+ example = "ldaps://auth.fudo.org";
+ };
+ base = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "The LDAP base in which to look for users.";
+ default = "dc=fudo,dc=org";
+ };
+ bind-dn = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "The DN with which to bind the LDAP server.";
+ default = "cn=auth_reader,dc=fudo,dc=org";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ users.ldap = {
+ enable = true;
+ base = cfg.base;
+ bind = {
+ distinguishedName = cfg.bind-dn;
+ passwordFile = cfg.bind-passwd-file;
+ timeLimit = 5;
+ };
+ loginPam = true;
+ nsswitch = true;
+ server = cfg.ldap-url;
+ timeLimit = 5;
+ useTLS = true;
+ extraConfig = ''
+ TLS_CACERT ${cfg.ssl-ca-certificate}
+ '';
+ daemon = {
+ enable = true;
+ extraConfig = ''
+ tls_cacertfile ${cfg.ssl-ca-certificate}
+ tls_reqcert allow
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/backplane/common.nix b/lib/fudo/backplane/common.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1d3e95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/backplane/common.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.backplane.dns;
+ powerdns-conf-dir = "${cfg.powerdns.home}/conf.d";
+ clientHostOpts = { name, ... }: {
+ options = with types; {
+ password-file = mkOption {
+ type = path;
+ description =
+ "Location (on the build host) of the file containing the host password.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ serviceOpts = { name, ... }: {
+ options = with types; {
+ password-file = mkOption {
+ type = path;
+ description =
+ "Location (on the build host) of the file containing the service password.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ databaseOpts = { ... }: {
+ options = with types; {
+ host = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Hostname or IP of the PostgreSQL server.";
+ };
+ database = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Database to use for DNS backplane.";
+ default = "backplane_dns";
+ };
+ username = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Database user for DNS backplane.";
+ default = "backplane_dns";
+ };
+ password-file = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "File containing password for database user.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+in {
+ options.fudo.backplane = with types; {
+ client-hosts = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule clientHostOpts);
+ description = "List of backplane client options.";
+ default = {};
+ };
+ services = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule serviceOpts);
+ description = "List of backplane service options.";
+ default = {};
+ };
+ backplane-host = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Hostname of the backplane XMPP server.";
+ };
+ dns = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Enable backplane dynamic DNS server.";
+ port = mkOption {
+ type = port;
+ description = "Port on which to serve authoritative DNS requests.";
+ default = 53;
+ };
+ listen-v4-addresses = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "IPv4 addresses on which to listen for dns requests.";
+ default = [ "" ];
+ };
+ listen-v6-addresses = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "IPv6 addresses on which to listen for dns requests.";
+ example = [ "[abcd::1]" ];
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ required-services = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "A list of services required before the DNS server can start.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "User as which to run DNS backplane listener service.";
+ default = "backplane-dns";
+ };
+ group = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Group as which to run DNS backplane listener service.";
+ default = "backplane-dns";
+ };
+ database = mkOption {
+ type = submodule databaseOpts;
+ description = "Database settings for the DNS server.";
+ };
+ powerdns = {
+ home = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Directory at which to store powerdns configuration and state.";
+ default = "/run/backplane-dns/powerdns";
+ };
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Username as which to run PowerDNS.";
+ default = "backplane-powerdns";
+ };
+ database = mkOption {
+ type = submodule databaseOpts;
+ description = "Database settings for the DNS server.";
+ };
+ };
+ backplane-role = {
+ role = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Backplane XMPP role name for the DNS server.";
+ default = "service-dns";
+ };
+ password-file = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "File containing XMPP password for backplane role.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/backplane/default.nix b/lib/fudo/backplane/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5596440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/backplane/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+with lib;
+ imports = [
+ ./common.nix
+ ./dns.nix
+ ./jabber.nix
+ ];
diff --git a/lib/fudo/backplane/dns.nix b/lib/fudo/backplane/dns.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c97556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/backplane/dns.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+with lib;
+ backplane-cfg = config.fudo.backplane;
+ cfg = backplane-cfg.dns;
+ powerdns-conf-dir = "${cfg.powerdns.home}/conf.d";
+in {
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ users = {
+ users = {
+ "${cfg.user}" = {
+ isSystemUser = true;
+ group = cfg.group;
+ createHome = true;
+ home = "/var/home/${cfg.user}";
+ };
+ ${cfg.powerdns.user} = {
+ isSystemUser = true;
+ home = cfg.powerdns.home;
+ createHome = true;
+ };
+ };
+ groups = {
+ ${cfg.group} = { members = [ cfg.user ]; };
+ ${cfg.powerdns.user} = { members = [ cfg.powerdns.user ]; };
+ };
+ };
+ fudo = {
+ system.services = {
+ backplane-powerdns-config-generator = {
+ description =
+ "Generate postgres configuration for backplane DNS server.";
+ requires = cfg.required-services;
+ type = "oneshot";
+ restartIfChanged = true;
+ partOf = [ "backplane-dns.target" ];
+ readWritePaths = [ powerdns-conf-dir ];
+ # This builds the config in a bash script, to avoid storing the password
+ # in the nix store at any point
+ script = let
+ user = cfg.powerdns.user;
+ db = cfg.powerdns.database;
+ in ''
+ TMPDIR=$(${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mktemp -d -t pdns-XXXXXXXXXX)
+ TMPCONF=$TMPDIR/pdns.local.gpgsql.conf
+ if [ ! -f ${cfg.database.password-file} ]; then
+ echo "${cfg.database.password-file} does not exist!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ touch $TMPCONF
+ chmod go-rwx $TMPCONF
+ chown ${user} $TMPCONF
+ PASSWORD=$(cat ${db.password-file})
+ echo "launch+=gpgsql" >> $TMPCONF
+ echo "gpgsql-host=${db.host}" >> $TMPCONF
+ echo "gpgsql-dbname=${db.database}" >> $TMPCONF
+ echo "gpgsql-user=${db.username}" >> $TMPCONF
+ echo "gpgsql-password=$PASSWORD" >> $TMPCONF
+ echo "gpgsql-dnssec=yes" >> $TMPCONF
+ mv $TMPCONF ${powerdns-conf-dir}/pdns.local.gpgsql.conf
+ rm -rf $TMPDIR
+ exit 0
+ '';
+ };
+ backplane-dns = {
+ description = "Fudo DNS Backplane Server";
+ restartIfChanged = true;
+ path = with pkgs; [ backplane-dns-server ];
+ execStart = "launch-backplane-dns.sh";
+ pidFile = "/run/backplane-dns.$USERNAME.pid";
+ user = cfg.user;
+ group = cfg.group;
+ partOf = [ "backplane-dns.target" ];
+ requires = cfg.required-services ++ [ "postgresql.service" ];
+ environment = {
+ FUDO_DNS_BACKPLANE_XMPP_HOSTNAME = backplane-cfg.backplane-host;
+ FUDO_DNS_BACKPLANE_XMPP_USERNAME = cfg.backplane-role.role;
+ FUDO_DNS_BACKPLANE_XMPP_PASSWORD_FILE = cfg.backplane-role.password-file;
+ FUDO_DNS_BACKPLANE_DATABASE_NAME = cfg.database.database;
+ cfg.database.username;
+ cfg.database.password-file;
+ pkgs.lib.fudo.lisp.lisp-source-registry pkgs.backplane-dns-server;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ systemd = {
+ tmpfiles.rules = [
+ "d ${powerdns-conf-dir} 0700 ${cfg.powerdns.user} - - -"
+ ];
+ targets = {
+ backplane-dns = {
+ description = "Fudo DNS backplane services.";
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ after = cfg.required-services ++ [ "postgresql.service" ];
+ };
+ };
+ services = {
+ backplane-powerdns = let
+ pdns-config-dir = pkgs.writeTextDir "pdns.conf" ''
+ local-address=${lib.concatStringsSep ", " cfg.listen-v4-addresses}
+ local-ipv6=${lib.concatStringsSep ", " cfg.listen-v6-addresses}
+ local-port=${toString cfg.port}
+ launch=
+ include-dir=${powerdns-conf-dir}/
+ '';
+ in {
+ description = "Backplane PowerDNS name server";
+ requires = [
+ "postgresql.service"
+ "backplane-powerdns-config-generator.service"
+ ];
+ after = [ "network.target" ];
+ path = with pkgs; [ powerdns postgresql ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ ExecStart = "pdns_server --setuid=${cfg.powerdns.user} --setgid=${cfg.powerdns.user} --chroot=${cfg.powerdns.home} --socket-dir=/ --daemon=no --guardian=no --disable-syslog --write-pid=no --config-dir=${pdns-config-dir}";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/backplane/jabber.nix b/lib/fudo/backplane/jabber.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f6e988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/backplane/jabber.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ config = mkIf config.fudo.jabber.enable {
+ fudo = let
+ cfg = config.fudo.backplane;
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ backplane-server = cfg.backplane-host;
+ generate-auth-file = name: files: let
+ make-entry = name: passwd-file:
+ ''("${name}" . "${readFile passwd-file}")'';
+ entries = mapAttrsToList make-entry files;
+ content = concatStringsSep "\n" entries;
+ in pkgs.writeText "${name}-backplane-auth.scm" "'(${content})";
+ host-auth-file = generate-auth-file "host"
+ (mapAttrs (hostname: hostOpts: hostOpts.password-file)
+ cfg.client-hosts);
+ service-auth-file = generate-auth-file "service"
+ (mapAttrs (service: serviceOpts: serviceOpts.password-file)
+ cfg.services);
+ in {
+ secrets.host-secrets.${hostname} = {
+ backplane-host-auth = {
+ source-file = host-auth-file;
+ target-file = "/var/backplane/host-passwords.scm";
+ user = config.fudo.jabber.user;
+ };
+ backplane-service-auth = {
+ source-file = service-auth-file;
+ target-file = "/var/backplane/service-passwords.scm";
+ user = config.fudo.jabber.user;
+ };
+ };
+ jabber = {
+ environment = {
+ secrets.backplane-host-auth.target-file;
+ secrets.backplane-service-auth.target-file;
+ };
+ sites.${backplane-server} = {
+ site-config = {
+ auth_method = "external";
+ extauth_program =
+ "${pkgs.guile}/bin/guile -s ${pkgs.backplane-auth}/backplane-auth.scm";
+ extauth_pool_size = 3;
+ auth_use_cache = true;
+ modules = {
+ mod_adhoc = {};
+ mod_caps = {};
+ mod_carboncopy = {};
+ mod_client_state = {};
+ mod_configure = {};
+ mod_disco = {};
+ mod_fail2ban = {};
+ mod_last = {};
+ mod_offline = {
+ access_max_user_messages = 5000;
+ };
+ mod_ping = {};
+ mod_pubsub = {
+ access_createnode = "pubsub_createnode";
+ ignore_pep_from_offline = true;
+ last_item_cache = false;
+ plugins = [
+ "flat"
+ "pep"
+ ];
+ };
+ mod_roster = {};
+ mod_stream_mgmt = {};
+ mod_time = {};
+ mod_version = {};
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/chat.nix b/lib/fudo/chat.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b885373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/chat.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.chat;
+ mattermost-config-target = "/run/chat/mattermost/mattermost-config.json";
+in {
+ options.fudo.chat = with types; {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Enable chat server";
+ hostname = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Hostname at which this chat server is accessible.";
+ example = "chat.mydomain.com";
+ };
+ site-name = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "The name of this chat server.";
+ example = "My Fancy Chat Site";
+ };
+ smtp = {
+ server = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "SMTP server to use for sending notification emails.";
+ example = "mail.my-site.com";
+ };
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Username with which to connect to the SMTP server.";
+ };
+ password-file = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description =
+ "Path to a file containing the password to use while connecting to the SMTP server.";
+ };
+ };
+ state-directory = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path at which to store server state data.";
+ default = "/var/lib/mattermost";
+ };
+ database = mkOption {
+ type = (submodule {
+ options = {
+ name = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Database name.";
+ };
+ hostname = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Database host.";
+ };
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Database user.";
+ };
+ password-file = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path to file containing database password.";
+ };
+ };
+ });
+ description = "Database configuration.";
+ example = {
+ name = "my_database";
+ hostname = "my.database.com";
+ user = "db_user";
+ password-file = /path/to/some/file.pw;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable (let
+ pkg = pkgs.mattermost;
+ default-config = builtins.fromJSON (readFile "${pkg}/config/config.json");
+ modified-config = recursiveUpdate default-config {
+ ServiceSettings.SiteURL = "https://${cfg.hostname}";
+ ServiceSettings.ListenAddress = "";
+ TeamSettings.SiteName = cfg.site-name;
+ EmailSettings = {
+ RequireEmailVerification = true;
+ SMTPServer = cfg.smtp.server;
+ SMTPPort = 587;
+ EnableSMTPAuth = true;
+ SMTPUsername = cfg.smtp.user;
+ SMTPPassword = "__SMTP_PASSWD__";
+ SendEmailNotifications = true;
+ ConnectionSecurity = "STARTTLS";
+ FeedbackEmail = "chat@fudo.org";
+ FeedbackName = "Admin";
+ };
+ EnableEmailInvitations = true;
+ SqlSettings.DriverName = "postgres";
+ SqlSettings.DataSource = "postgres://${
+ cfg.database.user
+ cfg.database.hostname
+ }:5432/${
+ cfg.database.name
+ }";
+ };
+ mattermost-config-file-template =
+ pkgs.writeText "mattermost-config.json.template" (builtins.toJSON modified-config);
+ mattermost-user = "mattermost";
+ mattermost-group = "mattermost";
+ generate-mattermost-config = target: template: smtp-passwd-file: db-passwd-file:
+ pkgs.writeScript "mattermost-config-generator.sh" ''
+ SMTP_PASSWD=$( cat ${smtp-passwd-file} )
+ DATABASE_PASSWORD=$( cat ${db-passwd-file} )
+ sed -e 's/__SMTP_PASSWD__/"$SMTP_PASSWD"/' -e 's/__DATABASE_PASSWORD__/"$DATABASE_PASSWORD"/' ${template} > ${target}
+ '';
+ in {
+ users = {
+ users = {
+ ${mattermost-user} = {
+ isSystemUser = true;
+ group = mattermost-group;
+ };
+ };
+ groups = { ${mattermost-group} = { members = [ mattermost-user ]; }; };
+ };
+ fudo.system.services.mattermost = {
+ description = "Mattermost Chat Server";
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ after = [ "network.target" ];
+ preStart = ''
+ ${generate-mattermost-config
+ mattermost-config-target
+ mattermost-config-file-template
+ cfg.smtp.password-file
+ cfg.database.password-file}
+ cp ${cfg.smtp.password-file} ${cfg.state-directory}/config/config.json
+ cp -uRL ${pkg}/client ${cfg.state-directory}
+ chown ${mattermost-user}:${mattermost-group} ${cfg.state-directory}/client
+ chmod 0750 ${cfg.state-directory}/client
+ '';
+ execStart = "${pkg}/bin/mattermost";
+ workingDirectory = cfg.state-directory;
+ user = mattermost-user;
+ group = mattermost-group;
+ };
+ systemd = {
+ tmpfiles.rules = [
+ "d ${cfg.state-directory} 0750 ${mattermost-user} ${mattermost-group} - -"
+ "d ${cfg.state-directory}/config 0750 ${mattermost-user} ${mattermost-group} - -"
+ "L ${cfg.state-directory}/bin - - - - ${pkg}/bin"
+ "L ${cfg.state-directory}/fonts - - - - ${pkg}/fonts"
+ "L ${cfg.state-directory}/i18n - - - - ${pkg}/i18n"
+ "L ${cfg.state-directory}/templates - - - - ${pkg}/templates"
+ ];
+ # services.mattermost = {
+ # description = "Mattermost Chat Server";
+ # wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ # after = [ "network.target" ];
+ # preStart = ''
+ # ${generate-mattermost-config
+ # mattermost-config-target
+ # mattermost-config-file-template
+ # cfg.smtp.password-file
+ # cfg.database.password-file}
+ # cp ${cfg.smtp.password-file} ${cfg.state-directory}/config/config.json
+ # cp -uRL ${pkg}/client ${cfg.state-directory}
+ # chown ${mattermost-user}:${mattermost-group} ${cfg.state-directory}/client
+ # chmod 0750 ${cfg.state-directory}/client
+ # '';
+ # serviceConfig = {
+ # PermissionsStartOnly = true;
+ # ExecStart = "${pkg}/bin/mattermost";
+ # WorkingDirectory = cfg.state-directory;
+ # Restart = "always";
+ # RestartSec = "10";
+ # LimitNOFILE = "49152";
+ # User = mattermost-user;
+ # Group = mattermost-group;
+ # };
+ # };
+ };
+ services.nginx = {
+ enable = true;
+ appendHttpConfig = ''
+ proxy_cache_path /var/cache/nginx levels=1:2 keys_zone=mattermost_cache:10m max_size=3g inactive=120m use_temp_path=off;
+ '';
+ virtualHosts = {
+ "${cfg.hostname}" = {
+ enableACME = true;
+ forceSSL = true;
+ locations."/" = {
+ proxyPass = "";
+ extraConfig = ''
+ client_max_body_size 50M;
+ proxy_set_header Connection "";
+ proxy_set_header Host $host;
+ proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-By $server_addr:$server_port;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
+ proxy_set_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
+ proxy_buffers 256 16k;
+ proxy_buffer_size 16k;
+ proxy_read_timeout 600s;
+ proxy_cache mattermost_cache;
+ proxy_cache_revalidate on;
+ proxy_cache_min_uses 2;
+ proxy_cache_use_stale timeout;
+ proxy_cache_lock on;
+ proxy_http_version 1.1;
+ '';
+ };
+ locations."~ /api/v[0-9]+/(users/)?websocket$" = {
+ proxyPass = "";
+ extraConfig = ''
+ proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
+ proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
+ client_max_body_size 50M;
+ proxy_set_header Host $host;
+ proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-By $server_addr:$server_port;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
+ proxy_set_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
+ proxy_buffers 256 16k;
+ proxy_buffer_size 16k;
+ client_body_timeout 60;
+ send_timeout 300;
+ lingering_timeout 5;
+ proxy_connect_timeout 90;
+ proxy_send_timeout 300;
+ proxy_read_timeout 90s;
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ });
diff --git a/lib/fudo/client/dns.nix b/lib/fudo/client/dns.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c81292e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/client/dns.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.client.dns;
+ ssh-key-files =
+ map (host-key: host-key.path) config.services.openssh.hostKeys;
+ ssh-key-args = concatStringsSep " " (map (file: "-f ${file}") ssh-key-files);
+in {
+ options.fudo.client.dns = {
+ ipv4 = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = "Report host external IPv4 address to Fudo DynDNS server.";
+ };
+ ipv6 = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = "Report host external IPv6 address to Fudo DynDNS server.";
+ };
+ sshfp = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = "Report host SSH fingerprints to the Fudo DynDNS server.";
+ };
+ domain = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Domain under which this host is registered.";
+ default = "fudo.link";
+ };
+ server = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Backplane DNS server to which changes will be reported.";
+ default = "backplane.fudo.org";
+ };
+ password-file = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "File containing host password for backplane.";
+ example = "/path/to/secret.passwd";
+ };
+ frequency = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description =
+ "Frequency at which to report the local IP(s) to backplane.";
+ default = "*:0/15";
+ };
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description =
+ "User as which to run the client script (must have access to password file).";
+ default = "backplane-dns-client";
+ };
+ external-interface = mkOption {
+ type = with types; nullOr str;
+ description =
+ "Interface with which this host communicates with the larger internet.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ };
+ config = {
+ users.users = {
+ "${cfg.user}" = {
+ isSystemUser = true;
+ createHome = true;
+ home = "/var/home/${cfg.user}";
+ };
+ };
+ systemd = {
+ tmpfiles.rules = [
+ "d /var/home 755 root - - -"
+ "d /var/home/${cfg.user} 700 ${cfg.user} - - -"
+ ];
+ timers.backplane-dns-client = {
+ enable = true;
+ description = "Report local IP addresses to Fudo backplane.";
+ partOf = [ "backplane-dns-client.service" ];
+ wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
+ requires = [ "network-online.target" ];
+ timerConfig = { OnCalendar = cfg.frequency; };
+ };
+ services.backplane-dns-client-pw-file = {
+ enable = true;
+ requiredBy = [ "backplane-dns-client.services" ];
+ reloadIfChanged = true;
+ serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; };
+ script = ''
+ chmod 400 ${cfg.password-file}
+ chown ${cfg.user} ${cfg.password-file}
+ '';
+ };
+ services.backplane-dns-client = {
+ enable = true;
+ serviceConfig = {
+ Type = "oneshot";
+ StandardOutput = "journal";
+ User = cfg.user;
+ ExecStart = pkgs.writeShellScript "start-backplane-dns-client.sh" ''
+ ${pkgs.backplane-dns-client}/bin/backplane-dns-client ${
+ optionalString cfg.ipv4 "-4"
+ } ${optionalString cfg.ipv6 "-6"} ${
+ optionalString cfg.sshfp ssh-key-args
+ } ${
+ optionalString (cfg.external-interface != null)
+ "--interface=${cfg.external-interface}"
+ } --domain=${cfg.domain} --server=${cfg.server} --password-file=${cfg.password-file}
+ '';
+ };
+ # Needed to generate SSH fingerprinst
+ path = [ pkgs.openssh ];
+ reloadIfChanged = true;
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/common.nix b/lib/fudo/common.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92b7bb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/common.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# General Fudo config, shared across packages
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+{ }
diff --git a/lib/fudo/default.nix b/lib/fudo/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac92be9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib; {
+ imports = [
+ ./acme-certs.nix
+ ./acme-for-hostname.nix
+ ./authentication.nix
+ ./backplane
+ ./chat.nix
+ ./client/dns.nix
+ ./deploy.nix
+ ./distributed-builds.nix
+ ./dns.nix
+ ./domains.nix
+ ./garbage-collector.nix
+ ./git.nix
+ ./global.nix
+ ./grafana.nix
+ ./hosts.nix
+ ./host-filesystems.nix
+ ./initrd-network.nix
+ ./ipfs.nix
+ ./jabber.nix
+ ./kdc.nix
+ ./ldap.nix
+ ./local-network.nix
+ ./mail.nix
+ ./mail-container.nix
+ ./minecraft-server.nix
+ ./netinfo-email.nix
+ ./networks.nix
+ ./node-exporter.nix
+ ./nsd.nix
+ ./password.nix
+ ./postgres.nix
+ ./prometheus.nix
+ ./secrets.nix
+ ./secure-dns-proxy.nix
+ ./sites.nix
+ ./slynk.nix
+ ./ssh.nix
+ ./system.nix
+ ./system-networking.nix
+ ./users.nix
+ ./vpn.nix
+ ./webmail.nix
+ ./wireless-networks.nix
+ ];
diff --git a/lib/fudo/deploy.nix b/lib/fudo/deploy.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..522ce4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/deploy.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ site-cfg = config.fudo.sites.${config.instance.local-site};
+in {
+ config = {
+ users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys =
+ mkIf (site-cfg.deploy-pubkeys != null)
+ site-cfg.deploy-pubkeys;
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/distributed-builds.nix b/lib/fudo/distributed-builds.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab21008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/distributed-builds.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ site-cfg = config.fudo.sites.${config.instance.local-site};
+ has-build-servers = (length (attrNames site-cfg.build-servers)) > 0;
+ build-keypair = config.fudo.secrets.host-secrets.${hostname}.build-keypair;
+ enable-distributed-builds =
+ site-cfg.enable-distributed-builds && has-build-servers && build-keypair != null;
+ local-build-cfg = if (hasAttr hostname site-cfg.build-servers) then
+ site-cfg.build-servers.${hostname}
+ else null;
+in {
+ config = {
+ nix = mkIf enable-distributed-builds {
+ buildMachines = mapAttrsToList (hostname: buildOpts: {
+ hostName = "${hostname}.${domain-name}";
+ maxJobs = buildOpts.max-jobs;
+ speedFactor = buildOpts.speed-factor;
+ supportedFeatures = buildOpts.supportedFeatures;
+ sshKey = build-keypair.private-key;
+ sshUser = buildOpts.user;
+ }) site-cfg.build-servers;
+ distributedBuilds = true;
+ trustedUsers = mkIf (local-build-cfg != null) [
+ local-build-host.build-user
+ ];
+ };
+ users.users = mkIf (local-build-cfg != null) {
+ ${local-build-cfg.build-user} = {
+ isSystemUser = true;
+ openssh.authorizedKeys.keyFiles =
+ concatLists
+ (mapAttrsToList (host: hostOpts: hostOpts.build-pubkeys)
+ config.instance.local-hosts);
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/dns.nix b/lib/fudo/dns.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcee95b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/dns.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.dns;
+ join-lines = concatStringsSep "\n";
+ domainOpts = { domain, ... }: {
+ options = with types; {
+ dnssec = mkOption {
+ type = bool;
+ description = "Enable DNSSEC security for this zone.";
+ default = true;
+ };
+ dmarc-report-address = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "The email to use to recieve DMARC reports, if any.";
+ example = "admin-user@domain.com";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ network-definition = mkOption {
+ type = submodule (import ../types/network-definition.nix);
+ description = "Definition of network to be served by local server.";
+ };
+ default-host = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "The host to which the domain should map by default.";
+ };
+ mx = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "The hosts which act as the domain mail exchange.";
+ default = [];
+ };
+ gssapi-realm = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "The GSSAPI realm of this domain.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ networkHostOpts = import ../types/network-host.nix { inherit lib; };
+ hostRecords = hostname: nethost-data: let
+ # FIXME: RP doesn't work.
+ # generic-host-records = let
+ # host-data = if (hasAttr hostname config.fudo.hosts) then config.fudo.hosts.${hostname} else null;
+ # in
+ # if (host-data == null) then [] else (
+ # (map (sshfp: "${hostname} IN SSHFP ${sshfp}") host-data.ssh-fingerprints) ++ (optional (host-data.rp != null) "${hostname} IN RP ${host-data.rp}")
+ # );
+ sshfp-records = if (hasAttr hostname config.fudo.hosts) then (map (sshfp: "${hostname} IN SSHFP ${sshfp}") config.fudo.hosts.${hostname}.ssh-fingerprints) else [];
+ a-record = optional (nethost-data.ipv4-address != null) "${hostname} IN A ${nethost-data.ipv4-address}";
+ aaaa-record = optional (nethost-data.ipv6-address != null) "${hostname} IN AAAA ${nethost-data.ipv6-address}";
+ description-record = optional (nethost-data.description != null) "${hostname} IN TXT \"${nethost-data.description}\"";
+ in
+ join-lines (a-record ++ aaaa-record ++ description-record ++ sshfp-records);
+ makeSrvRecords = protocol: type: records:
+ join-lines (map (record:
+ "_${type}._${protocol} IN SRV ${toString record.priority} ${
+ toString record.weight
+ } ${toString record.port} ${toString record.host}.") records);
+ makeSrvProtocolRecords = protocol: types:
+ join-lines (mapAttrsToList (makeSrvRecords protocol) types);
+ cnameRecord = alias: host: "${alias} IN CNAME ${host}";
+ mxRecords = mxs: concatStringsSep "\n" (map (mx: "@ IN MX 10 ${mx}.") mxs);
+ dmarcRecord = dmarc-email:
+ optionalString (dmarc-email != null) ''
+ _dmarc IN TXT "v=DMARC1;p=quarantine;sp=quarantine;rua=mailto:${dmarc-email};"'';
+ nsRecords = domain: ns-hosts:
+ join-lines
+ (mapAttrsToList (host: _: "@ IN NS ${host}.${domain}.") ns-hosts);
+in {
+ options.fudo.dns = with types; {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Enable master DNS services.";
+ # FIXME: This should allow for AAAA addresses too...
+ nameservers = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule networkHostOpts);
+ description = "Map of domain nameserver FQDNs to IP.";
+ example = {
+ "ns1.domain.com" = {
+ ipv4-address = "";
+ description = "my fancy dns server";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ identity = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "The identity (CH TXT ID.SERVER) of this host.";
+ };
+ domains = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule domainOpts);
+ default = { };
+ description = "A map of domain to domain options.";
+ };
+ listen-ips = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "A list of IPs on which to listen for DNS queries.";
+ example = [ "" ];
+ };
+ state-directory = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path at which to store nameserver state, including DNSSEC keys.";
+ default = "/var/lib/nsd";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ networking.firewall = {
+ allowedTCPPorts = [ 53 ];
+ allowedUDPPorts = [ 53 ];
+ };
+ fudo.nsd = {
+ enable = true;
+ identity = cfg.identity;
+ interfaces = cfg.listen-ips;
+ stateDir = cfg.state-directory;
+ zones = mapAttrs' (dom: dom-cfg: let
+ net-cfg = dom-cfg.network-definition;
+ in nameValuePair "${dom}." {
+ dnssec = dom-cfg.dnssec;
+ data = ''
+ $ORIGIN ${dom}.
+ $TTL 12h
+ @ IN SOA ns1.${dom}. hostmaster.${dom}. (
+ ${toString config.instance.build-timestamp}
+ 30m
+ 2m
+ 3w
+ 5m)
+ ${optionalString (dom-cfg.default-host != null)
+ "@ IN A ${dom-cfg.default-host}"}
+ ${mxRecords dom-cfg.mx}
+ $TTL 6h
+ ${optionalString (dom-cfg.gssapi-realm != null)
+ ''_kerberos IN TXT "${dom-cfg.gssapi-realm}"''}
+ ${nsRecords dom cfg.nameservers}
+ ${join-lines (mapAttrsToList hostRecords cfg.nameservers)}
+ ${dmarcRecord dom-cfg.dmarc-report-address}
+ ${join-lines
+ (mapAttrsToList makeSrvProtocolRecords net-cfg.srv-records)}
+ ${join-lines (mapAttrsToList hostRecords net-cfg.hosts)}
+ ${join-lines (mapAttrsToList cnameRecord net-cfg.aliases)}
+ ${join-lines net-cfg.verbatim-dns-records}
+ '';
+ }) cfg.domains;
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/domain/dns.nix b/lib/fudo/domain/dns.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf84435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/domain/dns.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ domain = config.instance.local-domain;
+ cfg = config.fudo.domains.${domain};
+ served-domain = cfg.primary-nameserver != null;
+ is-primary = hostname == cfg.primary-nameserver;
+ create-srv-record = port: hostname: {
+ port = port;
+ host = hostname;
+ };
+in {
+ config = {
+ fudo.dns = mkIf is-primary (let
+ primary-ip = pkgs.lib.fudo.network.host-ipv4 config hostname;
+ all-ips = pkgs.lib.fudo.network.host-ips config hostname;
+ in {
+ enable = true;
+ identity = "${hostname}.${domain}";
+ nameservers = {
+ ns1 = {
+ ipv4-address = primary-ip;
+ description = "Primary ${domain} nameserver";
+ };
+ };
+ # Deliberately leaving out localhost so the primary nameserver
+ # can use a custom recursor
+ listen-ips = all-ips;
+ domains = {
+ ${domain} = {
+ dnssec = true;
+ default-host = primary-ip;
+ gssapi-realm = cfg.gssapi-realm;
+ mx = optional (cfg.primary-mailserver != null)
+ cfg.primary-mailserver;
+ # TODO: there's no guarantee this exists...
+ dmarc-report-address = "dmarc-report@${domain}";
+ network-definition = let
+ network = config.fudo.networks.${domain};
+ in network // {
+ srv-records = {
+ tcp = {
+ domain = [{
+ host = "ns1.${domain}";
+ port = 53;
+ }];
+ };
+ udp = {
+ domain = [{
+ host = "ns1.${domain}";
+ port = 53;
+ }];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ });
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/domain/kerberos.nix b/lib/fudo/domain/kerberos.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f104c0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/domain/kerberos.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ domain = config.instance.local-domain;
+ cfg = config.fudo.domains.${domain};
+in {
+ config = let
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ is-master = hostname == cfg.kerberos-master;
+ is-slave = elem hostname cfg.kerberos-slaves;
+ kerberized-domain = cfg.kerberos-master != null;
+ in {
+ fudo = {
+ auth.kdc = mkIf (is-master || is-slave) {
+ enable = true;
+ realm = cfg.gssapi-realm;
+ # TODO: Also bind to ::1?
