From 2f07850d0a16eac03e431b154d52728a84294cfd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: niten Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2022 12:58:35 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] UI tweaks Get rid of doom-quit, add emoji & unicode support. --- init.el | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/init.el b/init.el index e54bbb4..86abd32 100644 --- a/init.el +++ b/init.el @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ ;;deft ; notational velocity for Emacs doom ; what makes DOOM look the way it does doom-dashboard ; a nifty splash screen for Emacs - doom-quit ; DOOM quit-message prompts when you quit Emacs - ;;(emoji +unicode) ; 🙂 + ;;doom-quit ; DOOM quit-message prompts when you quit Emacs + (emoji +unicode) ; 🙂 ;;fill-column ; a `fill-column' indicator hl-todo ; highlight TODO/FIXME/NOTE/DEPRECATED/HACK/REVIEW ;;hydra @@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ ligatures ; ligatures and symbols to make your code pretty again ;;minimap ; show a map of the code on the side modeline ; snazzy, Atom-inspired modeline, plus API - ;;nav-flash ; blink cursor line after big motions + nav-flash ; blink cursor line after big motions ;;neotree ; a project drawer, like NERDTree for vim ophints ; highlight the region an operation acts on (popup +defaults) ; tame sudden yet inevitable temporary windows ;;tabs ; a tab bar for Emacs ;;treemacs ; a project drawer, like neotree but cooler - ;;unicode ; extended unicode support for various languages + unicode ; extended unicode support for various languages vc-gutter ; vcs diff in the fringe vi-tilde-fringe ; fringe tildes to mark beyond EOB window-select ; visually switch windows