+ bind-addresses =
+ (pkgs.lib.fudo.network.host-ips config hostname) ++
+ [ "" ] ++ (optional config.networking.enableIPv6 "::1");
+ master-config = mkIf is-master {
+ acl = let
+ admin-entries = genAttrs cfg.local-admins
+ (admin: {
+ perms = [ "add" "change-password" "list" ];
+ });
+ in admin-entries // {
+ "*/root" = { perms = [ "all" ]; };
+ };
+ };
+ slave-config = mkIf is-slave {
+ master-host = cfg.kerberos-master;
+ # You gotta provide the keytab yourself, sorry...
+ };
+ };
+ dns.domains.${domain} = {
+ network-definition = mkIf kerberized-domain {
+ srv-records = let
+ get-fqdn = hostname:
+ "${hostname}.${config.fudo.hosts.${hostname}.domain}";
+ create-srv-record = port: hostname: {
+ port = port;
+ host = hostname;
+ };
+ all-servers = map get-fqdn
+ ([cfg.kerberos-master] ++ cfg.kerberos-slaves);
+ master-servers =
+ map get-fqdn [cfg.kerberos-master];
+ in {
+ tcp = {
+ kerberos = map (create-srv-record 88) all-servers;
+ kerberos-adm = map (create-srv-record 749) master-servers;
+ };
+ udp = {
+ kerberos = map (create-srv-record 88) all-servers;
+ kerberos-master = map (create-srv-record 88) master-servers;
+ kpasswd = map (create-srv-record 464) master-servers;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/domains.nix b/lib/fudo/domains.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b6202b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/domains.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ domain = config.instance.local-domain;
+ domainOpts = { name, ... }: let
+ domain = name;
+ in {
+ options = with types; {
+ domain = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Domain name.";
+ default = domain;
+ };
+ local-networks = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "A list of networks to be considered trusted on this network.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ local-users = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "A list of users who should have local (i.e. login) access to _all_ hosts in this domain.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ local-admins = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "A list of users who should have admin access to _all_ hosts in this domain.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ local-groups = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of groups which should exist within this domain.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ admin-email = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Email for the administrator of this domain.";
+ default = "admin@${domain}";
+ };
+ gssapi-realm = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "GSSAPI (i.e. Kerberos) realm of this domain.";
+ default = toUpper domain;
+ };
+ kerberos-master = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Hostname of the Kerberos master server for the domain, if applicable.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ kerberos-slaves = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of hosts acting as Kerberos slaves for the domain.";
+ default = [];
+ };
+ primary-nameserver = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Hostname of the primary nameserver for this domain.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ primary-mailserver = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Hostname of the primary mail server for this domain.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+in {
+ options.fudo.domains = mkOption {
+ type = with types; attrsOf (submodule domainOpts);
+ description = "Domain configurations for all domains known to the system.";
+ default = { };
+ };
+ imports = [
+ ./domain/kerberos.nix
+ ./domain/dns.nix
+ ];
diff --git a/lib/fudo/garbage-collector.nix b/lib/fudo/garbage-collector.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfa2488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/garbage-collector.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+let cfg = config.fudo.garbage-collector;
+in {
+ options.fudo.garbage-collector = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Enable periodic NixOS garbage collection";
+ timing = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "weekly";
+ description =
+ "Period (systemd format) at which to run garbage collector.";
+ };
+ age = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "30d";
+ description = "Age of garbage to collect (eg. 30d).";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ fudo.system.services.fudo-garbage-collector = {
+ description = "Collect NixOS garbage older than ${cfg.age}.";
+ onCalendar = cfg.timing;
+ type = "oneshot";
+ script =
+ "${pkgs.nix}/bin/nix-collect-garbage --delete-older-than ${cfg.age}";
+ addressFamilies = [ ];
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/git.nix b/lib/fudo/git.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4988645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/git.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.git;
+ databaseOpts = { ... }: {
+ options = {
+ name = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Database name.";
+ };
+ hostname = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Hostname of the database server.";
+ };
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Database username.";
+ };
+ password-file = mkOption {
+ type = types.path;
+ description = "File containing the database user's password.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ sshOpts = { ... }:
+ with types; {
+ options = {
+ listen-ip = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "IP on which to listen for SSH connections.";
+ };
+ listen-port = mkOption {
+ type = port;
+ description =
+ "Port on which to listen for SSH connections, on .";
+ default = 22;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+in {
+ options.fudo.git = with types; {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Enable Fudo git web server.";
+ hostname = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Hostname at which this git server is accessible.";
+ example = "git.fudo.org";
+ };
+ site-name = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Name to use for the git server.";
+ default = "Fudo Git";
+ };
+ database = mkOption {
+ type = (submodule databaseOpts);
+ description = "Gitea database options.";
+ };
+ repository-dir = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path at which to store repositories.";
+ example = "/srv/git/repo";
+ };
+ state-dir = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path at which to store server state.";
+ example = "/srv/git/state";
+ };
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = with types; nullOr str;
+ description = "System user as which to run.";
+ default = "git";
+ };
+ local-port = mkOption {
+ type = port;
+ description =
+ "Local port to which the Gitea server will bind. Not globally accessible.";
+ default = 3543;
+ };
+ ssh = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr (submodule sshOpts);
+ description = "SSH listen configuration.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ security.acme.certs.${cfg.hostname}.email =
+ let domain-name = config.fudo.hosts.${config.instance.hostname}.domain;
+ in config.fudo.domains.${domain-name}.admin-email;
+ networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts =
+ mkIf (cfg.ssh != null) [ cfg.ssh.listen-port ];
+ environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; let
+ gitea-admin = writeShellScriptBin "gitea-admin" ''
+ TMP=$(mktemp -d /tmp/gitea-XXXXXXXX)
+ ${gitea}/bin/gitea --custom-path ${cfg.state-dir}/custom --config ${cfg.state-dir}/custom/conf/app.ini --work-path $TMP $@
+ '';
+ in [
+ gitea-admin
+ ];
+ services = {
+ gitea = {
+ enable = true;
+ appName = cfg.site-name;
+ database = {
+ createDatabase = false;
+ host = cfg.database.hostname;
+ name = cfg.database.name;
+ user = cfg.database.user;
+ passwordFile = cfg.database.password-file;
+ type = "postgres";
+ };
+ domain = cfg.hostname;
+ httpAddress = "";
+ httpPort = cfg.local-port;
+ repositoryRoot = cfg.repository-dir;
+ stateDir = cfg.state-dir;
+ rootUrl = "https://${cfg.hostname}/";
+ user = mkIf (cfg.user != null) cfg.user;
+ ssh = {
+ enable = true;
+ clonePort = cfg.ssh.listen-port;
+ };
+ settings = mkIf (cfg.ssh != null) {
+ server = {
+ SSH_DOMAIN = cfg.hostname;
+ SSH_LISTEN_PORT = cfg.ssh.listen-port;
+ SSH_LISTEN_HOST = cfg.ssh.listen-ip;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ nginx = {
+ enable = true;
+ virtualHosts = {
+ "${cfg.hostname}" = {
+ enableACME = true;
+ forceSSL = true;
+ locations."/" = {
+ proxyPass = "${toString cfg.local-port}";
+ extraConfig = ''
+ proxy_set_header Host $host;
+ proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-By $server_addr:$server_port;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/global.nix b/lib/fudo/global.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8e497b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/global.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib; {
+ config = { };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/grafana.nix b/lib/fudo/grafana.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bed0e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/grafana.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# NOTE: this assumes that postgres is running locally.
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.grafana;
+ fudo-cfg = config.fudo.common;
+ database-name = "grafana";
+ database-user = "grafana";
+ databaseOpts = { ... }: {
+ options = {
+ name = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Database name.";
+ };
+ hostname = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Hostname of the database server.";
+ };
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Database username.";
+ };
+ password-file = mkOption {
+ type = types.path;
+ description = "File containing the database user's password.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+in {
+ options.fudo.grafana = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Fudo Metrics Display Service";
+ hostname = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Grafana site hostname.";
+ example = "fancy-graphs.fudo.org";
+ };
+ smtp-username = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Username with which to send email.";
+ };
+ smtp-password-file = mkOption {
+ type = types.path;
+ description = "Path to a file containing the email user's password.";
+ };
+ database = mkOption {
+ type = (types.submodule databaseOpts);
+ description = "Grafana database configuration.";
+ };
+ admin-password-file = mkOption {
+ type = types.path;
+ description = "Path to a file containing the admin user's password.";
+ };
+ secret-key-file = mkOption {
+ type = types.path;
+ description = "Path to a file containing the server's secret key, used for signatures.";
+ };
+ prometheus-host = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "The URL of the prometheus data source.";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ security.acme.certs.${cfg.hostname}.email = fudo-cfg.admin-email;
+ services.nginx = {
+ enable = true;
+ virtualHosts = {
+ "${cfg.hostname}" = {
+ enableACME = true;
+ forceSSL = true;
+ locations."/" = {
+ proxyPass = "";
+ extraConfig = ''
+ proxy_set_header Host $host;
+ proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-By $server_addr:$server_port;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ services.grafana = {
+ enable = true;
+ addr = "";
+ protocol = "http";
+ port = 3000;
+ domain = "${cfg.hostname}";
+ rootUrl = "https://${cfg.hostname}/";
+ security = {
+ adminPasswordFile = cfg.admin-password-file;
+ secretKeyFile = cfg.secret-key-file;
+ };
+ smtp = {
+ enable = true;
+ fromAddress = "metrics@fudo.org";
+ host = "mail.fudo.org:25";
+ user = cfg.smtp-username;
+ passwordFile = cfg.smtp-password-file;
+ };
+ database = {
+ host = cfg.database.hostname;
+ name = cfg.database.name;
+ user = cfg.database.user;
+ passwordFile = cfg.database.password-file;
+ type = "postgres";
+ };
+ provision.datasources = [
+ {
+ editable = false;
+ isDefault = true;
+ name = cfg.prometheus-host;
+ type = "prometheus";
+ url = "https://${cfg.prometheus-host}/";
+ }
+ ];
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/host-filesystems.nix b/lib/fudo/host-filesystems.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3c3214
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/host-filesystems.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ host-filesystems = config.fudo.hosts.${hostname}.encrypted-filesystems;
+ optionalOrDefault = str: default: if (str != null) then str else default;
+ filesystemsToMountpointLists = mapAttrsToList
+ (fs: fsOpts: fsOpts.mountpoints);
+ concatMapAttrs = f: as: concatMap (i: i) (mapAttrsToList f as);
+ concatMapAttrsToList = f: attrs:
+ concatMap (i: i) (mapAttrsToList f attrs);
+in {
+ config = {
+ users.groups = let
+ site-name = config.instance.local-site;
+ site-hosts = filterAttrs
+ (hostname: hostOpts: hostOpts.site == site-name)
+ config.fudo.hosts;
+ site-mountpoints = concatMapAttrsToList
+ (host: hostOpts: concatMapAttrsToList
+ (fs: fsOpts: attrValues fsOpts.mountpoints)
+ hostOpts.encrypted-filesystems)
+ site-hosts;
+ in listToAttrs
+ (map (mp: nameValuePair mp.group { members = mp.users; })
+ site-mountpoints);
+ systemd = {
+ # Ensure the mountpoints exist
+ tmpfiles.rules = let
+ mpPerms = mpOpts: if mpOpts.world-readable then "755" else "750";
+ mountpointToPath = mp: mpOpts:
+ "d '${mp}' ${mpPerms mpOpts} root ${optionalOrDefault mpOpts.group "-"} - -";
+ filesystemsToMountpointLists = mapAttrsToList
+ (fs: fsOpts: fsOpts.mountpoints);
+ mountpointListsToPaths = concatMap
+ (mps: mapAttrsToList mountpointToPath mps);
+ in mountpointListsToPaths (filesystemsToMountpointLists host-filesystems);
+ # Actual mounts of decrypted filesystems
+ mounts = let
+ filesystems = mapAttrsToList
+ (fs: opts: { filesystem = fs; opts = opts; })
+ host-filesystems;
+ mounts = concatMap
+ (fs: mapAttrsToList
+ (mp: mp-opts:
+ {
+ what = "/dev/mapper/${fs.filesystem}";
+ type = fs.opts.filesystem-type;
+ where = mp;
+ options = concatStringsSep "," (fs.opts.options ++ mp-opts.options);
+ description = "${fs.opts.filesystem-type} filesystem on ${fs.filesystem} mounted to ${mp}";
+ requires = [ "${fs.filesystem}-decrypt.service" ];
+ partOf = [ "${fs.filesystem}.target" ];
+ wantedBy = [ "${fs.filesystem}.target" ];
+ })
+ fs.opts.mountpoints)
+ filesystems;
+ in mounts;
+ # Jobs to decrypt the encrypted devices
+ services = mapAttrs' (filesystem-name: opts:
+ nameValuePair "${filesystem-name}-decrypt"
+ {
+ description = "Decrypt the ${filesystem-name} filesystem when the key is available at ${opts.key-path}";
+ path = with pkgs; [ cryptsetup ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ Type = "oneshot";
+ RemainAfterExit = true;
+ ExecStart = pkgs.writeShellScript "decrypt-${filesystem-name}.sh" ''
+ [ -e /dev/mapper/${filesystem-name} ] || cryptsetup open --type luks --key-file ${opts.key-path} ${opts.encrypted-device} ${filesystem-name}
+ '';
+ ExecStartPost = pkgs.writeShellScript "remove-${filesystem-name}-key.sh" ''
+ rm ${opts.key-path}
+ '';
+ ExecStop = pkgs.writeShellScript "close-${filesystem-name}.sh" ''
+ cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/${filesystem-name}
+ '';
+ };
+ restartIfChanged = true;
+ })
+ host-filesystems;
+ # Watch the path of the key, trigger decrypt when it's available
+ paths = let
+ decryption-jobs = mapAttrs' (filesystem-name: opts:
+ nameValuePair "${filesystem-name}-decrypt"
+ {
+ wantedBy = [ "default.target" ];
+ description = "Watch for decryption key, then decrypt the target filesystem.";
+ pathConfig = {
+ PathExists = opts.key-path;
+ Unit = "${filesystem-name}-decrypt.service";
+ };
+ }) host-filesystems;
+ post-decryption-jobs = mapAttrs' (filesystem-name: opts:
+ nameValuePair "${filesystem-name}-mount"
+ {
+ wantedBy = [ "default.target" ];
+ description = "Mount ${filesystem-name} filesystems once the decrypted device is available.";
+ pathConfig = {
+ PathExists = "/dev/mapper/${filesystem-name}";
+ Unit = "${filesystem-name}.target";
+ };
+ }) host-filesystems;
+ in decryption-jobs // post-decryption-jobs;
+ targets = mapAttrs (filesystem-name: opts:
+ {
+ description = "${filesystem-name} enabled and available.";
+ }) host-filesystems;
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/hosts.nix b/lib/fudo/hosts.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c169f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/hosts.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ mapOptional = f: val: if (val != null) then (f val) else null;
+ host = import ../types/host.nix { inherit lib; };
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ generate-string-hash = name: str: let
+ string-hash-pkg = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
+ name = "${name}-string-hash";
+ phases = "installPhase";
+ buildInputs = [ pkgs.openssl ];
+ installPhase = "openssl passwd -6 ${str} > $out";
+ };
+ in string-hash-pkg;
+in {
+ options.fudo.hosts = with types;
+ mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule host.hostOpts);
+ description = "Host configurations for all hosts known to the system.";
+ default = { };
+ };
+ config = let
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ host-cfg = config.fudo.hosts.${hostname};
+ site-name = host-cfg.site;
+ site = config.fudo.sites.${site-name};
+ domain-name = host-cfg.domain;
+ domain = config.fudo.domains.${domain-name};
+ has-build-servers = (length (attrNames site.build-servers)) > 0;
+ has-build-keys = (length host-cfg.build-pubkeys) > 0;
+ in {
+ security.sudo.extraConfig = ''
+ # I get it, I get it
+ Defaults lecture = never
+ '';
+ networking = {
+ hostName = config.instance.hostname;
+ domain = domain-name;
+ nameservers = site.nameservers;
+ # This will cause a loop on the gateway itself
+ #defaultGateway = site.gateway-v4;
+ #defaultGateway6 = site.gateway-v6;
+ firewall = mkIf ((length host-cfg.external-interfaces) > 0) {
+ enable = true;
+ allowedTCPPorts = [ 22 2112 ]; # Make sure _at least_ SSH is allowed
+ trustedInterfaces = let
+ all-interfaces = attrNames config.networking.interfaces;
+ in subtractLists host-cfg.external-interfaces all-interfaces;
+ };
+ hostId = mkIf (host-cfg.machine-id != null)
+ (substring 0 8 host-cfg.machine-id);
+ };
+ environment = {
+ etc = {
+ # NixOS generates a stupid hosts file, just force it
+ hosts = let
+ host-entries = mapAttrsToList
+ (ip: hostnames: "${ip} ${concatStringsSep " " hostnames}")
+ config.fudo.system.hostfile-entries;
+ in mkForce {
+ text = ''
+ ${hostname}.${domain-name} ${hostname} localhost
+ ${hostname} localhost
+ ::1 ${hostname}.${domain-name} ${hostname} localhost
+ ${concatStringsSep "\n" host-entries}
+ '';
+ user = "root";
+ group = "root";
+ mode = "0444";
+ };
+ machine-id = mkIf (host-cfg.machine-id != null) {
+ text = host-cfg.machine-id;
+ user = "root";
+ group = "root";
+ mode = "0444";
+ };
+ current-system-packages.text = with builtins; let
+ packages = map (p: "${p.name}")
+ config.environment.systemPackages;
+ sorted-unique = sort lessThan (unique packages);
+ in concatStringsSep "\n" sorted-unique;
+ build-timestamp.text = toString config.instance.build-timestamp;
+ build-seed-hash.source =
+ generate-string-hash "build-seed" config.instance.build-seed;
+ };
+ systemPackages = with pkgs;
+ mkIf (host-cfg.docker-server) [ docker nix-prefetch-docker ];
+ };
+ time.timeZone = site.timezone;
+ krb5.libdefaults.default_realm = domain.gssapi-realm;
+ services = {
+ cron.mailto = domain.admin-email;
+ fail2ban.ignoreIP = config.instance.local-networks;
+ };
+ virtualisation.docker = mkIf (host-cfg.docker-server) {
+ enable = true;
+ enableOnBoot = true;
+ autoPrune.enable = true;
+ };
+ programs.adb.enable = host-cfg.android-dev;
+ users.groups.adbusers = mkIf host-cfg.android-dev {
+ members = config.instance.local-admins;
+ };
+ boot.tmpOnTmpfs = host-cfg.tmp-on-tmpfs;
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/hosts/local-network.nix b/lib/fudo/hosts/local-network.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2de116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/hosts/local-network.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.hosts.local-network;
+ # FIXME: this isn't used, is it?
+ gatewayServerOpts = { ... }: {
+ options = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Turn this host into a network gateway.";
+ internal-interfaces = mkOption {
+ type = with types; listOf str;
+ description =
+ "List of internal interfaces from which to forward traffic.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ external-interface = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description =
+ "Interface facing public internet, to which traffic is forwarded.";
+ };
+ external-tcp-ports = mkOption {
+ type = with types; listOf port;
+ description = "List of TCP ports to open to the outside world.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ external-udp-ports = mkOption {
+ type = with types; listOf port;
+ description = "List of UDP ports to open to the outside world.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ dnsOverHttpsProxy = {
+ options = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Enable a DNS-over-HTTPS proxy server.";
+ listen-port = mkOption {
+ type = types.port;
+ description = "Port on which to listen for DNS requests.";
+ default = 53;
+ };
+ upstream-dns = mkOption {
+ type = with types; listOf str;
+ description = "List of DoH DNS servers to use for recursion.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ bootstrap-dns = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "DNS server used to bootstrap the proxy server.";
+ default = "";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ networkDhcpServerOpts = mkOption {
+ options = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Enable local DHCP server.";
+ dns-servers = mkOption {
+ type = with types; listOf str;
+ description = "List of DNS servers for clients to use.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ listen-interfaces = mkOption {
+ type = with types; listOf str;
+ description = "List of interfaces on which to serve DHCP requests.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ server-ip = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "IP address of the server host.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ networkServerOpts = {
+ options = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Enable local networking server (DNS & DHCP).";
+ domain = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Local network domain which this host will serve.";
+ };
+ dns-listen-addrs = mkOption {
+ type = with types; listOf str;
+ description = "List of IP addresses on which to listen for requests.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ dhcp = mkOption {
+ type = types.submodule networkDhcpServerOpts;
+ description = "Local DHCP server options.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+in {
+ options.fudo.hosts.local-network = with types; {
+ recursive-resolvers = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "DNS server to use for recursive lookups.";
+ example = " port 53";
+ };
+ gateway-server = mkOption {
+ type = submodule gatewayServerOpts;
+ description = "Gateway server options.";
+ };
+ dns-over-https-proxy = mkOption {
+ type = submodule dnsOverHttpsProxy;
+ description = "DNS-over-HTTPS proxy server.";
+ };
+ networkServerOpts = mkOption {
+ type = submodule networkServerOpts;
+ description = "Networking (DNS & DHCP) server for a local network.";
+ };
+ };
+ config = {
+ fudo.secure-dns-proxy = mkIf cfg.dns-over-https-proxy.enable {
+ enable = true;
+ port = cfg.dns-over-https-proxy.listen-port;
+ upstream-dns = cfg.dns-over-https-proxy.upstream-dns;
+ bootstrap-dns = cfg.dns-over-https-proxy.bootstrap-dns;
+ listen-ips = cfg.dns-over-https-proxy.listen-ips;
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/include/rainloop.nix b/lib/fudo/include/rainloop.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3172e6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/include/rainloop.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+lib: site: config: version:
+with lib;
+ db-config = optionalString (config.database != null)
+ ''
+ type = "${config.database.type}"
+ pdo_dsn = "${config.database.type}:host=${config.database.hostname};port=${toString config.database.port};dbname=${config.database.name}"
+ pdo_user = "${config.database.user}"
+ pdo_password = "${fileContents config.database.password-file}"
+ '';
+in ''
+ [webmail]
+ title = "${config.title}"
+ loading_description = "${config.title}"
+ favicon_url = "https://${site}/favicon.ico"
+ theme = "${config.theme}"
+ allow_themes = On
+ allow_user_background = Off
+ language = "en"
+ language_admin = "en"
+ allow_languages_on_settings = On
+ allow_additional_accounts = On
+ allow_additional_identities = On
+ messages_per_page = ${toString config.messages-per-page}
+ attachment_size_limit = ${toString config.max-upload-size}
+ [interface]
+ show_attachment_thumbnail = On
+ new_move_to_folder_button = On
+ [branding]
+ [contacts]
+ enable = On
+ allow_sync = On
+ sync_interval = 20
+ suggestions_limit = 10
+ ${db-config}
+ [security]
+ csrf_protection = On
+ custom_server_signature = "RainLoop"
+ x_frame_options_header = ""
+ openpgp = On
+ admin_login = "admin"
+ admin_password = ""
+ allow_admin_panel = Off
+ allow_two_factor_auth = On
+ force_two_factor_auth = Off
+ hide_x_mailer_header = Off
+ admin_panel_host = ""
+ admin_panel_key = "admin"
+ content_security_policy = ""
+ core_install_access_domain = ""
+ [login]
+ default_domain = "${config.domain}"
+ allow_languages_on_login = On
+ determine_user_language = On
+ determine_user_domain = Off
+ welcome_page = Off
+ hide_submit_button = On
+ [plugins]
+ enable = Off
+ [defaults]
+ view_editor_type = "${config.edit-mode}"
+ view_layout = ${if (config.layout-mode == "bottom") then "2" else "1"}
+ contacts_autosave = On
+ mail_use_threads = ${if config.enable-threading then "On" else "Off"}
+ allow_draft_autosave = On
+ mail_reply_same_folder = Off
+ show_images = On
+ [logs]
+ enable = ${if config.debug then "On" else "Off"}
+ [debug]
+ enable = ${if config.debug then "On" else "Off"}
+ hide_passwords = On
+ filename = "log-{date:Y-m-d}.txt"
+ [social]
+ google_enable = Off
+ fb_enable = Off
+ twitter_enable = Off
+ dropbox_enable = Off
+ [cache]
+ enable = On
+ index = "v1"
+ fast_cache_driver = "files"
+ fast_cache_index = "v1"
+ http = On
+ http_expires = 3600
+ server_uids = On
+ [labs]
+ allow_mobile_version = ${if config.enable-mobile then "On" else "Off"}
+ check_new_password_strength = On
+ allow_gravatar = On
+ allow_prefetch = On
+ allow_smart_html_links = On
+ cache_system_data = On
+ date_from_headers = On
+ autocreate_system_folders = On
+ allow_ctrl_enter_on_compose = On
+ favicon_status = On
+ use_local_proxy_for_external_images = On
+ detect_image_exif_orientation = On
+ [version]
+ current = "${version}"
diff --git a/lib/fudo/initrd-network.nix b/lib/fudo/initrd-network.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3c8c35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/initrd-network.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ initrd-cfg = config.fudo.hosts.${hostname}.initrd-network;
+ read-lines = filename: splitString "\n" (fileContents filename);
+ concatLists = lsts: concatMap (i: i) lsts;
+ gen-sshfp-records-pkg = hostname: pubkey: let
+ pubkey-file = builtins.toFile "${hostname}-initrd-ssh-pubkey" pubkey;
+ in pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
+ name = "${hostname}-initrd-ssh-firngerprint";
+ phases = [ "installPhase" ];
+ buildInputs = with pkgs; [ openssh ];
+ installPhase = ''
+ mkdir $out
+ ssh-keygen -r REMOVEME -f "${pubkey-file}" | sed 's/^REMOVEME IN SSHFP //' >> $out/initrd-ssh-pubkey.sshfp
+ '';
+ };
+ gen-sshfp-records = hostname: pubkey: let
+ sshfp-record-pkg = gen-sshfp-records-pkg hostname pubkey;
+ in read-lines "${sshfp-record-pkg}/initrd-ssh-pubkey.sshfp";
+in {
+ config = {
+ boot = mkIf (initrd-cfg != null) {
+ kernelParams = let
+ site = config.fudo.sites.${config.instance.local-site};
+ site-gateway = site.gateway-v4;
+ netmask =
+ pkgs.lib.fudo.ip.maskFromV32Network site.network;
+ in [
+ "ip=${initrd-cfg.ip}:${site-gateway}:${netmask}:${hostname}:${initrd-cfg.interface}"
+ ];
+ initrd = {
+ network = {
+ enable = true;
+ ssh = let
+ admin-ssh-keys =
+ concatMap (admin: config.fudo.users.${admin}.ssh-authorized-keys)
+ config.instance.local-admins;
+ in {
+ enable = true;
+ port = 22;
+ authorizedKeys = admin-ssh-keys;
+ hostKeys = [
+ initrd-cfg.keypair.private-key-file
+ ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ fudo = {
+ local-network = let
+ initrd-network-hosts =
+ filterAttrs
+ (hostname: hostOpts: hostOpts.initrd-network != null)
+ config.instance.local-hosts;
+ in {
+ network-definition.hosts = mapAttrs'
+ (hostname: hostOpts: nameValuePair "${hostname}-recovery"
+ {
+ ipv4-address = hostOpts.initrd-network.ip;
+ description = "${hostname} initrd host";
+ })
+ initrd-network-hosts;
+ extra-records = let
+ recs = (mapAttrsToList
+ (hostname: hostOpts: map
+ (sshfp: "${hostname} IN SSHFP ${sshfp}")
+ (gen-sshfp-records hostname hostOpts.initrd-network.keypair.public-key))
+ initrd-network-hosts);
+ in concatLists recs;
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/ipfs.nix b/lib/fudo/ipfs.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b60ac0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/ipfs.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.ipfs;
+ user-group-entry = group: user:
+ nameValuePair user { extraGroups = [ group ]; };
+in {
+ options.fudo.ipfs = with types; {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Fudo IPFS";
+ users = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of users with IPFS access.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "User as which to run IPFS user.";
+ default = "ipfs";
+ };
+ group = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Group as which to run IPFS user.";
+ default = "ipfs";
+ };
+ api-address = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Address on which to listen for requests.";
+ default = "/ip4/";
+ };
+ automount = mkOption {
+ type = bool;
+ description = "Whether to automount /ipfs and /ipns on boot.";
+ default = true;
+ };
+ data-dir = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path to store data for IPFS.";
+ default = "/var/lib/ipfs";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ users.users =
+ mapAttrs user-group-entry config.instance.local-users;
+ services.ipfs = {
+ enable = true;
+ apiAddress = cfg.api-address;
+ autoMount = cfg.automount;
+ enableGC = true;
+ user = cfg.user;
+ group = cfg.group;
+ dataDir = cfg.data-dir;
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/jabber.nix b/lib/fudo/jabber.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a048063
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/jabber.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ siteOpts = { ... }: with types; {
+ options = {
+ enableACME = mkOption {
+ type = bool;
+ description = "Use ACME to get SSL certificates for this site.";
+ default = true;
+ };
+ site-config = mkOption {
+ type = attrs;
+ description = "Site-specific configuration.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ concatMapAttrs = f: attrs:
+ foldr (a: b: a // b) {} (mapAttrs f attrs);
+ concatMapAttrsToList = f: attr:
+ concatMap (i: i) (attrValues (mapAttrs f attr));
+ host-domains = config.fudo.acme.host-domains.${hostname};
+ siteCerts = site: let
+ cert-copy = host-domains.${site}.local-copies.ejabberd;
+ in [
+ cert-copy.certificate
+ cert-copy.private-key
+ cert-copy.chain
+ ];
+ siteCertService = site:
+ host-domains.${site}.local-copies.ejabberd.service;
+ config-file-template = let
+ jabber-config = {
+ loglevel = cfg.log-level;
+ access_rules = {
+ c2s = { allow = "all"; };
+ announce = { allow = "admin"; };
+ configure = { allow = "admin"; };
+ pubsub_createnode = { allow = "local"; };
+ };
+ acl = {
+ admin = {
+ user = concatMap
+ (admin: map (site: "${admin}@${site}")
+ (attrNames cfg.sites))
+ cfg.admins;
+ };
+ };
+ hosts = attrNames cfg.sites;
+ listen = map (ip: {
+ port = cfg.port;
+ module = "ejabberd_c2s";
+ ip = ip;
+ starttls = true;
+ starttls_required = true;
+ }) cfg.listen-ips;
+ certfiles = concatMapAttrsToList
+ (site: siteOpts:
+ if (siteOpts.enableACME) then
+ (siteCerts site)
+ else [])
+ cfg.sites;
+ host_config =
+ mapAttrs (site: siteOpts: siteOpts.site-config)
+ cfg.sites;
+ };
+ config-file = builtins.toJSON jabber-config;
+ in pkgs.writeText "ejabberd.config.yml.template" config-file;
+ enter-secrets = template: secrets: target: let
+ secret-readers = concatStringsSep "\n"
+ (mapAttrsToList
+ (secret: file: "${secret}=$(cat ${file})")
+ secrets);
+ secret-swappers = map
+ (secret: "sed s/${secret}/\$${secret}/g")
+ (attrNames secrets);
+ swapper = concatStringsSep " | " secret-swappers;
+ in pkgs.writeShellScript "ejabberd-generate-config.sh" ''
+ cat ${template} | ${swapper} > ${target}
+ '';
+ cfg = config.fudo.jabber;
+in {
+ options.fudo.jabber = with types; {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Enable ejabberd server.";
+ listen-ips = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "IPs on which to listen for Jabber connections.";
+ };
+ port = mkOption {
+ type = port;
+ description = "Port on which to listen for Jabber connections.";
+ default = 5222;
+ };
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "User as which to run the ejabberd server.";
+ default = "ejabberd";
+ };
+ group = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Group as which to run the ejabberd server.";
+ default = "ejabberd";
+ };
+ admins = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of admin users for the server.";
+ default = [];
+ };
+ sites = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule siteOpts);
+ description = "List of sites on which to listen for Jabber connections.";
+ };
+ secret-files = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf str;
+ description = "Map of secret-name to file. File contents will be subbed for the name in the config.";
+ default = {};
+ };
+ config-file = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Location at which to generate the configuration file.";
+ default = "/run/ejabberd/ejabberd.yaml";
+ };
+ log-level = mkOption {
+ type = int;
+ description = ''
+ Log level at which to run the server.
+ See: https://docs.ejabberd.im/admin/guide/troubleshooting/
+ '';
+ default = 3;
+ };
+ environment = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf str;
+ description = "Environment variables to set for the ejabberd daemon.";
+ default = {};
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ users = {
+ users.${cfg.user} = {
+ isSystemUser = true;
+ };
+ groups.${cfg.group} = {
+ members = [ cfg.user ];
+ };
+ };
+ fudo = {
+ acme.host-domains.${hostname} = mapAttrs (site: siteCfg:
+ mkIf siteCfg.enableACME {
+ local-copies.ejabberd = {
+ user = cfg.user;
+ group = cfg.group;
+ };
+ }) cfg.sites;
+ system = let
+ config-dir = dirOf cfg.config-file;
+ in {
+ ensure-directories.${config-dir} = {
+ user = cfg.user;
+ perms = "0700";
+ };
+ services.ejabberd-config-generator = let
+ config-generator =
+ enter-secrets config-file-template cfg.secret-files cfg.config-file;
+ in {
+ script = "${config-generator}";
+ readWritePaths = [ config-dir ];
+ workingDirectory = config-dir;
+ user = cfg.user;
+ description = "Generate ejabberd config file with necessary passwords.";
+ postStart = ''
+ chown ${cfg.user} ${cfg.config-file}
+ chmod 0400 ${cfg.config-file}
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ systemd = {
+ tmpfiles.rules = [
+ "D '${dirOf cfg.config-file}' 0550 ${cfg.user} ${cfg.group} - -"
+ ];
+ services = {
+ ejabberd = {
+ wants = map (site: siteCertService site) (attrNames cfg.sites);
+ requires = [ "ejabberd-config-generator.service" ];
+ environment = cfg.environment;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ services.ejabberd = {
+ enable = true;
+ user = cfg.user;
+ group = cfg.group;
+ configFile = cfg.config-file;
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/kdc.nix b/lib/fudo/kdc.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c093080
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/kdc.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... } @ toplevel:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.auth.kdc;
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ localhost-ips = let
+ addr-only = addrinfo: addrinfo.address;
+ interface = config.networking.interfaces.lo;
+ in
+ (map addr-only interface.ipv4.addresses) ++
+ (map addr-only interface.ipv6.addresses);
+ host-ips =
+ (pkgs.lib.fudo.network.host-ips hostname) ++ localhost-ips;
+ state-directory = toplevel.config.fudo.auth.kdc.state-directory;
+ database-file = "${state-directory}/principals.db";
+ iprop-log = "${state-directory}/iprop.log";
+ master-server = cfg.master-config != null;
+ slave-server = cfg.slave-config != null;
+ get-fqdn = hostname:
+ "${hostname}.${config.fudo.hosts.${hostname}.domain}";
+ kdc-conf = generate-kdc-conf {
+ realm = cfg.realm;
+ db-file = database-file;
+ key-file = cfg.master-key-file;
+ acl-data = if master-server then cfg.master-config.acl else null;
+ };
+ initialize-db =
+ { realm, user, group, kdc-conf, key-file, db-name, max-lifetime, max-renewal,
+ primary-keytab, kadmin-keytab, kpasswd-keytab, ipropd-keytab, local-hostname }: let
+ kadmin-cmd = "kadmin -l -c ${kdc-conf} --";
+ get-domain-hosts = domain: let
+ host-in-subdomain = host: hostOpts:
+ (builtins.match "(.+[.])?${domain}$" hostOpts.domain) != null;
+ in attrNames (filterAttrs host-in-subdomain config.fudo.hosts);
+ get-host-principals = realm: hostname: let
+ host = config.fudo.hosts.${hostname};
+ in map (service: "${service}/${hostname}.${host.domain}@${realm}")
+ host.kerberos-services;
+ add-principal-str = principal:
+ "${kadmin-cmd} add --random-key --use-defaults ${principal}";
+ test-existence = principal:
+ "[[ $( ${kadmin-cmd} get ${principal} ) ]]";
+ exists-or-add = principal: ''
+ if ${test-existence principal}; then
+ echo "skipping ${principal}, already exists"
+ else
+ ${add-principal-str principal}
+ fi
+ '';
+ ensure-host-principals = realm:
+ concatStringsSep "\n"
+ (map exists-or-add
+ (concatMap (get-host-principals realm)
+ (get-domain-hosts (toLower realm))));
+ slave-hostnames = map get-fqdn cfg.master-config.slave-hosts;
+ ensure-iprop-principals = concatStringsSep "\n"
+ (map (host: exists-or-add "iprop/${host}@${realm}")
+ [ local-hostname ] ++ slave-hostnames);
+ copy-slave-principals-file = let
+ slave-principals = map
+ (host: "iprop/${hostname}@${cfg.realm}")
+ slave-hostnames;
+ slave-principals-file = pkgs.writeText "heimdal-slave-principals"
+ (concatStringsSep "\n" slave-principals);
+ in optionalString (slave-principals-file != null) ''
+ cp ${slave-principals-file} ${state-directory}/slaves
+ # Since it's copied from /nix/store, this is by default read-only,
+ # which causes updates to fail.
+ chmod u+w ${state-directory}/slaves
+ '';
+ in pkgs.writeShellScript "initialize-kdc-db.sh" ''
+ TMP=$(mktemp -d -t kdc-XXXXXXXX)
+ if [ ! -e ${database-file} ]; then
+ ## Now we expect the key to be provided
+ # kstash --key-file=${key-file} --random-key
+ ${kadmin-cmd} init --realm-max-ticket-life="${max-lifetime}" --realm-max-renewable-life="${max-renewal}" ${realm}
+ fi
+ ${ensure-host-principals realm}
+ ${ensure-iprop-principals}
+ echo "*** You can probably ignore the 'principal does not exist' errors that follow,"
+ echo "*** they're just testing for principal existence before creating those that"
+ echo "*** don't already exist"
+ ${kadmin-cmd} ext_keytab --keytab=$TMP/primary.keytab */${local-hostname}@${realm}
+ mv $TMP/primary.keytab ${primary-keytab}
+ ${kadmin-cmd} ext_keytab --keytab=$TMP/kadmin.keytab kadmin/admin@${realm}
+ mv $TMP/kadmin.keytab ${kadmin-keytab}
+ ${kadmin-cmd} ext_keytab --keytab=$TMP/kpasswd.keytab kadmin/changepw@${realm}
+ mv $TMP/kpasswd.keytab ${kpasswd-keytab}
+ ${kadmin-cmd} ext_keytab --keytab=$TMP/ipropd.keytab iprop/${local-hostname}@${realm}
+ mv $TMP/ipropd.keytab ${ipropd-keytab}
+ ${copy-slave-principals-file}
+ '';
+ generate-kdc-conf = { realm, db-file, key-file, acl-data }:
+ pkgs.writeText "kdc.conf" ''
+ [kdc]
+ database = {
+ dbname = sqlite:${db-file}
+ realm = ${realm}
+ mkey_file = ${key-file}
+ ${optionalString (acl-data != null)
+ "acl_file = ${generate-acl-file acl-data}"}
+ log_file = ${iprop-log}
+ }
+ [realms]
+ ${realm} = {
+ enable-http = false
+ }
+ [logging]
+ kdc = FILE:${state-directory}/kerberos.log
+ default = FILE:${state-directory}/kerberos.log
+ '';
+ aclEntry = { principal, ... }: {
+ options = with types; {
+ perms = let
+ perms = [
+ "change-password"
+ "add"
+ "list"
+ "delete"
+ "modify"
+ "get"
+ "get-keys"
+ "all"
+ ];
+ in mkOption {
+ type = listOf (enum perms);
+ description = "List of permissions.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ target = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Target principals.";
+ default = null;
+ example = "hosts/*@REALM.COM";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ generate-acl-file = acl-entries: let
+ perms-to-permstring = perms: concatStringsSep "," perms;
+ in
+ pkgs.writeText "kdc.acl" (concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList
+ (principal: opts:
+ "${principal} ${perms-to-permstring opts.perms}${
+ optionalString (opts.target != null) " ${opts.target}" }")
+ acl-entries));
+ kadmin-local = kdc-conf:
+ pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "kadmin.local" ''
+ ${pkgs.heimdalFull}/bin/kadmin -l -c ${kdc-conf} $@
+ '';
+ masterOpts = { ... }: {
+ options = with types; {
+ acl = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule aclEntry);
+ description = "Mapping of pricipals to a list of permissions.";
+ default = { "*/admin" = [ "all" ]; };
+ example = {
+ "*/root" = [ "all" ];
+ "admin-user" = [ "add" "list" "modify" ];
+ };
+ };
+ kadmin-keytab = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Location at which to store keytab for kadmind.";
+ default = "${state-directory}/kadmind.keytab";
+ };
+ kpasswdd-keytab = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Location at which to store keytab for kpasswdd.";
+ default = "${state-directory}/kpasswdd.keytab";
+ };
+ ipropd-keytab = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Location at which to store keytab for ipropd master.";
+ default = "${state-directory}/ipropd.keytab";
+ };
+ slave-hosts = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = ''
+ A list of host to which the database should be propagated.
+ Must exist in the Fudo Host database.
+ '';
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ slaveOpts = { ... }: {
+ options = with types; {
+ master-host = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = ''
+ Host from which to recieve database updates.
+ Must exist in the Fudo Host database.
+ '';
+ };
+ ipropd-keytab = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Location at which to find keytab for ipropd slave.";
+ default = "${state-directory}/ipropd.keytab";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+in {
+ options.fudo.auth.kdc = with types; {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Fudo KDC";
+ realm = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "The realm for which we are the acting KDC.";
+ };
+ bind-addresses = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "A list of IP addresses on which to bind.";
+ default = host-ips;
+ };
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "User as which to run Heimdal servers.";
+ default = "kerberos";
+ };
+ group = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Group as which to run Heimdal servers.";
+ default = "kerberos";
+ };
+ state-directory = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path at which to store kerberos database.";
+ default = "/var/lib/kerberos";
+ };
+ master-key-file = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = ''
+ File containing the master key for the realm.
+ Must be provided!
+ '';
+ };
+ primary-keytab = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Location of host master keytab.";
+ default = "${state-directory}/host.keytab";
+ };
+ master-config = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr (submodule masterOpts);
+ description = "Configuration for the master KDC server.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ slave-config = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr (submodule slaveOpts);
+ description = "Configuration for slave KDC servers.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ max-ticket-lifetime = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Maximum lifetime of a single ticket in this realm.";
+ default = "1d";
+ };
+ max-ticket-renewal = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Maximum time a ticket may be renewed in this realm.";
+ default = "7d";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ assertions = [
+ {
+ assertion = master-server || slave-server;
+ message =
+ "For the KDC to be enabled, a master OR slave config must be provided.";
+ }
+ {
+ assertion = !(master-server && slave-server);
+ message =
+ "Only one of master-config and slave-config may be provided.";
+ }
+ ];
+ users = {
+ users.${cfg.user} = {
+ isSystemUser = true;
+ home = state-directory;
+ group = cfg.group;
+ };
+ groups.${cfg.group} = { members = [ cfg.user ]; };
+ };
+ krb5 = {
+ libdefaults = {
+ # Stick to ~/.k5login
+ # k5login_directory = cfg.k5login-directory;
+ ticket_lifetime = cfg.max-ticket-lifetime;
+ renew_lifetime = cfg.max-ticket-renewal;
+ };
+ # Sorry, port 80 isn't available!
+ realms.${cfg.realm}.enable-http = false;
+ extraConfig = ''
+ default = FILE:${state-directory}/kerberos.log
+ '';
+ };
+ environment = {
+ systemPackages = [ pkgs.heimdalFull (kadmin-local kdc-conf) ];
+ ## This shouldn't be necessary...every host gets a krb5.keytab
+ # etc = {
+ # "krb5.keytab" = {
+ # user = "root";
+ # group = "root";
+ # mode = "0400";
+ # source = cfg.primary-keytab;
+ # };
+ # };
+ };
+ fudo.system = {
+ ensure-directories = {
+ "${state-directory}" = {
+ user = cfg.user;
+ group = cfg.group;
+ perms = "0740";
+ };
+ };
+ services = if master-server then {
+ heimdal-kdc = let
+ listen-addrs = concatStringsSep " "
+ (map (addr: "--addresses=${addr}") cfg.bind-addresses);
+ in {
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ after = [ "network.target" ];
+ description =
+ "Heimdal Kerberos Key Distribution Center (ticket server).";
+ execStart = "${pkgs.heimdalFull}/libexec/heimdal/kdc -c ${kdc-conf} --ports=88 ${listen-addrs}";
+ user = cfg.user;
+ group = cfg.group;
+ workingDirectory = state-directory;
+ privateNetwork = false;
+ addressFamilies = [ "AF_INET" "AF_INET6" ];
+ requiredCapabilities = [ "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE" ];
+ environment = { KRB5_CONFIG = "/etc/krb5.conf"; };
+ };
+ heimdal-kdc-init = let
+ init-cmd = initialize-db {
+ realm = cfg.realm;
+ user = cfg.user;
+ group = cfg.group;
+ kdc-conf = kdc-conf;
+ key-file = cfg.master-key-file;
+ db-name = database-file;
+ max-lifetime = cfg.max-ticket-lifetime;
+ max-renewal = cfg.max-ticket-renewal;
+ primary-keytab = cfg.primary-keytab;
+ kadmin-keytab = cfg.master-config.kadmin-keytab;
+ kpasswd-keytab = cfg.master-config.kpasswdd-keytab;
+ ipropd-keytab = cfg.master-config.ipropd-keytab;
+ local-hostname =
+ "${config.instance.hostname}.${config.instance.local-domain}";
+ };
+ in {
+ requires = [ "heimdal-kdc.service" ];
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ description = "Initialization script for Heimdal KDC.";
+ type = "oneshot";
+ execStart = "${init-cmd}";
+ user = cfg.user;
+ group = cfg.group;
+ path = with pkgs; [ heimdalFull ];
+ protectSystem = "full";
+ addressFamilies = [ "AF_INET" "AF_INET6" ];
+ workingDirectory = state-directory;
+ environment = { KRB5_CONFIG = "/etc/krb5.conf"; };
+ };
+ heimdal-ipropd-master = mkIf (length cfg.master-config.slave-hosts > 0) {
+ requires = [ "heimdal-kdc.service" ];
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ description = "Propagate changes to the master KDC DB to all slaves.";
+ path = with pkgs; [ heimdalFull ];
+ execStart = "${pkgs.heimdalFull}/libexec/heimdal/ipropd-master -c ${kdc-conf} -k ${cfg.master.ipropd-keytab}";
+ user = cfg.user;
+ group = cfg.group;
+ workingDirectory = state-directory;
+ privateNetwork = false;
+ addressFamilies = [ "AF_INET" "AF_INET6" ];
+ environment = { KRB5_CONFIG = "/etc/krb5.conf"; };
+ };
+ } else {
+ heimdal-kdc-slave = let
+ listen-addrs = concatStringsSep " "
+ (map (addr: "--addresses=${addr}") cfg.bind-addresses);
+ command =
+ "${pkgs.heimdalFull}/libexec/heimdal/kdc -c ${kdc-conf} --ports=88 ${listen-addrs}";
+ in {
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ after = [ "network.target" ];
+ description =
+ "Heimdal Slave Kerberos Key Distribution Center (ticket server).";
+ execStart = command;
+ user = cfg.user;
+ group = cfg.group;
+ workingDirectory = state-directory;
+ privateNetwork = false;
+ addressFamilies = [ "AF_INET" "AF_INET6" ];
+ requiredCapabilities = [ "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE" ];
+ environment = { KRB5_CONFIG = "/etc/krb5.conf"; };
+ };
+ heimdal-ipropd-slave = {
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ description = "Receive changes propagated from the KDC master server.";
+ path = with pkgs; [ heimdalFull ];
+ execStart = concatStringsSep " " [
+ "${pkgs.heimdalFull}/libexec/heimdal/ipropd-slave"
+ "--config-file=${kdc-conf}"
+ "--keytab=${cfg.slave-config.ipropd-keytab}"
+ "--realm=${cfg.realm}"
+ "--hostname=${get-fqdn hostname}"
+ "--port=2121"
+ "--verbose"
+ (get-fqdn cfg.slave-config.master-host)
+ ];
+ user = cfg.user;
+ group = cfg.group;
+ workingDirectory = state-directory;
+ privateNetwork = false;
+ addressFamilies = [ "AF_INET" "AF_INET6" ];
+ requiredCapabilities = [ "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE" ];
+ environment = { KRB5_CONFIG = "/etc/krb5.conf"; };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ services.xinetd = mkIf master-server {
+ enable = true;
+ services = [
+ {
+ name = "kerberos-adm";
+ user = cfg.user;
+ server = "${pkgs.heimdalFull}/libexec/heimdal/kadmind";
+ protocol = "tcp";
+ serverArgs =
+ "--config-file=${kdc-conf} --keytab=${cfg.master-config.kadmin-keytab}";
+ }
+ {
+ name = "kpasswd";
+ user = cfg.user;
+ server = "${pkgs.heimdalFull}/libexec/heimdal/kpasswdd";
+ protocol = "udp";
+ serverArgs =
+ "--config-file=${kdc-conf} --keytab=${cfg.master-config.kpasswdd-keytab}";
+ }
+ ];
+ };
+ networking = {
+ firewall = {
+ allowedTCPPorts = [ 88 ] ++
+ (optionals master-server [ 749 ]) ++
+ (optionals slave-server [ 2121 ]);
+ allowedUDPPorts = [ 88 ] ++
+ (optionals master-server [ 464 ]) ++
+ (optionals slave-server [ 2121 ]);
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/ldap.nix b/lib/fudo/ldap.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebb4bab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/ldap.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.auth.ldap-server;
+ user-type = import ../types/user.nix { inherit lib; };
+ stringJoin = concatStringsSep;
+ getUserGidNumber = user: group-map: group-map.${user.primary-group}.gid;
+ attrOr = attrs: attr: value: if attrs ? ${attr} then attrs.${attr} else value;
+ ca-path = "${cfg.state-directory}/ca.pem";
+ build-ca-script = target: ca-cert: site-chain: let
+ user = config.services.openldap.user;
+ group = config.services.openldap.group;
+ in pkgs.writeShellScript "build-openldap-ca-script.sh" ''
+ cat ${site-chain} ${ca-cert} > ${target}
+ chmod 440 ${target}
+ chown ${user}:${group} ${target}
+ '';
+ mkHomeDir = username: user-opts:
+ if (user-opts.primary-group == "admin") then
+ "/home/${username}"
+ else
+ "/home/${user-opts.primary-group}/${username}";
+ userLdif = base: name: group-map: opts: ''
+ dn: uid=${name},ou=members,${base}
+ uid: ${name}
+ objectClass: account
+ objectClass: shadowAccount
+ objectClass: posixAccount
+ cn: ${opts.common-name}
+ uidNumber: ${toString (opts.uid)}
+ gidNumber: ${toString (getUserGidNumber opts group-map)}
+ homeDirectory: ${mkHomeDir name opts}
+ description: ${opts.description}
+ shadowLastChange: 12230
+ shadowMax: 99999
+ shadowWarning: 7
+ userPassword: ${opts.ldap-hashed-passwd}
+ '';
+ systemUserLdif = base: name: opts: ''
+ dn: cn=${name},${base}
+ objectClass: organizationalRole
+ objectClass: simpleSecurityObject
+ cn: ${name}
+ description: ${opts.description}
+ userPassword: ${opts.ldap-hashed-password}
+ '';
+ toMemberList = userList:
+ stringJoin "\n" (map (username: "memberUid: ${username}") userList);
+ groupLdif = base: name: opts: ''
+ dn: cn=${name},ou=groups,${base}
+ objectClass: posixGroup
+ cn: ${name}
+ gidNumber: ${toString (opts.gid)}
+ description: ${opts.description}
+ ${toMemberList opts.members}
+ '';
+ systemUsersLdif = base: user-map:
+ stringJoin "\n"
+ (mapAttrsToList (name: opts: systemUserLdif base name opts) user-map);
+ groupsLdif = base: group-map:
+ stringJoin "\n"
+ (mapAttrsToList (name: opts: groupLdif base name opts) group-map);
+ usersLdif = base: group-map: user-map:
+ stringJoin "\n"
+ (mapAttrsToList (name: opts: userLdif base name group-map opts) user-map);
+in {
+ options = with types; {
+ fudo = {
+ auth = {
+ ldap-server = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Fudo Authentication";
+ kerberos-host = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = ''
+ The name of the host to use for Kerberos authentication.
+ '';
+ };
+ kerberos-keytab = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = ''
+ The path to a keytab for the LDAP server, containing a principal for ldap/.
+ '';
+ };
+ ssl-certificate = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = ''
+ The path to the SSL certificate to use for the server.
+ '';
+ };
+ ssl-chain = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = ''
+ The path to the SSL chain to to the certificate for the server.
+ '';
+ };
+ ssl-private-key = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = ''
+ The path to the SSL key to use for the server.
+ '';
+ };
+ ssl-ca-certificate = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = ''
+ The path to the SSL CA cert used to sign the certificate.
+ '';
+ default = null;
+ };
+ organization = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = ''
+ The name to use for the organization.
+ '';
+ };
+ base = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "The base dn of the LDAP server.";
+ example = "dc=fudo,dc=org";
+ };
+ rootpw-file = mkOption {
+ default = "";
+ type = str;
+ description = ''
+ The path to a file containing the root password for this database.
+ '';
+ };
+ listen-uris = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = ''
+ A list of URIs on which the ldap server should listen.
+ '';
+ example = [ "ldap://auth.fudo.org" "ldaps://auth.fudo.org" ];
+ };
+ users = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule user-type.userOpts);
+ example = {
+ tester = {
+ uid = 10099;
+ common-name = "Joe Blow";
+ hashed-password = "";
+ };
+ };
+ description = ''
+ Users to be added to the Fudo LDAP database.
+ '';
+ default = { };
+ };
+ groups = mkOption {
+ default = { };
+ type = attrsOf (submodule user-type.groupOpts);
+ example = {
+ admin = {
+ gid = 1099;
+ members = [ "tester" ];
+ };
+ };
+ description = ''
+ Groups to be added to the Fudo LDAP database.
+ '';
+ };
+ system-users = mkOption {
+ default = { };
+ type = attrsOf (submodule user-type.systemUserOpts);
+ example = {
+ replicator = {
+ description = "System user for database sync";
+ ldap-hashed-password = "";
+ };
+ };
+ description = "System users to be added to the Fudo LDAP database.";
+ };
+ state-directory = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path at which to store openldap database & state.";
+ };
+ systemd-target = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Systemd target for running ldap server.";
+ default = "fudo-ldap-server.target";
+ };
+ required-services = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "Systemd services on which the server depends.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ environment = {
+ etc = {
+ "openldap/sasl2/slapd.conf" = {
+ mode = "0400";
+ user = config.services.openldap.user;
+ group = config.services.openldap.group;
+ text = ''
+ mech_list: gssapi external
+ keytab: ${cfg.kerberos-keytab}
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ networking.firewall = {
+ allowedTCPPorts = [ 389 636 ];
+ allowedUDPPorts = [ 389 ];
+ };
+ systemd = {
+ tmpfiles.rules = let
+ ca-dir = dirOf ca-path;
+ user = config.services.openldap.user;
+ group = config.services.openldap.group;
+ in [
+ "d ${ca-dir} 0700 ${user} ${group} - -"
+ ];
+ services.openldap = {
+ partOf = [ cfg.systemd-target ];
+ requires = cfg.required-services;
+ environment.KRB5_KTNAME = cfg.kerberos-keytab;
+ preStart = mkBefore
+ "${build-ca-script ca-path
+ cfg.ssl-chain
+ cfg.ssl-ca-certificate}";
+ serviceConfig = {
+ PrivateDevices = true;
+ PrivateTmp = true;
+ PrivateMounts = true;
+ ProtectControlGroups = true;
+ ProtectKernelTunables = true;
+ ProtectKernelModules = true;
+ ProtectSystem = true;
+ ProtectHostname = true;
+ ProtectHome = true;
+ ProtectClock = true;
+ ProtectKernelLogs = true;
+ KeyringMode = "private";
+ # RestrictAddressFamilies = [ "AF_INET" "AF_INET6" ];
+ AmbientCapabilities = [ "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE" ];
+ Restart = "on-failure";
+ LockPersonality = true;
+ RestrictRealtime = true;
+ MemoryDenyWriteExecute = true;
+ SystemCallFilter = concatStringsSep " " [
+ "~@clock"
+ "@debug"
+ "@module"
+ "@mount"
+ "@raw-io"
+ "@reboot"
+ "@swap"
+ # "@privileged"
+ "@resources"
+ "@cpu-emulation"
+ "@obsolete"
+ ];
+ UMask = "7007";
+ InaccessiblePaths = [ "/home" "/root" ];
+ LimitNOFILE = 49152;
+ PermissionsStartOnly = true;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ services.openldap = {
+ enable = true;
+ urlList = cfg.listen-uris;
+ settings = let
+ makePermEntry = dn: perm: "by ${dn} ${perm}";
+ makeAccessLine = target: perm-map: let
+ perm-entries = mapAttrsToList makePermEntry perm-map;
+ in "to ${target} ${concatStringsSep " " perm-entries}";
+ makeAccess = access-map: let
+ access-lines = mapAttrsToList makeAccessLine;
+ numbered-access-lines = imap0 (i: line: "{${toString i}}${line}");
+ in numbered-access-lines (access-lines access-map);
+ in {
+ attrs = {
+ cn = "config";
+ objectClass = "olcGlobal";
+ olcPidFile = "/run/slapd/slapd.pid";
+ olcTLSCertificateFile = cfg.ssl-certificate;
+ olcTLSCertificateKeyFile = cfg.ssl-private-key;
+ olcTLSCACertificateFile = ca-path;
+ olcSaslSecProps = "noplain,noanonymous";
+ olcAuthzRegexp = let
+ authz-regex-entry = i: { regex, target }:
+ "{${toString i}}\"${regex}\" \"${target}\"";
+ in imap0 authz-regex-entry [
+ {
+ regex = "^uid=auth/([^.]+).fudo.org,cn=fudo.org,cn=gssapi,cn=auth$";
+ target = "cn=$1,ou=hosts,dc=fudo,dc=org";
+ }
+ {
+ regex = "^uid=[^,/]+/root,cn=fudo.org,cn=gssapi,cn=auth$";
+ target = "cn=admin,dc=fudo,dc=org";
+ }
+ {
+ regex = "^uid=([^,/]+),cn=fudo.org,cn=gssapi,cn=auth$";
+ target = "uid=$1,ou=members,dc=fudo,dc=org";
+ }
+ {
+ regex = "^uid=host/([^,/]+),cn=fudo.org,cn=gssapi,cn=auth$";
+ target = "cn=$1,ou=hosts,dc=fudo,dc=org";
+ }
+ {
+ regex = "^gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth$";
+ target = "cn=admin,dc=fudo,dc=org";
+ }
+ ];
+ };
+ children = {
+ "cn=schema" = {
+ includes = [
+ "${pkgs.openldap}/etc/schema/core.ldif"
+ "${pkgs.openldap}/etc/schema/cosine.ldif"
+ "${pkgs.openldap}/etc/schema/inetorgperson.ldif"
+ "${pkgs.openldap}/etc/schema/nis.ldif"
+ ];
+ };
+ "olcDatabase={-1}frontend" = {
+ attrs = {
+ objectClass = [ "olcDatabaseConfig" "olcFrontendConfig" ];
+ olcDatabase = "{-1}frontend";
+ olcAccess = makeAccess {
+ "*" = {
+ "dn.exact=gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" = "manage";
+ "*" = "none";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ "olcDatabase={0}config" = {
+ attrs = {
+ objectClass = [ "olcDatabaseConfig" ];
+ olcDatabase = "{0}config";
+ olcAccess = makeAccess {
+ "*" = {
+ "dn.exact=gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" = "manage";
+ "*" = "none";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ "olcDatabase={1}mdb" = {
+ attrs = {
+ objectClass = [ "olcDatabaseConfig" "olcMdbConfig" ];
+ olcDatabase = "{1}mdb";
+ olcSuffix = cfg.base;
+ # olcRootDN = "cn=admin,${cfg.base}";
+ # olcRootPW = FIXME; # NOTE: this should be hashed...
+ olcDbDirectory = "${cfg.state-directory}/database";
+ olcDbIndex = [ "objectClass eq" "uid eq" ];
+ olcAccess = makeAccess {
+ "attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange" = {
+ "dn.exact=gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" = "manage";
+ "dn.exact=cn=auth_reader,${cfg.base}" = "read";
+ "dn.exact=cn=replicator,${cfg.base}" = "read";
+ "self" = "write";
+ "*" = "auth";
+ };
+ "dn=cn=admin,ou=groups,${cfg.base}" = {
+ "dn.exact=gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" = "manage";
+ "users" = "read";
+ "*" = "none";
+ };
+ "dn.subtree=ou=groups,${cfg.base} attrs=memberUid" = {
+ "dn.exact=gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" = "manage";
+ "dn.regex=cn=[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+,ou=hosts,${cfg.base}" = "write";
+ "users" = "read";
+ "*" = "none";
+ };
+ "dn.subtree=ou=members,${cfg.base} attrs=cn,sn,homeDirectory,loginShell,gecos,description,homeDirectory,uidNumber,gidNumber" = {
+ "dn.exact=gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" = "manage";
+ "dn.exact=cn=user_db_reader,${cfg.base}" = "read";
+ "users" = "read";
+ "*" = "none";
+ };
+ "*" = {
+ "dn.exact=gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth" = "manage";
+ "users" = "read";
+ "*" = "none";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ declarativeContents = {
+ "dc=fudo,dc=org" = ''
+ dn: ${cfg.base}
+ objectClass: top
+ objectClass: dcObject
+ objectClass: organization
+ o: ${cfg.organization}
+ dn: ou=groups,${cfg.base}
+ objectClass: organizationalUnit
+ description: ${cfg.organization} groups
+ dn: ou=members,${cfg.base}
+ objectClass: organizationalUnit
+ description: ${cfg.organization} members
+ dn: cn=admin,${cfg.base}
+ objectClass: organizationalRole
+ cn: admin
+ description: "Admin User"
+ ${systemUsersLdif cfg.base cfg.system-users}
+ ${groupsLdif cfg.base cfg.groups}
+ ${usersLdif cfg.base cfg.groups cfg.users}
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/local-network.nix b/lib/fudo/local-network.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbb7f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/local-network.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.local-network;
+ join-lines = concatStringsSep "\n";
+ traceout = out: builtins.trace out out;
+in {
+ options.fudo.local-network = with types; {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Enable local network configuration (DHCP & DNS).";
+ domain = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "The domain to use for the local network.";
+ };
+ dns-servers = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "A list of domain name servers to pass to local clients.";
+ };
+ dhcp-interfaces = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "A list of interfaces on which to serve DHCP.";
+ };
+ dns-listen-ips = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "A list of IPs on which to server DNS queries.";
+ };
+ gateway = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "The gateway to use for the local network.";
+ };
+ network = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Network to treat as local.";
+ example = "";
+ };
+ dhcp-dynamic-network = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = ''
+ The network from which to dynamically allocate IPs via DHCP.
+ Must be a subnet of .
+ '';
+ example = "";
+ };
+ enable-reverse-mappings = mkOption {
+ type = bool;
+ description = "Genereate PTR reverse lookup records.";
+ default = false;
+ };
+ recursive-resolver = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "DNS nameserver to use for recursive resolution.";
+ default = " port 53";
+ };
+ search-domains = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "A list of domains which clients should consider local.";
+ example = [ "my-domain.com" "other-domain.com" ];
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ network-definition = let
+ networkOpts = import ../types/network-definition.nix { inherit lib; };
+ in mkOption {
+ type = submodule networkOpts;
+ description = "Definition of network to be served by local server.";
+ default = { };
+ };
+ extra-records = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "Extra records to add to the local zone.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ fudo.system.hostfile-entries = let
+ other-hosts = filterAttrs
+ (hostname: hostOpts: hostname != config.instance.hostname)
+ cfg.network-definition.hosts;
+ in mapAttrs' (hostname: hostOpts:
+ nameValuePair hostOpts.ipv4-address ["${hostname}.${cfg.domain}" hostname])
+ other-hosts;
+ services.dhcpd4 = let network = cfg.network-definition;
+ in {
+ enable = true;
+ machines = mapAttrsToList (hostname: hostOpts: {
+ ethernetAddress = hostOpts.mac-address;
+ hostName = hostname;
+ ipAddress = hostOpts.ipv4-address;
+ }) (filterAttrs (host: hostOpts:
+ hostOpts.mac-address != null && hostOpts.ipv4-address != null)
+ network.hosts);
+ interfaces = cfg.dhcp-interfaces;
+ extraConfig = ''
+ subnet ${pkgs.lib.fudo.ip.getNetworkBase cfg.network} netmask ${
+ pkgs.lib.fudo.ip.maskFromV32Network cfg.network
+ } {
+ authoritative;
+ option subnet-mask ${pkgs.lib.fudo.ip.maskFromV32Network cfg.network};
+ option broadcast-address ${pkgs.lib.fudo.ip.networkMaxIp cfg.network};
+ option routers ${cfg.gateway};
+ option domain-name-servers ${concatStringsSep " " cfg.dns-servers};
+ option domain-name "${cfg.domain}";
+ option domain-search "${
+ concatStringsSep " " ([ cfg.domain ] ++ cfg.search-domains)
+ }";
+ range ${pkgs.lib.fudo.ip.networkMinIp cfg.dhcp-dynamic-network} ${
+ pkgs.lib.fudo.ip.networkMaxButOneIp cfg.dhcp-dynamic-network
+ };
+ }
+ '';
+ };
+ services.bind = let
+ blockHostsToZone = block: hosts-data: {
+ master = true;
+ name = "${block}.in-addr.arpa";
+ file = let
+ # We should add these...but need a domain to assign them to.
+ # ip-last-el = ip: toInt (last (splitString "." ip));
+ # used-els = map (host-data: ip-last-el host-data.ipv4-address) hosts-data;
+ # unused-els = subtractLists used-els (map toString (range 1 255));
+ in pkgs.writeText "db.${block}-zone" ''
+ $ORIGIN ${block}.in-addr.arpa.
+ $TTL 1h
+ @ IN SOA ns1.${cfg.domain}. hostmaster.${cfg.domain}. (
+ ${toString config.instance.build-timestamp}
+ 1800
+ 900
+ 604800
+ 1800)
+ @ IN NS ns1.${cfg.domain}.
+ ${join-lines (map hostPtrRecord hosts-data)}
+ '';
+ };
+ ipToBlock = ip:
+ concatStringsSep "." (reverseList (take 3 (splitString "." ip)));
+ compactHosts =
+ mapAttrsToList (host: data: data // { host = host; }) network.hosts;
+ hostsByBlock =
+ groupBy (host-data: ipToBlock host-data.ipv4-address) compactHosts;
+ hostPtrRecord = host-data:
+ "${
+ last (splitString "." host-data.ipv4-address)
+ } IN PTR ${host-data.host}.${cfg.domain}.";
+ blockZones = mapAttrsToList blockHostsToZone hostsByBlock;
+ hostARecord = host: data: "${host} IN A ${data.ipv4-address}";
+ hostSshFpRecords = host: data:
+ let
+ ssh-fingerprints = if (hasAttr host known-hosts) then
+ known-hosts.${host}.ssh-fingerprints
+ else
+ [ ];
+ in join-lines
+ (map (sshfp: "${host} IN SSHFP ${sshfp}") ssh-fingerprints);
+ cnameRecord = alias: host: "${alias} IN CNAME ${host}";
+ network = cfg.network-definition;
+ known-hosts = config.fudo.hosts;
+ in {
+ enable = true;
+ cacheNetworks = [ cfg.network "localhost" "localnets" ];
+ forwarders = [ cfg.recursive-resolver ];
+ listenOn = cfg.dns-listen-ips;
+ extraOptions = concatStringsSep "\n" [
+ "dnssec-enable yes;"
+ "dnssec-validation yes;"
+ "auth-nxdomain no;"
+ "recursion yes;"
+ "allow-recursion { any; };"
+ ];
+ zones = [{
+ master = true;
+ name = cfg.domain;
+ file = pkgs.writeText "${cfg.domain}-zone" ''
+ @ IN SOA ns1.${cfg.domain}. hostmaster.${cfg.domain}. (
+ ${toString config.instance.build-timestamp}
+ 5m
+ 2m
+ 6w
+ 5m)
+ $TTL 1h
+ @ IN NS ns1.${cfg.domain}.
+ $ORIGIN ${cfg.domain}.
+ $TTL 30m
+ ${optionalString (network.gssapi-realm != null)
+ ''_kerberos IN TXT "${network.gssapi-realm}"''}
+ ${join-lines
+ (imap1 (i: server-ip: "ns${toString i} IN A ${server-ip}")
+ cfg.dns-servers)}
+ ${join-lines (mapAttrsToList hostARecord network.hosts)}
+ ${join-lines (mapAttrsToList hostSshFpRecords network.hosts)}
+ ${join-lines (mapAttrsToList cnameRecord network.aliases)}
+ ${join-lines network.verbatim-dns-records}
+ ${pkgs.lib.fudo.dns.srvRecordsToBindZone network.srv-records}
+ ${join-lines cfg.extra-records}
+ '';
+ }] ++ blockZones;
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/mail-container.nix b/lib/fudo/mail-container.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a890ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/mail-container.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
+with lib;
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ cfg = config.fudo.mail-server;
+ container-maildir = "/var/lib/mail";
+ container-statedir = "/var/lib/mail-state";
+ # Don't bother with group-id, nixos doesn't seem to use it anyway
+ container-mail-user = "mailer";
+ container-mail-user-id = 542;
+ container-mail-group = "mailer";
+ build-timestamp = config.instance.build-timestamp;
+ build-seed = config.instance.build-seed;
+ site = config.instance.local-site;
+ domain = cfg.domain;
+ local-networks = config.instance.local-networks;
+in rec {
+ config = mkIf (cfg.enableContainer) {
+ # Disable postfix on this host--it'll be run in the container instead
+ services.postfix.enable = false;
+ services.nginx = mkIf cfg.monitoring {
+ enable = true;
+ virtualHosts = let
+ proxy-headers = ''
+ proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
+ proxy_set_header Host $host;
+ '';
+ trusted-network-string =
+ optionalString ((length local-networks) > 0)
+ (concatStringsSep "\n"
+ (map (network: "allow ${network};")
+ local-networks)) + ''
+ deny all;'';
+ in {
+ "${cfg.mail-hostname}" = {
+ enableACME = true;
+ forceSSL = true;
+ locations."/metrics/postfix" = {
+ proxyPass = "";
+ extraConfig = ''
+ ${proxy-headers}
+ ${trusted-network-string}
+ '';
+ };
+ locations."/metrics/dovecot" = {
+ proxyPass = "";
+ extraConfig = ''
+ ${proxy-headers}
+ ${trusted-network-string}
+ '';
+ };
+ locations."/metrics/rspamd" = {
+ proxyPass = "";
+ extraConfig = ''
+ ${proxy-headers}
+ ${trusted-network-string}
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ containers.mail-server = {
+ autoStart = true;
+ bindMounts = {
+ "${container-maildir}" = {
+ hostPath = cfg.mail-directory;
+ isReadOnly = false;
+ };
+ "${container-statedir}" = {
+ hostPath = cfg.state-directory;
+ isReadOnly = false;
+ };
+ "/run/mail/certs/postfix/cert.pem" = {
+ hostPath = cfg.ssl.certificate;
+ isReadOnly = true;
+ };
+ "/run/mail/certs/postfix/key.pem" = {
+ hostPath = cfg.ssl.private-key;
+ isReadOnly = true;
+ };
+ "/run/mail/certs/dovecot/cert.pem" = {
+ hostPath = cfg.ssl.certificate;
+ isReadOnly = true;
+ };
+ "/run/mail/certs/dovecot/key.pem" = {
+ hostPath = cfg.ssl.private-key;
+ isReadOnly = true;
+ };
+ "/run/mail/passwords/dovecot/ldap-reader.passwd" = {
+ hostPath = cfg.dovecot.ldap.reader-password-file;
+ isReadOnly = true;
+ };
+ };
+ config = { config, pkgs, ... }: {
+ imports = let
+ initialize-host = import ../../initialize.nix;
+ profile = "container";
+ in [
+ ./mail.nix
+ (initialize-host {
+ inherit
+ lib
+ pkgs
+ build-timestamp
+ site
+ domain
+ profile;
+ hostname = "mail-container";
+ })
+ ];
+ instance.build-seed = build-seed;
+ environment.etc = {
+ "mail-server/postfix/cert.pem" = {
+ source = "/run/mail/certs/postfix/cert.pem";
+ user = config.services.postfix.user;
+ mode = "0444";
+ };
+ "mail-server/postfix/key.pem" = {
+ source = "/run/mail/certs/postfix/key.pem";
+ user = config.services.postfix.user;
+ mode = "0400";
+ };
+ "mail-server/dovecot/cert.pem" = {
+ source = "/run/mail/certs/dovecot/cert.pem";
+ user = config.services.dovecot2.user;
+ mode = "0444";
+ };
+ "mail-server/dovecot/key.pem" = {
+ source = "/run/mail/certs/dovecot/key.pem";
+ user = config.services.dovecot2.user;
+ mode = "0400";
+ };
+ ## The pre-script runs as root anyway...
+ # "mail-server/dovecot/ldap-reader.passwd" = {
+ # source = "/run/mail/passwords/dovecot/ldap-reader.passwd";
+ # user = config.services.dovecot2.user;
+ # mode = "0400";
+ # };
+ };
+ fudo = {
+ mail-server = {
+ enable = true;
+ mail-hostname = cfg.mail-hostname;
+ domain = cfg.domain;
+ debug = cfg.debug;
+ monitoring = cfg.monitoring;
+ state-directory = container-statedir;
+ mail-directory = container-maildir;
+ postfix = {
+ ssl-certificate = "/etc/mail-server/postfix/cert.pem";
+ ssl-private-key = "/etc/mail-server/postfix/key.pem";
+ };
+ dovecot = {
+ ssl-certificate = "/etc/mail-server/dovecot/cert.pem";
+ ssl-private-key = "/etc/mail-server/dovecot/key.pem";
+ ldap = {
+ server-urls = cfg.dovecot.ldap.server-urls;
+ reader-dn = cfg.dovecot.ldap.reader-dn;
+ reader-password-file = "/run/mail/passwords/dovecot/ldap-reader.passwd";
+ };
+ };
+ local-domains = cfg.local-domains;
+ alias-users = cfg.alias-users;
+ user-aliases = cfg.user-aliases;
+ sender-blacklist = cfg.sender-blacklist;
+ recipient-blacklist = cfg.recipient-blacklist;
+ trusted-networks = cfg.trusted-networks;
+ mail-user = container-mail-user;
+ mail-user-id = container-mail-user-id;
+ mail-group = container-mail-group;
+ clamav.enable = cfg.clamav.enable;
+ dkim.signing = cfg.dkim.signing;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/mail.nix b/lib/fudo/mail.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e31d948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/mail.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, environment, ... }:
+with lib;
+ inherit (lib.strings) concatStringsSep;
+ cfg = config.fudo.mail-server;
+in {
+ options.fudo.mail-server = with types; {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Fudo Email Server";
+ enableContainer = mkEnableOption ''
+ Run the mail server in a container.
+ Mutually exclusive with mail-server.enable.
+ '';
+ domain = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "The main and default domain name for this email server.";
+ };
+ mail-hostname = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "The domain name to use for the mail server.";
+ };
+ ldap-url = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "URL of the LDAP server to use for authentication.";
+ example = "ldaps://auth.fudo.org/";
+ };
+ monitoring = mkEnableOption "Enable monitoring for the mail server.";
+ mail-user = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "User to use for mail delivery.";
+ default = "mailuser";
+ };
+ # No group id, because NixOS doesn't seem to use it
+ mail-group = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Group to use for mail delivery.";
+ default = "mailgroup";
+ };
+ mail-user-id = mkOption {
+ type = int;
+ description = "UID of mail-user.";
+ };
+ local-domains = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "A list of domains for which we accept mail.";
+ default = ["localhost" "localhost.localdomain"];
+ example = [
+ "localhost"
+ "localhost.localdomain"
+ "somedomain.com"
+ "otherdomain.org"
+ ];
+ };
+ mail-directory = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path to use for mail storage.";
+ };
+ state-directory = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path to use for state data.";
+ };
+ trusted-networks = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "A list of trusted networks, for which we will happily relay without auth.";
+ example = [
+ ""
+ ""
+ ];
+ };
+ sender-blacklist = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "A list of email addresses for whom we will not send email.";
+ default = [];
+ example = [
+ "baduser@test.com"
+ "change-pw@test.com"
+ ];
+ };
+ recipient-blacklist = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "A list of email addresses for whom we will not accept email.";
+ default = [];
+ example = [
+ "baduser@test.com"
+ "change-pw@test.com"
+ ];
+ };
+ message-size-limit = mkOption {
+ type = int;
+ description = "Size of max email in megabytes.";
+ default = 30;
+ };
+ user-aliases = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (listOf str);
+ description = "A map of real user to list of alias emails.";
+ default = {};
+ example = {
+ someuser = ["alias0" "alias1"];
+ };
+ };
+ alias-users = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (listOf str);
+ description = "A map of email alias to a list of users.";
+ example = {
+ alias = ["realuser0" "realuser1"];
+ };
+ };
+ mailboxes = mkOption {
+ description = ''
+ The mailboxes for dovecot.
+ Depending on the mail client used it might be necessary to change some mailbox's name.
+ '';
+ default = {
+ Trash = {
+ auto = "create";
+ specialUse = "Trash";
+ autoexpunge = "30d";
+ };
+ Junk = {
+ auto = "create";
+ specialUse = "Junk";
+ autoexpunge = "60d";
+ };
+ Drafts = {
+ auto = "create";
+ specialUse = "Drafts";
+ autoexpunge = "60d";
+ };
+ Sent = {
+ auto = "subscribe";
+ specialUse = "Sent";
+ };
+ Archive = {
+ auto = "no";
+ specialUse = "Archive";
+ };
+ Flagged = {
+ auto = "no";
+ specialUse = "Flagged";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ debug = mkOption {
+ description = "Enable debugging on mailservers.";
+ type = bool;
+ default = false;
+ };
+ max-user-connections = mkOption {
+ description = "Max simultaneous connections per user.";
+ type = int;
+ default = 20;
+ };
+ ssl = {
+ certificate = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path to the ssl certificate for the mail server to use.";
+ };
+ private-key = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path to the ssl private key for the mail server to use.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ imports = [
+ ./mail/dkim.nix
+ ./mail/dovecot.nix
+ ./mail/postfix.nix
+ ./mail/rspamd.nix
+ ./mail/clamav.nix
+ ];
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
+ "d ${cfg.mail-directory} 775 ${cfg.mail-user} ${cfg.mail-group} - -"
+ "d ${cfg.state-directory} 775 root ${cfg.mail-group} - -"
+ ];
+ networking.firewall = {
+ allowedTCPPorts = [ 25 110 143 587 993 995 ];
+ };
+ users = {
+ users = {
+ ${cfg.mail-user} = {
+ isSystemUser = true;
+ uid = cfg.mail-user-id;
+ group = cfg.mail-group;
+ };
+ };
+ groups = {
+ ${cfg.mail-group} = {
+ members = [ cfg.mail-user ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/mail/clamav.nix b/lib/fudo/mail/clamav.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..455548c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/mail/clamav.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+with lib;
+let cfg = config.fudo.mail-server;
+in {
+ options.fudo.mail-server.clamav = {
+ enable = mkOption {
+ description = "Enable virus scanning with ClamAV.";
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf (cfg.enable && cfg.clamav.enable) {
+ services.clamav = {
+ daemon = {
+ enable = true;
+ settings = { PhishingScanURLs = "no"; };
+ };
+ updater.enable = true;
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/mail/dkim.nix b/lib/fudo/mail/dkim.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e0cb48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/mail/dkim.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.mail-server;
+ createDomainDkimCert = dom:
+ let
+ dkim_key = "${cfg.dkim.key-directory}/${dom}.${cfg.dkim.selector}.key";
+ dkim_txt = "${cfg.dkim.key-directory}/${dom}.${cfg.dkim.selector}.txt";
+ in
+ ''
+ if [ ! -f "${dkim_key}" ] || [ ! -f "${dkim_txt}" ]
+ then
+ ${cfg.dkim.package}/bin/opendkim-genkey -s "${cfg.dkim.selector}" \
+ -d "${dom}" \
+ --bits="${toString cfg.dkim.key-bits}" \
+ --directory="${cfg.dkim.key-directory}"
+ mv "${cfg.dkim.key-directory}/${cfg.dkim.selector}.private" "${dkim_key}"
+ mv "${cfg.dkim.key-directory}/${cfg.dkim.selector}.txt" "${dkim_txt}"
+ echo "Generated key for domain ${dom} selector ${cfg.dkim.selector}"
+ fi
+ '';
+ createAllCerts = lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (map createDomainDkimCert cfg.local-domains);
+ keyTable = pkgs.writeText "opendkim-KeyTable"
+ (lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.flip map cfg.local-domains
+ (dom: "${dom} ${dom}:${cfg.dkim.selector}:${cfg.dkim.key-directory}/${dom}.${cfg.dkim.selector}.key")));
+ signingTable = pkgs.writeText "opendkim-SigningTable"
+ (lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.flip map cfg.local-domains (dom: "${dom} ${dom}")));
+ dkim = config.services.opendkim;
+ args = [ "-f" "-l" ] ++ lib.optionals (dkim.configFile != null) [ "-x" dkim.configFile ];
+ options.fudo.mail-server.dkim = {
+ signing = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = "Enable dkim signatures for mail.";
+ };
+ key-directory = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "/var/dkim";
+ description = "Path to use to store DKIM keys.";
+ };
+ selector = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "mail";
+ description = "Name to use for mail-signing keys.";
+ };
+ key-bits = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 2048;
+ description = ''
+ How many bits in generated DKIM keys. RFC6376 advises minimum 1024-bit keys.
+ If you have already deployed a key with a different number of bits than specified
+ here, then you should use a different selector (dkimSelector). In order to get
+ this package to generate a key with the new number of bits, you will either have to
+ change the selector or delete the old key file.
+ '';
+ };
+ package = mkOption {
+ type = types.package;
+ default = pkgs.opendkim;
+ description = "OpenDKIM package to use.";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf (cfg.dkim.signing && cfg.enable) {
+ services.opendkim = {
+ enable = true;
+ selector = cfg.dkim.selector;
+ domains = "csl:${builtins.concatStringsSep "," cfg.local-domains}";
+ configFile = pkgs.writeText "opendkim.conf" (''
+ Canonicalization relaxed/simple
+ UMask 0002
+ Socket ${dkim.socket}
+ KeyTable file:${keyTable}
+ SigningTable file:${signingTable}
+ '' + (lib.optionalString cfg.debug ''
+ Syslog yes
+ SyslogSuccess yes
+ LogWhy yes
+ ''));
+ };
+ users.users = {
+ "${config.services.postfix.user}" = {
+ extraGroups = [ "${config.services.opendkim.group}" ];
+ };
+ };
+ systemd.services.opendkim = {
+ preStart = lib.mkForce createAllCerts;
+ serviceConfig = {
+ ExecStart = lib.mkForce "${cfg.dkim.package}/bin/opendkim ${escapeShellArgs args}";
+ PermissionsStartOnly = lib.mkForce false;
+ };
+ };
+ systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
+ "d '${cfg.dkim.key-directory}' - ${config.services.opendkim.user} ${config.services.opendkim.group} - -"
+ ];
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/mail/dovecot.nix b/lib/fudo/mail/dovecot.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e33050e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/mail/dovecot.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, environment, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.mail-server;
+ sieve-path = "${cfg.state-directory}/dovecot/imap_sieve";
+ pipe-bin = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
+ name = "pipe_bin";
+ src = ./dovecot/pipe_bin;
+ buildInputs = with pkgs; [ makeWrapper coreutils bash rspamd ];
+ buildCommand = ''
+ mkdir -p $out/pipe/bin
+ cp $src/* $out/pipe/bin/
+ chmod a+x $out/pipe/bin/*
+ patchShebangs $out/pipe/bin
+ for file in $out/pipe/bin/*; do
+ wrapProgram $file \
+ --set PATH "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin:${pkgs.rspamd}/bin"
+ done
+ '';
+ };
+ ldap-conf-template = ldap-cfg:
+ let
+ ssl-config = if (ldap-cfg.ca == null) then ''
+ tls = no
+ tls_require_cert = try
+ '' else ''
+ tls_ca_cert_file = ${ldap-cfg.ca}
+ tls = yes
+ tls_require_cert = try
+ '';
+ in
+ pkgs.writeText "dovecot2-ldap-config.conf.template" ''
+ uris = ${concatStringsSep " " ldap-cfg.server-urls}
+ ldap_version = 3
+ dn = ${ldap-cfg.reader-dn}
+ auth_bind = yes
+ auth_bind_userdn = uid=%u,ou=members,dc=fudo,dc=org
+ base = dc=fudo,dc=org
+ ${ssl-config}
+ '';
+ ldap-conf-generator = ldap-cfg: let
+ template = ldap-conf-template ldap-cfg;
+ target-dir = dirOf ldap-cfg.generated-ldap-config;
+ target = ldap-cfg.generated-ldap-config;
+ in pkgs.writeScript "dovecot2-ldap-password-swapper.sh" ''
+ mkdir -p ${target-dir}
+ touch ${target}
+ chmod 600 ${target}
+ chown ${config.services.dovecot2.user} ${target}
+ LDAP_READER_PASSWORD=$( cat "${ldap-cfg.reader-password-file}" )
+ sed 's/__LDAP_READER_PASSWORD__/$LDAP_READER_PASSWORD/' '${template}' > ${target}
+ '';
+ ldap-passwd-entry = ldap-config: ''
+ passdb {
+ driver = ldap
+ args = ${ldap-conf "ldap-passdb.conf" ldap-config}
+ }
+ '';
+ ldapOpts = {
+ options = with types; {
+ ca = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "The path to the CA cert used to sign the LDAP server certificate.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ base = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Base of the LDAP server database.";
+ example = "dc=fudo,dc=org";
+ };
+ server-urls = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "A list of LDAP server URLs used for authentication.";
+ };
+ reader-dn = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = ''
+ DN to use for reading user information. Needs access to homeDirectory,
+ uidNumber, gidNumber, and uid, but not password attributes.
+ '';
+ };
+ reader-password-file = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Password for the user specified in ldap-reader-dn.";
+ };
+ generated-ldap-config = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path at which to store the generated LDAP config file, including password.";
+ default = "/run/dovecot2/config/ldap.conf";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ dovecot-user = config.services.dovecot2.user;
+in {
+ options.fudo.mail-server.dovecot = with types; {
+ ssl-private-key = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Location of the server SSL private key.";
+ };
+ ssl-certificate = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Location of the server SSL certificate.";
+ };
+ ldap = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr (submodule ldapOpts);
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ LDAP auth server configuration. If omitted, the server will use local authentication.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ services.prometheus.exporters.dovecot = mkIf cfg.monitoring {
+ enable = true;
+ scopes = ["user" "global"];
+ listenAddress = "";
+ port = 9166;
+ socketPath = "/var/run/dovecot2/old-stats";
+ };
+ services.dovecot2 = {
+ enable = true;
+ enableImap = true;
+ enableLmtp = true;
+ enablePop3 = true;
+ enablePAM = cfg.dovecot.ldap == null;
+ createMailUser = true;
+ mailUser = cfg.mail-user;
+ mailGroup = cfg.mail-group;
+ mailLocation = "maildir:${cfg.mail-directory}/%u/";
+ sslServerCert = cfg.dovecot.ssl-certificate;
+ sslServerKey = cfg.dovecot.ssl-private-key;
+ modules = [ pkgs.dovecot_pigeonhole ];
+ protocols = [ "sieve" ];
+ sieveScripts = {
+ after = builtins.toFile "spam.sieve" ''
+ require "fileinto";
+ if header :is "X-Spam" "Yes" {
+ fileinto "Junk";
+ stop;
+ }
+ '';
+ };
+ mailboxes = cfg.mailboxes;
+ extraConfig = ''
+ #Extra Config
+ ${optionalString cfg.monitoring ''
+ # The prometheus exporter still expects an older style of metrics
+ mail_plugins = $mail_plugins old_stats
+ service old-stats {
+ unix_listener old-stats {
+ user = dovecot-exporter
+ group = dovecot-exporter
+ }
+ }
+ ''}
+ ${lib.optionalString cfg.debug ''
+ mail_debug = yes
+ auth_debug = yes
+ verbose_ssl = yes
+ ''}
+ protocol imap {
+ mail_max_userip_connections = ${toString cfg.max-user-connections}
+ mail_plugins = $mail_plugins imap_sieve
+ }
+ protocol pop3 {
+ mail_max_userip_connections = ${toString cfg.max-user-connections}
+ }
+ protocol lmtp {
+ mail_plugins = $mail_plugins sieve
+ }
+ mail_access_groups = ${cfg.mail-group}
+ ssl = required
+ # When looking up usernames, just use the name, not the full address
+ auth_username_format = %n
+ service lmtp {
+ # Enable logging in debug mode
+ ${optionalString cfg.debug "executable = lmtp -L"}
+ # Unix socket for postfix to deliver messages via lmtp
+ unix_listener dovecot-lmtp {
+ user = "postfix"
+ group = ${cfg.mail-group}
+ mode = 0600
+ }
+ # Drop privs, since all mail is owned by one user
+ # user = ${cfg.mail-user}
+ # group = ${cfg.mail-group}
+ user = root
+ }
+ auth_mechanisms = login plain
+ ${optionalString (cfg.dovecot.ldap != null) ''
+ passdb {
+ driver = ldap
+ args = ${cfg.dovecot.ldap.generated-ldap-config}
+ }
+ ''}
+ userdb {
+ driver = static
+ args = uid=${toString cfg.mail-user-id} home=${cfg.mail-directory}/%u
+ }
+ # Used by postfix to authorize users
+ service auth {
+ unix_listener auth {
+ mode = 0660
+ user = "${config.services.postfix.user}"
+ group = ${cfg.mail-group}
+ }
+ unix_listener auth-userdb {
+ mode = 0660
+ user = "${config.services.postfix.user}"
+ group = ${cfg.mail-group}
+ }
+ }
+ service auth-worker {
+ user = root
+ }
+ service imap {
+ vsz_limit = 1024M
+ }
+ namespace inbox {
+ separator = "/"
+ inbox = yes
+ }
+ plugin {
+ sieve_plugins = sieve_imapsieve sieve_extprograms
+ sieve = file:/var/sieve/%u/scripts;active=/var/sieve/%u/active.sieve
+ sieve_default = file:/var/sieve/%u/default.sieve
+ sieve_default_name = default
+ # From elsewhere to Spam folder
+ imapsieve_mailbox1_name = Junk
+ imapsieve_mailbox1_causes = COPY
+ imapsieve_mailbox1_before = file:${sieve-path}/report-spam.sieve
+ # From Spam folder to elsewhere
+ imapsieve_mailbox2_name = *
+ imapsieve_mailbox2_from = Junk
+ imapsieve_mailbox2_causes = COPY
+ imapsieve_mailbox2_before = file:${sieve-path}/report-ham.sieve
+ sieve_pipe_bin_dir = ${pipe-bin}/pipe/bin
+ sieve_global_extensions = +vnd.dovecot.pipe +vnd.dovecot.environment
+ }
+ recipient_delimiter = +
+ lmtp_save_to_detail_mailbox = yes
+ lda_mailbox_autosubscribe = yes
+ lda_mailbox_autocreate = yes
+ '';
+ };
+ systemd = {
+ tmpfiles.rules = [
+ "d ${sieve-path} 750 ${dovecot-user} ${cfg.mail-group} - -"
+ ];
+ services.dovecot2.preStart = ''
+ rm -f ${sieve-path}/*
+ cp -p ${./dovecot/imap_sieve}/*.sieve ${sieve-path}
+ for k in ${sieve-path}/*.sieve ; do
+ ${pkgs.dovecot_pigeonhole}/bin/sievec "$k"
+ done
+ ${optionalString (cfg.dovecot.ldap != null)
+ (ldap-conf-generator cfg.dovecot.ldap)}
+ '';
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/mail/dovecot/imap_sieve/report-ham.sieve b/lib/fudo/mail/dovecot/imap_sieve/report-ham.sieve
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9d30cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/mail/dovecot/imap_sieve/report-ham.sieve
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+require ["vnd.dovecot.pipe", "copy", "imapsieve", "environment", "variables"];
+if environment :matches "imap.mailbox" "*" {
+ set "mailbox" "${1}";
+if string "${mailbox}" "Trash" {
+ stop;
+if environment :matches "imap.user" "*" {
+ set "username" "${1}";
+pipe :copy "sa-learn-ham.sh" [ "${username}" ];
diff --git a/lib/fudo/mail/dovecot/imap_sieve/report-spam.sieve b/lib/fudo/mail/dovecot/imap_sieve/report-spam.sieve
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4024b7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/mail/dovecot/imap_sieve/report-spam.sieve
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+require ["vnd.dovecot.pipe", "copy", "imapsieve", "environment", "variables"];
+if environment :matches "imap.user" "*" {
+ set "username" "${1}";
+pipe :copy "sa-learn-spam.sh" [ "${username}" ];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/fudo/mail/dovecot/pipe_bin/sa-learn-ham.sh b/lib/fudo/mail/dovecot/pipe_bin/sa-learn-ham.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..76fc4ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/mail/dovecot/pipe_bin/sa-learn-ham.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+set -o errexit
+exec rspamc -h /run/rspamd/worker-controller.sock learn_ham
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/fudo/mail/dovecot/pipe_bin/sa-learn-spam.sh b/lib/fudo/mail/dovecot/pipe_bin/sa-learn-spam.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2a2f766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/mail/dovecot/pipe_bin/sa-learn-spam.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+set -o errexit
+exec rspamc -h /run/rspamd/worker-controller.sock learn_spam
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/fudo/mail/postfix.nix b/lib/fudo/mail/postfix.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7525f4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/mail/postfix.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+with lib;
+ inherit (lib.strings) concatStringsSep;
+ cfg = config.fudo.mail-server;
+ # The final newline is important
+ write-entries = filename: entries:
+ let
+ entries-string = (concatStringsSep "\n" entries);
+ in builtins.toFile filename ''
+ ${entries-string}
+ '';
+ make-user-aliases = entries:
+ concatStringsSep "\n"
+ (mapAttrsToList (user: aliases:
+ concatStringsSep "\n"
+ (map (alias: "${alias} ${user}") aliases))
+ entries);
+ make-alias-users = domains: entries:
+ concatStringsSep "\n"
+ (flatten
+ (mapAttrsToList (alias: users:
+ (map (domain:
+ "${alias}@${domain} ${concatStringsSep "," users}")
+ domains))
+ entries));
+ policyd-spf = pkgs.writeText "policyd-spf.conf" (
+ cfg.postfix.policy-spf-extra-config
+ + (lib.optionalString cfg.debug ''
+ debugLevel = 4
+ ''));
+ submission-header-cleanup-rules = pkgs.writeText "submission_header_cleanup_rules" (''
+ # Removes sensitive headers from mails handed in via the submission port.
+ # See https://thomas-leister.de/mailserver-debian-stretch/
+ # Uses "pcre" style regex.
+ /^Received:/ IGNORE
+ /^X-Originating-IP:/ IGNORE
+ /^X-Mailer:/ IGNORE
+ /^User-Agent:/ IGNORE
+ /^X-Enigmail:/ IGNORE
+ '');
+ blacklist-postfix-entry = sender: "${sender} REJECT";
+ blacklist-postfix-file = filename: entries:
+ write-entries filename entries;
+ sender-blacklist-file = blacklist-postfix-file "reject_senders"
+ (map blacklist-postfix-entry cfg.sender-blacklist);
+ recipient-blacklist-file = blacklist-postfix-file "reject_recipients"
+ (map blacklist-postfix-entry cfg.recipient-blacklist);
+ # A list of domains for which we accept mail
+ virtual-mailbox-map-file = write-entries "virtual_mailbox_map"
+ (map (domain: "@${domain} OK") (cfg.local-domains ++ [cfg.domain]));
+ sender-login-map-file = let
+ escapeDot = (str: replaceStrings ["."] ["\\."] str);
+ in write-entries "sender_login_maps"
+ (map (domain: "/^(.*)@${escapeDot domain}$/ \${1}") (cfg.local-domains ++ [cfg.domain]));
+ mapped-file = name: "hash:/var/lib/postfix/conf/${name}";
+ pcre-file = name: "pcre:/var/lib/postfix/conf/${name}";
+in {
+ options.fudo.mail-server.postfix = {
+ ssl-private-key = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Location of the server SSL private key.";
+ };
+ ssl-certificate = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Location of the server SSL certificate.";
+ };
+ policy-spf-extra-config = mkOption {
+ type = types.lines;
+ default = "";
+ example = ''
+ skip_addresses =,::ffff:,::1
+ '';
+ description = ''
+ Extra configuration options for policyd-spf. This can be use to among
+ other things skip spf checking for some IP addresses.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ services.prometheus.exporters.postfix = mkIf cfg.monitoring {
+ enable = true;
+ systemd.enable = true;
+ showqPath = "/var/lib/postfix/queue/public/showq";
+ user = config.services.postfix.user;
+ group = config.services.postfix.group;
+ };
+ services.postfix = {
+ enable = true;
+ domain = cfg.domain;
+ origin = cfg.domain;
+ hostname = cfg.mail-hostname;
+ destination = ["localhost" "localhost.localdomain"];
+ # destination = ["localhost" "localhost.localdomain" cfg.hostname] ++
+ # cfg.local-domains;;
+ enableHeaderChecks = true;
+ enableSmtp = true;
+ enableSubmission = true;
+ mapFiles."reject_senders" = sender-blacklist-file;
+ mapFiles."reject_recipients" = recipient-blacklist-file;
+ mapFiles."virtual_mailbox_map" = virtual-mailbox-map-file;
+ mapFiles."sender_login_map" = sender-login-map-file;
+ # TODO: enable!
+ # headerChecks = [ { action = "REDIRECT spam@example.com"; pattern = "/^X-Spam-Flag:/"; } ];
+ networks = cfg.trusted-networks;
+ virtual = ''
+ ${make-user-aliases cfg.user-aliases}
+ ${make-alias-users ([cfg.domain] ++ cfg.local-domains) cfg.alias-users}
+ '';
+ sslCert = cfg.postfix.ssl-certificate;
+ sslKey = cfg.postfix.ssl-private-key;
+ config = {
+ virtual_mailbox_domains = cfg.local-domains ++ [cfg.domain];
+ # virtual_mailbox_base = "${cfg.mail-directory}/";
+ virtual_mailbox_maps = mapped-file "virtual_mailbox_map";
+ virtual_uid_maps = "static:${toString cfg.mail-user-id}";
+ virtual_gid_maps = "static:${toString config.users.groups."${cfg.mail-group}".gid}";
+ virtual_transport = "lmtp:unix:/run/dovecot2/dovecot-lmtp";
+ # NOTE: it's important that this ends with /, to indicate Maildir format!
+ # mail_spool_directory = "${cfg.mail-directory}/";
+ message_size_limit = toString(cfg.message-size-limit * 1024 * 1024);
+ smtpd_banner = "${cfg.mail-hostname} ESMTP NO UCE";
+ tls_eecdh_strong_curve = "prime256v1";
+ tls_eecdh_ultra_curve = "secp384r1";
+ policy-spf_time_limit = "3600s";
+ smtp_host_lookup = "dns, native";
+ smtpd_sasl_type = "dovecot";
+ smtpd_sasl_path = "/run/dovecot2/auth";
+ smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = "yes";
+ smtpd_sasl_local_domain = "fudo.org";
+ smtpd_sasl_security_options = "noanonymous";
+ smtpd_sasl_tls_security_options = "noanonymous";
+ smtpd_sender_login_maps = (pcre-file "sender_login_map");
+ disable_vrfy_command = "yes";
+ recipient_delimiter = "+";
+ milter_protocol = "6";
+ milter_mail_macros = "i {mail_addr} {client_addr} {client_name} {auth_type} {auth_authen} {auth_author} {mail_addr} {mail_host} {mail_mailer}";
+ smtpd_milters = [
+ "unix:/run/rspamd/rspamd-milter.sock"
+ "unix:/var/run/opendkim/opendkim.sock"
+ ];
+ non_smtpd_milters = [
+ "unix:/run/rspamd/rspamd-milter.sock"
+ "unix:/var/run/opendkim/opendkim.sock"
+ ];
+ smtpd_relay_restrictions = [
+ "permit_mynetworks"
+ "permit_sasl_authenticated"
+ "reject_unauth_destination"
+ "reject_unauth_pipelining"
+ "reject_unauth_destination"
+ "reject_unknown_sender_domain"
+ ];
+ smtpd_sender_restrictions = [
+ "check_sender_access ${mapped-file "reject_senders"}"
+ "permit_mynetworks"
+ "permit_sasl_authenticated"
+ "reject_unknown_sender_domain"
+ ];
+ smtpd_recipient_restrictions = [
+ "check_sender_access ${mapped-file "reject_recipients"}"
+ "permit_mynetworks"
+ "permit_sasl_authenticated"
+ "check_policy_service unix:private/policy-spf"
+ "reject_unknown_recipient_domain"
+ "reject_unauth_pipelining"
+ "reject_unauth_destination"
+ "reject_invalid_hostname"
+ "reject_non_fqdn_hostname"
+ "reject_non_fqdn_sender"
+ "reject_non_fqdn_recipient"
+ ];
+ smtpd_helo_restrictions = [
+ "permit_mynetworks"
+ "reject_invalid_hostname"
+ "permit"
+ ];
+ # Handled by submission
+ smtpd_tls_security_level = "may";
+ smtpd_tls_eecdh_grade = "ultra";
+ # Disable obselete protocols
+ smtpd_tls_protocols = [
+ "TLSv1.2"
+ "TLSv1.1"
+ "!TLSv1"
+ "!SSLv2"
+ "!SSLv3"
+ ];
+ smtp_tls_protocols = [
+ "TLSv1.2"
+ "TLSv1.1"
+ "!TLSv1"
+ "!SSLv2"
+ "!SSLv3"
+ ];
+ smtpd_tls_mandatory_protocols = [
+ "TLSv1.2"
+ "TLSv1.1"
+ "!TLSv1"
+ "!SSLv2"
+ "!SSLv3"
+ ];
+ smtp_tls_mandatory_protocols = [
+ "TLSv1.2"
+ "TLSv1.1"
+ "!TLSv1"
+ "!SSLv2"
+ "!SSLv3"
+ ];
+ smtp_tls_ciphers = "high";
+ smtpd_tls_ciphers = "high";
+ smtp_tls_mandatory_ciphers = "high";
+ smtpd_tls_mandatory_ciphers = "high";
+ smtpd_tls_mandatory_exclude_ciphers = ["MD5" "DES" "ADH" "RC4" "PSD" "SRP" "3DES" "eNULL" "aNULL"];
+ smtpd_tls_exclude_ciphers = ["MD5" "DES" "ADH" "RC4" "PSD" "SRP" "3DES" "eNULL" "aNULL"];
+ smtp_tls_mandatory_exclude_ciphers = ["MD5" "DES" "ADH" "RC4" "PSD" "SRP" "3DES" "eNULL" "aNULL"];
+ smtp_tls_exclude_ciphers = ["MD5" "DES" "ADH" "RC4" "PSD" "SRP" "3DES" "eNULL" "aNULL"];
+ tls_preempt_cipherlist = "yes";
+ smtpd_tls_auth_only = "yes";
+ smtpd_tls_loglevel = "1";
+ tls_random_source = "dev:/dev/urandom";
+ };
+ submissionOptions = {
+ smtpd_tls_security_level = "encrypt";
+ smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = "yes";
+ smtpd_sasl_type = "dovecot";
+ smtpd_sasl_path = "/run/dovecot2/auth";
+ smtpd_sasl_security_options = "noanonymous";
+ smtpd_sasl_local_domain = cfg.domain;
+ smtpd_client_restrictions = "permit_sasl_authenticated,reject";
+ smtpd_sender_restrictions = "reject_sender_login_mismatch,reject_unknown_sender_domain";
+ smtpd_recipient_restrictions = "reject_non_fqdn_recipient,reject_unknown_recipient_domain,permit_sasl_authenticated,reject";
+ cleanup_service_name = "submission-header-cleanup";
+ };
+ masterConfig = {
+ "policy-spf" = {
+ type = "unix";
+ privileged = true;
+ chroot = false;
+ command = "spawn";
+ args = [ "user=nobody" "argv=${pkgs.pypolicyd-spf}/bin/policyd-spf" "${policyd-spf}"];
+ };
+ "submission-header-cleanup" = {
+ type = "unix";
+ private = false;
+ chroot = false;
+ maxproc = 0;
+ command = "cleanup";
+ args = ["-o" "header_checks=pcre:${submission-header-cleanup-rules}"];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ # Postfix requires dovecot lmtp socket, dovecot auth socket and certificate to work
+ systemd.services.postfix = {
+ after = [ "dovecot2.service" ]
+ ++ (lib.optional cfg.dkim.signing "opendkim.service");
+ requires = [ "dovecot2.service" ]
+ ++ (lib.optional cfg.dkim.signing "opendkim.service");
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/mail/rspamd.nix b/lib/fudo/mail/rspamd.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bc9324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/mail/rspamd.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.mail-server;
+in {
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ services.prometheus.exporters.rspamd.enable = true;
+ services.rspamd = {
+ enable = true;
+ locals = {
+ "milter_headers.conf" = {
+ text = ''
+ extended_spam_headers = yes;
+ '';
+ };
+ "antivirus.conf" = {
+ text = ''
+ clamav {
+ action = "reject";
+ symbol = "CLAM_VIRUS";
+ type = "clamav";
+ log_clean = true;
+ servers = "/run/clamav/clamd.ctl";
+ scan_mime_parts = false; # scan mail as a whole unit, not parts. seems to be needed to work at all
+ }
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ overrides = {
+ "milter_headers.conf" = {
+ text = ''
+ extended_spam_headers = true;
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ workers.rspamd_proxy = {
+ type = "rspamd_proxy";
+ bindSockets = [{
+ socket = "/run/rspamd/rspamd-milter.sock";
+ mode = "0664";
+ }];
+ count = 1; # Do not spawn too many processes of this type
+ extraConfig = ''
+ milter = yes; # Enable milter mode
+ timeout = 120s; # Needed for Milter usually
+ upstream "local" {
+ default = yes; # Self-scan upstreams are always default
+ self_scan = yes; # Enable self-scan
+ }
+ '';
+ };
+ workers.controller = {
+ type = "controller";
+ count = 1;
+ bindSockets = [
+ "localhost:11334"
+ {
+ socket = "/run/rspamd/worker-controller.sock";
+ mode = "0666";
+ }
+ ];
+ includes = [];
+ };
+ };
+ systemd.services.rspamd = {
+ requires = (optional cfg.clamav.enable "clamav-daemon.service");
+ after = (optional cfg.clamav.enable "clamav-daemon.service");
+ };
+ systemd.services.postfix = {
+ after = [ "rspamd.service" ];
+ requires = [ "rspamd.service" ];
+ };
+ users.extraUsers.${config.services.postfix.user}.extraGroups = [ config.services.rspamd.group ];
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/minecraft-server.nix b/lib/fudo/minecraft-server.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ee5474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/minecraft-server.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.minecraft-server;
+in {
+ options.fudo.minecraft-server = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Start a minecraft server.";
+ package = mkOption {
+ type = types.package;
+ description = "Minecraft package to use.";
+ default = pkgs.minecraft-server_1_15_1;
+ };
+ data-dir = mkOption {
+ type = types.path;
+ description = "Path at which to store minecraft data.";
+ };
+ world-name = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Name of the server world (used in saves etc).";
+ };
+ motd = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Welcome message for newcomers.";
+ };
+ game-mode = mkOption {
+ type = types.enum ["survival" "creative" "adventure" "spectator"];
+ description = "Game mode of the server.";
+ default = "survival";
+ };
+ difficulty = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ description = "Difficulty level, where 0 is peaceful and 3 is hard.";
+ default = 2;
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ environment.systemPackages = [
+ cfg.package
+ ];
+ services.minecraft-server = {
+ enable = true;
+ package = cfg.package;
+ dataDir = cfg.data-dir;
+ eula = true;
+ declarative = true;
+ serverProperties = {
+ level-name = cfg.world-name;
+ motd = cfg.motd;
+ difficulty = cfg.difficulty;
+ gamemode = cfg.game-mode;
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/netinfo-email.nix b/lib/fudo/netinfo-email.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dcc3a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/netinfo-email.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.netinfo-email;
+ make-script = server: port: target: pkgs.writeText "netinfo-script.rb" ''
+ #!${pkgs.ruby}/bin/ruby
+ require 'net/smtp'
+ raise RuntimeError.new("NETINFO_SMTP_USERNAME not set!") if not ENV['NETINFO_SMTP_USERNAME']
+ raise RuntimeError.new("NETINFO_SMTP_PASSWD not set!") if not ENV['NETINFO_SMTP_PASSWD']
+ hostname = `${pkgs.inetutils}/bin/hostname -f`.strip
+ date = `${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d`.strip
+ email_date = `${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/date`
+ ipinfo = `${pkgs.iproute}/bin/ip addr`
+ message = < 0;
+ };
+ mkZoneFileName = name: if name == "." then "root" else name;
+ # replaces include: directives for keys with fake keys for nsd-checkconf
+ injectFakeKeys = keys: concatStrings
+ (mapAttrsToList
+ (keyName: keyOptions: ''
+ fakeKey="$(${pkgs.bind}/bin/tsig-keygen -a ${escapeShellArgs [ keyOptions.algorithm keyName ]} | grep -oP "\s*secret \"\K.*(?=\";)")"
+ sed "s@^\s*include:\s*\"${stateDir}/private/${keyName}\"\$@secret: $fakeKey@" -i $out/nsd.conf
+ '')
+ keys);
+ nsdEnv = pkgs.buildEnv {
+ name = "nsd-env";
+ paths = [ configFile ]
+ ++ mapAttrsToList (name: zone: writeZoneData name zone.data) zoneConfigs;
+ postBuild = ''
+ echo "checking zone files"
+ cd $out/zones
+ for zoneFile in *; do
+ echo "|- checking zone '$out/zones/$zoneFile'"
+ ${nsdPkg}/sbin/nsd-checkzone "$zoneFile" "$zoneFile" || {
+ if grep -q \\\\\\$ "$zoneFile"; then
+ echo zone "$zoneFile" contains escaped dollar signs \\\$
+ echo Escaping them is not needed any more. Please make sure \
+ to unescape them where they prefix a variable name.
+ fi
+ exit 1
+ }
+ done
+ echo "checking configuration file"
+ # Save original config file including key references...
+ cp $out/nsd.conf{,.orig}
+ # ...inject mock keys into config
+ ${injectFakeKeys cfg.keys}
+ # ...do the checkconf
+ ${nsdPkg}/sbin/nsd-checkconf $out/nsd.conf
+ # ... and restore original config file.
+ mv $out/nsd.conf{.orig,}
+ '';
+ };
+ writeZoneData = name: text: pkgs.writeTextFile {
+ name = "nsd-zone-${mkZoneFileName name}";
+ inherit text;
+ destination = "/zones/${mkZoneFileName name}";
+ };
+ # options are ordered alphanumerically by the nixos option name
+ configFile = pkgs.writeTextDir "nsd.conf" ''
+ server:
+ chroot: "${stateDir}"
+ username: ${username}
+ # The directory for zonefile: files. The daemon chdirs here.
+ zonesdir: "${stateDir}"
+ # the list of dynamically added zones.
+ database: "${stateDir}/var/nsd.db"
+ pidfile: "${pidFile}"
+ xfrdfile: "${stateDir}/var/xfrd.state"
+ xfrdir: "${stateDir}/tmp"
+ zonelistfile: "${stateDir}/var/zone.list"
+ # interfaces
+ ${forEach " ip-address: " cfg.interfaces}
+ ip-freebind: ${yesOrNo cfg.ipFreebind}
+ hide-version: ${yesOrNo cfg.hideVersion}
+ identity: "${cfg.identity}"
+ ip-transparent: ${yesOrNo cfg.ipTransparent}
+ do-ip4: ${yesOrNo cfg.ipv4}
+ ipv4-edns-size: ${toString cfg.ipv4EDNSSize}
+ do-ip6: ${yesOrNo cfg.ipv6}
+ ipv6-edns-size: ${toString cfg.ipv6EDNSSize}
+ log-time-ascii: ${yesOrNo cfg.logTimeAscii}
+ ${maybeString "nsid: " cfg.nsid}
+ port: ${toString cfg.port}
+ reuseport: ${yesOrNo cfg.reuseport}
+ round-robin: ${yesOrNo cfg.roundRobin}
+ server-count: ${toString cfg.serverCount}
+ ${maybeToString "statistics: " cfg.statistics}
+ tcp-count: ${toString cfg.tcpCount}
+ tcp-query-count: ${toString cfg.tcpQueryCount}
+ tcp-timeout: ${toString cfg.tcpTimeout}
+ verbosity: ${toString cfg.verbosity}
+ ${maybeString "version: " cfg.version}
+ xfrd-reload-timeout: ${toString cfg.xfrdReloadTimeout}
+ zonefiles-check: ${yesOrNo cfg.zonefilesCheck}
+ ${maybeString "rrl-ipv4-prefix-length: " cfg.ratelimit.ipv4PrefixLength}
+ ${maybeString "rrl-ipv6-prefix-length: " cfg.ratelimit.ipv6PrefixLength}
+ rrl-ratelimit: ${toString cfg.ratelimit.ratelimit}
+ ${maybeString "rrl-slip: " cfg.ratelimit.slip}
+ rrl-size: ${toString cfg.ratelimit.size}
+ rrl-whitelist-ratelimit: ${toString cfg.ratelimit.whitelistRatelimit}
+ ${keyConfigFile}
+ remote-control:
+ control-enable: ${yesOrNo cfg.remoteControl.enable}
+ control-key-file: "${cfg.remoteControl.controlKeyFile}"
+ control-cert-file: "${cfg.remoteControl.controlCertFile}"
+ ${forEach " control-interface: " cfg.remoteControl.interfaces}
+ control-port: ${toString cfg.remoteControl.port}
+ server-key-file: "${cfg.remoteControl.serverKeyFile}"
+ server-cert-file: "${cfg.remoteControl.serverCertFile}"
+ ${concatStrings (mapAttrsToList zoneConfigFile zoneConfigs)}
+ ${cfg.extraConfig}
+ '';
+ yesOrNo = b: if b then "yes" else "no";
+ maybeString = prefix: x: if x == null then "" else ''${prefix} "${x}"'';
+ maybeToString = prefix: x: if x == null then "" else ''${prefix} ${toString x}'';
+ forEach = pre: l: concatMapStrings (x: pre + x + "\n") l;
+ keyConfigFile = concatStrings (mapAttrsToList (keyName: keyOptions: ''
+ key:
+ name: "${keyName}"
+ algorithm: "${keyOptions.algorithm}"
+ include: "${stateDir}/private/${keyName}"
+ '') cfg.keys);
+ copyKeys = concatStrings (mapAttrsToList (keyName: keyOptions: ''
+ secret=$(cat "${keyOptions.keyFile}")
+ dest="${stateDir}/private/${keyName}"
+ echo " secret: \"$secret\"" > "$dest"
+ chown ${username}:${username} "$dest"
+ chmod 0400 "$dest"
+ '') cfg.keys);
+ # options are ordered alphanumerically by the nixos option name
+ zoneConfigFile = name: zone: ''
+ zone:
+ name: "${name}"
+ zonefile: "${stateDir}/zones/${mkZoneFileName name}"
+ ${maybeString "outgoing-interface: " zone.outgoingInterface}
+ ${forEach " rrl-whitelist: " zone.rrlWhitelist}
+ ${maybeString "zonestats: " zone.zoneStats}
+ ${maybeToString "max-refresh-time: " zone.maxRefreshSecs}
+ ${maybeToString "min-refresh-time: " zone.minRefreshSecs}
+ ${maybeToString "max-retry-time: " zone.maxRetrySecs}
+ ${maybeToString "min-retry-time: " zone.minRetrySecs}
+ allow-axfr-fallback: ${yesOrNo zone.allowAXFRFallback}
+ ${forEach " allow-notify: " zone.allowNotify}
+ ${forEach " request-xfr: " zone.requestXFR}
+ ${forEach " notify: " zone.notify}
+ notify-retry: ${toString zone.notifyRetry}
+ ${forEach " provide-xfr: " zone.provideXFR}
+ '';
+ zoneConfigs = zoneConfigs' {} "" { children = cfg.zones; };
+ zoneConfigs' = parent: name: zone:
+ if !(zone ? children) || zone.children == null || zone.children == { }
+ # leaf -> actual zone
+ then listToAttrs [ (nameValuePair name (parent // zone)) ]
+ # fork -> pattern
+ else zipAttrsWith (name: head) (
+ mapAttrsToList (name: child: zoneConfigs' (parent // zone // { children = {}; }) name child)
+ zone.children
+ );
+ # fighting infinite recursion
+ zoneOptions = zoneOptionsRaw // childConfig zoneOptions1 true;
+ zoneOptions1 = zoneOptionsRaw // childConfig zoneOptions2 false;
+ zoneOptions2 = zoneOptionsRaw // childConfig zoneOptions3 false;
+ zoneOptions3 = zoneOptionsRaw // childConfig zoneOptions4 false;
+ zoneOptions4 = zoneOptionsRaw // childConfig zoneOptions5 false;
+ zoneOptions5 = zoneOptionsRaw // childConfig zoneOptions6 false;
+ zoneOptions6 = zoneOptionsRaw // childConfig null false;
+ childConfig = x: v: { options.children = { type = types.attrsOf x; visible = v; }; };
+ # options are ordered alphanumerically
+ zoneOptionsRaw = types.submodule {
+ options = {
+ allowAXFRFallback = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = ''
+ If NSD as secondary server should be allowed to AXFR if the primary
+ server does not allow IXFR.
+ '';
+ };
+ allowNotify = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [ ];
+ example = [ " NOKEY" " my_tsig_key_name"
+ ];
+ description = ''
+ Listed primary servers are allowed to notify this secondary server.
+ either a plain IPv4/IPv6 address or range. Valid patters for ranges:
+ * # via subnet size
+ * # via subnet mask
+ * # via range
+ A optional port number could be added with a '@':
+ * 2001:1234::1@1234
+ * will use the specified TSIG key
+ * NOKEY no TSIG signature is required
+ * BLOCKED notifies from non-listed or blocked IPs will be ignored
+ * ]]>
+ '';
+ };
+ children = mkOption {
+ default = {};
+ description = ''
+ Children zones inherit all options of their parents. Attributes
+ defined in a child will overwrite the ones of its parent. Only
+ leaf zones will be actually served. This way it's possible to
+ define maybe zones which share most attributes without
+ duplicating everything. This mechanism replaces nsd's patterns
+ in a save and functional way.
+ '';
+ };
+ data = mkOption {
+ type = types.lines;
+ default = "";
+ example = "";
+ description = ''
+ The actual zone data. This is the content of your zone file.
+ Use imports or pkgs.lib.readFile if you don't want this data in your config file.
+ '';
+ };
+ dnssec = mkEnableOption "DNSSEC";
+ dnssecPolicy = {
+ algorithm = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "RSASHA256";
+ description = "Which algorithm to use for DNSSEC";
+ };
+ keyttl = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "1h";
+ description = "TTL for dnssec records";
+ };
+ coverage = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "1y";
+ description = ''
+ The length of time to ensure that keys will be correct; no action will be taken to create new keys to be activated after this time.
+ '';
+ };
+ zsk = mkOption {
+ type = keyPolicy;
+ default = { keySize = 2048;
+ prePublish = "1w";
+ postPublish = "1w";
+ rollPeriod = "1mo";
+ };
+ description = "Key policy for zone signing keys";
+ };
+ ksk = mkOption {
+ type = keyPolicy;
+ default = { keySize = 4096;
+ prePublish = "1mo";
+ postPublish = "1mo";
+ rollPeriod = "0";
+ };
+ description = "Key policy for key signing keys";
+ };
+ };
+ maxRefreshSecs = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.int;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ Limit refresh time for secondary zones. This is the timer which
+ checks to see if the zone has to be refetched when it expires.
+ Normally the value from the SOA record is used, but this option
+ restricts that value.
+ '';
+ };
+ minRefreshSecs = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.int;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ Limit refresh time for secondary zones.
+ '';
+ };
+ maxRetrySecs = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.int;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ Limit retry time for secondary zones. This is the timeout after
+ a failed fetch attempt for the zone. Normally the value from
+ the SOA record is used, but this option restricts that value.
+ '';
+ };
+ minRetrySecs = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.int;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ Limit retry time for secondary zones.
+ '';
+ };
+ notify = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [];
+ example = [ " my_key" "::5 NOKEY" ];
+ description = ''
+ This primary server will notify all given secondary servers about
+ zone changes.
+ a plain IPv4/IPv6 address with on optional port number (ip@port)
+ * sign notifies with the specified key
+ * NOKEY don't sign notifies
+ ]]>
+ '';
+ };
+ notifyRetry = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 5;
+ description = ''
+ Specifies the number of retries for failed notifies. Set this along with notify.
+ '';
+ };
+ outgoingInterface = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ example = "2000::1@1234";
+ description = ''
+ This address will be used for zone-transfere requests if configured
+ as a secondary server or notifications in case of a primary server.
+ Supply either a plain IPv4 or IPv6 address with an optional port
+ number (ip@port).
+ '';
+ };
+ provideXFR = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [];
+ example = [ " NOKEY" " my_tsig_key_name" ];
+ description = ''
+ Allow these IPs and TSIG to transfer zones, addr TSIG|NOKEY|BLOCKED
+ address range,,
+ '';
+ };
+ requestXFR = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [];
+ example = [];
+ description = ''
+ Format: [AXFR|UDP] <ip-address> <key-name | NOKEY>
+ '';
+ };
+ rrlWhitelist = mkOption {
+ type = with types; listOf (enum [ "nxdomain" "error" "referral" "any" "rrsig" "wildcard" "nodata" "dnskey" "positive" "all" ]);
+ default = [];
+ description = ''
+ Whitelists the given rrl-types.
+ '';
+ };
+ zoneStats = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ example = "%s";
+ description = ''
+ When set to something distinct to null NSD is able to collect
+ statistics per zone. All statistics of this zone(s) will be added
+ to the group specified by this given name. Use "%s" to use the zones
+ name as the group. The groups are output from nsd-control stats
+ and stats_noreset.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ keyPolicy = types.submodule {
+ options = {
+ keySize = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ description = "Key size in bits";
+ };
+ prePublish = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "How long in advance to publish new keys";
+ };
+ postPublish = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "How long after deactivation to keep a key in the zone";
+ };
+ rollPeriod = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "How frequently to change keys";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ dnssecZones = (filterAttrs (n: v: if v ? dnssec then v.dnssec else false) zoneConfigs);
+ dnssec = dnssecZones != {};
+ dnssecTools = pkgs.bind.override { enablePython = true; };
+ signZones = optionalString dnssec ''
+ mkdir -p ${stateDir}/dnssec
+ chown ${username}:${username} ${stateDir}/dnssec
+ chmod 0600 ${stateDir}/dnssec
+ ${concatStrings (mapAttrsToList signZone dnssecZones)}
+ '';
+ signZone = name: zone: ''
+ ${dnssecTools}/bin/dnssec-keymgr -g ${dnssecTools}/bin/dnssec-keygen -s ${dnssecTools}/bin/dnssec-settime -K ${stateDir}/dnssec -c ${policyFile name zone.dnssecPolicy} ${name}
+ ${dnssecTools}/bin/dnssec-signzone -S -K ${stateDir}/dnssec -o ${name} -O full -N date ${stateDir}/zones/${name}
+ ${nsdPkg}/sbin/nsd-checkzone ${name} ${stateDir}/zones/${name}.signed && mv -v ${stateDir}/zones/${name}.signed ${stateDir}/zones/${name}
+ '';
+ policyFile = name: policy: pkgs.writeText "${name}.policy" ''
+ zone ${name} {
+ algorithm ${policy.algorithm};
+ key-size zsk ${toString policy.zsk.keySize};
+ key-size ksk ${toString policy.ksk.keySize};
+ keyttl ${policy.keyttl};
+ pre-publish zsk ${policy.zsk.prePublish};
+ pre-publish ksk ${policy.ksk.prePublish};
+ post-publish zsk ${policy.zsk.postPublish};
+ post-publish ksk ${policy.ksk.postPublish};
+ roll-period zsk ${policy.zsk.rollPeriod};
+ roll-period ksk ${policy.ksk.rollPeriod};
+ coverage ${policy.coverage};
+ };
+ '';
+ # options are ordered alphanumerically
+ options.fudo.nsd = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "NSD authoritative DNS server";
+ bind8Stats = mkEnableOption "BIND8 like statistics";
+ dnssecInterval = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "1h";
+ description = ''
+ How often to check whether dnssec key rollover is required
+ '';
+ };
+ extraConfig = mkOption {
+ type = types.lines;
+ default = "";
+ description = ''
+ Extra nsd config.
+ '';
+ };
+ hideVersion = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = ''
+ Whether NSD should answer VERSION.BIND and VERSION.SERVER CHAOS class queries.
+ '';
+ };
+ identity = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "unidentified server";
+ description = ''
+ Identify the server (CH TXT ID.SERVER entry).
+ '';
+ };
+ interfaces = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [ "" "::1" ];
+ description = ''
+ What addresses the server should listen to.
+ '';
+ };
+ ipFreebind = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ Whether to bind to nonlocal addresses and interfaces that are down.
+ Similar to ip-transparent.
+ '';
+ };
+ ipTransparent = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ Allow binding to non local addresses.
+ '';
+ };
+ ipv4 = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = ''
+ Whether to listen on IPv4 connections.
+ '';
+ };
+ ipv4EDNSSize = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 4096;
+ description = ''
+ Preferred EDNS buffer size for IPv4.
+ '';
+ };
+ ipv6 = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = ''
+ Whether to listen on IPv6 connections.
+ '';
+ };
+ ipv6EDNSSize = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 4096;
+ description = ''
+ Preferred EDNS buffer size for IPv6.
+ '';
+ };
+ logTimeAscii = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = ''
+ Log time in ascii, if false then in unix epoch seconds.
+ '';
+ };
+ nsid = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ NSID identity (hex string, or "ascii_somestring").
+ '';
+ };
+ port = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 53;
+ description = ''
+ Port the service should bind do.
+ '';
+ };
+ reuseport = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = pkgs.stdenv.isLinux;
+ description = ''
+ Whether to enable SO_REUSEPORT on all used sockets. This lets multiple
+ processes bind to the same port. This speeds up operation especially
+ if the server count is greater than one and makes fast restarts less
+ prone to fail
+ '';
+ };
+ rootServer = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = false;
+ description = ''
+ Whether this server will be a root server (a DNS root server, you
+ usually don't want that).
+ '';
+ };
+ roundRobin = mkEnableOption "round robin rotation of records";
+ serverCount = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 1;
+ description = ''
+ Number of NSD servers to fork. Put the number of CPUs to use here.
+ '';
+ };
+ stateDir = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Directory at which to store NSD state data.";
+ default = "/var/lib/nsd";
+ };
+ statistics = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.int;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ Statistics are produced every number of seconds. Prints to log.
+ If null no statistics are logged.
+ '';
+ };
+ tcpCount = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 100;
+ description = ''
+ Maximum number of concurrent TCP connections per server.
+ '';
+ };
+ tcpQueryCount = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 0;
+ description = ''
+ Maximum number of queries served on a single TCP connection.
+ 0 means no maximum.
+ '';
+ };
+ tcpTimeout = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 120;
+ description = ''
+ TCP timeout in seconds.
+ '';
+ };
+ verbosity = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 0;
+ description = ''
+ Verbosity level.
+ '';
+ };
+ version = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.str;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ The version string replied for CH TXT version.server and version.bind
+ queries. Will use the compiled package version on null.
+ See hideVersion for enabling/disabling this responses.
+ '';
+ };
+ xfrdReloadTimeout = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 1;
+ description = ''
+ Number of seconds between reloads triggered by xfrd.
+ '';
+ };
+ zonefilesCheck = mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = ''
+ Whether to check mtime of all zone files on start and sighup.
+ '';
+ };
+ keys = mkOption {
+ type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule {
+ options = {
+ algorithm = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ default = "hmac-sha256";
+ description = ''
+ Authentication algorithm for this key.
+ '';
+ };
+ keyFile = mkOption {
+ type = types.path;
+ description = ''
+ Path to the file which contains the actual base64 encoded
+ key. The key will be copied into "${stateDir}/private" before
+ NSD starts. The copied file is only accessibly by the NSD
+ user.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ });
+ default = {};
+ example = literalExample ''
+ { "tsig.example.org" = {
+ algorithm = "hmac-md5";
+ keyFile = "/path/to/my/key";
+ };
+ }
+ '';
+ description = ''
+ Define your TSIG keys here.
+ '';
+ };
+ ratelimit = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "ratelimit capabilities";
+ ipv4PrefixLength = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.int;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ IPv4 prefix length. Addresses are grouped by netblock.
+ '';
+ };
+ ipv6PrefixLength = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.int;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ IPv6 prefix length. Addresses are grouped by netblock.
+ '';
+ };
+ ratelimit = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 200;
+ description = ''
+ Max qps allowed from any query source.
+ 0 means unlimited. With an verbosity of 2 blocked and
+ unblocked subnets will be logged.
+ '';
+ };
+ slip = mkOption {
+ type = types.nullOr types.int;
+ default = null;
+ description = ''
+ Number of packets that get discarded before replying a SLIP response.
+ 0 disables SLIP responses. 1 will make every response a SLIP response.
+ '';
+ };
+ size = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 1000000;
+ description = ''
+ Size of the hashtable. More buckets use more memory but lower
+ the chance of hash hash collisions.
+ '';
+ };
+ whitelistRatelimit = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 2000;
+ description = ''
+ Max qps allowed from whitelisted sources.
+ 0 means unlimited. Set the rrl-whitelist option for specific
+ queries to apply this limit instead of the default to them.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ remoteControl = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "remote control via nsd-control";
+ controlCertFile = mkOption {
+ type = types.path;
+ default = "/etc/nsd/nsd_control.pem";
+ description = ''
+ Path to the client certificate signed with the server certificate.
+ This file is used by nsd-control and generated by nsd-control-setup.
+ '';
+ };
+ controlKeyFile = mkOption {
+ type = types.path;
+ default = "/etc/nsd/nsd_control.key";
+ description = ''
+ Path to the client private key, which is used by nsd-control
+ but not by the server. This file is generated by nsd-control-setup.
+ '';
+ };
+ interfaces = mkOption {
+ type = types.listOf types.str;
+ default = [ "" "::1" ];
+ description = ''
+ Which interfaces NSD should bind to for remote control.
+ '';
+ };
+ port = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ default = 8952;
+ description = ''
+ Port number for remote control operations (uses TLS over TCP).
+ '';
+ };
+ serverCertFile = mkOption {
+ type = types.path;
+ default = "/etc/nsd/nsd_server.pem";
+ description = ''
+ Path to the server self signed certificate, which is used by the server
+ but and by nsd-control. This file is generated by nsd-control-setup.
+ '';
+ };
+ serverKeyFile = mkOption {
+ type = types.path;
+ default = "/etc/nsd/nsd_server.key";
+ description = ''
+ Path to the server private key, which is used by the server
+ but not by nsd-control. This file is generated by nsd-control-setup.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ zones = mkOption {
+ type = types.attrsOf zoneOptions;
+ default = {};
+ example = literalExample ''
+ { "serverGroup1" = {
+ provideXFR = [ " NOKEY" ];
+ children = {
+ "example.com." = {
+ data = '''
+ $ORIGIN example.com.
+ $TTL 86400
+ @ IN SOA a.ns.example.com. admin.example.com. (
+ ...
+ ''';
+ };
+ "example.org." = {
+ data = '''
+ $ORIGIN example.org.
+ $TTL 86400
+ @ IN SOA a.ns.example.com. admin.example.com. (
+ ...
+ ''';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ "example.net." = {
+ provideXFR = [ " NOKEY" ];
+ data = '''
+ ...
+ ''';
+ };
+ }
+ '';
+ description = ''
+ Define your zones here. Zones can cascade other zones and therefore
+ inherit settings from parent zones. Look at the definition of
+ children to learn about inheritance and child zones.
+ The given example will define 3 zones (example.(com|org|net).). Both
+ example.com. and example.org. inherit their configuration from
+ serverGroup1.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ assertions = singleton {
+ assertion = zoneConfigs ? "." -> cfg.rootServer;
+ message = "You have a root zone configured. If this is really what you "
+ + "want, please enable 'services.nsd.rootServer'.";
+ };
+ environment = {
+ systemPackages = [ nsdPkg ];
+ etc."nsd/nsd.conf".source = "${configFile}/nsd.conf";
+ };
+ users.groups.${username}.gid = config.ids.gids.nsd;
+ users.users.${username} = {
+ description = "NSD service user";
+ home = stateDir;
+ createHome = true;
+ uid = config.ids.uids.nsd;
+ group = username;
+ };
+ systemd.services.nsd = {
+ description = "NSD authoritative only domain name service";
+ after = [ "network.target" ];
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ startLimitBurst = 4;
+ startLimitIntervalSec = 5 * 60; # 5 mins
+ serviceConfig = {
+ ExecStart = "${nsdPkg}/sbin/nsd -d -c ${nsdEnv}/nsd.conf";
+ StandardError = "null";
+ PIDFile = pidFile;
+ Restart = "always";
+ RestartSec = "4s";
+ };
+ preStart = ''
+ rm -Rf "${stateDir}/private/"
+ rm -Rf "${stateDir}/tmp/"
+ mkdir -m 0700 -p "${stateDir}/private"
+ mkdir -m 0700 -p "${stateDir}/tmp"
+ mkdir -m 0700 -p "${stateDir}/var"
+ cat > "${stateDir}/don't touch anything in here" << EOF
+ Everything in this directory except NSD's state in var and dnssec
+ is automatically generated and will be purged and redeployed by
+ the nsd.service pre-start script.
+ chown ${username}:${username} -R "${stateDir}/private"
+ chown ${username}:${username} -R "${stateDir}/tmp"
+ chown ${username}:${username} -R "${stateDir}/var"
+ rm -rf "${stateDir}/zones"
+ cp -rL "${nsdEnv}/zones" "${stateDir}/zones"
+ ${copyKeys}
+ '';
+ };
+ systemd.timers.nsd-dnssec = mkIf dnssec {
+ description = "Automatic DNSSEC key rollover";
+ wantedBy = [ "nsd.service" ];
+ timerConfig = {
+ OnActiveSec = cfg.dnssecInterval;
+ OnUnitActiveSec = cfg.dnssecInterval;
+ };
+ };
+ systemd.services.nsd-dnssec = mkIf dnssec {
+ description = "DNSSEC key rollover";
+ wantedBy = [ "nsd.service" ];
+ before = [ "nsd.service" ];
+ script = signZones;
+ postStop = ''
+ /run/current-system/systemd/bin/systemctl kill -s SIGHUP nsd.service
+ '';
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/password.nix b/lib/fudo/password.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c7d0e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/password.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.password;
+ genOpts = {
+ options = {
+ file = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Password file in which to store a generated password.";
+ };
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "User to which the file should belong.";
+ };
+ group = mkOption {
+ type = with types; nullOr str;
+ description = "Group to which the file should belong.";
+ default = "nogroup";
+ };
+ restart-services = mkOption {
+ type = with types; listOf str;
+ description = "List of services to restart when the password file is generated.";
+ default = [];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ generate-passwd-file = file: user: group: pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "generate-passwd-file.sh" ''
+ mkdir -p $(dirname ${file})
+ if touch ${file}; then
+ chown ${user}${optionalString (group != null) ":${group}"} ${file}
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ rm ${file}
+ echo "failed to set permissions on ${file}"
+ exit 4
+ fi
+ ${pkgs.pwgen}/bin/pwgen 30 1 > ${file}
+ else
+ echo "cannot write to ${file}"
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f ${file} ]; then
+ echo "Failed to create file ${file}"
+ exit 3
+ fi
+ ${if (group != null) then
+ "chmod 640 ${file}"
+ else
+ "chmod 600 ${file}"}
+ echo "created password file ${file}"
+ exit 0
+ '';
+ restart-script = service-name: ''
+ SYSCTL=${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl
+ JOBTYPE=$(${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl show ${service-name} -p Type)
+ if $SYSCTL is-active --quiet ${service-name} ||
+ [ $JOBTYPE == "Type=simple" ] ||
+ [ $JOBTYPE == "Type=oneshot" ] ; then
+ echo "restarting service ${service-name} because password has changed."
+ $SYSCTL restart ${service-name}
+ fi
+ '';
+ filterForRestarts = filterAttrs (name: opts: opts.restart-services != []);
+in {
+ options.fudo.password = {
+ file-generator = mkOption {
+ type = with types; attrsOf (submodule genOpts);
+ description = "List of password files to generate.";
+ default = {};
+ };
+ };
+ config = {
+ systemd.targets.fudo-passwords = {
+ description = "Target indicating that all Fudo passwords have been generated.";
+ wantedBy = [ "default.target" ];
+ };
+ systemd.services = fold (a: b: a // b) {} (mapAttrsToList (name: opts: {
+ "file-generator-${name}" = {
+ enable = true;
+ partOf = [ "fudo-passwords.target" ];
+ serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
+ description = "Generate password file for ${name}.";
+ script = "${generate-passwd-file opts.file opts.user opts.group}/bin/generate-passwd-file.sh";
+ reloadIfChanged = true;
+ };
+ "file-generator-watcher-${name}" = mkIf (! (opts.restart-services == [])) {
+ description = "Restart services upon regenerating password for ${name}";
+ after = [ "file-generator-${name}.service" ];
+ partOf = [ "fudo-passwords.target" ];
+ serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
+ script = concatStringsSep "\n" (map restart-script opts.restart-services);
+ };
+ }) cfg.file-generator);
+ systemd.paths = mapAttrs' (name: opts:
+ nameValuePair "file-generator-watcher-${name}" {
+ partOf = [ "fudo-passwords.target"];
+ pathConfig.PathChanged = opts.file;
+ }) (filterForRestarts cfg.file-generator);
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/postgres.nix b/lib/fudo/postgres.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ab72cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/postgres.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, environment, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.postgresql;
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ domain-name = config.instance.local-domain;
+ gssapi-realm = config.fudo.domains.${domain-name}.gssapi-realm;
+ join-lines = lib.concatStringsSep "\n";
+ strip-ext = filename:
+ head (builtins.match "^(.+)[.][^.]+$" filename);
+ userDatabaseOpts = { database, ... }: {
+ options = {
+ access = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Privileges for user on this database.";
+ default = "CONNECT";
+ };
+ entity-access = mkOption {
+ type = with types; attrsOf str;
+ description =
+ "A list of entities mapped to the access this user should have.";
+ default = { };
+ example = {
+ "TABLE users" = "SELECT,DELETE";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ userOpts = { username, ... }: {
+ options = with types; {
+ password-file = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "A file containing the user's (plaintext) password.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ databases = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule userDatabaseOpts);
+ description = "Map of databases to required database/table perms.";
+ default = { };
+ example = {
+ my_database = {
+ access = "ALL PRIVILEGES";
+ entity-access = { "ALL TABLES" = "SELECT"; };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ databaseOpts = { dbname, ... }: {
+ options = with types; {
+ users = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "A list of users who should have full access to this database.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ filterPasswordedUsers = filterAttrs (user: opts: opts.password-file != null);
+ password-setter-script = user: password-file: sql-file: ''
+ unset PASSWORD
+ if [ ! -f ${password-file} ]; then
+ echo "file does not exist: ${password-file}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ PASSWORD=$(cat ${password-file})
+ echo "setting password for user ${user}"
+ echo "ALTER USER ${user} ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '$PASSWORD';" >> ${sql-file}
+ '';
+ passwords-setter-script = users:
+ pkgs.writeScript "postgres-set-passwords.sh" ''
+ if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "usage: $0 output-file.sql"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f $OUTPUT_FILE ]; then
+ echo "file doesn't exist: $OUTPUT_FILE"
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ ${join-lines (mapAttrsToList (user: opts:
+ password-setter-script user opts.password-file "$OUTPUT_FILE")
+ (filterPasswordedUsers users))}
+ '';
+ userDatabaseAccess = user: databases:
+ mapAttrs' (database: databaseOpts:
+ nameValuePair "DATABASE ${database}" databaseOpts.access) databases;
+ makeEntry = nw:
+ "host all all ${nw} gss include_realm=0 krb_realm=${gssapi-realm}";
+ makeNetworksEntry = networks: join-lines (map makeEntry networks);
+ makeLocalUserPasswordEntries = users:
+ join-lines (mapAttrsToList (user: opts:
+ join-lines (map (db: ''
+ local ${db} ${user} md5
+ host ${db} ${user} md5
+ host ${db} ${user} ::1/128 md5
+ '') (attrNames opts.databases))) (filterPasswordedUsers users));
+ userTableAccessSql = user: entity: access:
+ "GRANT ${access} ON ${entity} TO ${user};";
+ userDatabaseAccessSql = user: database: dbOpts: ''
+ \c ${database}
+ ${join-lines
+ (mapAttrsToList (userTableAccessSql user) dbOpts.entity-access)}
+ '';
+ userAccessSql = user: userOpts:
+ join-lines (mapAttrsToList (userDatabaseAccessSql user) userOpts.databases);
+ usersAccessSql = users: join-lines (mapAttrsToList userAccessSql users);
+in {
+ options.fudo.postgresql = with types; {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Fudo PostgreSQL Server";
+ ssl-private-key = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Location of the server SSL private key.";
+ };
+ ssl-certificate = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Location of the server SSL certificate.";
+ };
+ keytab = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Location of the server Kerberos keytab.";
+ };
+ local-networks = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "A list of networks from which to accept connections.";
+ example = [ "" ];
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ users = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule userOpts);
+ description = "A map of users to user attributes.";
+ example = {
+ sampleUser = {
+ password-file = "/path/to/password/file";
+ databases = {
+ some_database = {
+ access = "CONNECT";
+ entity-access = { "TABLE some_table" = "SELECT,UPDATE"; };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ default = { };
+ };
+ databases = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule databaseOpts);
+ description = "A map of databases to database options.";
+ default = { };
+ };
+ socket-directory = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Directory in which to place unix sockets.";
+ default = "/run/postgresql";
+ };
+ socket-group = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Group for accessing sockets.";
+ default = "postgres_local";
+ };
+ local-users = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "Users able to access the server via local socket.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ required-services = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of services that should run before postgresql.";
+ default = [ ];
+ example = [ "password-generator.service" ];
+ };
+ state-directory = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Path at which to store database state data.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ cleanup-tasks = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of actions to take during shutdown of the service.";
+ default = [];
+ };
+ systemd-target = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Name of the systemd target for postgresql";
+ default = "postgresql.target";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ environment = {
+ systemPackages = with pkgs; [ postgresql_11_gssapi ];
+ # etc = {
+ # "postgresql/private/privkey.pem" = {
+ # mode = "0400";
+ # user = "postgres";
+ # group = "postgres";
+ # source = cfg.ssl-private-key;
+ # };
+ # "postgresql/cert.pem" = {
+ # mode = "0444";
+ # user = "postgres";
+ # group = "postgres";
+ # source = cfg.ssl-certificate;
+ # };
+ # "postgresql/private/postgres.keytab" = {
+ # mode = "0400";
+ # user = "postgres";
+ # group = "postgres";
+ # source = cfg.keytab;
+ # };
+ # };
+ };
+ users.groups = {
+ ${cfg.socket-group} = { members = [ "postgres" ] ++ cfg.local-users; };
+ };
+ services.postgresql = {
+ enable = true;
+ package = pkgs.postgresql_11_gssapi;
+ enableTCPIP = true;
+ ensureDatabases = mapAttrsToList (name: value: name) cfg.databases;
+ ensureUsers = ((mapAttrsToList (username: attrs: {
+ name = username;
+ ensurePermissions = userDatabaseAccess username attrs.databases;
+ }) cfg.users) ++ (flatten (mapAttrsToList (database: opts:
+ (map (username: {
+ name = username;
+ ensurePermissions = { "DATABASE ${database}" = "ALL PRIVILEGES"; };
+ }) opts.users)) cfg.databases)));
+ settings = {
+ krb_server_keyfile = cfg.keytab;
+ ssl = true;
+ ssl_cert_file = cfg.ssl-certificate;
+ ssl_key_file = cfg.ssl-private-key;
+ unix_socket_directories = cfg.socket-directory;
+ unix_socket_group = cfg.socket-group;
+ unix_socket_permissions = "0777";
+ };
+ authentication = lib.mkForce ''
+ ${makeLocalUserPasswordEntries cfg.users}
+ local all all ident
+ # host-local
+ host all all gss include_realm=0 krb_realm=${gssapi-realm}
+ host all all ::1/128 gss include_realm=0 krb_realm=${gssapi-realm}
+ # local networks
+ ${makeNetworksEntry cfg.local-networks}
+ '';
+ dataDir = mkIf (cfg.state-directory != null) cfg.state-directory;
+ };
+ systemd = {
+ tmpfiles.rules = optional (cfg.state-directory != null) (let
+ user = config.systemd.services.postgresql.serviceConfig.User;
+ in "d ${cfg.state-directory} 0700 ${user} - - -");
+ targets.${strip-ext cfg.systemd-target} = {
+ description = "Postgresql and associated systemd services.";
+ };
+ services = {
+ postgresql-password-setter = let
+ passwords-script = passwords-setter-script cfg.users;
+ password-wrapper-script =
+ pkgs.writeScript "password-script-wrapper.sh" ''
+ TMPDIR=$(${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mktemp -d -t postgres-XXXXXXXXXX)
+ echo "using temp dir $TMPDIR"
+ PASSWORD_SQL_FILE=$TMPDIR/user-passwords.sql
+ echo "password file $PASSWORD_SQL_FILE"
+ chown ${config.services.postgresql.superUser} $PASSWORD_SQL_FILE
+ chmod go-rwx $PASSWORD_SQL_FILE
+ ${passwords-script} $PASSWORD_SQL_FILE
+ echo "executing $PASSWORD_SQL_FILE"
+ ${pkgs.postgresql}/bin/psql --port ${
+ toString config.services.postgresql.port
+ } -d postgres -f $PASSWORD_SQL_FILE
+ echo "Postgresql user passwords set.";
+ exit 0
+ '';
+ in {
+ description =
+ "A service to set postgresql user passwords after the server has started.";
+ after = [ "postgresql.service" ] ++ cfg.required-services;
+ requires = [ "postgresql.service" ] ++ cfg.required-services;
+ serviceConfig = {
+ Type = "oneshot";
+ User = config.services.postgresql.superUser;
+ };
+ partOf = [ cfg.systemd-target ];
+ script = "${password-wrapper-script}";
+ };
+ postgresql = {
+ requires = cfg.required-services;
+ after = cfg.required-services;
+ partOf = [ cfg.systemd-target ];
+ postStart = let
+ allow-user-login = user: "ALTER ROLE ${user} WITH LOGIN;";
+ extra-settings-sql = pkgs.writeText "settings.sql" ''
+ ${concatStringsSep "\n"
+ (map allow-user-login (mapAttrsToList (key: val: key) cfg.users))}
+ ${usersAccessSql cfg.users}
+ '';
+ in ''
+ ${pkgs.postgresql}/bin/psql --port ${
+ toString config.services.postgresql.port
+ } -d postgres -f ${extra-settings-sql}
+ ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chgrp ${cfg.socket-group} ${cfg.socket-directory}/.s.PGSQL*
+ '';
+ postStop = concatStringsSep "\n" cfg.cleanup-tasks;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/prometheus.nix b/lib/fudo/prometheus.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..450baaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/prometheus.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ inherit (lib.strings) concatStringsSep;
+ cfg = config.fudo.prometheus;
+in {
+ options.fudo.prometheus = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Fudo Prometheus Data-Gathering Server";
+ service-discovery-dns = mkOption {
+ type = with types; attrsOf (listOf str);
+ description = ''
+ A map of exporter type to a list of domains to use for service discovery.
+ '';
+ example = {
+ node = [ "node._metrics._tcp.my-domain.com" ];
+ postfix = [ "postfix._metrics._tcp.my-domain.com" ];
+ };
+ default = {
+ dovecot = [];
+ node = [];
+ postfix = [];
+ rspamd = [];
+ };
+ };
+ static-targets = mkOption {
+ type = with types; attrsOf (listOf str);
+ description = ''
+ A map of exporter type to a list of host:ports from which to collect metrics.
+ '';
+ example = {
+ node = [ "my-host.my-domain:1111" ];
+ };
+ default = {
+ dovecot = [];
+ node = [];
+ postfix = [];
+ rspamd = [];
+ };
+ };
+ docker-hosts = mkOption {
+ type = with types; listOf str;
+ description = ''
+ A list of explicit docker targets from which to gather node data.
+ '';
+ default = [];
+ };
+ push-url = mkOption {
+ type = with types; nullOr str;
+ description = ''
+ The that services can use to manually push data.
+ '';
+ default = null;
+ };
+ push-address = mkOption {
+ type = with types; nullOr str;
+ description = ''
+ The address on which to listen for incoming data.
+ '';
+ default = null;
+ };
+ hostname = mkOption {
+ type = with types; str;
+ description = "The hostname upon which Prometheus will serve.";
+ example = "my-metrics-server.fudo.org";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ services.nginx = {
+ enable = true;
+ virtualHosts = {
+ "${cfg.hostname}" = {
+ enableACME = true;
+ forceSSL = true;
+ locations."/" = {
+ proxyPass = "";
+ extraConfig = let
+ local-networks = config.instance.local-networks;
+ in ''
+ proxy_set_header Host $host;
+ proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-By $server_addr:$server_port;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
+ ${optionalString ((length local-networks) > 0)
+ (concatStringsSep "\n" (map (network: "allow ${network};") local-networks)) + "\ndeny all;"}
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ services.prometheus = {
+ enable = true;
+ webExternalUrl = "https://${cfg.hostname}";
+ listenAddress = "";
+ port = 9090;
+ scrapeConfigs = [
+ {
+ job_name = "docker";
+ honor_labels = false;
+ static_configs = [
+ {
+ targets = cfg.docker-hosts;
+ }
+ ];
+ }
+ {
+ job_name = "node";
+ scheme = "https";
+ metrics_path = "/metrics/node";
+ honor_labels = false;
+ dns_sd_configs = [
+ {
+ names = cfg.service-discovery-dns.node;
+ }
+ ];
+ static_configs = [
+ {
+ targets = cfg.static-targets.node;
+ }
+ ];
+ }
+ {
+ job_name = "dovecot";
+ scheme = "https";
+ metrics_path = "/metrics/dovecot";
+ honor_labels = false;
+ dns_sd_configs = [
+ {
+ names = cfg.service-discovery-dns.dovecot;
+ }
+ ];
+ static_configs = [
+ {
+ targets = cfg.static-targets.dovecot;
+ }
+ ];
+ }
+ {
+ job_name = "postfix";
+ scheme = "https";
+ metrics_path = "/metrics/postfix";
+ honor_labels = false;
+ dns_sd_configs = [
+ {
+ names = cfg.service-discovery-dns.postfix;
+ }
+ ];
+ static_configs = [
+ {
+ targets = cfg.static-targets.postfix;
+ }
+ ];
+ }
+ {
+ job_name = "rspamd";
+ scheme = "https";
+ metrics_path = "/metrics/rspamd";
+ honor_labels = false;
+ dns_sd_configs = [
+ {
+ names = cfg.service-discovery-dns.rspamd;
+ }
+ ];
+ static_configs = [
+ {
+ targets = cfg.static-targets.rspamd;
+ }
+ ];
+ }
+ ];
+ pushgateway = {
+ enable = if (cfg.push-url != null) then true else false;
+ web = {
+ external-url = if cfg.push-url == null then
+ cfg.push-address
+ else
+ cfg.push-url;
+ listen-address = cfg.push-address;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/secrets.nix b/lib/fudo/secrets.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..344371a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/secrets.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.secrets;
+ encrypt-on-disk = { secret-name, target-host, target-pubkey, source-file }:
+ pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
+ name = "${target-host}-${secret-name}-secret";
+ phases = "installPhase";
+ buildInputs = [ pkgs.age ];
+ installPhase = ''
+ age -a -r "${target-pubkey}" -o $out ${source-file}
+ '';
+ };
+ decrypt-script = { secret-name, source-file, target-host, target-file
+ , host-master-key, user, group, permissions }:
+ pkgs.writeShellScript "decrypt-fudo-secret-${target-host}-${secret-name}.sh" ''
+ rm -f ${target-file}
+ touch ${target-file}
+ chown ${user}:${group} ${target-file}
+ chmod ${permissions} ${target-file}
+ # NOTE: silly hack because sometimes age leaves a blank line
+ # Only include lines with at least one non-space character
+ SRC=$(mktemp fudo-secret-${target-host}-${secret-name}.XXXXXXXX)
+ cat ${encrypt-on-disk {
+ inherit secret-name source-file target-host;
+ target-pubkey = host-master-key.public-key;
+ }} | grep "[^ ]" > $SRC
+ age -d -i ${host-master-key.key-path} -o ${target-file} $SRC
+ rm -f $SRC
+ '';
+ secret-service = target-host: secret-name:
+ { source-file, target-file, user, group, permissions, ... }: {
+ description = "decrypt secret ${secret-name} for ${target-host}.";
+ wantedBy = [ "default.target" ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ Type = "oneshot";
+ ExecStart = let
+ host-master-key = config.fudo.hosts.${target-host}.master-key;
+ in decrypt-script {
+ inherit secret-name source-file target-host target-file host-master-key
+ user group permissions;
+ };
+ };
+ path = [ pkgs.age ];
+ };
+ secretOpts = { name, ... }: {
+ options = with types; {
+ source-file = mkOption {
+ type = path; # CAREFUL: this will copy the file to nixstore...keep on deploy host
+ description = "File from which to load the secret. If unspecified, a random new password will be generated.";
+ default = "${generate-secret name}/passwd";
+ };
+ target-file = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description =
+ "Target file on the host; the secret will be decrypted to this file.";
+ };
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "User (on target host) to which the file will belong.";
+ };
+ group = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Group (on target host) to which the file will belong.";
+ default = "nogroup";
+ };
+ permissions = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Permissions to set on the target file.";
+ default = "0400";
+ };
+ metadata = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf anything;
+ description = "Arbitrary metadata associated with this secret.";
+ default = {};
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ nix-build-users = let usernames = attrNames config.users.users;
+ in filter (user: (builtins.match "^nixbld[0-9]{1,2}$" user) != null)
+ usernames;
+ generate-secret = name: pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
+ name = "${name}-generated-passwd";
+ phases = [ "installPhase" ];
+ buildInputs = with pkgs; [ pwgen ];
+ buildPhase = ''
+ echo "${name}-${config.instance.build-timestamp}" >> file.txt
+ pwgen --secure --symbols --num-passwords=1 --sha1=file.txt 40 > passwd
+ rm -f file.txt
+ '';
+ installPhase = ''
+ mkdir $out
+ mv passwd $out/passwd
+ '';
+ };
+in {
+ options.fudo.secrets = with types; {
+ enable = mkOption {
+ type = bool;
+ description = "Include secrets in the build (disable when secrets are unavailable)";
+ default = true;
+ };
+ host-secrets = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (attrsOf (submodule secretOpts));
+ description = "Map of hosts to host secrets";
+ default = { };
+ };
+ host-deep-secrets = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (attrsOf (submodule secretOpts));
+ description = ''
+ Secrets that are only passed during deployment.
+ These secrets will be passed as nixops deployment secrets,
+ _unlike_ regular secrets that are passed to hosts as part of
+ the nixops store, but encrypted with the host SSH key. Regular
+ secrets are kept secret from normal users. These secrets will
+ be kept secret from _everybody_. However, they won't be
+ available on the host at boot until a new deployment occurs.
+ '';
+ default = { };
+ };
+ secret-users = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of users with read-access to secrets.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ secret-group = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Group to which secrets will belong.";
+ default = "nixops-secrets";
+ };
+ secret-paths = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "Paths which contain (only) secrets. The contents will be reabable by the secret-group.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ users.groups = {
+ ${cfg.secret-group} = {
+ members = cfg.secret-users ++ nix-build-users;
+ };
+ };
+ systemd = let
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ host-secrets = if (hasAttr hostname cfg.host-secrets) then
+ cfg.host-secrets.${hostname}
+ else
+ { };
+ host-secret-services = mapAttrs' (secret: secretOpts:
+ (nameValuePair "fudo-secret-${hostname}-${secret}"
+ (secret-service hostname secret secretOpts))) host-secrets;
+ trace-all = obj: builtins.trace obj obj;
+ host-secret-paths = mapAttrsToList
+ (secret: secretOpts:
+ let perms = if secretOpts.group != "nobody" then "550" else "500";
+ in "d ${dirOf secretOpts.target-file} ${perms} ${secretOpts.user} ${secretOpts.group} - -")
+ host-secrets;
+ build-secret-paths =
+ map (path: "d '${path}' - root ${cfg.secret-group} - -")
+ cfg.secret-paths;
+ in {
+ tmpfiles.rules = host-secret-paths ++ build-secret-paths;
+ services = host-secret-services // {
+ fudo-secrets-watcher = mkIf (length cfg.secret-paths > 0) {
+ wantedBy = [ "default.target" ];
+ description =
+ "Ensure access for group ${cfg.secret-group} to fudo secret paths.";
+ serviceConfig = {
+ ExecStart = pkgs.writeShellScript "fudo-secrets-watcher.sh"
+ (concatStringsSep "\n" (map (path: ''
+ chown -R root:${cfg.secret-group} ${path}
+ chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX,o= ${path}
+ '') cfg.secret-paths));
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ paths.fudo-secrets-watcher = mkIf (length cfg.secret-paths > 0) {
+ wantedBy = [ "default.target" ];
+ description = "Watch fudo secret paths, and correct perms on changes.";
+ pathConfig = {
+ PathChanged = cfg.secret-paths;
+ Unit = "fudo-secrets-watcher.service";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/secure-dns-proxy.nix b/lib/fudo/secure-dns-proxy.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0afd24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/secure-dns-proxy.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+{ lib, pkgs, config, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.secure-dns-proxy;
+ fudo-lib = import ../fudo-lib.nix { lib = lib; };
+in {
+ options.fudo.secure-dns-proxy = with types; {
+ enable =
+ mkEnableOption "Enable a DNS server using an encrypted upstream source.";
+ listen-port = mkOption {
+ type = port;
+ description = "Port on which to listen for DNS queries.";
+ default = 53;
+ };
+ upstream-dns = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = ''
+ The upstream DNS services to use, in a format useable by dnsproxy.
+ See: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/dnsproxy
+ '';
+ default = [ "https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query" ];
+ };
+ bootstrap-dns = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description =
+ "A simple DNS server from which HTTPS DNS can be bootstrapped, if necessary.";
+ default = "";
+ };
+ listen-ips = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "A list of local IP addresses on which to listen.";
+ default = [ "" ];
+ };
+ allowed-networks = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr (listOf str);
+ description =
+ "List of networks with which this job is allowed to communicate.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "User as which to run secure DNS proxy.";
+ default = "secure-dns-proxy";
+ };
+ group = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Group as which to run secure DNS proxy.";
+ default = "secure-dns-proxy";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable (let
+ upgrade-perms = cfg.listen-port <= 1024;
+ in {
+ users = mkIf upgrade-perms {
+ users = {
+ ${cfg.user} = {
+ isSystemUser = true;
+ group = cfg.group;
+ };
+ };
+ groups = {
+ ${cfg.group} = {
+ members = [ cfg.user ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ fudo.system.services.secure-dns-proxy = {
+ description = "DNS Proxy for secure DNS-over-HTTPS lookups.";
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ after = [ "network.target" ];
+ privateNetwork = false;
+ requiredCapabilities = mkIf upgrade-perms [ "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE" ];
+ restartWhen = "always";
+ addressFamilies = [ "AF_INET" "AF_INET6" ];
+ networkWhitelist = cfg.allowed-networks;
+ user = mkIf upgrade-perms cfg.user;
+ group = mkIf upgrade-perms cfg.group;
+ execStart = let
+ upstreams = map (upstream: "-u ${upstream}") cfg.upstream-dns;
+ upstream-line = concatStringsSep " " upstreams;
+ listen-line =
+ concatStringsSep " " (map (listen: "-l ${listen}") cfg.listen-ips);
+ in "${pkgs.dnsproxy}/bin/dnsproxy -p ${
+ toString cfg.listen-port
+ } ${upstream-line} ${listen-line} -b ${cfg.bootstrap-dns}";
+ };
+ });
diff --git a/lib/fudo/sites.nix b/lib/fudo/sites.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..384203f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/sites.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ site-name = config.fudo.hosts.${hostname}.site;
+ site-cfg = config.fudo.sites.${site-name};
+ site-hosts = filterAttrs (hostname: hostOpts: hostOpts.site == site-name)
+ config.fudo.hosts;
+ siteOpts = { site, ... }: {
+ options = with types; {
+ site = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Site name.";
+ default = site;
+ };
+ network = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Network to be treated as local.";
+ };
+ dynamic-network = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Network to be allocated by DHCP.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ gateway-v4 = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Gateway to use for public ipv4 internet access.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ gateway-v6 = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Gateway to use for public ipv6 internet access.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ local-groups = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of groups which should exist at this site.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ local-users = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "List of users which should exist on all hosts at this site.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ local-admins = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "List of admin users which should exist on all hosts at this site.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ enable-monitoring =
+ mkEnableOption "Enable site-wide monitoring with prometheus.";
+ nameservers = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of nameservers to be used by hosts at this site.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ timezone = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Timezone of the site.";
+ example = "America/Winnipeg";
+ };
+ deploy-pubkeys = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr (listOf str);
+ description = "SSH pubkey of site deploy key. Used by dropbear daemon.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ enable-ssh-backdoor = mkOption {
+ type = bool;
+ description =
+ "Enable a backup SSH server in case of failures of the primary.";
+ default = true;
+ };
+ dropbear-rsa-key-path = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Location of Dropbear RSA key.";
+ default = "/etc/dropbear/host_rsa_key";
+ };
+ dropbear-ecdsa-key-path = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Location of Dropbear ECDSA key.";
+ default = "/etc/dropbear/host_ecdsa_key";
+ };
+ dropbear-ssh-port = mkOption {
+ type = port;
+ description = "Port to be used for the backup SSH server.";
+ default = 2112;
+ };
+ enable-distributed-builds =
+ mkEnableOption "Enable distributed builds for the site.";
+ build-servers = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule buildServerOpts);
+ description =
+ "List of hosts to be used as build servers for the local site.";
+ default = { };
+ example = {
+ my-build-host = {
+ port = 22;
+ systems = [ "i686-linux" "x86_64-linux" ];
+ build-user = "my-builder";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ local-networks = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of networks to consider local at this site.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ mail-server = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Hostname of the mail server to use for this site.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ buildServerOpts = { hostname, ... }: {
+ options = with types; {
+ port = mkOption {
+ type = port;
+ description = "SSH port at which to contact the server.";
+ default = 22;
+ };
+ systems = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "A list of systems for which this build server can build.";
+ default = [ "i686-linux" "x86_64-linux" ];
+ };
+ max-jobs = mkOption {
+ type = int;
+ description = "Max build allowed per-system.";
+ default = 1;
+ };
+ speed-factor = mkOption {
+ type = int;
+ description = "Weight to give this server, i.e. it's relative speed.";
+ default = 1;
+ };
+ supported-features = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of features supported by this server.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ build-user = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "User as which to run distributed builds.";
+ default = "nix-site-builder";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+in {
+ options.fudo.sites = mkOption {
+ type = with types; attrsOf (submodule siteOpts);
+ description = "Site configurations for all sites known to the system.";
+ default = { };
+ };
+ config = {
+ networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts =
+ mkIf site-cfg.enable-ssh-backdoor [ site-cfg.dropbear-ssh-port ];
+ systemd = mkIf site-cfg.enable-ssh-backdoor {
+ sockets = {
+ dropbear-deploy = {
+ wantedBy = [ "sockets.target" ];
+ socketConfig = {
+ ListenStream = "${toString site-cfg.dropbear-ssh-port}";
+ Accept = true;
+ };
+ unitConfig = { restartIfChanged = true; };
+ };
+ };
+ services = {
+ dropbear-deploy-init = {
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ script = ''
+ if [ ! -d /etc/dropbear ]; then
+ mkdir /etc/dropbear
+ chmod 700 /etc/dropbear
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f ${site-cfg.dropbear-rsa-key-path} ]; then
+ ${pkgs.dropbear}/bin/dropbearkey -t rsa -f ${site-cfg.dropbear-rsa-key-path}
+ ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chmod 0400 ${site-cfg.dropbear-rsa-key-path}
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f ${site-cfg.dropbear-ecdsa-key-path} ]; then
+ ${pkgs.dropbear}/bin/dropbearkey -t ecdsa -f ${site-cfg.dropbear-ecdsa-key-path}
+ ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chmod 0400 ${site-cfg.dropbear-ecdsa-key-path}
+ fi
+ '';
+ };
+ "dropbear-deploy@" = {
+ description =
+ "Per-connection service for deployment, using dropbear.";
+ requires = [ "dropbear-deploy-init.service" ];
+ after = [ "network.target" ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ Type = "simple";
+ ExecStart =
+ "${pkgs.dropbear}/bin/dropbear -F -i -w -m -j -k -r ${site-cfg.dropbear-rsa-key-path} -r ${site-cfg.dropbear-ecdsa-key-path}";
+ ExecReload = "${pkgs.utillinux}/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID";
+ StandardInput = "socket";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/slynk.nix b/lib/fudo/slynk.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ae12ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/slynk.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.slynk;
+ initScript = port: load-paths: let
+ load-path-string =
+ concatStringsSep " " (map (path: "\"${path}\"") load-paths);
+ in pkgs.writeText "slynk.lisp" ''
+ (load (merge-pathnames "quicklisp/setup.lisp" (user-homedir-pathname)))
+ (ql:quickload :slynk)
+ (setf asdf:*central-registry*
+ (append asdf:*central-registry*
+ (list ${load-path-string})))
+ (slynk:create-server :port ${toString port} :dont-close t)
+ (dolist (var '("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"))
+ (format t "~S: ~S~%" var (sb-unix::posix-getenv var)))
+ (loop (sleep 60))
+ '';
+ lisp-libs = with pkgs.lispPackages; [
+ alexandria
+ asdf-package-system
+ asdf-system-connections
+ cl_plus_ssl
+ cl-ppcre
+ quicklisp
+ quri
+ uiop
+ usocket
+ ];
+in {
+ options.fudo.slynk = {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Enable Slynk emacs common lisp server.";
+ port = mkOption {
+ type = types.int;
+ description = "Port on which to open a Slynk server.";
+ default = 4005;
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ systemd.user.services.slynk = {
+ description = "Slynk Common Lisp server.";
+ serviceConfig = let
+ load-paths = (map (pkg: "${pkg}/lib/common-lisp/") lisp-libs);
+ in {
+ ExecStartPre = "${pkgs.lispPackages.quicklisp}/bin/quicklisp init";
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.sbcl}/bin/sbcl --load ${initScript cfg.port load-paths}";
+ Restart = "on-failure";
+ PIDFile = "/run/slynk.$USERNAME.pid";
+ };
+ path = with pkgs; [
+ gcc
+ glibc # for getent
+ file
+ ];
+ environment = {
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "${pkgs.openssl_1_1.out}/lib";
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/ssh.nix b/lib/fudo/ssh.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f1f965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/ssh.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ config = {
+ programs.ssh.knownHosts = let
+ keyed-hosts =
+ filterAttrs (h: o: o.ssh-pubkeys != [])
+ config.fudo.hosts;
+ crossProduct = f: list0: list1:
+ concatMap (el0: map (el1: f el0 el1) list1) list0;
+ all-hostnames = hostname: opts:
+ [ hostname ] ++
+ (crossProduct (host: domain: "${host}.${domain}")
+ ([ hostname ] ++ opts.aliases)
+ ([ opts.domain ] ++ opts.extra-domains));
+ in mapAttrs (hostname: hostOpts: {
+ publicKeyFile = builtins.head hostOpts.ssh-pubkeys;
+ hostNames = all-hostnames hostname hostOpts;
+ }) keyed-hosts;
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/system-networking.nix b/lib/fudo/system-networking.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07c13c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/system-networking.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.system;
+ portMappingOpts = { name, ... }: {
+ options = with types; {
+ internal-port = mkOption {
+ type = port;
+ description = "Port on localhost to recieve traffic";
+ };
+ external-port = mkOption {
+ type = port;
+ description = "External port on which to listen for traffic.";
+ };
+ protocols = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "Protocols for which to forward ports. Default is tcp-only.";
+ default = [ "tcp" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+in {
+ options.fudo.system = with types; {
+ internal-port-map = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule portMappingOpts);
+ description =
+ "Sets of external ports to internal (i.e. localhost) ports to forward.";
+ default = { };
+ example = {
+ sshmap = {
+ internal-port = 2222;
+ external-port = 22;
+ protocol = "udp";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ # DO THIS MANUALLY since NixOS sux at making a reasonable /etc/hosts
+ hostfile-entries = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (listOf str);
+ description = "Map of extra IP addresses to hostnames for /etc/hosts";
+ default = {};
+ example = {
+ "" = [ "my-host" "my-host.my.domain" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf (cfg.internal-port-map != { }) {
+ # boot.kernel.sysctl = mkIf (cfg.internal-port-map != { }) {
+ # "net.ipv4.conf.all.route_localnet" = "1";
+ # };
+ # fudo.system.services.forward-internal-ports = let
+ # ip-line = op: src-port: target-port: protocol: ''
+ # ${ipt} -t nat -${op} PREROUTING -p ${protocol} --dport ${
+ # toString src-port
+ # } -j REDIRECT --to-ports ${toString target-port}
+ # ${ipt} -t nat -${op} OUTPUT -p ${protocol} -s lo --dport ${
+ # toString src-port
+ # } -j REDIRECT --to-ports ${toString target-port}
+ # '';
+ # ip-forward-line = ip-line "I";
+ # ip-unforward-line = ip-line "D";
+ # traceOut = obj: builtins.trace obj obj;
+ # concatMapAttrsToList = f: attrs: concatLists (mapAttrsToList f attrs);
+ # portmap-entries = concatMapAttrsToList (name: opts:
+ # map (protocol: {
+ # src = opts.external-port;
+ # target = opts.internal-port;
+ # protocol = protocol;
+ # }) opts.protocols) cfg.internal-port-map;
+ # make-entries = f: { src, target, protocol, ... }: f src target protocol;
+ # forward-entries = map (make-entries ip-forward-line) portmap-entries;
+ # unforward-entries = map (make-entries ip-unforward-line) portmap-entries;
+ # forward-ports-script = pkgs.writeShellScript "forward-internal-ports.sh"
+ # (concatStringsSep "\n" forward-entries);
+ # unforward-ports-script =
+ # pkgs.writeShellScript "unforward-internal-ports.sh"
+ # (concatStringsSep "\n"
+ # (map (make-entries ip-unforward-line) portmap-entries));
+ # in {
+ # wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ # after = [ "firewall.service" "nat.service" ];
+ # type = "oneshot";
+ # description = "Rules for forwarding external ports to local ports.";
+ # execStart = "${forward-ports-script}";
+ # execStop = "${unforward-ports-script}";
+ # requiredCapabilities =
+ # };
+ # networking.firewall = let
+ # iptables = "ip46tables";
+ # ip-forward-line = protocols: internal: external:
+ # concatStringsSep "\n" (map (protocol: ''
+ # ${iptables} -t nat -I PREROUTING -p ${protocol} --dport ${
+ # toString external
+ # } -j REDIRECT --to-ports ${toString internal}
+ # ${iptables} -t nat -I OUTPUT -s lo -p ${protocol} --dport ${
+ # toString external
+ # } -j REDIRECT --to-ports ${toString internal}
+ # '') protocols);
+ # ip-unforward-line = protocols: internal: external:
+ # concatStringsSep "\n" (map (protocol: ''
+ # ${iptables} -t nat -D PREROUTING -p ${protocol} --dport ${
+ # toString external
+ # } -j REDIRECT --to-ports ${toString internal}
+ # ${iptables} -t nat -D OUTPUT -s lo -p ${protocol} --dport ${
+ # toString external
+ # } -j REDIRECT --to-ports ${toString internal}
+ # '') protocols);
+ # in {
+ # enable = true;
+ # extraCommands = concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (name: opts:
+ # ip-forward-line opts.protocols opts.internal-port opts.external-port)
+ # cfg.internal-port-map);
+ # extraStopCommands = concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (name: opts:
+ # ip-unforward-line opts.protocols opts.internal-port opts.external-port)
+ # cfg.internal-port-map);
+ # };
+ # networking.nat.forwardPorts =
+ # let portmaps = (attrValues opts.external-port);
+ # in concatMap (opts:
+ # map (protocol: {
+ # destination = "${toString opts.internal-port}";
+ # sourcePort = opts.external-port;
+ # proto = protocol;
+ # }) opts.protocols) (attrValues cfg.internal-port-map);
+ # services.xinetd = mkIf ((length (attrNames cfg.internal-port-map)) > 0) {
+ # enable = true;
+ # services = let
+ # svcs = mapAttrsToList (name: opts: opts // { name = name; })
+ # cfg.internal-port-map;
+ # svcs-protocols = concatMap
+ # (svc: map (protocol: svc // { protocol = protocol; }) svc.protocols)
+ # svcs;
+ # in map (opts: {
+ # name = opts.name;
+ # unlisted = true;
+ # port = opts.external-port;
+ # server = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/false";
+ # extraConfig = "redirect = localhost ${toString opts.internal-port}";
+ # protocol = opts.protocol;
+ # }) svcs-protocols;
+ # };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/system.nix b/lib/fudo/system.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edd6844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/system.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.system;
+ mkDisableOption = description:
+ mkOption {
+ type = types.bool;
+ default = true;
+ description = description;
+ };
+ isEmpty = lst: 0 == (length lst);
+ serviceOpts = { name, ... }:
+ with types; {
+ options = {
+ after = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of services to start before this one.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ script = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Simple shell script for the service to run.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ reloadScript = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Script to run whenever the service is restarted.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ before = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "List of services before which this service should be started.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ requires = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "List of services on which this service depends. If they fail to start, this service won't start.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ preStart = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Script to run prior to starting this service.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ postStart = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Script to run after starting this service.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ preStop = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Script to run prior to stopping this service.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ postStop = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Script to run after stopping this service.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ requiredBy = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "List of services which require this service, and should fail without it.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ wantedBy = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ default = [ ];
+ description =
+ "List of services before which this service should be started.";
+ };
+ environment = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf str;
+ description = "Environment variables supplied to this service.";
+ default = { };
+ };
+ environment-file = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description =
+ "File containing environment variables supplied to this service.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ description = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Description of the service.";
+ };
+ path = mkOption {
+ type = listOf package;
+ description =
+ "A list of packages which should be in the service PATH.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ restartIfChanged =
+ mkDisableOption "Restart the service if the definition changes.";
+ dynamicUser = mkDisableOption "Create a new user for this service.";
+ privateNetwork = mkDisableOption "Only allow access to localhost.";
+ privateUsers =
+ mkDisableOption "Don't allow access to system user list.";
+ privateDevices = mkDisableOption
+ "Restrict access to system devices other than basics.";
+ privateTmp = mkDisableOption "Limit service to a private tmp dir.";
+ protectControlGroups =
+ mkDisableOption "Don't allow service to modify control groups.";
+ protectClock =
+ mkDisableOption "Don't allow service to modify system clock.";
+ restrictSuidSgid =
+ mkDisableOption "Don't allow service to suid or sgid binaries.";
+ protectKernelTunables =
+ mkDisableOption "Don't allow service to modify kernel tunables.";
+ privateMounts =
+ mkDisableOption "Don't allow service to access mounted devices.";
+ protectKernelModules = mkDisableOption
+ "Don't allow service to load or evict kernel modules.";
+ protectHome = mkDisableOption "Limit access to home directories.";
+ protectHostname =
+ mkDisableOption "Don't allow service to modify hostname.";
+ protectKernelLogs =
+ mkDisableOption "Don't allow access to kernel logs.";
+ lockPersonality = mkDisableOption "Lock service 'personality'.";
+ restrictRealtime =
+ mkDisableOption "Restrict service from using realtime functionality.";
+ restrictNamespaces =
+ mkDisableOption "Restrict service from using namespaces.";
+ memoryDenyWriteExecute = mkDisableOption
+ "Restrict process from executing from writable memory.";
+ keyringMode = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ default = "private";
+ description = "Sharing state of process keyring.";
+ };
+ requiredCapabilities = mkOption {
+ type = listOf (enum capabilities);
+ default = [ ];
+ description = "List of capabilities granted to the service.";
+ };
+ restartWhen = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ default = "on-failure";
+ description = "Conditions under which process should be restarted.";
+ };
+ restartSec = mkOption {
+ type = int;
+ default = 10;
+ description = "Number of seconds to wait before restarting service.";
+ };
+ execStart = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ default = null;
+ description = "Command to run to launch the service.";
+ };
+ execStop = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ default = null;
+ description = "Command to run to launch the service.";
+ };
+ protectSystem = mkOption {
+ type = enum [ "true" "false" "full" "strict" true false ];
+ default = "full";
+ description =
+ "Level of protection to apply to the system for this service.";
+ };
+ addressFamilies = mkOption {
+ type = listOf (enum address-families);
+ default = [ ];
+ description = "List of address families which the service can use.";
+ };
+ workingDirectory = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr path;
+ default = null;
+ description = "Directory in which to launch the service.";
+ };
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ default = null;
+ description = "User as which to launch this service.";
+ };
+ group = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ default = null;
+ description = "Primary group as which to launch this service.";
+ };
+ type = mkOption {
+ type =
+ enum [ "simple" "exec" "forking" "oneshot" "dbus" "notify" "idle" ];
+ default = "simple";
+ description = "Systemd service type of this service.";
+ };
+ partOf = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ default = [ ];
+ description =
+ "List of targets to which this service belongs (and with which it should be restarted).";
+ };
+ standardOutput = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ default = "journal";
+ description = "Destination of standard output for this service.";
+ };
+ standardError = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ default = "journal";
+ description = "Destination of standard error for this service.";
+ };
+ pidFile = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ default = null;
+ description = "Service PID file.";
+ };
+ networkWhitelist = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr (listOf str);
+ default = null;
+ description =
+ "A list of networks with which this process may communicate.";
+ };
+ allowedSyscalls = mkOption {
+ type = listOf (enum syscalls);
+ default = [ ];
+ description = "System calls which the service is permitted to make.";
+ };
+ maximumUmask = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ default = "0077";
+ description = "Umask to apply to files created by the service.";
+ };
+ startOnlyPerms = mkDisableOption "Disable perms after startup.";
+ onCalendar = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description =
+ "Schedule on which the job should be invoked. See: man systemd.time(7).";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ runtimeDirectory = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description =
+ "Directory created at runtime with perms for the service to read/write.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ readWritePaths = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "A list of paths to which the service will be allowed normal access, even if ProtectSystem=strict.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ stateDirectory = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description =
+ "State directory for the service, available via STATE_DIRECTORY.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ cacheDirectory = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description =
+ "Cache directory for the service, available via CACHE_DIRECTORY.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ inaccessiblePaths = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "A list of paths which should be inaccessible to the service.";
+ default = [ "/home" "/root" ];
+ };
+ # noExecPaths = mkOption {
+ # type = listOf str;
+ # description =
+ # "A list of paths where the service will not be allowed to run executables.";
+ # default = [ "/home" "/root" "/tmp" "/var" ];
+ # };
+ readOnlyPaths = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "A list of paths to which will be read-only for the service.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ execPaths = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "A list of paths where the service WILL be allowed to run executables.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ # See: man capabilities(7)
+ capabilities = [
+ ];
+ syscalls = [
+ "@clock"
+ "@debug"
+ "@module"
+ "@mount"
+ "@raw-io"
+ "@reboot"
+ "@swap"
+ "@privileged"
+ "@resources"
+ "@cpu-emulation"
+ "@obsolete"
+ ];
+ address-families = [ "AF_INET" "AF_INET6" "AF_UNIX" ];
+ restrict-capabilities = allowed:
+ if (allowed == [ ]) then
+ "~${concatStringsSep " " capabilities}"
+ else
+ concatStringsSep " " allowed;
+ restrict-syscalls = allowed:
+ if (allowed == [ ]) then
+ "~${concatStringsSep " " syscalls}"
+ else
+ concatStringsSep " " allowed;
+ restrict-address-families = allowed:
+ if (allowed == [ ]) then [ "~AF_INET" "~AF_INET6" ] else allowed;
+ dirOpts = { path, ... }: {
+ options = with types; {
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "User by whom the directory will be owned.";
+ default = "nobody";
+ };
+ group = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Group by which the directory will be owned.";
+ default = "nogroup";
+ };
+ perms = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Permission bits to apply to the directory.";
+ default = "0770";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+in {
+ options.fudo.system = with types; {
+ services = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule serviceOpts);
+ description = "Fudo system service definitions, with secure defaults.";
+ default = { };
+ };
+ tmpOnTmpfs = mkOption {
+ type = bool;
+ description = "Put tmp filesystem on tmpfs (needs enough RAM).";
+ default = true;
+ };
+ ensure-directories = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule dirOpts);
+ description = "A map of required directories to directory properties.";
+ default = { };
+ };
+ };
+ config = {
+ systemd.timers = mapAttrs (name: opts: {
+ enable = true;
+ description = opts.description;
+ partOf = [ "${name}.timer" ];
+ wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
+ timerConfig = { OnCalendar = opts.onCalendar; };
+ }) (filterAttrs (name: opts: opts.onCalendar != null) cfg.services);
+ systemd.tmpfiles.rules = mapAttrsToList
+ (path: opts: "d ${path} ${opts.perms} ${opts.user} ${opts.group} - -")
+ cfg.ensure-directories;
+ systemd.targets.fudo-init = { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; };
+ systemd.services = mapAttrs (name: opts: {
+ enable = true;
+ script = mkIf (opts.script != null) opts.script;
+ reload = mkIf (opts.reloadScript != null) opts.reloadScript;
+ after = opts.after ++ [ "fudo-init.target" ];
+ before = opts.before;
+ requires = opts.requires;
+ wantedBy = opts.wantedBy;
+ preStart = mkIf (opts.preStart != null) opts.preStart;
+ postStart = mkIf (opts.postStart != null) opts.postStart;
+ postStop = mkIf (opts.postStop != null) opts.postStop;
+ preStop = mkIf (opts.preStop != null) opts.preStop;
+ partOf = opts.partOf;
+ requiredBy = opts.requiredBy;
+ environment = opts.environment;
+ description = opts.description;
+ restartIfChanged = opts.restartIfChanged;
+ path = opts.path;
+ serviceConfig = {
+ PrivateNetwork = opts.privateNetwork;
+ PrivateUsers = mkIf (opts.user == null) opts.privateUsers;
+ PrivateDevices = opts.privateDevices;
+ PrivateTmp = opts.privateTmp;
+ PrivateMounts = opts.privateMounts;
+ ProtectControlGroups = opts.protectControlGroups;
+ ProtectKernelTunables = opts.protectKernelTunables;
+ ProtectKernelModules = opts.protectKernelModules;
+ ProtectSystem = opts.protectSystem;
+ ProtectHostname = opts.protectHostname;
+ ProtectHome = opts.protectHome;
+ ProtectClock = opts.protectClock;
+ ProtectKernelLogs = opts.protectKernelLogs;
+ KeyringMode = opts.keyringMode;
+ EnvironmentFile =
+ mkIf (opts.environment-file != null) opts.environment-file;
+ # This is more complicated than it looks...
+ # CapabilityBoundingSet = restrict-capabilities opts.requiredCapabilities;
+ AmbientCapabilities = concatStringsSep " " opts.requiredCapabilities;
+ SecureBits = mkIf ((length opts.requiredCapabilities) > 0) "keep-caps";
+ DynamicUser = mkIf (opts.user == null) opts.dynamicUser;
+ Restart = opts.restartWhen;
+ WorkingDirectory =
+ mkIf (opts.workingDirectory != null) opts.workingDirectory;
+ RestrictAddressFamilies =
+ restrict-address-families opts.addressFamilies;
+ RestrictNamespaces = opts.restrictNamespaces;
+ User = mkIf (opts.user != null) opts.user;
+ Group = mkIf (opts.group != null) opts.group;
+ Type = opts.type;
+ StandardOutput = opts.standardOutput;
+ PIDFile = mkIf (opts.pidFile != null) opts.pidFile;
+ LockPersonality = opts.lockPersonality;
+ RestrictRealtime = opts.restrictRealtime;
+ ExecStart = mkIf (opts.execStart != null) opts.execStart;
+ ExecStop = mkIf (opts.execStop != null) opts.execStop;
+ MemoryDenyWriteExecute = opts.memoryDenyWriteExecute;
+ SystemCallFilter = restrict-syscalls opts.allowedSyscalls;
+ UMask = opts.maximumUmask;
+ IpAddressAllow =
+ mkIf (opts.networkWhitelist != null) opts.networkWhitelist;
+ IpAddressDeny = mkIf (opts.networkWhitelist != null) "any";
+ LimitNOFILE = "49152";
+ PermissionsStartOnly = opts.startOnlyPerms;
+ RuntimeDirectory =
+ mkIf (opts.runtimeDirectory != null) opts.runtimeDirectory;
+ CacheDirectory = mkIf (opts.cacheDirectory != null) opts.cacheDirectory;
+ StateDirectory = mkIf (opts.stateDirectory != null) opts.stateDirectory;
+ ReadWritePaths = opts.readWritePaths;
+ ReadOnlyPaths = opts.readOnlyPaths;
+ InaccessiblePaths = opts.inaccessiblePaths;
+ # Apparently not supported yet?
+ # NoExecPaths = opts.noExecPaths;
+ ExecPaths = opts.execPaths;
+ };
+ }) config.fudo.system.services;
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/users.nix b/lib/fudo/users.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c95b6ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/users.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ user = import ../types/user.nix { inherit lib; };
+ list-includes = list: el: isNull (findFirst (this: this == el) null list);
+ filterExistingUsers = users: group-members:
+ let user-list = attrNames users;
+ in filter (username: list-includes user-list username) group-members;
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ host-cfg = config.fudo.hosts.${hostname};
+in {
+ options = with types; {
+ fudo = {
+ users = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule user.userOpts);
+ description = "Users";
+ default = { };
+ };
+ groups = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule user.groupOpts);
+ description = "Groups";
+ default = { };
+ };
+ system-users = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule user.systemUserOpts);
+ description = "System users (probably not what you're looking for!)";
+ default = { };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = let
+ sys = config.instance;
+ in {
+ fudo.auth.ldap-server = {
+ users = filterAttrs
+ (username: userOpts: userOpts.ldap-hashed-passwd != null)
+ config.fudo.users;
+ groups = config.fudo.groups;
+ system-users = config.fudo.system-users;
+ };
+ programs.ssh.extraConfig = mkAfter ''
+ IdentityFile %h/.ssh/id_rsa
+ IdentityFile /etc/ssh/private_keys.d/%u.key
+ '';
+ environment.etc = mapAttrs' (username: userOpts:
+ nameValuePair
+ "ssh/private_keys.d/${username}"
+ {
+ text = concatStringsSep "\n"
+ (map (keypair: readFile keypair.public-key)
+ userOpts.ssh-keys);
+ })
+ sys.local-users;
+ users = {
+ users = mapAttrs (username: userOpts: {
+ isNormalUser = true;
+ uid = userOpts.uid;
+ createHome = true;
+ description = userOpts.common-name;
+ group = userOpts.primary-group;
+ home = if (userOpts.home-directory != null) then
+ userOpts.home-directory
+ else
+ "/home/${userOpts.primary-group}/${username}";
+ hashedPassword = userOpts.login-hashed-passwd;
+ openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = userOpts.ssh-authorized-keys;
+ }) sys.local-users;
+ groups = (mapAttrs (groupname: groupOpts: {
+ gid = groupOpts.gid;
+ members = filterExistingUsers sys.local-users groupOpts.members;
+ }) sys.local-groups) // {
+ wheel = { members = sys.local-admins; };
+ docker = mkIf (host-cfg.docker-server) { members = sys.local-admins; };
+ };
+ };
+ services.nfs.idmapd.settings = let
+ local-domain = config.instance.local-domain;
+ local-admins = config.instance.local-admins;
+ local-users = config.instance.local-users;
+ local-realm = config.fudo.domains.${local-domain}.gssapi-realm;
+ in {
+ General = {
+ Verbosity = 10;
+ # Domain = local-domain;
+ "Local-Realms" = local-realm;
+ };
+ Translation = {
+ GSS-Methods = "static";
+ };
+ Static = let
+ generate-admin-entry = admin: userOpts:
+ nameValuePair "${admin}/root@${local-realm}" "root";
+ generate-user-entry = user: userOpts:
+ nameValuePair "${user}@${local-realm}" user;
+ admin-entries =
+ mapAttrs' generate-admin-entry (getAttrs local-admins local-users);
+ user-entries =
+ mapAttrs' generate-user-entry local-users;
+ in admin-entries // user-entries;
+ };
+ # Group home directories have to exist, otherwise users can't log in
+ systemd.tmpfiles.rules = let
+ groups-with-members = attrNames
+ (filterAttrs (group: groupOpts: (length groupOpts.members) > 0)
+ sys.local-groups);
+ in map (group: "d /home/${group} 550 root ${group} - -") groups-with-members;
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/vpn.nix b/lib/fudo/vpn.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ad39d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/vpn.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.fudo.vpn;
+ generate-pubkey-pkg = name: privkey:
+ pkgs.runCommand "wireguard-${name}-pubkey" {
+ } ''
+ mkdir $out
+ PUBKEY=$(echo $WIREGUARD_PRIVATE_KEY | ${pkgs.wireguard-tools}/bin/wg pubkey)
+ echo $PUBKEY > $out/pubkey.key
+ '';
+ generate-client-config = privkey-file: server-pubkey: network: server-ip: listen-port: dns-servers: ''
+ [Interface]
+ Address = ${ip.networkMinIp network}
+ PrivateKey = ${fileContents privkey-file}
+ ListenPort = ${toString listen-port}
+ DNS = ${concatStringsSep ", " dns-servers}
+ [Peer]
+ PublicKey = ${server-pubkey}
+ Endpoint = ${server-ip}:${toString listen-port}
+ AllowedIps =, ::/0
+ PersistentKeepalive = 25
+ '';
+ generate-peer-entry = peer-name: peer-privkey-path: peer-allowed-ips: let
+ peer-pkg = generate-pubkey-pkg "client-${peer-name}" (fileContents peer-privkey-path);
+ pubkey-path = "${peer-pkg}/pubkey.key";
+ in {
+ publicKey = fileContents pubkey-path;
+ allowedIPs = peer-allowed-ips;
+ };
+in {
+ options.fudo.vpn = with types; {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Enable Fudo VPN";
+ network = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Network range to assign this interface.";
+ default = "";
+ };
+ private-key-file = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path to the secret key (generated with wg [genkey/pubkey]).";
+ example = "/path/to/secret.key";
+ };
+ listen-port = mkOption {
+ type = port;
+ description = "Port on which to listen for incoming connections.";
+ default = 51820;
+ };
+ dns-servers = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "A list of dns servers to pass to clients.";
+ default = ["" ""];
+ };
+ server-ip = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "IP of this WireGuard server.";
+ };
+ peers = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf str;
+ description = "A map of peers to shared private keys.";
+ default = {};
+ example = {
+ peer0 = "/path/to/priv.key";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ environment.etc = let
+ peer-data = imap1 (i: peer:{
+ name = peer.name;
+ privkey-path = peer.privkey-path;
+ network-range = let
+ base = ip.intToIpv4
+ ((ip.ipv4ToInt (ip.getNetworkBase cfg.network)) + (i * 256));
+ in "${base}/24";
+ }) (mapAttrsToList (name: privkey-path: {
+ name = name;
+ privkey-path = privkey-path;
+ }) cfg.peers);
+ server-pubkey-pkg = generate-pubkey-pkg "server-pubkey" (fileContents cfg.private-key-file);
+ server-pubkey = fileContents "${server-pubkey-pkg}/pubkey.key";
+ in listToAttrs
+ (map (peer: nameValuePair "wireguard/clients/${peer.name}.conf" {
+ mode = "0400";
+ user = "root";
+ group = "root";
+ text = generate-client-config
+ peer.privkey-path
+ server-pubkey
+ peer.network-range
+ cfg.server-ip
+ cfg.listen-port
+ cfg.dns-servers;
+ }) peer-data);
+ networking.wireguard = {
+ enable = true;
+ interfaces.wgtun0 = {
+ generatePrivateKeyFile = false;
+ ips = [ cfg.network ];
+ listenPort = cfg.listen-port;
+ peers = mapAttrsToList
+ (name: private-key: generate-peer-entry name private-key ["" "::/0"])
+ cfg.peers;
+ privateKeyFile = cfg.private-key-file;
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/webmail.nix b/lib/fudo/webmail.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..240efeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/webmail.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ hostname = config.instance.hostname;
+ cfg = config.fudo.webmail;
+ webmail-user = cfg.user;
+ webmail-group = cfg.group;
+ base-data-path = "/run/rainloop";
+ concatMapAttrs = f: attrs:
+ foldr (a: b: a // b) {} (mapAttrsToList f attrs);
+ fastcgi-conf = builtins.toFile "fastcgi.conf" ''
+ fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
+ fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $query_string;
+ fastcgi_param REQUEST_METHOD $request_method;
+ fastcgi_param CONTENT_TYPE $content_type;
+ fastcgi_param CONTENT_LENGTH $content_length;
+ fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME $fastcgi_script_name;
+ fastcgi_param REQUEST_URI $request_uri;
+ fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_URI $document_uri;
+ fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_ROOT $document_root;
+ fastcgi_param SERVER_PROTOCOL $server_protocol;
+ fastcgi_param REQUEST_SCHEME $scheme;
+ fastcgi_param HTTPS $https if_not_empty;
+ fastcgi_param GATEWAY_INTERFACE CGI/1.1;
+ fastcgi_param SERVER_SOFTWARE nginx/$nginx_version;
+ fastcgi_param REMOTE_ADDR $remote_addr;
+ fastcgi_param REMOTE_PORT $remote_port;
+ fastcgi_param SERVER_ADDR $server_addr;
+ fastcgi_param SERVER_PORT $server_port;
+ fastcgi_param SERVER_NAME $server_name;
+ # PHP only, required if PHP was built with --enable-force-cgi-redirect
+ fastcgi_param REDIRECT_STATUS 200;
+ '';
+ site-packages = mapAttrs (site: site-cfg:
+ pkgs.rainloop-community.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
+ # Not sure how to correctly specify this arg...
+ #dataPath = "${base-data-path}/${site}";
+ # Overwriting, to correctly create data dir
+ installPhase = ''
+ mkdir $out
+ cp -r rainloop/* $out
+ rm -rf $out/data
+ ln -s ${base-data-path}/${site} $out/data
+ ln -s ${site-cfg.favicon} $out/favicon.ico
+ '';
+ })) cfg.sites;
+ siteOpts = { site-host, ... }: with types; {
+ options = {
+ title = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Webmail site title";
+ example = "My Webmail";
+ };
+ debug = mkOption {
+ type = bool;
+ description = "Turn debug logs on.";
+ default = false;
+ };
+ mail-server = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Mail server from which to send & recieve email.";
+ default = "mail.fudo.org";
+ };
+ favicon = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "URL of the site favicon";
+ example = "https://www.somepage.com/fav.ico";
+ };
+ messages-per-page = mkOption {
+ type = int;
+ description = "Default number of messages to show per page";
+ default = 30;
+ };
+ max-upload-size = mkOption {
+ type = int;
+ description = "Size limit in MB for uploaded files";
+ default = 30;
+ };
+ theme = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Default theme to use for this webmail site.";
+ default = "Default";
+ };
+ domain = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Domain for which the server acts as webmail server";
+ };
+ edit-mode = mkOption {
+ type = enum [ "Plain" "Html" "PlainForced" "HtmlForced" ];
+ description = "Default text editing mode for email";
+ default = "Html";
+ };
+ layout-mode = mkOption {
+ type = enum [ "side" "bottom" ];
+ description = "Layout mode to use for email preview.";
+ default = "side";
+ };
+ enable-threading = mkOption {
+ type = bool;
+ description = "Whether to enable threading for email.";
+ default = true;
+ };
+ enable-mobile = mkOption {
+ type = bool;
+ description = "Whether to enable a mobile site view.";
+ default = true;
+ };
+ database = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr (submodule databaseOpts);
+ description = "Database configuration for storing contact data.";
+ example = {
+ name = "my_db";
+ host = "db.domain.com";
+ user = "my_user";
+ password-file = /path/to/some/file.pw;
+ };
+ default = null;
+ };
+ admin-email = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Email of administrator of this site.";
+ default = "admin@fudo.org";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ databaseOpts = { ... }: with types; {
+ options = {
+ type = mkOption {
+ type = enum [ "pgsql" "mysql" ];
+ description = "Driver to use when connecting to the database.";
+ default = "pgsql";
+ };
+ hostname = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Name of host running the database.";
+ example = "my-db.domain.com";
+ };
+ port = mkOption {
+ type = int;
+ description = "Port on which the database server is listening.";
+ default = 5432;
+ };
+ name = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description =
+ "Name of the database containing contact info. must have access.";
+ default = "rainloop_webmail";
+ };
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "User as which to connect to the database.";
+ default = "webmail";
+ };
+ password-file = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = ''
+ Password to use when connecting to the database.
+ If unset, a random password will be generated.
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+in {
+ options.fudo.webmail = with types; {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Enable a RainLoop webmail server.";
+ sites = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule siteOpts);
+ description = "A map of webmail sites to site configurations.";
+ example = {
+ "webmail.domain.com" = {
+ title = "My Awesome Webmail";
+ layout-mode = "side";
+ favicon = "/path/to/favicon.ico";
+ admin-password = "shh-don't-tell";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "User as which webmail will run.";
+ default = "webmail-php";
+ };
+ group = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Group as which webmail will run.";
+ default = "webmail-php";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ users = {
+ users = {
+ ${webmail-user} = {
+ isSystemUser = true;
+ description = "Webmail PHP FPM user";
+ group = webmail-group;
+ };
+ };
+ groups = {
+ ${webmail-group} = {
+ members = [ webmail-user config.services.nginx.user ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ security.acme.certs = mapAttrs
+ (site: site-cfg: { email = site-cfg.admin-email; })
+ cfg.sites;
+ services = {
+ phpfpm = {
+ pools.webmail = {
+ settings = {
+ "pm" = "dynamic";
+ "pm.max_children" = 50;
+ "pm.start_servers" = 5;
+ "pm.min_spare_servers" = 1;
+ "pm.max_spare_servers" = 8;
+ };
+ phpOptions = ''
+ memory_limit = 500M
+ '';
+ # Not working....see chmod below
+ user = webmail-user;
+ group = webmail-group;
+ };
+ };
+ nginx = {
+ enable = true;
+ virtualHosts = mapAttrs (site: site-cfg: {
+ enableACME = true;
+ forceSSL = true;
+ root = "${site-packages.${site}}";
+ locations = {
+ "/" = { index = "index.php"; };
+ "/data" = {
+ extraConfig = ''
+ deny all;
+ return 403;
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ extraConfig = ''
+ location ~ \.php$ {
+ expires -1;
+ include ${fastcgi-conf};
+ fastcgi_index index.php;
+ fastcgi_pass unix:${config.services.phpfpm.pools.webmail.socket};
+ }
+ '';
+ }) cfg.sites;
+ };
+ };
+ fudo.secrets.host-secrets.${hostname} = concatMapAttrs
+ (site: site-cfg: let
+ site-config-file = builtins.toFile "${site}-rainloop.cfg"
+ (import ./include/rainloop.nix lib site site-cfg site-packages.${site}.version);
+ domain-config-file = builtins.toFile "${site}-domain.cfg" ''
+ imap_host = "${site-cfg.mail-server}"
+ imap_port = 143
+ imap_secure = "TLS"
+ imap_short_login = On
+ sieve_use = Off
+ sieve_allow_raw = Off
+ sieve_host = ""
+ sieve_port = 4190
+ sieve_secure = "None"
+ smtp_host = "${site-cfg.mail-server}"
+ smtp_port = 587
+ smtp_secure = "TLS"
+ smtp_short_login = On
+ smtp_auth = On
+ smtp_php_mail = Off
+ white_list = ""
+ '';
+ in {
+ "${site}-site-config" = {
+ source-file = site-config-file;
+ target-file = "/var/run/webmail/rainloop/site-${site}-rainloop.cfg";
+ user = cfg.user;
+ };
+ "${site}-domain-config" = {
+ source-file = domain-config-file;
+ target-file = "/var/run/webmail/rainloop/domain-${site}-rainloop.cfg";
+ user = cfg.user;
+ };
+ }) cfg.sites;
+ # TODO: make this a fudo service
+ systemd.services = {
+ webmail-init = let
+ link-configs = concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (site: site-cfg:
+ let
+ cfg-file = config.fudo.secrets.host-secrets.${hostname}."${site}-site-config".target-file;
+ domain-cfg-file = config.fudo.secrets.host-secrets.${hostname}."${site}-domain-config".target-file;
+ in ''
+ ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p ${base-data-path}/${site}/_data_/_default_/configs
+ ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/cp ${cfg-file} ${base-data-path}/${site}/_data_/_default_/configs/application.ini
+ ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p ${base-data-path}/${site}/_data_/_default_/domains/
+ ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/cp ${domain-cfg-file} ${base-data-path}/${site}/_data_/_default_/domains/${site-cfg.domain}.ini
+ '') cfg.sites);
+ scriptPkg = (pkgs.writeScriptBin "webmail-init.sh" ''
+ #!${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash -e
+ ${link-configs}
+ ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chown -R ${webmail-user}:${webmail-group} ${base-data-path}
+ ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chmod -R u+w ${base-data-path}
+ '');
+ in {
+ requiredBy = [ "nginx.service" ];
+ description =
+ "Initialize webmail service directories prior to starting nginx.";
+ script = "${scriptPkg}/bin/webmail-init.sh";
+ };
+ phpfpm-webmail-socket-perm = {
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ description =
+ "Change ownership of the phpfpm socket for webmail once it's started.";
+ requires = [ "phpfpm-webmail.service" ];
+ after = [ "phpfpm.target" ];
+ serviceConfig = {
+ ExecStart = ''
+ ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chown ${webmail-user}:${webmail-group} ${config.services.phpfpm.pools.webmail.socket}
+ '';
+ };
+ };
+ nginx = {
+ requires =
+ [ "webmail-init.service" "phpfpm-webmail-socket-perm.service" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/fudo/wireless-networks.nix b/lib/fudo/wireless-networks.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62ada27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fudo/wireless-networks.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ networkOpts = { network, ... }: {
+ options = {
+ network = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Name of wireless network.";
+ default = network;
+ };
+ key = mkOption {
+ type = types.str;
+ description = "Secret key for wireless network.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+in {
+ options.fudo.wireless-networks = mkOption {
+ type = with types; attrsOf (submodule networkOpts);
+ description = "A map of wireless networks to attributes (including key).";
+ default = { };
+ };
+ config = {
+ networking.wireless.networks =
+ mapAttrs (network: networkOpts: { psk = networkOpts.key; })
+ config.fudo.wireless-networks;
+ };
diff --git a/lib/informis/cl-gemini.nix b/lib/informis/cl-gemini.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71c0a09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/informis/cl-gemini.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ cfg = config.informis.cl-gemini;
+ feedOpts = { ... }: with types; {
+ options = {
+ url = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Base URI of the feed, i.e. the URI corresponding to the feed path.";
+ example = "gemini://my.server/path/to/feedfiles";
+ };
+ title = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Title of given feed.";
+ example = "My Fancy Feed";
+ };
+ path = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path to Gemini files making up the feed.";
+ example = "/path/to/feed";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ ensure-certificates = hostname: user: key: cert: pkgs.writeShellScript "ensure-gemini-certificates.sh" ''
+ if [[ ! -e ${key} ]]; then
+ TARGET_CERT_DIR=$(${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/dirname ${cert})
+ TARGET_KEY_DIR=$(${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/dirname ${key})
+ if [[ ! -d $TARGET_CERT_DIR ]]; then mkdir -p $TARGET_CERT_DIR; fi
+ if [[ ! -d $TARGET_KEY_DIR ]]; then mkdir -p $TARGET_KEY_DIR; fi
+ ${pkgs.openssl}/bin/openssl req -new -subj "/CN=.${hostname}" -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:${hostname}, DNS:.${hostname}" -x509 -newkey ec -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:prime256v1 -days 3650 -nodes -out ${cert} -keyout ${key}
+ ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chown -R ${user}:nogroup ${cert}
+ ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chown -R ${user}:nogroup ${key}
+ ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chmod 0444 ${cert}
+ ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chmod 0400 ${key}
+ fi
+ '';
+ generate-feeds = feeds:
+ let
+ feed-strings = mapAttrsToList (feed-name: opts:
+ "(cl-gemini:register-feed :name \"${feed-name}\" :title \"${opts.title}\" :path \"${opts.path}\" :base-uri \"${opts.url}\")") feeds;
+ in pkgs.writeText "gemini-local-feeds.lisp" (concatStringsSep "\n" feed-strings);
+in {
+ options.informis.cl-gemini = with types; {
+ enable = mkEnableOption "Enable the cl-gemini server.";
+ port = mkOption {
+ type = port;
+ description = "Port on which to serve Gemini traffic.";
+ default = 1965;
+ };
+ hostname = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Hostname at which the server is available (for generating the SSL certificate).";
+ example = "my.hostname.com";
+ };
+ user = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "User as which to run the cl-gemini server.";
+ default = "cl-gemini";
+ };
+ server-ip = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "IP on which to serve Gemini traffic.";
+ example = "";
+ };
+ document-root = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Root at which to look for gemini files.";
+ example = "/my/gemini/root";
+ };
+ user-public = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Subdirectory of user homes to check for gemini files.";
+ default = "gemini-public";
+ };
+ ssl-private-key = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path to the pem-encoded server private key.";
+ example = "/path/to/secret/key.pem";
+ default = "${config.users.users.cl-gemini.home}/private/server-key.pem";
+ };
+ ssl-certificate = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path to the pem-encoded server public certificate.";
+ example = "/path/to/cert.pem";
+ default = "${config.users.users.cl-gemini.home}/private/server-cert.pem";
+ };
+ slynk-port = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr port;
+ description = "Port on which to open a slynk server, if any.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ feeds = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule feedOpts);
+ description = "Feeds to generate and make available (as eg. /feed/name.xml).";
+ example = {
+ diary = {
+ title = "My Diary";
+ path = "/path/to/my/gemfiles/";
+ url = "gemini://my.host/blog-path/";
+ };
+ };
+ default = {};
+ };
+ textfiles-archive = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "A path containing only gemini & text files.";
+ example = "/path/to/textfiles/";
+ };
+ };
+ config = mkIf cfg.enable {
+ networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ cfg.port ];
+ users.users = {
+ ${cfg.user} = {
+ isSystemUser = true;
+ group = "nogroup";
+ createHome = true;
+ home = "/var/lib/${cfg.user}";
+ };
+ };
+ systemd.services = {
+ cl-gemini = {
+ description = "cl-gemini Gemini server (https://gemini.circumlunar.space/)";
+ serviceConfig = {
+ ExecStartPre = "${ensure-certificates cfg.hostname cfg.user cfg.ssl-private-key cfg.ssl-certificate}";
+ ExecStart = "${pkgs.cl-gemini}/bin/launch-server.sh";
+ Restart = "on-failure";
+ PIDFile = "/run/cl-gemini.$USERNAME.uid";
+ User = cfg.user;
+ };
+ environment = {
+ GEMINI_SLYNK_PORT = mkIf (cfg.slynk-port != null) (toString cfg.slynk-port);
+ GEMINI_LISTEN_IP = cfg.server-ip;
+ GEMINI_PRIVATE_KEY = cfg.ssl-private-key;
+ GEMINI_CERTIFICATE = cfg.ssl-certificate;
+ GEMINI_LISTEN_PORT = toString cfg.port;
+ GEMINI_DOCUMENT_ROOT = cfg.document-root;
+ GEMINI_TEXTFILES_ROOT = cfg.textfiles-archive;
+ GEMINI_FEEDS = "${generate-feeds cfg.feeds}";
+ CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY = "${pkgs.lib.fudo.lisp.lisp-source-registry pkgs.cl-gemini}";
+ };
+ path = with pkgs; [
+ gcc
+ file
+ getent
+ ];
+ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/informis/default.nix b/lib/informis/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..702c6d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/informis/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+ imports = [
+ ./cl-gemini.nix
+ ];
diff --git a/lib/instance.nix b/lib/instance.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c70652b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/instance.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+ user = import ./types/user.nix { inherit lib; };
+ host = import ./types/host.nix { inherit lib; };
+in {
+ options.instance = with types; {
+ hostname = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Hostname of this specific host (without domain).";
+ };
+ host-fqdn = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Fully-qualified name of this host.";
+ };
+ build-timestamp = mkOption {
+ type = int;
+ description = "Timestamp associated with the build. Used for e.g. DNS serials.";
+ };
+ local-domain = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Domain name of the current local host.";
+ };
+ local-profile = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Profile name of the current local host.";
+ };
+ local-site = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Site name of the current local host.";
+ };
+ local-admins = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of users who should have admin access to the local host.";
+ };
+ local-groups = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule user.groupOpts);
+ description = "List of groups which should be created on the local host.";
+ };
+ local-hosts = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule host.hostOpts);
+ description = "List of hosts that should be considered local to the current host.";
+ };
+ local-users = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule user.userOpts);
+ description = "List of users who should have access to the local host";
+ };
+ local-networks = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "Networks which are considered local to this host, site, or domain.";
+ };
+ build-seed = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Seed used to generate configuration.";
+ };
+ };
+ config = let
+ local-host = config.instance.hostname;
+ local-domain = config.fudo.hosts.${local-host}.domain;
+ local-site = config.fudo.hosts.${local-host}.site;
+ host = config.fudo.hosts.${local-host};
+ host-user-list = host.local-users;
+ domain-user-list = config.fudo.domains."${local-domain}".local-users;
+ site-user-list = config.fudo.sites."${local-site}".local-users;
+ local-users =
+ getAttrs (host-user-list ++ domain-user-list ++ site-user-list) config.fudo.users;
+ host-admin-list = host.local-admins;
+ domain-admin-list = config.fudo.domains."${local-domain}".local-admins;
+ site-admin-list = config.fudo.sites."${local-site}".local-admins;
+ local-admins = host-admin-list ++ domain-admin-list ++ site-admin-list;
+ host-group-list = host.local-groups;
+ domain-group-list = config.fudo.domains."${local-domain}".local-groups;
+ site-group-list = config.fudo.sites."${local-site}".local-groups;
+ local-groups =
+ getAttrs (host-group-list ++ domain-group-list ++ site-group-list)
+ config.fudo.groups;
+ local-hosts =
+ filterAttrs (host: hostOpts: hostOpts.site == local-site) config.fudo.hosts;
+ local-networks =
+ host.local-networks ++
+ config.fudo.domains.${local-domain}.local-networks ++
+ config.fudo.sites.${local-site}.local-networks;
+ local-profile = host.profile;
+ host-fqdn = "${config.instance.hostname}.${local-domain}";
+ in {
+ instance = {
+ inherit
+ host-fqdn
+ local-domain
+ local-site
+ local-users
+ local-admins
+ local-groups
+ local-hosts
+ local-profile
+ local-networks;
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/dns.nix b/lib/lib/dns.nix
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/dns.nix
rename to lib/lib/dns.nix
diff --git a/lib/filesystem.nix b/lib/lib/filesystem.nix
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/filesystem.nix
rename to lib/lib/filesystem.nix
diff --git a/lib/ip.nix b/lib/lib/ip.nix
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/ip.nix
rename to lib/lib/ip.nix
diff --git a/lib/lisp.nix b/lib/lib/lisp.nix
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/lisp.nix
rename to lib/lib/lisp.nix
diff --git a/lib/network.nix b/lib/lib/network.nix
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/network.nix
rename to lib/lib/network.nix
diff --git a/lib/passwd.nix b/lib/lib/passwd.nix
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/passwd.nix
rename to lib/lib/passwd.nix
diff --git a/lib/types/host.nix b/lib/types/host.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c01d0a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/types/host.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+with lib;
+ passwd = import ../passwd.nix { inherit lib; };
+in rec {
+ encryptedFSOpts = { ... }: let
+ mountpoint = { mp, ... }: {
+ options = with types; {
+ mountpoint = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path at which to mount the filesystem.";
+ default = mp;
+ };
+ options = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of filesystem options specific to this mountpoint (eg: subvol).";
+ };
+ group = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Group to which the mountpoint should belong.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ users = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = ''
+ List of users who should have access to the filesystem.
+ Requires a group to be set.
+ '';
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ world-readable = mkOption {
+ type = bool;
+ description = "Whether to leave the top level world-readable.";
+ default = true;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ in {
+ options = with types; {
+ encrypted-device = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path to the encrypted device.";
+ };
+ key-path = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = ''
+ Path at which to locate the key file.
+ The filesystem will be decrypted and mounted once available.";
+ '';
+ };
+ filesystem-type = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Filesystem type of the decrypted filesystem.";
+ };
+ options = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of filesystem options with which to mount.";
+ };
+ mountpoints = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule mountpoint);
+ description = "A map of mountpoints for this filesystem to fs options. Multiple to support btrfs.";
+ default = {};
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ masterKeyOpts = { ... }: {
+ options = with types; {
+ key-path = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path of the host master key file, used to decrypt secrets.";
+ };
+ public-key = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Public key used during deployment to decrypt secrets for the host.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ hostOpts = { name, ... }: let
+ hostname = name;
+ in {
+ options = with types; {
+ master-key = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr (submodule masterKeyOpts);
+ description = "Public key for the host master key, used by the host to decrypt secrets.";
+ };
+ domain = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description =
+ "Primary domain to which the host belongs, in the form of a domain name.";
+ default = "fudo.org";
+ };
+ extra-domains = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "Extra domain in which this host is reachable.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ aliases = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "Host aliases used by the current host. Note this will be multiplied with extra-domains.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ site = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Site at which the host is located.";
+ default = "unsited";
+ };
+ local-networks = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "A list of networks to be considered trusted by this host.";
+ default = [ "" ];
+ };
+ profile = mkOption {
+ type = listOf (enum ["desktop" "server" "laptop"]);
+ description =
+ "The profile to be applied to the host, determining what software is included.";
+ };
+ admin-email = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Email for the administrator of this host.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ local-users = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "List of users who should have local (i.e. login) access to the host.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ description = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Description of this host.";
+ default = "Another Fudo Host.";
+ };
+ local-admins = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "A list of users who should have admin access to this host.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ local-groups = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of groups which should exist on this host.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ ssh-fingerprints = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = ''
+ A list of DNS SSHFP records for this host. Get with `ssh-keygen -r `
+ '';
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ rp = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Responsible person.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ tmp-on-tmpfs = mkOption {
+ type = bool;
+ description =
+ "Use tmpfs for /tmp. Great if you've got enough (>16G) RAM.";
+ default = true;
+ };
+ enable-gui = mkEnableOption "Install desktop GUI software.";
+ docker-server = mkEnableOption "Enable Docker on the current host.";
+ kerberos-services = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description =
+ "List of services which should exist for this host, if it belongs to a realm.";
+ default = [ "ssh" "host" ];
+ };
+ ssh-pubkeys = mkOption {
+ type = listOf path;
+ description =
+ "SSH key files of the host.";
+ default = [];
+ };
+ build-pubkeys = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "SSH public keys used to access the build server.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ external-interfaces = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "A list of interfaces on which to enable the firewall.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ keytab-secret-file = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Keytab from which to create a keytab secret.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ keep-cool = mkOption {
+ type = bool;
+ description = "A host that tends to overheat. Try to keep it cooler.";
+ default = false;
+ };
+ nixos-system = mkOption {
+ type = bool;
+ description = "Whether the host is a NixOS system.";
+ default = true;
+ };
+ arch = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "System architecture of the system.";
+ };
+ machine-id = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Machine id of the system. See: man machine-id.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ android-dev = mkEnableOption "Enable ADB on the host.";
+ encrypted-filesystems = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule encryptedFSOpts);
+ description = "List of encrypted filesystems to mount on the local host when the key is available.";
+ default = { };
+ };
+ initrd-network = let
+ keypair-type = { ... }: {
+ options = {
+ public-key = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "SSH public key.";
+ };
+ private-key-file = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path to SSH private key (on the local host!).";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ initrd-network-config = { ... }: {
+ options = {
+ ip = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "IP to assign to the initrd image, allowing access to host during bootup.";
+ };
+ keypair = mkOption {
+ type = (submodule keypair-type);
+ description = "SSH host key pair to use for initrd.";
+ };
+ interface = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Name of interface on which to listen for connections.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ in mkOption {
+ type = nullOr (submodule initrd-network-config);
+ description = "Configuration parameters to set up initrd SSH network.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ backplane-password-file = mkOption {
+ options = path;
+ description = "File containing the password used by this host to connect to the backplane.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/types/network-definition.nix b/lib/types/network-definition.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3b9599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/types/network-definition.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+with lib;
+ srvRecordOpts = { ... }: {
+ options = with types; {
+ priority = mkOption {
+ type = int;
+ description = "Priority to give to this record.";
+ default = 0;
+ };
+ weight = mkOption {
+ type = int;
+ description =
+ "Weight to give this record, among records of equivalent priority.";
+ default = 5;
+ };
+ port = mkOption {
+ type = port;
+ description = "Port for service on this host.";
+ example = 88;
+ };
+ host = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Host providing service.";
+ example = "my-host.my-domain.com";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ networkHostOpts = import ./network-host.nix { inherit lib; };
+in {
+ options = with types; {
+ hosts = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (submodule networkHostOpts);
+ description = "Hosts on the local network, with relevant settings.";
+ example = {
+ my-host = {
+ ipv4-address = "";
+ mac-address = "aa:aa:aa:aa:aa";
+ };
+ };
+ default = { };
+ };
+ srv-records = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf (attrsOf (listOf (submodule srvRecordOpts)));
+ description = "SRV records for the network.";
+ example = {
+ tcp = {
+ kerberos = {
+ port = 88;
+ host = "krb-host.my-domain.com";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ default = { };
+ };
+ aliases = mkOption {
+ type = attrsOf str;
+ default = { };
+ description =
+ "A mapping of host-alias -> hostnames to add to the domain record.";
+ example = {
+ mail = "my-mail-host";
+ music = "musicall-host.other-domain.com.";
+ };
+ };
+ verbatim-dns-records = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "Records to be inserted verbatim into the DNS zone.";
+ example = [ "some-host IN CNAME base-host" ];
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ dmarc-report-address = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "The email to use to recieve DMARC reports, if any.";
+ example = "admin-user@domain.com";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ default-host = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description =
+ "IP of the host which will act as the default server for this domain, if any.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ mx = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "A list of mail servers serving this domain.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ gssapi-realm = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Kerberos GSSAPI realm of the network.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/types/network-host.nix b/lib/types/network-host.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce7518f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/types/network-host.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+{ hostname, ... }:
+with lib;
+ options = with types; {
+ ipv4-address = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "The V4 IP of a given host, if any.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ ipv6-address = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "The V6 IP of a given host, if any.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ mac-address = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr types.str;
+ description =
+ "The MAC address of a given host, if desired for IP reservation.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ description = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Description of the host.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/lib/types/user.nix b/lib/types/user.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e344e7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/types/user.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+{ lib, ... }:
+with lib;
+rec {
+ systemUserOpts = { name, ... }: {
+ options = with lib.types; {
+ username = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "The system user's login name.";
+ default = name;
+ };
+ description = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Description of this system user's purpose or role";
+ };
+ ldap-hashed-password = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description =
+ "LDAP-formatted hashed password for this user. Generate with slappasswd.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ userOpts = { name, ... }: let
+ username = name;
+ in {
+ options = with lib.types; {
+ username = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "The user's login name.";
+ default = username;
+ };
+ uid = mkOption {
+ type = int;
+ description = "Unique UID number for the user.";
+ };
+ common-name = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "The user's common or given name.";
+ };
+ primary-group = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Primary group to which the user belongs.";
+ };
+ login-shell = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr shellPackage;
+ description = "The user's preferred shell.";
+ };
+ description = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ default = "Fudo Member";
+ description = "A description of this user's role.";
+ };
+ ldap-hashed-passwd = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description =
+ "LDAP-formatted hashed password, used for email and other services. Use slappasswd to generate the properly-formatted password.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ login-hashed-passwd = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description =
+ "Hashed password for shell, used for shell access to hosts. Use mkpasswd to generate the properly-formatted password.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ ssh-authorized-keys = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "SSH public keys this user can use to log in.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ home-directory = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "Default home directory for the given user.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ k5login = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "List of Kerberos principals that map to this user.";
+ default = [ ];
+ };
+ ssh-keys = mkOption {
+ type = listOf (submodule sshKeyOpts);
+ description = "Path to the user's public and private key files.";
+ default = [];
+ };
+ email = mkOption {
+ type = nullOr str;
+ description = "User's primary email address.";
+ default = null;
+ };
+ email-aliases = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ description = "Email aliases that should map to this user.";
+ default = [];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ groupOpts = { name, ... }: {
+ options = with lib.types; {
+ group-name = mkOption {
+ description = "Group name.";
+ default = name;
+ };
+ description = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Description of the group or it's purpose.";
+ };
+ members = mkOption {
+ type = listOf str;
+ default = [ ];
+ description = "A list of users who are members of the current group.";
+ };
+ gid = mkOption {
+ type = int;
+ description = "GID number of the group.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ sshKeyOpts = { ... }: {
+ options = with lib.types; {
+ private-key = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path to the user's private key.";
+ };
+ public-key = mkOption {
+ type = str;
+ description = "Path to the user's public key.";
+ };
+ key-type = mkOption {
+ type = enum [ "rsa" "ecdsa" "ed25519" ];
+ description = "Type of the user's public key.";
+ };
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/module.nix b/module.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0c96ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+ imports = [
+ ./lib
+ ];